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00x01 - Part 1

Posted: 01/06/22 15:34
by bunniefuu
Are you alive?


Prove it.

It has begun.

Make a hole!

As I was saying,
form follows function.

Nowhere is this axiom of design
more readily apparent...

than on board the world-famous
Battlestar Galactica.

This ship, the last of her kind
still in service,

was constructed over years ago
during the early days of the Cylon w*r.

Originally there were Battlestars, each
representing one of Kobol's colonies.

Galactica represented Caprica and was
first commanded by Commander Nash--

''The Cylon w*r is long over, yet we
must not forget the reasons why--''

Commander Adama, if I may?

I just wanted to say what a pleasure it's
been serving with you in your command.

Captain Kelly, it's been my honor.
Good luck in your next assignment.

Thank you, sir.

''The Cylon w*r is long over, yet--''
Good morning, sir.

Good morning, Starbuck.
What do you hear?

Nothing but the rain.

Grab your g*n and bring in the cat.
Boom, boom, boom.

Attention. Honor guard detail...

report to starboard hangar bay
for ceremonial briefing and rehearsal.

Let's go, guys.
Chief's gonna have our ass.

Yeah, well, you're the one that
was supposed to wrap that yesterday.

Shh. It's the old man.

Too late. What's up?

Nothing, sir.Just another leak
in that ''frakin''' window.

Pardon me, sir.

It's supposed to be a Battlestar,
not a museum.

Sorry for saying so, sir.

Couldn't agree with you more.
Be careful out there, all right?

''The Cylon w*r is long over,
yet we cannot forget the reasons why--''

Morning, sir.
Good morning.

Com traffic from the midwatch.
Hmm. Anything interesting?

Mostly housekeeping. Uh, there was
one odd message we were copied on.

The one from
Fleet Headquarters there, sir.

Courier officer's overdue
coming back from Armistice Station.

They've asked for a full status report
on all F.T.L.-capable ships...

just in case they need somebody
to jump out there today--

see if his ship
has any mechanical problems.

I think we're a little bit busy today.
Wouldn't you say so, Lieutenant?

Yes, sir.
I'm glad we agree.

And may I take this opportunity
to say that it's been both a pleasure...

and an honor to serve under you
these past three years.

It's my honor, Lieutenant Gaeta.

''The Cylon w*r is long over--''


You'll see things here that look odd
or even antiquated--

Antiquated to modern eyes.

Phones with cords,
awkward manual valves...

computers that barely
deserve the name.

It was all designed to operate
against an enemy...

who could infiltrate and disrupt
even the most basic computer systems.

Galactica is a reminder of a time when
we were so frightened by our enemies...

that we literally looked backward
for protection.

Attention all hands--


Attention on deck!

Chief. At ease.

This way.

A Mark II.

Haven't seen one of these
in about years.

If the commander will take
a closer look... at the tail numbering.

Nebula Constellation.

Oh, my God.
Where did you find her?

Rusting out in a salvage yard
on Sagittarian.

We had hoped the commander
would allow her to participate
in the decommissioning ceremony.

She'll fly?
Oh,yes, sir.

We've restored the engines,

patched the guidance system,
replaced much of the flight control--

You guys are amazing.
She's fueled, armed,

ready for launch, sir.

What? More?

Somebody's bucking
for a promotion around here.

I believe that would be
Prosna, sir.

He found this in the fleet archives.

He was doing some research
for the museum.

Thank you. Thank you all.
It's an honor.

You're welcome, sir.
Fall out.

All right. You heard the man.
Let's get number three up.


Prior to hours.


Here we go.
If you're gonna play with the big dogs--

No fear.
I'm in. Bet's to you, X.O.

I'm in.
I'm not scared of you.

Oh, Helo. When are you gonna learn?
First you're flying with rooks, and then--


And then you're betting
against Starbuck.

''Starbuck. ''
Now there's a call sign.

Starbuck. Starbuck, buck, buck, buck,
buck, buck, buck, buck.

Where'd you get
that nickname, anyway?

Was that before you were thrown
in the brink as a cadet for drunk
and disorderly or after?

After. That's right. It was after.

I'm in.
Bet's to you, X.O.

I'm in.

How's the wife?

Too early for that kind of money.

Hey, did you hear about
that Pyramid game on Geminon?

What were you doing on Geminon?

This girl there I know.
What girl don't you know?

The wife is just fine.

Talk to her lately?
Bet's to you, Lieutenant.

All right.

Thirty to me.

And it looks like I'm gonna bring
this lovely little game to a close...

because... full colors!

Ha-ha! Ah-whoo!

Ow! Ow!


Okay, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Hey, hey, hey.


You have finally gone too far...

and now you're done.

Lieutenant, consider yourself
under arrest, pending charges.

Report to the brig.


Are you really gonna
press charges against Kara?

For striking a superior officer?
You're damned right I am.

Heard you started the day off
pretty early.

I wasn't on duty.

