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03x10 - The Passage

Posted: 01/08/22 14:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Battlestar Galactica...

My name is Lee Adama, and I love Kara Thrace!

Did you hear the news?

We got married. Can you believe it?


No, I can't believe it.

Congratulations, Sam.

And good luck.

You're gonna need it.

I missed you.

I missed you too.

The child's life must be protected at all costs.

The first Cylon-human hybrid.

It truly is a miracle from God.

This child will not be raised by the Cylon.

And I cannot risk Cylon agents getting their hands on it.

I've made my decision.

We lost her.

We did the best we could, but she's dead.

And that's all there is to it.

As far as the Cylons know, this child no longer exists.

That is a good, good thing.

It's Hera.

The first of God's new generation.

Have you seen the faces of the other five Cylons?

The ones that no one has seen?

Why do you want to know about them?

I could be a Cylon.

I thought our food supply was inexhaustible.

The food manufacturing system's been contaminated.

If we just hold on until Athena gets back, this algae can keep us alive indefinitely.

There's a way through the star cluster.

And I found the planet.

There's huge swathes of algae, just like we thought.

14-inch intake. Yeah, that's great.

2-meter extensions.

Just pack 'em and stack 'em...

Yes, right there.

I've got your meter reading for the light.

All right...

This can go on the first Raptor.

All that can go on the second one.

Need a hand? Oh, yeah.

Couple more days, we can wrap this up.

Get away from this stench.

It stinks as bad up here as it does down there.

At least it tastes as good as it smells.


Well, it's breakfast, lunch, and dinner until someone finds a hot fudge planet.

Now, what is this?

Who the hell is that?

Starbuck, I'm guessing.

Third time this week.

It's amazing how she keeps landing on the top of the pilot rotation.

Well, the donut runs are assigned off a coin flip.

Kara probably thinks she's running a stream of bad luck.

I should probably get over there.

I'm gonna skip the meet and greet this time, if you don't mind.


Brought her in a little hot, don't you think?

Yeah, but had I known I was being graded, I would have thrown in a couple barrel rolls.

Remind me to thank the CAG for sticking me on these crap donut runs, huh?

This is insane, you know?

Mm, that's just the way I like it.

Should we start emptying the tents?

Uh, yeah.

Get this cleared up first.

And then get to the tents.




I can barely look Dee in the eye.

We gotta do something about that.

Okay, like what?

I don't know. Like divorce.

No. Hmm-mm.

Oh, come on, let's get real here.

You said yourself things were bad.

Your marriage was failing.

Yeah, but marriage is a sacrament.

It's not a pyramid game, you don't...

You don't get do-overs, Lee.

I made a vow in the sight of the gods, and I'm not gonna break that.

You're breaking it every time we do this.

Every time.

Divorce is different.

This is just bending the rules.

No, I'm sorry. I can't... I can't...

I can't live like this.

Every time I look at my wife, I see my own guilt reflected in her eyes.


Wow, Lee, that is really poetic of you.

But you don't need to make that big of a deal out of this.

Well, it is a big deal, Kara.

It is.

It is.


So, I won't divorce, and you won't cheat.

So where does that leave us?


Who were the Final Five?

I could be a Cylon.

She's not well.

What's the matter, Hera?


It's okay, Hera.

It's okay. Shh.

I'm here for you.

Our initial radio carbon dating suggests the temple's at least 4,000 years old, which lines up with the exodus of the 13th Tribe.

Do you really think you've found the Temple of Five?


I recognize it from the books in my father's study, Madame President.

He was a priest, and the Temple of Five was an important part of our faith.

Well, his faith, anyways.

Could this place be related to the Eye of Jupiter, Chief?

You got me, Madame President.

All I know is the stuff I kinda remember from sneaking into my dad's study when he wasn't looking.

The Eye of Jupiter?

What, exactly, are we talking about?

According to the scriptures, it's a marker that was left behind by the 13th Tribe.

It's supposed to point the way to Earth.

