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04x04 - Bird in the Hand

Posted: 11/24/21 16:12
by bunniefuu

♪ No questions asked ♪

♪ I'm at the top, I just might
build me a house on the moon ♪

♪ You can tell that I'm great,
once I'm done, I'm gettin' to it ♪

♪ I'll keep it movin', never
no stoppin' me, I'm a blast ♪

♪ No questions asked,
no questions asked ♪


- LAYLA: That was great, really great.
- KIM: Thank you. Appreciate it.

I want to try a few things,

just add a couple different beats.
Can you stick around for a bit?

Yeah, for sure.

So, she my replacement?

I'm... I'm just trying
out a few artists.

I can't believe you're
really doing this.

Coop, I told you.

This is my song, Layla. I wrote it.

It's our song,

and we never got a chance to
finish it, just like the other ones.

So you just what, give
it to someone else?

[SCOFFS] Like father,
like daughter, I see.

- What is that supposed to mean?
- Exactly what I said.

Patience wrote a song, and your
pops gave it to someone else.

What is the difference?


I'm not gonna sit here and let
you disrespect me in my own studio.

I invested virtually
all my time and money

into producing these tracks
that are still incomplete.

You quit on me, Coop,
without even telling me,

so what I choose to do with these tracks

to make the best out of a
difficult situation is my business.

Whatever. Good luck with
your replacement Coop.

OLIVIA: From my podcast, I've
tried to at least give a small voice

to some injustices that
would have otherwise

gone completely unnoticed.

- Oh, that's it?
- Should I say more?

- No, no, that's good.
- OK, ask me the next question.

SPENCER: You really need to
be rehearsing your answers?


- SPENCER: Just be you. They're gonna love you.

- I know. I just... I really want this.
- I know.

- GRACE: Want what?
- SPENCER: Liv's got a big-time

job interview in an hour.

OLIVIA: It's for a summer job
at the "L.A. Tribune" online.

OK. Heh! Look at you being great.

Thank you. Well, I
should probably get going.

Wish me luck.

- [KISS]
- SPENCER: Good luck.

- OLIVIA: Thank you.
- Bye, Ms. Grace.


- So how you feeling?

I still ain't heard
anything from Coach Dante

- since he resigned from Toledo.
- Mm-hmm.

I mean, that man recruited me,

convinced me to sign with 'em.

The least he can do is call
me back with an explanation.

- What about the head coach?
- Coach Hudson?

Yeah, he's stopping by
the school later today.

He wants to check in and show me

how they're building the entire
offense around me next year.

- That's exciting.
- Yeah, I guess.

- Spencer.
- Do you think they knew

Coach Dante was leaving
when I signed with 'em?

Actually, never mind.

Never mind. I'm just in my head.

Just ask Coach Hudson when he
come down to the school today.

And remember, you wouldn't
be the first player

who backed off of a commitment,

but don't write them off just yet.

Toledo State is still an
incredible opportunity.

JORDAN: I go to junior
college, I ball out,

and two years from now, I have
multiple offers from D schools.

Sounds like a good plan.

Well, my dad and Coach Montes

think it's the best option for me, so...

Do you?

I know it's the right move,

but honestly, Ash, after
the season that I had,

even with the concussions, it stings

to know that not one D coach wanted me.

- You know what stings even more than that?
- Hmm?

Not being able to play
football ever again.

- Uh, Ash, I'm... I'm sorry.
- No, no, hey, look,

I'm not guilt-tripping you. I get it.

You deserve a D offer.

- Thanks.
- Just remember how lucky you are.

You get to keep playing football,

so go ball out,

starting with that
All-American game this week.

Yeah, well, I'm a reserve.

I mean, there's no chance
I even see the field.

Hell, I should... I should be
up in the stands with you, right?

Uh, I won't be there.

I'm just not ready to
be around football yet.

I'll be rooting for you
to get into the game.

- Right, yeah, thanks.
- Yeah.

WOMAN: Are you a reader
of our publication?

OLIVIA: Yes, for as
long as I can remember.

- Um, my parents still get the newspaper edition...
- WOMAN: Mmm.

And I read the online site, which is,

you know, pretty much why I'm here.

So what can we do better?

Uh, um... nothing, I think it's great.

Good to know.

So why would we need your help,

if we're already perfect?

Um, well...


- That question stumps everyone.

It's a bit unfair, putting
you on the spot like that.

We ask it to challenge
each applicant to speak up,

but that's a rare quality
we already know you possess.

- Really?
- I was impressed with your podcast.

- Oh, you listened to it?
- Mm-hmm.