Now, where did you get this?

Tyrol's deck g*ng scrounged it up.

I couldn't talk you out of it, could I?
Not a chance.

She is insubordinate, undisciplined.

Probably one of the finest fighter
pilots I've ever seen in my life.

She's better than I am.

Twice as good as you.
Like hell.


Listen, I'm not gonna defend
what she did.

Especially the cracks
about your marital problems.

But you did kick over the table first.

I did not.

Unless I did.

You did.

So what do you say
we just drop the formal charges...

throw her in the brig,
cool her heels off until we get home?

You always did have a soft spot for her.

Yeah, I guess I'm just
a crazy old man.

I'm afraid the tests are positive.
The mass is malignant.

It's advanced well beyond the--

So I also sent
the president a copy of your speech
for Galactica's retirement.

Hopefully, he'll have
a chance to review it...

but there is a -minute time delay
between the Galactica and--

- Excuse me.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your captain. Welcome aboard.

We are en route to Galactica...

and our estimated flight time
is approximately five and a halfhours.

Please sit back and relax
and enjoy your flight.

I'll take two!

All right.

How small they are.
I know.

But they grow up so fast.
May I?



So light.

So fragile.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.
There, there. It's okay.

You're not gonna have to cry
much longer.

We really should be going.

Of course.

It's amazing how the neck
can support that much weight.

Chantara. Honey. Let's go.

I gotta show you something.

Yeah. Come on.

Give me a moment.

Just a second.

I'll go with you.

My God! He's not breathing!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
He's not breathing!

My baby!

For those of you just joining us
from the Pyramid game on Geminon...

welcome to The Spotlight...

our weekly interview program devoted
to people making news on Caprica.

Today we're talking
with Dr. Gaius Baltar...

winner of three Magnate Awards
over the course of his career.

A media cult figure and
a personal friend of President Adar's,

he is currently working as a top
consultant for the Ministry of Defense...

on computer issues.

But he's perhaps best known
for his controversial views...

on advancing computer technology.

Dr. Baltar, again, welcome.

Thank you, Kellan. Firstly, may I say
how lovely you're looking...

and secondly, what an absolute
pleasure it is to be on the show.

Well, we're delighted
to have you with us.

Could you summarize your views
for our audience?

Yes, I'd be happy to.

My position is very simple.

The ban on research and development
into artificial intelligence...

is, as we all know,
a holdover from the Cylon Wars.

Quite frankly, I find this
to be an outmoded concept.

It serves no useful purpose
except to impede our efforts--

Miss me?

Can't you tell?

Your body misses me,
but what about your heart, your soul?

Yeah, those too.

Do you love me, Gaius?

Do you love me?
Are you serious?

You had me worried there
for a minute.

I'm hot, Gaius.

I'm so hot!

Viper , this is
Galactica. Approach port landing bay.

Hands-on, speed .
Checkers red. Call the ball.

Galactica, this is Viper .
Check that.

Did you say hands-on approach?

Viper , that's affirmative.
Hands-on approach.

Copy that, Galactica.
Port landing bay, hands-on approach.

Speed .
I have the ball.

Skids down. Mag lock secure.

On behalf of Galactica,
I'd like to welcome you aboard, Apollo.
It's an honor to have you with us.

Morning, sir. ChiefTyrol.

I'll be your crew chief
while you're aboard.

Morning, Chief.
Captain Lee Adama.

It's a real pleasure to...
meet you, sir.

I'm sure you've heard this before.
I'm a great admirer of your father's.

The service is gonna miss him
when he retires.

Well, I'm sure someone will.
Is your auto-landing system down?

I was hands-on
for the whole approach.

It's all hands-on here, Captain.

There are no auto-landings
on the Galactica.

Commander Adama's orders.

Is that right?

Attention in the port hangar bay.

Raptor touching down.
Clear. The checker is red.

Nice flying, Lieutenant. I think
they heard that clear up to the bridge.

Yeah. I'm gonna catch hell from
the L.S.O., but it wasn't entirely my fault.

Primary gimbal's acting up again.
Oh, it's the gimbal's fault again?

Helo, am I lying?
Gimbal looked bad to me.

I've pulled that gimbal three times
and stripped it twice.

The gimbal's not the problem, sir.
You're not listening to me, Chief.

I listen very closely to what each
and every one of my pilots has to say.

You're not the one out there
trying to bring in tons of Raptor...

onto a moving hangar deck
with a bad gimbal.

- I've got years experience...
- Here we go.

breaking down and stripping
every component and every system--

That's ever been installed
in every spacecraft on my hangar deck.

The gimbal is broken.
Shut up, sir.

Morning, sir!

All right.
Today is the main event.

We have a formation demonstration,
flyby maneuvers...

in conjunction with
the decommissioning ceremony.

I've got a few changes
to the flight plan.

Lieutenant Thrace is being replaced
in the slot by Lieutenant Anders.

