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05x17 - Dead Drop

Posted: 11/02/21 08:09
by bunniefuu
Hey. You stay in the car.
I'll be back in a few minutes.

No. No. No. No. I don't...

I don't like being left alone
in cars, julio. Please.

You won't be by yourself.
The police will be here.

And you can't go with me.
There's a dead body up there.

I wanna see, though.

No, you don't. Yes, I do!

What's the rule?

Do you wanna hold on
to the ipad or not?


Yeah. Yeah, I heard a rumor.

About a little smoke
in the angeles forest,

And I assume you need
a fire truck or two,

But I've got
a serious problem here.

Yeah, a dead body up a tree.

A tree that you guys are
supposed to...

Hello? Hello?

I can't start until we get
a hook and ladder.

From the l.A. Fire department.

Yeah, if they'll stop
hanging up on me.

Excuse me, sir.

I was actually on my way
to meet with the lawyer.

Yeah. Right.

Did mark's grandparents agree
to let you babysit him?

More than that, sir.

They want me to be
his legal guardian.

We're sittin' down
with my attorney today,

If... if I can get away
for a moment.

Is this for sure a m*rder?
Don't know.

A jogger called in
a guy bleeding from up a tree.

Emt climbed up halfway up,

Determined him dead from...
Well, the smell.

Yeah, and kendall is unwilling
to begin his examination.

He's over 40 feet high.
You try getting up there.

I don't climb.

Okay, based on the color
of the guy's blood,

Claw marks on the tree
from coyotes,

The body's been here
all night long.

Maybe the guy climbed
the tree because...

I don't know why.
Could be he was on dr*gs.

Found this in the dirt
a few yards away.

Wow. That's a lot of loose pot.

Yeah, it looks like it broke off
from a bigger package.

There's a trail of buds
and plastic going down the hill,

And drag marks in the dirt
over two feet wide.

Maybe a bale?

Whoa. Quality stuff.

Sativa. Hydroponic.
That's highly cultivated.


Well, if detective cheech here
is right,

This could be
a massive drug deal gone wrong.

How'd he wind up a tree?

Morning, team. Sorry I'm late.

Dr. Morales?
What are you doing here?

You can stand down, kendall.

Everyone, I'd like
to introduce you.

To my father, eduardo morales.

He's a retired detective
with 30 years of experience.

In la policia de montevid.

And this is his very first visit
here from uruguay.

Hi. - Bienvenido, senor.

How are you enjoying
los angeles?

Nice weather.

Bad drivers.

Already sounds like a local.

Who doesn't speak a lot
of english.

Still, as you can see, he's very
excited to watch us work.

So, the question at hand
seems to be,

Is this...

A m*rder?

Dr. Morales, just...
Just one moment.

Eduardo, if you could
excuse us? Thank you.

One second.

What the hell are doing?

Sorry, lieutenant.

In explaining my job
to my father over the years,

I may have exaggerated
just how closely

I work with major crimes.

Exaggerated how?

How do you feel about
working for me this week?

Look, my father had five sons,

And I'm the only one that
didn't become a police officer.

All I want is to assist
in the case,

And for you to occasionally
make it...

Look like I'm in charge.


Um, our fearless leader,
dr. Morales,

Insists on climbing this tree.

To examine the body.

I do?

I couldn't talk him out of it.

And, buzz, make sure you record
this act of heroism,

Just in case it turns out badly.


Climbing the tree,
all part of a day's work.


Sir, do I have to watch this?

No, no, just catch up
with us later.

And good luck with mark.

Okay, we have a male victim,
250 pounds.

Large branch sticking through
his chest. Impaled.

I put his time of death at...

Exactly 11:29 p.M.

Exactly? How can you tell that?

His watch broke in the fall.

Wait. The fall? He fell?

Based on his injuries, weight,

And the damage to the tree,

Yes, and from high above, too.

Sykes, see if anyone
called 9-1-1.

a man who fell to earth.

I'll check air support.

For flight planes
over the park last night.

If the body fell from the sky,
maybe the pot did, too.


