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04x07 - Getting Judged

Posted: 01/03/22 07:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on Being Mary Jane.

Yeah, my brother's showing me
a listing tomorrow afternoon.

We're not actually having
this conversation now, are we?

It's way too early for us
to be even thinking about this.

Well, you haven't met my kids.


Your mom wanted me to
make sure you got in okay.

- How's everything?
- I'm not Ava. I'm Kristie.

This is Ava.

- AVA: Hey, Paul.
- Hi.

Mom didn't tell me my new
babysitter would be so cute.

- Tell me what you want.
- Tell me you love me.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

Judge McAlister, I'm sure
you have been approached

by every journalist here tonight.

Then you're aware of my reservations

- regarding interviews.
- I am aware.

Now "Great Day USA" is
friendly and relatable.

It's the perfect opportunity
for the public to meet

the man behind the robe.

So, when it comes down to it,

when I look at you, I see
an ugly Black woman, too.

Now that's... that's an ambush.

I mean, worse still, race baiting.

I mean, I think your demeanor is cold,

it's judgmental, it's haughty.

I just don't think that's
what our viewers want

with their morning coffee.

Look, Mary Jane, we
all know you have charisma

and charm and that works
for the lighter pieces.

It's the serious interviews.

I just don't think they're for you.

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah ♪

Harvard, what year?

MARY JANE: Harvard Law in .

- Birthplace?
- Roxboro, North Carolina.

And the name of this...

Mother, Diane, elementary
school teacher,

and his father, Raymond,
owned a chain of supermarkets.

- And what about the oldest son?
- Make it bounce.

- JUSTIN: What?
- No, I'm sorry, Matthew.

His oldest son is Matthew.

You're about to interview
the Supreme Court Nominee.

This could be the
biggest get our careers.

Yes, and I am more
than ready, Justin.

You don't sound ready.

MARY JANE: Okay, if I'm
gonna be stuck with you

as producer, I'm gonna
need you to recognize that,

- baby, I do my research.
- JUSTIN: Prove it.

Judge McAlister is
an avid bird watcher.

He competes in the Ironman competition

every year in Louisville.

He could have been a concert pianist,

but his mother forced
him to go to law school.

He's a consummate and refined foodie,

but he swears that Hop's Diner
off of Route in Colorado

still serves the best
biscuits he's ever had.

Shall I continue, Justin?

He did the Ironman in
Tempe, not Louisville.

- From the top.
- All right. Let's go.

[heavy sigh]

- Too much?
- LEE: [laughs]

Look, they're coming
to enjoy the hotel pool

for a couple of hours, not move in.

I just want your kids to like me.

I appreciate that
you care, I really do,

but this won't make them like you.

Babe, they're in that
middle school phase

where toys aren't cool anymore.

They're gonna be on their phones

the entire time, aren't they?


- Come on...
- [heavy sigh]

It'll be fine. Just be yourself.

Lee, I know you.

If your kids don't like me, we're done.


Naw, I'm kidding.

Look, you don't have
to worry about anything.

They'll love you just like I do.

You're amazing... [kisses]

...and smart and beautiful...
[continues kissing]

...intelligent, delightful...
[continues kissing]



And I want it to work. [kisses]

See you in the morning?


[door closes]

♪ That's why I love the moon ♪


[mixed conversations]

MAN: Good eye. That
table's fine real estate.

- You goin' in?
- You know it.

- MAN: [laughing]
- Don't wait up for me.

- All right, my man.
- [palm slap]

MEN: [laughing]

[mixed conversations]

- I'm a grown woman.
- WOMEN: [laughing]

Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Do I know you?

PJ Patterson,
Comm- . - [laughs]

Shit, the last time I saw you,

you were rockin' sweatpants
and a muscle shirt.

- Oh...
- [laughing]

Yeah, that was a long, long time ago.

It sure was. Wow.

All roads lead to Manhattan.

- How long are you here?
- I live here.

I'm a real estate agent
with a firm in the city.

Oh, that explains your
Armani entourage up there.

Would you like to
join us for a drink?