Also, we have Captain Lee Adama
joining us,

and he's gonna be flying lead during
the flyby, so please welcome Captain.

Good to have you.
Welcome, Apollo.
Welcome aboard, Captain.


Thanks to ChiefTyrol
and his deck g*ng, Captain,

you're gonna have the honor
offlying the actual Viper...

that your father flew
almost years ago.

Great. That's, um--
That's quite an honor.

Yes, it is, Captain.

And personally I can't think of a better
way to send this ship into retirement.

It may interest you to know that
the final results for the C.N.P. project are:

Working close to %° efficiency
throughout the fleet.

Hold your applause, please.
No applause for me?

I doubt you would've ever
completed the project without me.

Yes, well, you helped a bit.
I rewrote half your algorithms.

All right,
you were extremely helpful.

But let's not forget
you got something out of it.

All that poking around
inside the Defense mainframe.

Should give you a huge advantage
bidding for the contract next year.

You know that's not really why I did it.
No, you did it 'cause you love me.

That, and God wanted me
to help you.

Right. He spoke to you, did he?
You had a chat?

He didn't speak to me
in a literal voice.

And you don't
have to mock my faith.

I'm just not very religious.

Does it bother you that I am?

It puzzles me that an intelligent,
attractive woman such as yourself...

should be taken in by all that
mysticism and superstition.

But I'm willing to overlook it
on account of your other attributes.

I have to go.
I'm meeting someone.

Really? Who is he?
I'm insanely jealous.

I doubt that.

So touchy today.

Well, as a matter of fact,
I'm meeting someone too. Business.

A new project at Defense I might do.

So, uh,

you'll call me later, right?

It's about time.
I wondered when you'd get here.

Secretary Roslin.

- Mr. ''Kickay. ''
- Keikeya.

Oh, sorry. Hi.

My name's Aaron Doral.
I'm from Public Relations.

I'd like to welcome you
aboard Galactica.
Thank you.

If you'll follow me,
I'll show you to your quarters.

Attention all hands.

At this time, Galactica
would like to welcome aboard...

the secretary of education,
Laura Roslin.

The secretary is a member
of the president's cabinet.

We're honored by her presence
aboard our ship...

and her participation this afternoon in
Galactica's decommissioning ceremony.

Madam Secretary?

Madam Secretary?

Yes, that's exactly what I would think.

Attention all hands.
E. V.A. activity on hull.

Do not radiate any electrical equipment
while E. V.A. is in progress.

Thank you.

In or out.

Excuse me?
Get in or get out.

Shut the hatch.

Where are you trying to be?

Uh, visitor's quarters.
I'm a visitor.

Yeah. Never would've guessed.

It tells people things
like where the restroom is.

It's an integrated computer network,
and I will not have it aboard this ship.

I heard you're one of those people.
You're actually afraid of computers.

No. There are many computers
on this ship, but they're not networked.

A computerized network
would simply make it faster and easier
for the teachers to be able to teach--

Let me explain something to you.

Many good men and women
lost their lives aboard this ship...

because someone wanted
a faster computer to make life easier.

I'm sorry that I'm inconveniencing
you or the teachers...

but I will not allow
a network computerized system...

to be placed on this ship
while I'm in command.

Is that clear?
Yes, sir.

Thank you. Excuse me.

This seems familiar.

Captain Adama, sir.

Sorry I wasn't there to greet you
with the rest of the squadron.

Did they kiss your ass
to your satisfaction?

So, what's the charge this time?

Striking a superior assh*le.

Ah. I bet you've been waiting
all day to say that one.

Most of the afternoon, yeah.

So, how long's it been?

Two years.
Two years. We must be getting old.

Seems like the funeral
was just a couple months ago.


Your old man's doin' fine.
We don't talk about it much.

Maybe two or three times a year.
He still struggles with it, though.

I haven't seen him.
Why not?

Kara, don't even start.
How long are you gonna do this?

I'm not doing anything.
He lost his son, Lee.

And who's responsible for that?

Same old Lee.
You haven't changed either.

Zak was my brother.

What was he to me? Nothin'?

That's not what I meant.
And you know what--

You know what?
You should go.

I'm gettin' the urge to hit
another superior assh*le.



What are you doing here?
Who the hell are you?

Get out.

Gaius, who is this woman?

Uh, she's a friend. Well, more
than a friend. When I say friend--

Get out.

This is just great.


Look, it's, uh--
It's me, all right?

It-It-It's totally me.

I screwed up.

I am screwed up.
I always have been.

It's a, uh-- It's a flaw
in my character that I have.

I've always hated it
and I've tried--

Spare me your feigned
self-awareness and remorse.

I came here because
I have something to tell you.

Oh. Okay.

Oh, here he is.
If you'd just like to--

A little space.
Captain, thank you for joining us.

Hi. Aaron Doral.

If you'd just like to stand up there,
we'll get a few sh*ts of you...

and the commander.


Hello, Captain.

