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04x00 - Razor

Posted: 01/08/22 14:44
by bunniefuu
You're born, you live, and you die.

There are no do-overs.

No second chances to make things right

if you frak them up the first time.

Not in this life, anyway.

This is the Battlestar Pegasus

to the ship claiming to be the Galactica.

Please respond.

Pegasus. How could that be?
The entire fleet was destroyed.

Admiral Cain, we had no idea
there were other survivors.

On behalf of the officers
and the crew of the Pegasus,

welcome back to the Colonial Fleet.

What they did to you was wrong, evil.

What you need is justice.

Frak you.

And she died knowing
that her ship and her crew were safe,

and that her mission had been accomplished.

Nothing was more important to her than
her ship, her crew and her mission.

And as I take command of Pegasus,

I pledge to uphold those values

that made her such an
effective and heroic leader.

Word of Fisk's m*rder has spread
out through the entire fleet.

Crew can fall apart when
their commander is k*lled.

Pegasus lost two in a matter of weeks.

I'm putting Garner in command.

Commander Garner,
two Base Ships just jumped in.

Nukes inbound. We're under attack.

We need those FTLs fixed soon,
or we're dead.

I need you to go down here.

Sir, we've lost Garner.

He sacrificed himself
to save the Pegasus.

Garner was my decision.
His failures, my responsibility.

Congratulations, Commander.
The Pegasus is your command.

Like I said, you make
your choices and you live with them.

And in the end, you are those choices.

I swear, you're like
a kid on his first day of school.

You're gonna make me regret
having you along, aren't you?

And so I am very proud...

Every chance I get.

To officially welcome the
new commander of the Pegasus,

Commander Lee Adama.

Thank you, Madam President, Admiral Adama.

Eight months ago, the world changed.
Our lives changed forever.

We found ourselves
shouldering responsibilities

we never thought we'd have.




They're more than words.

Those are the guiding principles
for those who serve in the military.

And recently, all have been
in short supply on this ship.

That's gonna change
beginning today.

We can't always choose our circumstances,
but we can choose how we handle them.

I intend to give you my all. I
expect nothing less in return.

I've already appointed Kara
Thrace as my acting CAG.

I'll be making other
officer and duty assignments

in the coming days,
as I review your...

The more things change, the more
they stay the same, huh, Gus?


Come in.

Lieutenant Kendra Shaw,
reporting as ordered, Sir.

At ease, Lieutenant.
Have a seat.

No, thank you. Frankly, I'm
used to standing in this room.

Yeah, Admiral Cain apparently
wasn't big on chairs.

Even dead, that woman casts a shadow.

But I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.


I've been reviewing the
fitreps for the ship's officers,

and frankly you're a puzzle.

Top ratings from Cain, who
clearly thought the world of you,

but then a whole series of
increasingly negative reports

from Fisk, then Garner, who
demoted you to kitchen duty

for "persistent
insubordinate behavior."

So the question is, who are you?

Kendra Shaw.

Does that mean
your mother was...

Quorum delegate Marta Shaw.
Cue drum roll, thank you.

Well, she'd be proud of you.

Pegasus, huh?

Half the officers on this base would
k*ll to get posted to that ship.

It's just temporary. Got
my eye set on Fleet Command.

A couple of years
baby-sitting Admiral Cain,

I figure I should be able
to call my own sh*ts.

Sounds like you've got
your career all mapped out.

Yeah, well,
I just don't see myself

spending the rest of my
life on a Battlestar.

Good luck to you.

Shuttle to Scorpian shipyards,

now boarding at Holding Area .

Come in.

That's your idea of
vacation reading?

What is that?
Your idea of a hobby?

Yeah, it is.

So have you figured out how you're
going to spend your shore leave?

I was thinking about maybe going
home to Tauron to visit some friends,

but I haven't made
any definite plans yet, no.

Well, in that case, how about
spending some time with us on Gemenon?

I know Rika and the girls
would love to see you.

Come on, Helena,
you deserve a break.

You've been going full
tilt for over a year now.

Look, I've got a repair
list as long as my arm.

Plus, our network's gonna
be down for the retrofit,

and you know I don't like
leaving Pegasus at the mercy

of a bunch of
civilian contractors. So...

All right, listen to your XO.
Once in a while,

it's okay to get off the treadmill.

I will think about it. Think about it.


Helena! No! Helena!

Raptor ,

you are cleared for
Docking Bay . Call them in.

Roger that, Pegasus.
We have the ball.

Excuse me, could you
please point me towards...

Excuse me,
could you please show me...

Looking for the CIC?

Yes, how did you know?

You've got that "new officer needing
to report to her CO" look down cold.

One of the benefits of being
a network administrator.

This is us. This is where you need to be.

You're a lifesaver.

- Kendra Shaw.
- Gina Inviere.

Inviere. That's Old Germanese
for "resurrection," isn't it?

One of the benefits of being
a lapsed Classics major.

Guess you never know when something
like that might come in handy.

Welcome to Pegasus, Lieutenant.

Thank you.

Lieutenant Kendra Shaw
reporting for duty, Sir.

Did you enjoy your coffee,
Lieutenant. My coffee?

Just say yes so we don't
get off on the wrong foot.

Yes, Sir.


You see, because I figured that you
either got lost on your way to CIC,

or you stopped
for a cup of coffee.

And frankly, I'd rather think
it was that cup of coffee

than realize my new aide can't
find her way around a Battlestar.

