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13x11 - Cally On a Hot Tin Roof

Posted: 11/30/21 17:59
by bunniefuu
Last on Dallas:

- Good news?
- The best.

I'm gonna b*at them, James.
Nobody is gonna stop us.

The department is re-examining
the Ewing Oil franchise.

They may revoke your charter.

- I have nothing against Cally, but...
- She's married to J.R.

And your mother's not.

I just wish she'd go away
somewhere forever.

I wanna make sure your tanker wasn't doing
anything that helped cause that collision.

There are no surprises.

I'm asking you,
are you sleeping with my husband?

Yes, I am.

Did you ram our tanker into Westar's
because you were drunk?

- No.
- You are a beautiful, sensitive...

...passionate woman.

But he doesn't love me, Alex.
Our marriage is a lie.

I'll call as soon as I hear from him.

I won't be home.

I'm gonna hurt him, Alex...

...just like he hurt me.

Oh, I don't mean to intrude.

Aren't you Diana Farrington?

And you're the man
I've been hearing so much about.

I'm sure you've been told
I spend most of my time...

...bilking widows and kicking orphans.

Cliff Barnes would have everybody believe
that I started World w*r I and II.

The one and only J.R. Ewing.

In the flesh.

And of course you're Charles Farrington.
How very nice to meet you, sir.

I hear your name
in business circles all over Dallas.

Well, not loudly enough, I'm sure.

Oh, I think you're much too modest.

You're on your way
to becoming a big man in Texas.

Well, I wish it were that easy.

Can you sit down, join us for a minute?

Well, if it wouldn't be a bother.


Thank you, thank you.

KAY: And I kind of like the idea
of fighting by your side again.

Well, I'm glad you're here.

So have I changed?

You're better-looking.

Well, so are you.

Same old Bobby.

Well, the same old Bobby
would like to ask you a question.

Are you married?


Divorced? Mother of triplets,
all of the above, what?

Still single.

Still ambitious and still too busy
to take care of my emotional needs.

I've always admired your drive.

Even when I drove you crazy?

- How about you?
- What about me?

Love life?

Are you a playboy or a monk?

Mm. Somewhere in between, I guess.

Meaning you've got a lady?

Yeah, a wonderful lady.

Well, I'm not surprised.

You're a catch and a half, Bobby Ewing.

If we lived in the same city,
I never would have let you get away.

So, what's her name?

You'll meet her. I think you'll like her.

Well, at least
we'll have something in common.

- Hm?
- Same taste in men.

Listen, we'd better wrap it up
for the night.

- Do it again tomorrow?
- You bet.

- Want me to drop you someplace?
- Oh, that's okay. I have a rental car.


You know,
your old-boy network down here...

...likes to keep the best deals
out of my hands.

I guess they don't like the new kid
from Oklahoma City on their turf, huh?


All Charles needs is someone
to show him the secret handshakes.

- Lf you know what I mean.
- Oh, I do, I surely do.

And speaking of secrets...

...has Barnes been able to persuade you
to join his lynch mob yet?

- I'm not that easy.
- Oh.

Our committee will get the facts
on the tanker collision...

...and make a fair judgment decision.

Oh, I doubt that very much.

Barnes is good at twisting arms,
especially women's arms.

You think he'll twist mine?

Until you squeal
and join his hanging party.

Then he underestimates me.

I doubt if any man could underestimate you,
Mrs. Farrington.

Please, call me Diana.

Perhaps we could meet privately
and I could hear your side of the story.

Well, I'd like that.
I'd like that very much.

And then I could see
what you're really interested in.

I have a few items
on my personal agenda.

I'd love to explore them.

Sounds exciting.

Is your wife here?
Would she care to join us?

No, no, she's back home in Dallas.

I'm here alone.

I love the fact that Diana comes with me
on my business trips.

I guess I'm very lucky.

Me too. I have a honey of a bride.

And after a hard day's work,
cutting deals any which way I can...

...she's the little gal I come home to.

What a good husband you are.

Best in Texas.


That was incredible.


How are you feeling?

You are something, James Beaumont.

Something good or something bad?

A little bit of both, I guess.
Where'd you learn those moves, anyway?

