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01x07 - Flower's Article

Posted: 11/12/21 08:05
by bunniefuu
This is a stickup.
Everybody down on the ground.

Just stay on the floor,
and nobody gets hurt.

- Hurry up before the pigs get here.
- Be cool.

Why are you doing this?

Because banks are a bummer, man.

This mask is so hot.

Ah, it's like my hair was sweating.

Flower, put your mask back on.

Don't use my real name.

That's not your real name.


Oh, right, it's Susan.

Let's get out of here.

G-Go, go, go!


♪ ♪

- JAY: Babe?


Hey. I got you your favorite.

Oh, Daisy's Coffee Shop. I
love this place. Thanks, babe.

That is an americano for my booboo,

and a perfectly normal adult
caffeinated beverage for me.

This is not a man who's
destined to keep it tight, Sam.

What are you working on?

Well, I'm trying to come up
with article ideas for my meeting

at The Ulster County Review tomorrow.

The New Yorker of the Hudson Valley?

That's a big opportunity.

Yeah, this is the kind
of serious journalism

I've always wanted to do,

and if it goes well, it
could turn into a regular gig.

You're gonna k*ll it, babe.

All right, I'll leave you to it.

Mmm. Yum.

Mmm. Mm.

I can't watch a man do this to himself.

I'm okay with it.

- JAY: Love you, babe.
- Ooh, wait.

I've got an article idea for you.

What about a profile
of a local celebrity?

Ooh, like who?

I'm right here.

You said you wanted a good story,

I'm a good story.

FLOWER: Oh, I got a story.

Did I ever tell you guys
about the time I robbed a bank?

Only once a week for the last years.

Wait, you robbed a bank?

Flower's hippie cult knocked off a bank,

then gave the money to poor people.

This was the commune, not the cult.

They're very similar, but the
commune let you wear your shoes

and you could still talk to your family.

A Robin Hood hippie bank
robbery? That's amazing.

This should be the article I write.

Article? What's she talking about?

SAMANTHA: Oh, it's for a local magazine.

This is exactly the kind
of thing they'd love.

Quirky, human interest.

Well you... you can't
write about it. I'm sorry.

SAMANTHA: What? Flower,
this would be, like,

the biggest assignment I've ever landed.

They made me take an eternal
blood oath to never talk about it.

Oh, totally not a cult.

Flower, you told us
about it a million times.

Well, that's different than
publishing it in a magazine.

- But, Flower, it would just be...
- I said no!

So... (CHUCKLES) I guess
we're back to Alberta.

(GASPS) Hold up.

"Back to Alberta."


I think we just found our title.

So, what do we think?

I'm gonna say just moved
from the city, Ivy League.

Close. Northwestern.

You can see us?

It's kind of a long story.

I had this near-death experience,

and now I see ghosts.

I guess that's not such
a long story. (CHUCKLES)

Name's Winky. Age
when I kicked the bucket.

Headline? I got trampled by a horse.

I'm Shiki. I'm Lenape, and
I've been here since the s.


I actually know a...

Who are you talking to?


I... I was, uh, just
practicing for our meeting.

I was saying I actually know
some stories to pitch you.

Let me just, uh, check these out. Okay.

Oh. Oh, okay, that... works.

Okay. Oof, no. No.

Did that. That's too obvious.
What's this in the margin here?

Gummy bears? Was there
a listeria outbreak

in the plant or something?

No, my husband wrote that.

He wanted me to pick up gummy
bears while I was in town

because we ran out, and
he likes gummy bears.

Look, there's some good ideas in there,

but if I'm gonna hire a freelancer,

I really need to be wowed,

so unless you can do that,

I'm gonna have to
say, "Nice to meet you,

and I'm sorry."

Wait, what if I told you
that I had a lead on a story

about a group of hippies who held up

Hudson Valley Citizens Bank

in the s and were never caught?

I'm interested. Who's your source?

