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03x09 - Suspicious Minds

Posted: 12/29/21 07:35
by bunniefuu
Penny, I completely understand
if you don't want to

but I was wondering...

- I'd love to.
- Yeah?

Why can you take on this kid
and not take on ours?

CHARLIE: Because I'm that girl, Matt.

I'm going to Bali.

She has a mother and I'm gonna find her.

- She'll be back, right?
- I think it's over.

"Dear diary, I want to have
Matt Knight's babies."

Very funny.

"I wish he'd ask me
to go round with him."

HARRIET: Option A, we co-parent.

Or option B, you walk away, no strings.

It's OK. I'll... be with you soon.

- Really?
- I'm putting the farm on the market.

[FIRES sh*t]

Let it go. He's won.

Farming's in our blood, Matt.

I got an offer from that mob
today, BOP Enterprises.


- Sold.
- Sold.



It's small but with
efficient use of space,

it means you don't think it's small.

Nothing you said made sense.

And you'll have neighbours
of your generation around you.

Common interests.

And the smell?

There's some open sewage.

- It's move-in ready.
- Not sure I'm ready.

Rod, this one of yours?

Beauty, isn't it?

Are you thinking of buying?

Oh, I'm sadly considering my options.

I don't want to throw you
out of your house, Meryl.

What do you mean?

I bought your farm.

BOP Enterprises,

Birds of Prey.

Catchy, eh?

The eagle always gets its prey.

- That's what it means. I hunt...
- I understand the metaphor.

- You bought our farm?
- Yeah, I did.

And the thing is, I don't need
the homestead. Just the land.

So, for a nominal rent,
say, bucks a week,

you can stay there.

I don't believe this.

Well, believe it.
I have a generous spirit.

And maybe I come around once a week

for a glass of wine or two,

stay the night...


Bye, Rod.

♪ I'm going up the country,
babe, don't you want to go? ♪

♪ I'm going up the country,
babe, don't you want to go? ♪

♪ I'm going some place where
I've never been before ♪

♪ I'll leave this city,
I've got to get away ♪

♪ I'm gonna leave this city,
I've got to get away ♪

♪ All this fussing and fighting ♪

♪ Man, you know I sure can't stay. ♪


Do you need to get that?

- No.

- Are you sure?


Uh, can I help you?

I'll only ask you this once

and if you're lying, I'll
know it because I always do.

And if the answer is yes,

you better clear a space
on your operating table

because you will have broken my heart

in a way that even you
won't be able to fix it.

What are you talking about?

Are you aware that you are
selling the farm to Rod Eagle?

- To Rod Eagle?
- Yes.

Be honest with me, Hugh.

Well, it said BOP Enterprises
on the contract.

That's Rod's company!

He is not having the farm. He is not!

Oh, sh*t. I didn't know.

Well, now you do. We have to stop this.

Look, I know it's not ideal

but if we could just put aside
the fact that you loathe him

with every fibre of your being,

we'll soon come to realise that his

money is as good as anyone else's.


Mum, it's done.

- I'm sorry.
- It's Rod Eagle.

That's not very strong case, Mum.

I know you don't like the
guy but money's money.

- He paid a really, really good price.
- No...

- We agreed to clear the debt.
- I can't believe this.

- You are so heartless.
- I didn't know it was Rod.

But there's nothing we can do now.

The deposit's paid.

There's hours left
in the cooling-off period

and then it becomes official.

Cooling-off period?

That's great. We can pull out.

It's his cooling-off period, not ours.

He's got till pm tomorrow.


Look, I know this is hard

but there was a problem and I solved it.

Please, do not unsolve it.


I... I really should go
get some work done soon.

You should, but you look cute

and I look cute and

who knows how much air's
left in this mattress.

You said that yesterday.

Hey, I gotta ask,

are we level-jumping here?

- Level-jumping?
- Yeah.

Moving too quickly.

Skipping cute milestones.

I mean, just a couple of days ago,

I was moving and you were married.

Charlie and I...

We ended it.

Plus, technically,

you and I have already
been in a relationship

full of cute little milestones.

Like that time I vomited

birthday cake in your locker...


So, any progress we make now is...

Just picking up where we left off.

