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03x02 - Precipice

Posted: 01/08/22 14:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Battlestar Galactica...

I can't figure it.

All those weeks in detention and suddenly, they let me out.

I want a specific place.

I want a specific time for a very high-level meeting of the insurgency leadership.

And if I don't get it, we pick up Saul again.

And this time, he'll lose more than an eye.

The child's life must be protected at all costs.

The first Cylon human hybrid.

It truly is a miracle from God.

We lost her.

We did the best we could, but she's dead.

And that's all there is to it.

She's so beautiful.

You understand, Maya, that this adoption requires absolute secrecy.

You have my word.

There's a Raptor out there every day, listening for a wireless call.

And it's out there because the old man isn't just gonna leave us to the Cylons.

"Will make contact

"this frequency every 12 hours.

Have hope. We're coming for you."

Cylons have removed launch keys from grounded Colonial ships.

Location: unknown.

Best option is installing people on the ground.

Getting their hands on the original launch keys.

Admiral's decided to put some boots on the ground.

Wants to send an officer as a liaison between us and the resistance elements on the planet to coordinate the rescue op.

Makes sense. What's the problem?

It's who he's sending.

This entire plan is a reckless gamble.

You are risking the lives of the entire human race.

You should make plans very soon to search for Earth with the Pegasus and the civilian fleet.

But I'm going back.

We round up the leaders of the insurgency, and we execute them... publicly.

We round up at random groups off the street, and we execute them... publicly.

Send a message that the gloves are coming off.

The insurgency stops now or else we start reducing the human population to a more manageable size.

Let them stretch their legs for a minute.

All right. Everybody out!

Five-minute rest break. Come on, move!


Over here.


Run! Don't look back.


Can I help you?

Here we go.


Sorry. That's all right. It doesn't hurt.

I appreciate you doing this.

I can't seem to get it right in the mirror.


Um, I want you to know that I would do anything for you.

The list.

Cally's on the list. They're gonna k*ll her.

What list? They're gonna k*ll her.

What are you talking about?

I got this.

I got this from the dead-drop.

From the source in the administration.

It's a death list and Cally's name is on it.

They're rounding up people in the city.

Cally's already in the detention.

They could take her out at any minute, and then just...

They got this organized by transport vehicles.

Cally's in the group heading for map coordinate X-Ray Seven.

I know, but where the frak is that?

I mean, how are we gonna...

Calm down, dammit.

You gotta start thinking clearly here, Chief, or she's dead.

Now we've already figured out their map coordinate system.

It's referred to in the list of Cylon freqs you got from the last dead-drop.

Holy frak! You're right.

I can extrapolate the coordinates...

Cally's group has to pick up a bunch of people in town first.

That'll take time.

Take four men and get out there ahead of the trucks.

Chief! Pull it together.

You won't do her any good if you get caught too.

Besides, the last thing your son wants is me and Ellen for parents.

Find that list, Chief.

Where the frak is it?

Dammit! Dammit!

Where's that frackin' list?

It's gotta be here. It's gotta be here.

Frak! Come on!

Here it is. Okay.

X-Ray Seven.

1, 4, 3...

Hey, Chief. Good day for a walk, huh?

Get your men together. We're going to Burglar's Flats.

Talk to me, Gunny.

Don't like it, LT.

Too much cover along this trail.

We could catch enfilade fire from there... there... and along there.

Let's move out.

I'm going to the rendezvous point.

Place your men on the ridge for cover.

Go Panthers!

C-Bucks rule!

Hey, Sam. It's been a while.

Funny, I feel like I see you every day.

Come on.


Move down to the ridge. Move down to the ridge.

Crispin, you here.

This is it. Lock and load.

All right. What do we see?

Oh, frak me.


They got Laura Roslin and Tom Zarek with them.

Is there any sign of Cally?

Not yet.

So Galactica's got a rescue plan in place and ready to go.

My job's to get the launch keys for the civilian ships still on the ground, then coordinate the rescue mission with your evacuation plan.

When can we meet with Colonel Tigh?

