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02x12 - Resurrection Ship: Part 2

Posted: 01/07/22 08:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Battlestar Galactica...

I'm promoting you to captain.

I'm making you commander of the Pegasus air group.

You're promoting me.

I need a CAG with guts.

We are the leaders of this fleet.

As such, we need to send an example.

Oh, let's just cut through the hand-holding, shall we?

Two of his men m*rder*d one of my officers while protecting a Cylon.

They're guilty.

They admitted it.

And under regulations I have complete authority to try, convict, and sentence them.

And you and I both know that the penalty for that crime is death.

I'm afraid there's only one end to this.

You've got to k*ll her.

Well, I see you got it to eat.

That's progress, I suppose.

Can you get it to roll over?


Admiral, please.

I thought you might like a fresh set of clothes.

You know what I miss?


I used to go to the pyramid court just before game time.

Scalp two tickets.

One for me and one for you.

I always liked to feel that you were there with me.

The Cylons call this their Resurrection ship.

At the moment, we are too far away from the Cylon home world for the normal downloading process to work, which is why they built this ship.

It contains the entire apparatus necessary for Cylon resurrection.

Then any Cylon who dies out here...

Would be dead.

As in really dead.

Our primary objective is a Cylon vessel called Resurrection.

Our plan is to Jump in, in the Blackbird stealth fighter can take out the FTL drives on the Resurrection ship, preventing it from Jumping away.

When a FTL is destroyed, then our attack squadrons will go after the Resurrection ship itself.

How many squadrons?

All of 'em.

Jack, I want to transfer a detachment of Marines to Galactica.

I have a mission for you, Kara.

Anything for you. You know that.

Position Marines in key areas throughout the ship.

I will ask for you over the wireless.

I will call you directly.

And when I have you on the line and you hear me give the command execute case orange, you are to terminate Adama's command, starting with Adama.

I want you to pull out your w*apon and sh**t Admiral Cain in the head.

This is a frakked-up thing that I've been asked to do.

But we k*ll people for a living.

They say sh**t, we sh**t.

So you're gonna do this?

Yeah, I'm gonna do it.


I could use some backup.

I'll understand if you can't.

You know better than that.

Yeah, I guess so.

People have to have this, Kara.


Your word and my word.

We don't have this, then we really are no different than the Cylons.

Thank you.

Oh, looky here.

Sunshine boys are here.

You know, the man you k*lled saved my life and the lives of 50 other men, you miserable fraks.


You. You call me Sir.

Yes, Sir.

So I guess you were both getting your poles greased by that filthy little robot girl.

I'm sorry.

I don't think I quite heard that right.

The glass.

I can't hear you.

So, why don't you open the door, come in, and we'll talk about it in here.

That's a great idea, Chief.

Hands over your head.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow it down.

Just think about what you're doing here.

Just think about what we're doing here, guys.

What the frak is this?

Don't worry, Sir.

We'll take it real slow.



You see, the gut, that's a vulnerable area.

Lieutenant Thorne told me that once.

Said if you really want to do some damage without leaving a mark, go for the gut.

You'd be surprised what you can do with the simplest things.

Bar of soap, plain old towel.

How bad could it be, right?

You'd be surprised.


Cowards? Is that what you said?

Now give me that.

You know what, I lied.

I'm not going slow anymore.

Attention on deck!

Gage. Vireem.

Out of the cell, standing tall.

Right here.

Remove the restraints from the prisoners.

Specialist Gage, let me ask you something.

Those men in there, are they wearing Colonial uniforms?

Yes, sir.

Specialist Vireem, do you agree with Specialist Gage here that those are, in fact, Colonial officers?

Yes, sir.

They k*lled Lieutenant...

Shut your frakkin' mouth!

You see, I don't quite understand what I just saw because I think I saw you two knuckledraggers treating those men like they were Cylons, which, of course, couldn't be right because if, in fact, that was the case, then you're both subject to charges of assaulting a Chief and a Lieutenant under color of authority in a time of w*r.

Which, if I'm not mistaken, carries a penalty on this ship that is quite severe.

Now, get the hell out of here.

Sir. Sir.

Get out.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you, Colonel.

I don't want your thanks.

I owe Lieutenant Thorne my life, as do many people on this ship.

He was trying to r*pe a prisoner.

You can't r*pe a machine, Lieutenant.

