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02x25 - Behind Gold Eyes

Posted: 12/20/21 07:23
by bunniefuu
It's all right, Spartax citizens!
You can come out now!

Your planet has been saved once again

by the legendary Star-Lord and
his Guardians of the Galaxy!

Now with Nova Centurion power!

- I am Groot?
- Good point, bud.

Since when does he get top billing?

I see no bills on his top, Rocket.

Nor am I convinced Magus could've
been so easily destroyed.

I don't know, Drax.
These helmets were created

to vanquish Magus
if he ever turned dark.

And what we saw here was pretty dark.

No argument there, Gamora.
But if we vanquished Magus,

why is my helmet still sensing him?

Sam is correct. I sense it as well.

Yeah. Kind of like a tune
you can't get out of your head.

Hey, start humming that "ooga-chaka"
song, and I vaporize your vocal cords!

If Magus is still out there,
we need to find him.

Why does this look so familiar?

Maybe 'cause it's
the last thing you saw

before we all blasted you
halfway across the galaxy!

No. It looks familiar
because it is my home planet.

What, wrecking Quill's home
planet wasn't enough for you?

Actually, no.

You Guardians are all that stands
between me and ruling the universe.

I won't rest until I've destroyed
everything and everyone you hold dear.

Adam, I know you're not in control.

Just spit my dad out of your gem,
and you can be your old self again.

Naive, innocent Adam is no more!

It only took one such asteroid

to wipe out the Earth's
entire dinosaur population.

Imagine what a multitude of
them will do to your planet.


Save Drax's civilization
or contain the Magus.

Which will you choose?

Drax has made his choice!

I am Groot!

Your civilization's next, twig!

What Adam gave, I can take away!

- I am Groot!
- Hang on, bud!

My family's on your planet too!

Wait! He's trying to separate us.

He knows we have the power
to defeat him together!

And we will, but first
we have a planet to save.

Drax the Destroyer
does not fear large rocks!

It's just like that video game.

I know that game.
Yeah! Earth reference!

My grandpa used to play it.

And now I'm depressed.

Don't worry, bud. Bad Hair Day
may have found your planet,

but he ain't getting your seedlings.

- I am Groot!
- The Klyntar got 'em protected.

Hey, any of you blobs seen a family of
trash-rooting critters scampering around?

I seem to recall these "blobs"
are rather sensitive to sound.

And I suspect these weeds
are susceptible to root rot!

I am Groot!

Especially when I remove the source
of energy that sustains them.

Your civilization's World Pod that
my benevolent other self revived.

And whose power I will use to end
the next civilization on my l...

Yeah, I'm gonna have to
stop you right there.

Especially if that list includes Earth.

I am Groot?

Eh, maybe they just need fertilizer?

Yo, Klyntar, now that you're
all back in one piece,

why don't you go find my family
and keep them safe

while we take down Magus?

Aw, am I bothering you? Ah, too bad.

You know you'll never stop us as long
as we have these Centurion helmets.

Unless, of course, you absorb us into
that crystal zit on your forehead.

You actually think I'm foolish
enough to let you into my gem?

Right. Why am I wasting
time fighting the ship

when I should be fighting the pilot?

That's right! Talking to you, Dad!

Afraid to face your own son, huh?

That's why you're hiding
inside Magus' gem, isn't it?

J'Son cannot hear you, Peter Quill.

Oh, please. That's what you want
me to think, isn't it, Dad?

'Cause you know you can't beat me

without an all-powerful
cosmic being under your sway.


Ha! Guess who's inside your gem!

You have something to say to me, Peter?

Okay, Dad.

Give up this stupid, pointless
quest for power already.

What's it got you except
the hatred of your family?

My estrangement from my children
is one of my greatest regrets, Peter.

That's why I want you to join me
in ruling the galaxy!

He's slowing down!

Quill's plan might actually be working!

That sounds so wrong.

We're not powerful enough.

We need all six Nova Centurions
to take down the Magus.

There might be another way,
but you guys won't like it.

Probably not.
But I don't like anything.

Okay, remember that supernova thing?

The Nova Force overload
that destroyed your father?

And failed to destroy J'Son
when he attempted it?

That was just one supernova.
What if there were five?

- I am Groot!
- Take out the planet?

You kiddin'? That could take
out the whole flargin' galaxy!

I won't take that risk.

We just need to penetrate Magus'
shield while he's still distracted.

Concentrated attack. On my mark.


We did it!

One last push should take him down.

I am Groot?

What are you stopping for?


Sis? Ranger?

My family?


And mine.


I am Groot?

I am Groot!

I am Groot!

Your family's attacking? Join the club!

I see no club.

Only swords!

I'm seeing something much worse.

Mother! Father!


This can't be happening.

Tell that to my dad!

Stay back. I don't wanna hurt you.


Wait. Gammy was right.
It can't be happening.

That does not make this any easier.

Ovette, Camaria, forgive me.

Sorry, Dad.

I am Groot!

What kind of sick game is this, Magus?

What's the point
of destroying your enemies

if you can't break their spirit first?

You will suffer
for what you made me do!

- Oh-ho, got that right!
- I am Groot!

I made you do nothing!

You merely succumbed
to the darkness within you.

