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04x09 - Getting Serious

Posted: 01/03/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
MARY JANE: Previously,
on "Being Mary Jane"...

I want to congratulate you on the win.

Your interview was flawless.

Your victory motivated me

to stop futzin' around with my contract.

My agent and I had to leave
a little money on the table.

But, hm, what's a few dollars

against the security
of a five year contract.

- MARY JANE: So, it's done.
- Mm-hm.

What if I decided not to move on?

You know, what if we tried to be...


I couldn't get a change
up once before, too.

Karen and I want to
have a child together.

Will you be the sperm donor?

[fingers tapping]

That's a first.

What is?

You haven't cracked a joke
since we left the restaurant.

Well, I'm still trying to process

the enormity of Zoe's request.

Her request?

Lee, uh... [heavy sigh]

a request is "hand me the
remote", or "pass the salt."

That wasn't a request.

Okay, then, how would you categorize it?

Your baby mama, who
cheated on you with a man,

wants your sperm to
conceive a love child

with her lesbian lover. I... uh...

That defies categorization.

[laughs] Yes.

Yeah, I could always expect
the unexpected with Zoe.

[laughs] But, oh, man...


The thing is she's gonna have
this baby with or without me.

And that bothers you?

My kids, particularly Katherine,

have been begging for a baby
brother or sister for years.


We, uh...

were actually talking
about trying for another one

when... Zoe cheated.

And now, after all these years,

my kids finally get what
they've been asking for,

and the only way I can be a part of it

is if I say yes.

So, you feel... left out?

I know if I say yes to that,

you'll have a very
strong opinion about it.

That wasn't the
reaction I was expecting.

Me, neither.

♪ ♪

I've just gotta go and
clear my head for a minute.

Is that okay?

It's okay.


♪ ♪

[knock at door]


Uh-oh, what are you doing, Orlando?

Orlando? [knocking on door]

Orlando, what are you doing?

I have to get up in
a few hours for work.

Mami... eres tan maravillosa.

Oh, Lord, you came all the way here

in the middle of the
night to tell me that?

No, no, baby.

I've been out on the town drinking

and chatting up the
ladies, but here I am.

Here you are. Hm.

- We're in a relationship.
- Oh...

- I'm being manonamous.
- What? Oh, God.

I feel like I hit the
game-winning home run.

Okay, well, not tonight,
not tonight, not tonight.

No, no, Orlando, you need to go home.

No, Orlan... oh, my God.
Orlando, listen to me.

ORLANDO: Ahhhhh! And
the crowd goes wild!

We want Lagos!

It's only been a couple of days.

Do not hurt your shoulder again

patting yourself on the back, okay?

Yeh give me credit. A couple
of days is a long time for me.

Yes, it is, papi. Let's
just get you to bed.

Oh, my God...

♪ ♪

[telephones ringing]

- KARA: Hey...
- [knocks on door]

Are you ready for the meeting?

- Late night?
- Oh, my God.

You have no idea.

I have something for you.

So, you didn't tell me.
Is Lee gonna do it or what?

- Give Zoe his sperm?
- Yeah.

Oh, well, you know, he's so reasonable,

he just might.

How do you feel about that?

- Honestly, I'm annoyed.
- KARA: Mm-hm.

I'm finally getting ready to
have the family talk with him,

and Zoe jumps the line.

You can still have the
conversation with Lee.

He's such a reasonable guy.

Everything is going so well at work,

I just wanna get the rest of
my life in order, you know?

Well, it's not just about getting
your life in order, Mary Jane.

It's about your future with Lee.

No, I know, I know.

I finally find a guy
that's capable of loving me.

- I'm aware.
- That's monumental, okay?

I wanna make sure that
your head is straight.

- It is.
- Okay.

- Don't worry.
- All right.

Hey, Justin, the self.
Driving car, it's a go.

We can have it on air tomorrow.

Look, I've got something better in mind.

Are you gonna tell me what it is?

Nah, follow my lead.

