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03x03 - First Times

Posted: 11/01/21 07:15
by bunniefuu


What is going on?
Darling, everything's OK.

You just need to tell me
what floor Professor Heysen's on.

3B. She's downstairs.



You r*ped and m*rder*d me.

I sent an innocent man to prison.
I'm going to reopen your case.


Oh, f*ck.

You've been in the wars.
Nah, just the one.

You've been returned to us,

which means that we have
a chance to save you.

There's some people around here
might want to hurt you.

If you come with me, you'll be safe.

I'm here to take you back
to your friends.


(GASPS) Owen's been shot!

Go to the lake house
and I'm going to meet you there.


Everyone who came back
has to die. Go on.

PHIL: This is wrong.

Who are you to tell me
what I can or can't do?


Got the tickets?
Right here.

Right, listen, this has
my number programmed into it.

When you find somewhere to stay,
give me a call, OK?

Yes, Mum. Yeah.

Just because
the boundary's disappeared

doesn't mean you'll be safe
in Melbourne.

Never been safe for me here, has it?

There might be others around,
like Phil and Sarah.

Why do they keep coming for us?

Oh, will you two nannas
stop worrying? It's done and dusted.

Hey, Charlie, can you pop the bags
on the bus, please?

Don't you hog the window seat.

Listen, I...I've written up
my statement,

about how Pete got me
to plant that T-shirt.

I'm going to send it to Homicide,
ask them to reopen the case,

try and get Kevin Brunner

What's the point?

I want to make it right.
It's too late. Damage has been done.



OK, last thing -

this should be enough for a place
to stay and some food, alright?

Promise me you'll call me
when you get there.

Dress warm.

Always carry an umbrella, alright?

See you.

What's it like in the city?
Don't know.

Got myself m*rder*d
before I could find out.

There's 1,000 bucks here.
That's enough for a year.

Don't be stupid.
It's, like, two months, tops.

I thought you told Chris
we'd be two days.

No matter what, I am never
coming back to this sh*thole.



I'm not going to miss
the freaks of Yoorana,

I can tell you that much for free.

How do they build them so high?

Trust me, it is going
to look even better

from our five-star penthouse.

Look, I don't have any ID.
Sorry, can't help you.

Maybe we should go.
Where? We've tried everywhere else.

Can't you just take the cash?
Alright, $150.

You've got to be kidding.
That's double.

Two nights. Thank you very much.

Enjoy your stay.

For 150 bucks, it better have
its own f*cking spa.

MAN: I told you,
I didn't f*cking take it!

WOMAN: f*ck you!
I didn't take it!


This isn't the penthouse, is it?

I had it so planned out back then,
you know?

Move to the city, get a job
as a waitress or in some bar,

go out every night
and have a f*cking life, finally.

So, is that what
you're going to do now?

Yeah. What's stopping me?

I'll be in the, um, en suite.




I love you, Kirstie.

You don't have to say that,
you know.

I'm still going to sleep with you.

Alright, virgin to virgin,
do you want to do it?

Did you really mean it?

About never going back to Yoorana?

Course I did.

What will I do in the city?

You could be a cop or a bus driver.

You wait.

We're going to take this place
by storm.


MAN: (ON PHONE) Hello?
Where's Heysen?

I can pass on anything
you have to report.

William Blackburn put up a fight.
He's not just some civilian.

Someone else is helping him,
so who else might that be?

The local cop, Sergeant James Hayes,
he might know something.


We found something.

We're going in here.

MAN: Ready, Charlie?

Nah, nothing here I like. Let's go.

Come on, come on, come on!

Run! Come on!

Wait! Why are we running?

Ta-da! Five-finger discount.

You stole it?
It was overpriced anyway.

You've got to take it back.

No way! I'm wearing it
to Blade tonight.

I don't think I want to go.

Oh, shut up. You're going,
and you're going to love it.


f*ck! What the f*ck?!
What are you doing here?

Phil! It's my house.
You're meant to be at work.

Are you f*cking paranoid?!

I took an early mark, alright?

Someone's coming for me, hmm?
Could be you.

You're not making any sense, Phil.
You know that?

You owe people money.

Is that why you're lying low?
I did the wrong thing.

You're only human, mate.

I broke the rules.
What rules?

What are you talking about?

Listen, mate,
I think you better go home.

I can't.

Well, Kath'll take you back.
She always does.

They could be at Kath's right now.