Sir, I've just arrived...
I'm not finished speaking.

I know why you're here.

You're here because you think
this job is a stepping stone

to a still better one.

So let me guess, you had your
mother pull some strings, and she...

My mother's dead, Sir.
She died of cancer.

Yes, I know.
I read the papers.

And while I'm very sorry for your loss,

you'd be well advised
to make that the last

time you attempt to play on my sympathies.

Between you and me, I'm feeling a
hell of a lot sorrier for myself.

Mr. Hoshi.

Can you please direct this
lieutenant to her quarters?

Yes, Sir.
You're dismissed.


A little midmorning snack. Yeah.

I'm gonna be in my quarters. Yes, Sir.

The beauty of a network system
is that with the right pass codes,

you can control just about any
part of the ship from any other.

Of course, the system's down
right now for the retrofit,

but in an emergency, it's
like having unlimited backups.

Assuming no one hits the wrong
button. Yeah, not on Cain's ship.

Puts the fear of the Gods
into everyone, does she?

Are you okay?

Come on, soldier, get up. On your feet.

Hoshi! Hoshi!

Okay. Follow me to CIC. Come on.

As soon as your men are out, seal
the hatches and vent the compartments!

What in the hell hit us?

From the radiological readings,

looks like a nuclear
detonation, multiple hits.

It's the Cylons.
It has to be.

They've broken the armistice, and
this is part of an all-out attack.

But at least we
still have our power.

Yeah, but that's about it. Dradis
is erratic, weapons are offline,

same with all our computers. We'll
have to do everything manually.

I want all hatches sealed.
Docking connections severed.

Lieutenant, spin up our FTL drive.

Yes, Sir.

We're preparing for an
emergency jump, everyone.

Insert jump key.

Sir, two more nukes heading straight
for us. Estimate seconds to impact.

FTL's spooling, Sir,
but without the computer,

we can't calculate a safe jump.

Don't bother calculating.
Just do it.

You want to do a blind jump,
Sir? We might end up inside a sun.

Missiles closing.

It doesn't matter where we jump,

just frakking do it, Lieutenant.

FTL's online.
Five seconds.

Lieutenant, now!

Who am I? I'm a soldier,
as were Fisk and Garner.

Neither of those men deserved my
respect, so they didn't get it.

Can you be more specific?

Fisk was a black-market sellout, a
piece of garbage unworthy of the uniform.

Garner was a martinet who
tried to micro-manage this ship

like it was some
balky piece of machinery.

Hard to dispute either
assessment. And what about me?

Don't hold back
just because I've got a pulse.

You're a step up,

but that doesn't change the
fact that you're an outsider

who was brought in
to clean up our mess.

Or the impression that your
daddy just gave you a Battlestar

like he was tossing you
the keys to a new car.

You certainly don't disappoint, Lieutenant.

So how would you like to be my new XO?


One thing I learned from my father,
before he "tossed me the keys,"

is that a commander needs
a strong right arm.

I also need to
send a message to this crew

that I respect Cain's legacy,
even if the truth is that I don't.

I'm no Cain,

but I intend to give
this crew their pride back,

so I'll let you carry her torch.


In that case, Major, you're out of uniform.


Ten, nine, eight, seven,

six, five, four,

three, two, one, you're done.

Do you think that w*apon's ready to fire,

Yes, Sir!

You're ready to bet your life on that,

The lives of all your buddies?

Sir... Yes, Sir.

Then fire your w*apon.

Are you deaf, soldier?
I said fire your frakking w*apon.


Didn't think it possible that you
could find an XO meaner than Saul Tigh.

Yeah, she's tough,
but I think we need it tough.

Any ruffled feathers?

Well, she and Kara don't exactly get along.

Like to sell tickets
to that dance.

Just remember that an XO's
not a blunt instrument.

The two of you have to make
up a team. That takes trust.

Oh, we trust each other to do our jobs.

Guess that's a start.

Now that your house is in
order, I have a mission for you.

Against my better judgment, I let
a science team take a Raptor from us

to go out to study a supernova remnant.
They're overdue.

I want you to track their
course, see what you turn up.

There are three civilians,
two pilots.

And if we run into the Cylons?

It's a search and rescue mission.

Don't get into a battle
that you don't want to fight.

That being said, use your own judgment.
This is your command.

Nothing to the right of me,
nothing to the left of me.

Feel like I'm drowning in nothing out here.

Come on, Showboat, sing out.
Let me know I got company.

Sing out, Cap? What? You mean like a song?

How about Bottles of Ambrosia?

Damn, Showboat, you're taking me back.
Road trips.

Thank you.

Pass me the circuit board. Here you go.

The sickbay just
lost another two.

That brings
our casualty to what?

Seven hundred and twenty-three.

That's more than
a quarter of our crew.

What's our fighter status?

Twelve Vipers destroyed,
along with two Raptors.

Another ships too badly
damaged to be repaired.

What else?

Sir, we've tried to keep a lid on
what we learned from com traffic

before it stopped,

but rumors keep leaking out.

We need facts, not supposition.

I agree. We're four, maybe five

plotted jumps back to the colonies.

Don't imagine you want to risk
the whole ship for a recon run.

Send two Raptors.
Tell them not to engage the enemy.

I want information only.

Yes, Sir.

Ready to reboot nav and defense
computer systems. Stand by.

- Lieutenant.
- Admiral.

The helms, weapons and FTL
computers are all back online.