- Can you bring them in?
- No.

Uh, only I can see them.

Give me , words by Tuesday.


Sold. A hippie bank robbery?

You should've led with that one, kid.

Hey, babe.

So, how'd it go?

Well, he bought one of my ideas.

That's great.

We're gonna celebrate
tonight with gummy bears,

which you left in the
car, he said hopefully?


which article did he buy?

Look, you can't tell Flower.

I literally can't see Flower.

Oh, I was talking to Alberta and Isaac.

They were already in here with you.

That's not creepy at all.

I panicked, and I pitched the story

about Flower's commune robbing the bank.

The editor flipped for it.

- That's great.
- Bravo!

No, it's terrible.

Flower explicitly told
me not to write about it.

Okay, well, she's not gonna know.

Come on, babe, this is your dream gig.

I know, and now that they bought it,

it's not like I can
go back there saying,

"Whoop, never mind." They'll
never want to work with me.

Plus, this whole thing makes no sense.

For years, she's bragged about it.

Now, suddenly, she doesn't
want the whole world to know.

Mm. That girl is hiding something,

and if she's hiding
something, it's probably juicy,

and if it's juicy, I'm
gonna need to know it.

Mm, Sam, you must write this article.

But Flower's my only source,
and I can't even interview her.

So just have the ghosts do it.

Yes. Yes. His mind is
as sharp as his jawline.

And with questions
woven into conversation

by her trusted ghost friends,

she will be completely unaware.

You think that'll work?

The girl was staring at a
shadow for four hours yesterday,

so yeah, I think we can outfox her.

Hey, babe, I...

No one's gonna tell me how
that conversation ended?

Oh, great, there you are, Sasappis.

Uh, seriously? Can I
get a roll call, please?

Sure. Sasappis, Pete, Trevor.

That's never not gonna be weird.

I ran into this Lenape ghost

who died around the same time as you,

and I was wondering if you knew her.

Her name was Shiki.

Shiki? What? Are you serious?

Did you just ask if two
Lenape people knew each other?

She was the love of my life.

That's like me asking you

if you know another
white lady from Ohio.

Shh. He knew her. They were in love.

Well, I was in love with her,

and I thought she was in love with me,

so I k*lled a deer, and
brought it to her family.

- Sure.
- And then I never heard from her again.

- Oh, my God.
- What? What happened?

- She ghosted him.
- What?

- Excuse me?
- Hey, what's that supposed to mean?

JAY: (CHUCKLES) I'm guessing they
did not like the ghosted thing.

Oh, no, no, no. Ghosting
is what people say

when you're dating someone,
and they just kind of vanish.

Is the point that ghosts have
no manners? Walk me through this.

Who knows what was going
on for Shiki years ago.

The point is she could be in

a completely different headspace now.

I think you should reach out.

I can pass on a message.

Uh, okay, yeah.

Uh, how about, "Shiki,

not a day has passed since we parted

that I haven't thought of you.

- You are the love of my life."
- JAY: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's coming on way too strong.

What's the difference? They're ghosts,

and they can't even
be in the same place.

But they could be, one day, right?

I mean, you guys do,
eventually, go up, right?

Get sucked off, right.

SAMANTHA: Yes, in theory, they could.

Yeah, so he's got to play
this right, and I can help.

I mean, this is basically texting,

and who's better at
texting than your hubs?

Texting was just
catching on when I died.

I would've loved to work
with the medium more.

Sasappis, you should just
say what you want to say.

Women value honesty
and romance, not games.

(LAUGHS) That's so cute.

When I first met you,
I wanted to text you

every two minutes,

but I didn't do that,
you want to know why?

Because it would've scared you off.

Okay, listen to this man, Sass.

I'm not saying this is a Lyle
Lovett, Julia Roberts situation,

but he did well for himself.

You know what my dating strategy is?

I like to get myself in
something I call "the friendzone."