CHARLIE: Is this Blade?
I cannot believe I am actually here.

Bit of a dump.

I f*cking love this song!

# You spin me right round, baby

# Right round like a record, baby

# Right round, round, round

# You spin me right round, baby

# Right round like a record, baby
Right round, round, round... #

Stop it. Hey.

What's the problem?

People are watching.
It could be...dangerous.

MAN: Alright, my lovelies!

Tonight, we're going
all the way back to the '80s...

Some of us never left!

..the time of big hair,
big shoulder pads and great dr*gs.

Are you ready?


Alright, question one -

which song earned Madonna
a number-one single in 1989

in both the USA and the UK?

Crazy For You!

Second question.

Charlie, wait!

It's not far now.

Hello, fellas.

Good one, Charlie.

It's him. He lured me here.

f*cking nancy.




Bonus question. Are you ready?
As I'll ever be.

I'd say cast your mind back
to the '80s,

but looking at you, sweetheart,

you've done less miles
than my G-string.

You'd be surprised.

Finish the words
to this famous '80s song.

"You in that dress

"My thoughts, I confess,
verge on dirty."

# Come on, Eileen
I swear what he means

# At this moment

# You mean everything. #

Alright! Kirstie, trivia superstar!
You've won the bonus prize.


Don't put it all in your mouth
at the one time, OK, sweetheart?

Did you see that?
Hey, can we go?

I have never won anything in my life.
I want to leave. Now.

No way! Go find a boy to pash.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

OK. Shit! Wait up.

I could have my own bar!
'80s night every night of the week.

They'll be lining up!

New car, big house.

I'm starving.
Are you f*cking starving?

Maybe we could sell this.

What is this place?

Family Planning?

What does that do?
Solves a problem, that's what.


MAN: G'day.


Oh, God! It's so hot.

It stinks.

What do you, um,
want me to do with your meat?

Oh, shit.




Um, excuse me...

Oh. It's not my birthday, is it?

I'm sorry?

You're in my room, handsome.
No, this is my room.

I've paid. Are you OK?

I might need some help
finding my abode.

I'll help you.

Alright, let me show you. This one.

My home studio. What do you think?
It's lovely.

You're a man.

Well, not most people's idea of one.

Can you do me a favour?

I'm clearly drunk as a skunk.

Can you, um, take these off for me?


Don't rip them.
They're my last pair.

You just, um, undo the snap there.
I know.

I'm Raf, by the way.

Charles Thompson...

..but everyone calls me Charlie.

Charlie Thompson.

Where have you come from?


(LAUGHS) Course you have.

I...I should...

I should go.

Bloody hell. You look like an angel.
Did you know that?

That's the last thing I am.


The meat smell
was making me feel sick.

Are you alright?

I'm f*cking pregnant.


How do you think?

No, but we died.

And you haven't...since we...?
Have you?

As if!

I must have been pregnant before.

So, that means it's Kev's, yeah?

Of course it's Kev's!

Hey. Hold up.
I just want to talk to you.

What did I ever do to you, huh?
f*ck off, Pete Rennox, you prick!

You keep saying shit like that
about me in this town,

people might believe it.

Where do you think
you're going? Huh?

Get off me!

Get away!



Get out of here
or I'll f*cking k*ll you.

Put it down.
No way!


(SOFTLY) Shit.

I'm not going to hurt you.
You k*lled Paddy.

It was Sarah Hayes.

She's not here now.
How? Did you k*ll her too?

She was already dead.

I'm back. I want to protect you all.

From what?


Who are you calling?

James? Yeah, this is Beau.

Phil's at my house threatening me.
Come as fast as you can.

He's coming for you.

Stay back!

I mean it.

f*ck off!


Don't worry, boys.
You're not busted.

What do you want?
What I said - to protect you all.

We don't need your protection.
But you're going to need it.


You got the day off school,
have you?

I didn't feel like it.

You going to feel
like going tomorrow?

What's the point of school

when there's people out here
getting shot

and turning into ash and shit?

You miss him, don't you?

He'd never f*cking shut up.

I'm sorry, Beau.

You've had a rough trot.

I saw you, you know...

..doing some weird stuff
with that policeman.

I needed to find out some things
so I could do my job.

Anyway, I'm not doing that anymore.
How come?

'Cause none of that stuff
feels important to me right now,

and I want more from my life.

Like what?
You. Your Mum. Kylie.