Last week, "Great Day USA"
correspondent Mary Jane Paul

broke an incredible story,

exposing Supreme Court
nominee Perry McAllister's

racial bias during his
years as a prosecutor.

Paul's efforts as an
investigative journalist

stopped McAllister's inevitable march

to the nation's highest court.

- KARA: Yes.
- OTHERS: [applauding]

GARRETT: Well done, Mary Jane.

If breaking you that story

doesn't get you a Peabody, nothing will.

Just call her "Woodward
& Bernstein" from now on.

- OTHERS: [laughing]
- No, it was Justin's source.

He deserves the credit.

I just have one question.

How do you follow that up?

My next story idea
is, uh, well, so good,

um, I'm gonna let my
producer, Justin, pitch it.

JUSTIN: [chuckles]

Well, what we wanna do
is we wanna follow up, uh,

to the internet bullying story

that we did last year on Liz Tourneau.

It's a very important social issue

that still continues to be a problem,

not only in schools,
but as the segment shows,

in... in the work. Place as well.

Uh, remind me of the details.

Okay, Liz Tourneau was a woman
that lived in Silicon Valley...

And her personal texts
were hacked and emailed

to an on-line gossip site.

She lost her job and any
semblance of a normal life.

I did the Liz Tourneau
segment last year.

And I personally flew to San Jose

to convince her to tell her story.

If you would have asked me about Liz,

you would have known we keep in contact.

What we wanna do is a profile

on where she is now, one year later.

What do you think?

Are you asking me?

No, uh, Kara.

Oh, um...

well, considering the, uh,

political climate right now,

and the impact that social media

has had on the presidential election,

I think that it's all very relevant.

Didn't Liz leave the country?

Yes, she has since rebuilt her life

in the Virgin Islands.

So, if anyone's going
to interview Liz again,

it will be me.

Point taken. This one's Ronda's.

Kara, you'll produce with her, okay?

[mixed conversations]

That was your better idea?

A follow up for an old Ronda story,

when you knew she would big-foot it?

I hoped she would and
Ronda didn't disappoint.

Help me understand what's going
on in that brain of yours.

Okay, Ronda goes to the Virgin Islands.

What does that mean?

Garrett will need a sub to fill in.

Exactly. I'm gonna
get you in that chair.

Look, everyone knows you
broke the McAllister story,

even the suits upstairs.

So, you need to ride this wave.

Why are you so okay with me
getting all the credit for this?

Maybe I'm just a nice guy. [laughs]

Okay, look, if you're
sitting in that anchor chair,

I'm known as the one who got you there.

It's good for both of us.

But we all know Ronda just signed

her new five year contract.

Yes. The next step
is for you to fill in.

Look, Garrett loves you.

Show him that you can get up there

and shine next to Aaron.

I'll need Aaron's vote
to sit in the seat.

No question.

Only one problem with that.

Every correspondent's gonna be gunning

- to test-drive Ronda's seat.
- Yeah.

You think you can take 'em?

I have an idea.

[knocks on door]

Hey, Kara.

So, what's with you and
Justin in the story meeting?

Oh, well, when you and
Ronda are out of town

on the Liz Tourneau segment,

he thinks I should fill in.

He thinks I should ride the
wave of the McAllister story.

Well, I hate to say
that I agree with him.

But I've gotta ask you one question.

- What's his angle?
- No angle.

Suddenly, Justin Talbot's a choir boy?

Maybe I got him all wrong.

Oh, girl, come on.

Mary Jane, you are buying his bullshit.

He is exactly that
smooth-talking Black man

that you've fallen prey to in the past.

I appreciate you having my back, Kara.

You know I do.

I'm just glad Justin's
not an enemy anymore.

Kara, I need you in the
control room right now.

Oh, yeah, I'll be right there.

GARRETT: You should see
this, too, Mary Jane.


GARRETT: Roll the clip, please.

ORLANDO: You think it's not gonna affect

your performance, but it does.

You've had your share of problems with

off-the-field antics.

