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03x07 - Dating in the Light

Posted: 12/19/21 07:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on "I Am Jazz"...

Now that I've had
three consultations,

I feel like I'm more confused
than ever,

because Dr. McGinn

seemed really confident
in her two-part procedure,

but Dr. Reed
and Dr. Salgado say,

"no. You have to get
a colon vaginoplasty."

If I had to pick my doctor
and procedure right now,

I don't know what
I would choose, honestly.

I can't imagine how one could
transition without hormones.

Yeah. I disagree with that.

My grandpa always
has to be right.

I know you're very stubborn,
but you are wrong.

- I have a cat.
- [Gasps] Me, too!

The best thing about talking
to this guy in the dark

is how easy
the conversation flowed.


What's up?

Yeah. That actually
sounds really fun.

years ago,
I was assigned male at birth,

but inside,
I always knew I was a girl.

I have a girl brain
and a boy body.

Being transgender
hasn't been easy.

This is definitely not
a straightforward case.

I don't think you have any
option for a vaginoplasty.

- I had a great time.
- I had a lot of fun.

Have a great day.

- That sounds like a date.
- It's not a date!

But it's made me who I am.

I am Jazz.


What you doing,
having a big breakfast?

- Yes, breakfast.
- That looks yummy.

I gained pounds,

and that's it.
I'm sticking to, like, fruit.

Is it going to upset you
if I make an omelet?

I'll just drool.

Has Jazz talked
to you more

about the date
with Shane number two?

Not much.

- She hasn't said anything?
- No, she's mentioned it,

but, you know.

I actually have very, very high
hopes for this double date,

because Jazz wants to go.

There's no negativity.
It's all positive.

She likes this guy.

I'm excited for Jazz.

She's progressing,
and it's a step

in a more social-experienced
world for Jazz.

Oh, wait.
My phone is ringing.


It's Jessica.

- Hi.
- I miss you.

- How are you?
- I miss you, too.

Jessica is an amazing friend,

and she and Jazz wrote
"I Am Jazz" together.

She has done a lot of advocacy
work with us in the past.

What bathroom do you use?

I use the female restrooms,
because I am female.

I think it's a sick thing,

Jessica: Right. You're entitled
to your opinion, sir.

But it seems
that the arc of history

is not in agreement
with your position.


I have an important idea
to talk to you guys about.


Sounds familiar.

- I don't know who that is.
- Okay, so, she's a young

superconservative host
of an Internet show.

It's on Glenn Beck's network.

She recently did a segment

on the so-called Bathroom Bill.

Tomi referred
to transgender people

as drag queens and rapists.

It's going to make
your head explode.

In a surprising turn of events,

Tomi has invited Jazz,
Jeanette, and me

to be guests on her show.

When Jazz has faced opposition
at the Liberty Counsel

and on the radio,

she had the perfect answers,

and she can do that.

But when it comes to politics,
Jazz is out of her element.

This is not her forum.

I'm concerned that
we're giving Tomi platform

for sharing her story,

and if she already
has a following

that's contrary
to our position,

I'm not sure if the risk
outweighs the reward here.

I know it's scary.
I feel the same way,

and I don't want
to put Jazz in a position

where I would be kicking myself
for suggesting it.

But if someone doesn't
stop the momentum

around the Bathroom Bill,

it's just going to be
an insurmountable challenge

at some point
where there are more states

that have Bathroom Bills
than don't.

Maybe our messages
aren't really resonating

beyond people
who already agree with us,

and to use a platform
like Tomi's,

where she has almost four million
followers on social media,

at least it would
give us exposure to a bubble

outside of the people
that we're normally speaking to.

Jeanette: She makes a lot
of sense, and I do agree

that we've kept
in our bubble for so long.

It might be time to do
a face-to-face

with somebody who completely
disagrees with us.

The question really, to me,

is whether or not
Jazz should participate

in that type of argument.

Jazz is just a kid
that's just trying to live

and just trying
to share her story.

I don't know that she's
in the same league

as a pit-bull-type of reporter.

So are you going to send
a link over to us?

I'll actually send you
the clip right now.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Okay. Thanks, Jessica.

- All right. I love you, guys.
- Love you, too.

You, too. Bye-bye.

It doesn't
sound like somebody

that we should
get involved with.

Yeah. Wait.
There's the clip.

All right. Let's play it.

Let's form an opinion
after we've seen it.

Tomi: We are once again
talking about bathrooms.

Here's the deal.
It's not really the drag queens

they're worried about
in North Carolina.

It's the creeps that will use it
to self-identify

as whatever gender will get them
closer to their victims.

Call me old-fashioned,
but I still believe

the thing in your pants
really isn't up for negotiation.

Hell, why don't we
all just start

self-identifying for perks?

