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12x08 - Reality Check

Posted: 12/04/21 19:51
by bunniefuu

Hey, Sarge, you got a sec?

Officer Badillo, yeah,
what can I do for you?

Kind of a touchy subject.

I'm all ears.

- It's about my current partner.
- Mm-hmm.

God, you realize how awkward this is?

We can discuss any issues

that you're having with Officer Janko.

If you say so.

- Look, Eddie's nice and all.
- Mm-hmm.

But she's a bit too... bubbly for me.


I'm not the type of cop
who needs to walk

every old woman across the street.

Is this you requesting a new partner?

I know she hates riding with me, too.

I'm sure you get an earful
of it at home.

You're flirting
with the line there, Officer.

See? Touchy subject.

I have you two riding together
because of your differences,

not in spite of them.

I think you could learn from each other.

No offense, but the precinct
that I came from

taught me all I need to know.

You have your assignment.

- Sarge, please?
- That'll be all, Officer.

Well, if it ain't my least
favorite cousin Joey.

Living with the rats these days?

Moving in with your own kind?

Hey, keep it down, will you?

I'm trying not to get whacked.

Yeah, well, you should've
thought of that before you

started working with the most
dangerous g*ng in New York.

Anthony, please,
they're out for my head.

You got to protect me.

Yeah, well, you help us,
and then we'll help you.

What do you mean, "we"?


This is Detective Danny Reagan.

This the cousin of yours

who works for the Double Treys?

Not for, with. I clean money for them,

that's all. I just may have
lost some of it.

What, you invest in Beanie
Babies or something?

Crypto. You know how
you're supposed to buy low

and sell high? Yeah, I didn't do that.

Well, lucky for you, I hit a wall

on a double homicide, which I think

was carried out
by one of the Double Treys.

Your cousin tells me
you're gonna help me

- figure out who was responsible.
- Me?

Yeah, you, and then we'll protect you.

What, do you want me to, like,
wear a wire or something?

- Something like that.
- But if I go anywhere near them,

they'll k*ll me.

You're gonna help us,

or I'm gonna arrest you right now.

It won't be the first time,
you rat bastard.

Ave, o Maria, piena di grazia.

- Shut up.
- Hey!

What, are you lying to God now, too?

He's all yours.

This way.

Get him out of here.

- LISA: Erin.
- Ah.

- Lisa, hi.
- Erin.

How are you? God, you look great.

Oh, and you're perfect as always.

You look exactly
like you did ten years ago.

Stop, it hasn't been that long, has it?

I haven't seen you
since shortly after Cole died.

Yes, that's right.

How are things?

Better. I remarried.

Yes, I...

I'm sorry I missed the wedding.

Look, I-I didn't call just to catch up.

Word on the street is,

you're considering a run for D.A.

Considered and dismissed.

How did you find out about that, anyway?

This is my world, Erin.

I just got the last mayor
and A.G. elected.

I know, I know, I've been following
your career.

Then why didn't you call me?

I would have told you not
to throw in the towel so soon.

Why not?

Because with my help, you can win.

It won't be easy,

but I've done some soft polling
on your behalf.

Have you?

Don't pretend to be surprised.

You knew what this lunch was
about and you still came anyway.

Call it due diligence.

I have known you since law school, Erin.

This is what you have always wanted.

Whether you'll admit or not.

Well, if, if...

I reconsider...

where would we start?

First we need to run a background check.

Scrutinize every part of
your public and personal life.

So we know exactly where your
opponents will try to hurt you.

That sounds invasive.

But I can protect you.


Let's do it.

The organization is called
POP... that's short

for Patrons of Police.

And they have a strong support
and a surging

membership from cops
all across the country,

and their founder is

former NYPD Detective Kurt Quinn.

I remember him.

However... their communications

make it look like you founded it
and you run it.

They've harvested

footage and audio of you on
the record over the past decade

and made supercuts,

putting you front and center
of their cause.

I take it we're not talking
about a haircut here.