ORLANDO: Not so much anymore, though.

I've been a good boy lately.

Mm-hm, what sparked the change?

Some of it's just maturity, you know?

I'm not as young as I was, and, uh...

I'm also in a relationship now,

a monogamous relationship.

You have been linked to
some pretty famous names.

Oh, she's not a celebrity.

She's a... [laughing]

Alright... Look, I've
already said too much.

No, no, come back here.

Come on, tell us who she is.

All I can say is that...

she's the most gorgeous,
intelligent woman I know.

Well, I do follow you
on Instagram, Orlando,

and I've seen some pictures of you with

a gorgeous, intelligent
producer from the morning news.

Could this be her? Am I right?

Kara Lynch. Isn't that her name?

Yeah. Yeah. You got me.

That's my baby, Kara Lynch.

OTHERS: [hooting, cheering, applauding]

I know you've been trying
to keep it a secret,

but this whole studio's been in on it.

KARA: Oh, no.

Oh, yeah. Come here.
I'm so happy for you.

He really seems like
such a great guy. It...

- Aaron? Hey.
- Hey.

I know you have a decision to make

about who's gonna be
sitting next to you,

and I've considered
everything from bribery,

to baking you a cake
to get you to choose me.

- Bribery? Really?
- Yeah.

BOTH: [laughing]

Look, I could ask for this opportunity

based on merit alone, but

none of that really matters.

What matters is who you choose
to sit next to you at the desk.

Do you really think viewers
are gonna get excited

about Natalie or Sylvia?

Come on. Or will you
get more eyes watching

with a fresher choice like me?

What do you want the
perception to be here?

[laughs] I do appreciate
your candor, Mary Jane.

But I do have a question for you.

sh**t. Anything.

It's to on goal,
seconds left in the game,

you're down by points.

Do you kick the field
goal and go for the tie,

or do you go for the touchdown?

I think if we learned
anything from the Seahawks

in that Super Bowl,

you go beast mode and you run
up the middle for the touchdown.

No hesitation.

♪ ♪

Going in for the win might seem
a little too aggressive.

I know it's bold, but...

Given the way you are now, you know,

a guy like Aaron might
find that threatening.

The way I am now. Hm.

Okay, look, Mary Jane,

you're no longer just
reading copy, right?

You're... you're... when
you look in the camera,

you're in the zone,

you're Michael Jordan
taking the last shot.

This is Ali versus Frazier now.

That is quite the compliment.

But, seriously, must everything
be sports analogies these days?

- You started it, not me.
- [knock on door]

Mary Jane, would you
join me in my office?

- Of course.
- Wonderful.

[sipping] Mmm...

- Join me for a cup?
- I'm fine. Thanks.

Oh, no, no, darlin'. I insist.

This is imported from
a Kenyan coffee farm

that my foundation sponsors.

One lump or two?

Oh, black for me, please?

Oh, dear.

You have to have a little sugar.

It helps the bitterness go down.

Here you are, dear.

Since the ink has dried on my contract,

there is no reason why
we have to play into

the hands of the suits anymore.

I mean, we're smarter
than that, don't you agree?



This is exquisite.

I knew you'd like it.


You know, one of the privileges
that comes with the job

is being able to
whisper into Aaron's ear

about who is going to take my place.

He likes to make a big show
of announcing this choice,

and he even uses it to
extract sexual favors

from time to time.

But, really, I just tell
him who it's gonna be,

and he goes along with it.

And, obviously, you made
sure I wasn't his choice.

I told him to choose Natalie.

Of course, you did.

Though you might not realize it...

I did it for your own good.

If you really believe that, Ronda,

you're more out of touch than I thought.


Oh, Natalie, wait up.

Congratulations. Way to go.

Now you're gonna fill an anchor spot.

I told you... sleeping with
Aaron was my insurance policy.

I gave an Oscar-worthy
performance of a fake orgasm.

Shivers and all. [laughing]

Props to you for thinking ahead, girl.


- MARY JANE: Oh, but...
- NATALIE: What?


