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02x05 - The Farm

Posted: 01/07/22 08:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on Battlestar Galactica:

I have a few months to live.

And in that time I will lead the people to salvation.

It is my sole purpose.

Praise be to the gods.

Here is our salvation.

Laura Roslin's actions in suborning mutiny and sedition among the military could not be tolerated.

Therefore Commander Adama was left with no choice other then to remove her from office.

I've gotta get out of here now.

I'm right with you.

I think these guys might really be human.

Everyone on Caprica is dead.

You're not.

I just got here.

Not exactly an army.

A hell of a lot better than the two of us if we're gonna as*ault an air base, steal heavy radar, and get the frak off this planet.

Nice to know installing a regulation pyramid court was one of the priorities of the resistance.

Nice shot.


Stand aside, or you can sh**t me.

I intend to go through that hatch and get off this ship.

The former president's missing.

Missing? Two men down. Cell's empty.

Damn it.

We're home free for now.

Glad to see you, Madam President.

Zarek here is the only one with enough shady friends around who can possibly hide us.

Cally shot Boomer.

No, no, no.

I love you, Chief.

What's happening on my ship?

I frakked things up, and good.

I made some bad calls.

A lot of pieces to pick up.

Then we'll pick 'em up together.

You've been awake for an hour.

So what are you gonna do if you can't make it back to your ship?

I'm getting back.

Well, I know we were able to take your sorry ass by surprise.

Frak you.

Nice. But the truth is... we really don't know what the hell we're doing.

A lot of our tactics and stuff we just saw in the movies.

We could use some professional advice.

You want some advice?

You're on the losing end of this fight.

Give it up before you all die.

Head further up in the mountains above the ambient radiation and just hole up.

And what? Wait to die?

As soon as I get back to Galactica I'll send a rescue party.

Yeah, right.

If I say I'm gonna do something, I do it.

You always such a bitch in the morning?

Count on it.

My kinda woman.

We have a mission to accomplish.

So what.


Fine. Whatever.

I'm sorry, okay?

I didn't mean to...


So weak. So, so very weak.

Lighten up a little bit.

It's only the end of the world.

Sue-Shaun, I want them to watch our perimeter, especially on the flank.


The Cylons have a refueling airstrip just on the side of the ridge.

There's a heavy raider makes a regular refueling stop every afternoon like clockwork.

Machines like routine.

It's usually guarded by less than three of the mechanical varieties, and we've left it alone up until now.

So? What's the plan?

Go through this gully.

Approach the airstrip from the south side.

Sprinkle our men through the tree line and wait for the Cylons to land the raider.

Hook up the refueling hoses.

Once they hook up the tylium hoses, we take out the guards and blow the refueling station.

I thought you wanted the raider intact.

They build 'em tough. Believe me.

Blowing the fuel will barely put a scratch in the hull, but it might give us enough time to board.

Once I'm inside, I'll blow the brain, and I'll start working on trying to get it to...

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Ah-dah-mah! Ah-dah-mah!

Thank you. Thank you very much.

I'm glad to be back.

There are things we don't say often enough.

Things like what we mean to one another.

All of you mean a lot to me.

I just want you to know that.

Let's get back to work.

I feel strange.

Like, closer to the ground.

You should check in with the doctor.

Mr. Gaeta?

Sir? Where do you think they are now?

The stolen Raptor with Captain Adama, the former president...

The fugitives.

The fugitives docked at Cloud Nine last week.

We effectively lost them at that point due to the large volume of inter-fleet traffic going to and from Cloud Nine.

Right now they could be holed up anywhere in the fleet.

I want them found.

She was dangerous enough as a symbol of resistance, but now with Lee helping...

I want to search every ship in the fleet.

Quarantine procedures.

Isolate the ship out of the main body.

If it's clean, we keep it quarantined away from the rest of the fleet.

She can hide, but she can't run.

Start quarantine procedures.

Start with Cloud Nine.

How much longer are we meant to stay hidden in this meat locker?

I've communicated your latest message to the Quorum of Twelve.

And they've decided that the question of openly supporting you needs more... deliberation.

I need to make an appeal to the people.

Make a strong enough argument and the Astral Queen will be the first ship in line.

Like they do anything but roll over and take orders from you.

One more bit of news I should convey, Zeus has returned to Olympus.

Adama's back in command.

My father? He's back?

Word just came in over the wireless.

He's a tough old bird.

What we really need is something heartfelt.

Something human and personal that will galvanize the people.

Like a son denouncing his father.

My name is Lee Adama.

Until recently I was the commander of Galactica's Air Group.

But when Commander Adama, my father, decided to stage a military coup against the president, I could no longer support him or his actions.

I love my father.

I respect him.

But in this, he is wrong.

He must be opposed.