Air drops are common
for drug traffickers.

Hey, guys!
I think I need a hand down.

Sit tight, doctor!
The fire trucks will be here...

Any minute.


Yeah, flynn.
Yeah, look, I know you had plans.

This weekend,
but we caught a m*rder.

So you may have to reschedule

Well, everything.

Our victim is felix hanson.

Has an arrest record
of minor drug busts.

Served two years in prison.

For dealing marijuana
outside a high school.

Got out late 2015.

He seems to have upped his game.
He's wearing a rolex.

And just bought a maserati.

Well, is there any way
this could've been an accident?

I mean, the guy's
a known drug dealer.

Maybe he tried to drop
a bale of marijuana.

Out of a small plane
and slipped. Yeah?

But three
of the victim's knuckles.

Are broken on his left hand.

And these impact marks here.

Are from the heel
of a hard-soled shoe.

You can even see
a small brand logo.

As if someone was stomping
on his hand.

While he tried to hold on
for dear life.


Um, m*rder.

Captain raydor,
my father, eduardo morales.

Yes, eduardo.

Lieutenant provenza said that
you would be joining us.

We're very pleased to have you,
detective morales.

This I understand, fernando.
Gracias, capita?n.

So there's no other way this guy
could've hurt his hand?

We could ask his ex-wife, angie.

She divorced him
a year into his prison term.

And apparently there was.

A little domestic v*olence

Let's have patrol pick up angie.

And bring her in
for a late morning chat.

Maybe she can tell us
whether or not

Felix had friends
with flying experience.

Dr. Morales,
will you be joining us.

When you wrap up here,
as per usual?

Or does having your father
in town preclude that?

N-no. No. Duty first.

As always.

Great. And thank you, doctor.

Our victim's broken fingers
may be key.

To our making an arrest.

I played my part for years,

But now felix and I are
divorced, as in over.

So if he's in trouble again,
that is his problem.

Why would he be in trouble?
Because it's his natural state.

I mean, hope he's not expecting
me to save his ass. No way.

He solves his problems
on his own.

I mean, why should I risk being
top earner at the salon.

For felix?

Okay, that guy is nothing
but dead weight.

You know what? I don't care... She
doesn't know how right she is.

Or maybe she does. ...And he
drives a brand-new fancy car...

It is always the ex-wife.
Still a lying, no-good bum.

Hold on.

How do you know about
your ex-husband's new car?

Have you seen him recently?

He showed up at my place,
like, two weeks ago.

And he's all, "'sup, babe?"

And I'm like,
"don't 'babe' me, bitch.

You owe me, like, 15 grand."

And then he gives it to me
in cash.

15 grand. Well, did he say
where he got it from?

From his new "business partner,"
and things were "going good."

And he was "working something
on the side."

Well, he certainly branched out.

He wanted to get back together.

Can you believe that?

Did he say who
this new partner was?

Maybe a-a pilot? Someone
with flying experience?

I don't know his life.

Okay. But could his new
business venture have been...

Selling dr*gs?

I... Really...

Come on, angie.
It's not a big deal.

Did felix give you an ounce
or two of some really great pot?

Wouldn't that be illegal?

No. Illegal?

No. No.

Then yeah. He gave me some pot.

But you you guys can have it.
It is way too strong.

Half a puff, and I tried
mopping the floor with my cat.

Captain, why is your lieutenant.

Asking for exclusive access

Dr. Morales?

Chief davis,
dr. Morales is very busy.

Maybe we could take this

Chief, I would prefer it
if you called.

Before interrupting
an active m*rder investigation.

And I'd prefer if major crimes
followed proper protocols.

Dr. Morales is just helping...

I'm not talking about him.

Lieutenant tao asked
for immediate access.

To lapd's geofencing software,

And there are a lot of people
in line ahead of you.

Well, since this is a m*rder,
why don't we ask chief howard?

You are gonna have to think up
a new tactic pretty soon,

Because any day now,
that "let's ask chief howard".

Is just gonna be
a thing of the past.

Well, while we are still
in the present...