Chief, we're on alert. This is Adama.

Admiral, Lt. Gaeta, CIC.

We have multiple Dradis contacts.

Four Cylon baseships just jumped into view.

On our way.


Four baseships inbound at high speed.


The bastards practically jumped right on top of us.

Fleet's spooling up their FTL drives, sir.

Preparing to jump to emergency stand-by coordinates on your command.

Do it. Aye, sir.

We gotta hold this position until everyone's back on board.

How many are down there?


Admiral, if the Eye of Jupiter is somewhere in that temple, and it really is a marker on the way to Earth...

We can't let the Cylons get their hands on it.

Stand by to launch Vipers.

Something's odd here.

The Cylons aren't launching Raiders.

The baseships are standing off outside of weapons range.

That isodd.


It's the Cylon baseship, requesting to speak with you.

Put it through the speaker.

This is Admiral Adama.

Admiral, I can't tell you what a genuine pleasure it is to hear your voice.

This is Gaius Baltar.

I can't believe we're allowing Cylons on this ship.

They must want something pretty bad, or else they would have started sh**ting as soon as they jumped in.

Well, why would they send Baltar?

They've gotta know we won't believe a word he says.

He can say whatever he wants.

The longer he talks, the more time we have to get Lee and his people off the planet.

Feels like old times, doesn't it?

I can't believe how much I actually miss this place.

You know you can't return.

They'd toss you out the nearest airlock, and then throw a party.

Yes, I know.

Still, I can't help feeling I'm finally... home.

If you're really a Cylon... a member of the Final Five... these feelings are just part of your programming.

Part of your cover.

And if I'm a human being after all...

If I'm not one of the Final Five, then this is the last chance I ever get to see my kind again.

Colonel, wait.

Well, look at this. Should we salute?

That's Boomer.

The one who shot the Old Man.

Well, you just lost your visiting privileges.

Hold that thing here until we get back.

You three, keep on moving.


Laura, I...

It's good to see you.

The weapons are hardly necessary.

Yes, exactly.

We come in peace.

What do you want?

We want the Eye of Jupiter.

So let's just skip all the denials and protestations, and go straight to what we know... that you have people on the ground.

And we know that you have found the original settlement of the 13th Tribe.

It also doesn't take a lot of deduction to conclude that the only reason you haven't cut your losses and jumped away by now, is that you probably found the artifact, but you haven't been able to retrieve it yet.

Is that about right, Madame President?

We have our people on the surface.

We're not leaving them behind.

That's a touching, but not very convincing idea.

The chances that we've all converged on this small planet at the same time are infinitesimally small.

So we all understand it's not chance.

You want the Eye. The Cylons want the Eye.

I would like to discuss the practical issues that come to hand... and there are some... so that we can reach some accommodation.

The less this man says, the better this will go.

Wait a minute.

If it wasn't for me, the Cylons would have blown you out of the sky two seconds after we'd arrived.

I think you can handle this alone... if you can stomach it.

So I've saved your life... again.

How many times is that now?

Because I'm beginning to lose count.

If it wasn't for me, you'd all be dead!

What's your offer?

You give us the Eye of Jupiter... we let you go.

And... we'll throw in Baltar.

What are you talking about now? Indeed.

What's he saying? I'm improvising.

Throw in something, sweeten the pot.

Besides, I suspect that the Admiral and Madame President would enjoy some nice, quiet, private time with their former leader.

Am I right?

It's worth thinking about.

Definitely worth thinking about.

Despite that uniform, it's not your home anymore.

I've made my choice, and I know where my loyalties lie.

What if I told you that your daughter was still alive?

I'd say you were lying.

Well, someone's lying.

But it's not me.

Hera's alive.

At least for now.

She's ill, and we don't know why.

Yeah, right.

Baltar found her on New Caprica during the evacuation.

She's on our baseship right now.

From what we could gather, she was hidden at Laura Roslin's school, which means that she probably planned the whole thing in the first place.

I don't need to listen to this.

Watch her.