I'm actually headed out.

I have an audition in the morning.

- An acting audition?
- An acting audition.

Oh, okay. You still
got the hustle, I see.

We should catch up.

Well, I'll be here tomorrow night.

Well, maybe I'll see you then.

These guys are always down
for a night of drinking.

So, I'll get you whatever you want.

I do enjoy a bottle of Dom.

- I'll get you two.
- [laughs]

[cell phone activates]

Why do you hide my phone?

I don't want you to look.

What's going on?

Is there any chance
I can convince you

to enjoy a morning coffee with me

before you look at your phone?

MARY JANE: [sighs]

- I'm in "The Observer"?
- Don't sh**t the messenger.

"Freshman correspondent at
'Great Day USA' Mary Jane Paul

seeks to oust veteran
anchor Ronda Sales."

Are you kidding me?

Any change of that coffee?

"Ronda Sales has had
her time in the sun.

'It's my turn now, ' says Paul."

They make me sound like a five year old.

I didn't even give them this quote.

So, who did?



What is with this Mary Jane Paul

and Ronda Sales drama?

Mary Jane who?

She's a morning news correspondent

for "Great Day USA."

Only been there a few weeks

and now she's trying
to take Ronda's job.

So, wait, the only two
Black women on the show

are now duking it out in the mud?

I wouldn't mind
watchin' a mud wrestle.

- WOMAN: Oh. No.
- Come on.

- All right, but Mary Jane.
- What's her deal?

She's just a raging bitch or what?

Uh, she must be, if
she's trying to go after

poor Ronda Sales.

I mean, this is the woman who hosted

the past four Olympic Games

and has been the face of
morning news since I was a kid.

I mean, she's like a national
treasure at this point.

MAN: Maybe she's past her prime.

I mean, Mary Jane's
younger, she's hotter,

and she's got a dope name.

So, should Ty put a
white streak through my hair

or should I just have
him paint my face green?

And why would he do that?

Well, he gave Ronda that
Glenda the Good Witch hairdo

after she, um, leaked the
story to "The Observer."

I'm just gonna try to embrace
being the Wicked Witch.

Okay, okay, first of
all, she got that haircut

because she's feeling threatened,

not because she leaked the story.

Second of all, she
wouldn't be caught dead

within a ten mile radius
of that gossip rag.

So, you don't think it was her.

No. She only sued that
reporter a few months ago.

So, it was Justin?


Listen, I have a girl at the tabloids.

I'm gonna call her up
and ask her if she knows

anything about it, okay?

[sighs] I appreciate that.

I've still gotta figure out
a way to repair the damage.

KARA: Yeah.

You have an idea?

They are sentences that
start off with conjunctions.

They use the phrase "on fleek."

If you are so offended
by it, help me disprove it.

And why would I wanna do that?

You're like wounded prey,

oblivious to the sharks circling.

[chuckles] That's a stretch.

Okay, suppose I do
wanna put this ridiculous

rivalry business to rest.

What do you have in mind?

The two of us have lunch
at the corner table at Putney.

A play date. That's your suggestion.

It's the go to spot for all bloggers

and tabloid reporters.

I am not gonna rest my reputation

on a bunch of children with iPads.

Those bloggers have ten times

the readership of "The Observer."

Anything they write
spreads like wildfire.

It's like high school
cafeteria all over again.

In this business,
high school never ends.

No, I will not stoop to their level.

Fine. After the Judge
McAlister interview,

my name will be the only one
people are talking about anyway.

If he actually does it.

I heard that Gayle King is
making a big play for McAlister.

I can't say that it surprises me.

His handlers are probably advising him

to sit with somebody
with more experience.

I have experience, ten
years' experience at SNC.

Ten years of late night cable news.

Hard hitting news.

You're right.

It's probably nothing.

But she does have Oprah.

Screw the haters, man.

She's just jealous because
she didn't get the interview.

I know. It's a big scoop.

- Hell, yes, it is.
- Ronda seems...

- Justin.
- Yeah.

Looks like you two
have a lot to talk about.