You drink, Thrace?

Only to excess, sir.

Only to excess?

Learn that from Colonial Tigh, did you?

Not exactly.

I understand you belted him once.

That was something that I did without really thinking.

Don't apologize.

Some people get exactly what they deserve.

I might have read about your XO.

Maybe he needs to get popped in the mouth every once in while, hmm?

I know you're very close with Adama.

Yes, sir.

And I know he's a good man.

And I know he's had to make some very hard choices over the last few months.

Lord knows I have.

Well then maybe you can understand why he did what he thought he had to do when you said you were going to execute Helo and Tyrol.

Let me tell you something.

I've had to watch a lot of kids be put into body bags.

They're covered with flags and they float out that airlock.

You think I don't understand his feelings towards his men?

Sometimes terrible things have to be done.

Inevitably, each and every one of us will have to face a moment where we have to commit that horrible sin.

And if we flinch in that moment, if we hesitate for one second, if we let our conscience get in the way, you know what happens?

There are more kids in those body bags.

More kids floating out that airlock.

I don't know why... but I have a lot of faith in you.

And I want you to promise me that when that moment comes you won't flinch.

Do not flinch.

Come in.

Courier run from Pegasus, sir.

They got you doing courier runs now, huh?

Well, I... I volunteered for this one.

Kara told me about her, uh... her mission.

Come to change my mind?

Just wanted to hear it from you.

Decision's been made.


That's your decision.

That's how you resolve your differences with your superior officers.

If you're gonna have some problem backing up Starbuck, I can find somebody else.

It's not about me watching her back.

I'm not going to debate this with you.

This was a very hard decision.

But I think the President's right.

This is the best way to safeguard the fleet.

The President?

So you... you and the President...


She's made of sterner stuff than people give her credit for.

Is this all I have to sign?

Uh, yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.


It's good to see you.

Attention Pegasus.

Jump prep underway.

Viper pilots report to ready room in five minutes.

Decoy squadrons, check in with CIC.

When we get to the Galactica, we have a difficult thing to do.

Keep in mind, it's for the safety of the fleet.

You've been handpicked.

You're razors.

Stay focused.

Let's go.

All Resurrection strike squadrons, report to mission briefing in ready room four.

Make ship ready for combat Jump.

Set condition one throughout the ship.

Good hunting, Captain.

You too, Colonial.

Sorry about this, Saul, but the Admiral didn't feel comfortable with our Marines under your command.

Yeah. Sorry about a lot of things.

Be sure your Marines and our Marines are aware of their areas of responsibility in case we're boarded by the Cylons.

The last thing we need is Colonials sh**ting at each other.

Amen to that.

Wait outside.

Sit down.

I've asked you here to find out why the Cylons hate us so much.

I'm not sure I know how to answer that.

I mean, hate might not be the right word.

I don't want to fence with you.

I just want to know why.

It's what you said at the ceremony before the attack when Galactica was being decommissioned.

You gave a speech that sounded like it wasn't the one you prepared.

You said that humanity was a flawed creation.

And that people still k*ll one another for petty jealousy and greed.

You said that humanity never asked itself why it deserved to survive.

Maybe you don't.

GalacticaGalactica, ResevoirResevoir 6-2.

Negative sighting.

Resurrection ships firing up their FTL drives.

They're getting ready to Jump.

Would anyone look out of the window right now, please.

Starbuck, Apollo, target's FTL is history.

She's all yours.

Roger that, Apollo...

Drifter, Drifter, Drifter. I've been hit.


Sir, I just received an emergency transponder from the Blackbird.

It's the auto-distress beacon.

Alert the search and rescue raptor.

See if he had time to eject.

Attention on Pegasus.

Prepare to launch attack squadrons.

Copy to Galactica. Aye, sir.

Attention on Galactica.

Prepare to launch attack squadrons.

Watch your intervals.

Take your posts.

Engaging Cylon fighters.

Target acquired. Load and lock.

Take a shot! Get him off me!

Mr. Gaeta.


Order batteries Alpha through Echo to switch to salvo fire.

Set secondary battery.

Full salvo mode.

Tens of thousands of Cylons are about to die.

Tens of thousands, Gaius.

God will not forgive this sin.

Do you think God will forgive this?

God forgives all.

Don't listen to her.

You think she can help you?

You think that that broken woman can offer you even a fraction of what I can?