Tomorrow, I'll park
in a handicapped spot

and self-identify as someone
with disabilities

and, the next day,
maybe get a spray tan

and self-identify
as another race,

so I can reap
those benefits, too.

Fairness and justice
for every American sounds great.

Keep pushing that lovely message

when an abuser strolls
into your daughter's

"gender-fluid" bathroom
or locker room.

Those on the left
are all about feelings,

while the rest of us
just don't want to get r*ped

in the bathroom.

I'm honestly horrified.

You know, I realize
that there are people out there

who seem bright and educated

that just don't get it,

and she comes off
as being a bigot.

She's bad. Like, she's
really out for blood.

She has not met anybody
that's transgender,

no way, based on that.

She's like the bullies
that, you know,

they make fun of people
behind their backs,

but let's see what
she would be like

if you had to face that person
that you're making fun of.

My thoughts are that we need
to talk to Jazz,

because if she's not into this,
then I'm not pushing her.

I would never
do that to her.

Historically, I would say,
let's not even bother,

but we are
in different times.

I'm not overly ecstatic
about the idea of putting Jazz

in the firing line
of a shock jock.

But having
watched the video,

all I could
think about is

that we still have
a lot of work to do.

But ultimately,
it's Jazz's decision.


Jeanette: In the process of yawning,
my contact rolled into my brain,

like, way up there.

- What?
- And I couldn't get it out.

I was in the bathroom
with tweezers.

Oh, my god.

Anyway, I have no idea what
to expect from the allergists.

We kind of waited. We should
have addressed it back then,

so it's overdue.

I know.

Last year, when I got
my implant in my arm

to block the testosterone
in my body,

I had a really bad
rash and reaction,

and we still don't know
what caused it.

But what if they don't
find something? Like...

That would really stink
if they don't find anything.

Jeanette: Ever since Jazz
had the rash, I've been afraid,

especially with the big surgery
just around the corner.

We can't afford to play
Russian roulette with Jazz.

All right, Jazz.
We're ready for you.

Jazz: I'm hoping that the
allergist will have some answers,

so when I got
the bottom surgery,

I won't have a rash
on my new vag*na.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Hi. How are you?
Hi. I'm Dr. Shookoff.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi. Charlene. Hi.

- I'm Jazz. Nice to meet you.
- Hi. Very nice to meet you, Jazz.

I'm Dr. Charlene Shookoff,
and I've worked

in the south Florida area
for about years.

More and more people
are experiencing allergies,

and they can be
potentially life-threatening.

So tell me why you've come
to the allergist.

She had an implant put in her
arm to suppress her testosterone

because she's transgender,
and a terrible reaction.

She's got all the pictures
to show you.

I want to see the pictures.

She's going to show you
in the order.

So, it looked like that,

- and then...
- Oh, wow. got all bubbly
and everything.

Oh, wow.

This rash is much larger
than I anticipated.

It moved up her arm

and then started
to affect her face.

Very infrequently do I see
something like that.

- I was surprised.
- We're concerned

because she's going to have
gender-reassignment surgery.

- Right.
- And we're working

with those doctors now,

and they want to make sure

that we figure out
what caused this

so that they don't use
any of those materials.

I can tell you,

from just the pictures
that you showed me,

that does look like
a contact dermatitis,

which is when you come
in contact with something.

And it causes the rash.

So we do what's
called patch testing.

What we do is we have
general chemicals

that we adhere
to her back.

. It's a lot.

So what we're going to do
is put them on her back,

and then we take it off.
We look at her back

to see if we can find
an area of redness

that you showed me
on your phone.

It's super crucial that I find
out what caused this rash,

because when I have
the bottom surgery,

if it happens down in that area,

then I'm going
to have itchiness,

you know, redness, rashes,
warts, pimple...

Oh, my god.

So I'm willing to do anything

to get to the bottom
of this situation.

And hopefully, I won't have
to see it ever again

for the rest of my life.


I'm going to spend the night
with my grandparents

because they wanted to spend
some more time with me.

You went dating in the dark?

- Yes. I went dating in the dark.
- Yes!

I have to say this.
I sort of disapprove.

You go groping in the dark
and find a body part

that doesn't belong
on this female?

It just doesn't add up.

- Jazz, you decent? You ready?
- Yeah.

So, Tracy has the patch
all ready.

- Okay.
- If there is a positive reaction,

she may get some itching...

- Okay.
- ...Underneath the patch.

Jazz: Getting all these patches
on my back,

I was not expecting this at all.

I thought they were going to,
you know, take my blood

and run some tests, but, no.

I am the test.


Dr. Shookoff: different
chemicals may cause

allergic reaction.

- So you're all good, okay?
- Okay.

I certainly hope that we do
get to the bottom of it.

So in two days, we'll see
what the results are,

and she'll be safe
in the future.

- Cool.
- Great.


Jeanette: I can't believe
what your back looks like.

Like, that's crazy.