And I think I know how the
Cylons took down our defense grid.

These lines of code in the new
navigation program we're about to upload,

they've been designed to create a
back door that could enable an enemy

to wirelessly
access the program.

And that could introduce a virus
that could infect the entire network.

Is that what you're saying? Yeah.

Luckily, ours was already down,

but I suggest that
we keep it that way,

even after we've purged the program.

All right, Lieutenant.
It's your ball, run with it.

Maybe you're not quite
as useless as I thought.

How long have you been
at your station?

I don't know, Sir. I
guess I just never left.

Well, you might want to
consider getting some rack time.

It's been two days since the attack.


Sir, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about the way
I behaved when the nukes hit.

I was scared.

Actually, I was terrified and I froze.

You're not afraid anymore,
are you, Lieutenant?

No, Sir.

You hold onto that anger
and you keep that close.

It'll stop you being afraid the next time,
and it'll tell you what you have to do.

Lieutenant, button up.

This is your admiral.

I know there have been
a lot of rumors going around

about the destruction that's been
visited on our home worlds by the Cylons.

I would like to tell you
that they're exaggerations,

but, in fact, they don't even
come close to conveying the horror

that has just been unleashed upon us.

The facts are

that our colonies have been destroyed,

our cities have been nuked,

and our fleet's gone, too.

So far, there are no indications
of any other survivors.

I imagine you're all asking yourselves
the same question I am.

What do we do now?

Do we run?

Do we hide?

I think those are the easy choices.

You know, a philosopher once said,

"When faced with untenable alternatives,

"you should consider your imperative."

Look around you.

Our imperative is right here,

in our bulkheads, in our
planes, in our g*ns,

and in ourselves.

w*r is our imperative,

and if right now
victory seems like an impossibility,

then there is something else to reach for.



So we will fight,

because in the end it's the only
alternative our enemies have left us.

I say let's make these murdering things

understand that as long as this crew

and this ship survive, that this w*r
that they started will not be over.

Thank you.

So say we all.

So say we all. So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

So say we all!

A com relay? That looks more like
some kind of frakked-up can opener.

From what we can tell, it's guarded
by about a half dozen Raiders.

- That's all?
- Well, they're not expecting anyone

to attack it. Gentlemen,
you're looking at our first target.

Nice work finding it, Lieutenant.

Thanks. I had help.

Speak of the devil.

- Hello, Gina. Welcome.
- Hello.

I'd like you to meet Miss Gina Inviere.

Miss Inviere and Lieutenant Shaw
have been working very closely

upgrading our systems. And before
that, she was supervising our retrofit.

And I must say, she's proven herself
invaluable in both capacities.

Thank you.
Well, you certainly set a beautiful table.

Thank you.

Everyone, please have a seat. Please.

I actually think it's quite important

for our ship's officers to get together

every once in a while.

Share some food, some wine,
some good conversation. Helps morale.

And not to mention, it's the only time
we get to park our butts

in a chair around here.

Now that you're all here, I would like
to take a moment to say a few words.

In all seriousness, I said some
things before in the heat of emotion,

things that I felt this
crew needed to hear.

But I don't want any of
you, for one moment,

to think that I would ever
risk lives or resources

in some mad quest for revenge.

My plan is to wage an all-out
classic guerilla w*r campaign.

I want to find their weak links
and I want to hit them hard.

As they say,
the best defense is a good offense.

Well, then, here's to a good offense.

And to kicking some Cylon ass.

Hear, hear.

Almost done here.

I don't know how we're going
to firewall all these systems

by tomorrow unless we split up.

And you're the only one
with the access codes.

Well, we could speak to the Admiral
about raising your security clearance.

Here I thought we were being so discreet.

Guess that's hard when you truly
care for someone. Program's uploaded.

You need to input your code.


To satisfy your curiosity,

we met a few months ago when I
presented the plans for the retrofit.

We spent a lot of time together
working out the details,

and I guess one thing led to the other.

You seem so surprised.

It's just that Cain seems
so self-sufficient.

She has needs, just like the rest of us.

No one can survive entirely on their own.

Trust me, Lieutenant.

In the end, we're all just human.

How about bottles of Ambrosia?

Damn, Showboat, you're taking me back.

- Does she ever shut up?
- Road trips.

Chatter like that breeds sloppiness.

She's gonna set
a bad example for the other pilots.

Well, as long as she sets
a good example with her flying,

we'll come out ahead.

Sir, multiple dradis contacts.
Bearing , carom .

Fighter size, unknown configuration, Sir.

Raiders. Has to be.

We got company.

Pegasus, Starbuck,
where the hell did these guys come from?

Starbuck, Actual.

You and Showboat double-time
back to the nest.

On our way, Pegasus.
I don't like these odds.

Showboat, stay with me.

All right, defensive batteries,

selective fire only. Watch
out for our people.

Prep for jump as soon as
we recover our birds.

Aye, Sir.

These ships. I...
I can almost see them.

There's something
weird about them.

Sir, shouldn't we launch
alert Vipers and engage?

That's not why we're here, Major.

Sir, we...

If we spot our missing ship,
we'll go after her.

Otherwise, we jump out of here,
we report back to Galactica.

Pegasus, Starbuck,
we got ourselves a problem out here.

Our new friends
don't wanna say goodbye.

Sir, FTL crew reports power failure
in the main navigational computer.

No, you got to be kidding.

Let's go to emergency backup.
We need those jump coordinates.