Your face, your voice...

their inflammatory context.

But it's things he's actually said.

Footage of him saying it.

Yes. But you talking

about "broken window" policing

playing over footage of a mob

smashing plate- glass windows

in Portland, Oregon.

This ain't right.

No, but...

- it is their right.
- How?

Public statements, on the record,

are in the public domain.

- Sounds like identity theft.
- Pretty much.

Minus the legal recourse.

We can't sue for
defamation or something?

Everything Frank said is
public... we don't own it.

Shut it down.

It's not that simple.

Nobody's putting words in my mouth.

You come out against them,
it's gonna piss off

a whole lot of cops across the nation.

So he's supposed to do what exactly?

Nothing. Let it blow over.

If there's nothing we can do,
why'd you bring it up

- in the first place?
- You'd rather not know?

Make a statement... I got nothing
to do with Quinn or his group.

We shouldn't engage...
It's a can of worms.

Make the statement.

Officer Janko, everything okay?


No, no one's ever gonna replace Witten.

Jamie, this Badillo guy,

he's awful.

Oh, not you, too.

What does that mean?

Did he say something to you?

Yeah, and I'll tell you what
I told him... make it work.

"Make it work"? What kind
of management style is that?

I put you two together for a reason.

I need you to trust it.

Look, Jamie,
what's the point in forcing it

if it's not working for either of us?

He can learn from your people
skills and your experience in

this precinct, and you can learn
from his time in East New York.

No, Jamie, that man will
never learn people skills.

Think of it as yin and yang,
that sort of thing.

It's more like beauty and the beast.

Come on, Jamie... it's t*rture.

Eddie, I need both of you guys
to stop coming to me

and do your jobs, end of story.

Whatever, Sarge.

FRANK: Crimes lead to
the breakdown of communities.

Minimum bail for felonies

puts my officers at risk.

We are convicted without a defense.

These complaints are sheer fiction.

When you start selectively
enforcing the law,

bad guys start selectively obeying it.

And that will not be tolerated.

Son of a bitch.

The press has tried to mess
with my words, but not this.

Never this.

And that's just the latest one.


So my statement...?

Played out exactly as I said it would.

It only brought us
more negative attention.

That an "I told you so"?

Just a fact.

Sid, what'd you find on Quinn?

No complaints when he was on the job.

He was a highly decorated detective

whose career ended after he was wounded

in a sh**t five years ago.

Yeah, I gave him the medal.

Former members of his squad
call him a natural leader.

A cop's cop.

- Checks out.
- Checks out how?

He's lying to the public by manipulating

the commissioner's words and image.

Doesn't sound like a hero to me.

Sounds like he thinks
he's doing us a favor.

I want to meet with him.

Out of the question.

It wasn't one.

A little help here?

I don't see the problem.

I do.

The leader of POP walks in here,

it'll only add to the perception
that you're with him.

So once again,
your advice is to do nothing?

There's no playbook
for situations like this.

The best we can do is ride it out.

That's all you got?

What I'm saying is,

I'm trying to save you from yourself.

Look, I don't care if he's an ex-cop,

I don't care if he has
an audience of cops,

he's not putting words in my mouth.


Surprised you came.

Eh, figured I owe you a drink

since you lent me your cousin.

Yeah, well, don't thank me yet.

He may be more trouble than he's worth.

Uh-huh, so what'd you
ask me down here for?

I know it wasn't for my company.

Just try and take care
of Joey, will you?

Didn't know you had such a soft spot.

Look, he's made mistakes,
but he's a good guy.

Good guy, huh?

I thought you said he was
a scumbag, jackass,

no-good, criminal loser.

Yeah, well, he is.


But when our grandma
passed away last year,

he was at her house
every day for a week.

I mean... the guy barely slept,

uh, taking care of everything

and making sure everybody was okay.

Look, he's an idiot.

But he's got a heart.

Just get him through this in one piece.

Why don't you do that yourself?


I'm saying, you want to get him
through this in one piece,

maybe you could do it yourself by...

partnering up with me,
then you could look after him.

