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03x12 - Rapture

Posted: 01/08/22 14:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on Battlestar Galactica...

No, I'm sorry, I can't live like this.

So I won't divorce, and you won't cheat.

So where does that leave us?


What's this?

This orders the summary executions of all the detainees listed on the next page.

It requires your signature.

This is a death warrant.

Have you seen the names on this list?

Do you have any idea what they're about to do up there?

You really are a Cylon.

A member of the Final Five.

These feelings are just part of your programming.

The Final Five revealed only to those who enter the temple.

Only to the Chosen One.

The Chosen one.

Her destiny will part company from yours, Gaius.

She's not the Chosen One. You are.

Dear God. Tell me the truth before I die.

Am I a Cylon?

Welcome home, Mr. President.



You're doing the right thing, Gaius.

Gaius? Huh?



Wake up!


Wait a moment.

I need some time to think this through.

Too late, Gaius.

It's time to learn the truth.


Sorry, Sir, no one's allowed to speak to the prisoner without direct Presidential authorization.

I already have authorization.

I need to speak to the prisoner now.

Step back, Sir.

That's it, Gaius.

Deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

That's it, Gaius, deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

The first time's the hardest.

You're doing wonderfully.

I'm alive?

I'm alive.

Thank God, I'm alive!

I always told you to have faith.

Then no one was betrayed.

I was never one of them.

I am one of you.

Is that what you think, Gaius?

I knew it.

I knew it.

I always knew I was different.


Maybe a little gifted.


Ah... ah...


That was a bit rough, actually.

That hurts.

Aah... aah!

What's wrong?

You are, Gaius.

You're not Cylon, you're human.

And you're dead!

He's alive.

I'll get Cottle.

Well, I'm just saying you're gonna be surprised.

Yeah, well, Major...

Right this way.


I think I've seen a bar before.

You've got to be frakkin' kidding me.

Come on.

Hey, this way.

Hey, Joe.

Chief Tyrol, welcome.

Any friend of the Major's is a friend of mine.

Which means, you get the good stuff.

Thank you very much. Don't mind if I do.

I'm not going home tonight, so...


You, uh... you and Cally have a fight?

You didn't hear us?

I figure we could have sold tickets.

Uh... to marriage.

Why we build bars.

Yeah. Yeah.


I warned about the dangers of sleep deprivation.

Psychosis can make a man do strange things.

And Baltar's little hunger strike is not helping either.

The bastard wants to die that bad, I say let him.

Bottom line, we need Baltar to talk.

If the other Cylon saw the same symbols that we saw, They could be on their way to Earth, they could be setting up an ambush by now.

I'm betting that after tonight, he'll be more willing.

Doc, wait an hour or two.

I want him cogent.

I also don't want him to starve.

Well, what do you expect me to do about it?

I expect you to make sure he eats.

I'll see about putting security cameras in that cell.

Uh, Mr. Gaeta.

What, exactly, were you doing going to see Dr. Baltar in the middle of the night?


I couldn't sleep.

And I guess I thought he might be willing to talk to me.

We understand.

Just leave his interrogation to us.

Of course.

You're up late.

You know, the Chief says hi.

He one of your new drinking buddies?

You know, I would invite you, but you made it very clear it's not your thing.

No, it's your thing.

And that's not what I was asking.

I've got a briefing at 0500.

Are we still on for dinner tomorrow?

Damn it. Yeah.

'Cause I already switched watches.


It'd be nice for a husband and wife to occasionally...

Forget it.

Thank you.

You can leave the door open.


Touché, Madam President.

I have no wish to see you suffer.


I've just had the pleasure of having a tube forced up my nose and down my throat.

Everybody's gotta eat.

It's for your own good.

And it's nothing compared to what many of our people were subjected to in your jail cells on New Caprica.

Not my jails.

The Cylons'.

It's an academic distinction at this point, Doctor.

You know, none of us are enjoying this, so why don't you just tell me what I need to know, and your suffering will come to an end?

And I promise you this.

I know nothing about the Cylon plans or their whereabouts.

I witnessed nothing in that temple.

My information on Cylon intelligence is... is limited, to say the least.

