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06x06 - Everybody Blames Raymond

Posted: 11/03/21 19:05
by bunniefuu
The Jacksons, the Obamas...

Every year, our family goes big
with our Halloween costumes.

And we've gotten so good at it

that we've built up a reputation.

So there's a lot of pressure
to get it all the way right.

Okay, now, how do we capture
the entirety

of the Black experience in 2019
through costume?


How about we go
as LeBron James' sidekicks?

Or the legends of hip hop and R&B?

All hail the Queens!

Or we could be the Klumps?

"Why, hello!"

So you guys are just phoning it in, huh?

- What?
- Guys, come on,

there's no time to [bleep] around.

Halloween is in seven months!

Now, let's think.

What were the big Black
cultural moments of this year?

Um, oh, Tiger Woods won the Masters.

Ooh! Tiger Woods!

- Tiger Woods!
- He's not with us anymore.

Oh, my God, do we all just
have to be Van Jones?

Who's Van Jones?

I got it.

Okay, everybody ready?



We did it!

- We did it!
- Yeah!

- We did it!
- We won Halloween, b*tches!

Send it to the 'gram, Ruby.

- Whoo! Done before breakfast.
- Uh-huh.

Costumes, hair, makeup.

That's $3,000 wasted right there.

And you're not even going

Nope, not at all.

Now that the twins are grown,

we are never, ever doing that again.

Oh, yeah. We have... we...

- I forget, we have another one.
- Oh, damn it.

Is that boy ever gonna grow up?

06x06 - Everybody Blames Raymond

Guys, if you're gonna
treat Devante like this,

we should've just
left him at the fire station.

We're gonna take him
trick-or-treating tonight, okay?

- Mm.
- Okay, good, because you guys

have missed a lot of his firsts.

- Okay.
- First ice cream.

- That's cute.
- His first haircut.

- Look at that.
- Mm-hmm.

First Coachella.


Boy, you took my baby to Coachella?

Yeah, Dad, we were gone for
literally like three days.

- Oh, is that where you were? Mmph.
- Yeah.

And you bought him
a Tame Impala T-shirt?

Beyoncé headlined!

Thank you.

Sweet, Raymond's coming over.

Let me save you the trouble
of asking permission. No!

Wait, wait, what?

- No!
- What's wrong with Raymond?

What?! Raymond is the reason

that Mrs. Biggs gave them detention.

They sent that meme to everyone
in the AirDrop radius.

It was a prank!

Against a teacher, Dre.

A gym teacher!

Well, it wasn't the only prank.

You're counting that lunch thing?!

They forged menus, Dre,

and made everybody think
Wednesday was pizza day.

And I was never prouder.

- You didn't see the genius in this, Bow.
- No.

They convinced everybody
that they were getting pizza,

and then they got dry-ass fish sticks.

- Mm-hmm.
- Fish sticks, Bow!

It's still hilarious even now!

Some of our best work.

You are the son of a prank king.

- Can I pick you up like Simba?
- Oh, yeah.

Come here.

Son, everything that light
touches, you can prank!

Oh, my God!

That... that was hilarious.

And you should do that every week.

- Will you, please?
- I don't know if I can.

- That boy is heavy.
- Okay.

But you can't hang out with Raymond.

But I think it's great that
he's making new friends, Bow.


Remember when he got cut
from basketball?

- Yeah.
- He was moping around the house.

Now he's back.

Jack is back!

I'm back.

Well, Raymond is bad news, okay?

And he has devious eyebrows.
I should know.

This is why I choose

my kids' friends.

If my mother only allowed me
to be friends

with people that she liked,
I would've never met Sha.

See, my mom always worried
because she didn't want

a stoop kid like me hanging out
with a corner kid like Sha.

Man, it's hot out here.

I'm thirsty.

Don't worry, bro.
I got money. I got you.

But Sha always had my back.

One of the best friendships
I've ever had in my entire life.

And I don't want to deny that to Jack.

Hey, Jack, have your
little friend come over.

- Yes! Thanks, Dad.
- Mm-hmm.

This is not how team parenting
works, Dre.

Oh, well.

If Raymond corrupts
my baby boy, it's on you.

I ain't scared of responsibility.