Hey, it comes natural.

Besides, you're easy to please.

- Speaking of pleasure...
- Again?

- You're insatiable.
- Not that.

What I mean is, I've done you a favor.

- You've done me more than one.
- Will you get serious?

Only if I have to.

Remember you telling me how you'd love
to get Cally out of J.R.'s life?

I didn't put it that way.

I just said I'd like to see
J.R. And my mother get back together.


...Cally came to see me.

And it seems that she saw something
that made her think...

...that I was sleeping with J.R.

What'd you tell her?

I guess I'm the devil in the blue dress,
but I told her that we were having an affair.

And she believed you?

I was very convincing.

Why don't you look grateful?

I just don't want my father getting hurt
when Cally explodes.

Hey, if you want an omelet,
you gotta break a few eggs.

Besides, don't lie to yourself.

You'll be pleased with the end result.

No more Cally at Southfork...

...and poor lonely J.R. Just waiting
for the right woman to come into his life.

Hey, Bob. Good news from Austin.

Looks like I'm getting through to one
of Barnes' blue-ribbon vigilantes.

I'm pleased to hear it.

Well, you don't sound too pleased.

Here I am working my butt off
to swing that committee our way, and...

J.R., we've got another problem.

The Justice Department put us
on their hit list again.

- Where'd you hear that?
- Kay Lloyd came to warn me about it.

Yeah, I remember her.
Where'd she find out?

She's a lobbyist in Washington now.
She heard about it on the Hill.

We are in trouble, pal.

You figure they'll try
to revoke our charter?

Kay says they're gonna wait for a decision
from Cliff's committee.

Oh, great.

We're sitting in a barrel
headed over a waterfall.

They're waiting at the bottom with a net.

No, she says it's simpler than that.

If Cliff's group finds that the collision
was an accident, we're off the hook.

That will never happen.

Even if we share the blame with Westar,
it's still gonna be okay.

But if we're found entirely guilty
of that oil spill...

...they're gonna revoke our charter,
we're out of business.

They're not gonna take our company
away from us...

...because some old rummy
took our tanker on a joyride.

J.R., that captain told me he wasn't drunk.
He's gonna swear to it with witnesses.

Well, I don't care how we do it...

...somebody's gotta burn at the stake,
and he is our boy.

Kay is gonna meet me.

You wanna come in and join us,
and we'll discuss this?


I see Cally didn't come down
for breakfast this morning.

Have you run into her?

No, I assumed that you took her
with you to Austin.

No. No, I went alone.

- You see her last night?
- Nope, sorry.

Are you saying J.R. Ewing
offered you a bribe?

Not in so many words,
but the implication was clear.

Was money mentioned?

I think he used the expression
"financial well-being."

Should serve as a warning to all of you.

J.R. Ewing is a snake.

There isn't anything he wouldn't do
to get your vote.

Blackmail, coercion, bribery.

Just think of a limbo dancer
when you think of J.R. Ewing.

How low would he go?

Very low indeed.

- You're back.
- That's right. Where you been?

Do you care?

Of course I care.
I've been worried sick about you.

You obviously didn't come home
last night.

Neither did you.

- I was in Austin. You knew that.
- Who were you with?

God, I hope this is not gonna be one
of your jealous fits.

You don't think I have a right
to be jealous?

No, I do not.

Even though I have absolute proof
you've been cheating on me?

What are you talking about?

No blond hairs on this one
or did you have it cleaned, J. R?

No perfume or wasn't she wearing any?

I saw you with Michelle at that hotel.

I know what you were up to.

That was a business meeting.

How stupid do you think I am?

Not stupid, paranoid.

I never laid a hand on that woman.

- That's not what she said. She told me.
- Told you what?

About sleeping with you.

She rubbed my nose in it.

It was the most humiliating moment
of my life.

- Lf she said that, she was lying.
- She met you in Austin, didn't she?

- No.
- You just couldn't keep your hands off her.

For all I know,
you've been lying to me all along.

Our marriage is a joke.

Well, I don't know
why she said what she said...

...but I'm gonna wring
Michelle Stevens' skinny little neck.

What'd you think I'd do when I found out?
Roll over and play dead?