Great. Okay, gentlemen,
could you maybe stand a bit closer?

Fantastic. Um, Commander,

could you put your arm
around your son?

Great. Perfect.

Okay. Thank you very much.
Um, see you at the ceremony.

We'll just be leaving this--
through this doorway and to our right.

Attention, honor guard detail,
report to starboard hangar bay.

You want some, uh, coffee?

No, sir. Thank you, sir.

Why don't you sit down?

Congratulations on making captain.
Sorry I wasn't there.

Thank you, sir.

How's your mother?
Getting married.

Good for her.

We spoke about a year ago.
Had a real heart-to-heart. It was good.

I'm glad to hear that, sir.
Will that be all?

Why don't you talk to me, Lee?
What do you want to talk about?

Anything. You've been here for an hour.
Well, I don't have anything to say.

My orders said report here
and participate in the ceremony.

So I'm-I'm here, and I'm gonna
participate in the ceremony.

There wasn't anything in my orders
about having any heart-to-heart
chats with the old man.

Accidents happen in the service.

Dad, listen, I--

You know all the things that you
talked to me about at the funeral--
I really don't want to do this!

They still ring in my ears
after two years.

Good. 'Cause-- 'Cause you know what?
They were meant to.

Zak had a choice. You both did.

''A man isn't a man until he wears
the wings of a Viper pilot.''

Doesn't that sound
at all familiar to you?

That's not fair, son.

No, it's not fair.

Because one of us wasn't cut out
to wear the uniform.

He earned his wings,
just like we all did.
One of us wasn't cut out to be a pilot.

One of us wouldn't
have made it into flight school...

if his old man, his daddy,
hadn't pulled the strings!

That's an exaggeration.

I did nothing for him that
I wouldn't have done for anyone else.

You're not even listening to me.

Wh-Why can't you get this
through your head?

Zak did not belong in that plane!

He shouldn't have been there.

He-He was only doing it for you.

Face it. You k*lled him.

That'll be all, Captain.

So now you're telling me, um--

Now you're telling me you're a machine.

I'm a woman.
You're a machine.

You're a synthetic woman.

A robot.

I've said it three times now.
Well, forgive me.

I'm having the tiniest little
bit of trouble believing that.

The last time anybody saw the Cylons,
they looked like walking chrome toasters.

Those models are still around.
They have their uses.

Prove it.

If you're a Cylon,
prove it to me right now.

I don't have to.
You know I'm telling the truth.

See, stating something as the truth
doesn't necessarily make it so...

'cause the truth of the matter is
I don't believe a word of it.

You believe me because deep down
you've always known there was
something different about me--

something that didn't quite add up
in the usual way.

And you believe me
because it flatters your ego...

to believe that alone,
among all the billions of people...

of the Twelve Colonies,
you were chosen for my mission.

Your mission? What mission?

You knew I wanted access
to the Defense mainframe.

The-- Wait a minute.

The Defense mainframe?
What exactly are you saying?

Come on, Gaius.
The communications frequencies?

Deployment schedules?
Unlimited access to every database?

Oh, my God.

I had nothing to do with this.

You know I had nothing
to do with this.

You have an amazing capacity
for self-deception.

How do you do that?

How many people know about me,
specifically? That I'm involved?

And even now, as the fate of your
entire world hangs in the balance...

all you can think about
is how this affects you.

Do you have any idea what
they will do to me if they find out?

They'd probably
charge you with treason.

Treason is punishable
by the death penalty.

This is unbelievable.
What are you doing?

Phoning my attorney.
That won't be necessary.

He'll know what to do.
He'll sort this out.
He's the best in the business.

It won't be necessary,
because in a few hours...

no one will be left
to charge you with anything.

What exactly are you saying?

Humanity's children
are returning home... today.

I'd like to thank
you all again for being here.

And, Elosha, thank you very much
for those wonderful words.

Next is a ceremonial flyby
by the last Galactica squadron...

led by Captain Lee Adama.

And now it is my great pleasure
to introduce the last commander...

of the Battlestar Galactica,
Commander Adama.

Thank you very much.

The Cylon w*r is long over,

yet we must not forget the reasons
why so many sacrificed so much...

in the cause of freedom.

The cost of wearing the uniform
can be high...


Sometimes it's too high.

You know, when we fought
the Cylons,

we did it to save ourselves
from extinction.

But we never answered
the question, why?

Why are we as a people
worth saving?

We still commit m*rder because
of greed, spite,jealousy.

And we still visit all of our sins
upon our children.

We refuse to accept the responsibility
for anything that we've done.

Like we did with the Cylons.

We decided to play God,

create life.

When that life turned against us,

we comforted ourselves
in the knowledge...

that it really wasn't our fault,
not really.

You cannot play God then wash your
hands of the things that you've created.

Sooner or later, the day comes...

when you can't hide from
the things that you've done anymore.

You are one surprising son of a bitch.

Colonial Heavy , this is Viper .