- You should be.
- All right?

I have five children, Bow,
and I'm still here!

Could've left, but I didn't.

Strong Black man.

So this is the 'gram...

Look at this.

It's just smut.

I like it.

How can I get it on my television?

That's all it takes, Raymond.
So you'll be here around 7:00?

I definitely want to check out
that snake.

- Raymond's coming over.
- Who?

Raymond Bautista,
the no-helmet skateboarder.

And I'm wearing this sack?

Oh, I see.

So you like a bad boy?

Well, let me tell you about bad boys.

Sure, he's exciting, dangerous,
a little buck wild.

But then you find out
maybe he's burned some cars,

or att*cked a grocer.

I'm making this sound amazing, aren't I?


Because it is.

But, sweetie, it's not worth it.

Trust me.

They leave you heartbroken.

I'm sorry, Grandma.

I think I got to learn the hard way.

All right.

Well, be sure you write
my number on your arm

so the cops will know who to call

when you fall off the back
of his motorcycle, okay?

All right.

He's just smooth.

You sent me an e-mail!

- I did!
- We planned it, you guys!

- We were going to be the cast of "Cats"!
- Oh, my God!

- You were supposed to be Rum Tum Tugger!
- I wasn't!

Yeah, and you were gonna be

- You know what the sad part is?
- What?

If he was a woman, we couldn't do this.

We'd all get fired!

Jack is gonna love this!

Who says he needs to learn how
to prank from Raymond Bautista?

Look at that, man.

Your son is learning practical jokery

from some kid on the street?

Okay, who... who said he was
a punk off the street?

Umm, his last name ends in a vowel,

so if he's not a dictator
or a shortstop,

that kid is trouble.

That's a dangerous age to be
hanging with the wrong crowd.

When I was 13, my friend convinced me

to experiment with cooked-up cocaine.

You did crack?

No, no, no. No, no. It was just, uh,

little rocks of cocaine
that we smoked out of a pipe.

So, crack.

No, it couldn't have been crack

because when I got caught with it,

they let me off with a warning

because they said it was my first time,

and I had a bright future ahead of me.

Yeah, system works.

Dre, if I have learned anything

from all the kids
that I've called the cops on,

it's that your son won't be
as fortunate.

Jack is not going to do crack.

All the same, you got to keep an eye out

on who your son hangs out with.

Yeah, Jack may be innocent,
but listen to the wrong person,

and he could be dragged down, too.

Like Eve with the serpent.

Exactly. Without Cheney,
Bush would just be

another draft-dodging
Ivy League alcoholic

like the rest of us instead
of a failed U.S. president.

Without jelly, peanut butter
is just a loveable nut spread

instead of a k*ller of children

that can no longer be scooped out

and given to kids by
Uncle Charlie on Halloween.

So I've been warned. Yeah.

Jack's friends make all the difference.

Haven't you ever had a friend
who led you down a bad road?

Oh! I just found a fast way
to get them drinks.

Are you about to steal a car?

No, you are.

I already had two drinks today.

You're not supposed to drink and drive.

Yeah, you right.

Whoop. About to get all the honeys!

Oh, Mama, I'm sorry!

Oh, my God.

Raymond's got to go.


- Bow!
- Hey, baby.

Oh, hey.

- Okay, I've been thinking.
- Oh, God.

Maybe we should control
who Jack hangs out with.

Do you know how many hours
I would get back

if you would just agree
with me right away?

Why would I do that?

I will let Jack know
Raymond cannot come over.

- All right.
- Raymond's here!

- Aww, damn it.
- Okay, no, no. No, no, no, it's cool.

You know, I'll talk to his mom,
I'll make up an excuse,

- and she'll take him home.
- Okay. Perfect.

- Boom!
- Boom.

- That's what we'll do.
- Hey, Raymond.

Hey, Raymond. Where's your mom?

- Where's your mama?
- Moms bounced.

What? She... She did a drop and leave?

She doesn't even know us!

Yeah, it's weird.

Guess you're stuck with me now.

Guess we are...


Oh [bleep]! A snake! Bow, it's a snake!

- Okay, it's a snake.
- Bow, it's a snake!