I'm not like Sue Ellen.

I paid you back for what you did to me.

I spent the night with Alex Barton.

You did what?

And I hope it hurts you
just as much as what you did hurt me.

You just made the worst mistake
of your life.

A mistake that you're gonna regret
until the day you die.

You knew I'd come after you.

That's why I left you
a trail of breadcrumbs.

I wanted the big bad wolf
to meet me on my home court.

Why did you lie to my wife?

Okay, so I bent the truth a little.

She barged in on me with an attitude,
and I didn't like that.

You're gonna like it less...

...when I kick your butt
all the way up and down McKinney Avenue.

Don't thr*aten me, J.R.

I'm still your spy in the house of Barnes.

You interfered with my personal life.

That's one line I don't let anybody cross.

Get your priorities straight.

Business before pleasure, right?

In fact, I got a little tidbit for you.

Cliff knows you tried
to bribe Middleton... he's having
the entire committee watched.

So if you're gonna get to them,
you better be damn clever.

What else you got?

I'll have more for you soon.

So my butt better remain unkicked.

Look, I'm sorry for what I said.

But you're bound to be unfaithful
soon enough, anyway.

That's part of your nature
and your charm.

In fact, I've been expecting you
to make a play for me.

Be a chilly morning in hell...

...before I let a money-hungry
little bitch like you into my bed.

Hey, I wouldn't be caught dead in bed
with a Ewing.

My spy in the house of Barnes...

...better come up
with some good life-saving stuff.

Or else she's gonna end up
like most spies.

Hanging from a tree.

Hey, Cally, what you doing out here?

In Haleyville,
I had a real nice vegetable garden.

Nobody ever messed with it.

Vegetables are boring. There must be
something better you can do with your time.

Don't make fun of me, James.

Hey, no offense.

You look upset.

Oh, I guess I 'm not real good
at hiding my feelings, am I?

Did you and J.R. Have a fight?

What do you care?

You don't like me very much.

I can tell.

Hey, you could be wrong.

Look, maybe I can help.

Pick up a shovel.

That's not what I meant.

You know, I'm a good listener.

It's none of your business.

Hey, why don't you take a chance?

Trust me just this once.

This woman flat out told me
she slept with J.R.

He denied it, of course.

But then I went
and told him something real dumb.

Now my whole life is just ugly
and spoiled and ruined.



Maybe she lied.

Why would she lie?

She had no reason.

How do you know?

Maybe some deal went sour
between them.

Maybe she wanted to hurt J.R.
In the one way she could get to him.

Even if you're right,
it's too late anyways.

Yes. Yeah, that's it.

I wanna thank your department
for the bang-up PR job you've done.

I believe you're carrying my message
to the people.

Well, thank you, sir.

Our basic theme is: God bless Westar,
champion of all that's good and moral.

That's it, Brick. That's exactly the ticket.

Except now, we need more of the same.

We're preparing a new campaign.

My job is to keep
the golden light on Westar.

And mine is to cast shadows
on Ewing Oil.

I can see that you both got
the big picture.

We are cleaning up the spill.

We are showing our good faith
with the American public.

I just want them to know about it.

Well, by the time we finish,
Westar will receive full credit... being the vanguard of New Age
corporate responsibility to the environment.

That's right. And you will be
the man of the year...

...with your face
on several magazine covers.


Send in the first team.
Let's not get carried away.

I'm not trying for sainthood here.

MAGGIE: Well, I can show you the
storyboards of the new PR campaign tonight.

McKAY: Okay, I look forward to that.
Meantime, thank you.

- And I thank you.
- Thank you.

Come on in.

Well, everything okay
on the PR front, Mr. McKay?

It's just fine.

But now I've got something I wanna keep
on the executive level.

And that means no leaks.

Well, have a little faith, Mr. McKay.

I do.

But this is deadly serious.

Bobby Ewing has single-handedly laid out
millions of dollars to contain the oil slick.

My latest reports indicate
that thanks to him...

...that slick is not going to touch
the coast of Texas after all.

It is a hell of an achievement.

So you want us to plow more money
into our own cleanups... we can share the credit?


I want us to continue to make noise.

We're actually gonna cut back
on our cleanup operations...