My call sign is Apollo, and
I'll be your escort back to Caprica.

Copy that, Viper .
Glad to have you with us, Apollo.

Viper , Raptor .

This is Boomer.Just wanted to say
it was an honor to fly with you, Apollo.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we are now en route back to Caprica.

If you look out the, uh,
starboard window,

you might be able to see one
of Galactica's old Mark II Vipers,

which will be escorting us back home.

We don't have
any further information yet.

There are no
remaining ships able to leave Caprica.

But no actual enemy
has been sighted yet.

Officials are saying
there doesn't seem any doubt--

What have I done?

What am I gonna do?

There's no way out.

I know.
I'm sure you know.

That's your doing, isn't it?

Wait. Wait. There has to be
another way out ofhere.

I mean-- I mean,
you must have an escape plan.

You're not about to be destroyed
by your own bombs, are you?

How are you leaving?

Gaius, I can't die.

When this body is destroyed,
my memory, my consciousness,

will be transmitted to a new one.

I'll just wake up somewhere else
in an identical body.

You mean there's
more out there like you?

There are models.
I'm Number Six.

I don't want to die. I don't--
Get down.

C.I.C. to commanding officer.

- Go ahead.
- I'm sorry to disturb you, sir,

but we have a priority one alert
message from Fleet Headquarters.

It was transmitted in the clear.

In the clear?
What does it say?

''Attention all colonial units.

''Cylon att*ck underway.

This is no drill.''

I'll be right there.

Action stations, action stations.

Set condition one throughout the ship.
This is not a drill.

Action stations, action stations.

Set condition one throughout the ship.
This is not a drill.

Action stations, action stations.

Set condition one throughout the ship.
This is not a drill.

Not a drill? They can't be serious.
Sounds like it to me.

What are we gonna sh**t with?
The ship's got no amm*nit*on.

All right, people, let's go.
Let's get this hangar bay ready
for possible incoming.

What have we got?
Shipping accident?


Condition one is set.
All decks report ready for action, sir.

Very well.

This is a joke.
The fleet's playing a joke on you.

It's a retirement prank.
Come on.
I don't think so.

This is the commander.

Moments ago this ship received word of
a Cylon att*ck against our home worlds...

is under way.

We do not know the size
or the disposition or the strength
of the enemy forces.

But all indications point...

to a massive as*ault
against Colonial defenses.

Admiral Nagala has taken
personal command of the fleet...

aboard the Battlestar Atlantia...

following complete destruction
of Picon Fleet Headquarters...

in the first wave of the att*cks.

How, why...

doesn't really matter now.

What does matter is that,
as of this moment, we are at w*r.

You've trained for this.

You're ready for this.

Stand to your duties,
trust your fellow shipmates...

and we'll all get through this.

Further updates as we get them.
Thank you.

w*r with the Cylons.

All right, people,
this is what we do.

We're the best, so let's get the old girl
ready to roll and kick some Cylon ass!

Come on! Let's go! Move!

This better be for real.

- Tactical.
- Sir?

Begin a plot of all m*llitary units in
the solar system, friendly or otherwise.


We're in a sh**ting w*r.
We need something to sh**t.

I'll start checking munitions depots.

D., send a signal
to our fighter squadron.

I want positions and tactical status

Yes, sir.
And get Kara Thrace out of the brig.

Boomer, acknowledge Galactica's
signals and send 'em our position.

Tell them we've detected a formation
of Cylon fighters directly ahead,
and I intend to att*ck.

Boomer, do you copy?

Copy that.
Ease up there, Boomer.

Take a deep breath.

Stand by. Helo?

I show .

No, no, make that five Cylon raiders
on course -mark- .

Speed, . .

Time to intercept,
seven minutes.

You don't sound too sure.
A lot of jamming going on.

Cylons are using a lot of sensor decoys.
Sorting through them, but--

Understood.Just take your time,
guide us in. We'll do the rest.

Yes, sir.

So that would put our squadron
about here.

Now, looks like the main fight is
shaping up over here near Virgon's orbit.

But even at top speed,
they're still over an hour away.

Plot a course along this axis.

If we can keep Virgon
between us and the battle,

we might be able to get pretty close
before the Cylons are even aware.
At least, sir.

Commander, ready for duty, sir.

Where the hell
did the Cylons come from?

All we know for sure is
they achieved complete surprise
and we're taking heavy losses.

We lost Battlestars
in the opening att*ck.

That's a quarter of the fleet.
I need pilots, and I need fighters.

Pilots you got.
There's of us climbing the walls
down in the ready room.

But fighters--

I think I seem to remember
an entire squadron of fighters...

down on the starboard
hangar deck yesterday.

Yes, sir.

You sure they'll fly?

The reactor's still hot, so all we have to do
is pull the rad buffers from the engine,

refuel it, load the ordnance,
and you're ready to go.

The biggest problem is getting 'em
over to the port launch bay.

Why can't we use the starboard launch?
It's a gift shop now.