If major crimes insists on
special treatment,

Of course, you will get it.

I'll just tell everyone.

That they're gonna have to wait
until you're done.

Is that what you want me to do?

Yes, if you could. Thank you.

I don't know how you managed it,

But the geofencing software that
chief davis let us use.

Will save an amazing amount
of time.

Why? What does it do?

Well, it will help us
locate potential witnesses.

If you look at the map,

Through geofencing,
we can virtually cordon off.

The neighborhood
in which we found our victim.

And then examine every post
on social media platforms.

In this area
around the time of death.

Como facebook,
el instagram.

The twitter!

The twitter. I do not get it.

Also, I hate the snapchat.

Match found. Match found.

Match found. Match found... Wow, that's...
So much more than I thought it would be.

Well, there were a lot of people.

At griffith observatory
last night.

Watching a meteor shower.
Match found. Match found.

Looking at the stars,
taking pictures.

We are going to have to go
through every one of these posts.

One by one
to find a potential witness.

Match found. Match found...
Excuse me.

I-I have to make a phone call.

Match found. Match found...

Doctor, would you like to go?

And then we will report back
to you...

If we find a lead.

No. My physician's eye
could be crucial.

In sorting through
this mountain of information.

Thank you, because
somewhere in there is a witness.

Match found. Match found.
Match found. Match found.

Match found. Match found.

Match found. Match found.

Where have you been?
I've been calling you.

All right, look, never mind.
Just... just come with me.

God. Don't let anybody
see that bag!

Okay, I'm sorry.
I left my phone at work.

But you got plenty of time to
get to the airport, lieutenant.

What's the issue?
We caught a m*rder.

So cancel the trip,
cancel everything.

Okay. That's no problem.
Everything's insured.

But, um, can I just say that
this whole secret trip to napa.

That you wanted me to book
for you and mom, I-i...

I don't think it would've
gone over as well as you...

What? Why?
I can't do something nice?

You know, like, whisk her away
for a romantic surprise?

"Whisk?" well, can I ask?
Because maybe I missed this.

Since when did mom start
liking getting whisked?

Or getting surprised?

All right, okay. How about this?

Can you get us
dinner reservations.

For tomorrow night at serve?

At..At serve? Are you kidding?

Lieutenant, serve is usually
booked up two weeks in advance.

Why serve? Well, 'cause it's,

It's the place I took your mom
for our first real date.

And I-i know it's
a saturday night.

And it's gonna be crowded,

Um, maybe gus has
a connection? I...

That's great. Thank you!

That's a huge help, really.

I mean... Again.

Kid, just let me
know the time, okay?

It took all night to untangle,
but we may have found someone.

Who witnessed
our man who fell to earth.

Nowhere on social media
did we find a photo.

Of aircraft over the park.

But one instagram user posted
this picture at 7:30 p.M.

"tripod is set, heart is open

"to receive the shower
of stars from mother sky.

Griffith park. Meteorshower."



This photo shows our instagram
user, @mysticalsoulshine,

Was just a few yards
from where the body fell.

And she stayed in this position,

Waiting for the meteor shower,
posting until 11:22 p.M.

But after that, nothing,
no photos. No meteor shower.

@mysticalsoulshine goes silent.

Meaning she might have seen
the body fall.

Or the dr*gs, and, taken off.

But was she expecting the pot?
And who is she?

Yeah, people, does this
potential witness have a name?

According to
her user profile, doctor,

Her name is karina volsky.

No criminal record, but she has.

An online footprint
that spans years.

Yeah, first,
she had a myspace page.

As a singer/songwriter.

Then facebook accounts promoting
her as a yoga teacher,

A real estate agent.

She wrote an e-book
about breaking up.

With her girlfriend in 2015,
and since joining instagram,

She's taken up
nature photography.

Well, none of this is
good enough for a warrant.

We should pay karina a visit
and find out.

Why she left in such a hurry.

I should go with you. Why?

It's... Vital.

That I see her shoes.

Fernando,el gordo fell into
the tree.

La senora was on the ground.