(CHUCKLES) But you hate working with me.

Well, hate is a strong word, isn't it?

Yeah, but every time we do,
it's a train wreck.

True, but every time we do,
we get our guy.

Yeah, but we never had to deal
with Joey in the process.

Yeah, well, that's why I'll have you

along to help me babysit him.

You sure?

Well, I asked you, didn't I?

Come on, family's family.

And in regards to your prosecution

of Mr. Kindler,
who turned out to be innocent?

I personally went to the D.A. and argued

that he be exonerated.

I also stood in court
and had it dismissed.

Well, I was expecting to find
some kink in the armor,

but I have to admit,

you look bulletproof.

(EXHALES) Great.

I think I earned that drink.

- Would you like one?
- Sure.

Are you dating anyone these days?

- No.
- Really?

Yeah, well, I don't have
a lot of time, so...

And Jack? Do you still see him at all?


Is this us catching up,
or is this still work?

Oh, we're not done yet.

Who would you call your best friend?

Well, I guess I would say...

Anthony Abetemarco.

- He's the detective you work with?
- Yeah.

Do you ever have drinks or dinner

with anyone not from work?

I have dinner with my family
every Sunday.

With anyone not from your family?



Okay, what do you do
for fun on the weekends?

I... I guess just the normal stuff.

You know, like...
going to the movies and...

You live alone, single,

beautiful woman in New York City.

And you're telling me you never go out?

Never travel?



Look, Erin, career alone

will not win you
a major office these days.

People will want to know you

and like you as a person.

So who is the woman
behind this tough exterior?

Who is Erin Reagan, really?

♪ ♪

Well, he's here.


Thank you, Baker.


Commissioner Reagan,
good to see you again.

Yeah. Please have a seat.

Thank you for inviting me up.

It's a real honor.

Well, I'm afraid
this isn't a social visit.

No, no, I know.

We have a lot to talk about, you and I.

See, that's the thing.

Uh, you mind if I call you Kurt?

Of course!

Well, the problem is, Kurt,

you've been doing my talking for me.

No, that's not it.

Quoting you isn't talking for you.

Well, it kind of is, Kurt.

The way you cut together

my words with your images.

You're pushing an agenda
I haven't signed on to.

No, you-you're taking this all wrong.

I'm reacting to what I see.

We have the same agenda.

I'm just quoting you

the same way you quote Teddy Roosevelt.

With admiration and respect.

Not even in the same ballpark.

"Truth doesn't age."

Please don't quote me at me.

Look, I'm sorry if I overstepped.

I thought you'd appreciate
the platform and the bullhorn.

I already have plenty of both.

Well, I'm giving a voice
to the side that needs one.

To the cops who have been

these past couple years.


Maybe you have good intentions,
but your actions

are way out of bounds...
Do you understand that?

I took a b*llet for this city.

And when I was forced into retirement,

where was the city I sacrificed for?

Railing against the police,
calling for us to be canceled.

Yeah, look, I get all that.

But that's not the issue here.

I'll do whatever it takes
to make things right.

Then stop it.


Tell you what.

You want to set the record straight?

Why don't you come on my podcast
and do it yourself?

You'd ask me on your show
to directly contradict you?


Because what I'm doing is right

and necessary,
and so I have nothing to fear

from the truth.


We just need you to get the name

of the guy they're sending after you.

It'll probably be some trigger man

who we like
for the double homicide anyway.

ABETEMARCO: Don't try and get cute.

Get a name, get out.

Right, okay.

And you know if you get in
trouble to signal us, right?


Talk about the weather,
knucklehead, the weather!

The weather, right.

- Of course.
- Okay.

Look, try and relax, okay,
you're gonna be fine.

Good luck.

Hey, Buddy.

What the hell are you doing here?

You been lifting? You look jacked.


You know there's a price out
on your head, right?

Nah, that's just a big misunderstanding.

Listen, you got to help me.

No way, man.

Please, man.