I need a commitment
McAlister's still with us.

I already did.

Gayle King was sniffing
around, but he's still on board.

Still, I should be the one who...

Look, I already have
my doubts about you

being able to pull this off.

I'm the one who
got us this interview.

I have completed all of
your ridiculous tests.

I am not thing but prepared.

Yeah, you're prepared
for a softball interview,

- and that is changing.
- [knock on door]

- Not now.
- Okay.

Look, I've got a scoop.

A trusted source claims
McAlister hid evidence

as a prosecutor in Charlotte

sending at least one innocent Black man

to prison, maybe more.

And this got past
everyone in Congress?

- They don't have my source.
- Who's your source?

You know I can't tell you that.

Your source is weak.

McAlister is beloved
in the Black community.

People said the same
thing about Clinton.

His crime bill in
sent more men to prison

than Nixon and Reagan combined.

Bill Clinton wasn't a r*cist.

But maybe McAlister is.

I need something
stronger than a "maybe."

Do you?

Who exposed the Catholic
church sex abuse scandal,

the lead in water in Flint?


We have a journalistic
duty to break this story.

If we do not expose this,

McAlister moves on to
a lifetime appointment

at the highest court in this country.

So, you expect me to sandbag

the next Supreme Court
Justice on national television.

No, I expect you to eviscerate him.


[mixed conversations]

Oh, my God, have you
been here all night?


Looks like you need
that a lot more than I do.

- Shut the door.
- Oh.

What's up?

Justin has a source that claims

McAlister ignored evidence

to put an innocent Black man in prison.

Holy shit.

And you believe him?

I did some digging on my own and...

it does seem plausible.

So, get the source to talk.

Source won't come forward.

And I'm guessing that
Justin is not revealing

the identity of the source.

But he expects you
to go on air and what?

See if I can get the judge to crack.

Are you kidding me?

Mary Jane, you cannot attack a man

who's gonna be the next
Supreme Court Justice.

You're gonna look like a
looney tunes Black woman

who has an unsubstantiated
bug up her ass.

I know, but what I can
do is create some doubt.

I can ask McAlister where he stands

on some of the policies at
that time and maybe change

the conversation at the
Congressional hearings.

What if he doesn't bite?

But what if he does?

I mean, if that guy had
a hand in locking even one

brother up without reason...

I can't let him get
a lifetime appointment

to the Supreme Court.

All right, I'm gonna say this now.

I have a bad feeling about this,

especially because it's
Justin pushing you to do it.

No, I hear you.

But I've dealt with him before...

and I've learned my lesson.

This time I have a plan.

- I am so sorry I'm late.
- Are your kids here?

- I just have to change really fast.
- [toy football thuds]

- Oh!
- Oh!


- You must be Aiden.
- Hello.

- LEE: Aiden, come on.

- LEE: Aiden and...
- Nice to meet you.

...Katherine. This is Mary Jane.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.

So cute.

Can we go down to the pool now?

Yeah, no, of course.

I just have to change really fast,

and then we can head down. Sound good?

- Sounds great.
- Okay.

Come on, let's get going.

You nearly got her there.

Okay, I'm almost ready.

- May I ask you a question?
- Yes.

How rich are you?

Uh, well, that depends
on what you consider rich.

Are you richer than our dad?

Uh, it's not appropriate
to ask about money, baby.

But, yeah, she is.

Why don't you have any kids

if you're rich enough
to have all these toys?

Katherine, you're
asking too many questions.

It's okay.

You guys, these toys are all for you.

Why don't we go down to the pool

and stop with the
Inquisition, eh? Come on.

But you told us to ask her questions

because everything was getting awkward.

You know what is awkward?

Your dad's corny board shorts.

- That is awkward.
- AIDEN & KATHERINE: [laughing]

Yeah, Dad, why are
you so embarrassing?

Come on, I'm wearing
these so I can fit in

with the American dads.

Would you rather I wore a Speedo?


Exactly, so, no complaining.

Come on, let's go.


Ava, what's goin' on?

I'm sorry for making
you come all the way here.