If it's going to
give us answers,

then that's all
that matters.

- Is it itching?
- Yeah.

Some places are
really itchy, yeah.

It's so important for us
to get this out of the way

before we make a decision

as to who's going
to do your surgery.

I don't even know
which doctor

we're going to go with
at this point.

Jazz: After three doctor visits,
I've become even more confused.

I have to make the right choice,

but when all of these surgeons
are saying different things,

I don't know what is
the right thing to do.

Where my head is at,
I feel like we need

to have another

What do you think about
going to California

to visit
Dr. Marci Bowers?

She's one of the most respected
physicians in the country.

Why haven't we
gone to her yet?

She's so far away,
and it's a long haul

knowing that you probably have
to go back a few times.

It makes it very difficult,

and I know she has
a long waiting list.

I think she'll get you in
for a consult, though.

I think she'll do that.

Well, let's do it.

Dr. Marci Bowers
is one of the best...

If not the best... doctor,

but we've been putting it off
because she's in San Francisco.

But with all
these varying opinions,

it's really confusing,

and I feel that if anybody
could help us figure this out,

it's Dr. Bowers.

I just really want to do
what's right by you

'cause I love you.

Anyway, I have something else
to discuss with you!

Have you ever heard of a woman
by the name of Tomi Lahren?

I don't know who that is.

She has her own show on the
Internet with a huge following.

And when it comes
to trans people,

she is not supportive
of them using the bathrooms.

Is she educated,
or is she kind of ignorant?

I think she's pretty ignorant
when it comes to trans folks.

Why are you
telling me about her?

Did she say something
about me or something?

I talked to Jessica,

and she thinks it would be
a good idea to confront her,

because Tomi invited us
on her show.

But is it really a good idea
to confront her?

I like to stand up
for what I believe in,

but I really don't like
to argue with people.

My initial thoughts about
going on Tomi's show is,

I have to assume her audience
is mostly people

who aren't accepting
of the transgender community.

And if I say something
that makes me look bad,

it would be bad
for the entire community.

I think something really good
could come out of this.

And who knows?
Maybe her followers

are really
not all so awful.

I would definitely have
to think about it,

because it's a little scary
and intimidating.


- Hello.
- Hi, folks. Welcome.

Hi. We're just looking around.
I finally found a place

that's more crowded
than my wife's closet.

There you go.
Well, welcome. Enjoy.

Tonight, we're antiquing
with my parents.

- Okay.
- Wow. Look at this.

Jack: Can you imagine having
an inventory of this place?

It's kind of like
walking down memory Lane.

I had a typewriter like that
when I was growing up.

We're like, "yeah.
I had one of these,"

and, "oh, remember that?"

How are the kids doing?

We really haven't spoken to you
very much about what's going on.

Well, Jazz went to this
"Dating in the Dark" thing.

They have a meal,

and you talk to each person
for like minutes.

So it's a from
of "the dating game,"

but they've now done it
in the dark over food?

It's like speed dating
in the dark.

Dating doesn't make sense.

After surgery,
then another story.

But right now,
you go groping in the dark

and find a body part

that doesn't belong
on this female?

It just doesn't add up.

She and Noelle went,
so it was, like...

- Okay.
- ...two trans girls,

two cisgender girls,
and four cis boys,

and one of the guys,
she really connected with,

and they're going
to go out

this weekend.

What do they know
about her?

She told him, you know,

"I'm transgender,"
and he doesn't care.

- He doesn't care.
- Doesn't care.

- Okay.
- I'm totally surprised.

I have to say this.
I sort of disapprove.

Have you questioned what a
cisgender person has to be like

in order to date

a transgender girl?

I'd be suspicious.

- I miss Jazz.
- You know something?

We've seen and spoken
to Jazz very little lately.

We really don't know
what's going on in her head,

and we'd like to have
some contact with her.

You think it's possible that
we could have her come over?

Are you going to let her
stay overnight?


- We'll give you a night out.
- Ooh.

We would love it,
if she'd be willing and able.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Jazz has stayed overnight
with us before,

but we never get into
any in-depth conversations

about anything.

And I think there's
a lot going on,

and we hear about it
from Jeanette,

but we want to discuss
these things with Jazz.

If we don't have anybody sleep
in that guest room pretty soon,

it's going to become
an antique like this place.

I think it's very endearing
for Jazz to hang out

with my parents,
especially since my dad

and Jazz had
a little altercation,

and there was some, you know,
bad blood there.

You were kind of saying, like
they can't be who they are

- without taking hormones.
- No, no.

I know you're very stubborn,
but you were wrong.

All right. Let's not talk about
this anymore, Grandpa.

- I love you. Whoo!
- No, you can't cut me off

in the middle
of an argument.

What a treat.

For me, as a grandfather,

I want to exchange
ideas with Jazz

so she understands where
I'm coming from,

as well as I understand
where she's coming from.