MARY JANE: You know she's the
news director's niece, right?

She is such a brown-noser. I knew it.

MARY JANE: Oh, they're
probably just friends.

Aaron said he despises
short hair on women.

- MARY JANE: Mmmm...
- NATALIE: Oh...

Mary Jane, look at this.

No, no, no, you look at this.

NATALIE: [muffled raised voice]

Why is Natalie all up in Aaron's face?

Ah, she just figured out that
Aaron is sleeping with Sylvia.

Oh, she didn't know that?

Unh-unh, apparently not.

But she is giving
Aaron reason to rethink

he choice in co-anchor.

She's gonna have another
opportunity to fill in.

- Stop it.
- [cell phone buzzing]

- Oh, God...
- What?

It's Lee. Again.

Well, answer it.

Maybe he's decided about Zoe.

That's what I'm afraid of.

- No.
- KARA: [tsks]

I'll deal with it later.

What did you want to show me?

Oh, it's much better if you
see it on the big screen.

You are not gonna believe this shit.

- MARY JANE: Oh! Oh!
- KARA: Yeah.

"It looks like New York
baseball star, Orlando Lagos,

has put his legendary
womanizing days behind him..."

- KARA: [groans]
- "... for a hot, mature beauty

"with brains to go with the looks.

"Just days after going public
with his new relationship

"with 'Great Day USA'
producer Kara Lynch,

"the famed second baseman

was seen out and about
with his new lady love."

- Oh, there's video.
- KARA: Oh, yeah.

Yeah, look at this. You look hot.

KARA: Can you believe this shit?

Oh, God, what are you so upset about?

You've never looked hotter.

They called you MILF of the month.

Oh, great. Yay.

Now my name gets added to
an illustrious list of exes,

including singers, sitcom actresses,

and, wait for it, a porn star.

Oh, God, he's been around. Get over it.

It's one of the downfalls
of dating a celebrity.

It's not like you're some
Sunday School sergeant.

But, wait a minute, now
I'm supposed to compete

with year old beanpoles
with boob implants?

Honey, there is no competition.

You won. He wants you.

Well, I don't like my
business being so damn public.

I don't like it.

Boo-hoo, cry me a river.

Do you know how many women
would give their left leg

to have a man like Orlando
publicly claim them?

It's not like you're some
skank that he blew out,

who's gotta resort to
taking secret selfies

with the man while he sleeps.

- You're his lady.
- NATALIE: [sobbing]

Uh-oh. It looks like your
guided m*ssile just hit.

Did your nasty-ass new producer
put you up to this little skit?

- No, it was my idea.
- What?! Really?

I did the same thing
at SNC with Luke Ryan

and you didn't seem to mind.

Plant the seed of doubt

and throw them off their game, remember?

I thought this Mary Jane was
about doing things differently.

Look, I think I deserve
a little leeway here.

When I took this job,
I was led to believe

that I would be filling Ronda's spot.

That hasn't happened. I was lied to.

Okay, just do me a favor

and don't let Justin's skanky
ass ways rub off on you.

Kara, I really can't believe
I'm hearing this from you.

Methinks you're jealous.

What? Why the hell would
I be jealous of him?

Because all the plots

that you and I cooked up aren't working.

- Oh...
- And Justin's are.

- Whatever.
- Here.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, come on. What? What's wrong?

- Lee's here.
- Oh. Oh, boy.

Did you see Aaron
storm out of his office?

Do you think Natalie
is out as co-anchor?

It's a distinct possibility.

That's exactly why I don't get involved

in office relationships.

Well, either way, I'll be prepared.

- Oh. Hey.
- Hey.

- Bad time?
- No, no, um...

Justin, this is my
boyfriend, Lee Truitt.

Lee, this is my producer, Justin Talbot.

Nice to meet you, mate.
I've heard a lot about you.

The same. Same. Um,

you work in construction?

No, I'm a comedian, but close.

All right, I'll catch up with you later.