They're all over us.
We can't break free.

Ensign, direct all batteries
to commence full auto-fire, close range.

Now, Ensign.

What the frak?
We're inside their firing solution!

No frakking kidding.
All right, open up with all you've got.

We're gonna sh**t ourselves a hole.

Is that gonna work?

No, but it will make you feel better.


Son of a bitch.

For frak's sakes, it's like
she was trying to get us k*lled.

Look, Major Shaw has the
authority to take any actions

she feels necessary to protect this ship.

- She's a loose cannon.
- And she's also the XO.

And frankly, ordering that
barrage probably saved your skin.

Forgive me if I don't say thanks.

- Oh, come on, Kara. Just...
- Don't.

You wanna tell me
what the hell you were thinking?

That was a nice bit of flying up there,

but I'd think twice
about questioning my tactical orders.

"Tactical orders"?

That's what you call blowing
the crap out of your own pilots?

Questioning orders is
a bad idea on this ship, Captain.

How many Raiders, Lieutenant?

I'm reading signatures, Sir.

It's more than we anticipated,

but one squadron should be able to
handle them and destroy the target.

Launch Blue Squadron.

Sir, new contacts.

What the hell?

There's a lot of jamming
going on out there,

but I'm reading full
squadrons of Raiders, Sir.

They must have jumped in right
after we launched our fighters.

This isn't a com relay.
This is a staging ground.

Recall the Vipers, Sir? Sir?

Two minutes to contact.

Admiral, the Cylons knew we were coming.

We have to recover the Vipers
and jump out of here while we still can.

No. Scramble the reserves.

Order them to provide cover
while Blue att*cks the target.

They'll be outnumbered four to one!

Sir, a squadron of Raiders
is breaking off and are now inbound.

Activate defensive batteries.

They aren't responding, Sir.

The network's locked us out
of our weapons grid.

Then have g*n crews assume manual control.

Admiral, we're hugely outnumbered,

and now our own weapons grid won't respond.

What more proof do we need
that this is a trap?

All the more reason
to launch everything we've got.

Helena, this is
exactly what you said we wouldn't do.

Even if we succeed,

is this relay really worth
the lives and planes it will cost?

Mr. Belzen, are you refusing
to carry out my orders?

Sir, I cannot in good conscience obey them.

Mr. Belzen, give me your sidearm.

- Sir?
- I said give me your sidearm.



Colonel Fisk.

Colonel Fisk!

You are now my XO.

My order still stands. Will you execute it?

This is the XO.

Launch all remaining squadrons.

Clear the tube. Stand by for launch.

Sir, the controls on portside airlocks ,
and have gone active.

We're being boarded by the Cylons.

Colonel, fire up the fast response teams.

All hands, repel boarders...

Lieutenant, get to
secondary damage control.

They're gonna try
and vent our air and k*ll us

before we have
a chance to fight back.

Yes, Sir.


They were coming this way,
k*lling everyone. It's...

Go to CIC. You'll be safe.

What the frak?

You! Step away from the Admiral.


I said step away from the Admiral. Now.

You two take her into custody.

Belay that.
Lieutenant, what the hell is going on?

She was just helping us
get control of our weapons grid.

No, she wasn't, Sir.
She's a Cylon spy. They look like us.

Oh, for Gods' sake.

Mr. Hoshi, can you please show us
the security feed from airlock four?

This is crazy.
I don't know what she thought she saw...

My Gods.

Get that thing off my bridge.

Yes, Sir.

Hey! Hey! Act like officers, Gods damn it.

You got everybody watching
you on this deck.

Where the hell did they come from?

Been a long time since I've seen
one of these outside a museum.

And you say the entire fleet jumped you?

They came out of nowhere.

You must find this terribly disturbing.

Why would you assume that?

Well, it can't be pleasant, can it,

to confront, from the evidence,

that in the not-so-distant past,

your people really were walking appliances?

These models served a vital purpose.

They liberated us from
our human oppressors.

And having achieved that worthy goal,

you chose to emulate said oppressors
even more closely.

God made man in his image.

Why shouldn't humanity's children
choose to acknowledge their debt

to their ultimate creator?


these bodies allow us to better
appreciate his creation in all its glory.

Amen to that.

Why would the Cylons resurrect a machine

that, by their standards,
is hopelessly obsolete?

Maybe they didn't resurrect it.

Maybe they were out here all along.

You have something you want to tell us?

There are references in our databases
to a force of Centurions called Guardians.

Early models like this
that somehow escaped being scrapped.

What did these Guardians guard?

A hybrid.

An entity that represents
the first step in our evolution

from pure machines to organic beings.

- From them to us.
- A Cylon missing link?

No, more like an evolutionary dead end.

There were other hybrids created
to control our base ships

before the experiment was abandoned,
but this one was the first.

And some think it's still alive,

protected by these Guardians.

And that it's still somehow
seeking its own way to evolve.

The last operation of the w*r,

Galactica was part of a task force
that destroyed a Cylon base.

I was on that mission.

The Cylons were supposedly building...
a super w*apon.

- Husker, Banzai, defensive.
- Gods damn it, rook. Where are you?

I got him, Banzai. Break left on my mark.

Now! Break, break, break!

Husker, Banzai, form up
and regroup with the squadron.

Banzai, Husker, looks like
Columbia's defenses are down.

All Vipers, this is Banzai.
Columbia needs our help.

Let's go clean house.