That's a very keen observation,
detective morales,

But it wouldn't hurt
to rule the woman out.

So what really
happened yesterday?

Did mark's grandmother
change her mind?

She never even showed up, sir.
Said they got confused.

And must've written down
the wrong day.

Well, now we have to wait until
tomorrow for the meeting...

That's if she even remembers
to come.

It'll work out, I'm sure.

I count six air fresheners
in her vehicle.

And I can still smell pot.

Yes! The grass was in this car.

The grass?

Thank you, serpico. Mike?

Smells like probable cause
to me.

Just minute!

How can I help you?

Whoa. There's many of you.

Ma'am, we can smell vast
quantities of marijuana.

Coming from your house.

Are you a registered dispensary?

Mnh-mnh. No? Step aside, please.

Hey, wait.

Hey, I am photographer,
not dope dealer.

Clear! Clear!

Gosh, nobody breathe in.

I'm getting a contact high.


Found the pot.

There's at least 80 pounds here.

And plenty more in newly bought
baggies in the kitchen.

Those baggies are not mine.

They're covered
in chocolate fingerprints.

Check out your hands.

Yes, do give me a second.
I can explain you?

It's very important
for you to know.

We're not asking you
to explain anything.

But if you want to explain,

We are obviously willing
to listen.

Okay. First off,
I am not selling dr*gs.

I am giving them away.

With the purchase
of one of my photos,

You get free baggie of medicine.

I'm calling them pot sh*ts.

Is cute! Marketing.

Ma'am, I'm not asking you
where that pot came from.

I'm just pointing out that's
something you didn't explain.

That is the best part.

I was taking photos
in griffith park,

When all of a sudden... Foomp!

This gift fell from the sky,
saying, "take me. Use me."

So I dragged the pot to my car.

Was very heavy.

You didn't happen
to hear a scream,

Or the sound of a body
crashing against a tree?

No. I couldn't hear much
over sound of loud helicopter.

Helicopter. Got it.
We can stand down, team.

None of her shoes match
the marks on the...

What do you got there, julio?

A gps beacon, sir.

Used as a homing device for
whomever was picking up the pot.

That is what I was hearing
all night long.

This "beep, beep, beep!"
it's making me little paranoid.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what was
making you paranoid.

That beacon's still sending
a signal?

Seems to be. Doesn't look
like anyone's followed up on it.

Well, so far.

All right, we need to get
all this weed downtown.

But let's leave the beacon
here for now.

Exactly. Exactly.

Mike, why don't you keep
things rolling here.

While I, go call the captain?

With your permission, doctor.

Wes, why don't you stay here.

And help sis set up
around this house quietly?

And maybe whoever's tracking
this pot will come and get it.


That guy over there?

You... you see him, too, right?

Let's take a ride, karina.


The bale at karina's house.

Matches what we found
at the crime scene.

And, like the victim's
ex-wife said,

It's really,really strong.

Ma'am, we're giving
karina coffee to sober her up,

But she just keeps
getting higher.

Whoo-hoo! Yes!

Narcotics also said
this particular strain of pot.

Is hydroponic...
Like wes suggested...

Bred to enhance its thc level.

Street value?
About $3,200 a pound.

So our victim was flying around
with the equivalent of $300,000?

Yeah. That's a lot of money
to throw out of a helicopter.

But it's not the worst idea.

In my reserve officer training

They say if a small aircraft,

Like a helicopter,
leaves a local air strip.

And stays away from established
traffic patterns,

It doesn't have to file
a flight plan.

And if they turned their
transponders off and flew dark,

Radar couldn't track them.

Yeah, but it makes more sense
to make the drop.

Someplace further out
and more secluded, doesn't it?

Okay, so felix and his partner,
or whomever,

Were flying in a helicopter
on a drug run to...

Someplace pot is still illegal?

And his partner, or partners,
push felix overboard.

From their untrackable

Yeah, felix holds on
to its skids, falls,

And takes $300,000 worth of pot
with him.

But not before the k*ller
stomped on his hands,

Smashing his fingers.