We're gonna wait until nightfall before we head back into the city.

There she is.

There she is.

Oh, my gods. There she is.

What the frak's she doing?

She's making a run for it.

The bulletheads are lining up.

It's a firing squad.

Sight in on the Centurions... right now!

Cally's right in our line of fire.

If we sh**t, we're gonna hit her.

Count to five.

Open fire.

Two skinjobs.

Should we take 'em down?

Where there are skinjobs, there are bulletheads.

Bring up the RPG.

There's a system of tunnels we been using that run parallel and under...


Do you hear that?


Thousand one...

Thousand two...

Thousand three...

Thousand four...

Thousand five.

Frak this. We gotta get out of here.

Stay put. Trust me.



Shh, shh, shh.

I got you. I got you.

They were waiting for us, LT.

Right where we thought.

Sir, you better take a look at this.

I found it on a dead skinjob.

It's your handwriting, isn't it?

Yeah. Damn right it is.

We were sold out.


You all right, Tom?


Been a while since I had a woman throw me to the ground.

Not quite as much fun as I remember.

Hurts, huh?


Then I hope it hurts a long, long time till you go to Download City.

You all right down there?

Oh, my gods.

It's good to see you, Chief.

Good to see you too, ma'am.

What happens now? Where do we go from here?

We're going home.

We're going home.

Admiral Adama's on his way.

We're getting off this rock. We're going back to Galactica.

Don't worry about it, Gaius. It's all right.

It doesn't matter to me really.

You can stop that right now, okay?

My ego's not so fragile as all that.

These things happen.

Or they don't happen.

So what should we talk about?

Should we talk about your day?

How was your day, darling?

How was your day at the office?

My office.

Any news?


Well, let me tell you about my day, because it was a hoot.

I had the most fascinating chat with one of the Dorals.

He's got this theory about sanitation being the key to regaining human trust and confidence.

Something about... toilet paper.

No, lack of toilet paper. That's it.

If people could only wipe their bums properly, there'd be a measurable uptick in the polls.

Four months of this, Gaius.

Four months of watching you slip further and further down into this well of self-hatred and loathing.

Do you know what I've given up for you?

Do you?

Do you know, what with the occupation and everything, I really can't say I've given it that much thought recently.

Don't go.


That doesn't look so bad.

There's something that I wanted to say to you.

I'm sorry that I left you alone.

I didn't mean for you to get hurt.

I was upset with myself.

And not you, okay?


Grown-ups do stupid things sometimes.

We get caught up in our own little world until it's almost too late.

You have no idea what I'm saying to you, do you?

Okay. Time to take a nap.

Don't be afraid. I know who you are.

What you are.

Poor thing.

You must be terrified.

Do you have any candy?



Kamala's so bitter.

Zeus sees all.

Sees you, Number Three.

Sees your pain. Your destiny.

All the gods weep for you.

There is no Zeus.

No other god but God.

Well, you don't believe that anymore.

You don't know what you believe and that is why you're here.

It's not true.

I don't even know why I'm here.

This is the stupidest thing I ever did.

It is yourdream that brings you to me.

How do you know about that?

I have a message for you from the one you worship.

He speaks through me to you just as he speaks in your dreams.

The message is...

The fruit born of two peoples is alive.

A child named after the wife and sister of the all-knowing Zeus.

Hera lives.

That's not true.

The child is dead.

You will hold her in your arms, and you'll know for the first time what it is to feel true love.

But you'll lose everything you've done here.

Wish I had some chocolate caramels.

Let's move!

We got some people waiting for their ride down there.

Will you quit looking at me like that?

Like what?

You know like what.

Like we're never gonna see each other again.

We will. It's a good plan, D.

Take care of the admiral?

Take care of our son.

All right, people, you know how this works:

Pegasus crew on the port side of the line, Galactica on the right.

Their enemies will divide them.

Their colonies broken in the fiery chasm of space.

Their shining days renounced by a multitude of dark sacrifices.

Yet still they will remain always together.

Always together.