I'm freaking out about
this internship thing.

Tip number one...

Don't steal from the liquor stash.

- You're right.
- That was dumb.

It's just everyone is so mean,

and no one seems to notice me.

Not what you're used to, huh?

I wanna work hard. I
wanna do a good job.

I just don't know how to
make a good impression.

My first internship

was at an architectural firm in Atlanta.

Now I heard my boss was
up for a big promotion,

so, the next day, I
bought her a bamboo plant.

Ooh, I can do bribes.

- It wasn't a bribe.
- It cost eight bucks.

It's the meaning that counts.

Bamboo symbolizes good luck.

Did it work?

It turned into my first paying job.


This business is
so cutthroat, though.

You have a friend in TV, don't you?

I do, Andrew Cobb.

He works in reality TV,

but just like you, he
started out as an intern.

It's all about connections,
all about networking.

You know, your mom made me think

you don't take anything seriously.

I'm glad to see you're
proving her wrong.

I take you seriously.

Thank you for your advice.

Any time.



AIDEN: Oh, sh...

MARY JANE: Put it away!

AIDEN: Oh, no. Oh, no.

I thought you were at the gym.


We had a lovely afternoon, didn't we?


Thank you guys for coming.

Are we still on for this evening?

[zips zipper] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Um, can we go?

Oh, bye, doll.

LEE: [chuckles]

See you soon. [kisses]

Don't be rude, son.
Shake Mary Jane's hand.

- Bye. [kisses]
- See ya.

WOMAN: [laughs]

So, after college,

I came up here to do musical theater.

Mm hm.

I'm in nothing right now,

but I did the "Lion King"
tour for three seasons.

Oh, okay. Well, let me guess.

You were a gazelle.

- I was a zebra.
- Zebra?

BOTH: [laughing]

Well, tell me, did you
get to keep the costume?

Wouldn't you like to know.


Excuse me.

What, uh... what are you doing here?

Ava showed up to the
house looking for you.

She seemed cool, so...
I brought her with.

AVA: Champagne?

- Hi, I'm Ava.
- Sunitha.

And this is PJ's good friend Andrew.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Excuse us for one second.

Let me holla at you real quick.

[clears throat]

You realize she's only , right?

Why would you bring her here?

Bro, when did that ever stop you?

Are you and PJ dating?

No, we're just friends from college.

I'm gonna grab another
drink from the bar.

- Shall we?
- Please.

- Don't forget your purse.
- Yeah.

- Excuse me. Dom.
- Thank you.

- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

♪ Oh, no one ever could get near ♪

♪ But can I say what I wanna say ♪

♪ I know you gotta dig deeper for treasure ♪

♪ I know you gotta search
further than this ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

Where are the kids?

Oh, they're having an extra
dip in the pool before dinner.

If you're hungry, I can go get them now.

- Actually, I'm, uh...
- I'm gonna need a raincheck.

No dinner tonight?

I have a lot of work to do

before my interview tomorrow.

All right...

what's up with you and Aiden.

I don't wanna mess anything up.

Mary Jane.

When I came up here earlier,

I walked in on Aiden...

...with my underwear.

Oh, shit.

See? I told you. This is awful.

He's not gonna be able to
look me in the eye again.

That's the only place
I'll ever let him look now.

Not funny, Lee.

I'm sorry. I joke when I'm worried.

So, you are worried, then?

My son w*nk*ng to my girlfriend.

Yeah, that's pretty worrisome.

Kinda Shakespearian, too.

[heavy sigh]

I'll go and talk to him.


And we'll see.


[door closes]

- There you are.
- SUNITHA: Thank you.

- Sorry about that.
- Yeah.

- It was interesting.
- [chuckles]

Interesting is not the word for it.

I'll be right back, okay?

Are you leaving me?

- Don't miss me too much.
- PJ: Okay.

SUNITHA: [laughing]

- Oh, excuse me just for one second. Okay.
- Okay.

I make a great wing woman, you know?

What the hell are you doin', Ava?

Trying to be friends.

You asked about my
roommate so you could find out

where I'd be hanging out.