Thank you. Yeah, I was just

trying to give a small voice
to those affected by injustices.

Well, I'd say you gave them a big voice.

Anyway, while I am
thrilled to know you think

the "L.A. Tribune" is
perfect the way it is,

I am always looking for ways to improve,

new voices, like yours.

And it's been a heavy couple years.

People are exhausted,

so I'd like to start balancing
our stories with some...

- Lighter topics.
- That's a great idea.

Um, I'm personally trying to
embrace more light this year,

you know, lean into the joy.

Then that's perfect.

See, we already know that you are

more than capable of
harder-hitting pieces.

Now we'd like to see if you can
deliver something a bit more...

fun and poppy,

an inspiring story.

- Are you giving me an assignment?
- Consider it a tryout.

You think you can deliver
something in two days?

Yes, of course. What's the topic?

I will leave that up to you.

Just... Make us smile.


MALE SINGER: ♪ What a time
to be alive, yeah ♪

Yeah, I guess I didn't
realize she was so ice-cold.

- Oh, OK, you're overreacting.

Well, you should have
seen her, like, just

back in the studio, business as usual.

Well, what did you expect her to do?

- Why are you defending Layla?
- I'm not, but,

you know, she's under a lot of
pressure to finish these tracks,

and you just told her
that you couldn't do it.

You know, I honestly
thought you'd be on my side

- after what J.P. did to you.
- No, this ain't nothing like that.

J.P. cut me out of the process.

Now, Layla would welcome your input,

but you just told her that you don't
want to be around music anymore.

Or maybe I just don't want to hear
another artist butcher my lyrics.

Look, her career is on the line,

and you can't just
expect Layla to give up.


They say champions are
made in the off-season.

- [CHUCKLES] Keep on grindin'.
- Heh!

- What's up, Coach?
- Heh heh heh!

Wait till you see our weight
room, man. It's state-of-the-art.

Coach Baker said it don't
matter where you sweat,

- just as long as you give .
- Coach Billy's a good coach.

Thank you.

Yeah, so was Coach Dante.

Yep, and we were sorry to see him go.

But don't you worry.
We're gonna fill his spot

with somebody who's top-notch
with NFL experience. Heh!

You're... you're gonna be in good hands.


- Can I ask you a question?
- Always.

Did you know Coach Dante was leaving

- when I signed my letter of intent?
- Yes.

And how come nobody told me?

I was under the
impression that you were...

Committed to the school, the tradition,

the top- program, or
was I mistaken? Were you...

- committing to an assistant coach?
- No.

I mean...

Maybe all of it.

Spencer, I assure you you are the
jewel in our recruitment class.

You are the number-one priority.

I came out here to see you play
in the platinum All-American game.

I thought you'd be grateful.

- Grateful?
- That a power- team

is willing to build its entire offense

around a freshman named Spencer James.

- I am.
- Good!

- Yes, sir.
- Because, you know, not everybody

gets the golden opportunity
we're giving you at Toledo State.

Remember that.


Already working on your
playbook for next season?

Ha ha ha! Coach.

You're a long way from Ohio.

Had to come out and see my star recruit

- play in the platinum All-American game.
- BILLY: Ha ha!

Drawing up plays for that very game.

Trying to keep it
simple, involve everybody.

Gonna be a lot of egos
out there on that field.

- Well, I'm glad I signed one of 'em.
- No, no, not Spencer.

He is a team player all the way.

You got a great young man on your hands.

I've been lucky, lucky to, uh,
coach him for the past two years.

You want to keep that
relationship going?

Are you offering me a job?

Wide receiver coach.

Position just opened up.

Yeah, I had heard.

Coach Dante did a really good
job at recruiting Spencer.

Are you offering me this job to
make sure Spencer stays committed?

Spencer's signed, he's not committed.

I'm offering you the job because

you're one of the best high
school coaches in America,

and I think you're ready to take
the next step. Do you think you are?

Ah, power- . Honestly, I haven't...
I haven't even considered...

Sure, you have.

I've followed your career
since you left the NFL.

Seamlessly transitioned into coaching,

now two back-to-back
state championship games.

- It's clear you're a winner.
- Well, thanks, Coach,

and I appreciate that.

Uh... wow. Can I think
about it, talk to the wife?

- Sure. Just let me know at the game.
- All right.

Uh, while I consider,
let's not tell Spencer.

- Good luck on those plays.
- All right. Thanks, Coach.

SIMONE: Look at your little recorder

[CHUCKLING] and cute little notepad.

- This is cute.
- You know, I'm trying to be professional.