That's the third time you've taken a look at your watch.

Got dinner plans?

No, I was just thinking.

Sharon's probably on the ground by now.

I know.

These are your orders.

You'll find the rendezvous point there.

Take the civilian fleet.

And wait for me for 18 hours.

If I'm not back in 18 hours, then find Earth.

Yeah, right.

I'll see you at the rendezvous point.

18 hours.

Try not to be late.

I'm getting old. I'm a little slow.

But I'll be there.

Gods, I wish I could talk you out of this.

You can't.

You tried.

You know, dad...


Don't make me cry in my own hangar deck.


I'll see you there.

Permission to leave your ship, Admiral.

Permission granted, Commander.


Commander. Pegasus.


18 hours.



Hey, Jake.

Hey, Jake.

Yeah, you don't care who I am, do ya?

All God's creatures in your eyes.

Here ya go.

Can't sleep?

Bad dreams.

Didn't know you people had dreams.


Everybody dreams, Doc.

That human or Cylon blood?


One of the Fives got pretty shot up today by the insurgents.

But he's gonna make it.

You could've let him suffer.

That's not what I do.

What about the baby?

Sharon's baby Hera.

When that child died on Galactica, why'd you cremate the body?

It's the first Cylon human hybrid, and you threw it in the incinerator?

It wasn't my decision.

That was the president's call.

I was just following orders.

That's a very funny thing.

'Cause this stuff all looks the same.

She said, "I hope it hurts you for a long, long time before you go to Download City."

Then they just left me there.

They left me in the hot sun with a b*llet in my guts.

What a noble race you are.

How long were you there before you died?


Eventually, I managed to drag myself over to some spent shell casings.

I used one of those to scratch open my carotid artery.

Skin's a lot tougher than you think.

Now that's... three for me.

Three downloads.

The first one, I just got a headache.

But I could handle it. Now it's worse and worse.

This time it was like a frakkin' white hot poker through my skull.

Not worth it.

None of this is worth it.

He's right, you know.

It's not worth it.

Which is what I believe I've been telling you all along.

Caprica, can you please control him?

Why don't you just sh**t me... if that'll remedy the situation?

We need to crack down harder.


Our resources are stretched to the max already.

I don't need to listen to this anymore.

Consensus used to be so easy.

Now look what they've done to us.

Don't lose hope.

Worst comes to worst, we can always nuke the city and be done with it.

Better leave those dog tags here.

They spot 'em, they'll know who you are.

No, you have no idea how hard I worked for these.

So our best guess puts the launch keys somewhere in the detention center.

Just keep to the main streets.

Everybody'll think you're just a regular skinjob and they'll avoid you.

But there's a lot of people out there looking to gut an unwary Cylon going for a stroll, so don't let anybody get close enough to stick a knife in you.

All right. Thanks for the concern.

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

How are you gonna find those launch keys?

When I get inside and hook into the data stream, it'll feed me the location.

Once I get the keys, you need to distribute them to the pilots who can fly those ships out of here.

We're already on it. We got pilots standing by.


Yeah, come in.

My gods!

What's she doing here?

Get her down below and keep her there until after the next briefing.

Wait a minute!

No, no. Wait, listen to me.

Please. I can explain.

I suggest you keep your mouth shut.

Where is my husband?

I want to speak to my husband.

Let's go, get her down.

Okay, I'm outta here.

Wait. Sharon.


Do me a favor.

Just keep an eye out for Starbuck.

I don't know if she's alive or if she's dead.

But it's been four months.

I'll do what I can.


You must keep the child hidden at all costs.

We keep her on the move along with other high-value targets.

She'll never stay in any one location longer than two or three days.

Sam, I need you to really hear me on this.


There is no one... no one... of higher value than Maya and her child.

We cannot let them fall into Cylon hands.

I get it.

How far do you want me to go?

I mean, if it looks like the Cylons are gonna capture them...


Don't let it get to that point.

That's all.

I don't suppose you're gonna tell me what this is all about.

I mean, what's so important about this kid?