...stick Ewing Oil with the bill.

You know, the Japanese are gonna write
a management textbook on you, Mr. McKay.

Let them wait until the Barnes
commission report comes out.

And then they can entitle it
Sayonara, Ewing Oil.

Is Bobby in? I wanna surprise him.

Well, he's been in conference
all morning.

Well, then I won't disturb him.

No, I'm sure it's okay.

Go ahead.

Can you watch my phones for me?
I'm gonna go exercise at lunch again.

Again? Stop being so healthy.

You're making the rest of us look bad.

BOBBY: This is the tanker collision scenario
based on the depositions today.

But why isn't there a statement
from your own captain?

Because we fired him,
and he's bitter about it.

He does hint that there is some information
he's got that's important.

- But he's holding back.
- Yeah.


I hope I'm not interrupting.

April, I didn't know
you were back already.

April Stevens, this is Kay Lloyd.
Kay, April Stevens.

- It's nice to meet you. I've...
- Heard a lot about me?

As a matter of fact.

That puts me at a disadvantage.
Have we met?

Kay lives in Washington, D.C.

She helped save my company
a few years ago...

...and now she's at it again.

That's very kind of you.
Do you have a stake in this issue?

Only that I don't wanna see
Bobby get hurt.

That makes two of us.

Why don't you have dinner
with us tonight?

- I wouldn't wanna intrude on your work.
- Oh, you'd be very welcome.

We're having dinner
with Senator Dave Culver.

He's riding point for us in Washington.
I think you'd like him.

And I'd love your company.

Well, since you put it so nicely,
how could I refuse?

Cliff, what are you doing here?

I'm just checking on you,
make sure you do your exercises.

This is very good for you.

Uh-huh. You need something, don't you?

No, I miss you.

I'm just sorry
I couldn't take you with me.

Well, thanks.

Things have really been different
since you haven't been at the office.

So you heard one or two juicy things
that you wanna pass my way, right?

Why would I do that?

You forgetting who gave you
a start in this business?

I mean, don't you just owe me
just a little bit?

Are you asking me to be your spy?

Well, that's a rather harsh way
of putting it.

Just asking you to protect me, that's all.

Just make sure that nobody is doing
anything serious behind my back.

You know, Bobby and J. R...

...don't exactly take me
into their confidence.

I'm just asking you to keep
your eyes and ears open, that's all.

You know, if this committee thing
goes right...

...I might make a move
into major politics.

I could always use a bright young star
in my constellation.

Uh-huh. I think I get the idea.

I'm just not so sure I like it.

This is not a bribe, you know.

Just think of it as doing the right thing.

Remember the last time your back
was to the wall? It turned out fine.

That was some battle.

Well, I was lucky to have friends like you.

It was great working with you.

Okay, so how do we keep the
Justice Department off my flank this time?

KAY: The key is to garner support
among the right politicians.

- You know the drill.
- The Justice Department has their darlings.

My job is to identify them,
then Kay goes to work.

She's the master
of the five-minute hustle.

Isn't that interesting?

So you're gonna lobby on my behalf?

That's how it works.

Keep the pressure on them
to take the pressure off you.

Well, do you think it's gonna work?

Except for one hitch.

The committee formed by Cliff Barnes.

Dave agrees with me.

If the committee points
the dirty finger at Ewing Oil...

...then there's not much we can do.

If you two are so well-connected...

...why can't you just diffuse
Cliff's committee?

Because, honey, Cliff played it brilliantly.

It appears to be the very model...

...of a bipartisan,
public-spirited honest inquiry.

You see, April,
the Barnes committee is the trigger.

If Cliff manages to pull it off,
it's a dead-bang circuit.

The Justice Department
will put Ewing Oil out of business.


BOBBY: You know,
this conversation is depressing me.

Let's talk about something
a little brighter, okay?


Do you remember the time we went
to that big party on the Hill...

...and all those congressional aides
started flinging hors d'oeuvres... the vice president's press secretary?
Do you remember that?


BOBBY: And then you and I locked
ourselves in a closet to get out of the way?


Well, I finally get to see
what an Alex Barton looks like.

I've been expecting the famous J.R. Ewing
to show his genius.

