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02x18 - Downloaded

Posted: 01/07/22 08:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on Battlestar Galactica...

There are survivors on Caprica.

A resistance movement.

We've been fighting the Cylons.

Hitting them where we can.

Now it looks like they're here to stay.

They're rebuilding Caprica.

The first Sharon was a sleeper agent.

Didn't realize she was a Cylon until her programming kicked in.

I'm Sharon, but I'm a different Sharon, and I'm here to help.

Now I've decided you're an expression of my subconscious mind playing itself out during my waking states.

So I'm only in your head?

I'm pregnant, Helo.

I'm going to have a child.

Sharon is going to bear our child.

An honor for which she is hardly deserving.

But one doesn't question God's will.

Cylons reincarnated.

It makes sense, doesn't it?

All our memories are downloaded into a brand-new body.

We're as good as new.

Death becomes a learning experience.

Wait, there has to be another way out of here!

I mean... I mean you... you must have an escape plan.

You're not about to be destroyed by your own bombs, are you?

How are you leaving?


Gaius, I can't die.

When this body's destroyed, my memory, my consciousness will be transmitted to a new one.

I'll just wake up somewhere else in an identical body.

You mean there's more out there like you?

There are 12 models. I'm number 6.

I don't want to die.

Get down.

Do you love me?

Where... where...

I was in a house.

But you're not in a house any longer.

You're back with us.

You've been reborn.

I died.

I died. That's right.

You were in a house. It was destroyed.

A nuclear blast.

But that is all over now.

You have been downloaded into a new body.


Gaius was in the house.

Gaius Baltar?

Yes. Is he alive? Is he?


I'm not really here.

No one can see me but you.

Don't let them know.


Would it trouble you if Doctor Baltar were dead?

If they know how you feel about me, it'll be a problem.

It would be unfortunate if he died.

He was so helpful.

Very helpful.

Your mission was a resounding success.

It completely disabled the colonial defenses.

The attack succeeded beyond our most optimistic projections, thanks to you.

I'm not a Cylon.

You're a machine, I'm not.

I know there's pain, but breathe... ride through it.

You're going to be okay.

Trust me.

You're in God's hands.

We're all here with you.

That's it.

This will pass. Trust me.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Welcome home, sister.

We're here.

We're going to take care of you.

We're proud of you, Sharon.

And we love you.



I was thinking it symbolized rebirth, a new beginning. It's a memorial.

Do you know how many people died in this park during the attack?

How many people in this park alone?

It's gonna be lovely, isn't it?


A place to relax and collect your thoughts.

How are you doing?

I'm a little stiff.

I'm still trying to get used to this body.

I mean, I know it's identical, but... even after all this time, I still feel awkward.

After my first download, it took awhile too.

Forever tripping over things.

And, you know what?

You get over it.

And you know what, this is a great chance to cleanse.

You got a new body, a new life.

And anything that you've built up like anxieties or remorse or guilt, just let it wash away.

I can't tell you how thankful I am.

You've... you've been a really big help to me.

No, it's me who's thankful.

We all are.

You are a warrior.

We could not have won without you.

Excuse me.

I just wanted to say it's an honor to have you here on Caprica with us.

What you did, well, that's inspiring.

Thank you.

Hey. How you doing?


I can't feel my legs.

That's the epidural.

What happened?

You passed out and started bleeding again, but everything's going to be all right.

Like hell it is.

I find it absolutely amazing.

You people went to all the trouble to appear human and didn't upgrade the plumbing.

You have a detached placenta.

Baby's gotta come out now or we will lose you both.

Okay, sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step back, please.

She's tachycardiac, and her blood pressure's dropping.

Yeah, she's hemorrhaging again.

We're gonna have to make the cut now.

Sharon, can you hear me?


Still can't get used to this.

Well, you're a hero of the Cylon now.

You're our first celebrity.

No, I'm just another Six.

You're too modest. I'm just another Three.

And there are Fives and... or Eights.

But you, everyone calls you Caprica Six like you're the only Six on the planet.

And... and what you did was incredibly difficult.

Seduce a man, so emotionally and physically so that he grants you access to all the most closely guarded secrets of his people.