I know God's plan for you.

I know how to help you fulfill your destiny.

Do you know what I miss most?

You're going to laugh when I tell you this.


Don't do this.

Yeah, that's right.

I used to love getting to the pyramid game just before tip-off.

By timing it right, I could sit down right at the horn and then let the emotion of the crowd flood over me.

Waves and waves of it.

Like electric current.

That's beautiful.

And I always had two tickets.


One more me...


And one for you.

Apollo, Galactica, do you read?

Apollo, Galactica, do you read?

Can you say your position?

Apollo, Galactica, do you read?

Can you say your position?

Apollo, Galactica, do you read?

Can you say your position?

Apollo, Galactica, are you reading this?

Are you out there?

Apollo, Galactica, do you read?

Apollo, Galactica, are you reading this?

Are you out there?

I'm sorry, I can't...

Captain Thrace is reporting massive detonations.

The Resurrection ship has been destroyed.


They've done it.


He's all right.

He's a little shaken.

But, I say again, Apollo is all right.

All the remaining Cylons have Jumped away.

It's over, sir.

Congratulations, gentlemen.

I'm ready to die.

Send my soul to God.


I wish you were here, Lee.

Oh, what the hell.

I am so very proud of you.

Secure for condition one.

Set condition two throughout the ship.

Division officers, submit casualty and damage report to combat.

Glad we didn't need your Marines today.


Yeah, me too.

Signal from the flagship, sir.

Admiral Cain on the line.

Put her through.

Congratulations, Commander.

Congratulations to you too, Admiral.

A significant victory.

Is Starbuck with you?

Yes, she is.

This is Starbuck.

I've been thinking about what we talked about before.

It's not enough to survive.

One has to be worthy of surviving.

That's all.

I think that's very wise, sir.

Thank you.

Commander, I wonder if my XO is standing close by.

Yes, he is.

Yes, sir?

Congratulations, Jack.

Thank you, sir.

That's all.

Yes, sir.

You look like you could use a drink.

Thank you.

Oh, by the way, there was something I wanted to tell you.

Last night, I was walking down this corridor here when I saw...

No! No, no.

I can't... I can't do this.

su1c1de is a sin.

But I need to die.

What you need... is justice.

I know a place where you can stay, where you will be safe.

Where I can look after you.


Why would you do that?

Because I love you.

Tell me, Admiral.

Can you roll over?


Frak you.

You're not my type.

And she died knowing that her ship and her crew were safe and that her mission had been accomplished.

Nothing was more important to her than her ship, her crew, and her mission.

And as I take command of Pegasus I pledge to uphold those values that made her such an effective and heroic leader.

I, um, only knew Admiral Cain for a short time, so what I have to say about her will be short.

She faced things.

She looked them right in the eye and she didn't flinch.

That's something that we do a lot around here.

We second-guess.

We worry.

When I think about what she went through after the attack... all alone, one ship, no help, no hope... she didn't give up.

She didn't worry.

She didn't second-guess.

She acted.

She did what she thought needed to be done, and the Pegasus survived.

Might be hard to admit, or hard to hear, but I think that we were safer with her... than we are without.


Lee, you okay?

Are you okay?


Not really.

I, um, I broke my word to you.

What're you talking about?

I let you down.

I wasn't there when you needed me.

Look... a close call like that... that would mess with anybody's head.

All right?

It turns out I didn't need you anyway.


Let's just be glad that we both came back alive, all right?

That's just it, Kara.

I didn't want to make it back alive.

I didn't think I'd ever see you again.

Same here.

So... where do we go from here?

So, how did the Cylon manage to get off the Pegasus undetected?

No one really knows.

There was so much chaos in the aftermath of the attack.

Thank the gods that you did not have to do what I advised.

That makes me very happy.

Yes, thank the gods.

How are you feeling?

I could sleep for about a year.

But you, however, do not have that luxury because you have a new job.


It took a little while to find that jeweler.

Thank you.

Rumor has it that I know very little about military protocol, but I do believe that someone who commands more than one ship is called an Admiral.

Congratulations, Admiral Adama.

Thank you, Madame President.

Thank you, Billy.

I, um, I never gave up hope.

I just stopped trying to get these a long time ago.

Just goes to show you, Bill.

Never give up hope.

Same goes for you, Laura.

All right.

I need your verdict on this one.

I hate it.