Justin, he's not at all
what I was expecting.


No, I was thinking he'd be some

fire-breathing corporate suit.

I thought you guys hated each other.

No, I told you I think I won him over.

But I know you didn't
come all the way down here.

You weren't responding to my texts.

- I've been preoccupied.
- With work?

With waiting to hear from Aaron

if I'm subbing for Ronda.

It seems like I've been
doing that a lot lately.

You know, waiting for men to decide.

I probably deserved that. [sighing]

So, have you decided?

I'm gonna tell Zoe no.

Are you sure, 'cause you seemed torn.

No. No, I'm... I really wasn't.

Having a baby with another
woman when we're together,

that's not feasible.

Well, if you knew that, then
why did you ask for space?

I think I just needed the time
to mourn what could have been,

but now it's time to focus
on what can be... our future.

I love you, Mary Jane.

I love you, too.



I don't wanna keep you too much for now.

But you know my answer.

Now I'm gonna tell Zoe the good news.

Wish me luck. Good luck.

♪ ♪

Listen, Max, I know you
follow Orlando on social media,

and I just wanted to check in
to make sure everything's okay.

You're kidding me, right?

No, I'm not kidding and I'm
not trying to baby you, okay?

I just know how kids can be.

You've got nothing to worry about.

I'm getting all kind of props.

Girls who never gave me
any play wanna talk to me.

I'm like the popular
guy all of a sudden.

Well, listen, I don't
want you to think that, uh,

you know, all this attention
is cool or anything, okay,

because celebrity has its bad side, too.

I don't, Mom. Orlando
made it pretty clear.

He doesn't think it's cool, either.

- He did?
- Yeah.

We texted and he said all that stuff

is really superficial.

It's not what really matters.

Oh, okay, well, did he
say what really matters?

- Yeah, how you treat people.
- Hm...

Well, listen, get ready for bed.

I'll call you when I'm back
from the Virgin Islands, okay?

It's a quick trip in and out.

- That was a c-slip.
- That's not funny.

Okay, I love you, Mom.

I love you, too, baby. I love you.

[kisses] Goodnight.

Oh, my God, you are too much.

- [laughs]
- Thank you.


And get that stupid
smug look off your face.

[laughing] You don't like
what I said to your son?

No, I like what you said to my son.

- Mm-hm, you do.
- It was good.

It's not that.

It's a little weird
hearing that my kid's.

Q-rating shot up because his
mother's dating a star athlete.

Mmmm, well, your Q-rating
is gonna sh**t up, too,

- MILF of the week.
- Okay, stop.

I don't give a damn
about a Q-rating, Orlando.

I like my private life to be private.

- Okay.
- I mean it.

I know. I'm sorry.

Look, the attention will subside.

The world will get bored with us

and they'll move on to
some other celebrity couple.

- Yeah?
- Promise.

- Mmmm.
- KARA: [laughs]

All that quick in and out.

KARA: [laughing] I...

BOTH: [laughing]

- Oh, Kara?
- Yeah.

How are your poker playing skills?

Oh, uh, they're great. Why do you ask?

Well, I don't know if you're aware,

but I host a monthly poker game.

Yes, I've heard rumors about that.

I was wondering if you'd
like to join us this month?

It's just a few industry
friends, mostly guys.

Mattie Lauer, Brian Williams.

Alex Baldwin?

He hasn't been in a couple of months.

Oh, oh, well, then, I'm
not really interested in...

- Oh? Oh?
- I'm just kidding.

- Of course. I would love that.
- Oh, great.

Uh, I'll send you over the details.

Okay, great. Thanks.

My God. Oh, my God.

What was that all about?

Garrett just invited me
to his monthly poker game.

The secret monthly game that's
twice as hard to get into?


Well, now this is a perk of
dating a celebrity athlete

you can get down with.

Ohhh. Ohhh.

It's him.

Justin, you catch last night's game?

- I knew you'd rub it in.
- GARRETT: [laughing]

Okay, well, first order of business.