That mission could be profoundly disturbing.


She sleeping with me and k*lling billions of people?

'Cause I rather thought you enjoyed sleeping with me.

It was difficult at times.

So nobody here can possibly understand what you've been through.

Which is why we need your help.

There's another Cylon who's been having trouble re-integrating after a download.

Another hero, actually. An Eight.

She still insists on calling herself Sharon.

And you thought I could help.

I'm still having...

I'm having problems of my own.

Caprica, you don't understand.

She really needs your help.

If we don't turn her around soon, there's talk of boxing her.

Putting her memories in cold storage?

You can't be serious.

Well, that's a charming way to deal with emotional problems.

One might almost call it inhuman.

Oh, that's right, you are.

All right, look, it is a last resort, but she has been regressing.


She's living up there in that apartment.

It's the one she had when she thought she was human.

Security's minimal.

Two centurions patrol out front.

The third b*llet-head watch the perimeter.

b*llet-head walking perimeter makes random changes to his patrol.

Be tough to get past him.

All right, so we go under him.

The storm drain leads directly to the garage underneath the cafe.

They'll be dozens of skin jobs inside.

She's not breathing.

Suction it.

What's going on? Where are you taking her?

Her lungs aren't fully developed.

She needs oxygen support.

But she's alive, right? Right?

There's your answer.

Now you get the hell out of here.

We have to stop the mother bleeding or she won't be alive.

You here to kick me out?


You're here to help me with my adjustment problems.

I could save you some time.


This is home.

I'm not leaving.

I lived on Caprica for two years.

I knew what I was... pretended to be human, but I knew.

If you knew what you were and you lived on Caprica, you know what that makes you.

A really good liar.

Start with the elephants.

These are beautiful.



My mother gave them to me the day I left for the Fleet academy.

Is this her?

Supposed to be.

'Course none of it's real.

All fabricated for my mission.

It's all a lie.

Following God's path is never easy.

Don't get religious with this one.

What are you thinking?

Do you think I care about your god?

Look, God loves you.

This is love.

These people love me.

I love them.

I didn't pretend to feel something so I could screw people over.

I loved them.

And then I betrayed them.

I shot a man I loved.

Frakked over another man, ruined his life.

And why?

Because I'm a lying machine.

I'm a frakking Cylon!

Sorry. I didn't mean to...

I've got bandages in there.

Nicely done.

You timed it perfectly.

Scratch your face with the side of your fingernail the moment the glass hits the wall.

Never saw a Cylon show fear before.

Especially the Sixes. Usually so hardcore.

Feign fear and emotional vulnerability.

You're very good, you know.

But I'm better. Let me help you.

I'm different.

I'm different.

I'm more like you.

I'm more like you.

I had someone I met here.

A man.

I loved him and I think he could've loved me eventually.

Half a cigarette should give us two or three minutes to get the frak out of there.

Any longer and we risk them finding the charges before they go off.

Is it two minutes or three?

About to find out.

This is a risky operation just to nail a couple dozen skin jobs.

I mean, we can't k*ll them.

They'll just download into a new body and...

I mean, what's the point?

That skin job with Starbuck...

"Sharon" they called her... she said that when they download, they remember everything.

Right up until the end.

These skin jobs are going to remember being blown into tiny little pieces.

It's gotta hurt.

Yeah. I hope it hurts a lot.

Because sooner or later, the message sinks in.

There is no safe place, not even a cafe.

So if you want to quit living through hell and dying over and over again, then get the frak off our planet.

Three minutes, ten seconds.


This house was on a bluff over a lake.

I always loved the view.

Sunlight on the water.

It's my favorite spot in the universe.

Yeah, it's magical.

Too bad you nuked it.

After I downloaded, I went back to the ruins of his house.


Like you, I was looking for some sort of connection to him.

Found a few of his things.

Even held onto them for awhile.

But I realized they were keeping me from truly embracing my new life.

So what'd you do with them?

I burned them.

But I felt liberated.

Yeah, it's a beautiful story, isn't it?

Shame it's all a pack of lies.

So who was he? This man you loved.

Maybe you've heard of him.

Gaius Baltar.

Doctor Baltar?


He gave you access to the colonial defense grid.