Well, then, well, then,
what is this assignment?

It's basically a tryout for a summer
job at the "L.A. Tribune" online.

You know, they like me. They
just want to see if I can deliver

- a fun, poppy, uplifting story.
- Poppy?

- You?
- I can be poppy.

Girl, you are the poster child for
black emo chick, but you know what?

Let's just give it a shot anyway, hmm?

- So, what's the topic?
- Well, they let me pick that myself,

and I decided on black excellence.

So you're interviewing me?

Of course I am. Ready?


Tell me about your decision
to attend Bringston University.

Well, my whole life, I
wanted to go to Princeton

because I thought attending an Ivy

was the epitome of black excellence,

you know, like a badge of honor,

but then I realized Bringston

was a very different
version of black excellence,

one that didn't come with that burden.

- What burden?
- Well, black athletes have

unrealistic expectations put on them.

There's always this...
pressure to be perfect.

Can you give me an example?

Girl, did you watch the Olympics?

Take Simone Biles or even Tiger Woods.

People are just waiting
to tear you down.

When I started playing
tennis again, I...

I didn't tell my coach
that in my year off,

I had gotten pregnant.

I hid it from my junior tennis league...

Because I didn't want them to
see me as less than perfect.

And at Bringston,

being great is... Is a journey.

You get to do you,
so I can make mistakes

and still be great.


BILLY: Hey. You headed out?

Yeah. I'm on my way to meet Liv.

She want to interview me for
this assignment she doing.

OK, cool. Well, see you
at practice tomorrow.

- Hey, can I ask you something?
- Yeah.

When you were picking your college,

did you choose the coach or the school?

I chose the school.

Yeah, I think the coach
that recruited me was gone

by my sophomore year or something.

- Hmm.
- Is this about Coach Dante leaving Toledo?


I'm trying to figure out
why I chose Toledo State.

Well, what's your answer?

Both, I think.

- I mean, I... I definitely wanted to play for him.
- BILLY: Right.

I like having a connection to my coach,

just like how I followed you to Beverly,

and then we came back here together,

- but that school, man, that is everything I want.
- Yeah.

That stadium, the fans,

I'd be on national TV every week.

Plus, Coach Hudson, you know, he
sends a lot of players to the NFL.


I mean, I know it's a great
opportunity for me, so...

why am I doubting it all of a sudden?

Look, man, this is the single
biggest decision you've ever made.

I'd just say follow your
instincts, follow your gut.

- You'll figure it out.
- SPENCER: Yeah.


- Hey.
- Hey.

[KISS] SPENCER: Sorry I'm late.

- Ah, I just finished up with Simone.
- How'd that go?

Simone was great. Um, you know, she has

such a strong point of view. It just...

- It just wasn't the assignment that I was given.
- Which is?

- Poppy.
- Poppy?

Poppy and fun, which, Simone's
interview got pretty serious...

- Hmm.
- And, you know,

they've already seen that
side of me from my podcast.

You know, I want to prove to
them that I have some range.

- So the pressure's on me?
- Big time.

- I got to bring the fun?
- Yeah, just be

uplifting and inspiring.

And poppy. Got it. Heh heh!


Tell me what it's like
to get a full scholarship

to play football at a
major division- school.

It is a dream come true.

Can't believe I'm gonna be scoring
touchdowns on national TV next year.


SPENCER: And considering
where I came from,

I'm just grateful for the opportunity.

Ooh, this is good stuff. Keep it going.

OK, uh...

I think the head coach at Toledo State

- wishes I was more grateful, but, um...
- OLIVIA: What makes you say that?

Well, when I questioned him about
Coach Dante leaving, he said...

he thought I'd be more grateful.

But he's right, you know, with
the opportunity they've given me...

I guess... I don't know.

OLIVIA: Um, pause.

Hell no. He's gaslighting you.

He's making you feel bad
for asking a simple question,

all because the answer
might make him look bad.

But I am grateful.

I ain't had that many offers from
any of the other big-time schools,

and after I got shot, a lot
of those schools backed off.

Once I was healed, it ain't
like they came pouring back in.

Because you weren't perfect.

- What?
- I think you're perfect,

but... I mean, Simone was

just talking about this
burden that black athletes face

and how they're held
to this higher standard,

and it sounds like you
need to be perfect...

Or I ain't worth the trouble.

[SIGHS] My bad.

I'm not bringing the fun. Um... come on.

Ask me a poppy question, and
I will give you a poppy answer.

It's OK.

The truth is more
important than the fun.


When was the last time...