Aaron has some news. Aaron?

I wanted everyone to
know that I have chosen

our esteemed correspondent
to fill in for Ronda

while she's out of town.

Mary Jane Paul.

OTHERS: [applauding]

GARRETT: Congratulations, Mary Jane.

And good luck in the chair.

KARA: [laughs]

If I get to be as big a bitch as Ronda,

you'll k*ll me, right?

Uh, yeah, but that's
not the important thing.

The important thing
is that it's happening

and you are gonna be
in that anchor chair.

Yeah, just for a day.

That's huge.

And your boyfriend is not having a baby

with his ex, so...

That one is reason to celebrate.


Sad, but true.

Mmm, and now you can talk to him

about you getting his sperm.

I know, right?

But I can't help but think

what if he says no to my ass, too?

Like, no sperm for any of you b*tches!

Mama, listen to me.
Unh-unh, listen to me.

If you truly wanna have a baby,

you have to have that talk
with him now, Mary Jane, okay?

Your clock is ticking. I know. I know.

But it's not gonna be tonight.

He's having dinner
with Zoe and the kids.

Oh, well, then you can stay with me

and finish off this bottle of wine.

- Yes!
- Can I?

What time are you expecting Orlando?

- KARA: [sighing]
- Oh, God, what now?

I don't know, girl.

I just can't seem to shake this feeling

that that boy, he is just... too young.

And he's just way too famous.

Bitch, those aren't
problems, those are perks.

For how long?

I mean, it's not like me and Orlando

are gonna grow old together.
So what the hell is the point.

Kara, can we have a straight,
no bullshit conversation?


For weeks, I have listened to
you make excuses about this man.

He's too young, he's too famous,

he's too rich, he's too monogamous.

Next thing you're gonna
say the sex was too good.

I have created a
little bit of a monster.

Except you're the only
one reaping the benefits

of his newly-acquired bedroom skills.

What's the problem?

Sex is not the only thing

that makes a good
relationship, Mary Jane, okay?

Okay, what's the real problem here, hm?

And don't say your kids,
'cause they love Orlando.

[heavy sigh] I don't know.

I just doesn't feel right.

You know, I don't
know how to explain it.

How much time do I waste with this guy

before we split up and he moves on to

the next Kardashian chick

and then I've gotta watch that
shit all over the news media,

like I don't have enough on my plate.

Screw that.

Kara, Orlando hasn't done one damn thing

to make you feel this way.

All of these reasons that
you're coming up with,

they're in your head,
you know that, right?

That's fire. Pack it.

You're afraid.

- Afraid of what?
- Getting hurt.

- No, I'm not.
- You're afraid of getting hurt.

You are.

Think of how many times you told me

not to let fear ruin a relationship.

Baby, you have a very good
thing going with Orlando.

I don't wanna be played like that.

I don't wanna come off and
look like some stupid ass

silly, ignorant little
school girl falling in love.

- I don't wanna go...
- Oh, baby.

- I don't want it, you know?
- Baby, baby, baby.

- It's too late. You are.
- KARA: [laughing]

Everyone in the studio is
buzzing about you right now.

I know. It's weird that
everyone's being so nice.

They're treating me like the star.

Yeah, well, get used to it, all right?

You knock this out of the park

and it's just a matter of time.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Look, the only thing
standing between you

and that permanent anchor chair is you.

All right?

This is your opportunity. Own it.

You are craftier than
I thought, Mary Jane.

Because I got Aaron to choose me?

[sighing] I was just trying
to save you from yourself.

I know you're trying to throw me, Ronda.

Aaron wouldn't have picked me,

if he didn't think I was ready.

That may be true.

But live television is
an unpredictable thing.

Aaron's choice, the
correspondent that you replaced,

she did so poorly, it
was her last day here.

Now, I'm sure that's
not gonna be your fate,

but with the morning news,

you never know what could happen.

Good morning, I'm Mary Jane Paul.

With St. Patrick's Day
just around the corner,

we have got some wonderful
ways for you to celebrate the...