My family.

Phil's at my house threatening me.

Come as fast as you can.

The lava flow
is the third natural disaster

to hit the continent this week,

with devastation still visible
after Hurricane Celia.

Come on. We need to go.
It's getting worse. Fast.

Phil's still alive. He's in Yoorana.

(ON TV) Ash clouds from the volcano

are disrupting air travel...
We need him.

..and satellite communication.

I'm going to call Phil
and get him to meet us... Ow!

G'day. How's it going?
Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm looking
for a Sergeant Hayes.

Oh, he's on leave,
but I'm the duty officer.

Right. I'm looking for
some missing people.

And your name is...?
Paul Reid.

I'm a private investigator.

Sorry, who did you say sent you?

I'm looking for some locals -

Kirstie Darrow, Charlie Thompson,
Kate Willis.

And someone hired you
to find these people?

A concerned party.
I'm going to need a name.

If you know where they are,

I can put my employer's mind
at ease.

Sure, but I'm going to need
a full statement from you.

My mistake.

Sorry to have wasted your time.


(ON PHONE) Kirstie?

Are you guys alright?


Where are you?


Um, City Vista Motel.


Look, I think it's started again.

Someone's come looking.


Can you hear me?

You're going to have to come home.

Sorry, Chris, bad line.
I can't hear you.



Don't go anywhere.
Don't open the door to anyone, OK?

No, you need to see my family
and tell them what you told us.

No, you can't leave, right?
You have to stay here.

There's a guy with a mangled ear
looking for you,

and if you see him, run.

Yeah, but if you just
talk to them...

No, no-one can know
that you're here, OK?

It's a matter of life and death.
Do you understand?

Don't let her out of your sight, OK?

I'll be back soon.
I'm going to the city.

So, where are these friends
of yours supposed to stay?

The couch folds out
and there's a spare set of sheets

in the cupboard in the hallway.

I won't be long.

Oi, stop!

What wrong?
You're going to hurt yourself.

Couple of geniuses I'm left with!

It's pasta night.

I hope one of you knows how to cook.

Thanks, but we're not staying.


Wait. Where are we going?

They tie you up.
They were just scared.

Maybe if I explain it to them
like Chris did, then they'll see.

Do you want to come?

OK. Thanks.

I got something called
a breakfast burrito and two coffees.

How much did you spend?

Shit, Charlie!

I bought this too.

Kirstie Darrow...will you marry me?

What the f*ck are you talking about?!

I'm trying to help.

How's that supposed to help?

This is what I can do.

Raise the baby with you.

Get up.

I mean it. Get the f*ck up.

We'll go back to Yoorana.
I'll find a place to live.

I'll get a job.

That's not going to happen.
Why not?

'Cause I don't want the baby.
I don't want it.

You won't be alone.
I'll be with you.

I'm having an abortion!
I'm not keeping it.

No, you can't do that.
That's dangerous. You could die.

Jesus, Charlie. Times have changed.

You probably just take a pill now
or something.

It's still an innocent life.

I don't even know
who the father is, OK?

That doesn't matter.
It matters to me!

The baby's done nothing wrong.
You can't k*ll it.

You don't get it!

We've had a second chance at life,
and you want to be a m*rder*r,

after all we've been through.

I just want it to be over.

Why can't it just be f*cking over?

You're being selfish.

This is a life growing inside you.
You can't take that away.

You f*cking hypocrite.

You shot yourself in the head,


CHRIS: (ON PHONE) Charlie, listen.

I'm coming to get you.
Not now, Chris.

Watch it!

Shit! Oh, sorry.

Fight with your girlfriend?

She's...she's not my girlfriend.

You're bleeding.

Wait here, bubba.

What the hell are you doing here?

Beau, can you put Kylie down for me,
please? Give us a sec.


Kath, I'm really sorry...
I don't want to hear it.

I don't want to hear any of it!
I don't blame you for being mad.

Oh, well, that's a relief.

Look, I just...I just want
to explain.

Yeah? And you're going to explain

what you were doing at Noregard
with that woman?

I was on a job.

A job?
Yeah, just personal security.

I wanted to make some cash
to pay you back for everything.

(CHUCKLES) This all smells
like bullshit to me.

Now, look, I know
I've been a shit husband.

OK, I get it.

You heard about the money
from the Fitzgeralds, didn't you?


And now you think
you're going to get a free ride.