Sector nine, there's two headed
for the main ship's defense zone.

Sparrow at two o'clock, above.
Try to make a hard right turn.

Right behind him now.
We're right behind him.

We got this confirmed.

Break left.
I got him! I got him!

Go get him, Adama. He's all yours.

This cocksucker's mine.

Smash one flying toaster.

All clears. Clear Columbia airspace.

All clears. Get clear right frakking now!

Oh, my Gods! Columbia's gone!


I got two bandits turning tail.
Husker pursuing.

What are you? Crazy, rook? Form up.

This is no time to go after them yourself.

Don't be a hero, Adama.

Got you.

Where are you, you little frakker?

Come on. Come on.

Come here, motherfrakker.



All this has happened before
and it will happen again.

Someone in there?

Help. Help us. They left us here.

Don't leave us here, please.

I'm gonna get you out of there.

We're civilians.

The traders from... From Gemenon, who...

They jumped our convoy, they destroyed
our escort, they took us all prisoner.

There were of us, but they've
been taking us away, one by one.

We'd hear the others screaming.

We didn't know what was happening to them.

Please, you've got to get us out of here.

I'm trying. The door must be welded shut.

Feels like a quake.

The place is starting to come apart.

I can't.

I got it.

- It's still stuck.
- I can't open it any wider.

You got to go. You got to go.
You got to go get help.

I'll stay here. I'll stay here with you.

No, you can't do it by yourself. Just go!
Tell them what happened to us.

Our ship was the Diana from Gemenon.
All right, just tell them.

If you stay here,
you'll be trapped like us. Go!


Go, go! Save yourself. Go!

Galactica, Husker.

Galactica, this is Husker. Do you copy?

Husker, roger that.
Report status.

I crashed on the surface.
They were making something down here.

Experimenting on people to do it.

And now they're getting away
with whatever they built.

Husker. Husker, the w*r is over.


Galactica, repeat.

The w*r is over.
An armistice was just signed.

Activate your beacon
and we'll send you the SAR bird.

Husker, respond.

They escaped with it,
right before they signed the Armistice.

If this hybrid still exists,
and it's captured some of our people...

I don't want to think about it.

Baltar and Tyrol were able
to pull the Raiders' computer

and download the ship's navigational data

and extrapolate a possible location

for a base, but it's
more likely a base ship.

That's where we'll find our Raptor crew.

It's , maybe jumps
from where you were att*cked.

I was just telling the Commander

that we can't afford
to commit both Battlestars.

Which is why I'm temporarily transferring
my flag to Pegasus.

- You're going along?
- You're still in command.

Let's just say I have
a personal stake in this mission.

A mission based on a Cylon legend.

It's not a legend, Son.

I was in the place where
they made that thing.

I saw what they did to make it.

We're not going to let this happen again...

not to our own people.

Well, I'll... I'll have my XO
start preparing an attack plan.

I'm afraid that brings up
another matter, Commander.

Misdirection is the key.
Pegasus jumps right into the hornet's nest.

They swarm us with their Raiders, we let
them think they've taken out our FTL,

before moving off at sub-light speed,
drawing them away.

That's when my
strike team jumps in.

It's a hell of a risky plan,
but I guess you know that.

Just remember
it's search and rescue.

Get aboard, find our people,
set your nuke, then get back in one piece.

- Who's piloting the Raptor?
- Captain Thrace.

No other pilot I can
trust to pull this off.

Well, then I guess the question
is whether I can trust you.

The President believes
that under Admiral Cain

you were involved In an incident

aboard a civilian transport called Scylla.

An incident in which people
were ex*cuted. Is it true?

I said is it true?

I was there.
I'm guessing that's enough to indict me.

Why didn't you tell me?

You said you wanted to send
a message to this ship's crew

about respecting Cain's legacy.
I am Cain's legacy.

I'm alive because of the choices she made,

and so is everyone else on this ship.

I'll tell you something else,

Cain wouldn't have blinked
twice at this plan.

'Cause she knew that you don't win battles,

never mind wars, without risking lives.

Are you finished?

Yes, Sir. If you'd like my resignation,
you can have it.

It'd be easier, wouldn't it?

Then you could go back to peeling potatoes
and wallowing in self-pity

'cause poor Kendra Shaw's
the only officer in the Fleet

who ever had to make a hard call.

Well, it's not gonna fly, Major.
Not while I'm in command.

Plan's risky, but right now
you're the only game in town.

So complete your mission, Major.

Your plan's approved.

Got another load of solid waste
stinking up our cargo hold.

Got another load of solid waste
stinking up our cargo hold.

Demetrius, this is Adriatic...

...and we're back with Gaius Baltar.

Doctor, a lot of people once thought
of Pegasus as the answer to prayer.

Were they wrong?

Final casualty report lists dead,

Vipers destroyed, badly damaged.

The acting chief says we don't have
enough parts to repair them all.

It's a rather high price for a
tactically insignificant victory.

I wouldn't say it's insignificant, Sir.
I'd say we put the enemy on notice.

The price we paid is my fault.

How do you figure that, Lieutenant?

Well, I gave her... It my access codes.

It must've used them
to override our security lockouts.

You gave it something
far more important than that.

You gave it your trust, as did I.

But this thing really knows
how to manipulate human emotion.

Preys on them.

Lieutenant Thorne.

I want you to interrogate our Cylon
prisoner. Find out everything it knows.

And since it's so adept
at mimicking human feeling,

I'm assuming that its software
is vulnerable to them as well. So...