... along with tips for
this weekend's upcoming

daylight savings time.

How'd you like to lose an hour,

without losing an hour
of precious sleep time?

All of these stories and a
whole bunch of other stuff

that I have no idea
what I'm talking about.

Oh, come on, come on, come on.

[phone ringing]

Hey, I know it's late
and, look, I don't know

if it's the excitement of going on air,

or Ronda trying to sandbag me,

but I'm... I'm off my game and, uh...

can you... can you come help me?


♪ There ain't nothing I can do ♪

♪ Or nothing I can say ♪

Oh, God, thank you so much

for coming down to the
studio this late. I am...


Okay, I'm here to help.

It was my idea, remember?

All right, let's get started.

Good morning, everyone,
I'm Mary Jane Paul.

With St. Patrick's Day
just around the corner,

we'll show you some wonderful
ways to celebrate the occasion.

Right there. Right there.

You didn't pause long enough.

All right. You're moving
onto a new subject,

so, it might feel nitpicky,
but if one breath is too long,

one pause brushed over,

it can affect the entire
segment, all right?

So, again, from there.

And just ahead of daylight savings time,

we'll show you how to lose an hour

without losing valuable sleep time,

as we spring forward this Sunday.

These stories and more

coming your way on "Great Day USA."

Great. Freeze. Very good.

I'm just gonna make one
slight adjustment, okay?

Never let your chin fall
below the camera line.


Go again.

These stories and more coming
your way on "Great Day USA."


You got this.

Go home. Get a few hours of sleep.

You've got a big day ahead of you.

♪ ♪

Well, you like?

It's a little different
than what I'm used to,

but, yeah, I like it.

You and Justin seem awfully chummy.

Are you falling under the hypnotic spell

of those baby blues?

He's a great producer, Ty, that's all.

Oh, okay.

Oh, hey, Aaron.

Mary Jane. How are we doing?

- Fantastic.
- Glad to hear it.

- See you in the studio in five.
- Absolutely.

[cell phone buzzing]

Oh, gee...

Hey, Kara.

KARA: Are you in your office?

No, I'm about to head to the studio.

KARA: Ronda checked out of
the hotel this morning, early,

and didn't say one word to me.

Have you heard anything from Garrett?

No, why?

KARA: I don't know.
I've got a bad feeling.

Hm, that's so not like her.

Oh... my... God!

KARA: What's happening?

That sneaky heifer
just walked in the door

and she brought Liz Tourneau with her.

Damn it!

You've gotta give it to her.

The bitch is good.

Even I have to admit she
played this like a master.

After the lowest point in your life,

dealing with harassment,

dealing with the loss of your job,

the loss of your fiancé,

it sounds like things
have turned around.

They have.

But, at the time, I really did think

that those internet trolls
had destroyed my life.

Then, one day, everything changed.

And what brought on the change?

It started by coming
onto your show last year.

With the amount of
support that I received,

I have been able to find my true calling

as a yoga and meditation teacher,

and opened a studio in St. Thomas.

I have you to thank for that, Ronda.

[laughing] Thank you so much.

Don't worry. There'll be a next time.

RONDA: But after,

what was the reaction
after the first interview?

I mean, that we did?

LIZ: I was so surprised,
I was in such a low...

- MARY JANE: Oh, shit!
- [chair thuds]

- [objects clattering]

A tantrum isn't gonna solve anything.

You've gotta go back out there

and look Ronda right in her eye...

No, no, you can't be serious.
You cannot be serious.

You cannot give her the satisfaction...

I'm done listening to you

tell me what to do and how to do it.

- It's over. You failed.
- Mary Jane, no, no.

- You failed!
- No, no, I do not fail, okay?

I don't fail. Quitters
fail. Cowards fail.

I do not fail and I'm
not gonna start now.

Look, I understand that you are pissed

about all the broken promises
from Garrett, to Ronda,

to even Kara, but you've
gotta understand something.

You need to remember that I am the one

that brought you to
this point, me, not them.