You should be flattered.

- You're interesting.
- Oh.

You're not gonna take Sunitha back

to your place in Brooklyn, are you?

That is none of your business.

If you wanna seal the deal,

you should take her
back to my mom's place.

[laughs] Are you crazy?

I'm serious.

Your place looks like a frat house.

She is a sophisticated
woman and you are promoting

a million dollar image here.

You've gotta keep it up.

You're something else.

If you're worried about
my mom finding out, don't.

I won't tell a soul, I swear.


She's almost there,

but it's gonna take a
little bit more than a Rolex

to push her over the edge.

♪ You drive me insane ♪

PJ: [laughing]

SUNITHA: That's the
sound a zebra makes.

- Really?
- You didn't know that?

- Oh, that was horrible.
- SUNITHA: [laughing]

I don't get... I didn't get that.

Do you know I had the biggest
crush on you in college?

The biggest crush.

I knew.

- Wait. Hold up. Get off me.
- SUNITHA: [laughing]

You knew I had a crush on you
and didn't do anything about it?

Well, you were cute,
but it just seemed like

you wanted to get by on your good looks.

I'm so done with you. Oh...

You didn't have a plan, PJ.

Oh, God, no. You know what?

You can tell now that
I've changed, right?

- I've grown up a bit.
- I see.

You got your fancy watch
and your fancy suits.

- Yeah, I do. Come here.
- [sighs]

You certainly seem to have
your shit together now.

- I think so.
- [laughs]

But I don't have everything I want.

Come here.

Give me those lips.

Let's go back to your early days

as a young prosecutor in Charlotte.

It was the deadliest year on record.

Did your boss, DA Elmore,

come in with a plan to turn
things around that year?

You're dancing around the issue.

Let's get straight to the point.

I mean, if I start
off with a hard question,

he's gonna clam up and deflect.

Okay, but this isn't an
episode of " Minutes."

You've got about five minutes,

and if you waste too much air
with the Barbara Walters banter,

you're gonna run out of time.

But I need more time to
lure him in and set the trap.

Okay, please just explain to me

how you plan on trapping
a judge with over years

of cross examination experience?

Are you gonna give him candy?

No, I'm just trying to do
what you taught me, right?

My angry Black woman approach
did not work on "Talk Back."

It's definitely not gonna work here.

Okay. Well, you're probably right.

I need to go the softer approach.

Like I said, you're right.

Let's do it your way.

Did you just agree with me?


Look, you're thinking
strategically, so...

So... what?


Maybe you are the journalist
to break this story.

Now, can we work on your style, please?


"PJ... I didn't want to wake you.

"I have an early audition.

Call me later?"


Yes, damn girl.


Your work with former District Att...

If you're gonna k*ll
him with kindness...

- Mm-hm
- ... do it with a smile.

Right. Right.

Your work with...


Oh, excuse me. Sorry. Um...


What? What? I said one word. What?

- It sounded accusatory.
- You sounded accusatory.

That's generally how
most accusations start.


Look, talk to him, not at him.

Hey, this is what you wanted, all right?

Again. From the top.

Studies have shown that
stringent crime policies

negatively impact communities of color.

- You're leaning in.
- So?

That's exactly what Ronda does

when she's about to go in for the k*ll.

I've studied the
woman's delivery for years.

Of course. Her style
will seep in sometimes.

Okay, but you need to
develop your own style,

otherwise, you're always
gonna be a cheaper knock-off

of Ronda and you'll never be
considered for the anchor chair.

Now, focus.

Let's start from the top.


[heavy sigh]


Come on. Come on.

Is it here?

You gotta be kidding me!

That damn girl.


[telephone ringing]

- KARA: Hey.

So, I just off the phone with
my girl over at the tabloids

and she says that the
leak came from the top.

The network's chief marketing officer

is the one that sent the
story to the tabloids.

So, this whole rivalry
thing goes way above Garrett.

Well, it may have been his idea,

but obviously the brass is buying it.

Maybe Ronda doesn't mind
being played upon, but I do.

Oh, the judge brought his wife.

