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03x02 - Grand Canyon or Bust

Posted: 12/31/21 09:49
by bunniefuu
♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when
the lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was
much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must
somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all
became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we
became the Brady Bunch. ♪

(<i> sighing</i>)

CAROL: <i>I hope Mike
gets back soon with help.</i>

<i>When we started out
for the Grand Canyon</i>

<i>who would have thought
it would end like this?</i>

<i>We all had so much
fun driving along.</i>

<i>Our mistake was
stopping in this ghost town</i>

<i>and meeting that old prospector.</i>

<i>He seemed harmless enough...</i>

<i>until he locked us in the
jail because he thought</i>

<i>we were going to
steal his gold claim.</i>

<i>Then he drove off in our car.</i>

<i>We finally managed
to break out of the jail,</i>

<i>but we were still stranded
without a car, food or water.</i>

<i>And that's when Mike and
Peter left to try to get help.</i>

<i>Oh, what if we're stranded here?</i>

Well, look, Alice, we're
not doing any good

just sitting around.

Why don't we do something

to try and get help?

Like what?

Well, look, you round
up the kids, and...

well, I'll think of something.

Boy, I bet we could
find lots of loose boards

for the signal fire in here.

Yeah. Listen, why don't we...

Bobby, look at this.

Think it works?


Maybe it could.

Hey... Bobby, you
see those wires?

This phone ran off a
battery of some kind

I think we can fix it.

Come on.

Where you going?

To get all our flashlight
batteries and some tape.

Well, one thing's
for sure, Cindy.

If we're going to be
stranded here in Cactus Creek

we're going to need
some extra water. Here.

Do you think there's
any water in this thing?

Well, they used to
get water out of it.

We won't know till we
give it a try will we? Okay...

(<i> groaning</i>)

Let me help, Mom.

Okay. That a girl.

Hey, we really got it going.

Let's hope an
airplane flies over.

How can we possibly spell
out "help" on the ground?

It's too hard.

Well, the sun has
baked this ground

about as hard as
one of my biscuits.

(<i> braying</i>)

Listen... if you can't
say anything nice,

just don't say anything at all.

What we need is one of
those what-cha-ma-callems.

You know, (<i> revving</i>)

a jackhammer.

Hey, I just remembered.

I saw an old plow
down the street.

A<i> plow?</i>

A plow?

Bessie... Sweet
Bessie. Nice Bessie.

Come here, Bessie.

(<i> all cooing</i>)

Aw, yes, I love you.

Such a sweet... Come
on, Bessie, please?

Stubborn old goat.

She won't move, Alice.

We've got to plow
the word "help."

But if Bessie
won't pull the plow

how are we going
to get it pulled?

Okay, kids, you can
put me out to pasture.

I've had it.

(<i> braying</i>)

I know just how you feel, honey.

(<i> groaning</i>)

Oh... That's okay.

I think it's coming, Mom.

Yeah! Good old H .


(<i> coughing</i>)

Good old H .

We'd better help collect
wood for the signal fire.

Yeah. I think you're right.

I hope this works.

This is it.

You going to try it now?


Boy, now I know just

how Alexander Graham
Bell must have felt.

Here we go.

(<i> bell ringing</i>)

Is it working?


Yeah, I hear it ringing.

(<i> ringing</i>)


Help us! Please help us!

We're trapped out here in
the desert in a ghost town.

That's funny. So are we.

CAROL: That's it.
Bring it right over here.

Swing around, Bobby.

That's it. Hold onto it.

That's it.

Just be careful, now.

Put it down careful.

There you go.

Okay, well, I guess
we'd better light this fire

and hope somebody
sees the smoke.


(<i> horn honking</i>)

(<i> cheering</i>)

It's Dad!


Mike, what happened?

Well, it's kind of
difficult to explain.

I think Mr. Brown
better tell you.

Well, I'm terribly sorry if
I... I gave you a turn, Ma'am.

It's just that I figured

you was going to
jump my gold claim

and I wanted to get into
town to file it before you did.

I was coming back.

Honest, I was.

That's true, honey. We met
him on the road coming back.

Now don't be too
hard on me, ma'am.

I've just been worried sick

about this gold claim I've
been digging here for years.

I haven't dug enough gold

to fill a tooth
on a prairie dog.

Well, I guess all is forgiven.

Well, I'd better
be... oh, before I do.

For the use of the automobile,
I'm going to give you

ten percent of my claim.

(<i> exited murmuring</i>)

Look that's not necessary.

Like I said before, we
don't want your gold.