That is, his genius
at making his wife totally miserable.


By the way, I'd recommend
a more delicate brush stroke.

Your style brings to mind
Attila the Hun sacking a village.

You think you're pretty clever,
don't you, Barton?

Telling my wife she's got talent.

Then luring her up to this love nest so you
could make out with her behind my back.

Cally has talent.

I didn't lure her anywhere.

As far as our relationship goes... don't know your butt
from a bucket of paint stripper.

Now, you just be quiet
and listen to what I have to say...

...because your life depends on it.

You got two choices.

Either you get out of this country for good
within 48 hours...

...or you're going to the local jail
where some of the larger inmates...

...just might take a liking to your kind
of artistic fellow, if you get my meaning.

Jail? For what?

Detective Ratagan,
would you come out here for a minute...

...and bring all that evidence with you,
would you?

What is this?
J.R. Ewing's traveling circus?

I wonder what your highfalutin
jet-set clientele will think...

...when they hear about
your depraved sexual habits.

May I see those, please?

Oh, what have we here?

Oh, yeah. Now, look here.

Tapes of you
and two underage innocents.

Both of whom are willing to testify
that your sexual tastes...

...are, to say the least, a little bizarre.

Blackmail? Oh, come on.

We had to tell
the police everything, Alex.

Even the worst things.

This is ridiculous.

I wouldn't be caught dead with anyone
as cheap as these two.

You weren't so mean
the other night, Alex.

In fact, you liked us both after we, uh...


Well, you know.

Don't make me laugh.

Well, I'm not laughing.

Ratagan, are you laughing?

No, Mr. Ewing, I'm not laughing at all.

Show him your badge.

Have you had a chance to view these tapes
made with that camera?

I have, and they are real sleazy.

Would you say that Mr. Barton here
is the star performer?

It looks just like him.

Everything I've heard about you is true.

You really are that evil.

Well, whether these are true or false,
the scandal alone will ruin you.

I don't have a choice, do I?


I'll start packing.

Good. Cally said you're a smart fellow.
But don't you go sh**ting off your mouth...

...because if anybody ever hears
about you and my wife...'ll experience something a hell of a lot
worse than blackmail, I guarantee you.

Just one thing, Mr. Ewing.

Last night with Cally,
it was the best night of my life.


BOBBY: Here let me help you.
APRIL: I can do it.


You were pretty quiet
all the way over here.

I had a lot to think about.

Maybe I should spend the night
at Southfork tonight.

You and Kay were lovers once,
weren't you?

Yes, once.

That was a long time ago.
There's no need to be jealous now.

I don't like feeling this way,
but I could see what you two had together.

You're so easy with one another.

April, I wasn't flirting with her.
It's just a friendship.

An intimate friendship.

Why are you so relaxed with her?

It's always such a struggle with us.

Well, maybe because
we are in a relationship.

A real relationship takes hard work.

Am I pushing too hard, Bobby...

...bringing up marriage all the time?

Maybe I'm just making a fool of myself.

Maybe you just had
one too many martinis.

I love you.

I love you so much that it hurts.

You're probably feeling that pressure.

You just wanna keep your options open.

Now, don't put words in my mouth.

I like Kay. I don't love her.

You know what I think?

I'm afraid you're gonna tell me,
aren't you?

I think we should just cool it for a few days
and take a break from each other.

I don't like that idea.

Look, why don't you just go?

April, you're overreacting
to the entire evening.

Just go.

I don't want you back here
until you really, really want me.

Until you want me like I want you.


Oh, boy, am I glad you are here.

I don't know what I did with my key.

I thought you were gonna stay
in Austin overnight.

Oh, boy, I was, but then the committee,
they decided to take a recess...

...but we will back there Monday
kicking butt.

Would you like to go out to dinner?

We can go out right now
and just pick a place, be spontaneous.

No, I just can't do it, no.

Hunting down the wild Ewings
has got me all tuckered out.

Well, how about a movie?

You could kick back in the dark.

Come on, what do you say?


You expecting anyone?

No, but I'll get rid of them.

No, no, that's okay. I'll get it, I'll get it.

Actually, it might be a messenger,
because Middleton said...