I call on all free-thinking people in the fleet...

I can't do this. Sorry, everyone.

I thought I could, but I can't.

I'm playing the religious card.

I know exactly what I have to do.

How does this thing work?


You're okay.

You're in an aid hospital.

They brought you in yesterday morning.

You got shot in the abdomen.

I'm Simon.

Can you tell me your name?


Kara Thrace.


You were in surgery for about two hours.

I removed the b*llet.

I didn't think you were gonna make it there for a while.

Take it easy.

I know that hurts.

Who brought me in?

A big guy named Anders.

Used to be a pro pyramid player, if you can believe that.

Yeah, I know him.

Where is he?

He died... on the table.

I thought he was only slightly wounded.

Turns out a piece of shrapnel had nicked his aorta.

Massive internal bleeding.

I'm sorry.

We did everything we could do.


I see you're sucking down fluids at a rapid pace.

That's good.

Are you a Cylon?

What do you think?

I think you didn't answer the question.

I am most definitely not a Cylon.

Of course I don't know what you'd expect me to say.

If I was a Cylon, I certainly wouldn't admit it.

Can I leave?

There's the door.

Frakkin' doctors.

So I am a doctor.

Not a Cylon.

The jury's still out.

I would expect the Cylons to have better digs than this, though.

Where is this rat trap?

We're about 20 klicks north of Delphi.

Used to be a mental institution.

It's not much, but it's one of the few places the Cylons haven't found yet.


So, what, I'm supposed to believe there really is a resistance out there?

Shhh, don't tell anybody.

We're trying to keep that quiet.

Time for your pain meds.

If I may speak on behalf of Specialist Cally.

She was distraught, sir. The experience on Kobol.

Being on the surface fighting the Cylons, it's shattering for all of us.

I don't believe that she was in her right mind when she shot Boomer.

Did you love her, Chief?

Excuse me?

Boomer... did you love her?

I thought I did.

When you think you love somebody, you love them.

That's what love is... thoughts.

She was a Cylon.

A machine.

Is that what Boomer was? A machine?

A thing.

That's what she turned out to be.

She was more than that to us.

She was more than that to me.

She was a vital, living person... aboard my ship for almost two years.

She couldn't have been just a machine.

Could you love a machine?

No, sir.

I guess I couldn't have.

Cally discharged a firearm with no permission, endangering her fellow shipmates.

30 days in the brig.


Thank you, sir.

You'll see her again, Chief.

Excuse me?

There are many copies.

You'll see her again.

How many patients do you have here?

Am I being interrogated again?

I just think it's odd that I've been here for two days, and I haven't seen anybody else.

Just you.

We have 223 patients at the moment.

Two doctors and five teachers masquerading as nurses.

I knew a teacher masquerading as president.

What's that?

It's awfully quiet.

No screams, no moans.

No, "Doctor, Doctor, please help me.

It hurts."

Most of our patients are succumbing to acute radiation poisoning.

Symptoms include powerful fatigue and immediate nausea.

This is followed by several days of comparable well-being.

After that, cell death in the gastric and intestinal tissue causes massive diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, and loss of water.

It's not pretty.

But it is... quiet.

The biggest k*ller in this place is infection.

That's why we have you under quarantine.

We don't know what you brought in with you yet.

Your test results will be back this afternoon.

Okay. Almost done.

I think there may be a cyst on one of your ovaries.

Is it serious?

Nah, it should be fine.

We'll keep an eye on it.

Gotta keep that reproductive system in great shape.

It's your most valuable asset these days.


I'm serious.

Finding healthy child-bearing women your age is a top priority for the resistance.

And you'll be happy to know that you are a very precious commodity to us.

I am not a commodity.

I'm a viper pilot.

Do you see any vipers around here?

I mean, you do realize that you're one of the handful of women left on this planet actually capable of having children.

Right? I mean, that is your most valuable skill right now.

Well, I don't want a child. So just drop it, okay?

Well, no one's forcing you.

Just take a moment and think about... where you are and what's going on.

The human race is on the verge of extinction.

And to be quite frank with you, potential mothers are a lot more valuable right now than a whole squadron of viper pilots.

I shouldn't have mentioned it.

I should have known you'd be sensitive.

A lot of women with your history forego bearing children of their own.

My history?

I saw the fractures on your x-rays.

A lot of old fractures from childhood.

It's interesting how you managed to break every finger on both hands.

Every break in the exact same place, between the first and the second knuckle.

Did someone break your fingers, Kara?

Get out.

Children of abusive parents often fear passing along that abuse to their own children.

Get out!

Is she kidding with this?

I know it's hard to believe, but that message has cropped up all over the fleet.

It's religious crap.

"It seems I have been chosen to help lead you

"to the promised land of Earth.

"I will not question this choice, "I will simply try to play my part in the plan.

