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02x18 - Our Son, the Man

Posted: 12/31/21 08:39
by bunniefuu
♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was ♪

♪ Much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group must ♪

♪ Somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all ♪

♪ Became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we became ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch. ♪

( kids yelling)

You laid it right out to them?

Well, what did your folks say?

( louder yelling drowns
out phone conversation

Hey, you guys! Hey, you guys!

Cool it!

We're not guys.
We're Indian braves!

( yelling)

Knock it off!

What do you think you're doing?

I'm doing an Indian.

Can't you see I'm on the phone?

Hey, you guys.

Listen to this great new group.

Jan, I'm on the phone!

Listen, Mick, I'll
have to call you back.

Oh, kids.

( shuts off radio)

These vegetables look fresh.

How about these
eggs? Hard-boil them?

On second thought, maybe
scrambled would be better.

I'm sorry, Alice.

It's all right.

Gooey, but all right.

Greg, do you have to come

booming through doors like that?

Those kids, they have no
respect for a man's privacy.

What man?

Me. When you're in high school,

you're not a kid
anymore. You're a man.


And a man doesn't want

to be pestered by kids.

He wants privacy.

Mom, I think we have to make

some changes around here.

What changes?


Hello. I'm home.

Hi, honey. How was your day?

( groans)

( chuckles)

Everything under control here?

I think you could answer

that better after
you talk to the man.

Oh, yeah? What man is that?

The man waiting
for you upstairs.



What man?

Your son.

My son?

The man.

( knocking)


Yeah, Dad?

What happened to you?

I was just shaving;
got a couple of nicks.

You're shaving?

Think you ought to practice

without a blade first?

I wasn't practicing.
I was shaving.

It's starting to come in

real heavy now. Feel it.

Really tough, huh?

One of the toughest
whiskers I ever felt.

Yeah? Which one?

There's more than one?

( chuckles)

Dad, I hope you didn't mind me

borrowing your razor.

I'm sure you didn't hurt it any.

Listen, you want to talk to me?

Oh, yeah. It's like this, Dad.

Well, I'm in high
school now, Dad.

Well, I'm with you so far, Greg.

High school is where the men
are separated from the boys.

And you're with the men now?

Yeah, right, Dad. I am.

But not around here.

Around here, I'm
still with the boys.

Peter and Bobby?

Yeah. And a man
needs his privacy, Dad.

( kids yelling)

I never have a free minute.

Greg, can I use your flashlight

when we go camping Friday?

You used it last time

we went to Mount Claymore!

Can't you guys ever knock?

All right, you boys,

Greg and I are having a talk.

About the camp-out?

Who cares about a camp-out?

That's for kids.

You always go.

Not anymore.

I'm too old for those
camp-outs, Dad.

Do I have to go?

No. We're not going
to force you to go.

You boys go along.

We'll be through soon.

Since Greg isn't going,

I get the good flashlight.

That's not fair!

See what I mean,
Dad? No privacy.

Well, Greg, we'll
just have to see

if there isn't something

we can do about it.

Uh, I know what
we could do, Dad.

You do? What?

I'd like my own room.

Your own room?

Dad, we're talking
man-to-man now,

not kid-to-man man-to-man,

but man-to-man man-to-man.

Greg? Dad?

Marcia, I'm talking to Dad!

I just wanted to tell you

that dinner was ready. Gee!

I got to have some privacy.

I'll think about it,

but I'm not making any promises.

You understand?

Yeah, I understand, Dad.

And, man-to-man, thanks.

You're welcome.

Honey, Greg's always loved

these family camp-outs.

If he doesn't go,

he'll be home alone all weekend.

Oh, Carol, Greg's not a
child anymore, you know.

He wants to start being
on his own a little bit.

We got another problem anyway.

We have?

Yeah. He asked
me for his own room.

Well... he has a point.

You know, he does need
a little privacy, I guess.

Well, what did you say?

( sighs) Well, told him

I wouldn't make
him any promises,

but I'd think about it.

Well, I guess he is growing up.


Mike, why couldn't we do
something in the garage?

Aw, honey, you're talking
about major construction.

I know. How about the attic?

That'd be great if Greg were

two-and-a-half feet tall.


Well, we'll think
about it tomorrow.

Good night, honey.

Good night, dear.



How about your den?

Honey, my den's not a bedroom.

What's a bedroom?

It's a room with a bed.

Carol, my den's where I work.

We'll put him in
the family room.

The family room!

But that's where I do my sewing,

and the girls practice
their dancing in there.

Besides, where
would all the kids play?

Honey, I don't know.

Well, never mind.

Don't you worry about it.

We'll... just have to...

figure something else out.

You keep your den.

Wait. Wait a minute.

You're making me
the villain in this thing.

Not at all, darling.

Yes, you are, Carol.

You're putting
it right in my lap.

Oh, I am not.

You're not going to give
me the guilts about this, now.

I need my den!

I'm not being unreasonable
about this. I'm not.

Well, of course you're not.

Good night, darling.

See you in the morning.

Well, I'm not.

Good night, darling.

You mean it, Dad? I
can really have your den?