You were in Ohio?

I think when you played Cleveland,

- or was it Cincinnati?
- BILLY: Yeah, that was Cleveland.

Yeah, don't remind me. [SCOFFS]

And you fumbled in the fourth
quarter and lost the game.

- Didn't I tell you not to...
- OK, sorry. You brought it up.

- You ever been in Toledo?
- No, but, uh,

I promised that we'd go
for Spencer's first game.

OK, well, what if we went

for Spencer's first game

and then... stayed?

- Um...
- The, uh,

the head coach from Toledo
State offered me a job...

Wide receivers coach.

And we'd live in Ohio?

Yeah. Is that a deal-breaker?

- I'm just processing this new information.
- Yeah.


For the first time in my career,

free to move anywhere,

so I guess...

The question is, and be honest, I'm...

do you want this job?

Yeah... I think I do.

life, I wanted to go to Princeton

- because I thought attending an Ivy...

- Is that Simone?
- Yup.

Well, you know you could
have asked me, right?

I don't need your
permission to talk to Simone.

No, I meant you could have asked
to interview me for your project,

or am I not an example
of black excellence?

Don't take it personally, Jordan, OK?

I just thought that Simone and Spencer

would have interesting point of views.

[SCOFFS] OK, so you
asked Spencer as well.

If it makes you feel any better,

the project isn't going very well.


[SIGHS] Why does nobody see me as great?

- Jordan.
- No, no, I'm serious, Liv.

Look, college coaches
obviously don't see me as great.

My own sister doesn't
even see me as great.

Yes, I do.

It's just that sometimes you
don't see yourself that way,

and that affects how
other people see you.

No, maybe I used to doubt myself,

all right, but not anymore.

Look, I know that I
can be great, Olivia.

It's just that nobody
else wants to see it.

Well, then change the
way that people see you.

- How?
- By being great.


Spencer James,


- Cam. I heard you got the invite.
- Yeah, man.

- Back on the same team again.
- Yep.

Hey, yo, we'd better
smoke these fools tomorrow.

It's just an exhibition game, man.

I don't think the score really matters.

We're just here to showcase
our talents, you know?

Only thing that dude's
showcasing is that big-ass head.

What did you just say?

Yo, hey, hey, chill,
chill. He ain't say nothin'.

Why you gotta run your
mouth to everybody, man?

I get that's your thing, but that
is a -star linebacker outta Texas.

He will break you in half.

- He did have a big-ass head, though, right?
- Huge.

- That's all I'm sayin'.
- [CHUCKLING] Go, man.


KENT: Yo, we need another ball out here!

- Boom.
- [WHISTLES] Whoo!

- Nice toss.
- Thanks.

- Probably the only one I'll throw today.
- Reserve?

- Yeah.
- Hey, me, too. Isaiah Winfield, Arizona.

Jordan Baker from right here.

- Oh, OK. Cali boy.
- Yeah.

Yo, there's some serious
talent on this field, huh?

- Man, best in the country.
- Yeah.

And that includes us.

Hey, whether we get
into that game or not,

we still get to put on
the same uniforms as them,

says "All-American" across the front.


It sure would be nice to compete
against them, though, right?

Yeah. Hey, that dude right
there is going to 'Bama,

that dude's Florida. He's Oregon.

Wow. Where are you going?

Undecided. Still trying to find
the right fit for me, you know?

- Right.
- How 'bout you?

JuCo for a couple years
and then transfer into D .

- Hey, JuCo route's still legit.
- Mm-hmm.

- Grades?
- Two concussions.

♪ No questions asked ♪

♪ I'm at the top, I just might
build me a house on the moon ♪

♪ You can tell that I'm great,
once I'm done, I'm gettin' to it ♪

♪ I'll keep on movin', never
no stoppin' me, I'm a blast ♪

♪ No questions asked,
no questions asked ♪


- Asher. What up, bro?
- Hey, Coop.

Hey, you, uh, you seen Layla around?

Actually, nah, man.
She's gone for the day.

- Only reason I'm here.
- Hard to stay away, isn't it?

I know exactly how it feels.

We got a lot more in
common all of a sudden.

We were both living our dreams,

and in a blink...

It was gone.

What's next for us, Coop?

I don't know, man. I am, uh,

obviously sitting in an empty studio

after hours because I miss it.

So, uh... There's step one.

Does that mean I'll be sitting
on an empty football field soon?

- It's a start.
- You know, half of me wants

to go to that game because Jordan
and Spencer are both in it, but...

the other half of me...

It's too hard.

You want to be the tie-breaker for me?