She may very well be the shape of things to come.

That's either a blessing or a curse.

We've stored arms and munitions in key areas throughout the city.

I cant supplement that with mortars, RPGs, even a few shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missiles aboard the Raptor.Great.

When we give the signal, our people are gonna attack the airbase, the detention center, the power station, other critical facilities.

The plan is to sow as much chaos and confusion as possible the moment Galactica and Pegasusarrive.

That should help cover the evacuation.

No Pegasus. Just Galactica.

Why? Why no Pegasus? What happened?

Don't know, sir. Way beyond my pay grade.

What about your evac plans?

We've designated and assigned 500 block captains to cover each sector of the city.

Each block captain is responsible for rallying and guiding the people in his or her sector along their escape route to their designated ship.

Don't suppose you've been able to rehearse any of this.

We've had three full-dress rehearsals under the guise of fire and natural disaster drills.

Be different when the balloon goes up.

Explosions, sh**ting, chaos.

There's gonna be some panic out there.

They'll do fine.

These people know that at some point, they're gonna be responsible for saving themselves.

All we need to do is be ready and hope for the best.

What about Maya and !sis?

I'm on it.

I've got my two best sh**t here.

They're gonna be their escorts and make sure they get back to the ship.

Gentlemen, I can't tell you why, but it is imperative that this woman and her child get off this planet.

I trust you because I trust him.


We need to talk.


She sold us out.

What are you talking about?

We were ambushed at the rendezvous.

The Cylons knew exactly where we were gonna be.

That doesn't Ellen had anything...

This is the map, Colonel!

The map that I drew for you. I gave this to you in your tent.

You were gonna burn it, but then your wife offered to do it for you.

I got it off a dead skinjob at the ambush.

Do the math!


I want to explain, Saul.

Godsdamn traitor!

Shut your frakkin' mouth!

He said...

He said he'd k*ll you.

Who said it?

One of the Brother Cavils.

I did it for you... Saul.

It was all for you. I had to.

I didn't have any choice.

Don't you see that?

Drawer 3-7-8.

What are you doing?

Oh, my God. It's you.

You're betraying your own people.

For what?

I'm a Colonial Officer now.

You're not one of them.

I gave them my word.

That's not what counts.

It's who you give it to.

I'm gonna have to sh**t you now.

Hera lives.


Your daughter Hera is alive.

Your new friends tell you that?

They faked her death, and they hid her from you.

Can't say anything on higher dreams.

I had strange dreams.

I was having strange dreams that made me question my faith.

Made me question God.

And in the dreams, there was a human oracle, so I went to see Dodona Selloi.

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

But I'm gonna wound you so you can't warn the others.

The oracle said that the fruit borne of two peoples is still alive.

That Hera lives and I would hold her in my arms and I will know true love.

Put down the g*n.

And when I find her, you can hold her too.

Adama wouldn't lie to me.

You're wrong.

You're wrong!

Launch keys don't seem to have been damaged.

From all the data points, it looks like the ships all still have enough Tylium to make at least one Jump.

Congratulations, by the way.

I heard it's a boy.

Oh.What's his name?


Nicolas, after Cally's grandfather.

Hey, Chief... you remember when you helped Helo spread Hera's ashes?

Mm-hmm. You actually saw the ashes?

Yeah, of course. Why?


Just make sure Cally never lets her kid out of her sight.


Listening Raptor just Jumped back.

Sharon's got the launch keys.

Rec room. Racetrack.

Very well, sir.

It's on.

This is the Admiral.

You've heard the news.

You know the mission.

You should also know there's only one way that this mission ends.

And that's with the successful rescue of our people off of New Caprica.

Look around you.

Take a good look at the men and women... that stand next to you.

Remember their faces.

For one day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen.

And together you accomplished a feat that will be told and retold down through the ages... and find immortality as only the gods once knew.

I'm proud to serve with you.

Good hunting.

Begin Jump prep.

Action stations.

Set condition one throughout the ship.

Standby for a combat Jump.

This will mark new territory.

Don't do it.