Prior to the attack on the colonies, did you have high-level security clearance?

Yeah. So what?

Did you tell anybody about it?

Did you let someone into the defense mainframe?

Careful, Gaius.

The blonde woman that I saw you with on Caprica, just prior to the attack?

She'll flush you out of an airlock without a moment's hesitation.

Unless, of course... that prospect no longer frightens you.

All lies.

A rehash of all the other old lies.

I did not collude... in the genocide of my own people.

This is Devlin and Maryanne McAllister, and their son and daughter.

This is a family of four that was gunned down in their own home on suspicion of harboring insurgents.

I am not responsible.

Just wondered if you recognized even one of these faces.

Did any image get through to you on the rare occasion when you ventured out from behind your sandbags and your razor wire to see what was happening to your people?!

Your people!

I need to know now!

Colonel Tigh, get in here!

Get this man out of here.

He's not gonna talk.

I want you to take him.

I want you to toss him out the nearest airlock.

This is about exacting your pound of flesh!

Guards! Get in here now!

What happened to my fair trial?

Take him out of here.

Get your hands off me.

Get your motherfrakkin' hands off me!

I demand a fair trial!

I am a citizen of the colonies, And I demand a fair trial!

A fair trial!

Take a good look, Doctor.

These are just a fraction of the people you sent to their deaths.

Rather fitting they should see you take your last steps.

Stop. Stop, wait!

Stop! What? What?!

You asked me if I know any of these people. Yes!

I know that man.

Show me. Show me!

Let him go. Let him go.

Keep your g*ns up.

This man.

His name was Adrian Bauer.

He was my lab assistant for three years on Caprica.

So what?!

He was Gemonese. I got him a visa.

I introduced him to his wife.

I am godfather to their first child.

I wouldn't do anything to harm this man or his family.

Or anybody's family.

I am not a m*rder*r. I am innocent.

Why won't you believe me?!

Get him. Take him out here!

Is this what you call Colonial justice?

What did I ever do for you, huh?

Only save your bleeding life!


You gave it your best shot.

I understand.

Yeah, the bastard still wouldn't talk.

Either he's got more stones than I gave him credit for, or...

Or he knew you were bluffing.

Well... well, what do we do with him now?

There is one thing.


The military once ran an experimental interrogation program involving dr*gs.

Hallucinogens, specifically.

The goal of the program was to create a state of anxiety so intense that the subject believed that their very survival was at stake.

The interrogators would exploit that.

Become less an adversary, and more a lifeline.

At least that was the idea.

It might get Baltar to talk...

Tell us what the Cylons know about Earth.

But it's dangerous.

Especially for someone in Baltar's condition.

Are you telling me we have these dr*gs aboard Galactica?

You're being awfully accommodating.

Is that how it looks to you?

Your estranged, two-timing bitch of a wife calls you up for a quickie, and you hop on the first shuttle?

I'd say yeah.

I've been thinking about some stuff, Kara.

Oh, yeah? Like what?

Like... what that crazy skinjob Leoben said about you and a special destiny.

I mean, what if there's something to that?

Kara Thrace and her special destiny?

It sounds more like a bad cover band, Sam.

Think about it though.

Why did I survive all those months on Caprica, waiting for you to return, if I was just gonna walk out on you?

And you, I mean, did you go through that hell, locked in the fake house with that fake husband, just so you could ditch me?

I don't think so.

You know, when I think about it like that...

Do you love him?


Lee, Kara.

Do you love Lee?

Gods, Sam...


I don't know.

Then you gotta go to him.

I thought you were off duty.

I am, yeah.

I was jut gonna stop by the bar for a little while.

If you're gonna see Kara, just admit it.

Look, I told you there's nothing going on.


People have told me, "Lee won't cheat. He's too noble."

Only problem is, it's all a crock, isn't it?

You know what the only problem is?

The only problem is that you don't trust me.

That's it.

And this id just your own frakkin' insecurities talking.

Same as always.

I mean, right from the get-go.

The very first morning that I proposed.

You know what? Forget it.

This is frakking pointless.

No, you're right.

I did see this coming.

And I was naive enough to marry you anyway.

You want to know why, Lee?

'Cause I loved you.