Where was that again?


- Hmm.
- Hmm.



Please come inside.

Jimmy just said 'far'.

I googled it and it
means 'dad' in Danish.

Ajax, what exactly
did the barrister say?

Caveat means nothing.

No grounds to contest the sale.

Well, we'll think of something.

Mum's looking at houses, Hayles.

Everyone's given up.

Well, how is this digging
gonna help, huh?

Why are you limping?

Mmm... I tripped on those stupid

holes you dug in the bottom paddock.

- Hey.

Happy anniversary.

Happy... anniversary.

I'm working late but,
um, I'll see you after?

Yeah, you bet.

You forgot, didn't you?

[SCOFFS] Of course not.


In fact, I have to go pick
up the present that I...

Already bought for her.

Just looking at the roster.

You're going home early tonight.


And coming in late tomorrow.


You've got a date?

It's with Raph.

There's just one tiny little thing

I need to do and then I'm good to go.

You haven't asked him, have you?

Yes, alright.

Yes, you have or, yes, you haven't?


Call him. Now.

I will.

I will call him.

MATT: Rod Eagle?
HAYLEY: Oh, no.

- Did Hugh know?
- No.

But he said it's done
and we have to move on.

And what do you say?

I say my grandmother
was born on this land

and I'm not just gonna
roll over for Rod Eagle.

- He's not even a farmer.
- But I know Rod.

Why is he so happy paying asking

price for failing farming land?

I think I know why.

I didn't know what they
were but now I do.

Core samples.


He's come in here god knows
when and taken them.

Something's in there
and he's gonna dig it up.

He's planning to turn
our land into a mine.

No wonder he didn't
care about the house.

What's he gonna do with the house?

Probably turn it into a brothel.

- Oh... It's disgusting.
- We're zoned agriculture.

Yeah, and he's planning to rezone it.

And he's not gonna spend $ million

hoping that's going to happen

when he knows it's going to happen.

And you know what, my children, I smell?


Matt, I need a lift to the golf club.

- But...
- I take it Charlie's not back yet?

- No.
- Then you've got plenty

of free-time time.

You look unusually thoughtful.


The farm. Family are unhappy.

Well, everyone has to move on.

- Exactly.
- People get broken.

That's life.

Wouldn't have put it quite like that.

It's true, though. We're doctors.

We see broken people and we're

amazed the way they heal.

That's life.

- You seem very...
- Indeed. I am.

Bye. Got a date.


Hugh, what do you buy someone
for a one-year anniversary?

No idea. I know what to get someone

for a one-day anniversary, though.

Hey, you. You're from
the hospital, yeah?

I need your help.

What's happened?

Just... Just come on.


- Where's the emergency?
- Oh, get in the van.

I'll take you to it.

[LAUGHS] Get in the van?

Aren't you supposed to offer
us a bag of lollies first?

Please, man, just get in the van.

Look, we'll call the hospital

and go get the clinic car, OK?

Oh... Hey...

Uh, Hugh...

What the f*ck?

You're wasting time.
Just get in the van.


Get in the van.

Come on, come on.
Hurry up, hurry up.

Get in!



- Uh...

- [DING!]

Hi. Again.

Hi. Sorry. For a second there,
I was worried about the...

the time zone thing.

- Oh, Bali's two hours, Matt.
- Right.

So... Speaking of, how
are things over there?

Uh, nothing to report.

No tan yet. Or Zen.

- More upset about the tan.

- How are things on your side?
- Good, thanks.

Yeah, nothing much to
report here either.

- Are you OK?
- Yep.

Are you sure?

I guess I just wanted to call and say

that if you feel like you need to see

other people, then that's OK.


Where the hell did that come from?

I... I don't know.

There's a lot of buffed, tanned
dudes in Bali, aren't there?

Do you want to see other people?

Of course not. I just...

I wanted to establish

how things were at your end.


Well, on my end, it's snail's pace.

Yeah. OK. Same... at... at my end.

I better get some work done.

OK. Take care of yourself.



sh*t, Nancy Miller!

[EXHALES] Meryl.

Didn't pick you as a golfer.

Correct. Haven't got the patience,

nor the shoulders for the polo shirt.