We'll move my things
into the family room.

Man, does this
have possibilities.

Possibilities? For what?

Changes, Dad. Changes.

What kind of changes?

You know, making it my own pad.

My own scene.

Your own scene?

Oh, I mean if
that's okay with you.

Well, sure. It's going
to be your room.

Listen, Greg, I don't want
you to get silly about this.

No... nails... or paint on
the walls, now. Understand?

This place is real funky.

"Funky." That's square?

No, no, that's together.


Oh. How about that?

My den is funky.

These are clean enough.

My only question is, I
wonder if they're warm enough

for this time of year.

It can get pretty cold
up at Mount Claymore.

I know. Well,
let's just try one.

Want to help me
with this, Marcia?

But Alice... Just
a second, Cindy.

Listen, Alice...

Honey, wait just
a minute, please.

This is going to be fine...

All nice and warm.

Now, honey, what
did you want to say?

That's the sleeping bag that
the zipper always sticks on.

Oh, no.

You're right.

This is the one.

What are you doing?

She's stuck.

It's the zipper.

I tried to tell her.

Let me try it.

Sometimes it takes a man.

What are you doing

with your father's den chair?

I'm storing it in the garage.

Giving the den a whole new look.

Got something else for sitting.

Anything happens to that chair,

you won't be doing any sitting.

Don't worry, Alice.

This zipper is really stuck.

Maybe we can squirt
her out like toothpaste.

Marcia, grab an end.

Brace your foot on my arm.

Get some leverage
that way, okay?

You ready?

Here we go.

I told you.

It took a man!

Well, thanks. For
a minute there,

I thought I had a
permanent maxi-coat.

Today's the day, huh?

You're really going to move in?

That's right.

You don't like us anymore?

Sure, I like you.
You're my kid brothers.

Now I'm in high
school, though, right?

You know what I mean?

Yeah, you don't like us anymore.

It's nothing to do with it.

It's just men need
their privacy, that's all.

PETER: Hey, he's a big shot now.

We're lucky he even talks to us.

How about you two
grabbing one of the ends?

I don't think we can.

Why not?

We're just kids.

That mattress is too heavy

for a little shrimp like me.

I'm even shrimpier than he is.

Forget it.

Why did Greg leave
his mattress here?

I didn't leave it.

It fell on me.

Would you mind moving it?

Or are you taking
over the whole house?

Okay, okay.

When will your great
inner sanctum be ready?

Tonight. Hey, why
don't you pay me a visit?


I don't think we can.

Why not?

Well, if you had visitors,

it might disturb your privacy.

We'll pay a visit later,

after we get to high school.


I can't wait to see
what you've done.

Yeah. Me, too.

You'll love it.

It's the room I've
always wanted.

( pop music playing loudly)

GREG: Here it is!


Well... How do you like it?

Oh... it's... Different.

I think that's the
word for it... different.

Won't you come in and sit down?

Oh... where?

Listen, maybe you ought to get

things unpacked first.

What things un...?

That's the furniture.

Oh, sure. Well,
it certainly is...

what's that word... "flunky"?


Funky. Finky.

It's, uh...

Well, just enjoy
your room, Greg.

And your privacy.

Thanks, Mom, Dad.

We'll, uh... we'll
see you later.

It's hard to believe
that was once my room.

It's amazing how quickly it went

from Danish modern
to American disaster.

Well, it's what Mr. Greg
Brady wanted, I guess.

I don't know.

First he outgrows his family,

then he wants his own room.

I can't imagine what he'll
have on his mind next.

Ha! I know what he'll
have on his mind next.


Well, it's shaped
like an hourglass,

but it's a heck of a lot softer.



Don't I know you?

I don't think so.

I don't know you.


Um, would you mind
standing someplace else?

You're putting a
shadow on my book.

Oh, sure. Sorry.

Thank you.

Say, aren't you in
one of my classes?

Which class?


I've seen you around school.

Well, I'm a senior.

How about you?

Oh, um, this is my first year.

Would you excuse me?

I've really got to study this.

Oh, uh, sure. Go right ahead.

Thank you.


What you reading?

Paul, you kook.

Wow! What a groovy outfit.

You dig it, huh?

Out of sight!

Why don't you come over

to the cafeteria, rap a little.

I'd love to.

Come on.

You want a loan?

Just a little one, Dad.

I'm using most of my own money.

For what?

Well, clothes.

Don't tell me you've outgrown

your things already.

Yes and no.

My stuff still fits me

but, like, now that
I'm in high school,

like, it doesn't fit.

Like, you understand?

Greg, what is all this

"like" talk all of a sudden?

Oh, like, that's how
guys talk in high school.

Don't they still teach English?

Sure. But, like, you
see, these clothes are

too straight for high school.

Greg, look, you can't
expect a handout

every time you want something.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

I know, Dad.

I'll work and pay it all back.

Mmm... I promise.

It's just that, in high school,

clothes are, like,
really important.

All right, all right.

But I expect to get this back.

You will, Dad.

All right.


I knew you'd understand.

Like, thanks.

Like, it's one of my
most expensive failings.