She's all yours.


Jazz: I haven't gotten
a pedicure in months,

so, like,
I desperately need this.

- Hello.
- Hi.

What would you like today?

Pedicures? Three.

Jay, Noelle, and I
are getting pedicures today,

and I have been needing
a pedicure desperately.

I have so many different
calluses from soccer,

and I have extra skin
excreting out of my toes.

Ugh. It's just disgusting,
and I'm...

Skin excreting? What?
That doesn't happen!


[Laughing] Ew.

Oh, my god.
My legs are so hairy.


Have you heard back
from Shane?


Yes. I have.

He called me

and asked me
out on a date for this week.

Oh, my gosh.

I know. A double date.

Noelle: I'm happy that going to
"Dating in the Dark" with me

did end up very well for Jazz.

It was my idea, so I'm kind of
jumping on the credit.

You know Hannah, the girl
at Dating in the Dark?

So, she met a guy
there, as well,

and he is also best
friends with Shane,

so they're kind of setting up
this whole thing.

I mean, do you think this date
is going to be,

like, a lot different
from the last one?

- Where'd she go?
- She left.

I mean, I think it's okay

because I'm doing it on
my own terms this time.

Like, we both
had a connection.

- You know what I mean?
- Yeah.

I hope that Jazz just
has a lot of fun,

and she's herself and doesn't
get nervous or anything,

'cause dating is definitely
new territory for Jazz,

'cause she doesn't
let many people in,

and she's letting him in.

I'm so excited for you.

You have so much going on.
It's crazy.

I know. I have so much going on.
That is true.

I haven't talked about this
to you guys yet,

but I might be
doing this interview

with this woman named
Tomi Lahren.

Have you guys
heard of her or no?

- Yeah.
- You have heard of her?

Yeah, I know her.
I know her.

- You've heard of her?
- Very conservative.

She's a very conservative
political character.

And she said some very bad
things and hurtful things

about transgender people
regarding the Bathroom Bill.

Jazz: I haven't decided if I
want to do the Tomi Lahren show,

I'm not going to lie...

She is intimidating.

I want to talk to her.

You going to give her
a piece of your mind?

Let's just watch
this video first.

Tomi: Call me old-fashioned,
but I still believe

the thing in your pants really
isn't up for negotiation.

It's not really the drag queens

they're worried about
in North Carolina.

It's the creeps that will
use it to self-identify

as whatever gender will get
them closer to their victims.

To me, Tomi Lahren is someone
with a lot of tenacity

and excitement,
but not in a good way,

'cause it's coupled
with a very toxic view,

which hurts a lot of people.

She thinks that people
are going to harm people,

but there's never been a case
of that in America.

There's never been a case.

The worst part about it
is she is a self-righteous woman

who feels like
she's saving America

by oppressing this group of
people that does nothing wrong.

Like, I've come out
almost years ago.

In that years, I have
not used one public restroom.

- Really?
- I just... I can't

even if there's
one girl in the restroom.

I am honestly scared
they'll attack me.

I don't think Tomi knows
all the consequences

of the Transgender
Bathroom Bill.

I don't think she knows
how it's going to hurt

individual trans people like me.

I'm not sure if I want to do it
or not, though,

because, obviously,
Tomi is clearly aggressive

as you guys saw
in the video,

and I don't want to be
bickering back and forth,

because nowadays,
in debates, it's basically

whoever's the louder one
is the winner.

Well, like,
you've done this before.

If you at least change
a couple people's viewpoints,

it's going to
make a difference,

and slowly, people are going
to start changing.

You know,
you change one person.

They change two people,
just a ripple effect.

Hearing my friends pumped up
about the prospect

of me going on Tomi Lahren's
show really does sway me.

I feel like this could be
the right thing to do,

and having their support

is definitely making me
feel more confident.

I'm very confident
that you're going to do well.

Make her look stupid.

[Laughing] What?

So, how are you
feeling about it?

I'm pretty excited
about it.

Today is my date with Shane.

The best thing that could happen
is that Shane and I realize

we do want to pursue
a relationship.

[Doorbell rings]



[Doorbell rings]

Ho, ho, ho.

- Hi, sweetheart.
- Hello.

Welcome. Welcome.
Oh, my god.

Are you taller than I am?
I think so.

I'm shrinking,
and you're growing.

Jazz: I'm going to spend the night
with my grandparents tonight

because they wanted to spend
some more time with me,

and that's okay.
I mean, I love my grandparents,

but I have a really busy life,

and I don't get to see them
as much these days.

Want to show you where
you're going to stay tonight.

Jack: We don't have that
much contact with Jazz.

She's in her world.
We're in our world,

and there are very few moments
where we get together.

But we have her captured.

We just heard that, um,

you went dating in the dark?

- Yes. I went dating in the dark.
- Yes!

Tell us.