- pain.
- Yes, of course.

Degradation, fear, shame.

I want you to really test its limits.

Be as creative as you feel you need to be.

Yes, Sir.

Lieutenant Thorne. Access granted.

Admiral Cain to CIC.
Admiral Cain to CIC.

Lieutenant, come with me.

Colonel, sitrep.

We just detected a fleet of ships
broadcasting Colonial IFF signatures.

Sir, they're civilians.

A civilian fleet?

Fifteen ships, Sir.
The Cap has gone ahead to intercept.

Lieutenant, I want you
to contact those ships' captains.

Ask them to forward their
crew and passenger manifests,

along with the ships' schematics

and inventories of any
weapons and spare parts.

Yes, Sir.

Colonel, I want you to assemble
teams of engineers and Marines,

and have them board
each of those ships.

Sir, are we...

We're gonna take everything
we need from those ships.

Once they realize our intent,
there's bound to be resistance.

So we need to act
quickly and decisively.

Colonel, if you have a problem with
any of this, I need to hear it now.

- No.
- Get to work.

Permission to come aboard.

Permission granted. Welcome.

We've prayed for this miracle.

The last time the Cylons found us,
we lost four ships.

But now, thank the Gods, you've found us.

Mr. Laird, Admiral Cain
ordered me to give you this.

- What is it?
- It's a list of materials and passengers

that we need transferred
to the Pegasus, effective immediately.

Your name is on the list.

My name?

Wait, you want to take our FTL drives?
We'll be helpless.

As I said, we're adding some
of your people to our crew.

So you're going to decide
just like that who lives and who dies?

We'll make whatever accommodations we can,
but you have to understand.

We are at w*r. Military
needs must take priority.

No. I don't understand. They're...

They're going to take what they want
and leave us to fend for ourselves.

You can't do that. Can't do it.


Listen, all of you!

We have orders to transfer
the crewmen and the equipment

on that list to Pegasus.

We have no wish to harm anyone,

but we will use force if necessary.


Leave us here.

Go back where you came from.


Keep them back.
You're here to help us.

You can't do that.

Ship-to-ship call from Colonel Fisk.

What's going on, Colonel?
You're already behind schedule.

Sir, they're denying us
access to the rest of the ship.

We're not dealing with just individuals,
Sir. We have whole families here.

Then tell them you will sh**t the families
of any selectee who doesn't comply.

Sir, did I hear you correctly?
You don't seriously mean...

Just get it done, Colonel.

- Corporal.
- Sir.

Get these people on the deck
and get them lined up.

Yes, Sir.

My boy! No, not my boy!

We have orders to sh**t the families

of any selectee who refuses
to return with us.

We will carry out this order

unless those individuals
are brought forward now!

You're supposed to protect us!

I repeat. We will carry out this order.

We will sh**t these people.

What are we doing, Sir? Sir?

Colonel Fisk to Pegasus.

Colonel Fisk to Pegasus.

My son!

It's over.

The whole fleet has word
of what happened here.

There won't be any more resistance.

Ruin innocent people...

Rodeo to Raptor three-five-niner.
Clear for docking approach.

Rodeo to Raptor three-five-niner.
Clear for docking approach.

Galactica to Green Leaf shuttle,

you are cleared for landing.
Checkers red...

So the XO's human after all.

I used to do that myself.
Scrub through the wireless bands.

Reminds you you're not alone out here.

Got any more?

More of what?

Whatever you're about
to stick in your neck.

You don't miss much, do you?

Whatever floats your boat, right?

I came down here looking for a loose
bottle, you came down here for...

Guess we're both just trying
to take the edge off, right?

Guess so.

That's good,

'cause I'd hate to think that Lee's
new XO can't handle the pressure.

Maybe wants to get busted
back to peeling potatoes.

I'd hate to think that Lee's favorite pilot
wants to find herself scrubbing floors

for pilfering ship stores.

You keep my secret, Sir, I'll keep yours.

Unconfirmed reports continue

to attribute President Roslin's
recent miraculous recovery from...

I've seen officers happier
about a promotion.

I am happy, Sir. I am.

I guess I just don't know
what I've done to deserve it.

Don't, Captain. Don't do it.
Don't look back.

Sometimes we have to leave people
behind so that we can go on,

so that we can continue to fight.

Saundra! Girls, down! Saundra!

Go, go! Go, go!
Let's go. Let's go!

Go! We gotta go! Come on!

Daddy! No!

Helena, listen to me.
You gotta get your sister to a shelter.

- No!
- Go. You gotta protect her now. Go!

- Come on, Lucy. Get up!
- I can't!

- Come on! Get up!
- I can't.

Come on, Lucy! Come on!

- Helena! No!
- Come on! Let's go!

- Helena!
- Come on, Lucy! Get up!

Helena! Helena! No!

Helena! No!



Come on! What're you waiting for?

They retreated!


Field's clear. Come on out!


w*r's over!

Lucy! Lucy!


Sometimes we have to do things

that we never thought we were capable of,

if only to show the enemy our will.

Yesterday, you showed me

that you were capable of
setting aside your fears,

setting aside your hesitation,

and even your revulsion.

Every natural inhibition
that, during battle,

can mean the difference
between life and death.

When you can be this

for as long as you have to be,

then you're a razor.

This w*r is forcing us
all to become razors,

because if we don't, we don't survive.

And then we don't have the luxury
of becoming simply human again.