I loved you so frakking much.

I thought I was lucky.

That's right, lucky.

That I could have you for just as long as you or Kara would let me.


Come on.

It's not a marriage, Lee.

This is a lie.

You want to be with Kara?

Go ahead.

I won't stand in your way.

It's over.

Wait, where are you going?


I gotta get going.

So so long.



I love you.

I'm a human being.

I'm a human being, I have rights.

I said I have rights.


Please help me,

I'm not sure I can, Gaius.

Pain is one thing, but this...

Without free will, what are you?

Can God even pity such a creature?

Why not just admit you're doing this for your own satisfaction?

That's the truth, isn't it?

I don't know why you're not putting the needle in yourself.

Hold his head. Oh, no.

No, no, no, no!

No! No!

He's under.

Try not to make any loud noise.

Put the head strap on.

Where am I?

Oh, my God, where am I?

What are you saying?

If I leave Sam... will you still leave Dee?

My Gods, Kara.

I mean, you know, how do I know that tomorrow you're not gonna pull another 180?

I mean these are our frakking marriages we're talking about.

It's not some stupid dogfight we can just jink our way out of.

Think about it, Lee.

That's what you're best at.

Where am I?

My God, where am I?

Can you hear my voice?

Can you hear me, Doctor?

Admiral, is that you?

We're looking for you, Doctor.

We can't find you.

Can you tell us where you are?

It's water.

I'm in the water.

It's cold, and it's dark.

I can't see anything.

Is there anything that you can see that can tell us where you are?

Look for the light. Can you see it?


Try to reach for the light.

That's it.

That's it.

That's it.

Follow the light.


Caprica Six.

She saved my life.

Shielded me from the expl*si*n.

Doctor, did you conspire with her to subvert our defense system?

Conspiracy requires intent!

I never intended...

But then she said deep down, I'd always suspected.

But I didn't know.

How could I know?

Did I conspire?

Did I?



I don't know.


It wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault!

I am not responsible!


Caprica Six... she chose me.

Chose me over all men.

Chosen to be seduced, taken by the hand.

Guided between the light and the dark.

But is she an angel, or is she a demon?

Is she imaginary, or is she real?

Is she my own voice, of the voice...

I can't stay afloat much longer!

Then give us details, Doctor.

Give us details about the Cylons, or we'll let you drown.

Alone, in the dark.


Hey, Chief.

Why is it so frakkin' hard?

Why can't we just get back to normal?

Normal, ha.

What is normal anyway?

Chief, you can tell me if I'm out of line here, but, um... do you ever think about Sharon?


Come on.

You never wonder "what if?"


Look, don't leave me!

Don't leave me. I know I'm flawed.

I never claimed to be...

Yeah, mistakes... mistakes were made.

Terrible mistakes.

Were they mine?

A m I solely to blame?

I was a player, that's all.

I was a player.

I was struggling, trying to find my place in God's plan.

In God's resolve. I...

I never intended for certain things to happen!

Doesn't that matter!?

You took the Cylons to the temple.

To the Eye of Jupiter.

What did it tell them?

What did it tell them about Earth?

I wasn't looking for...

What were you looking for, Doctor?

What were you looking for?

What were you looking for, Doctor?

Their faces, but they wouldn't show them to me.

Their faces?

Whose faces?

The Five.

The Final Five.

The Final Five? Cylons?

I thought I might be one of them.

I told them I wanted to be one of them.

A Cylon. Why?

All my sins forgiven.

A new beginning.

Are you a Cylon, Dr. Baltar?


That's not good enough, Doctor.

Tell me... tell me what you told the Cylons.

What do they know?

Tell me, or I'll let you go, Doctor.

I'll have to let you go.

Tell me, or I'll let you go, Doctor.

I'll have to let you go.

Watch where you're going!

Where's my ring?

Has anybody seen my ring?

I lost my ring.

Has anybody seen my ring?

Where is it?!

Where's my...

What did you tell the Cylons, Doctor?

Admiral, we're losing him.

That's enough.

I'm putting an end to this freak show right now.

Listen to this.

"Five final Cylon models, "five pillars of the temple, "for the five priests devoted to the one whose name cannot be spoken."