They let you think that she was dead.

You don't do that to a person... you do that to a thing.

That's what your friends think of you, Sharon.

You're not one of them. You're athing!

We're not giving you the key to finding Earth.

You try bringing it up from that planet and see what happens.

We outnumber you four to one.

I'm setting the terms now.

Make any attempt to attack this ship or the people on the planet's surface, I'll launch every nuke I've got.

Lay waste to the entire continent.

You're bluffing.

You want to find Earth as much as we do.

Guards, escort them back to their ship.

Yes sir.

Well, it would help if I knew what I was looking for.

Does it really look like an eye?

I don't know, Lee.

I've looked at the scriptures, and they make reference to the Eye being left in some sort of temple.

But there's no physical description.

All we know for sure is it supposedly points the way to Earth.

And you believe that?

The Cylons do.

I can't take a chance that they're right.

If it looks like they're going to get into the temple, your order is to blow it.

Understood. What's my time frame?

What's going on?

The Cylons are jamming the wireless.

Every frequency.


Okay, we need to establish hard communications.

Work out a plan to defend this temple while Tyrol searches.

Defend it with what?

A dozen marines, maybe five more military?

We're gonna have to draft the civilians.

Can I make a suggestion that you won't like?

Do you make any other kind?

Use Sam to command the civilians.

You're not serious.

Lee. Hey, Sam.


I heard you were coming down.

Guess it takes an emergency to get us in the same room these days.

Can we do this later, please?

Sam, I need you to command the civilians, form them into fire teams.

I'll give my deployment orders through Sergeant...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Deployment orders? Fire teams?

Come on, some of these guys have never even helda r*fle before.

Well, you've supposed to be the expert in turning civilians into soldiers.

Oh, no, no. We were guerilla fighters.

All right? Hit and run.

Keep moving, keep the enemy off balance.

I've never had to defend a fixed position.

That's a whole different game.

Well, then, you're just gonna have to learn it fast, because that's what we're doing.

We're defending this fixed position.

Until Chief finds his Eye of Jupiter.

Okay, so you want us to risk our lives for something that you haven't even foundyet?!

Listen, Sam, I'm not even sure it exists.

But I don't have to tell you every little godsdamn detail.

You know what you have to explain to me?

Hey, hey, hey.


The Major's in charge on this one, okay?



Well, I certainly wouldn't want to step between you and your Major.

Well, I thought that went really well.

He'll do it.

He'd better.

I miss Nicky. Do you think he's okay?

Yes, he's fine.

He's on Galactica. He's fine.

I hope.

You know, when I was growing up, I hated everything about the faith.

The rules, the rituals.

The endless discussions at the dinner table.

I used to sneak into my mom's prayer room.

You know, holiest of the holies.

I would dance around naked with porn magazines, just to defy the gods and tell them to frak off.

I mean, I don't even know how I found this place.

I just got this urge to start... walking.

And then, suddenly, there it is.

You should see the look on your face when you're in here.

There's this... reverence.

You even talk softer.

I feel something in here.

Something true.

But here I am setting charges in this special place.

Holiest of the holies.

This is... the Temple of Five.

If my parents could see this.

And I'm gonna blow it up.

I noticed some anomalies in the solar radiation belt.

I made an analysis of the star's vibrational modes.

Sure enough, it appears to be highly unstable.

If you can believe it, on the verge of going supernova.


Could be tomorrow. Could be next year.

There's no way of knowing for sure, sir.

When it does happen, the only warning that we're likely to get is a fast helium flash, at which point we'll have to jump out of here before it obliterates the entire planetary system.

Sir, I am not one to look for religious signs.

But I can't get my head around these odds.

That human and Cylon both converge on this planet, at this exact moment, just as that star's about to go supernova?

I'm not a religious person, Mr. Gaeta, as you both know.

So if this is the work of a higher power, then they have one hell of a sense of humor.

We have a standoff. Very predictable.

They have the Eye, and they'll nuke it if we try to take it.