But you, on the other hand...

Look fabulous in a polo shirt, I know.

Are you flirting with me, Meryl?

I think there's something
corrupt going on in council.

And as you're the mayor...

Ah, but you're not on council

anymore, so I'm sure there's not.

How whimsical. [LAUGHS]

I think you're gonna
rezone my land to mining.



you are! Oh, I knew it!

Aren't you cute when you blush!


How much was that worth to you?

A lot, I fancy.

My partner's here now, Meryl.

We... We have to make our tee time...


Every time I turn around, there you are.

I think it's fate.

I'm onto you two.


Well, let's see.

Disgruntled ex-mayor
resigns in disgrace,

loses farm due to mismanagement,

starts throwing around accusations

at a squeaky-clean lesbian

and a respected, highly
sexual businessman.

Hmm. Don't think so.

- Shall we, Mayor Miller?
- Yeah.

Bye, Meryl.


Well, if you were hoping for a ransom,

you should know that my
family is straight up broke.

I can wire you $ , in hours.

Just don't hurt me.


Both of you, shut up.
I'm trying to think.

Now, which one of you is the doctor?

- He is.
- He is.

Over here.

He was shaking
and now I can't wake him.

How long has he been like this?

Oh, since this morning.

Well, he needs a hospital.

Ken, call an ambulance.

No. No hospitals.

He stays here.

Give me your phone.

He could die if he stays here.

Well, you better figure out
what's wrong with him,

'cause no-one's leaving until you do.


- Hey.
- Hi, lollipop man.

Yeah, I know.

I drew the short straw
at the P and F meeting.

No, you didn't.

Talk to me when you're vaccinating

crying first-graders.

Yeah, that sounds worse.

Anyway, I better let these guys go.


Do you want to maybe...

Go out with me?

Yeah, I'd love to.

What, next week some time?

Next week's good.

Or, you know...


Uh... yeah, I can do tonight.

- Great!
- OK.



Well, I'll... I'll... see you later.

Yeah. Great.

- Hey, do you like to fish?
- I love fish!


Hey, Romeo.

Hoping I'd sense you out here.

April, I think we need to end this.

I'm so sorry.

- Right.
- Maybe we are level-jumping.

I mean, everything's
moving so quickly and

the whole Charlie
thing, it's still fresh

and my family don't even know.

Matt, I totally get it.

You don't have to stress.

I do, because you're fricken awesome.

So are you.

- And you're so funny.
- I am funny.

And I need you to know that

I respect you so much.

Well, I respect you

respecting me like this.

- Jesus!
- What?

What happened to your finger?

Nothing. Don't worry.

No, no, you need to go see a doctor.

- Come on.



OK, I think we've popped
this for real this time.



Shh, shh. [CLOSES DOOR]

Rezoning application.

Lodged for approval at the next meeting.

For mining on Arcadia.


It's Nancy Miller.

What? Mayor Miller?

I always thought she was
so straight, corruption-wise.

He must've paid her a lot of money.

Six figures or more.

Oh, my God. That's shocking.

- That's good.
- What? Why?

Because you can't pay
that in cash. It's too much.

And if you don't pay
that sort of money in cash,

there's a record of it.

We find it, smoking g*n.

Well, how do we do that?

Call the police to uphold the law.

Nice work, Jimmy. Nice work.

HUGH: Pupils are sluggish.

- He's got an elevated heart rate.
- Oh, what does that mean?

It means he needs to be in the hospital.

Not while there's a warrant
out for my arrest.

A warrant? What for?

Look, just for future reference,

next time you want to kidnap a doctor,

you might want to make
sure he's got his medical

kit on him first. Oh, and a CT machine.

Your son could be bleeding into his

brain and I have no way of knowing.

Well, what are you doing? Keep working.

How? I mean, you can wave that g*n

around in my face all you like.

But I can't diagnose him
without the proper equipment.

Well, just take a guess. Do something!

Uh, Hugh...

There could be things
that cause the symptoms.

What are you doing?

Is that one of the ?

Well, go on. sh**t it.

I can't. I've got no b*ll*ts.

Oh, you're kidding.

So, my life's not in danger?

Well, not from him, anyway.



Alright. Get down.