Do you understand me?


Well done.

Congratulations, Captain.

President Roslin's recent executive order

outlawing abortion led
to a demonstration...

Chief said he already checked all our mods.

Told me the same thing.

"Hope for the best, plan for the worst,"

as my mom, the Sergeant Major, used to say.

That all she taught you?

"Fear gets you k*lled.
Anger keeps you alive."

Admiral Cain said the same thing.

She said to me once,

"If you can be this for as long as
you have to be, you're a razor."

A w*apon can't feel fear.
It has no regrets. It just is.

Those two would've gotten along just fine.

Of course, my mom was full
of crap about a lot of things.

Held onto her anger so tight that
in the end that's all she had left.

She died alone.

You ask me, fear, anger,
two sides of the same coin.

You gotta let go of both.

Wanna hand me that wrench?

Set condition one throughout the ship.

All strike-team personnel
report to their aircraft.

Portside hull breaches.
Deck , frames through .

Damage control crews are
sealing them off now.

I'd say that's enough of that.
Get the FTL offline.

Bring her around,
heading one-six-one-carom-zero.


They're pursuing, Sir.

Let's hope they keep it up.

Looks like they bought it.
Now let's go get our Raptor crew.

Maybe this will be easier than we thought.

Guess again. Two bandits inbound.
Showtime, people.


Go, go, go!

Go, go, go!

Enemy target destroyed.

All wings regroup and continue
pursuit of Battlestar Pegasus.

By your command.

Gunny, report.

Red Squad all accounted for.

Speak for yourself, Sarge.
I'm still counting fingers and toes.

Knock it off, Hudson.
Red Squad, form up on me.

Ain't it grand when a plan comes together?

Red Squad, on my mark. Fire thrusters.

At last they've come for me.

I feel their lives,
their destinies spilling out before me.

The denial of the one true path,

played out on a world not their own,

will end soon enough.

Red One, Pegasus.

Red One, this is Pegasus Actual.
Report mission and team status.

We're in. We were able to access an
airlock on one of the radial arms.

Proceeding towards the core.
No contact, no casualties.

Stay frosty, kiddies.

No telling how many of those old
toasters they left watching the house.

Shut your yap, Hudson,
maybe we won't have to find out.

DaSilva, what're you reading on thermals?

One heat source, could be biological,
near the core, but that's all.

Wait. I'm picking up three more signatures.

Two of them are pretty weak, but they're
coming from about meters ahead.

Could be our people. Gunny, take point.

Soon there will be four,
glorious in awakening.

Struggling with the knowledge
of their true selves.

The pain of revelation
bringing new clarity.

And in the midst of confusion,
he will find her,

enemies brought together
by impossible longing,

enemies now joined as one.

The way forward, at once unthinkable,
yet inevitable.

And the fifth, still in shadow,
will claw toward the light,

hungering for redemption

that will only come in the
howl of terrible suffering.

I can see them all.

The seven, now six, self-described machines

who believe themselves without sin.

But in time,
it is sin that will consume them.

They will know enmity, bitterness,

the wrenching agony of the
one splintering into the many.

And then they will join the promised land,

gathered on the wings of an angel.

Not an end, but a beginning.

Go, go, go!

Help us.

Get him out of there! Come on!

Help us.


Everybody out! Get out!

This way. Let's go.

- Come on. Go!
- Come on.

Come on!

Man down! They got DaSilva!
They got DaSilva!


Pegasus, Red Two. Come in Pegasus.

Copy, Red Two, but your signal is weak.

We've recovered two civilians.
One dead, two wounded, including the XO.

We're pinned down, taking heavy fire.
Mission outcome doubtful.

Pegasus, Red Two. Report, Pegasus. Pegasus.


Captain, sitrep!

We just lost communications.
The Cylons must be jamming.

What about the nuke?

How's that detonator coming, Mathias?

- The detonator's fried.
- Get it working.

You want to tell me
what the hell that was with DaSilva?

Can't let them take any more prisoners,

You saw what they were doing in there.

Yeah, I saw.

Keep trying to resume
communications with Red Two.

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Hoshi,

order nuclear ship-to-ship m*ssile
into launch tube .

Aye, Sir.

This is a nuclear mission order.

Load ship-to-ship m*ssile
into launch tube .

What're you doing?

They've been compromised.
We can't regain communications.

We have to assume that
the team's been lost.

We have to give them a chance.

Commander Adama?

Open launch tube doors.

Open launch tube doors.

Major? Major?

Watch those corridors, Hudson.

Pegasus, Red Two, come in.

Destroying that ship with people
on board is the last resort.

Like it or not, Admiral,
this is no longer a rescue mission.

Gods only know what will happen
to our people if they're captured.

I know what will happen. I was there.

m*ssile loaded, Commander.

Release of nuclear weapons is authorized.

Disable launch and warhead safeties.

Mr. Hoshi, take your launch key,
put it in the firing lock.

- Aye, Sir.
- Belay that order.

I'm not prepared to sacrifice any lives.
Not yet.

If you're wrong?

Then I'll have to live with it.

You said it yourself, Admiral.
That thing may be headed toward Earth.

If it jumps away, then we lose
our only hope of taking it out.

Sir, jamming's clearing.
I'm receiving a transmission from Red Two.

Put it through on speakers.

Aye, Sir.

Launch evac Raptor.

Pegasus, this is Red Two. Come in.

Pegasus, this is Red Two. Come in.