Someone wants
this $300,000 worth of dr*gs.

Any word from wes?

No, ma'am, but there is
some good news.

According to the manufacturer,

The gps beacon we found
only sends out a live signal.

So even if it doesn't remember
where it's been,

If you're tracking
the beacon online,

You can find its location.

Yes, meaning somebody is going
to show up for all that pot.


On "badge of justice,".

You have someone
who makes props, correct?

"Badge of justice."
that's a good show.


You're "badge of justice"?
Yes. Yes.

Um, a consultant.
I also help with story.

Can't we go one day even?
I mean, one day!

Our propmaster, chris,
can make anything.

He may complain because of,
you know, lack of time.

Great, because someone.

Is tracking this bale of pot.

Now why not use the gps beacon.

To make it easier for them
to grab?

Amy, get wes.

Set up on our beacon
somewhere out of the way.

And see if anyone shows up.

And... and what kind of shoes
they're wearing.

Andy. Look how handsome.


You know, I thought since
we finally had a second,

I might take you out
to dinner tonight.

To get your mind off
of everything.

Tonight? Andy, we can't go
out to dinner tonight.

Amy and wes could call
at any moment with an update.

And if someone breaks into that
car we set up with the pot...

Whoa, whoa. We would interview
them tonight? I'm afraid so.

But we can make a plan
for dinner next week, okay?

I'm just gonna go
and change these clothes.

Be right back.


What's going on?

Whoa. Tonight? At serve?

You were gonna propose
to my mom?

Why not? It's romantic.
Yeah, well, it's crowded.

You really wanna propose to mom
in a room full of strangers?

Yeah? Well, what do you suggest?

Something private, intimate.

Definitely not in the middle
of a m*rder investigation.

Well, I can't wait
much longer, okay?

This ring is burning a hole
in my pocket.

Okay, okay, all right.
What... what if...

What if I helped you?

Gus and I, we can
put together something.

That would accomplish.

Everything that mom would want,

While preserving what you
find most important.

And what would that be?

We still have
the element of surprise.

Plus, the prop guy
from "badge of justice".

Made a marijuana bale so real,
we could sell it.

And, apparently, you'd know?

Okay, I was undercover for five
years with drug-dealing nazis.

So sometimes
they liked to party.

Sometimes I had to inhale.

you have a black cargo van.

Headed your way. Copy.

Arizona plates.

No wonder it took them
so long to get here.

They're closing in.

Here we go.

We've got one male.
White. Bearded.

At least 6-and-a-half feet tall.
Approaching the vehicle.

Unless we see them grab
the pot, we've got nothing.

Second male
approaching the vehicle.

African-american. Bald.
Also very tall. Holding a bag.

Second male has
a sledgehammer. Stand by.

I'll take sledgehammer if you take mr.
Beard. Okay.

Yeah, that's it.
Go, go, go, go, go.

Step away from the car! Now!
Get down! On your knees!

Crossfire! Crossfire!

Excuse me for interrupting,

I heard you made an arrest.

Yes. Chief, please come in.
I'm glad you're here.

You can see how your help
earlier paid off. Welcome.

Tracking a gps
beacon on an ipad.

The same gps beacon...

That was found.

In a bale of marijuana.

That is tied to our victim.

And we found a bag of weapons
in your client's van...

A lead pipe, a knife,
a rope, shotgun.

And unless we interrupted
a real-life game of clue,

I think that professor plum
and colonel mustard here.

Should explain themselves.

None of those items are illegal.

My clients are from arizona,

And that's where they were two
nights ago when the victim died.

They only entered l.A.
Hours before their arrest.

Where do you get off
accusing them of homicide?

You know, I agree.

That's why there will be.

No charge of m*rder
or any other crime.

What? What does she mean? In
fact, the state of california.

Will look the other way
for these two gentlemen...

If they're willing to cooperate.

She can't do that. There...
There is no way.

These two guys can be let back
loose on the streets of l.A.

Hold on, chief davis. Hold on.

We're doing our job here.
Just convicting these two guys.