What money? No.
I don't care about any money.

Get out of my house.


Well, what happened?
I don't know. He bought me lunch.

He...he cleaned up.
He even cleaned the bathroom.


I thought I told you to leave.
Just fixing the door.

I asked you to fix that months ago.
What's the rush all of a sudden?

Look, one thing I learned -

none of this is going
to last forever,

so I'd better go after
what I want while I can.

And what is it that you want, Phil?
You, OK? Our family.

Although I know I don't deserve you.
I know that.

Just...whatever you need, tell me.

I'm not going anywhere.

You should really see
a proper doctor.

I'm alright.

So, are you going to tell me
what happened?

Hmm, mysterious.


You're going to have
a sexy scar there, I reckon.

Those fairies sure seem to like you.

They're disgusting.

Next time...

..get your hands dirty.

I'm sorry.

What for?

I don't want to hurt you.

Were...were you planning on it?

I hurt people.

Yeah, well, we've all done that.

No, I mean...

I mean punching, kicking.

Really hurting.

People like you.

Like me.

Well, why did you do it?

I was scared.
I didn't want it to be me.

I was...I was afraid...

..and I was a coward.

I should...I should go find Kirstie.


I know it might be hard
to believe...

..but I grew up in a small town too.

I know what it feels like
to be f*cking afraid... have to hide.

Hi. I want to see a doctor
about an abortion.

Um, we have an appointment free
next week.

No. Next week -
I can't wait that long.

Is it an emergency?

What kind?

What kind of emergency?

I don't know.
I just want an abortion today.

Oh, we're fully booked today.

Yeah, but you just said
if it was an emergency...

I'll just need your Medicare card.
I don't have a Medicare card.

You can have a procedure without it.

You just need to pay the full price
out of pocket.

OK. How much?
It's $580.

I have $364.50.

So, what do I do?
The procedure costs $580.

Right, I heard you the first time!

Can I make you an appointment
for next week?


I'm afraid I'm going to have
to ask you to leave.

No, no, no, it's alright. Let me see
if we can sort something out.

I'm the counsellor here.

Let me start by saying

you don't have to tell me anything
you don't want to.

Great. Can we just
get on with it, then?

But it would help me to know
you're making an informed decision.

I'm pregnant. I don't want to be.

How much more informed
do I need to be?

Your date of birth, for the file?

13 May. I'm 19.

Are you currently in a relationship?


Were you in a relationship
when you conceived?


But not with...

f*ck, I don't know.

Do you know who the father is?

Does it matter?
Usually, it does.

Does the father know
you're pregnant?

No f*cking way that I am telling
that arsehole anything.

Kirstie, if there's been abuse
of any sort...

That is none of your business.

..the pregnancy
could be used as evidence.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to sound cruel.

I'm just saying...
I thought that k*lling it was bad,

and you want to, what,
put it in an evidence bag?

We don't have to tell the police
if you don't want to.


They already know.

And I don't want to talk to them.

Did this man hurt you, Kirstie?

I wasn't the only one.
Who else?

He did it to my best friend first.
Did what, exactly?

I tried to stop him,
but then he got to me too,

and the whole town
worshipped him anyway.

He did an awful thing,
a criminal thing.

You say the police got to him?

I did, in the end.

I...made him look me
in the f*cking eye

and see that I'm still here.

And how did that make you feel?

Did that help?
I thought it would.

But it didn't.

He's forgotten.

But I can't, you know.

I just can't because
it's inside of me and I just...

Sometimes, I just want
to burn my skin off.

He r*ped me
and this baby could be his.

So, how am I supposed
to ever love it?

I would rather k*ll it
than try and love it.

You know, people live
with terrible damage.

He took my whole life away from me,
just like that, like I was nothing,

like I didn't matter at all.

But you're here now. You survived.

And what you do next
is entirely up to you.

Charlie, Kirstie, it''s Chris.


Charlie! Is Kirstie here?

Who's he?
Raf. He's a friend.

There's, um...

There's someone looking for you.
Could be others.

What's going on? Are you in trouble?

Is Kirstie with you?
She left. We had a fight.

Well, we've got to find her.

There's this. She could be here.

Or she might have gone back
to Blade.

What the hell's Blade?
It's a bar that she likes.

OK. You go to the bar.
I'll check this place out.

We'll meet back here, OK?

I'll tell them that
you rescued me from the fire

and that I'm not
some horrible demon.