Frak me.
All right, let's go!

Everybody pick a bird!
We're going to the port launch bay!

- What's the latest, D.?
- A lot of confusion.

I keep getting these weird reports
about equipment malfunctions.

Why is that weird?
It's the number of malfunctions.

One report said an entire Battlestar
lost power...

just before it came in contact
with the enemy.

They said it was like someone
just turned off a switch.

Cylon formation ahead. We're down
to two confirmed Cylons now.

Approaching visual range.

Okay, Boomer, we'll take it from here.
You back way off.

Roger that.

All right, boys and girls,
you break into att*ck formation.

There might only be two of them, but
I want you to stick with your wingman
and do not get overconfident.

Anybody know
what these things look like?

Pictures I've seen
of the old Cylon fighters were
sort oflike a big flying wing.

Those pictures are years old.

- Okay, keep the chatter down.
- CAG, Boomer.

We've got a lot more contacts showin' up.
Looks like a couple of squadrons, at least.

All Vipers, weapons free.

Let's go get 'em.

What the--

I've lost power.

Jolly.Jolly, take over.

Jolly, can you read me?

What are they doing?

I don't know.
They're going straight in.

Com chatter's gone.
They're not talking anymore.

CAG, Boomer.

CAG, Boomer.
Do you read?

Boomer, this is CAG.

If you can hear me they must've done
something to our computer system.

Some sort of electronic jamming.
I've never seen anything like this.

There's no cockpits.

Nobody's flying these things.

Oh, my God.


Boomer, get us out of here!

Once again,
we are processing the information
that we have been given,

and I urge you all to try to stay calm.

As we get more information,
I will pass it along to you.

We appreciate your patience.
Thank you.

What's going on?
I'm not sure.

Any luck over there, Captain?
No.Just picking up
a lot of confusing chatter.

Well, to be honest with you,
I'm kind of glad you're stickin' around.

Makes us all feel better
just seeing you out there.

Well, don't get too comfortable.

This oldjunker I'm in
was meant for show, not combat.

If we run into a problem,
I'll do what I can to protect you.

But the first sign of trouble,
you pour on the speed and you run.

Don't you worry about that.
I got my hand on the throttle.

It hasn't left since I got
that first message.

Colonial Heavy out.

Two missiles now.

Jam the warheads!
I'm trying.

Can't find their frequency.
Drop a swallow.

Got two left.

Damn it. Come on!

Ah, frak!

Check the screen ahead.
Oh. Guess we found the main fight.

- m*ssile lock!
- We got one left.

We're hit!
Oh, really?

Helo-- Hey!

Are you okay?

Stay with me.

Okay, we have a fuel leak.
We have to put down and repair it.

- Nearest world is Caprica.
- Lot of company between us and there.


So we're cruisin'?

Best way to avoid attracting attention.

No power signature,
go in a straight line.

Unless somebody actually
gets close enough to see us,

wejust look like a chunk of debris
on the sensors.

I think we have enough inertia
to make it to Caprica's ionosphere.

Then we power up
and find a place to land.

Nice. Nice thinkin' there.

Preliminary reports indicate...

a thermonuclear device
in the -megaton range...

was detonated over Caprica City
minutes ago.

Nuclear detonations
have been reported...

on the planets Arilon, Icon,

Sagittarian and Geminon.

No reports of casualties,
but they will be high.

How many people
in Caprica City alone?

- Seven million.
- Mourn the dead later.

Right now the best thing we can do
is get this ship into the fight.

Excuse me.

Um, one of the passengers
has a shortwave wireless.

They've heard a report
that Caprica has been nuked.

It has, hasn't it?

Caprica and three other colonies.

I guess I, uh--

I should go make an announcement
or something.

I'll do it.
I'm a member of the political cabinet.

It's my responsibility.

While I'm doing that,
I would ask that you...

contact the Ministry of Civil Defense
and see what we can do to help.

Including the colonies of Caprica,

- Picon,
- Oh, my God.

Arilon and Tauron.

What about Trevor?
What about Geminon?

Anything on Geminon?
My kids are on Geminon!

Okay, stop, stop! Please, stop!

Please, I'm trying
to reach the government right now
to get more information.

In the meantime,
we should all be prepared for
an extended stay aboard this ship.

So, uh, you, please,
and you, uh,

take an inventory of
the emergency supplies and rations.

Hey, wait a minute.
Who put you in charge?

Well, that's a good question.

The answer is no one.

But this is a government ship,
and I am the senior government official,
so that puts me in charge.

So why don't you help me out
and go down into the cargo area...

and see about setting it up
as a living space.

Everyone else, please, uh--
please try and stay calm. Thank you.

All right,
this is the passenger manifest.

Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah.

My parents moved to Picon
two months ago...

to be closer to my sisters
and their families...

and their grandkids and--


Madam Secretary,
we've got your comlink.


Thank God you're not here, Laura.
Thank God.

I've never seen anything like it.