...he was gonna send me over
some documents.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to see you, Mr. Barnes.

In fact, I tried to reach you in Austin,
but they told me you already left.

Now, look, you've been putting the screws
to my father, and I want it to stop.

I feel sorry for you, kid.

It must have been a nightmare to discover
you had Ewing blood running in your veins.

If you're gonna yell
because I'm about to drive a stake...

...through J.R.'s heart,
you're wasting your time.

I'm only trying to make peace.

Why don't you just stay out of this
and go home?

Yeah, I'll do that.

- I've said what I came to say.
- Good.

But keep in mind, by taking the Ewings on,
you're taking me on too.

Thanks for your input.

Do me a favor
and call first next time, huh?

Yeah, I'll do that.

I don't know, I might be up for a movie.
I think the kid put me in a mood.

How about Son of Dracula, huh?



Yeah, well, thanks, Mr. Bruckner.


I appreciate it. Yeah, thanks for trying.

Still no luck?

Nobody wants to loan Ewing Oil a dime.

Well, given the press you're getting,
who can blame them?

Kay, I don't wanna have to start selling off
Ewing Oil assets...

...but it doesn't look
like I'm gonna have a choice.

Bobby, I'm sorry.

By the way, how did last night end?

Was April okay?

She seemed pretty upset
most of the night.

I took a little flak from her.


I think she sensed
a chemistry between us.

Wasn't there?

Not intentionally, Kay.

Bobby, how much do you love her?

A lot?


A tremendous amount
and over the moon and beyond?

April is a wonderful person.

I trust her.

She's loyal
and she's always been there for me.

In the way I never could be.

Now, that's an unfair comparison.

I'd like to hear it, anyway.

Well, as old-fashioned
as it may sound to you...

...there's something real nice in knowing
that I'm April's number-one priority...

...before ambition, money, anything.

And is she your number-one priority?

Why don't we get on to a subject
a little less complicated... saving my company's bacon?

Who's next on that list?

Roger, could you put
a little more oomph into it?

Had a hard day, Mrs. Farrington?

Hard's the word all right.

I think I'm gonna give up
committee work.

Yeah, right there.

Yeah, dig into it.

Don't be gentle.

Yeah, well, don't you worry.
You're gonna get the full treatment.

It's okay.

Oh, Roger, where'd you learn that?

And you thought all I did
was rub people the wrong way.

What are you doing?

Well, I'm in the state capital.

Thought I'd press a little flesh.

What if Cliff Barnes hears?

Oh, let's talk about your husband.

The deals he wants, connections he needs,
strings he wants pulled.

You'll do that for him?

I promise.

And I think you can feel
that I don't have my fingers crossed.

And in return?

Your committee vote
goes to protect Ewing Oil.

How about that?

Now, why don't we go
down to your hotel room...

...and very slowly examine
the fine points on our deal?

I thought you called yourself
the best little husband in Texas.

Well, things have changed. I'm not married
to the same woman I thought I was.

Well, how about it?

Am I out or am I in all the way?

Keep rubbing while I think.

Well, don't take too long.

You wouldn't want me to leave
all this on the practice field, would you?

Is this what I think it is?

Phyllis explained to me that Ewing Oil
is planning on selling off some of its assets.

And these are your suggestions?

Humble suggestions.

Common sense mostly, but I did study
at the Wharton School of Business...

...before I got thrown out.

Well, I count up eight suggestions in all.

None of which
should endanger your operation.

Although it might be kind of tough
getting full price right now.

Sharks are smelling blood
in the water, you know.

Take a look at this.

Those are my suggestions
of assets to sell.

You see any similarity?

You agree with five of my suggestions?

With only one major disagreement.

If I sell Ewing 23, I sell out
the next generation of Ewing men.

You wouldn't want that.

I didn't realize Ewing 23
was that important.

I wouldn't expect you to.

That's why as president of this company,
I make all the decisions myself...

...based on my instincts
and not the opinions of others.

I didn't mean any disrespect.

None taken.

I'll tell you this, you got a quick mind.
I'm impressed.

No kidding. Really?

- You can run your ideas by me anytime.
- Thanks.




As they say, darling...