I'd say come to the game, bro.

Support your boys.

Ain't like you got to sit and listen
to someone else sing your song.

You know, for what it's worth, Coop, um,

if someone was singing
a song that I wrote,

it probably means I
wrote a damn good song,

so I'd be proud to listen to that.

KENT: That's me, that's me. Come on.

Yeah. You remember me, right?

I remember that big-ass head.

That helmet custom-made for it?

Remember you said that.

TYRONE BRIGGS: ♪ Takin' over the game ♪

♪ Like I'm supposed to do ♪

♪ Feel that crowd energy ♪

♪ You can go assume this game over ♪

♪ Go blow the tune, do
it for the whole town ♪

- ♪ They gotta love it ♪
- SINGER: ♪ Hey! ♪

BRIGGS: ♪ Go ahead, blow the trumpet ♪

♪ Label me the goat, y'all
can't tell me nothing ♪

- ♪ Hey! ♪
- ♪ Go ahead, blow the trumpet ♪

- ♪ Hey, hey, hey... ♪
- ♪ Blow the trumpet ♪

Yo, what's your problem, bro?

This is practice for an All-Star game.

CAM: Bro, I practice the way I play.

- What is going on out there?
- Oh, it's just Cam being Cam.

CAM: This supposed to
be the big leagues, dawg.

Then why are you here?

I just showed you why I'm here.

What school you going to?

You'll find out tomorrow at halftime.

Wherever you end up,

them skinny legs ain't
gonna last one season.

- PLAYER: Hey, hey, hey!
- KENT: What's up? Want to do this?

You want to do this?
We'll do this all day, bro!

PLAYER: Hey, calm down! Yo!

JORDAN: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, come on!

What is wrong with you? Guys, stop!

What are you doing, fighting

minutes into our
only practice, over what?

Who's going to the best college?

How many stars you
have next to your name?

You're supposed to be the best
players in the country. Act like it!

You're about to play in a game
celebrating how talented you all are,

how great you are!

It's supposed to be fun!

Drop your egos for one game

and shake hands and knock it off!

I said shake hands, now!

Play football.


He got that from me.

No. Pretty sure he got that from me.

You should have seen him, baby.

Jordan was in complete control.

He was a leader.

I hadn't seen that side of him.

Oh. I've seen glimpses of it this year.


I guess Montes has been a
really good influence on him.

Well, she's definitely
challenged him to step up.


Maybe Spencer needs that.

I'd hate to rob him of a... of a mentor,

you know, someone who could build
on what we've worked on together.

Wait, are you...

Are you backing out of
the Toledo State gig?

I mean, maybe it's time for
Spencer to spread his wings,

you know, and let's be honest.

Me taking that job, you know,
would completely uproot you...

- Do not do that.
- Do what?

Don't make this decision about me,

OK? I am supporting you.

For the first half of our lives, you...

You spent living in my world,
and you did that for me,

for my career.

I will follow you
wherever you want to go.

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to
Los Angeles, California,

where the best high school
football players in the country

have gathered to show off their skills

in the platinum All-American game.

A number of undecided
prospects will announce

their college decisions at halftime.

former platinum
all-Americans were selected

in the first round of the NFL draft,

so this is the cream of the crop,

the future of the NFL.

MALE SINGER: ♪ We ain't the same ♪

- ♪ Not only deal, not only name ♪
- BILLY: Heh heh!

What you think about
this guy right here?

- JORDAN: He's from Arkan...
- ISAIAH: Yo, Jordan.

Hey, Isaiah. Uh, want
you to meet my dad.

- Billy Baker. It's an honor.
- OK. Good to meet you, young man.

- Thank you. My older brother had your jersey.
- Oh, for real?

- Well, tell him I said hi.
- ISAIAH: Hey, I will.

If he needs me to sign it or
anything, I can do that, too.

Oh, I don't think he has it no
more. That was a long time ago.


- The hell you laughin' at?
- JORDAN: I'm not. I'm... I'm sorry.

- BILLY: It was good to meet you, Isaiah.
- ISAIAH: Likewise.

JORDAN: See you out there.

[LAUGHING] Yo, man, that was classic.

Oh, yo, I can't believe
your pops was in the NFL.

That's the dream, right?

JORDAN: It's cool. I'm not
gonna lie to you, though.

It honestly was tough
growing up in his shadow.

I mean everything I did on the field

was always compared to him, you know?

I mean, I almost quit
football a few times.

Yeah, but you didn't,

and now look where you're at,

and because you took that pressure
and you turned it into fuel, man.