Nah, man, you're resourceful.
Figure it out yourself.

What'd you do the last time
you owed money?

Stole from your grandma
or something like that?

JOEY: My Nona, what?! No way.

BUDDY: Yeah, yeah, you said you camped

out at her house after she died,

nicked a bunch of valuables

right from under your family's nose.

You must be thinking of someone else.

You literally had me pawn her watch.

Vintage women's Rolex, dust rose gold...

Okay, okay, okay, look, I don't
really see what this has got

to do with anything. I'm gonna k*ll him.

- Shut up, shut up.
- I swear I'm gonna k*ll

- this bastard!
- Shh, take it easy.

Let's see what he gets.

Can you at least tell me

who the trigger man is?

What makes you think I even know?

Please, Buddy, it's my life
on the line here.

I just want to know
what shoulder to look over.


You ever stop being
a pain in the ass, huh?

Just give me a name, and I swear

you'll never see me again.

Orlando Burns.

He carries out
all the Double Treys' hits.


I can't thank you enough.

Get the hell out of here.

Before I do you myself.

Great, we got a name, we're good.

You remember when we egged
Craig McDermott's car?

Yeah, well, he should've thought twice

before he decided to cheat.

No, you're just mad
because he knew the answers

to Professor Hutchinson's
questions before you did.

Outdoing the teacher's pet herself.

Oh, whatever.

Justice was served.


Well, we had a good time,
didn't we, Mike?

I did.

I don't know that you ever did.

I went to parties.

Like once a year.

Which is why I'm wondering

why you invited me to lunch.

What, I can't catch up
with an old friend?

Knowing you?

There's a career angle.

So what, the D.A.'s office

- needs some legal work farmed out?
- No.

No, nothing like that.

Do you...

do you like me, Mike?

I did not see that coming, uh...

Uh, I-I'm flattered.

But I'm married

- and I have a kid.
- Oh, no, no, no, no...

n-nothing like that.

Oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry! Uh...

Uh, well, then...

yeah, I like you.

Well, why the, why the hesitation?

I like you.

I can't say that I really know you.

Not anymore.

You always put your career first.

You do that long enough,

your relationships
just kind of fade away.

And-and that's how you feel?

About our friendship?


What the hell's the matter with you?!

I'm gonna k*ll you!

You stole from Grandma?!

What the hell's the matter with you?!

I would not call it stealing!

She was dead after all.

And you're about to be, too!

All right, all right, stop! Stop!

- Stop!
- You piece of garbage!

All right, knock it off.

What the hell are you doing?

MAN: Yeah, Reagan, all good?

There's nothing to see here.

Just a little family discussion.

Are you done?

I'm just getting started!

You piece of garbage!

What is wrong with you?!

He did the job.

He got us a name, Orlando Burns.

Great, so you can put me
in witness protection now?

They don't even tell family
where they send you, right?

We'll put you under protection
after you help us get Burns.

But you said...

I said you help us get our guy,

and we'll help you, that's what I said.

- But he wants to k*ll me.
- Shh.

Listen, he won't k*ll you

as long as you have his money.

- We can arrange that, right?
- Yeah, right.

Good, problem solved.

I should've chose jail.

Yeah, you should have.

Just hit the lights and go through.

No, we're not responding to a job.

Oh, come on, there's no one even coming.

Is that what you think
about being a cop?

You can do whatever you want
whenever you want?

How's it feel?

Riding around all day,
with that stick up your...

DISPATCH: - David, you have
a - at a liquor store

located at th and East th Street.

Three perps, all possibly armed.

No further description at this time.

That's two blocks from here.
Now can we light it up?



Central said there's three perps.

We should wait for backup.

There's a side entrance, look.

We can surprise them.

You want to get us k*lled?
Contain, wait for backup.

They'll never see us coming.

What the hell...?

What the hell are you doing?!

Damn it! - David, where's that backup?


- David, we got sh*ts fired!

BADILLO: Okay, down on the ground!

Nobody move! Keep your hands
where I can see them!