Now, nine out of ten times you
end up completely desexualized,

as if you're a puppy or their brother,

but, at the end of the day,

you got a new friend,
so win-win, right?

Yeah, I think I'm gonna
go with Jay on this one.

Fine. Jay, Sasappis wants
to know what he should say.

Okay, first of all,
delete that corny mess

and repeat after me, "'Sup,"
apostrophe, S-U-P. End it with a period.

It is a question, but
we don't care enough

to put a question mark, do we?

- Sup.
- Oh, this guy's good.

I am ready to be Miyagi'd.

Oh, hello, Flower.

Just popping in for a casual
chat amongst close friends.

Oh, hey, guys.

You know what I thought
was awesome, Isaac?

Oh, what's that, Alberta?

How my girl, Flower, here

stood up to Sam about the bank robbery.

That's not Sam's story to tell,

that's Flower's thing.


Although, I'm curious

as to why you didn't want
her to write the story.

Considering how freely you
bless us with retellings of it.

Well, just between us?


There's just a part of the story

I'm not ready to tell.

- Mm, that's all you need to say.
- Mm-hmm.

Although, I'm worried that Sam,
conniving Living that she is,

will find some way to trick you

into telling her your dark secret.

Do you think?

It's a risk, though...

Here's a thought,

what if you were tell us
your deep, dark secret,

so we can help steer Sam as
far away from it as possible?

Wait, why are you guys asking me
so many questions about myself?

What? Uh, it's perfectly consistent

with our personalities
to want to know more

about our good old friend, Flower.

Well, if we're such good friends,

what's my last name?

It's Montero.


- I knew that. I remember that.
- Mm-hmm.

Okay. So, here's what I want to know,

since you guys are acting
all suspicious and stuff...

Oh, my God. Is she still with us?

- What's going on?
- Hard to say.

Wait, what-what were
we just talking about?

It was important, wasn't it?

You know, I don't really recall.

Oh, wait, was it love?


Oh, I love love.

I also hate tomatoes,

and those are a couple
of things about me.

- Good to know.
- Uh, yes.

I am glad we got to the bottom of that.


Hey. I gave Shiki the message.

It wasn't easy.

The editor was very curious

as to why I just showed
up with no appointment.

Uh, you're back.


Can I help you?

Uh, I just stopped by to let you know

how things were going with the article.


Right, uh, so I dropped by the bank,

and they're putting me
in touch with a woman

who was a young teller at the time,

so I'm gonna give her a call,
and that is where we're at.

Okay, that's it, yeah.

Uh, feels like this
could've been an email

or a non-share, really.


- BOTH: So, what did she say?
- Did you read her the message?

Yes, I did.

I read the message that
you guys workshopped,

and let me say again,
I was not a fan of it.

"Sup. Cool you're still around, Shiki.

Would love to hear the
haps sometime. Maybe."

That's... that's it. That's all he said.




she had a response.


"Hey"? That's it?

Oh, she's good.

What? How is that
good? What do we do now?

Sasappis is freaking
out, which makes sense

because, clearly, that
was terrible advice.

No, no, no, no, no.

If she's playing the game,
that means she's interested.

All we have to do now is
craft the perfect reply.

Good news is we have a week to do it,

anything sooner than
that is just thirsty.

I am so out of my element

with this written communication thing.

Funny guys must clean up these days.

I'd be friendzoning everybody, hard.

Good news, Samantha. We found out

that Flower has a deep dark
secret about the robbery.

Oh, amazing. What is it?

No, no, that's it. We
just found out she has one.

Is that enough to go off?

ISAAC: Now let's talk byline.

Alberta and I are fine
if your name comes first,

since you'll be doing
most of the typing.


Okay, just had a pretty
intense acid flashback,

but I remember before that,
you guys were asking me

a bunch of questions about the robbery.

Why were you doing that?

Because... we're interested
in your life, Flower.

And now you're talking to Sam,
who wanted to write the article

about me before...