- It's a snake!
- It's a snake!!

It's a snake!

So it seems Jack brought home
a bad influence.

There was a snake in the t*nk,
and a snake at the table.

That's a lot of crickets.

I wanted to see how many it
would take to k*ll a snake.

I haven't found the number yet.

Who brings a bag of live crickets

into someone else's house?


Look up for me and tell me what you see.

A ceiling?

A ceiling, which means you're indoors.

And we don't bring pests-s-s


All right.

- You hear that tone?
- Yeah, I heard it.

You can tell he ain't got a daddy.

I put all of this on the mother.

Who drops their kid off
without checking on us first?

- We could have a g*n.
- We do.

We could have a pool
without a fence around it.

We don't.

But she don't know that.

It's gonna be a long night, babe.

We're gonna have to tag-team on this.


I made arrangements.

Jack! Look who's here!

Hi, Jack!

Hi, Mr. Johnson!

- Hey.
- Oh, before I forget,

my mom made you a new laminated
emergency contact sheet.

- Ooh!
- Her work e-mail has changed.

Also, on the back, updated allergies...

Brazil nuts are out, dairy is in.

So noted, Mason.

Why don't you go over there
and join the boys?

- Okay.
- All right. Nice to see you.

Hey. Check out Raymond's snake.

Oh, my mom says I'm not
allowed to see snakes

because of my night terrors.

You heard him, Jack! Cover up the snake!

Oh, God, I love Mason.

He's a natural-born wet blanket.

My baby.


Her cubs are in danger,
and mama bear reacts.


Still good at that game?

Hey! Where are you guys going?

To go in the living room
to play video games.

I'll allow that.

All night they're gonna
try to pull one over on us.


Luckily, I have nowhere else to be.


I got somewhere else you can be.

Involved in your son's life.

Oh, hey, Raymond!

Hey, Diane.

Hi, Diane.

I said hi to you at school, Mason.

So, Raymond, I saw that snake

in the family room,
and I thought it might be yours.

You taking it for a walk,

or is it for an epic Halloween prank?

I don't know.

Hmm. Well, don't get into
any trouble tonight...

but if you do, just... let me know.


Bye, Diane!

Jack, Emily Copeland just texted me.

The girls at her house want to Skype us.

- Oh, let's do it!
- Okay.

Hey! Who you guys talking to?

Hopefully not Raymond's connect.

- Dad!
- Hmm?

Can we talk?

I know Mom had Mason come over
because she hates Raymond.

But you were fine this morning,
and now you're all over him.

What did she say?

Hey, she didn't say anything.

Then what did the people at work say?

Hey, I've got my own mind, all right?

It's just I'm worried about you, son.

You know, I don't want
Raymond to make you do anything

that you can't take back.

I know I'm not the smartest one
in this family,

but I'm not stupid.

I've got my own mind, too.

I know, son, it's just...

I'm 13, not 9.

Don't you think that means you should

give me a little space
and... and trust me?


I trust you.


Yeah, take all that, man, hmm?

Why don't you take
the fellas to Starbucks

and get some, um, spooky cake pops?

- Thanks.
- All right.

Hey, Bow!

Let's get changed!

We're going trick-or-treating
with Devante!

That's some all-star parenting
there, Chief.

And all it took was constant hounding.

I liked you better when
you were living in your car.

So make sure if you're
gonna give him candy,

- get it X-rayed first.
- Uh-huh. Yeah.

And if you happen
to bump into Jafar, run!

Okay? Run as fast as you can!

Okay, can I just say
that I think it's good

you didn't go to college.

- What?
- Come on, let's go, babe.

No, hey, stop. Listen to me.

You make sure Jack lets us know
as soon as he gets back.

Babe, you're gonna have to ease
up off the gas, all right?

- Huh?
- Hey, Jack...

has earned his independence, okay?

It's time that you trust your kids.

Oh, let me get that.

Oh, hey, Principal Biggs.

My, uh... My wife is here.

When will you accept that
this is never going to happen?

Oh, Mr. Johnson.

It gives me no pleasure

to tell you that your son
vandalized my house.

- What?!
- Mm-hmm.

And grant me a wish and put on a shirt.

My goodness.