I did.

I turned it into fuel. You're right.

Come on. Let's warm up.

What is black excellence?

The easy definition is it's celebrating

the achievements of black people,

but is it attainable?

Sometimes black excellence
comes with an unrealistic burden

attached to it. Just
look at black athletes.

They're celebrated when
they achieve greatness,

but just as quickly torn down

at the slightest glimpse of imperfection

because they're often
seen as commodities.

A black football player is praised

as long as he's scoring touchdowns,

but any off-the-field mistake,

and the narrative quickly changes to

"he doesn't really
deserve this opportunity.

Doesn't he know how lucky he
is to have this opportunity?"

This burden is unfair, and
it's impossible to sustain,

but it's become ingrained
in the world that we live in.

SPENCER: That's what I'm talkin'
'bout. Just like home, baby.

- CAM: Just like home, baby.
- MALE SINGER: ♪ Like a train comin', no brakes on ♪

♪ Can't stop me, you better move ♪

♪ Feel the ground
rumble like a stampede ♪

♪ When I take off, I can't lose ♪

♪ I'm like an earthquake
with my heart pumpin' ♪

♪ I'm dialed in,
we gonna start something ♪

♪ We gonna light it up,
can't shut us down ♪

♪ You hear the thunder roar,
you know the storm comin' ♪

- ♪ Yeah, I zero in like a predator ♪

♪ And you lookin' like prey ♪

- ♪ Get ready for the w*r zone ♪
- CAM: Whoo!

OLIVIA, VOICE-OVER: Let us make mistakes

without immediately declaring,
"they don't deserve to be here,"

and let us strive for greatness

- without that impossible burden of perfection.

almost caught that, bruh.

Yeah, I know, man. Heh!

Hey, yo, you see me blow past

that big-headed -star from Texas?

Hey, I'm not gonna lie
to you. I wouldn't mind

- having that dude on my team.
- For real. Dude's a beast.

When he tackled me on that screen pass,

I thought I'd died for a minute.

- Don't tell him I said that.
- SPENCER: Heh heh! I won't.

Yo, it's been dope having you
on the same team again, man.

CAM: Oh, yeah. I feel bad
for the defense, though.

You were unstoppable out there, bro.

Thanks, and imagine if
you never left Crenshaw.

- Man, you left first.
- But I came back.

- You right.
- Heh heh!

You know, Ohio's gonna feel a
lot different than Crenshaw, bro.

Yeah, I know.

- So where you going?
- I'm announcing my decision at halftime.

You want to go check it out?

- Maybe.
- All right, whatever.


- Hey, yo, Spence?
- Yo?

Toledo State's got them some greatness.

They don't even know what's coming.

You gonna light Ohio up, bro.

They're lucky to have you.

You know what, Cam?

You're damn right.

We'll see you out there.

- BILLY: Hey.
- HUDSON: Great first half.

Those your players carving up
that -star defense out there?

Ha ha! Some of them were, but, uh,

Coach Montes had some
gems in there, too.

Wow. Well, maybe I
should offer her the job.

- BILLY: Actually,

um, maybe you should.

Oh. Is this where you turn me down?

Oh, Coach, I went back
and forth, like, times,

but, uh, but, yeah.

I, uh, I'm gonna have
to respectfully decline.

I, uh, I appreciate you
considering me, though. I do.

I'm sorry to hear that. Can I ask why?

This is a pretty big opportunity.

It is a big opportunity, but I just feel

like Spencer needs to spread his wings

without me by his side, you know?

And to be honest, uh,

I haven't figured out what
this next chapter is for me.

- Maybe I haven't finished

everything I was supposed to do here,

but again, I appreciate
the consideration.

- Good luck.
- Thanks, Coach.

REPORTER: In today's game,
we have elite prospects

who are currently undecided.

Eight of them will be choosing
their college destination

live, right now.

First up is -star wide receiver

out of Westlake,
California, Cam Watkins.

Cam, I see you've narrowed
it down to lucky schools.

The moment is now yours.

Where will you be
spending the next years?

Well, first I'd like to thank God,

um, my family, my
coaches, and teammates.

Without any of them, none of this
would be possible, so thank you.

And, with that being said,

I will be taking my talents to...

And the lucky school is?



- CAM: Stay tuned.

appears Cam Watkins is

going to remain undecided for a
little while longer. Stay tuned.



- You're in.
- JORDAN: What?

- BILLY: Go get 'em.
- Yo!

Get your helmet, boy.

- Helmet.
- Relax, relax, relax.

- ISAIAH: Atta boy, J!
- JORDAN: My man.