Alright. Here. Here.

Snakebites can sometimes

look more like a scratch.

We'll get him some antivenom
when we get back to the hospital.

And if he doesn't go?

Then he's dead in six hours.

Oh... No.

- No?
- No.

If I take him to hospital,

they'll know where I am
and I'll go to jail.



Alright, how about this?

We'll take him in.

You don't have to come.

We'll say we found him.

No, no, if he goes to hospital,

they'll take him away
and I'll never see him again.

You will. It'll be fine.
No, it won't be fine.

You don't understand.

I k*lled a woman.

I mean, not deliberately.

I'm not a m*rder*r, I swear. I just...

The police called it a hit-and-run

but I didn't know she d*ed.

Oh... I'm sorry, bud.

I didn't mean for all this to happen.


there's no other option.
We have to take him in.

There's always another option.

You go to hospital, you get
the antivenom, you bring it back.

He lives and he gets to keep his father.

OK. I don't have time to argue.

You deal with the snake.

Cool. Good plan. I'll see you later.

No, no... You stay here.

Hell, no. I'm not kidnapped anymore.
I'm getting out of here.

I need you to keep an eye on the kid.

You want me to voluntarily stay here

with the snake and the m*rder*r?


What if I get bitten or k*lled

or Stockholm syndrome?

Nah, you'll be fine.

- I'll be back soon.



You look lovely.

Thanks. [GIGGLES]

Might be a bit cold,
though, by the water.

The water?


Are we going fishing?

You said you liked to fish.

I figured we'd cook some.

Oh! Sure.

It's just... I'm not sure how
I'll go fishing in these heels.

Oh, no worries.

Here you go.

Hop in.




You know, I've never done this before.


Oh, you get the hang of it.

So, how's work?

It's good.

I mean, you get a difficult
one every now and then.

There's a schnauzer that I'd
prefer to never see again.

[LAUGHS] I can relate.

Well, at least your patients
don't wee all over the floor

and growl and bite you.

I've had patients do all those things.


- Oooh!

Oh, I think I got something.

OK, reel it in. Reel it in.

I think it's stuck.

Oh, hang on a sec...




- Ha-ha!

- Behold!

- Dinner.

Will you... Will you be sharing my fish?

Oh, he's a little bit small.

Alright, give him a kiss,
we'll throw him back.

I'm not kissing him.

No, it's tradition.

I'm... I'm not gonna kiss it.

It's just a peck.

Close your eyes. Here he comes.



Sorry, mate.

It's not your day today.


Now we don't have any dinner.

- No, no. I'm working on it.


Maybe we just leave it in there.

I'm not leaving it in there with my son.

What if it gets out?

I'll move the box.

You chase him out with the broom.

How about I lift up the box
and you chase him out?

Maybe we should just
leave him in the box.

He probably won't get out.


- Oh, Hugh, there's someone...
- Not now!

Police, fire, ambulance?

Uh, police, please.


Oh, Hugh.

Harriet, what are you doing here?

You put this baby into me,
you can take it out.

- What?
- I can't do this anymore.

I can't eat, I can't sleep, I've had it.

I need to be induced.

- Now.
- Hang on, hang on.

We need to talk. But sorry,
right now I need to go.

- MAN: [ON PHONE] Hello, police.
- Yes, hello.

Where, Hugh? You're
about to be a father.

You've really got something
more important to do?

- Hello, are you there?
- Uh... Yes, I'm still here.

I have it.

Get that off. Pull his sleeve up.

- Ken, you hold that.
- Perfect.

- High.
- OK.



How long does it take to work?

About ten minutes.

How long until the police get here?

I didn't call them.


Well, he can't... He can't breathe.

Hang on. He's having an allergic
reaction to the antivenom.

- Right, call an ambulance now.

- Oh...


His eyes are closing over.

Ken, adrenaline.

Call an ambulance now or he's dead!

Do it.

Yeah, I need an ambulance.

Yeah, uh, the old shearing shed,
just... just off the bypass...

Becoming cyanotic.
Ken, where's that adrenaline?

Uh... on my desk, in the hospital.

I was making sure
they were all accounted for.

- I meant to put it back.
- Plan B.