Joined the party just in time
to clean up the mess.

Put your hands behind your back.

That cowboy act could've
got us both k*lled!

But it didn't, and I just
scored us three g*n collars.

Yeah, and you used
a warning shot to do it.

- I should report you.
- That wasn't a warning shot.

That was an accidental discharge.

But you wouldn't know
because you were outside,

- waiting for backup.
- I thought you might've been shot.

And I charged in there for you,
and I could've been k*lled!

I had it!

You are the most selfish person

I've ever met in my life.

Go ahead and report me, then.

You know, just rat me out
to your husband, why don't you?

What's going on?

(CHUCKLES) Right on cue.

What happened?

Hey, got a sec?

- Yeah.
- I need approval for some marked bills.


You ain't even gonna ask me
what they're for?

I trust you.


What the hell's going on here?

You've been acting weird all week.

I've been speaking
to a political strategist

about the possibility

of me being elected D.A.

That's great.

Okay, uh, maybe not so great.

If I decide to run,

I need more...

personality or something.

I need to be more likable.

I like you.

Yeah, but would you like me

- if we didn't work together?
- Of course.

You think that you and I
would spend time together

if we weren't being paid to do so?

Okay, probably not.

Is this, uh...

a midlife crisis or something?

No... I spoke to Nicky
and Jack last night.

Okay, so that answers that question.

Apparently all of my friendships

and my marriage fell apart
because of my career.

No offense, Erin.

This is the life you have chosen.

Are you really just realizing that now?

No, but...

maybe I'm just processing it now.

You think I made a mistake?

How many years
have we sat across this desk?


And what hasn't come at us?

Offhand? Nothing I can think of.

We haven't always come out
bright and shiny,

but we're still here, right?

Out with it.

Quinn asked me to be on his podcast,

and I said yes.

Do I need to tell you

what a terrible idea that is?

Garrett, it's just a podcast.

But for you, it's a trap.

They also film that live. It gets

hundreds of thousands of eyeballs.

He's become the Joe Rogan of ex-cops.

All the more reason to shut it down.

You don't know the rules to this game.

One misstep, the buzzer sounds.

If I have no say in the rules,
then I don't play by them.

What are you planning to say?

I don't know.

Well, if you do this,

it gets spun one of two ways:

that you're trying to torpedo a hero cop

you yourself decorated,

or that you're cozy with a bunch
of rah-rah wingnuts.

Which one is the lesser of two evils?

I don't know.

That's two "I don't knows" in a row.

You done?

No. I'm not.

You need to think about
the years across this desk

and how much you've
actually listened to me.

I listen to everything you say.

But it goes in one ear, out the other!

You're on your own here.



Eddie. Hey, wait.

I am not in the mood to talk.

Then just listen.

Badillo was in the wrong.

Okay? He should've never handled
the robbery that way.

And, trust me,
I'll address that with him.

He has no business being a cop.

Don't give up on him yet.

- Are you serious?
- Yes.


there is no way I am riding
with him after this.

When he first transferred
to the precinct,

you did a background check on him.

But you didn't find everything.

What are you talking about?

Badillo can't keep down a partner

because his first one
was k*lled in front of him

five years ago in East New York.

Five years.

That cop that was ex*cuted in their RMP?

Yeah. Badillo was riding shotgun.

I talked to his old C.O.

I don't think he's ever
really gotten over it.

Why didn't anyone tell me that?

Why wouldn't you tell me that?

When I lost Vinny,
the last thing I wanted

was anyone bringing him up.

Or, even worse, to pity me.

But I still think about him
all the time.

If my partner is a walking case of PTSD,

don't you think I should know that?

After today, yes.

And I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.

But that's why I want you
partnered with him.

So that you can do for him

what you did for me when I lost Vinny.

Will you help him?

No mercy, no quarter.

I mean, it's the only way to beat 'em.

That sounds intense.

Oh, it is. You couldn't imagine
fiercer opposition.

- Right.
- What are their names again?