He was the one who betrayed us?

"Us." Oh, I love it.

This one thinks she's more human than Cylon.

Just like someone else I know.

Does he still work for the Cylons?


On Galactica?


He's alive?

He's the vice-president of the colonies.

You didn't know that?

If her baby does survive, the question is what do we do with it?


What are you suggesting?

That we throw it out of an air lock?

I don't make suggestions, Mr. Baltar.

If I want to toss a baby out an air lock, I'd say so.

Well, it's really gratifying to know that infanticide's not on the table.

Do I have to point out that this is not a baby?

It's a machine.

No, it's half machine, half human.

I suggest we all keep that half in mind.

Cylons went through a great deal of trouble to create this thing.

Should go without saying that if it's good for them, it's gonna be bad for us.

I completely agree.

And I take it as a given we can't turn it over to Sharon to raise.

That would be disastrous.

There's still another factor to consider here.

There's Cylons aboard this fleet.

If they find out this thing's been born, they're gonna make a play for it.

You can see where this is headed, Gaius.

We're going to have to take our child.

Hello, Hera.

She's got quite a grip on her.

You don't like it in there, do you, Hera?

You gotta stay in till your lungs get stronger.

She's our little girl.

We made her.

It almost makes you want to believe in the Cylon god.


I love you so completely.

It's clear.

Let's move.

Why do you think they kept it from you?

That's the wrong question.

The right question is why did she get me to work with you knowing that you'd tell me the truth?

She knew I had feelings for Gaius.

Knew that I had trouble letting go of him.

She must've known it would trigger those feelings and those memories.

She's frakking with you.

Can't you see that? But why?

Oh, it's so perfectly obvious.

You know, for a self-aware cybernetic life-form, sometimes you can be unbearably obtuse.

Oh for God sake.

Careful. Everything okay?


Just talking with Sharon here.

Yeah? What about?

She... asked me to move out.

You know what?

Which is what we've been asking her for weeks.

I was kind of hoping that you'd see the light after talking to our friend here.

She is lying, unfortunately.

She has no wish to see Sharon cured.

They're just going to do it.

They're going to box her.

How many Cylons up in the cafe?

Full house.

At least 40.

Three minutes, ten seconds.

We've just made a breakthrough.

She's agreed to move out of her apartment.

Didn't you, Sharon?


I'm moving out of the apartment.



What about now?

I'll help.

The apartment is right upstairs.


Let me... let me just get some things.

Six, must've been some chat, huh?

Yes, we had a lot to talk about.

She's right behind you. I know.

This is not a debate.

This child will not be raised by the Cylon, and I cannot risk Cylon agents getting their hands on it.

I've made my decision.

What I need from you, Doctor, is your help.

Fine. I don't like it, but have it your way.

I need it immediately.

We'll have to find somebody suitable.

I'll have to work up a list of names.

Each of them is capable.

Each of them is anonymous.

And each can be trusted.

Thought of everything, haven't you?

I hope so.

Are you all right, Sharon?

What happened?

An expl*si*n.

Building came down on us.

Looks like the stairwell saved us.

Where's Six?

Her body's dead.

No, not yet.

Help me out here.

Would've been better if the expl*si*n had k*lled her.

There's nothing we can do about the pain until we get her out of here.


I can get a cross beam and put you out of your misery.

I'm not going to get my own life again.

It's your choice.


Where the heck are we anyway?

Must be in the garage.

North entrance must be that way.

I'm going to start digging.

Hang in there.

You're gonna be okay.

Over here! Help me!

A survivor.

Hang on, buddy.

We'll get you out.

Fresh air coming from down there.


Frakkin' human.

You know he probably set that expl*si*n.

What, from the resistance?

Why? No military value to the cafe.

But humans don't respect life the way we do.


I won't let you k*ll him.

She's right.

Don't k*ll him.

Why not?


Why not k*ll him?

You've already k*lled billions of people.

Do you honestly believe one more body's going to weigh any heavier on your conscience, which is something that you don't have, do you?

We should interrogate him.

Find his accomplices.


You can let go now, Sharon.

What's this?

Looks like Colonial Fleet ID.

Thrace, Kara.