Sure we do, Dad.

Sure, sure. Here
it is, all legal-like.

Now, it's signed and everything.

All you got to do is fill
in the details, that's all.

Thanks, Mr. Brown.
I'll be on my way.

(<i> all shouting good-bye</i>)

What's it say?

Hey, there's just an "X" here...

Only an "X."

(<i> laughing</i>)

Come on, Bessie, let's go.

Come on, there.

We're going to hit it yet.

Don't worry.

Well, I guess we can
get going again, huh?

Yeah. Good-bye, ghost town.

Hello, Grand Canyon.

(<i> cheering</i>)

♪ ...Excavating for a mine ♪

♪ Dwelt a miner, a ' er,
and his daughter Clementine ♪

♪ Oh, my darling,
oh, my darling ♪

♪ Oh, my darling Clementine ♪

♪ You are lost and gone... ♪

♪ ...To heaven ♪

♪ Dreadful sorry, Clementine ♪

♪ Oh, my darling,
oh, my darling ♪

♪ Oh, her shoes
were number nine ♪

♪ Carrying boxes
without topses... ♪



Thank you.

Have a good time.

ALL: Bye!

BOBBY: Is this it? Is this it?

Can we see it here?

No. This isn't it either.

This is where we park our
trailer and make our camp.

CINDY: When do we see it?

BOBBY: Is this it? Is this it?

everybody, on the right.

This is it.

ALL: Oh, wow! Beautiful!

Look at that!

MIKE: Okay, we'll pull up here
and stop and take a closer look.

(<i> kids all talking at once</i>)

GREG: Come on, let's go.

Hang together.

Now, kids... Hey.

Wait! Now, don't get
too far ahead, kids!

Wait for us! Come on, Alice.

Look at this great place!

You can see everything here!

Look at that! Look at that!


(<i> all oohing and aahing</i>)

Boy, this really<i> is</i> it.

Wow, would you look at that?

MARCIA: I never imagined
it could be<i> this</i> beautiful.

Do you know what the Indian
word for Grand Canyon means?


It means "Mountains lying down."

JAN: That's just what it looks
like, mountains lying down.

CAROL: It's one of the seven
natural wonders of the world.

Hey, look, Dad. There's
water down there.


GREG: That's the Colorado river.

That's what dug
this whole canyon.

Just think of it...
Thousands of years

of constantly running
water did all that.


No wonder you don't like us

to leave the water
faucets dripping.

And the guidebook
says it's miles long.

It's miles across
at its widest point

and it's over a mile deep.

Wow! A mile deep.

How could they measure it?

Easy. Just garb a
tape measure and jump!

Bobby, down!

I wish we didn't have to
sleep at the campground.

I'd kind of like to sleep
right here on the rim.

Well, that sounds very nice,

but I wouldn't want to wake up

on the wrong side of the bed.

Come on, everybody.

There's a lot more to see

and remember now,
let's all stay together.

Grand Canyon is
a mighty big place.

(<i> all agreeing</i>)

MIKE: Help you, Alice?

I can manage, thank you.

Come on.

BOBBY: Boy, that's a real
old-looking railroad station.

MARCIA: That must have
been built in the s.

GREG: Probably .


That's from the guidebook.

I was not a passenger.

CAROL: Hey, come on, everybody.

Here's another great
view of the canyon.

I'm going to take
a group picture.

Everybody line
up against the wall.

(<i> all talking</i>)

MIKE: Get together.

Alice, look this way.


Got it.

(<i> rhythmic beating, chanting</i>)

Are those real Indians?

Of course they are.

They're Hopi Indians.

MARCIA: Isn't the
dancing exciting?

JAN: Yeah. It's
real mysterious, too.

ALICE: Oh, it's
not so mysterious.

I'd dance like that, too... if I
was barefoot on a hot rock.

What are they dancing for?

It's a rain dance, Bob.

A long time ago that's how
they used to pray for rain.

Do you think this rain
dance stuff really works?

Nah. They just do
it for the tourists.

(<i> groaning</i>)

MIKE: Look at that sunrise.

CAROL: Gorgeous.

Oh, and did I sleep last night.

Me, too.

Isn't the air beautiful?

I'll bet our lungs are wondering

what happened to all the smog.

Well, let's get going.

We're going to the bottom
of the canyon this morning.

Ooh, that's great.

I didn't know you
could drive down there.

You can't, Alice.

We're going down on mules.


What's the matter, Alice?
You afraid of mules?

Oh, no. I'm not afraid of them.

I'm... I'm allergic to them.