Of vandalism doesn't get us anywhere. If
my clients cooperate with the police,

They will be able
to walk out of here.

And return to arizona scot-free?

I will hold the door open

Okay. The chopper comes out
near lake havasu,

In the desert, about 2:00 a.M.

They drop... Some packages,

And we use the gps
to pick 'em up.

So what happened two nights ago?

We delivered...

Our two... Packages.

To the...

Guy who pays us,

And... and he said
we were one short.

At first, we were afraid.

That he was accusing us
of stealing from him.

But, turns out, he could see
the other... Package.

On the gps tracker,
still in l.A.

So he sent us to pick it up.

And... Who's your boss?

I don't think that's german.

Germane. Wait. What?

It's germane, not german.

Are you sure about that?

German is a language.

Germane... okay, excuse me, sir.

Mr. Jennings, please inform
your clients that.

They have to cough up something
that we don't already know,

Or they go to jail.

Tell us who sells you
all this pot,now.Come on!

The gardener.

That's the name
of our boss' supplier.

I'll check the moniker database.

Does mr. Gardener
have a last name.

Or any other means of contact?

Nothing's coming up. Fantastic.

Because I need more. Think!

Some of us have places
to be tomorrow!

You wanna go home or not?

Fine! 818-555-0172.

That's the number our bosses
call for a re-up.

818. That... that's
in the valley.

Very astute, doctor.

Well, it looks like
the number matches up.

To an old listing of
a landscape design business.

Out of topanga.

I see an address
on paradise lane.

Landscape design.

The gardener. Okay, buzz.

Great. So now we just
let them go?

This is an outrage, captain,

Is it? Lieutenant, we
have what we need.

Well, gentlemen,

We have confirmed
your statement.

And the state of california
thanks you for you cooperation.

The federal government,
on the other hand,

Might have a few more questions.
What the hell?!

You lied to us!


This was highly misleading.

So now they go to the dea?

Interstate drug trafficking is
their jurisdiction, not ours.

And we will raid the gardener's
property in topanga tonight.

Tonight? Yes.

Right now? You're gonna need
air support. Swat. Drug dogs.

All of it, overtime.

Right. I forgot.

Cost doesn't matter
to major crimes.

You'll get everything you want
in one order.

Now I suppose you're aware
that the rest of the department,

We don't work like that.

Adios, senora.

If only. Andy, get a warrant.

Buzz, you're gonna need
your camera.

Doctor, you're gonna
sit this one out.

But... I...
g*ns, dogs, and helicopters.

We hate it when you risk
your life.

I-I don't mind. In fact, I...

Make sure they bring back
everyone's shoes.

Yes, shoes.
We can't forget the shoes.

And we're going to need
a m*rder*r, too,

Or we are gonna have even bigger
problems ahead of us.

Hey, mark.

When your grandmother gets here,

I want you to treat her
with kindness and respect.

Why? She left me
by myself... for days.

And you can't let her
take me back with her!

No, no, no, no, no.

Listen, your grandmother
is your familia.

And just because somebody
in your family.

Does the wrong thing,
that doesn't mean.

That you do
the wrong thing, too.

Your grandmother's old.
She's afraid.

And you have to forgive her.

Why? You don't forgive people.

You arrest them.

I do. I do.

But the criminals that I arrest?

They're the people that never
learned how to forgive.

Is that the kind of person
you want to be?

Hey, rusty.

Julio. What's up?

Can you watch mark for me
until his grandmother gets here?

I'm... I'm supposed
to take notes for hobbs.

During this interview, so...

I asked you very nicely.

Okay. Well, yes,

I-I will then...
I will watch him for you.

Thank you.

So... Is it on?

Yeah, it's on.
Just, give me a call.

As you're wrapping things up

Cinderella's slipper
was less trouble that this.

41 pairs of shoes
from the gardener and his staff.

Not of them matched up
to the victim's fingers.

Also, none of his workers have.

Flight certification
or training, ma'am.

Well, the gardener may not have
been flying the helicopter,

But he knows who was.

And he still could've
had felix k*lled.