This is a setback, not a failure.

I just wish somebody
would say it, you know?

JUSTIN: [sighs]

Say what?

I'm never gonna be in the anchor chair.

Ronda's too good and I
just... I can't be here.

No, you can.

And you will.

Because you're better.

Mary Jane, listen to me.

You've gotta trust me.

You will be the anchor of this show.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Oh, Garrett's probably looking for us.

I'll, uh, let him know
you're almost ready.


♪ ♪

♪ It's hard to take all of this hate ♪

♪ It's hard to take all of this hate ♪

[cell phone bings]

♪ This hate ♪

♪ Mm hm ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ First move they think they never saw ♪
- I'm a MILF.

- [knock at door]
- ♪ Be careful with me ♪

♪ Be careful with ♪

♪ Mm mm mm ♪

♪ Join with me ♪

Hi, sweet heart...

I missed you so much!

Orlando, I was only gone for hours.

It was a very long hours.

♪ So, it's on ♪

What's the matter?

Are you still upset over that website?

I told you... just ignore that junk.

KARA: [heavy sigh]

No, it's not that.

The reason for me being in New York

was to focus on work.

I wanna be the first
Latina executive producer

in morning news history.

I want that for you, too.

Yeah, but with our
relationship being so open,

Orlando, and your public life.

It's just... it's too much for me.

It's becoming harder
and harder to do this.

How so?

You said your boss is inviting
you to poker games now.

Exactly, and so...

I've accomplished everything
I need to accomplish.

We don't need to do this anymore.

Do what?

Be in a relationship. So...


So, you got what you
need and now you're done?

This was a business
arrangement, Orlando.

- Bullshit.
- Excuse me?

ORLANDO: [laughs]

All right, you're making all this up.

No, I'm not. I'm being
very serious right now.

I think it's time to call it.

You have feelings for me.

Tell me you don't and I'll go.

Orlando, please.

See? I know you do.

Now I've never said
this to anyone, Kara,

I love you.

Now tell me you don't love me.

♪ Instead of something to break apart ♪

♪ Instead, it's just broke apart ♪

♪ Stand up and shake this heart ♪

♪ Instead, it's just a break apart from us ♪

♪ Shouldn't hide your feelings ♪

♪ Shame on me ♪

♪ I should've heard your fear ♪

♪ Shame on me ♪

If you let me walk out that door,

I'm not coming back.

♪ Help me out on me ♪

♪ Help me out on me ♪

♪ Help me out on me ♪

[door slams]

♪ Help me out on me ♪

♪ Help me out on me ♪

- ♪ Help me out on me ♪
- [sobbing]

♪ Help me out ♪



LEE: Hey, there you are.

I took the liberty of
ordering some room service,

and copious amounts of alcohol.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

Ronda f-in' Sales got my ass again.

She borrowed a billionaire's jet

and flew her vindictive
ass back to New York

just in time to boot me from the desk.

Oh, I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.

I had a moment, but I'm over it.

I'm relieved, actually.

'Cause now I can really focus on being

the best correspondent I can be.

What? Just like that?

Just like that.

No, I...

Hey, come on.

Sorry, I've had a hell of a day.

And I can't help but feel I am more than

a little bit responsible for that.

Look, Zoe's request threw me for a loop.

But... I realize I was...

I was overlooking something
that's really important.

And what's that?

Exactly where you stand
with this whole kids thing.

Lee, let me stop you right there.

Uh... full disclosure.

Um... [heavy sigh]

... my uterus provides
a hostile environment

for reproduction.

- I love your uterus.
- I know you do.

But, baby, at my age,
I'm gonna need some help.

- Look.
- Hm...

That, there, is New York City.

Some of the best fertility
doctors in the world

are right here.

So, you don't
mind the whole...

jerking off in a cup thing?

LEE: [laughs]

I love you, MJ.


I want you to be happy.


I've jerked off in worse places.

[quiet laugh]

I love you.

I love you too.

♪ ♪