And we'll sh**t them down if they try bringing it up to Galactica.

Are we sure they have it?

How do we know they're not bluffing?

You don't.

We Threes feel that we can't afford to take the chance.

I think we're missing the big picture here.

We have the opportunity to rid the universe of the human pestilence once and for all.

We can discuss that after we get the Eye of Jupiter.

After we find the path to Earth.

Let me point out that it doesn't matter if we find Earth in five days, or if we find Earth in 5,000 years.

We're machines.

We'll still be around to savor the great miracle.

So let them destroy the Eye.

If, indeed, they have it.

We have to take advantage of the situation and take down Galactica once and for all.

Or we could stand here and do nothing.

We're not doing nothing, Cavil.

Plans are in motion.

I'm sorry, what does that mean?


I put a heavy Raider down on the planet's surface as soon as we jumped in.

I thought that would be our best chance of slipping by their Dradis.

It seems I was right.

Is there any particular reason the rest of us weren't involved in this decision?

It was a "need to know" mission.

So now I am telling you, because you need to know.

The point is, we have cut off their troops' communications, and we've put our own troops on the ground.

So as soon as our Centurions retrieve the Eye, you can take out Galactica.

Okay, here's the deal. We're out of options.

The Cylons have got us pinned on this rock, and our only way out of here is to hold this place until Galactica can send a rescue party.

So I've divided you into two teams, okay?

Team one is gonna be distributing amm*nit*on throughout the camp.

Team two is gonna be making homemade Tylium mines.

I know that's not glamorous work, but we're gonna need the extra firepower in case the Cylons decide to take a shot at us.

Look, I know some of you are scared.

And that's okay, 'cause I'm scared too.

But if we keep our heads, and we do our jobs, we can do this.

And we can all get out of here in one piece.

Now, Barolay has a list of your names and your assignments.

Make sure you get with her.

We'll see you outside.

That was good. Honest.

You'd make a good officer.

An officer, huh?

Like you?

Someone who swears an oath, and knows how to keep it?

I'm not really sure what you think is going on here.

Don't insult me, okay?

I'm not stupid.

I know my wife.

I know how she is.

We've been married for a year and a half.

What, do you think you're the first?

I chose to marry Kara. That's my business.

But you?

I don't know what the hell you think you're trying to do.

I'm trying to fight a w*r.

I'm trying to get these people off this rock in one piece.

Anything for the cause, Major.

Gaius, I am on the verge of seeing the faces of the Final Five Cylons.

Maybe the face of God Himself.

...I don't care if it rains or freezes, as long as...

The five lights of the apocalypse rising, struggling towards the light.

Scenes revealed only to those who enter the temple.

Only to the chosen one.

The chosen one.

The chosen one.

The chosen one. The chosen one.

The chosen one.

The chosen one.

The Five await me. The chosen one.

End of line. Until next time...

Gaius, I'm so close to knowing the truth.

What truth?

The Eye, the Eye, the Eye.

Look into the Eye to know thyself.


I'd like to think that we three have shared something.

Transcended the barriers that separate people.

And yet, somehow, the more time goes on, the more I find myself on the outside looking in.

Well, that's not the case at all.

Is it?

Because we three, we're integral.

We're part of... We're finished.

Baltar's and my destiny lie separate from yours, Caprica.

The five lights will only be revealed to those who enter the temple.

We have to go down to the planet.

Only you and I can see this through.

What are you after?

What is this secret that you keep pursuing?

You have to tell me the truth.

I love you both.

We love you too.

But this is something you cannot share with us.

Something I can't share with you?

I loved you when everyone else wanted you dead.

Now, look, you mustn't misunderstand.

It's not personal.

It's transcendent.

It's like what you said. It's transcendent.

Pray for us, Caprica.

We'll be praying for you.

Okay, he wants us to set up forward observation posts that are hard-wired back to base for communications.

The ops are gonna be staggered at strategic locations, giving us as much warning as possible, if there is a Cylon advance.

Since we only have one Raptor, Captain Thrace will fly point.