I am an agricultural

And in the state of california,

I have the right to cultivate.

And grow my own strain
of product.

That's true. That's very true
for eight plants...

Not 8,000.

It is still illegal to load
those plants into a helicopter.

And then drop them
in the arizona desert.

Helicopter? I know nothing
about helicopters.

Or arizona, for that matter.

Sir, on your property,
we found gps beacons.

Used to track down bales of pot.

And two guys from arizona
named you as their supplier.

We don't care about
the drug running.

We only care about felix hanson.

Felix. Good luck finding felix.

We have.

On top of a 40-foot tree.


Felix is...

Is dead?

That's what can happen.

If you're thrown out
of a flying helicopter.

No, no, that's not right.

You found out felix was
breaking off on his own,

Selling your product
on the side,

And you had him k*lled.

No. I never told them
to do that!

Told who?

Felix's friends.

The ones with...

With the helicopter.

They came to me saying.

That felix was skimming
off the top during delivery.

Dealing for himself.

So I told them, if they wanted
to keep flying for me,

They needed to dump felix.

Not... Not dump him
while they were flying.

That never occurred to me.

They... they really

I am not a violent drug lord.
I am a botanist!

All I ever paid them for.

Was delivery
and the cost of fuel.

Cost of fuel.

Isn't the fuel used
flying a helicopter.

Configured by pound?

Who did you pay... I wonder.

To deliver your product
to arizona?

We need names
not to charge you with m*rder.

The flight brothers.

That's the name
of their helicopter tour.

In their day job,

They fly tourists around
the city of l.A.

I don't know. I'll bet
when you were younger...

Here they are. Flight bros.
Tours and escapes.

Based out of van nuys.

Okay, search warrants
on their offices and homes.

And fuel records.

And fingerprints
from the helicopter.

And shoes!

And shoes.

Yes, let's make
sure we have their shoes.

This is your helicopter,

Our helicopter.

Danny. Why don't you let me
do the talking?

He flies it. I run the business.

So why are we here?
And why do you want our shoes?

Because we need to examine them.
Excuse me.

I'll make this very easy.

We found your friend felix.


Who's felix?

These geniuses are licensed
to fly an aircraft.

Felix. Your old classmate
from high school.

You have several
mutual friends on facebook.

Two nights ago,
you both took felix.

On a helicopter ride,
and there was... An accident.

An accident that ended.

With felix up a tree
in griffith park.

We found his fingerprints
in your helicopter,

Which you use
to deliver pot to arizona.

For a man who goes by the name
of the gardener.

The gardener? Danny, shut up.

The gardener? I'm sorry,
we don't know any gardeners.

It's a match! The shoe fits!

That one, the...
The one that's talking,

He stomped his foot
on the victim's hand...

Easy, quincy. Easy. We still
have a lot of stuff to do.

I'm working on it. I'm sorry. I just
get very invested in these cases.

Each one's special.

Like it's always the first time.

Give you a proposition
to make money.

Delivering pot.
Which is practically legal.

I mean, this is
california, right?

Look, we get it.

You went on a trip to arizona,
you had an accident.

You're obviously not criminals,
just some guys.

Who got caught up
with a dangerous drug lord.

Are we wrong?

No. No, no, no.

It was like you said.
It was an accident.

It's always nice
when dirtbags take the bait.

Julio, she's here,
and your attorney.

Good luck.

We ran into some turbulence,

Some pretty bad turbulence
'cause we were flying so low.

And good luck to you, too,
I guess.

I tried to close it, but it was
just... it was too heavy.

So felix comes over,
thinking he can help.

Yeah, and... and...
And I was trying.

To keep us steady,
but it was windy...

Yeah. Yeah, super windy.

And felix just...
I mean, he fell out.

It was horrible.
What about the pot?

Well, um...

A-as he was falling,
felix grabbed onto a skid.

Yeah. But h-he was so heavy.

That felix made
the whole helicopter shake.

Yeah. And while we
were trying to land...

Well, a giant bale of pot
just... It flew right out.