I'm sorry! I even wrote down
a reminder note for it!

Look, it says right here, "Friday,
don't forget Mia anniversary..."

Oh, God, I need a new system.



Come on.


There we go.

Come on.

Come on.


- He's breathing.

- And he's gonna be OK?
- He's stable.

We just need to get him to hospital.

Yeah, but... he's gonna be OK?

Yeah. He's gonna be fine.

- OK. OK.


MERYL: It's $ if you
can find the smoking g*n.

- And grab all his computers.



VKC, we have a white-collar crime

in progress and we'll take him down.


That was quick.

There's nothing in there, Meryl.

You were gonna seize his computers.

There's nothing in there.

He outbid me.

- Yeah. He went up to , .

Do you need a lift home?


Mia, happy anniversary!


I thought I'd never see you again!

What are you talking about?

I was kidnapped!

But I'm free now and I'm a changed man

and I'm really going to
start living my life.

Hold on a minute. Did no-one
even notice I was missing?

- Well, uh...
- I was gone for hours!

I just... thought you
forgot our anniversary

and went and bought a present.

I would never.


What are you doing?

If you won't induce this baby, I will.

I've been researching
how to bring on labour.

You know, none of those have

been actually proven to work.

It's too early. Baby's not ready.

It's not ready or you're not ready?

- Oh! Motherfuck...
- What? What? What? What is it?

Oh... Too much pineapple.


Jesus, Harriet.

So, your family excited about the baby?


Uh, yep.

I bet Meryl can't wait
for another grandchild.

She can hardly contain herself.


So, you know how I went out last night?

This is not very interesting
to me, but good for you.

- Tilly's dad.
- What?

This is... hard to judge.

Will we hang out?

I suppose so.

But will she see me
as a brother-figure?

I think you're overcomplicating it.

As it happens, it's her birthday today

and we've both been
invited over for cake.

- Really?
- Yep.

So I thought I'd come back from work...

I have to get ready!


[WHISPERS] Jesus Christ.



Don't do it...




It's going to be sad
to leave the homestead.



I was born in this house, Hayley.

I'm not sure I can leave.

We're out of options.

Today's the day.

I still have one.

What is it?

I need to drink a lot, but...



Hi, Meryl.

I know it's probably
a tough day for you,

losing the farm.

I saw this gift basket at the fete.

And now that I'm here, you
probably don't want a gift basket.

I just felt for you, I suppose.


I can just leave it here
at the door and... and go.

You might be exactly the
person I want to see.

- Really?
- Really.

You do Rod's books still, don't you?

I do.

And you keep everything on paper?

Well, I have a hunch the banking
system's coming down, so...



if I wanted to spend ten
minutes alone in your office,

what would you say?

Ten minutes alone with me or...?

Just alone.

Of course.

I'm feeling a bit...

queasy at the ethics of this.

- Nine minutes.
- Just relax, Glen.

I'm not really a person who does relax.

I've got it. The smoking g*n.

Got him.

Thank you.

Always... uh...


- ... here for you.


You're here.

Decided to turn myself in.

I can't keep running.

Yes, well, things have a way
of catching up with you.

I've got a cousin in Queensland.

Will you make sure he gets to her?

Yeah. We can do that.

Why didn't you call the police?

I don't know. I suppose
I felt sorry for you.

Was that really it?


You're a good father.

I mean, you nearly let your

son die from a snakebite but...

Apart from that...


Hey, I want it on the record
that he came in voluntarily.

- He's turning himself in.
- Thanks.



Oh, my God, Matt!

- Oh! Oh, sh*t!
- Oh!

Oh, God!

What have we got, Doc?

I see you've got a small
cut on your finger.

It's infected.



Temperature's OK.

- Are you experiencing any nausea?
- No, I feel fine.

That's good. It's a
localised reaction, then.

I'll give you some
antibiotics for the cut.

I am worried about the swelling.

I'm going to do my very best

to salvage the ring, Matt.


It needs to come off, I'm afraid.

It's blocking the blood supply.

[YELPS] God! Just...

Just hang on a sec. Hang on a sec.

Charlie won't mind. She'll just want

your finger back at standard size.

- Yeah.
- I'm gonna wait outside.

