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04x12 - A Disquiet Follows My Soul

Posted: 01/09/22 12:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on battlestar galactica...

Looks like mommy's gonna get some sleep tonight after all.


Stay the frak away from me!

I heard you. You're cylons.

I know that you've been spending a lot of time interrogating the six.

I'm not torturing her, if that's what you're worried about.

Cottle tells me she's pregnant.

You just gonna lie down and quit?

I was wrong about everything.

And all those people who listened and trusted me, they're dead.

We will find a new home.

This is a promise I intend to keep.

Get the cylon baseship on the horn.

See if our new allies want to come along for the ride.



"There is a languor of the life

"More imminent than pain.

"Tis pain's successor when the soul has suffered all it can."

I don't see anything.

Wait, I see something.

Where? Right there. Wait... No?

I thought I saw it.

Saw what?

Everyone shut the frak up for a second.

Got it. There.

Yeah, there it is.

I see it.

I can see it!

Oh, my god, there it is. It's so beautiful.

I still don't see anything.

Try looking with your eyes...


Here, colonel.

See, this is the head, shoulder, and there's a little hand.

I'll be damned.

It's our baby, saul.

Our baby.

I need a drink.

Here, next best thing.

That's a lot of smoking around a pregnant lady.

She'll live.

Look at that, saul.

Do you know what that is, really?

That's the future of the entire cylon race.

Kid doesn't even have a name yet and already loading up on the expectations.

All he has to do is be born.

No cylon/cylon pairing has ever produced a child ever.

Believe me, it's been tried.

That means it's...

That means it's possible for our race to survive even without resurrection.


The cylon nation will survive.

Ishay, get me the fetal monitor.

I want to work up a complete biophysical profile on this, uh, savior.

Oh, sorry, felix.

He's backed up today, but he shouldn't be much longer.

No problem.

At least the cylons are having fun, right?

Ow... I mean, earth's a cinder.

Dee's dead. Suicides are up.

Fleet's a mess.

President's missing in action, but hey, gotta make sure the cylons are taken care of.

Rub this into the skin and it'll help with the drying and the chaffing, all right?

No, no, frak.

I've gone through two jars of that stuff already.

It doesn't do anything.

The end cap needs to be refitted.

I already told him it's too high on one side, but he won't listen.

I'm sorry, felix. I'm really sorry.

Look, I promise I will get you in there as soon as I can.

It's just been crazy.

I need help! I need help!

It's busy today, chief.

He's peeing blood.

It's gonna be awhile. Well, get him to bed three.

I'll go and get a doctor. problem.

Ishay, where's the damn fetal monitor?

Can't keep those toasters waiting.


Admiral! Admiral!


Is colonel tigh still serving as executive officer, and aren't you concerned about having a cylon as second in command?

I'm not gonna discuss military protocol or chain of command.

Admiral. Yes.

Is it true you're contemplating forming a permanent alliance with the rebel cylons currently in this fleet?

I'm not gonna talk about hypotheticals.

Mr. Vice president, would you support such a move?

No comment.

Serious! Unbelievable!

Uh, where is president roslin?

Thank you, playa.

Uh, the, uh, president is resting comfortably aboard galactica.

Last question.

Yes, seku.

Do you have any information on the identity of the fifth cylon?

Uh, we believe the fifth cylon to be dead.

But you're not sure.

Uh, no, but we believe she died some time ag...


How do you know it was a woman?

That was the last question.

Thank you all very much for coming.

Oh, my gods, I can't believe I said that.

What was that about?

Forget about it.

Permanent alliance between this government and the cylons... Any cylons... Is out of the question.

I hope you both know that.

Yeah, well, it's not your call.

Is it yours?

Are you the president again?

Sorry, I get confused what your job is on any given day.

Laura roslin is still the president.

She'll make the final call.

And where is laura roslin?

Oh, that's right.

Resting comfortably aboard galactica.

Funny how she kind of dropped out of sight ever since her prophecies about earth turned out to be a bunch of crap.

We're done here.

If you try to shove an alliance with the cylons down our throats, there'll be consequences, admiral.

I promise you.

Thank you, mr. Zarek.

Makes it a little bit easier to know who to hold responsible if there's an unfortunate incident.

I'm not hard to find, admiral.

I'm right here...

Running the government.

For now.

The feeling on the baseship is that we'd rather take our chances with you than risk running into cavil's forces alone.


Yeah. We. Cylons.

That description fit anyone around here you know?

Have this discussion another time.

What about the ftl question?

It's possible.

It's labor-intensive, a lot of grunt work, but we should be able to upgrade all the jump drives in the entire fleet with cylon technology.

Not gonna be easy to sell the quorum on this one.

Frak the quorum.

These are civilian ships. What are you gonna do?

Upgrade their engines at gunpoint?

We need the quorum to get civilian cooperation.