Elizabeth and Mary-Ann.

- Oh.

I didn't know you even played bridge.

Well, I just joined a club
a couple of weeks ago.

You sure they're not
just letting you win, Gramps?

- Of course not.

I'm just a fast learner.

- Mm-hmm.
- One of 'em made those cookies

on the counter.

- Wow.
- Oh, and the pies in the fridge?

- Yes. The pies, too.
- Ooh.

- Ooh!
- JANKO: Ooh.

Which one's the baker, Pop?


ALL: Ooh!

JANKO: Ooh! I think

Mary-Ann's got a thang for you!

- No wonder he's winning.

DANNY: And what does she call you,

The silver fox or the gray panther?


She calls me Henry.


You think she's angling
for an invite to Sunday dinner?

Oh, yeah, like that'll ever happen.

Why not?

We almost never have anyone to dinner.

Unless they're related
by marriage or blood.

Lenny Ross, Maria Baez.

Yeah, but they're cops.

Joe Hill's mom.



Anyway, I'm not saying it's a bad thing.

It kind of sounds like you are.

I'm just saying that we tend
to keep to ourselves.

- Ah.
- We work. And then when we relax,

we talk about work.

Yeah, but it's family dinner.
It's right there in the title.

And it is the family business, so...

So you're kind of being a buzzkill, sis.

Okay, I guess that's me,
Captain Buzzkill.

Sorry I said anything.

Everything okay?


This have anything to do
with you changing your mind

every other week about running for D.A.?

Anthony talked to you?

Yeah, well,
we're working a case together.

So is it back on? Are you running?

I'm just getting the lay of the land.

But why, uh, the back-and-forth?

I don't know.

Is it for real this time?

I don't know.

You know, I think maybe that's
enough shop talk, even for us.

Sean, why don't you go in
the kitchen, get those pies?

Let's see if this Mary-Ann's a keeper.

- JANKO: Mm-hmm.
- DANNY: Yeah.


Nothing yet.

Check out his six.

Hands. Both of 'em.

I'm unarmed.

That the money?

Open it.


- How'd you get all this?
- You know,

borrowed from family, sold a kidney.

You're sweating.

Well, you do have a g*n pointed at me.

Maybe I should put a
b*llet in you anyway.

Just for fun.

I'd really rather you didn't.



- What?
- Hopscotch.

Means, like, "take it easy."

Hopscotch? What the hell
is he talking about?

It's a code word we used as kids.

He's asking for help

and he forgot how to do it.

W-W-Wait, wait, wait.

He's got a g*n on him.
We go out there now,

he could whack him.

Damn it. They moved.



- They got him.
- Come on.


We still got the GPS

in the duffel bag.

We're about seconds behind 'em.

He'll be fine.

Stopped moving.

I see that.

You want to wait for backup?

Hell no.


- Clear.
- Clear.


You go that way.

- Stay back.
- Police!

Don't move! Drop the g*n!

Put your hands where I can see 'em!

I said drop it!

I don't think so!

He said drop it!

Don't be stupid!



Keep your hands where I can see 'em!


On your stomach! Right now!

Joe, are you okay?

I think so.





Police! Don't move!

On the ground! Face down!




I thought these vests were
supposed to be bulletproof.

You're alive, ain't you?

So are you.

You owe me one, cuz.

You two okay?

Yeah. Never better.

Get out of here.

Cuff them.

- Let's go.
- Get him out of here.

So, how are you feeling?

Uh, honestly, a little exhausted.

I mean...

I've handled att*cks
on my career my entire life.

But this personal side has just...

I don't know, thrown me a little.

I can tell.

I heard you had lunch with Mike.

Oh. He talked to you?

We're still friends.


What did he say?

Look, Erin... no offense...

But if my asking you
a few personal questions

is going to throw you for a tailspin,

then maybe you aren't
ready to run for D.A.

You honestly believe that?

If you want to win, you have
to be the whole package

and have your head on straight.

Do I think you can?


Just maybe not right now.