I'm still me - Belle.
No time. Gates of hell close soon.

If spirit not set free,
we trapped here.

No, Judith will listen to me.
I know she will.

Mum! Dad!

What did you do that for?
We missed them.

Where you going?
To find Judith.


This is our old school here.

All the kids from our church,
all my...friends, they've all gone.

This is where I used to sit.

Me and Phoebe used
to sit together here,

but we talked too much,
so we got separated.


Then I woke up
and they just weren't there.


Hey, wait! Where are you going?

Wife. Son. I bring to Yoorana.

That was such a long time ago.

Maybe they come back, like us.

We would have seen them
at the cemetery.

I not look then. We look now.

LUKE: Belle!

Oh, no! It's Luke.


What happened there?

Um, Professor Heysen -
she was running some tests on me.

On you? What for?

She thought something special
happened to me on the oil rig.

Well, did it?

Yes, but not in the way she thought.

OK, that's as clear as mud.

I figured out my purpose,
and it's this family.


I'll go get her.
No, no, you stay.

Oh, oh, oh! Here, look.
Do you want? Shh. There. Shhh.

I can take her.

Are you sure? She's done a big shit.
Yeah, I can handle it.


Oh, we need more wipes.
There we go.

(SNIFFS) Oh, someone had a big lunch!

Aw, it's alright, it's alright. Yeah.

There we go.

There we go.

Yeah. Yeah, that's better, isn't it?

That's better.

That's better.

Are you checking up on me?
Just wanted to witness the miracle.

She's the miracle.

She's perfect.

You're just noticing that now?

She's got your smile.
Nah, I've got teeth.

You were smiling at me

when we first met at that party
at Cam's house.

No, I wasn't smiling at you.

I was laughing at you
because you were such a shit dancer.

I was just trying to impress you.

Well, it didn't work.
Didn't it?

I'm going to teach you to dance
just like your dad.

Yeah. So, don't you worry.

So, is that cop the father or what?

Chris? No!

No, he's just helping us out.

I'm not stupid.

That's a b*llet wound
in your shoulder.

What the f*ck is going on?

I don't want to get you involved
in any of this.

It's a bit late.

Help! You've got to help me!
It's my father.

I think he's just had a heart attack.
He's in the van.

I know CPR, but...
Thank God.

Have you called an ambulance?

Hey, get off me!
Do you want me to break it?

Do you want me to f*cking break it?

It won't take much.
Please let him go.

As soon as you get in that van.
What the f*ck?!

Please, you're hurting him.

Get Chris!


So, wipes, nappies. Anything else?

Eggs, bread, milk and tea bags.

Are you going to remember all that?
How could I forget?

Hey, I need to talk to you!

Kate, stop!
Stay back, arsehole!

I'm not going to hurt you.

Listen, if I wanted to hurt you,
you'd be dead by now.

What do you want?

Kate, listen to me.
You're perfectly safe.

You know I could slit
that artery of yours right now

and you'd bleed to death in seconds.

You know that, right?
I know.

Don't you move a muscle.
I won't.

I just want to help you.


I want to help you stay alive.

Because, that way, I can stay alive.

What the f*ck?

Get up!

Where are we going?

To see James.
You can explain everything to him.


Hey. You OK?
I've got an appointment tomorrow.


I just have to accept it,
do what needs to be done.

Move on.

Listen, um...

..there's another one.

He's coming for you.

we'll...we'll figure something out.

We've just got to get you
somewhere safe first.

I am not going back
to Yoorana like this.

Look, when Charlie gets back,
we'll hop in the car

and we'll just drive some...
RAF: Chris! Help!

Lock the door.


Shit! What happened?

Some f*cking maniac took Charlie.
What? Shit!

I got the numberplate. It's TNZ 742.
OK. Show me where it happened.


Kirstie Darrow.
f*ck you!



Why do you think
he didn't just k*ll us straightaway?

I don't know.

So, there's nowhere
people might be taken

away from public view -
a private area or a hidden lab?

I could take you on a tour.
You can take me now.

What are you doing?
Follow family line. Get tribute.

Then spirit free
before hell gate close.

MAN: Hey! Get back here!

Stop! Where's he taking him?

PHIL: There are going
to be other people coming,

people who will want to k*ll you,

people whose only purpose
is to k*ll you.

Get in.

I'm at the lake house.

I'm coming with you.
No, I'm going alone.