Holler if you need me... pal.

[YELPS] Jesus!


Are we not still salvaging?

- It's just a precaution.

And out of interest, is this ring
gold or titanium-based?

Uh, it's titanium, I think.

I don't think our cutters
will get through this.

Should I call for reinforcements?

Mmm... [YELPS]

Oh, can I just...

Can I just have a minute?

Just a minute.

[BANGS] Come on! Come on!

Oh, God... Argh...

Ah! Hey, Uncle Matt!

- Uh, hi.
- It's been a while.


Oh, sh*t. Sorry.


Uh, just as a point of clarification...

- sh**t.
- ... is 'Uncle Matt' my fun,

cute, new nickname or...

Is that Hugh's?

- He didn't mention it?
- No.

- To anyone?
- I don't think so.

- Oh, dear.
- What, you haven't told them?

Hugh, seriously?

Well, there just hasn't
been a good time.

In nine months? You said you
wanted to be part of this.

I gave you a choice.
You didn't have to be.

- I do want to be part of this.
- Really?

Because right now, I can't tell

whether you're lying to me
or you're lying to him,

but you're lying to someone!

- Oh...


You're just so fertile, aren't you?



I have good news.

I think I can destroy this deal.

What? No. Mum...

Have to. I cannot leave this farm.

I grew up here,

you grew up here, my
mother grew up here.

It is our home.

What about the debt?

We've carried it so far

and I back us to carry it even further.

It's not gonna break us,
it's gonna bend us.

I can't back out now.

But he can.

[LAUGHS] Yes, he's not
gonna do that, Mum.

Well, the alternative choice

is that I stay in the homestead

and Rod comes over once a week

to demand his property rights.

And I will give them.

- What? That's gross...
- I cannot leave this farm.

- So you're blackmailing me?
- Of course.

Why did it take you so
long to realise that?

[SIGHS] God.

You know what,

I'm starting to think there is

no escape in my life from anything.




What are you doing?

I think it's called sexting.

Oh, my God.



You are a genius, Rod.

A fricken genius.




Are you OK there?


I'm good.


So, Tilly...

Yeah, Floyd?

... do you, um...

Do you like...

Can you make, um...

- What?
- What's your...



I sort of thought that there'd
be other people here.

No. Just us.

Are you giving her cash?

Sure. What's wrong with that?


Only she's a kid.


She can spend it how she wants to.

Yep. It's fine.

Good present.

- The candles are burning out.
- Let's go.



What could it be this time, Tilly?

For the new bike
you've been saving for.

Thanks, Dad.

- You've got enough now, right?
- Yep.

Well, let's go shopping.

How about some cake?

I'm sorry about before.

I think I jumped to conclusions...

- Oh, no, that's...
- You know what you're doing.



Is there alcohol in this?

Mmm. Tiramisu.

- Rod.
- Meryl.

I bought a bottle of Baileys.

How thoughtful.

Come in. Let's get started.

Mmm, I knew you were a goer.

From that time I touched your tit.




In four minutes, the farm is yours.

- Why are you here?
- We're toast.

She's referring to the transfer

document between you and her

for K into a Vanuatu account.

So? We're buying a house together.

The point is, Rod, we send this to ICAC

along with the development application

you've got slated for tomorrow
night's council meeting

and the, uh,

sale agreement for this place

and it all starts to look... very bad.

Three minutes.


You know what happens to guys
like you in prison, Rod?

Probably nothing, but

there's not a lot of natural light

and you can't watch the footy.

What do you want?

Oh, just, um,

sign this deed of release.

Cooling-off period?

I get out of the sale...

Or we email all this

with a stat dec signed by the mayor.

You what?

I'd been drinking when you got to me

and I've had a bit of bipolar going on,

so, you know, I'll probably walk.

Look, I felt bad.

You know how Meryl gets to you.

Two minutes.

This way, you get your deposit back.

And you won't go to jail.

[SIGHS] Give me the damn pen.

Ah. So, uh,

thanks for ruining the deal.


It's my pleasure, darling.

So, I need to tell you something...

I know, what an amazing mother I am

and how blessed you are to have me.

Yes, there is that.

But also...


I always could make an entrance.