All right.

What'll it take to get the quorum to sign off?

Well, the first issue is gonna be whether we can make these upgrades with galactica personnel only.

It's one thing to accept cylon technology.

It's quite another to have actual cylons aboard their ships.

I barely understand this stuff, and I'm...

We are gonna need teams of sharons and sixes, possibly leobens just to do the installations.

They'll go nuts.

We gotta sell 'em on it.

Point out the benefits.

Athena tells me the upgrades should triple the fleet's jump capacity.

Absolutely. And that's conservative.

Their technology...

Ourtechnology is way ahead of ours...


Maybe you'd like a chart to keep it all straight.

What do you think?


Tripling jump capacity triples our chances of finding a habitable planet before we run out of food and fuel.

That I might be able to sell.

What's the catch?

Because there is a catch, right, former-chief?

We want to be part of the fleet.

Not just along for the ride.

Full members, citizens, seat at the quorum, the whole thing.

What? Are you insane?

It's non-negotiable.

You want cylon technology.

We want safety in case cavil's forces arrive.

Now, if we're citizens, your oath states that you protect us just like everybody else.

And the other cylons, they really think that that will guarantee your safety?

Yes, they do.

I've convinced them that the admiral takes these sorts of things very seriously.

That he would rather lose the fleet than break the oath.

Unlike certain other people.

Unlike certain other people.

I understand the argument.

It makes sense from their perspective.

You're not seriously thinking about this.


You're not seriously thinking about this, sir.

All options are on the table, mr. Gaeta.

This is a political decision.

I'll have to run it by the president.

Thank you all.

Admiral, can I have a word?

Acute renal failure.

I think we caught it in time to manage with dialysis.

However, there is a chance that this could lead to chronic renal failure.

And if that happens, he's gonna lose a kidney.

What's the next step?

What do I do? Do i, uh, give some blood?

Build up a supply?

We have enough of his type in the blood bank.

He's half-cylon.

You got a lot of half-cylon blood just lying around, do you?

No, no, you're right. I hadn't thought about that.

We should tap a vein and start a supply right away.

This is ridiculous. You have to tell him.

Ishay! Tell me what?

This little boy could die.

His father should know.

Ishay, zip it!

What the hell is she talking about?

We'll talk about this later.

I guess you better come with me.

Hey, buddy.

How's it going?

Daddy's just gone...

All right... This is gonna be a shock.

But I want you to know that I was bound by doctor-patient confidentiality in this.

Even though she's dead now, it's still applied.


You're talking about cally.

What the frak does she...

I'm not his father, am i?

I'm sorry.

She found out she was pregnant just before you got married.

She wasn't sure that you were the father.

She wanted me to terminate the pregnancy.

The procedure is illegal, but there are ways around it.

However, she decided to keep it.

Then later on she asked me to do a paternity test because she wanted to know.

And it wasn't me.


He doesn't know either.

And I'll be damned if he's gonna find out that he's a father from a pissed-off former deck chief with a cylon chip on his shoulder.

No, I'll have to tell him.

I'll tell him, and then the two of you can work it out on your own.

Take care of him.


You know the president's stopped returning my calls.

She's going through a rough patch.

We all are.

She'll get through it. Just take time.


But we're gonna need to know her stance on this citizenship thing sooner rather than later.

I'll talk to you about it later.

Get me the president.

If we can sway public opinion towards us...

Or, at least not against us...

He thinks that zarek and the quorum can be handled.

He's probably right.

Oh! I'm so stiff.

Are you sure you're up for this?

Yeah, just...

I'm just stretching, a little aerobics.

Truth is, I haven't felt this good in months.

Oh, it hurts, but it's good.

When do you have to go in for another doloxan treatment?



Lee thinks... And I agree with him...

That you should address the fleet.

Make a public declaration that an alliance with the cylons is critical for our long-term survival.


Not just yet, though. I need a little time.

That's what I told him.

We need you, laura.

I know that you're tired, but we need you.

I hear you.

I do, trust me.

I need a little time.



Just don't overdo it, all right?

I won't.

Captain thrace.

Whatever it is, I'm not in the mood, felix.

Oh, so you think I should give a frak about your mood.

Okay, let's have it.

You tried to throw me out an airlock once.

Still crying about that?

The charges at the time were collaborating with an enemy in a time of w*r.

Waiting for the punch line.

It turns out the jury that convicted me was made of two cylons and a woman married to a cylon.

Rim shot!

Big laugh, applause, applause, applause.

Are we done?

Oh, no, wait. I'm sorry, I forgot.

We haven't gotten to the leg yet.

50 Billion people are dead, and I'm supposed to give a frak about your leg?

Who k*lled those 50 billion people, kara?

It wasn't me.

No, it was your husband.

Are you enjoying yourself?

Is this how you get your kicks these days?

Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I meant half-kicks.


What was sam doing on caprica before he so conveniently met you?

You ever wonder?

You think maybe he... Nuked a few cities?

ex*cuted a few thousand prisoners?

I'm just wondering.

Well, then again, maybe you're a cylon too.

At least I'm not a gimp.


One day, one day soon, there's gonna be a reckoning, kara.

And once again people are gonna have to answer for what they've done.

Is that a threat?

You're godsdamn right that's a threat.

Well, you know where to find me, felix.

And in case you're wondering, I will definitely hit a cr*pple.

Or anyone else.

So I guess a pity frak's out of the question then?

Somebody close that hatch.

Let's talk.

Point of order!

Point of order, please!

The chair exercises its right to bring a motion forward.

In prison, you start to confuse your hopes and dreams with reality.

You start to...

Whoo... Believe that because you want something to happen...

Parole, a pardon, appeal, a writ...

You start to believe that it willhappen.

You live on wishes.

The way things should be, instead of the way they are.

And all because you can't face reality.

The leaders of this fleet are succumbing to wishful thinking because they can't face reality.

And the reality is that the roslin-adama administration...

Has led us nowhere.

Earth was a mirage, a fantasy they dangled in front of us for four long years in order to maintain power.

A fantasy they dreamed up as a way to hold on and control the government over the democratic wishes of the population.

So now what is our feckless and dispirited leadership doing to solidify their position after failing us so miserably?

Turning to the cylons.

The cylons... For help.


Aren't the cylons the reason we're out here in the first place?

Aren't they the enemy?

Or are they suddenly our friends if that helps keep roslin-adama in power?

Point of order.

The chair needs to bring a motion, not make a speech.

Thank you, mr. Adama.

The chair moves that any decision on allowing cylons to board anyship in this fleet be made by the captain and the people living on that ship, and not the roslin-adama administration.

What we need right now is unity.

This is a fleet-wide issue.

We need to stand together. It affects all of us.

Sagittaron calls the question.

Tauron seconds.

Question has been called and seconded.

All in favor? All opposed?

Vote is 11 to 1. Motion carries.

No cylon will board a ship in this fleet without permission of its people.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.


Mother-frakkin' son of a...


It's a big ship.

You ran the whole route?


It's more than I've run in... A long time.

You're flushed. You look good.

Thank you.

You're not supposed to look good.

You're supposed to be in sickbay with a tube in your arm.

Changed my mind.

Like hell.

You never intended to go.


Send me to the brig.

I can run there.

Cottle says you're experiencing a moment of euphoria as your body recovers from the toxicity of the treatments.

So much for doctor-patient confidentiality.

Well, the president's health is a security issue.

My resignation will be on your desk in the hour.

I'm not gonna hand the presidency over to tom zarek.

Then the status quo will have to do.

Stop it. Listen, we need you.

Zarek's got the quorum in an uproar.

The press is going crazy.

The government is spinning out of control.

Now... We need you.

Take your hands off me, bill.

I've played my role in this farce.

"A dying leader will guide the people

"To the blah-blah-blah frakkin' blah-blah."

I've been there. I've done that.

Now what?

Is there another role that I have to play for the rest of my life?

Do you remember what we said on new caprica?

How we talked about trying to live for today?

Well, you better think about that, because... Maybe tomorrow really isn't coming.

Maybe today is all we have left.

And maybe...

Just maybe...

I've earned the right to live a little before I die.

Haven't i?

What do you think?

Haven't i?

Yes, you've earned it.

I have.

Well, guess what.

So have you.

Now get out of my way.

What manner of forgiveness are you seeking?

Is it that of disobedient children?

Are you... Are you children?


Well, obviously you're a child.

We have some children here, but to the rest of you, in your mind's eye, are you all just children who've transgressed against your father's divine will?

No. We've done nothing wrong.


Are you being punished for your multitude of sins?

Are you?


Is this really our lot?

To have been led...

By a father...

To the promised land...

No. We shouldn't have to suffer.

Just keep talking.

To paradise...

Only to have paradise cruelly smashed to bits before our very eyes?

Are these the actions of a father towards his children?


It's not right.

What have you done?

What have you done to deserve this punishment?

What sins have you committed?

What dark thoughts have you harbored that condemn you?

Condemn you...

To wander through the universe without hope?

Without light?

So you have to ask yourself what kind of a father abandons his own children to despair and loneliness?

No father!

Perhaps we are not the ones in need of forgiveness.

No, we're not!

Perhaps we're not. Perhaps we have been wronged!

Yes, we have!

Perhaps it is god who should come down here and beg for ourforgiveness?

Am I right? Yeah!

Am I right? Yeah!

Well, shout it to god!

What have you done for me lately?

Where have you been?

There is a disease aboard this ship, and it is a disease of denial!

Am I right?