...I scrub your back, you scrub mine.

You're getting difficult to find, darling.

That's starting to annoy me.

How was Austin?

Well, I was just about to tell you.

What are you doing on your knees?
What the hell are you doing here, anyhow?

Planting. Lettuce, peppers, radishes.

You ever hear of a supermarket?

Sometimes I miss Haleyville
and this just kind of helps me remember it.

How very sentimental.

If you're that mad at me,
why don't you just yell?

Oh, I'm in a good mood.

Especially since I'm getting rid
of that Barton fellow.

What did you do to him?

You'll never see that limey face again.
I'm running him out of town...

...with his tail between his legs.
- Lf you hurt him...

Oh, he's fine.

But he won't be doing business
in Texas anymore...

...which is a small price to pay
for what he did to my wife.

Not that anybody
is ever gonna know about it.

You bastard.

You started it. You slept with Michelle.

I did not.

As I tried to tell you, she lied to you.

Ask James. He was there.

And since you tramped in the mud
with that Englishman...

...I figured it was open season
to have a little fun.

So I had myself a fling down in Austin
Damn fine one too, I'm here to tell you.

You better think twice
before you cheat on old J.R. Again.

J.R., I never slept with Alex.


I thought you slept with Michelle
so I said I spent the night with him.

But we just talked,
we didn't do anything.

Too late to protect him, Cally.
He's history.

But he never touched me, I swear.

I loved you, Cally.

You were the most precious woman
in my life.

And you had the Midas touch.

Only in reverse.

We made
a garden of gold here, honey...

...and you turned it into just plain dirt.


I assume you came to talk about Bobby.

Or is this strictly business?

- Both.
- I'm listening.

Bobby's under siege.

The Justice Department thr*at
to his company is very real.

I have been made quite aware of that.

He needs his wits about him.

It's like dancing on the edge
of the abyss.

One misstep and Ewing Oil is gone.

You turn a phrase quite nicely.

Must be the Washington influence.

Look, can you just cut
to the bottom line?

I respect your relationship,
but it's distracting him.

He's worried about you...

...and it's hurting his concentration.

And what do you expect me to do?

Make up with him and then stay out
of his way for a few weeks.

You're quite a saint.

Coming all this way to save his hide.

Even butting into his love life
to help your effort?

I know I'm interfering.

But this is all for just business, right?

You're not interested
in Bobby's heart and soul, are you?

This is all just normal concern
for an old friend.

I'm not your enemy, April.

Oh, I think you are.

Maybe not intentionally.

But every time he looks at you...

...he sees an option
that he'll never have again if he marries me.

If you're saying I'm a temptation to him,
I won't be the only one you'll ever face.

Marriage doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Just leave me alone.

I'm only trying to help.

Get out now.

WOMAN [O VER SPEAKERS]: The white zone
is for loading and unloading passengers only.

The white zone is for loading
and unloading passengers only.

The white zone is for loading
and unloading passengers only.

Well, I hope you didn't forget anything.

Passport, tickets.

- You're here to watch me get on that plane?
- That's right.

You're a real bastard, J.R.,
the worst kind.

Don't be bitter.
You deserve everything you're getting.

Oh, I'll be fine.

I'm just sorry for Cally,
she has to live with your filth.

You know what that poor
misguided little girl tried to do?

She tried to save you
by pretending nothing happened.

Made me wanna puke.

God, I wish I could lie to you
and say Cally and I really did make love...

...because I'd take great satisfaction
in seeing your so-called marriage break up.

But the fact is, we talked all night,
and I was a good friend...

...but that was it.

- You're lying.
- I'm telling the truth.

I guess I owe her that much,
since she cares so much for you.

Which proves just how misguided
she really is.

You never touched her?


She was so damn faithful to you,
I was nearly sick.

You don't deserve her, Ewing.

She's too good for you.


J. R:




Oh, my God.




Next on Dallas:

LUC Y: She found out you cheated on her.
- How'd you hear that?

Come by this afternoon.

- Do you like it?
- You bet.


What the hell is that?

Lt'll be our secret for as long as it lasts.

You may be a great father,
but you're a lousy husband.

I'm truly ashamed of what I did.