Coach... can you put Isaiah in?

Winfield, grab a helmet.

- Uh-oh.
- Hey.

- PLAYER: Uh-oh!
- PLAYER : Let's do this.

- Yo, you did that for me?
- You earned this,

all right? It's our time now.

We both turned it into fuel.
Let's play some football.


reserve Jordan Baker

out of California
checks in to quarterback.


ANNOUNCER: Takes the
snap, third and long.

Quick pass to Isaiah Winfield,

- and he gets the first down!

MALE SINGER: ♪ I know what... ♪

JORDAN: Here you go. g*n
right chair on . Ready?

Hey, hey, don't let me overthrow you.

- ISAIAH: Not possible.
- JORDAN: All right.

- ♪ Let's make a toast to the rebels ♪
- Here we go. Down, set.

Wide . Wide, set, hut!

ANNOUNCER: Baker rolls out,
throws a deep ball to Winfield.

- ♪ Can't worry 'bout yesterday ♪
- Touchdown!

- Whoo!
- Nice pass, bro.

SPENCER: Ha ha! Here come J!


If you think you'll
finish writing by summer,

I'll just go ahead and
book the musicians now

so they'll be available to record.

- OK, I'm good with that.
- OK, so I'll do it in...

- COOP: What's up, Layla?
- LAYLA: Hey.

- I thought you were at Spencer's game.

I was, and actually,
I can't stay. I just...

I wanted to apologize
for the past couple days.

I mean, one minute, I'm
accusing you of being your pops,

which you're not, and
the next, I'm walking out

of the studio without explaining myself.

It's too hard to actually...

be involved in the mix,
knowing my dream is gone,

even though I miss it. And
hopefully, I'll get there.

I don't know, but I do know
that you have to find a way

to finish these tracks, and I get it.

Well, like I told you, I
wish it was you in that booth.

Me, too, but that new artist, uh...

- Kim Nitty.
- Yeah. She's dope.

I knew it the first time I seen her

last year, when I battled her.

She can get it done, but

if I'm being honest, um,

she doesn't really sound right

singing my lyrics because
it's my experiences.

It's not her fault,

but I've seen her do her thing,

so let her freestyle.

Same sound, her experiences.

I think it could add
something magical to the track.

You might be right.

- COOP: I know I'm right.

- COOP: Whatever. I'll see y'all around, though.

- PATIENCE: I love you.
- COOP: Love you.

Well, that went well.

- That's a start. Right?
- Ha! OK.


WOMAN: Oh, my gosh. Did
you see that touchdown?

- ASHER: Nice pass.
- JORDAN: I thought that you weren't coming.

If I would have missed that touchdown,

- I never would have heard the end of it.
- JORDAN: Mmm,

you think you're gonna
hear the end of it anyway?

- I'mma holler at y'all.

- Yeah.
- You hungry?

- I could eat.
- I could eat. [SIGHS]

HUDSON: After watching this game, I
think it's safe to say Toledo State

got the best player in the country.

- SPENCER: Thank you, Coach.

Listen, I appreciate you,
everything you've done,

going out of your way to
be here for me today...

But I don't think Toledo
State's the right fit for me,

so I've decided to
reopen my recruitment.

Who... who paid you?

- Who paid me?
- I'm not stupid.

I know some of these
schools got deep pockets.

- That ain't what this is about.
- Right.

Should have known something was
up when Billy turned me down.

- What are you talking about?
- HUDSON: I offered Billy Coach Dante's old job.

Best coaching opportunity of his career,

and he just turned me down
at halftime, and now this.

Yeah, I guess you two

got offered a better package deal.



SPENCER: Why didn't
you tell me Toledo State

offered you Coach Dante's job?

Because I didn't want to
influence your decision.

And it would have.

Coach, we could have run
it back for four more years.

BILLY: Heh heh heh! Believe
me, I thought about it,

but it's, uh,

time for Spencer James
to find a new mentor.

Man, I learned so much from you, man.

And you'll continue to
learn, from other coaches.

Your career is just beginning.

- It just hit me.
- What?

That's really it.

- We had a good run, didn't we?
- Yeah.


Thank you for coming into my life...

For everything you did for me.

I'll never forget these
last two years together.

Neither will I.


KIM: Yo, same thing from the top?

Actually, we're gonna
try something different.

So same arrangement, but

I want you to freestyle your
own lyrics. Can you do that?

OK, look, I'm all about
that. Let's get it.