I'm lucky it didn't take me
with it.

Yeah, and felix,
h-he couldn't hold on.

You know... He had a bit
of a weight problem.

We're lucky he didn't take
the whole helicopter with him.

And us in it! Us!

You are very lucky, both of you.

Now if you could just write
all this down?

By signing here,
you grant temporary guardianship.

Of mark jarvis to julio sanchez.

Until an official transfer
can be performed.

By the probate court next week.

I'm so sorry, mark.

We tried to take care of you.

If... if we were only
a few years younger, i...

It's okay, grandma.
Don't be sorry.

You're my...

You're my familia.

And I love you.

And we'll see you all the time.

Thank you for being so thorough.

Now we just have.

A few more points
we need to discuss.

Points? Ready, doctor?

What? Like, what points?

Of course...

Going in for the k*ll.

Be right back.
Just part of the job.

Why should there be questions?

We've already
written it all down.

Have you written
everything down?

Or did a couple of details
just slip your mind?

Hey. What's going on here?

Gentleman, we can confirm
that your friend did.

Grab on to the skid
of your helicopter.

But he didn't hang on
for very long. Doctor?

This is a picture
of the victim's left hand.

Please note the marks on
the second and third knuckles.

Antemortem bruising caused
by significant fractures.

In the proximal phalanges.

The what? Broken! Fingers!

Now, pay close attention
to these marks here.

Several curved lines
signifying a hard edge...

He's really
letting then have it.

Yeah. You know,
your son, eduardo,

Is always tough
in these situations.

Insignia for
a well-known brand of shoe.

This shoe...

A size 10, rubber-sole,
treaded-heel boot.

Belonging to you,
mr. Alex wilson.

Your friend felix held on
for dear life,

All 250 pounds of him,

Flapping in the air
as you stamped.

This boot on his fingers,
over and over.

Until they broke and he fell
to... His... Death.


How could you?

Sorry, danny.

Your brother didn't
k*ll felix alone.

As you know, a major part.

In flying a helicopter
to arizona and back.

Is the precise measurement
of fuel.

And the amount of gas needed
is based on weight.

The heavier the freight,
the more fuel.

And calculating the right amount
of gas can get complicated.

Luckily, there's an app
for that.

Danny, this app on your ipad.

Saves the history of all
your fuel calculations.

Now a few nights ago,
you did the math.

For two legs of a trip
from van nuys to lake havasu...

One calculation
for the way there...

And another for the way back,
and it weighed much less.

By about 550 pounds.

That's 100 pounds each
for three bales of pot.

And 250 pounds for felix, who
you intended to leave behind.

This m*rder was premeditated
by both of you.

That sound you just heard?

Was the dropping
of the other shoe.

Well, now we have intent
and first degree m*rder.

That is my son.

That is my son.

I just wanted to say thanks.

For letting me observe
your investigation.

It meant a lot to fernando,
but also to me.

Well, it seems that your english
suddenly got a lot better.

Yeah. Sometimes it's better.

To let your children
underestimate you a little.

Well, I hope that, um,

We didn't say anything
that offended you.

Just the opposite.

Honestly, fernando's always

A bit different.

My other boys,
they were very tough.


I worried about fernando,

Especially moving
to this country.

Would he be successful?
Would he be safe?

Would he have friends?

Eduardo, your son has
many friends.

And very good ones, too.

In fact, they would have to be
the very best of friends.

To lie for him,
pretending he was...

Even a little bit in charge.

Well, we didn't lie. I mean...

Captain, please.

I was a pretty good detective


This wasn't a difficult mystery
to solve.

Just don't tell him that I know.

I understand you don't like
surprises, but...

Surprises? What...

Ignore me. I'm,
just on my way out.

Rusty, what is all this?


This is all andy flynn.

Good luck.

Well, since we couldn't
go out to dinner...

The other night,

I thought that I would
bring dinner to you.

It's from serve.


Andy, where we had
our first date.

That is so thoughtful.

Um... I've been doing
a lot of thinking lately.


About... About you.

About me. And...

And how living together