And now that darkness feeds me!

You don't know
what you're doing, Peter.

The galaxy needs
a strong hand to guide it.

That is why I must control
the power of the Magus!

How does destroying Drax's
planet, Rocket's family,

and Groot's whole civilization help
you bring order to the galaxy?

I think the power of the Magus
is controlling you,

not the other way around.

You say you want ultimate power,

but you always end up serving
someone more powerful,

like Magus or Thanos.

That's not a leader, Dad.

- That's a lackey.
- Silence!


Adam, is that really you?

What has happened to me?

Oh, not much.

Just Quill and J'Son inside your gem,
dukin' it out for your very soul!

Quickly, Adam, purge them from
your gem before it is too late.

You will be contained!

Sorry, Dad. I'm a little too
old to be grounded.


Please forgive me, my friends.

I am Groot.

I will destroy you all!

Make up your krutackin' mind!

The only way to stabilize him
is to help Quill defeat J'Son.

I cannot absorb you into my gem

while you wear the Centurion helmets!

Please, you must trust me!

Oh, yeah! Score points for "good"!

Even you admit you're
not all good, Peter.

That's been your flaw, always.

You only commit halfway...

whether it's relationships, heroism,

or even your genetic makeup.

Such noble heroes,

willing to sacrifice yourself
to save me from darkness.

Pity you can't save yourselves.

I'm going to enjoy this.

You will be the first
to perish, rodent. Aah!

I ain't no rodent!

And neither's my family.

Especially when
they're bonded with Klyntar.

You're right, Dad. I'm not all good.

I'd rather be percent hero
than a hundred percent jerk!

But it's not up to me, is it?

It's up to Adam. Remember him?

The guy with the power to save
the universe or destroy it?

He makes the choice. Not you, not me.

But unlike you, I trust him
to make the right one.

Hurry, my friends,
before my other self takes over!

Go! We'll have your back out here!

Since you refuse
to ally yourself with me, son,

then I am sadly forced
to eliminate you.

See, Dad?

These are what real allies look like.

You think they can help you, son?

They've already succumbed
to the darkness.

And so will you, Peter.

Not without a fight!

Fight all you want, Peter!

That can't be good.

If you want to stop me, son,

you'll have to destroy me.

You know I won't do that, Dad!

And that's precisely why
you'll lose everything

and everyone you hold dear.


You must destroy him, Quill!

He ain't real. Warlock pulled the
same trick on us with our families.

He's trying to break your spirit.

No. Magus said we're the only ones

standing between him
and ruling the universe.

But not because we can destroy him.

Because we can bring out
his better nature.

Which means we're just gonna
have to hug it out... Dad.



You back for good this time, Adam?


J'Son of Spartax,

you are under arrest.

Wait. Are we authorized to do that?

Who cares? I authorize myself
to blast the jerk if he makes a move.

Well, we did it, team. We
saved the galaxy... again.

I am Groot.

Fret not, my leafy friend.

What my other self took, I can restore.

Ooh. I am Groot.

You can't restore everything!

Or have you forgotten, Peter...

that if your helmet
is keyed to your DNA,

it's keyed to mine as well?

Oh, man. He's gonna do it.

He's gonna go supernova!

We need to stop him before
he takes out the whole planet!

If I can't control the Warlock,
then no one will!

So be it.


No, Adam! The blast...

will give you a growth spurt?

I think it's much
worse than that, Quill.

Sorry, my friends.

I... I failed.

Dude, you saved the galaxy.

I did nothing to improve it,

let alone rid the galaxy of evil.

I am Groot.

He's right. You done a lot
more than you realize.


You got my family
to recognize me again.

I wouldn't even remember
my family if it wasn't for you.

You save the life of my fellow warrior

and helped us both understand the
Destroyer need not walk alone.

Most important, you
became part of a family.

Our family.

And for that, I thank you all.

I hope the next time I return,
I can usher in the Golden Age

that so many believed I would bring.

Us Guardians may not be big on
belief, but we got tons of hope.

Thank you, Peter Quill.

I am Groot.

Don't you want to be full size again?

Apparently, he's got something else
in mind for that World Pod energy.

I am Groot.

Your family ain't the only ones
who'll keep Adam's cocoon safe.

I got peeps too.

Bye, guys.

Don't root through any trash
you don't know.

So, what do we do now?

Now that we're
Nova Centurion Guardians,

the sky's the limit.

Wait. Was that not a metaphor?

Come back here, ya krutackin'...

Apparently they're done with us and
off to fulfill their new destiny.

But... But I ain't done
blowin' stuff up with mine!

Well, I got my own destiny to fulfill.

It's called... detention.

Oh, hey, uh, hi. Think you could give
us a lift back to our ship first?

You never answered my question, Quill.
What do we do now?

Eh, same thing we always do.

Something good, something bad,

bit of both,
with an occasional dance break.

♪ Well, you don't know ♪

- ♪ What we can find ♪
- No. No, no. No, no, no, no, no, no!

- Flarg it, Quill!
- ♪ Why don't you come with me, Little girl ♪

- Don't get another krutackin' song in my head!
- ♪ On a magic carpet ride ♪

♪ You don't know what we can see... ♪