She was on Caprica a couple of weeks ago.

She escaped with the help of another Sharon.

If she gave him this, he meant something to her.

Well, then it's sweet.

You have it in your hand.

Hard physical proof of one person's love for another.

If only you felt this deeply about us.

I did.

I do.

I love you, Gaius.

Where's the tangible proof?

I don't understand.

She was doing so well.

No, she wasn't.

I tried to tell you that.

Her lungs never fully developed.

She finally went into respiratory distress.

We couldn't get her intubated in time.

We lost her.

I'm sorry.

I should've been here.

Sharon. Sharon, listen.

You've lost a lot of blood.

You m*rder*d her.

Sharon. Come on.

Who ordered it? Adama? The President?


I don't k*ll patients.

We did the best we could, but she's dead.

And that's all there is to it.

I should be able to release the ashes to you in a few hours.


Sharon! Die!



You're all murderers!

You're all murderers!

Ah! Give me my baby!

You let them m*rder our child.

I am so sorry.

I tried.

I tried my best.

God's will was that our child should survive.

His will was that she would lead the next generation of God's children.

His will was that you would protect her.



You have committed a monstrous and unforgivable sin and now you and your entire wretched race are going to suffer God's vengeance.

She's so beautiful.

I don't know how to thank you.

When I lost my baby, I didn't know how I could go on.

Well, I'm glad things worked out for you and this little girl.

I can't believe somebody would give up this little angel.

You understand, Maya, that this adoption requires absolute secrecy.

The mother is a Pegasus officer and must remain anonymous for political and religious reasons.

You have my word.

Maya, you won't mind if I drop in occasionally.

Oh, of course not.



Thank you.

I know how awful this was for you.

But trust me, it was imperative.

As far as the Cylons know, this child no longer exists.

That is a good, good thing.

Is this what you're looking for?

You can have it.


What are you doing?

Just making it easy for him to get what he wants.

Come on. I'll give you a head start.

I'm fine where I am.

Hey, they're coming for us.

And you.

They're very interested in you, aren't they?

Leave him alone.


You're a hero of the Cylon.

Now you're just a broken machine who thinks she's a human.

But you're not a human, Sharon, and you never will be.

Yeah, well at least I'm not a m*rder*r.

I have a conscience.

And I know the difference between right and wrong.

A m*rder*r is exactly what you are.

Life is short.

But the next one's not.

Let your heart adrift and your soul will get caught.

I love you, Gaius.

My heart and soul are yours.

They're nearly here.

You know why they wanted you to work with Sharon?

So you'd lose your mind.

They're gonna box you, darling, just like they're going to box Sharon.

We're dangerous.


Sharon and I.

We're celebrities in a culture based on unity.


Our voices count.

More than hers.

More than others'.

We're two heroes of the Cylon, right?

Two heroes with different perspectives on the w*r.

Perspectives based by our love of two human beings.

That's why she wanted me to work with you so that you'd tell me that Gaius was still alive.

She wanted me to lose my mind.

No, you're corrupted by your experiences.

You're a waste.

Believe the lies.

Ignore the truth. Listen to me.

I will show you the proof.

Speak from your heart.

Say the things that you know to be true.

Jealously, m*rder, vengeance... they're all sins in the eyes of God.

That's what you and I know.

That's what they don't want to hear.

Because then they'd have to rethink what they're doing.

They'd have to consider that maybe the slaughter of mankind was a mistake!

God loves me.

See you again soon.

Looks like they're almost here.

You should get out of here while you can.

The debris shifted and cleared the storm drain.

Is this some kind of trick?

You can stay and be tortured if you want.

Your call.

Who are you?

What kind of people are you?

I don't know.

Hey, wait!

How long till she downloads and tells them what happened?

We had a lot of people in the cafe.

At least 36 hours till they get to her.

Long enough.

Long enough for what?

To change things for the better.

What are you talking about?

I have never loved anyone more in my life than I love you now.

Our people need a new beginning.

A new way to live in God's love.

Without hate.

Without all the lies.

All they need is for someone to show them the way.

Someone like two heroes of the Cylons.

I'm with you.

We found them!

They're alive!

Yes, we are.

We're alive.

I know...