Well, don't tell me! Shout it to god!

Cottle told me. I didn't know.

We need to... We should talk.


Get off me!

It's a godsdamn uprising.

All respect, colonel, I don't think we're there yet, but we do have a problem.

A problem?

Ten of our ships refuse a direct order from the flagship.

Another 12 won't even respond to our hails.

But they're not doing anything illegal.

The quorum gave every ship the right to refuse any cylon or cylon technology aboard.

Jump drive upgrades is a military decision outside of the authority of the quorum.

And you alone get to make that determination?


Yes, mr. Gaeta.

I get to make that determination.

You have a problem with that?

Admiral, we're in receipt of an emergency signal from our marine commander aboard the hitei kan.

The crew of the tylium ship has mutinied.

They k*lled a cylon and two marines.

Scramble the mardet alert team and launch the as*ault raptor.

This is the xo.

Scramble the mardet alert team.

Mutiny aboard hitei kan.

Admiral, tylium ship is pulling out of formation, spinning up their ftl drives.

I want to talk to whoever's in charge of that ship right now.

Hitei kan, hitei kan, this is galactica. Please respond.

This is a priority signal from galactica actual to the...

Current commander of your ship.

Sir, their drives are spooled up.

Where's my as*ault team?

Raptor's launching now.

Galactica, athena.

We've cleared the bay and are en route to hitei kan.

Hitei kan, hitei kan, this is galactica.

Please respond.

Mr. Hoshi!

I'm trying, admiral, but they're not...


They're communicating with colonial one, sir.

The president?

Can't be. She's aboard galactica.

Let's hear it.

The dradis!

The dradis shows a raptor and vipers heading straight for us.

They'll be here any minute.

They have no right to board your ship without your permission.

Son of a bitch.

What should we do, mr. Vice president?

Every citizen has the right to protect themselves from oppression.

Take whatever measures you think necessary.

She jumped.

Hitei kanhas jumped away, sir.

Taking all our fuel with them.

You know, there are days that I really hate this job.

Put me on scramble.


Galactica actual.

I read you, actual.

You're ordered to board thecolonial one.

Locate and arrest the vice president, then bring him back to galactica.

Roger that, actual.

Arrest and return to galactica.

What are my orders if he resists?

In that case...

The use of deadly force is authorized.

I don't know anything about being a father.

It sucks.

Except for the parts that don't.

All right.

First lesson in parenting.


Your kid's in the hospital, you never leave him alone, no matter what.

Someone's always here.

You get first shift... Dad.


How long do I sit here?

Until I get back.

That'll be after I sober up.

Sworn statements.

Transcripts of wireless conversations.

Shipping records.

All kinds of documents really.

Compiled over the last year with one theme.

The buying and the selling of the vice president's office.

So this is a conversation about extortion.

No. About law and order.

But you can call it what you want.

You see, I believe that you would walk happily to the gallows or languish in a cell for the rest of your life if you could do it as a martyr to your cause.

But the idea of being publicly humiliated as a corrupt politician with your hand in the till...

Well, that would scare you.

Somehow I don't think that the legend and the myth of tom zarek, the political prisoner and a man of conscience, can survive the airing of that much dirty laundry.

You really think the fleet is going to sit still for a long and politically motivated trial while you make an alliance with the cylons?

I think without the tylium ship, we're not going anywhere.

We're gonna sit here for a long time.

At least we won't be bored.

You think I know where the tylium ship is?

Yes, I do. Why?

Because I know that you do.

Read the file.

Some juicy stuff.

Make a great story for the press.

m*rder and extortion.

You know what the difference is between you and i, admiral?

You wear that uniform and I don't.

You can cool your heels here until I check these out.

I wouldn't eat the food.

Here's our tylium ship.

Well, that was fast. How did you do it?

I appealed to his intellect.

Should I send in a medic?

No, he's fine.

Well, you're not. Maybe you should see a medic.

You look like hell.

I feel like it too. I need to rest.

Well, you earned it.

Let me know when they find the tylium ship.

I'll be with the president.

You got it.

Here, give this to hoshi. Tell him to file it.

Laundry reports?

Hitei kan, this is athena.

Stand by to be boarded.

Any resistance will be met with force.

This is your only warning.


Every revolution begins with one small act of courage.

But I hope you know how serious this is.

I hope you understand that this will have consequences...

Deadly consequences...

For a lot of people.

I've thought about the consequences.

And I'm ready for them.

We all are.

How many is "we"?


But once it starts, we'll get more support.

People know something has to be done.

The world is frakked. It's upside-down.

And somebody's gotta turn it right-side up.

Are you that man?

I'm one of them.

I need a partner.

You've got one.

That's good. Take it from here, saul.

See you in the morning.

They found the tylium ship.


Do you care?


Neither do i.

Good night. Yes.

Foul language.