"Therefore, at the appointed hour, "I will give a signal to the fleet.

"All those wishing to honor the gods

"and walk the path of destiny

"will follow me back to Kobol.

"It is there that we will meet the gods' servant with the Arrow of Apollo."

We've got five Raptors with marine fire teams standing by to board the Astral Queen.

No one's gonna follow her.

No one's going to believe this crap.

No one's this stupid.

And anyone that is, that wants to make a su1c1de run to Kobol... please let them.

How long till we Jump?

Two minutes.

Any other ships declared themselves for us?

Not yet.

Oh, no, that... no.

Please, this isn't necessary.

Give them your blessing.

Oh, no.

It's not right. This isn't who I am.

Laura, this is your path.

The one the gods picked for you.

The one you picked for yourself.

Anders, we musta been over this line ten times already.

She must have taken a b*llet.

She was right here by the vehicles.

Okay, she would have got up and crawled the frak out of here.

Hey, we have to search the entire area again.

I told you we shouldn't have pulled back so fast.

I thought she was with us.

Anders, we got ambushed.

Okay, we all got separated.

There's nothing we could have done about it.

Kara, of all people, would understand.

Let's just find her.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

I know where Starbuck is.


Where have you been?

Tracking you.

Who is she?

She's with us.

You're the father of my child, Helo, I'm not gonna lose you.

Where is she?

We're ready.

Send the signal and Jump.

Astral Queenhas jumped away.

Now see how many follow.

To sit around and wait for Starbuck to show up with that stupid arrow?

Two. Three at the most.

Good morning.

You look better.

What's this new scar?

They had to go back in last night while you were asleep.

Some internal bleeding to tie up.

Nothing to worry about. Everything's gonna be fine.

Just about done with you, Starbuck.

Nice way of puttin' it.

Just a few more tests.


I almost said we'll be sending you back home.

I guess we'll be sending you back into the fight.

Sounds good to me.

Hey, I just woke up.

Now you're going back to sleep.

You're the doc.


Pending lab test results on sample ovaries, complete removal will proceed tomorrow.

If lab tests are positive, then subject will be removed to processing facility for final disposition.

Is that regret I hear in your voice, Simon?

If it is, it certainly is none of your concern.

Lords of Kobol, please help me.


Are you sure you're feeling okay?

You know, something actually has been bothering me lately.


I never told you my call sign was Starbuck.

You can't k*ll me.

Just die!


Sue-Shaun, it's me... Kara.

Hold on, okay? I'm gonna get you outta here.

No. No time.

Cut the power.

It'll k*ll you.

Can't live like this.

The baby machines.




Kara, come on! Let's go! Let's go!

Go! Go! Go!

Get down! Kara, get down!

Let's go! Let's go!

We gotta go!


Come on!

Move like you have a purpose, people.

Let's go, go, go, go!

24 ships, sir.

That's almost a third of the fleet.



They were conducting research into Human/Cylon breeding programs.


They call them farms.

Your g*nsh*t wound looks fine.

So farms, that's great.

What were they gonna do? Knock me up with some Cylon kid?

They were gonna try to.

We haven't been very successful so far.

Supposedly they can't reproduce.

You know, biologically.

So they've been trying every which way to produce offspring.


Procreation, it's one of God's commandments, be fruitful.

We can't fulfill it. We've tried.

So we decided to...

To r*pe human women.

You know, if you agreed to bear children, it'd be voluntary, maybe even set you up with someone you like.

Like you two kids?

We're different.

What the frak is that supposed to mean?

They have this theory.

Maybe the one thing they were missing was love.

So Sharon and I... we were set up to...

To fall in love?

They didn't ask Sue-Shaun if she wanted to fall in love, right?

They put a tube in her!

And they hooked her up to a machine!

They know who you are, Kara.

You're special.

Leoben told you that.

You have a destiny.

Starbuck, what's this second scar?

I don't know.

I'm not sure I wanna know now.

You know?


How many women do they have at these farms?


Maybe thousands.

I don't know. I haven't accessed that data.

Here's what we do.

Take the Heavy Raider, cram it full of ground troops, find out where the next farm is, liberate it, then the next and the next and the next.

No, no, no, no, that's not why you came to Caprica.

Go find Earth.

What about you?

You said you needed professional advice.

We'll muddle through.

We've managed so far.

They'll k*ll you.

You'll die here.

You know that.

A lot of people died here.

I tell you this.

If I'm gonna die here, I'm gonna take out every last one of those frakkin' farms before I do.

I'm not gonna leave you here.

Well... you said you were gonna come back, remember?

I'm gonna hold you to it.

I'm coming back.

I said it. I meant it.

Yeah, okay.


Be safe.

Let's go home.

Major brainstorm. No bones.