That's just it?

I'm-I'm just forever judged

because I couldn't do it all?

I couldn't juggle family

and the career
and the friendships and...

Being judged is just the
reality of running for office.

You want to know my reality?

I worked my ass off to get here.

I sacrificed so much.

You think I didn't feel
those sacrifices,

that I-I didn't want to be going
to those parties

or staying in touch with friends

or saving my marriage?

Those sacrifices look
different from the outside.

They're hard to relate to,

unless you communicate them,
like you're doing right now.

I... I don't know.

Maybe I'm too old-school.

I mean, in my family,
we don't talk about hard work...

We just do it.

And if old-school still won elections,

you'd be a shoo-in.

I'm returning your retainer.

It was so good to see you again.


Be a waste of time to try
and talk you out of it.

That's correct.

This is a gunfight,

and you didn't even
bring a butter knife.

I tracked down the on
Quinn's sh**ting incident.

It appears the report was doctored.

You could read it

that he was shot in the back,

at a full retreat.


I thought you said I was on my own here.

And I thought it was my duty
to offer you

the lesser of two evils.

You gonna use it?


We good to go?


Are you?

I'm sorry?

Good to go?

Look, I know you're gonna come at me.

But we can have a constructive
difference of opinion

without tearing each other apart.

Yeah. Well, I just thought

you should get a little peek at my hand.

The incident report
on your sh**ting was incomplete.

So I got the original.

And guess what.


Didn't think you'd stoop
to character assassination.

It's just the truth.

You pinned that medal on me.

And the guy who got played

always comes off as the bigger chump.

You want to be that guy?

Didn't think so.

Are you familiar with the phrase
"mutually assured destruction"?

He's got too much to lose.

And yet somehow he doesn't seem
to realize it.

Look at him.

So, we good to go?

I need to talk to my producer.


I'm gonna pretend you were bluffing.

For my own sanity.

Yeah, I guess I was bluffing.

I mean, that would have been a
pretty low-down piece of work.

Do you think he'll give it up?

I think he's committed to
what he sees as his mission,

so... he won't give it up.

And, what the hell,

that may be a good thing.


he won't have me.

So, thank you.

We really needed to go all the way

to the other end
of the precinct for our meal?

Shut up.

What the hell is this?

I know about your old partner.

Five years. I mean, that's a long time.

Are you seriously doing this?

They've stopped counting
how many partners

you've gone through since.

So what is it? A-Are you afraid
to invest in someone else?

Are you afraid you might lose them, too?

You don't know anything.

And you're my partner, not my therapist.

Well, you need to figure out
if you can do this job or not.

'Cause riding with someone else

is sort of in the job description.



Look, you're not the only one

who's ever lost a partner.

Sergeant Reagan, he lost his, too.


Right before I met him.

He didn't want to ride with me either.

You're saying I'm husband material?

In your dreams.

Look, I get that you got issues,

Badillo, I do.

And I get
that it's gonna take you... time

to work through those.

But if we can't figure out how to trust

and respect one another,

it is going to be our names
up there next.



I got you.


How many times you practice that speech?

More times than you can count.

What are you doing here?

You weren't picking up your phone.

Yeah, I was trying to disconnect.

I've had a tough week.

Hey, you're telling me.

And that's why I came by to see

if my BFF wants to go for a beer.

Your BFF?

That's you.


Clearly, you've had a few drinks.

Oh, definitely.

And, you know, whatever that
political consultant said

is a load of crap.

Okay, Anthony...

Sure, giving % of yourself

to your job is not healthy
on a personal level.

But the city deserves

a D.A. that's that dedicated.

Lisa knows what she's talking about.

No, she doesn't.

Eh, you don't need someone to tell you

if you're ready or not.

You know you are and so do I.

I know you're trying
to make me feel better...

And that's what friends do.

But it's also the truth.


Now, are you gonna come have
a drink with me or what?


How about three?

- Oh, yeah.

And I know this great karaoke bar.


You're gonna love my Mariah Carey.