Where is the president?
Dust in the air, thousands of people
wandering the streets.

Where is the president,Jack?

Is he alive?
I don't know. I think so.

We hear all kinds of things.

Have the Cylons made any demands?
Do we know what they want?

No. No contact.
I'm pretty sure about that.

Has anyone discussed--

Has anyone discussed
the possibility of surrender?

Has it been considered?
After Picon was nuked,

the president offered a complete
unconditional surrender.

- The Cylons didn't even respond.
- Colonial Heavy .


What should we do?

Uh, copy that.
The Cylons have found us.

- There's an inbound m*ssile.
- Where the hell did our escort go?

Krypter, krypter, krypter.

This is Apollo to Colonial Heavy .

I'm declaring an emergency.
Flight systems are off-line.

Need assistance.

That's six.

- How you comin' on that fuel line?
- Almost there.

We'll be airborne pretty soon.

Okay, that should do it.

Grab your sidearm.

Just stand your ground.

Captain, are you all right?

I'm fine.

Uh, my name's Aaron Doral.
I met you before.

Took some publicity photos
with you and your father.

What are these things?
Electric pulse generators
from the Galactica.

Really? That's interesting.
Captain, I can't tell you
how glad I am to see you.

Oh? Why is that?

Personally, I'd feel a lot better
if someone qualified
were in charge around here.

Is something wrong with your pilot?

It's just that he's not the one
giving orders.

This is, uh--
It's a bad situation, isn't it, sir?

Yes, it is.

What if we transfer the ''L'' containers
from bay three to bay four?

Then we would have
one, two and three for passengers.
Yeah, that's doable.

That's a lot of heavy lifting
without dock loaders.

A little hard work is just what
the people need right now.

Captain, good to see you again.

- Likewise. Thanks for the lift.
- You should thank her.

- Start the cargo transfer
and prep bay three for survivors.
- Yes, ma'am.

I'm sorry. Survivors?

As soon as the att*ck began,
the government ordered
a full stop on all civilian vessels,

so now we've got hundreds
of stranded ships in the solar system.

Some are lost, some are damaged,
some are losing power.

We have enough space on this ship
to accommodate up to people,

and we're going
to need every bit of it.

But we don't even know
what the tactical situation is out there.

The tactical situation
is that we are losing, right, Captain?

So we pick up
as many people as we can,

we try to find a safe haven
to put down.

Captain, I'd like you to look over
the navigational charts...

for a likely place
to hide from the Cylons.

That's all.

Lady's in charge.

That's as close as you get, okay?
Let's just settle down here.

Settle down and no one gets hurt.

I've gotta get on board.
I'll give you , cubits.

We're not taking money!
Sixty thousand!

This isn't a rescue ship.
This is a m*llitary vessel,
and we're not taking money.

Please! You've gotta take my nephew!
We are not taking money.

Take the children!

What about the children?

What about my wife?
Yeah, what about the children?

All right, all right, all right!
Children first. Children.

- Go ahead, baby, go ahead.
- How many are there?

- There's still room, right?
- What about us?

- All right, we can take
three more people.
- Three?

That's the maximum load
if we're gonna break orbit.

- Who chooses the three,you?
- No one chooses. No one.


Everyone gets a number.
We put the numbers in a box,
take out three.

That's it. No arguing, no appeal.
How can we trust you?

And I will sh**t the first person
who tries to board before then.

Helo, get your flight manual
and tear out the pages.

Attention. Inbound Dradis contact,
rated highly probable enemy fighter.

All hands stand by
for battle maneuvers.

Launch Vipers.
Vipers clear to launch.

Joker, this is sh**t.
I have control. Stand by.

Viper , clear forward.

Nav-con green.

Interval check.

Mag-cat ready.

Tube door open.

Thrust positive and good luck.

Interval... check.

Thrusters positive.

Stand by.

Thrusters fluctuating.
Abort takeoff.

Viper , copy that.
Throttle down, tube safe.

- Roger, Viper.
- Frak! Get me outta here!

Go, go, go!

Get the bird out.
Cally, Prosna, on the nose.

Next two, wing push.
Last two, guide.

Okay, move, move!

Ladder's on. Get her outta there!
Cally, Prosna, figure out what's goin'on.

Three frakin' aborts, Chief?
We're on it, sir.

It's the pressure reg valve again.
We should pull it.

We can't.
We don't have a spare.

Bow up half.

Forward left one quarter.
Stern right full.

Inbound enemy contact bearing ,

range , closing.

- Let's go!
- Come on, let's go!

We should pull the valve
and bypass the whole system.
We can't do that. The relay will blow.

It'll hold, I'm telling you.
Just pull the valve!

f*ring. Miss!

- Watch it, watch it.
- Engines all ahead full.

Ahead full, sir.
Engines report ahead full.

I got him. Terra's got him.
Terra's got him! No!

I can't get a sh*t.
I can't get a sh*t!