I met this one guy, actually,
who I had a connection with.

His name is Shane,
and he was really nice.

We had a lot of similarities.
He likes cats.

He focuses on school.

He has a really
good mind-set,

and he asked me out
on a double date.

Are you excited about this?

Yeah. I've had bad experiences
with dating,

but I feel like
with this guy,

it's going to be natural
and very easygoing.

How did the transgender
issue come up?

- Did it come up?
- I would assume that he knew

that you were transgender.

I kind of told him.

I was like, "by the way,
I am transgender,

and I think
you should know that."

And then he's like,
"oh, that's cool.

Like, I'm still
totally accepting."

Okay. You carefully studied
the expression on his face

- when you told him that?
- Yeah, no.

He was very accepting,
and he asked for my number

after I had said that,

I'm not really in favor
of dating,

but I've never
expressed it to Jazz.

Jazz: I don't really know
how my grandparents feel

about me dating,

but I know they want me
to experience things

that all other
teenagers experience,

and I'm excited
for this date with Shane.

That's phenomenal. Phenomenal.

I'm so proud of you,
that you've stepped into this.

Well, it made me smile that
she's willing to come out

and explore a little bit.

I didn't see it happening,

but if it's happening,
so be it.

We'll add in a new element.

But anyhow, Grandpa,

you wanted to say something
about your lecture.

Oh, yeah.

But I wanted to know
what your thoughts were,

particularly, though,
with regard to...

We had a little
episode there.

Hi. I'm born female,

but I really don't feel female,

but I'm afraid
of the hormone situation.

I can't imagine how one could
go through a transition

without the
appropriate hormones.

Yeah. I disagree with that.

If it's not important
to you, don't do it.

Don't listen to my grandpa.

Do you remember
the episode clearly?

Yes, I remember.

Yeah, I think we should have
some closure on that one,

shouldn't we?

I was a little upset
that she interrupted me

and did not allow me to finish
the answer to a question,

so I'm hoping I can
straighten that out with Jazz.

I'm kind of annoyed.
I thought this was in the past.

I didn't want to talk about it,
but apparently,

he's still been
thinking about it.

A lady asked a question.

She was in her mid- s,
I think,

and she was thinking
of transitioning,

- but she didn't want hormones.
- A lady in her mid- s?

Yeah, I think she was about
in her mid... I'm only guessing.

Wasn't it a male?

- She was a female.
- Didn't he want to be identified

as male? And I think
he was younger than...

- I would have guessed.
- But you said s?

No, I said s. I thought
she was in her s, to me.

It's not important whether
she was or or whatever.

He was really...

She, she.

- It was a she.
- He.

It was a female
who was transitioning to male.

So therefore, we should use
male pronouns.

It's like being
in English class, you know?

You know when the pronouns
become important?

They become important
once the transition occurs,

not before the transition.

She asked a little bit
about hormones,

and she didn't want
to take any, remember?

- He? [Laughs]
- She.

- He!
- Yeah, but I'm calling her a she

because she looked
like a she,

but she was thinking
of becoming a he.

It was very early for her,
for her.

She was planning
to become a he.


Jazz: I don't know if my grandpa
is making any valid points.

I feel like we're just rehashing
everything that occurred,

I just remember
you saying...

Don't deny this, 'cause
I definitely remember.

I'm not denying it.
I did say it.

You said, "I don't know
how you can be a man

if you don't go
to the hormone route,

because you won't have
a secondary ..." Okay.

No, I didn't say that.
I simply said...

Then, wait. Let's just not
talk about this, okay?

- Don't worry about it.
- No, I want to talk about it.

My only point
that I wanted to make

is whether you understood
what I was trying to say.

It makes %...

You are so right, Grandpa.

You know, you have
this characteristic.

If you don't like a topic,
you always say,

"I don't want
to talk about it."

Have you had the same experience
that I've had

when you're talking to Jazz,
that she tunes you out?

- Oh, absolutely, but...
- Okay. Good.

...we have a different reaction
on how to handle that,

I have no...
What's my reaction?

I back out
quicker than you do.

I disagree with that.

We're going to go
back through this.

I have to back out,
'cause she's not there.

I think I let it go more quickly
just because of who I am.

No, I disagree with that.

Jazz: I think that my grandpa
really does try

to understand situations
like this,

but he ends up
sh**ting himself in the foot,

and I don't think I want
to argue with him anymore.

It's not worth it.

From now on, if he's right,
then he's right,

because otherwise... he's right.



Wait. Aah!

I think he's a really,
really nice kid.

I just don't know
if he's my type.

I feel myself shutting down,

but I don't want
to close the doors

like I have in the past.


I hear people.

- Yeah. We're here.
- I hear people.

Greg: Hello.

Did you miss us?

Sure. [Chuckles]

I missed you!

And thank you
for lending her to me.

Oh, our pleasure.