Oh, my God, she's piecing
it together in real time.

Nobody move. She has one plus
one, but I'm not confident

she realizes it makes two.

This is ridiculous. Flower, I'm sorry.

The editor didn't like my other ideas,

and I was desperate,
so I pitched your story.

Whoa. Not groovy, Sam.

I know.

It was wrong, but I still don't
get why you don't want the article.

Yeah, what are you hiding, Flower?

Yes, just tell us, Flower.

Why are you so afraid to share

that which you claim
to be the most proud of?

Because I'm not proud of it, okay?

The money never went to any good cause.

The commune never donated it.

What? Why not?

Because before they could
give it away, I stole it.


Really? No one else gasped?

Well, I guess if you're
not gasping at that,

you're simply not a gasper.


After the bank robbery, the
commune spent weeks debating

what to do with the money.

TED: Seven...


And... all right,

so that's nine for helping out
the feral cats of Costa Rica.

(SIGHS) And one for narwhals.

Damn it, Brenda. It has to be unanimous.

- I'm not changing my vote.
- TED: Look,

Brenda, the feral cats of Costa
Rica live in awful conditions.

They sleep in the dirt.

They-they have no
escape from the elements.

They eat out of the garbage.

I have an idea.

What if we used the money
to help people in need.

Like, specifically, us.

BRENDA: No, guys, the narwhals need us.

TED: No, feral cats, Brenda, come on.

So, then Ira and I took
the money and bolted,

and then I got att*cked by a bear,

and I've had an eternity
to think about what I did.

Well, it sounds like
you just made a mistake.

No, Sam, I'm a fraud.

I wanted to be a person
who helped others,

but I just helped myself.

- Well, now I feel bad.
- Yeah, me, too.

Sam should've never
written that article.

But you told me to.

We're dead, and just
looking for exciting things

to happen around here
to fill up the days.

Why are you listening to us?


SHIKI: So...

did you get a reply
from Sasappis for me?

No, they all w... Uh, he
wanted me to wait a week.

- I don't know.
- Oh. Okay.

I understand.

Wait a minute.

This is crazy. He's playing games.

And, as a woman, I
know you want the truth.

The truth is Sasappis loves
you, and he's always loved you,

and he always will love you,

and I can't think of a better person

for you to hopefully one
day spend eternity with.

Whoa. That's a little intense.

- Oh, God.
- Oh, no, no, no.

It's cool, I guess.

I-I got a thing in the, uh, copy room.

Oh, God, wait.

Did you not want me to come in?

To my office?

I'm sorry, I need to talk to you, Lewis.

I really appreciate the opportunity,

but I can't write the article.

Excuse me?

I just realized it would,
it would hurt a friend.

Again, email.

Okay, email. I get that.

Knock, knock.

I don't want to see
anyone right now, Alberta.

I just have one thing I got to tell you,

then I'll leave you be.

I never shared the
stage with Cab Calloway.

I know I always brag about that,

but it didn't happen.

I did share a cab with him once.

Nope! You know what?
Ah! I'm lying again.

I never even met the man.

And I was never at the Boston Tea Party.

I was in Boston

at a tea party,

but it was at my Aunt Geraldine's house.

It was a lovely affair.

Why are you guys telling me this?

None of us lived up to
exactly who we wanted to be.

ISAAC: That doesn't make you a fraud.

You're the biggest
do-gooder of all us ghosts.

Granted, that's a selfish crew.

(LAUGHS) But you set the bar,

and you need to know that.

Thanks, guys.


Flower, hey.

I wanted to tell you I'm
not gonna write the article,

and I'm sorry I went behind your back.

You had a moment of
weakness. I know the feeling.

Hmm, I wonder what Ira
did with all that money.

Me, too. Ira wanted to
blow it all on a house,

and I was like, "No, we
should open a business."

You know, so we didn't
have to rob any more banks.

Oh, what kind of business?