Yes. Red Two, this is Pegasus Actual.
Starbuck, report.

Still pinned down, but holding on.
Tell me there's a ride waiting for us.

On their way, Red Two.

And the Raiders have
broken off their attack.

They'll be headed towards your
coordinates any second now.

Roger that. Means we're
running out of time.

Evac Raptor's on its way.

They want us to set the nuke
and get the hell out.

That's gonna be a problem.
Remote detonator's definitely shot.

Can you rig a manual trigger?

- Probably.
- Then do it.

Do it? What the hell are you talking about?

We are completing this mission.
Am I clear, soldier?

Yes, Sir.

Red Team, Pegasus. Evac ETA two minutes.

This is Red Two. Give me Actual.

Red Two, this is Actual.
What's taking you so long?

Starbuck, they're gonna
be on you any second now.

Our nuke's remote detonator is still fried.

We're gonna have to cook it off by hand.

Red One is still down for the count,
which doesn't give us many options.

What are your orders, Sir?

We still got a m*ssile in the tube.

That evac bird gets them off that ship, we
can still fire this thing off. Mr. Hoshi...

The Raiders are in their
air defense position.

We launch anything,
they're gonna intercept it.

Then we have to leave someone behind,
arm the warhead manually.

That's right.

This is your team, Son.

You make the call.

Red Two, this is Pegasus Actual.

Get the XO, get your men and
get to the evac coordinates.

Secure your men, then detonate the
warhead using the manual trigger.

Complete your mission, Captain.

Understood. Sergeant,
get ready to move out.

- Sir.
- Toasters are bugged out.

I'm gonna get you on your feet.
I'm gonna get you out of here.

Come on, everybody, move inside! Let's go!

Get your suits on.

Come on! Go, go, go!

You, too, Major. Let's get...

You, too, Captain.
Leave the nuke if you don't mind.

What the frak are you doing?

Completing the mission.

Take it. I don't need it anymore.


I just gave you an order, soldier.

Unless you wanna die, I
suggest you obey. Go.

- Why?
- You know damn well why.

Put on your suit,
you're about to run out of air.

It's been an honor, Captain.

Come in, Major.
I've been waiting for you for a long time.

You're what all this is about,
aren't you? What are you?

What am I? A man?

Or am I a machine?

My children believe I am a God.

Are you a God?

I have seen things. Your life, Kendra Shaw.

The things you have done.
Things you felt you had to do.

All leading to this moment.

Do you wish to be forgiven, my child?

I repeat. We will carry out this order.

We will sh**t these people.

What are we doing, Sir? Sir?

Do you wish to be forgiven?


Then come closer.
There's something I have to tell you.


Kara Thrace will lead
the human race to its end.


She is the herald of the Apocalypse,
the harbinger of death.

They must not follow her.

Pegasus, evac Raptor inbound.
Extraction complete. Clear base ship.

Raptor's on its way back, Sir.

They have Starbuck aboard.
Major Shaw stayed behind.


Actual, this is Red One.

Come in.

Red One, this is Pegasus Actual. Report.

Commander, I gotta warn you.
It's Captain Thrace.

Red One, report!

They're jamming us again, Sir.

- Red One, this is Actual. Come in.
- We lost her.

Actual, come in.


As my own existence comes to a close,

only to begin a new in ways uncertain.

You're scared, aren't you, motherfrakker?

You should be.

All this has happened before
and will happen again.

Again. Again.

Again. Again.

Again. Again. Again.

Again. Again.

You wanted to see me, Admiral?

Thank you for coming in.

Starbuck was here a little earlier.

She's recommended Major Shaw
for a posthumous commendation.

- She wasn't looking for medals.
- No, she wasn't.

But I've been going through Cain's logs,

and from a tactical perspective,

it's hard to find
fault in anything that she did

or that Kendra did.

They butchered innocent civilians, Dad.

Come on. How can you ignore that?

I know that I didn't have to face
any of the situations that she did.

I had the President in my face arguing
for the survival of the civilian fleet.

I have Colonel Tigh keeping me honest

and balancing my morality and my tactics,
and I had you.

Now, you don't have any children,
so you might not understand this,

but you see yourself
reflected in their eyes.

And there are some things that I
thought of doing with this fleet,

but I stopped myself because I knew that
I'd have to face you the following day.

If you hadn't been in CIC,

I would've ordered that strike.

Kara would be dead,
so would the rest of the team.

You did nothing wrong, neither did I.

We both made decisions that we had to,
to accomplish our missions.


Cain, Kendra.

Were they wrong?

Well, if I believed in the Gods,
I'd say they'd be judged by a higher power.

But since you don't believe?

Then history will have
to make its judgments.

And since history's first draft
will be written in our logs...

Well, then I guess
I've got some writing to do.

Think about that commendation.

Yeah, I will.

Not a lot to show for a life, huh?

I guess not.

You have any idea why she did it?

Maybe she thought she had
a lot to answer for.

Maybe she had it coming.

We've all got it coming.

You might as well hear this from me.

I've asked to be reassigned to Galactica.

Any reason?

You might say that I have
a beef with my commanding officer.

And what's that?

The motherfrakker keeps
trying to get me k*lled.

Well, you ever think you might deserve it?

Speak for yourself, Lee. I have a destiny.

I had my palm read by a Cylon, remember?

A destiny. Right.

You better believe it. So I guess
you're stuck with me till the end.

I gotta go break in your new CAG... Sir.