I love my daughter, Jazz,
so much.

- [Yawns]
- You want to go sleep?

Yeah, 'cause grandma
wakes up early,

so I had to
wake up early, too.

But having a break
for one night,

I have to admit,
it was kind of nice.

So, how did the sleepover
with my little Jazzy go?

Did she behave?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- What do you mean, "yeah"?

- You look a little hesitant.
- Uh, well, no.

All was really terrific
up until

we covered
Dad's presentation.

So this issue came back up
last night?

It came up
at the sleepover again.

Jazz gave her side,
and Jack gave another side.

So how did that go?

Uh, there's still
a difference of opinion.

I think Jazz has the ability
and propensity

to push everybody's
buttons a little too far,

including her grandparents,

but she's also the only person
in our family

that is transgender,

and if she feels strongly about
about a particular issue,

I think we owe it to her

to take the lead
in that respect.

At the same time, I think Jazz
has a responsibility

to respect her elders.

Did you guys
have sweet dreams?

Were you able to go to bed?
Like, everybody shook hands?

There was no shaking of hands

or hugging and kissing
and all of that.

It was, "this is going
to be left here,

and that's going to be
left there and done."

I don't know that we have
full resolution on the issue.

I don't think we ever will have
full resolution on the issue.

And I don't know if I consider
either person wrong or right.

I think the sleepover
went fine.

When she turned to me and said,
"I love talking to you,"

that says it all.

Do you think the "you"
was plural, "us," or you?

I didn't break down the "you."

You were sitting
right next to me.

- I'm just asking.
- So the you is inconclusive.

Greg: We think Jazz should sleep
over at her grandparents' house

for at least a week

'cause we really want
to hear more w*r stories.


Jazz looked really tired.

Maybe, like, having a little
squabble with my father...

- Yeah.
- ...That could exhaust you.

Did you talk to Jazz
about the Tomi Lahren show?

I brought it up to her,

- and I had her watch the video.
- Yeah?

And after talking
to her friends,

she told me
she wanted to do it.


But she's not sure
that she could hold her own

against somebody like Tomi.

What do you mean?
She's just scared

of being in
that kind of venue?

Yeah. I mean, that woman
is intimidating.

Jeanette: It's scary
walking into the lion's den,

'cause even though Jazz
has faced opposition

in other speaking

this is Tomi's territory.

She sets the rules.

And Jazz,
as feisty as she is,

as smart as she is,

she could get caught
with her pants down.

We have to have all our ducks in
a row and do all our homework.

We need to know everything
about this woman.

She don't know what she's
going to say to Jazz,

and we need to have answers
ready to defend our position.

Since Jessica is going
to be there with her,

she'll be fine.

She just needs to go up
there and be herself.

It's really just her
explaining her story

and why she needs
these rights

and that there's other people
like her, you know?

I have reservations, because no
person should have to be faced

with that type of hatred.

But at the same time,
by Jazz agreeing to do the show,

I think she's
sort of evolving

from an advocate
to an activist.

And if that's the direction
Jazz wants to go,

there's no way I'm going
to be able to stop her.


- Hey, Jazz.
- What?

Jeanette: We have that call
with the allergist.

Okay. Coming.

Jazz: So, I got the patches off
at the allergist,

and in one spot,
it was very itchy,

and it looked really bad.

So I've been eagerly
awaiting the results.

[Video call ringing]

Hello! Hi!

Dr. Shookoff:
Hello, Jazz. Hello, Jeanette.

Oh, it's so nice to see you.

Thank you.
It's nice to see you, too.

I want to review the results
of your patch testing.

Nothing came out positive
except one.

So it shows that you have
a contact dermatitis

to benzoin tincture,

which was used to help
your bandage stick

to your arm better.

So the chemical they used
to protect her skin

actually was the culprit.


This product used on Jazz's arm

was used to prevent a rash,
and it gave her a rash.

How ironic is that?

It definitely didn't
protect your skin.

It caused one
of the worst dermatitises

- I've ever seen, to be honest.
- Wow.

In terms of future operations,
should I be okay

as long as we notify
the doctor beforehand?

It certainly can just be
avoided in the future.

So I would not worry.

I am so relieved that we now
have an answer,

that it's not going to affect

any future surgeries
of any kind.

We know what Jazz
is allergic to.

And for months,
it's been weighing on me.

And now I don't have
to worry anymore,

'cause I have enough
to worry about.

Thank you so much.
We appreciate everything.

My pleasure.
Good luck in the future.

- Thank you.
- Thank you for everything.

- Take care.
- You're welcome. Bye-bye.



- [Knock on door]
- Jeanette: Knock, knock.

How we doing?

Fine. I don't know what
I should wear, though.

Today is the day.
So, for this date,

we are going to an interactive
trampoline park called sky zone.

I can't wear any
of these things,

'cause they're too flowy.