Come on, it's all just mumbo jumbo.

He's holding a lot back, Admiral.

I'm sure of it.

Then maybe we should resort to more direct methods.

Direct methods... now you have my vote.


We tried the stick.

It's time to try the carrot.

The thing he's most deeply afraid of is, even if he talks, we'll k*ll him.

Smart man.

We have to ease his fear.

Make him believe that if he collaborates, at the very least he'll have his life.

He won't buy that, coming from us.

Of course not.

We have to find someone he trusts.

As perverse as it may seem, I may actually owe these people a debt of gratitude.

I realize there's probably nothing I can say that can make this right. but there's something you need to know.

I asked you to marry me because I was in love with you.

Just like I'm in love with you now.

They forced me... to admit my failings.

And now that I have, I feel positively liberated.

You were right, I loved Kara.

And you know, maybe there's a part of me that always will.

In my heart, I know I have always done... what I've had to do.

But I married you.

I married you.

And you know, when I look back at our marriage, at the time that we have spent together, you are good for me, Dee.

And I need you.

And I don't think I ever really realized that, till I knew that I was losing you.

I can't promise you a trial, Doctor.

But I'm sure that if you'll give them something... anything...

But please just give me another chance.

That's all I'm asking.

Just give me a chance.


These charts that I've been using to plot our course to Earth.

I've never been confident of my calculations.

Hmm, that's lucky, because the calculations are wrong.

I detect a number of inconsistencies right off the bat.

You see, these figures here are wrong.

That's exactly what I was afraid of.

The Cylon navigation systems are far more advanced than our own, but I have managed to commit many of their algorithms to memory.

If you can offer them this kind of help, I'm certain at the very least they'll spare your life.

Maybe we can even get you out of this cell, and offer you some proper quarters.

Creature comforts, there's the clincher.


Where is it?

Um, where is what, Doctor?

"Where is what?"

So much for that little stratagem.



You all right?

Listen, we don't have to stay here if you don't want to, okay?


Two whiskeys, straight up.

I should have known that you'd betray me.

What did you tell them?

That you stayed behind till the grisly end on New Caprica, so you could what?

So you could, uh... you could feed information to the Resistance?

Who do you think allowed you to do that?

That's a lie.

No, it's not a lie.

You think I'm blind.

You see, I literally had a g*n pointed to my head.

But nobody forced you to play both sides.

So I'm asking you, Mr. Gaeta... who is the real traitor in this room?

To the first of many.

Oh... Ah-ha-ha.

Let's do another.


Thank you.

I am not a traitor.

Because there are for worse things than being a traitor.

Aren't there, Felix?

If your friends only knew the truth.

Don't worry.

We gotta get in there.

Get away from me!


Frak you!

Lt. Gaeta, step away from the prisoner, now!

Step away from the prisoner.

I will not ask you again.

Stand down, Sergeant.

Step back, Mr. Gaeta.

No, no, no, Sir.

I can't... I can't let him live.

Not after what he's done.

Mr. Gaeta...

Mr. Gaeta, wait, please.

Look at me.

I understand what you're feeling.

Yes, I do.

The other night, you didn't come here to interrogate Dr. Baltar.

You came here to k*ll him, didn't you?

I understand that. I do.

What's his condition?

He missed the artery.

He'll live.

Better get him to sick bay.

Get a gurney in here right away.

Go easy on him.

All things considered, Gaius, it could have been worse.

Much worse.

And though you're not one of the Five, you certainly have the luck of the Gods.

Well, I am the Chosen One.

You didn't go tell them that, did you?



Everybody's gotta have a secret.

I told him I didn't take any satisfaction in seeing his pain.

But the truth is I was willing to see him endure a great deal of suffering, in order to get what I wanted.

It wasn't some intelligence or some truth.

I wanted a genuine admission of guilt.

That's something that you're not gonna get from someone like Baltar.

He doesn't see himself that way.

It's not who he is.

In his eyes... he's the victim... not the criminal.

It's not too late for him to just disappear.

We can't do that.

For all his crimes, he's one of us.

So what happens next?

We give him his trial.

Back masking Turned me on, din't I....