Vipers, stay in formation.
I can't get a lock.

Oh, wait. I got him, I got him.

Come on!

Clear the tube! Let's go!
Get her in. Move, move!

Oh, frak me!

He's irradiating some w*apon at me,
but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

All Vipers, systems are go.

- Hold it together, guys.
- Come on.

I'm all right!

Radiological alarm.

He's got nukes.

Come on!

Galactica, you've got an inbound nuke.
All Vipers, break.

Break, break!
Brace for contact, my friend.

I haven't heard that in a while.

Galactica, Starbuck.

The forward section
of the port flight pod
has sustained heavy damage.

Galactica, you've got
violent decompressions
all along the port flight pod.

Do you read me, Galactica?

Radiation levels within norms.

The hull plating kept out
most of the hard stuff.

Sir, port stern thrusters are locked open.
All bow thrusters nonresponsive.

We're in an uncontrolled
lateral counterclockwise spin.

Send a D.C. party up to aux control
and have 'em cut all the fuel lines
to the stern thruster.

Okay, we have got buckled supports
all along the port flight pod...

and chain reaction decompressions
occurring everywhere forward
of frame -- .

That's a problem.

- Saul, take personal command
of the D.C. units.
- Me?

Sir, the stern thruster's still locked open.
We need you.

- You're either the X.O. or you're not.
- Casualty list to sick bay.

- Sir.
- Sick bay is cut off.

Attention. All decks switch
emergency power relays...

to positive and low.

Go, guys, go! Move it! Go!

Chief, we're losing pressure.

The port pod, it's buckling.
We need help!

We've got structural buckling
all along this line.

We've gotta get those fires out!
I know. Fire suppressors are down.

Water main is down.
I'm tryin' to fight this fire
with handheld gear.

We've got another decompression
heading toward the port pod.

What are your orders, sir? Sir?

All right, listen. I need you
to get the rest of your D.C. teams
down from the landing bay.

Give 'em hand--
No time.

Seal off everything forward of frame
and start an emergency vent
of all compartments.

Wait. I've got over a hundred people
trapped up behind frame .
I just need a minute to get 'em out.

If we don't seal it off now,
we're gonna lose a lot more
than a hundred men. Seal it off. Now.

- They just need a minute!
- We don't have a minute!

If the fire reaches the hangar pods,
it'll ignite the fuel lines and
we'll lose this ship. Do it!

All hands, seal off all bulkheads
through .

It's an order.

Get out of here now! Go!

We gotta vent the compartment!

Venting complete.

Fires are out.

If they remembered their training,
then they had their suits on...

and they were braced
for possible vent action.

There's a lot of rooks in there.

No one's a rookie anymore.

One, twenty-seven.
One, two, seven.


Thank the Lords of Kobol.
Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

Last one.


- Forty-seven.
- Is that yours?

Excuse me. I forgot my glasses.
I must've left them somewhere.

Could you please read this for me?

Hey. Aren't you Gaius Baltar?

- I haven't done anything.
- Hey, I told you that was him.

This lady has ticket number .
This lady here.

- Could you come up here, please?
- Yeah. Excuse me.

What are you doing?

I'm giving up my seat.

Like hell.

A civilian should take my place.

You're going.

Look at those clouds.
Sharon, look at those clouds...

and tell me this isn't
the end of everything.

- Helo.
- Whatever future is left is going
to depend on whoever survives.

Give me one reason why
I'm a better choice than one of
the greatest minds of our time.

You can do this without me.

I know you can.
You've proven it.

Get on board.


I think you better go.

Stay back, stay back.
It's over. It's over!

Stay back. Stay back. Stay back.

It's over! It's over!

It's over!

Get down! Get down!

This is an official
Colonial government broadcast.

All ministers and officials
should now go to case orange.

Repeat. This is an official
Colonial government broadcast.

All ministers and officials
should now go to case orange.

It's an automated message. It's designed
to be sent out in case the president,

the vice president and most of
the cabinet are dead or incapacitated.

I need you to send my I.D. code
back on the exact same frequency.

Yes, ma'am.

''D''as in dog...

dash , , ...

dash , , ...

dash ''A'' as in apple.

Thank you.

How far down?

Forty-third in line of succession.

I know all ahead of me,
from the president down.

Most of us served with him
in the first administration.

Some of them came with him
from the mayor's office.

I was there with him
on his first campaign.

I never really liked politics.
I kept telling myself I was getting out,

but he had this way about him.

Just couldn't say no to him.

Thank you.

We'll need a priest.

Please raise you right hand
and repeat after me.

''I, Laura Roslin,

I, Laura Roslin,

''do now avow and affirm...

do now avow and affirm...

''that I take the office of the president
of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol...

that I accept the office of the--

that I accept the office of the president
of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol...

''and that I will protect and defend
the sovereignty of the Colonies...

and that I will protect and defend
the sovereignty of the Colonies...

with every fiber of my being.''

with every fiber of my being.