She's the attorney general.

Ronda's probably over there trying to

get her to sit for an
interview, as we speak.

I mean, is this gonna be my life...

Playing "Battleship" with Ronda?

I just wanna do my damn job.

Then do it, and forget Ronda,

because at the end of the day,

the only thing anybody's gonna remember

is how you kicked ass in this interview.

So... [clicks tongue]

- Right.
- Right.

- Watch me work.
- That's right.

- I would agree with that.
- I'm so thrilled.

We got you. We got you.

Mrs. McAlister, Judge McAlister,

it's so great that you
are here on our show.

I was just telling them
that we thought for a moment

- we'd lost them to Gayle King.
- Oh...

Well, I have to admit
she did approach us.

But we pride ourselves
on always keeping our word.

And promoting
integrity and positivity

is our number one goal
here on "Great Day USA."

Isn't that right, Mary Jane?

Oh, absolutely, Ronda, absolutely.

Now why don't I take you
on a tour of our studios?

- Yes.
- Why, thank you.

- I cannot wait.
- Fantastic.

Oh! I'm standing in
the way of progress.

ALL: [laughing]

[silently muttering]

It is an honor to have a man
with your impeccable record

- here on our show today.
- Well, thank you.

I really owe a lot of that
to my good friend and mentor,

District Attorney Jonathan Elmore.

He really hammered home the importance

- of prosecutorial ethics.
- Absolutely.

I mean, Elmore was one of
the most highly regarded

prosecutors of his time.

Well, he worked extremely
hard to clean up our city.

He's a natural.

Having a wife in the public
eye has served him well.

- I'll be sure to tell him so.
- BOTH: [laughing]

MARY JANE: The year
before Elmore took office,

that was dubbed the deadliest year

in the history of Charlotte.

You can thank the
crack cocaine epidemic

and g*ns for that.

You're doing great.

You got him real comfortable.

...those were all career
defining cases for you.

Well, it was never about fame for us.

It was about justice for the victims.

Okay, now it's time to go in.

I went to sleep every
night with the look of

Rachel Griffiths' screaming
parents in my mind.

Hm, I cannot imagine what
that must have felt like,

I mean, with the whole city primed

to see justice served in that case...

Especially under Elmore's
Swift Justice campaign.

Well, those were
very tumultuous times.

Other big cities,
notably New York City,

the pressure to close cases,

that led to police
misconduct, a rush to judgment,

false confessions,

Where is she going with this?

I honestly don't know.

In our office, we're held
to a much higher standard.

Well, there were no
prosecutors of color

in your office during your term,

were there, Judge McAlister?

And a disproportionate
number of your defendants

were minority.

The lack of ethnic parity

Doesn't necessarily
mean racial injustice.

No, we must stop this now!

Garrett, we have a problem.

You need to end this
interview immediately.

Excuse me?

These are not the issues
we agreed to discuss.

Your so-called correspondent out
there is attacking my husband.

Justin, where is Mary
Jane going with this?

Look, we have some issues
that we're looking to...

If you don't do something
right now, I am going to

go out there and snatch
him right off the set!

JUSTIN: Keep going.

Justin, where are
you going with this?

Mary Jane, let's wrap
this up and go to commercial.

Reports show that
plans like Swift Justice

led to overlooked evidence,
falsified evidence...

Mary Jane, throw us to commercial.

Look, this is important. Just
let it play out. Trust me.

I am not gonna let this continue.

That's it, we're going to
commercial in five, four...

We've never had a problem
with falsified evidence or...

Let me stop you right
there, Judge McAlister.

We've gotta take a commercial break.

I'll be back with more "Great Day USA."

I'm Mary Jane Paul.

Perry, this interview is over.

He can't just leave.

I can take her.

Don't you dare talk to me about

what we can and cannot do.

Judge, why don't you just
step over here for a moment?

Please, Judge, please.

Are you okay?

I had him on the ropes.

I could see that.

- We got enough.
- You did amazing.

Okay, the, uh, the Judge and his wife

have agreed to return
to complete the segment.