Oh... Well, at
least part of me is.

(<i> laughing</i>)

Come on.

Okay, now.

All right, everybody,

You do exactly what
the muleskinner says.

I'll do what the
muleskinner says

if you will.

Is that a deal, huh?

I'm the boss.

Okay, take it easy.

Just... (<i> grunts</i>)

Wait a minute, um, now...

(<i> grunts</i>)


Hey, where did everybody go?

Well, you and Mom are set now.


Well, listen, we'd better go

and set up the cooking
gear for Alice now, okay?

Aren't the girls
going to do any work?

Peter, after dinner, when
it's time to do the dishes

we men are going to get even.

Yeah, well, make
sure they don't forget it.

Come on, Pete,

the sooner we finish, the
sooner we go exploring.

Want some?

No, thanks. Oh, wait a minute.

Listen, I've already reminded

the rest of the kids.

This isn't a playground
down here, you know.

It's a wilderness that
could be dangerous,

so you stay inside of camp.

Don't go wandering
off, all right?

We will, Dad.

Come on, Pete.


That's two.

That's three.

And that's... it!

Mrs. Brady, we're wall-to-wall
sleeping bags in here now.

Well, you all squared away?

Well, we've taken
care of the girls

and the boys are going
to sleep outdoors. Yeah?

Well, what do you
think of Yatahay flats?


Yatahay. Indian word.

Means hello or welcome.

Oh, that's good to know.

It'll come in handy if I
happen to bump into Tonto.

MIKE: Well, what do you think?

Well, I can't think of
anyplace else I'd rather be.

You can't, huh?

Well, it's all yours for
the next three days.

That's when the
muleskinner comes back

with the mules to
take us back up.

Three days, huh?

Now, Alice, you didn't really
mind that mule ride, did you?

Oh, no, Mrs. Brady, it
didn't bother me at all.

In fact, just toward
the end there

I was really beginning
to hit my stride.

I better start
getting dinner ready.

(<i> chuckling</i>): Poor Alice.

I'll give her a
hand with dinner.


(<i> chuckling</i>)

Poor Alice.

Poor Carol.

What you looking for?

A dinosaur fossil.

What's a dinosaur fossil?

It's a real old animal.

It's real big and
it's as hard as rock.

Bet they make rotten pets.

They're not alive anymore.

They're just bones.

Come on.

Come on, Cindy.


Gee, an Indian boy.

Come on, let's follow him.

Dad, I can't find them anywhere.

I looked and I yelled for
them and there's no answer.

Didn't I tell you kids not to
wander away from camp?

Where do you
suppose they could be?

Oh, honey, I don't know.

Well, why don't we
divide up into groups

and we'll go look for them.

Greg, you and Jan
go with your mom.

Peter, you and
Marcia come with me.

Alice will be here in case they
come back on their own, okay?

Remember, you stay
with your groups, right?

Okay. Come on.

Come on.

Mike, it's going to
be getting dark soon.

Don't worry, honey,
we'll find them. Come on.


He just disappeared.

Maybe we'd better go back now.

It's getting dark.


Don't you know the way back?

Sure, I do.

Didn't we come that way?

Maybe it was that way.

I guess I don't know.



It's like they just disappeared.

Maybe your mom's found them.



Come on, kids.

I'm tired.

It's all your fault.

You wanted to chase
after that Indian boy.

How was I supposed
to know we'd get lost?

Don't worry, Cindy.

Things are beginning
to look familiar.

Our camp is that way.

We already went that way.

Well, maybe it's this way.

Come on.


Bobby! Cindy!

What is it, Dad?

I'm a little worried
about the time.

It will be night soon, won't it?

If it gets any darker

we'll never find them.

All right, easy, kids.
Come on, let's keep looking.



Oh, please, kids, answer.

Please, answer.



I hope they didn't fall
off a cliff or something.

They couldn't
have fallen off a cliff.

We're at the bottom
of the canyon.

Well, if we don't find them soon

we'll freeze out here.

Oh, Peter, nobody's
going to freeze out here.

It doesn't get that cold.

Besides, we're going
to find them anyway.

Now let's keep on
looking and think positively.

Right, Dad.

I hope they didn't run
into a mountain lion.

Come on, come on.

Don't cry, Cindy.

We'll get out of here.

Maybe there are wild
animals around here.

Maybe there aren't.





Come on, kids.



ANNOUNCER: <i>Don't miss
Part Three of the exciting</i>

Brady Bunch <i>Grand
Canyon adventure</i>

<i>next week at this same time.</i>