What's wrong with too flowy?

It'll jump up. Do you think
I should wear jeans?

Or do you think
it'll be too hot?

I'm too fat for shorts
right now, right?

You can't wear shorts.
I wouldn't show too much skin.

I'm so close to Jazz, and I want
to give her all this advice,

but I know I can be
smothering at times.

I hope she just has a good time.

The best thing that could happen
is that Shane and I realize

we do have an interest
for each other,

and we may want to pursue
a relationship.

And I'm not saying that is going
to happen, but if it does,

then that'd be really cool.

I think I'm just going
to wear this,

'cause I feel like
it's the easiest,

and there's no problems
'cause if I jump...



[Both laugh]


[Doorbell rings]

- Hi.
- Hi. I'm Shane.

- It's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- You must be Jeanette.
- I'm Jeanette.

Hold on.
I'm going to scream for Jazz.

- All right.
- Jazz!

- Shane is here!
- Okay.

- I'll be down in a minute.
- Oh, there you go.

She'll be down in a second.
Oh, it's nice out today.

- Yeah, it's good weather.
- So nice to meet you.

It's nice
to meet you, too.

She told me things
about you that are really cool,

like you're a cat person.

I definitely like cats.

- I love them.
- Aww.

And you're a wrestler?


Do you have any siblings?
I know I'm grilling you

- a little bit, but...
- No, it's fine.

I have a younger
brother, Adam,

and an older brother
who's in college, Brandon.

Jeanette: After speaking
to Shane for just a few moments,

I can totally understand

why Jazz was drawn to him
at Dating in the Dark.

He's very personable.
He's talkative.

- He's really sweet.
- I've been meeting Shane.

- Sorry about that.
- I think I've asked him

- like a million questions.
- Hi. Good to see you.

- Good to see you, too.
- This is, like, the first time

I've seen Shane
since Dating in the Dark,

so it's pretty exciting,

and now I have butterflies
in my stomach. Ugh.

- Well, you guys have fun.
- Thank you.

Nice meeting you again,

- Aww. So nice to meet you.
- Take care.

You know now to find me if you
need me for anything, okay?

- All right.
- Let's go jump.

I'll text you.
I have my phone.

It was so bizarre
watching Jazz hop in a car

with a bunch of teenagers
that I really don't know.

Hey. How are you?

- Good. How are you?
- Good.

This was so new to me,

and I stood there like an idiot,
waving goodbye.

Like, I didn't know how to feel,

and I just want her to come home
feeling good about it.

- You driving yet, Shane?
- Yes, I have my permit.

But my mom's not letting me
get my license until I'm .

And I don't really want to drive
because, as soon as I drive,

I'm just going to get
fast food every single day.

- Oh, my god. That is so true.
- And then it's, like,

pounds heavier,
and it's like, "oh, great."

Shane: I wanted to take Jazz out
because it's not every day

you really meet someone
that is completely,

like, kind of have
a lot in common with

and kind of just make a good,

fiery connection off the start.

So I wanted to kind of
keep things rolling.


Sky zone. I know.

- It's huge.
- I'm going to die.

Knowing you, yes. You're going
to do something stupid

and fall on your neck
and break it.

Jazz: I'm super excited
to get jumping up and down

with Hannah, Frank, and Shane.

I haven't done back flips
in a few years,

but I know
I still got my skills.

So... girl gonna be
showin' off a little bit.


Wait. Aah!


- Oh, my god. She...
- Whee!

I can't do it. I don't...


Oh, my...

Jazz: Like that.

Shane: It's almost astonishing
to watch Jazz do those flips,

because, like,
I'm coming in here

thinking I'm fitness supermodel.

- No, perfect.
- Hey.

And then I watch
Jazz bounce off the wall,

land about three back flips,

and I'm sitting here
like, "what?"

- [Speaks indistinctly]
- [Gasps] Ooh.

Not going to lie. I feel like

I'm definitely the queen
of this trampoline.

And I think I made
an impression on Shane.

We're ditching you guys,
getting some water.

What do you think?
Do you think you see,

like, something?

I mean, I don't know.

I've never gossiped with a girl
about guys before.

Like, I've just had no guys
to talk about,

because I don't experience
dating that often,

so it's really fun to be able
to talk to Hannah about this,

because it's new for me.

You know what? I think he's
a really, really nice kid.

I just don't know
if he's my type.

That's how I feel
about Frank, kind of.

- That's how you feel about Frank?
- Yeah. Like, he's so nice.

He's sweet,
but I don't know.

I'm not sure. Like, he's...

I kind of would rather
be friends with him.

I think Shane has
a great personality.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's just he may not be into me.

I don't know.

I feel myself shutting down,

but I don't want
to close the doors

like I have in the past.

I feel like that's not fair
to Shane,

and he deserves the chance
to get to know me,

and I should get
to know him better, as well.