A fair trade coffee shop

that totally paid the bean farmers

what they should get
paid, and was, like,

not bad for the earth, but Ira said,

"Daisy, we don't know the first thing

about starting a business."


Yeah, that was Ira's nickname for me

'cause I was his special flower.

Also, 'cause it's a
weed and I love weed.

Come with me, now.


What is this?

It's your fair trade
coffee shop, Flower,

except it's got, like,
a hundred locations.

Someone stole my idea?

Oh, she's so close to getting it.

God love her.

Wow. Read this.

"The founder of Daisy's
Coffee Shop is Ira Klein.

In memory of his late girlfriend,

profits go toward
underprivileged communities

and bear safety education."


Ira made my dream come true.

Now that is a good ending
to your article, Sam.

Maybe you should just write it.

Are you sure?

I was so worried about people, like,

judging me for my biggest mistake, but,

now I see something
groovy came out of it.


Also is anyone else seeing that color?

Is there even a name for that?

And the horse has left the stable.


Well, I have some news.

Lewis loved the bank robbery article.

- Yes!

And-and he said Daisy's Coffee
Shop is even cool with it.

Apparently, the statute
of limitations ran out,

and they think it
makes them look badass.

Ooh, they're not wrong.

Best news for last,

he wants me to come in next
week to pitch more ideas.

That's incredible. Babe,

I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

Alberta, I heard you were very helpful

with Sam's article, which I
thought should be acknowledged.

Aw, thanks, Pete. You're a good friend.

Oh, friend. (CHUCKLES) Wow, thank you.

(WHISPERS): Hello, friendzone. I'm in.

- JAY: While you are at

the magazine, you can give Shiki

her next message.

Jay nailed it.

It's, "yo yo yo."

The simplicity, right?

SASAPPIS: You know what? No.

No more aloof messages.
I can't take the waiting.

I can't take not being
honest. I'm not a games guy.

I'm looking for a woman who
wants a dead deer on her doorstep,

and when I find her, I'm
gonna love her forever.

I am so glad you said that

because, the last time I
went in, I kind of lost it,

and I basically said exactly that.

What? Well, what'd she
say? Did she like it?

Not really.


Fix this. Jay!

- Uh, he can't hear you.
- What's he saying?

I want the games back, please.

He's thanking me.

You ruined everything.

You're welcome.

Hey, did I ever tell you guys
about the time I robbed a bank?

- Okay.

Okay, I mean, I get it.

I guess people just play games,

but I don't love that my
husband is so good at it.


I've been meaning to show
you this for a while now.

Here. This is a screengrab
of a text that I sent you

exactly one minute after
your cab pulled away,

the night of our first date.

Oh, cute.

Read it.

"Samcakes... is it okay
that I call you that?

I feel like that'll
be my nickname for you.

I'll call you Samcakes and
you'll call me Jay-bae"?

I know. Keep reading.

"I know you're not supposed
to say stuff like that,

and maybe I'm tipsy, but I like you.

Like, really like you.

And I think you might be the one."

Oh, I never got that text.

Yeah, because by some grace
of God it never went through.

Okay, yeah, I would've
run for the hills.

- Obviously.
- I mean, you were psycho.

That guy's gonna crawl inside of
your skin and wear you to prom.

SASAPPIS: Okay, see?

- Now will you help me?
- Fine, Sass.

Shiki will get a "yo yo yo" on Tuesday.

I can't believe I'm using
my ghost powers for this,

but, I guess, if it means
you two could end up together

to do whatever it is that ghosts do...

I was wondering about this. So, tell me,

can ghosts actually have sex?

We can. We just can't
finish. It's very frustrating.

He says they can, but they can't finish.

- Interesting.
- Gosh, I hate to do this,

but I've got some work to do.

No, no, no, no, no. Sam, first question,

can they take off their own clothes?

Sam, come back, I want to
tell Jay about ghost sex.