What the hell happened?!

How did you let Raymond

talk you into doing this
to Ms. Biggs house?!

Oh, no. This was all Jack.

Don't try to pin this on my son.

- I know my kid.
- I knew it.

You didn't like him from the beginning.

He is one of the only
Black students at the school.

I told Bow a dozen times
that you are a self-hater.

Malcolm would be ashamed.


Jack, I don't want to dump
the birdseed on her roof.

"I don't want to dump birdseed.

I don't want to send that meme."

I'm sick of carrying you.
This isn't even funny.

Not funny? Birds are going to
poop all over her house.


I'm out.

That don't prove nothing.

Fine! Run home to your mommy!

I'll take care of this myself.


Oh, my G...


If it wasn't my car, I'd laugh.

My goodness.

Hmm, I wonder what Malcolm would
say about my video doorbell.

Well, first off, he'd be
confused at the technology

- because he didn't...
- Okay!

What were you thinking?

I-I-I don't know.

"I don't know"?

Get your ass upstairs.

- Go upstairs!
- Go!

Go upstairs!


Mom and Dad will take you

next year, Devante.

Hey. No trick-or-treating?

No. You know, this is so unfair.

Devante is missing out
on a great experience.

I still remember how happy I was
on my first Halloween.

You know, me, Mom, Dad,
Zoey going house to house.

It was special.

Mm, just take him, then.

I could, but I really feel like
his first experience

should be with his parents.

Why can't they just step up?

Uh, Junior, look around.

This is a big family, right?

And everyone's
pretty well taken care of.

I guess.

You know, no one has seen
the dog in a while, so...

Our job is to help them
by picking up the slack,

not beating them up because we
think they should be doing more.

Except your mother.

She should be doing more.

You know she went
to the movies last week?

That's terrible.

I get it.

Thanks, Grandma.

Oh, sweetie.


Good night.

I didn't say I was going to bed.

My Halloween party
doesn't start till midnight.

Oh, yeah!

Kitty, kitty, where's the biddy?

Poor thing.

Hey! Do you have any idea
what you did tonight?

You could've k*lled yourself!

It's a miracle Ms. Biggs
agreed not to press charges.

You're lucky she's into me.

What... What were you thinking?

I-I-I-I just wanted to do something

everyone at school
would think was funny.

Okay, when did you start caring
about being the funny guy?


I have to be something.

I don't have basketball anymore.

At school, I'm literally a nobody now.

Ohh, Jack.


Son, I...

I thought we talked about this
basketball thing, remember?

You said Jack was back.

Is Jack not back?

Okay, sweetheart.

Jack, I know it's important
to have something.

But negative attention

and acting out, that's not it.


So you have some serious
punishment coming your way.

And you're gonna have to work
to pay off Ms. Biggs' car.

I'm sorry.

I know.

That was an interesting development.


Guess Jack is... capable of messing up

like every other kid.

I can't believe I was so blind.

- Babe, we both were.
- Eh...

I thought "fine" meant fine,

but maybe that's what I wanted to hear.

Hmm. We're gonna have to
keep an eye on him.

- We will.
- Hmm.

But that's tomorrow's us.

Thank God Halloween is over.


Don't worry, guys.
I'm here to pick up the slack.

Yeah, it was almost 10:00 p.m.,

but Junior found us
the perfect neighborhood

for Devante's first trick-or-treating.

- We're here.
- Trick or treat!

Trick or treat!

Oh, sweetie, the treat is...
Oh, my! Lots of candy.

- Look.
- Say thank you.

Here you go.

- Okay.
- All right.

Halloween is a time to try on
new costumes, new identities,

but even if some attempts go astray,

your family always has your back.

Well, hello!

What the hell, man?!
You ruined his first Halloween!

Now he's not gonna sleep,
Junior. That's great.

Thank you very much.

But... No, I'm the hero.

I saved Halloween!

I picked up the slack!

Mom goes to the movies!

Trick or treat!

Sho Nuff! Look what we got here.

Cowboy and a football player.

- I'm an astronaut.
- No, you're not!

Y'all want some peanut butter?
Here you go.

Mmm. You look like a crunchy man.

I got you.

Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat!

This ain't even my place.