Ronda will finish off
the interview with you.


Garrett, Mary Jane
owns this interview.

You've gotta let her finish. Come on.

Justin, I want Ronda
to take the lead on this.

And I'm just supposed
to sit here like a prop?

Look, it's no secret that
I love the ratings boost

that this rivalry has gotten us.

But if you want this to go away,

then this is your chance to do it.

Get back on air and show the world

that you and Ronda are best friends.

All right, we need two additional chairs

in here pronto.

People, we're back on in , okay?

RONDA: That's the spirit.

Now play nice.

RONDA & MRS. McALISTER: [laughing]

And, so, a game of
catch turned out to be

a real teachable moment for all of us.

That is so adorable.

I mean, grandchildren,
they're just precious,

- aren't they?
- Oh, they grow up so fast, too.

- Right?
- Yes, they do.

It sounds to me that your grandson

has a future in politics?

Well, he says he wants to grow
up and be just like his Pop-Pop.

- Oh, Pop-Pop.
- ALL: [laughing]

[mixed conversations]

Guess what?

You are looking at the newest member

of the cast of Chris Rock's new pilot.

That's good.

Great. Awesome.

What's with the face?

Look, if you're about to tell
me that the condom broke, I...

No, um...

Look, I woke up this morning
with a smile on my face.

But then I rolled over
and I discovered that

my Rolex is gone.

I mean, I'm not mad or anything,

but that was a gift
from my mentor and...

Oh, I see, because I'm
an actress, I took it.

You were the only one
there with me last night.

How ignorant would I
be to take your watch, PJ?

What other explanation
could there be?

I mean, I'm sittin' here...

Oh, damn.

Look, um, Sunitha, I'm so sorry.

No, I'm sorry. I didn't
take your damn watch.

I know that.

But I hope that whoever
did is having a good time

benefitting from your stupidity.



Thank you.

Can you believe it?

We were this close to
nailing McAlister and then...

Stop. Don't act like
you're not about to be

in Ronda's office
celebrating right after this.

Whoa. Why would I want to celebrate?

Save it, Justin. You
probably went to Garrett

and said I went "rogue" up there

and did my whole angry
Black woman thing,

and amazingly enough,
I walked right into it.

Ronda just ruined what could be

a career-making
interview for both of us,

and I don't take kindly
to being stepped on.

What are you trying to say?

I'm saying you're not alone in this.

Look, I underestimated Ronda this time.

I won't make that mistake again.

♪ Slow down ♪

♪ You don't need to move ♪


♪ Fall down ♪

♪ You don't have to lose ♪

♪ Yourself over this ♪

♪ Just take some time to breathe... ♪

- I'm sorry.
- You saw the interview.

♪ Wouldn't you like them to ♪

♪ I've never seen you get so low ♪

[sighing] Where are the kids?

They're watching a movie at my place.

I figured you needed the space.


you've had the pleasure of watching me

fail miserably twice this week...

Once with the stupid interview
and once with the kids.

Look, you didn't fail either time.

You already admitted
that you had a problem with

what happened with Aiden.

I was, but I realized
Aiden was objectifying you.

To him you're just a
sexy woman he sees on TV.

I'm not gonna stop being on TV.

No, but once he gets to know you,

he'll stop seeing you as a pin-up

and start seeing you more like a mom.

I guarantee any sexual feelings

he has towards you, they'll evaporate.

So, being a mom makes me less sexy?

To him, yeah.

To me, the opposite.

Look, I know this whole
thing is so awkward.

But you've got to understand,
boys his age, they...

they wank to anything, anyone, anywhere.

So, I'm not special?

Not even a little bit.

Not even... not even...?

BOTH: [laughing]

So, does this mean...

you want me to be a
part of your kids' lives?

Just don't leave your
sexy underwear lying around,

then we'll be fine.

I'm not, like, even
a little bit special?

LEE: [chuckling]

- Nah?
- No.

- Yeah?
- Oh, he'd wank a door post.



- PJ.
- Where is it?

AVA: Where is what?

I know you took my watch, Ava.
Where is my watch?