BACKGROUND VOCAL: ♪ No questions asked ♪

KIM: ♪ Look, feel bad
for my competition ♪

♪ Y'all shoulda never let me in this ♪

♪ Been havin' my ducks
lined up in a row ♪

♪ When you even knew
how to go fishin' ♪

♪ Yeah, I got that heat like friction ♪

♪ And respect like Hillary Clinton ♪

♪ As far as gs go,
yeah, I know who fake ♪

♪ You don't be pretendin' ♪

♪ I'm eatin' cheese ♪

♪ Sippin' vino ♪

♪ Bougie with a ego ♪

♪ Might have to change my name ♪

♪ To Kim Nitty Bambino ♪

♪ I ain't never hidin',
y'all know where to find me ♪

♪ This goes out to everybody
try their luck, don't try me ♪

- Hey, congratulations.
- BILLY: Yes.

- OLIVIA: Heh heh!
- Your boy balled out today,

and against some of the
best athletes in the country.

I know. I caught the second
half on TV, and I saw Jordan

- got into the game, too.

that boy threw a dime for yards.

- BILLY: I think he opened up some eyes today.
- SPENCER: Right.

- BILLY: He opened up some eyes.
- OLIVIA: Yeah.

You hand in your assignment?


And I'm guessing you
ain't heard nothing back?

[PATS LEG] I mean, I don't expect to.

I mean, they gave me a very
clear and specific assignment.

And Simone and I ruined it.

Sorta. [SIGHS]

I'm kidding. I gave them
a great story, but...

I don't know. Maybe fun and
poppy just isn't my thing,

and I'm OK with that.


- You still want to watch a movie?
- Sure.

Let's make some popcorn.

Can the movie be fun and poppy?

- Too soon.
- Sorry.

♪ Can you give it one day? ♪

- JORDAN: Did you see me out there today?
- ASHER: I saw.

- When I ducked out that defensive end?
- I was there, Jordan.

You know that guy's going
to Florida State, right?

Good school.

I mean, I was just as good as
everyone else on that field today.

Dude, it's obvious
that you're just as good

as any player out there on the field.

Thank you, but, I mean,
they're all going power- D ,

and I'm going JuCo.


And so did Aaron Rodgers.
He turned out all right.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You know, he played JuCo for one year,

and he showed everybody
how unstoppable he was.

After that, he pretty much got
to pick whatever school he wanted.

I can do that.

One year, ball out,

show everyone what I'm
capable of. I mean...

Heh! Today, I changed
the way I view myself.

Next year, I'm gonna change
the way everyone else sees me.

I guarantee you.


OLIVIA: I thought this
was supposed to be funny.

It was in the comedy section,

but, uh, it definitely took a
turn, kind of like your assignment.

- Really?
- Oh, I thought we were still doing

the back-and-forth joke thing.

Oh, no, no, no, that...
That time has passed.

- SPENCER: Oh, phone.

Oh, my God. It's the editor.

- Hey.




Yeah... no, no, it's not too late.

[SIGHS] Yes, I... I know

Wasn't what you asked
for. Um, it just...

Kinda took on a life
of its own. [PATS LEG]

Yeah, I understand.

You found someone? That's...

great. Um...

listen, um, I'm... I'm sorry
that I couldn't deliver what...

What you wanted. I just...


Uh, OK.

Thank you.


I know you're not about to
leave me hanging right now.

- I got it. Ha ha!
- You got it?


She said that they found
a fun and poppy writer,

but they loved what I sent them,

and there's always a
place for great stories

like that in their publication.

SPENCER: Yeah, there is.

- MALE SINGER: ♪ Doing my best ♪

♪ Now I'm holding on,
I'm up in the air ♪

- ♪ Nobody cares, all of these changes... ♪


- This is Billy Baker.
- HUDSON: Billy, Larry Hudson.

Uh, Coach Hudson, um,

hey, so I heard about,

uh, Spencer decommitting, and, um...

Actually, that's why I'm calling you.

Spencer can either hear this from me

- or from you. You decide.
- Hear what?

We passed on a lot of top
players at Spencer's position

when he signed with us.

They are obviously
not available anymore.

This leaves us in a
very difficult situation.

OK, what are... What are you saying?

We're not gonna let Spencer out
of his binding letter of intent.

- Well, you can't do that.
- It's done.

We expect Spencer to
honor the commitment to us,

which means he can come to Toledo State,

have a great career,

or he goes somewhere else,

he'll be ineligible to play
football his entire freshman year.


SINGER: ♪ Got to wash it
all away now and let it go ♪



SINGER: ♪ I can't live
like this no more ♪

MAN: Greg, move your head!