Come on, you guys, hurry.

You're going to
be late for school.

JAN: Greg was
hogging the bathroom

all morning.

PETER: Hey, look at Greg.

KIDS: Oh, wow!

( expressing amazement)

MARCIA: Hey, wow!

BOBBY: Cool.

Why are you wearing sunglasses?

Not sunglasses. Shades.

( giggling) Shades! Oh!

Oh, yes.

It is quite an outfit.

We need the sunglasses.

( kids laughing)

What's all that noise?

He looks like... like...

Would you believe Sitting Bull?

( all chattering)

Kids. What do they
know about life?

Morning, Carol. Morning, Mike.

Now, look, Greg.

Calling your parents
by their first names

may be the fad these
days, but around here

we are still Mom and Dad to you.

I just figured you wouldn't want

someone as old as I am

calling you Mom and Dad.

That's very considerate of you.

We'll take a chance on
the infirmity of the titles.

No big deal.

Greg, I...

Would you excuse
me for a minute?

Now, remember, we are leaving

for Mount Claymore

this afternoon
right after school.

And we'd love it,

if you don't have other plans,

if you come along.

I'll have plans.

The guys at school always
get something heavy together.

I may even have a
date with this chick.

Does this chick have a name?

I don't know her name,
but we rapped at school.

Oh, wow! I got to split.

Like, uh, later.

Like, wow.


I wonder if that's
against the law?


Hey, uh, what are you reading?

Oh, gee, I'm sorry.

Here, uh, you can
have my French book.

Yours is first year.

Mine is senior.

Oh, well, I'll buy
you a new one.

How much did this one cost?

Four dollars.

But you don't have to.

Oh, no. I want to, really.

Oh, uh, I don't
have four dollars.

I got a quarter for some glue.

Just give me back my book, huh?

Gee, I'm sorry. I really am.

I believe you.

Can I ask you something?

Oh, sure, anything.

Well, you've been
knocking yourself out

trying to get my attention.


Uh, well, I, uh, I thought

I'd ask you for a date.

Maybe a movie or
something over the weekend?

( school bell ringing)

Oh, well... maybe next year.

You know, you're really
going to be kind of cute

when you grow up.

See you.

When I grow up?

Hi. You guys all ready?

Just about.

Where's the fishing stuff?

I've already put it in the car.

Here. Let me help do that.

It's all right.

We don't want to bother

a big shot like you.

I was only trying to help.

BOBBY: Us little
kids can handle it.

Hi, Freddy. It's Greg.

I'm just calling to see

what you guys got
going for tonight.

Hey, yeah. That
sounds really heavy.

Oh. Um...

No, no, sure, Freddy. I
can see why you guys

couldn't dig a new guy along.

Yeah, well, um, maybe...

Yeah, maybe some other time.

Yeah. Yeah. Later.

( kids yelling)

Jan, remember not to
stand up in the canoe.

And Marcia... We
can manage, Greg.

Even if we're not
in high school.

Hey, come on, Bunch.

Get in the car.

Hey, Alice, come on.

Everybody's ready
but us grown-ups.

I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Dad, can I give you a hand?

No, thanks. I've got it.

Well, I guess that's everything.

There's plenty of
food in the refrigerator,

so please remember to eat.

Don't worry, Mom.

You won't change your
mind and come along?

No. I've got a lot
of things planned.

I hope you have a good time.

You, too, Mom.

( squeals of laughter)

What's the matter, honey?
You forget something?

No. Greg may need
a couple extra dollars

for the weekend.

I'll be right back.

All right.

( tapping at door)


listen, I want to
see if you've got

enough money for the weekend.

Oh, yeah, I guess so.

I thought, with
a chick and all...

Oh, that kind of fell through.

What about the fellas?

They've, uh... got
other plans, Dad.



That's too bad.

You know something funny, Dad?

When I was in junior high,

I felt like I was a pretty
big man on campus.

You were, weren't you?

You were graduating.

You were class president.

Now that I'm in high
school... I'm nobody.

Oh, it's not that you're nobody.

It's just like starting
all over again.

Sure, but you're going
to start all over again

when you go to college, too.

And again and again.

Hey, that's part of life.

Yeah, I guess it is.


Dad, I know I've been acting

like kind of a big shot
around the house lately,

but is it all right if I
go on the camp-out?

Sure it would be. Come on.

Gee, thanks, Dad.

I'll get my stuff.

I don't think you have to.

Your brothers have
already done it for you.

They have?

They were hoping
you'd change your mind.

We all were.

But we thought
maybe you were getting

too big too soon.

I wasn't getting too big, Dad.

Just my head.

Mike, aren't you
ever coming to bed?

Yeah. In a minute, honey.

You know, I think
Greg is really glad

to be back in his
old room again.

He sure seems to be.

Whatever you're doing,

can't it wait till the morning?

Well, this is kind of important.

What is it?

This thing with Greg
started me thinking.

What about?

About Marcia and Peter

and Bobby and Jan and Cindy.

So look.

What is it?

Our house.

With eight bedrooms.

Kind of funky, huh?