Oh, joy.

Wireless is dead, so if you do make contact, do not engage.

Fly to the closest observation post.

Have them relay the information back to command.

Be sure to note force strength, direction of march, and position.

I have flown recon once or twice, Lieutenant.

Griggs, you and Varrick are gonna set up an observation post here.

Henick and Ditko, you go here.

And who gets lucky number three?

That would be Sergeant Fischer and me.

Do you have a problem with that, Captain?


We go in an hour.

Green Base, Foxfire one.

Green Base, Foxfire one.

We are open for business. Over.

Son of a bitch.

Tell me you're seeing this.

She's relaying a message.

It's the Centurions.

Starbuck's been hit.

Say again, Starbuck is going down.

Uhh! Uhh!

There's really not much more on the Eye in these scriptures, but there's several interesting stories about the temple... listen to this.

"Five pillars of the temple were fashioned

"after the five priests devoted to the one whose name cannot... "

Laura. What?

The Cylon we know as Boomer arrived with the others.

She told our Sharon that her child was alive... and that she was on board one of the Cylon baseships.

And that she had been seen on New Caprica in your school.

The child is alive.

Yes. Yes.

The child was at the school. Yes, I kept her there.

And we suspected that the Cylons captured her during the exodus of New Caprica.

Yes, it's true.

Listen, the thing you might want to know is that when sh...

Do you have any idea what we've gone through?

You, of all people...

know what it's like to lose a child.

The difference is your child's still alive.

And eventually, I hope you become grateful of that.

I want to see her.

What do you mean she's gone down?

Gone down where?

Somewhere in the north valley.

Get your men on the line. Full a*mo loads.

They're coming from the north.

We're gonna set up a rescue party, right?

Uh, no.

We don't have the manpower.

We have to defend the position.

Lee, she could be dying out there.

Yeah, I know that, Sam. I know.

But we are thin on the ground here, and the Cylons are on the march.

We can't help her.

We have to hold our positions.

Are you out of your frakkin' mind?

We just picked up six heavy Raiders falling away from the Cylon fleet.

Definitely heading down toward the planet.

I don't get it.

They'd have to know we see them.

They're testing us.

Want to know if we're bluffing about nuking the planet.

Well, unfortunately, we are bluffing.

Are we?

Mr. Hoshi.

Aye, sir.

Order nuclear ground-strike missiles in launch tubes 4 through 10.

Aye, sir.

This is a nuclear mission order.

The Major's right.

We don't have any troops to spare if we're gonna hold this position.

Screw this position!

Listen, we can take those hills. Use guerilla tactics.

That's what I've been talking about this whole time.

Well, that is not the mission. We have our orders.

We are stronger...

What are you, some godsdamn wind-up tin soldier?

This is my wife we're talking about.

I know who she is!

And I have known her and cared about her a hell of a lot longer than you!

You can do whatever the frak you want!

I am going after my wife!

Missiles are loaded, Admiral.

Open launch tube doors.

Doors are open, Admiral.

What are you doing?

Getting ready to nuke the planet.

Radiological detection.

They've opened their m*ssile doors.

He's bluffing.

I can't let you do that, Sam.

I am not asking you for permission.

Sergeant Mathias.

Load target package 3-Bravo.

Set ground zero for the underground structure.

Are we prepared to sacrifice Lee?

They're loading a targeting package.

It's a bluff. Don't let him rattle you.

The risk to us is unacceptable.

Turn back the Raiders.

The ships cannot turn back. He won't launch it.

And D'Anna was explicit that she and Baltar make it to the planet's surface.

So, is that what all this is really about?

And the heavens opened up, and they saw the Eye.

But where is that frakking Eye?

Are you kidding me?

Are you gonna sh**t me now?

I can't let you go.

I need you on the line.

I need you commanding those civilians.

I'm sorry, Sam, but you cannot go.

I'm sorry too, Major.

But you can't stop me.

Release of nuclear weapons is now authorized.


Slap stick.