I've been nothing but nice to you,

and this is how you repay me?

Oh, come on, I was just having fun.

I mean, the city view

certainly did its job
last night, didn't it?

Because of you,

I've ruined any chance
that I had with Sunitha.

We both know that girl
wasn't gonna work out.

I know guys like you.

- Really?
- And what kinda guy is that?

You never have one girl for too long,

there's always some younger, hotter girl

waiting in the wings.

Why not just cut to the chase?

[heavy sigh]


Oh, wait, wait, slow down.
You're gonna burn your mouth.

I bet you guys don't have
anything like that in England.

- KATHERINE: No way.
- ADRIEN: Unh-unh.

So, we've had the pool party.

We're having the pizza party.

What other Americanisms
can my kids enjoy?


have you guys ever tried a juke box?

It's this old machine you put coins in

and music comes out.

Why can't we just use our phones?

LEE & MARY JANE: [laugh]

Well, because it was
made in this magical time

before phones existed.

Plus, do you know, you
can play what you want,

and the entire restaurant
has to listen to your music.

Cool. [laughs]

Let me get you some money.

- There you go.
- [coins jangling]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, say
thank you, Moneybags.

- Thanks, Moneybags.
- Thanks, Moneybags.

I swear, if you get
that nickname started,

I'ma call you "Dad Shorts."

[laughing] That's fair enough.

Thanks for talking to Aiden.

Oh, come on. It's water
under the bridge.

Ooh, there's an idea.

Kids... Play Simon and Garfunkel.

I swear, you are so White.


Come on.

♪ Put yo' pinky rings up to the moon ♪

Not exactly an oldie,
but it is a goodie.

- Ha.
- [laughing]

♪ Twenty four karat magic in the air ♪

♪ Head to toe soul player ♪

- Come here.
- ♪ Look out uh ♪

♪ Pop pop, it's show time ♪

♪ It's show time... ♪

GARRETT: The worst on air
fiasco I have ever seen.

Ronda had to literally
step in to prevent

the Supreme Court nominee, and his wife,

from leaving in the
middle of the segment.

If she had just let the segment roll

to its natural end point...

The natural end point was over, okay?

Okay, let's not forget
that McAlister did, in fact,

railroad a man when he worked
under Elmore in Charlotte.

[sighing] That's solid?

Our research is impeccable.

And yet, they sat
here in a story meeting

and uttered not one word about it.

You should have looped me in.
This could have been huge.

Excuse me, but why am I here?

I'm not even on this
story. I'm not sure...

You're here to clean up the mess...

Which is way worse than
I thought, by the way.

Mary Jane and Justin have
totally pissed in the pool.

If we wanna use this
material, and break the story,

then we have to do it quickly.

- Kara?
- Yeah?

You and Ronda are gonna
take over the McAlister story.

Wait. Wait.

You guys are gonna give them your
research and step outta the way.

- We did all the work.
- This isn't fair.

I'm not concerned
with fair, Mary Jane.

You kept this bombshell a secret

because you were afraid

that it was gonna go to our star, Ronda.

And guess what? You were right.

This is not why I
signed up for "Great Day."

We all know why
you came here, Justin.

But things change and
you've gotta roll with it.

So, are we done?

Uh, no, no, no. Not quite.

I need the name of Justin's source.

I'm keeping my source private.

This isn't the FBI asking, Justin.

This is your boss.

Come on, Justin, you're just
doing that to mess with us.

I'm doing that because I have
a prior arrangement with them.

Look, the import of this story trumps

any arrangement like that.

I have to keep my word.

- Mary Jane?
- Hm?

Oh, I... I never knew the identity.

That was Justin's work.

Now you're backing him up?

If that's what you wanna
call telling the truth.

I don't know what to tell you.

- Kara, um..
- KARA: Mm-hm.

I need some input as a producer here.

My input is that this
story's gonna take a lot longer,

if we don't have the source, so...

we need the source.

Yep, we need the source

You two, give up the name,

or you are both on internal suspension.

You get to decide what you wanna keep...

your word or your job.