Do you think she's digging you,
feeling anything?

I think we made
a connection.

Whether it's surpassed
friendship, that, I don't know.

I do not know
how Jazz feels about me.

I don't pick up on vibes easy.

It seems like
she's having a great time,

but I'm here to give it
all I got.

I may be only ' ",
but I got a heart that's ' ".

How do you feel
about her being transgender?

To me, a person's a person,

and in my honest opinion,
she is a girl,

because she has the mind
and heart of a girl.

It doesn't really matter
what's in between her legs.

So it doesn't matter
to me at all.

Jazz: Do you guys want
to eat some food?

- Let's get some food.
- Let's do that.

So far, I don't feel like

this is the best date to really
get to know each other,

because we've been
jumping up and down, sweating,

and not getting
to know each other.

So I feel like we should
probably sit down

for a little while
just so we can talk.

- That's really buttery.
- Yeah.

Wearing jeans
was a bad idea.

You're wearing Jean...
Oh, my god.

What were you thinking?

You know what sounds
so good right now?

A nice cookie.

You want to go get one?

- Yeah.
- Oh, my god. Get me one, too.

Okay. We'll get you one.
We'll be right back.

- Leave me out of that option.
- Oh, I'm too lazy to get up.

- How about you?
- Don't want to get up?

I can't get up.
I don't know how you did...

Like I did one flip on there,
and, like, I'm done.

And I'm just, like,
watching you in awe

as you just flip,
flip, flip, flip.

And I'm just like...

I don't know.
I just used to flip a lot.

I actually haven't done
this trampoline thing

for like years now,
so it's been a while.

It looks like
you haven't missed a beat.

You were just going,
whee, whoo, whee, whoo.

- I know.
- And I'm just like,

"how do you even
do that with your body?"

Well, you wrestle
and stuff.

Well, yeah.
But that's, like, different.

I never really flipped
in the ring yet.

- I haven't had the opportunity...
- I know. But it's like...

- ...or athleticism.
- But, like, no, it's similar.

Like, everyone can do different
things with their body.


Jazz: It's really nice
to talk to someone new

without having to talk
about me being transgender.

I feel like it's always
the discussion...

What I'm going through
when it comes to my transition.

But it's really cool that Shane
isn't even asking me about that.

He just wants to know
about me as Jazz.

And that's something
I really appreciate.

I'm scared that,
if I do kind of mess up...

- Yeah.
- But, hey. You live once,

- so can't do it with fear.
- Yeah.

I'm pretty reckless
sometimes, though.

I just don't think
about the problem

until the problem's there.

That's a good quote.

I'm going
to steal that one.

It could have been awkward
and uncomfortable, but it's not.

I feel like he's such
a positive energy,

and he's easy to talk to,

so I'm really enjoying
this moment.

Got you a cookie, Jazz.

Why would you... why?

All right. You guys ready
to go back jumping?

- I don't know.
- No. I don't care.

I feel like my stomach's
going to start hurting,

but we can bounce,
if you know what I mean.

- Never say that again.
- Bounce, like, get it?


- Bounce, like...
- Why?

Jazz: This date was amazing,

and I was just so happy
that I gave Shane a chance.

I opened up my mind.

I opened up my heart
to any of the possibilities,

and I really like this guy.

I just don't know
if he feels the same way.

I have wobbly legs
from the trampolines.

Are you sore?

Nah, I've been
in harder places.

Yeah, I'm sure, 'cause you do
all that wrestling

- and everything.
- Yeah.

I had a great time. How...
Did you have a fun time, too?

I had fun.

Yeah. Definitely.

- I had a really good time.
- I'm glad you did.

We should do something
again sometime.


All right.
Well, thank you.

No problem.
Have a great day.

- Take care.
- You, too.

In the past,
dating has always been

a weird, awkward
situation for me.

But with Shane,
I feel like I could

just have a good time
and be myself.

I'm excited to see
where it goes.

Everything went well?

Everything went great.

Next time, on "I Am Jazz"...

Greg: When it comes to the
surgery, you feel like you have

all the pieces
to the puzzle yet?

I just need to hear
one more opinion,

because, right now,
it doesn't feel perfect.

I want a standard
vaginoplasty done,

because it's what
I've always dreamt about.

The blockers
have their effect,

so you've already got
a baby clitoris.

But to create
an adequate vag*na,

my suggestion
would probably be...

How do you feel about going
on the Tomi Lahren show?

I don't know how I feel.

I hope that we could address

some of the things
that she said.

- Nice to meet you.
- So nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Tomi. So nice to meet you guys.

I'm going to slip
right behind you.

She doesn't want to interact
with me at all.

We're off to a bad start.

- Good to go?
- Yep.

This is a little bit terrifying.

You feel
that you're a woman,

but why do you have to
surgically change yourself?

You know, as people...

Were people calling you
a pervert?