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02x03 - All Too Human

Posted: 11/01/21 07:06
by bunniefuu
I'm trying to do the
right thing here, Chris.

So am I, and now we've got a
missing Victorian police officer.


Sorry, did I get you at a bad time?

Yeah, it's not great, actually.

ELISHIA: Show me where
this boundary's shifted.

Here and here.

So it's not just
shifted, it's retracting.

- What is that?
- It's a skateboard.

I used to ride around with
this girl, Vicky Carmichael.


I never k*lled anyone.

This research is the property
of Noregard Pharmaceuticals.

But for now, it's police evidence.

You know it's not just
Kate he's protecting.

- There are others?
- Yeah.


VOICE: Dr Elishia McKellar.

Where are they?

At that house, by the lake.

- They're all staying there?
- Yeah, it's empty.

You brought us back, didn't
you? Because you knew me.





- James.
- Mmm.

- Come on, wake up.
- Yeah.

- Come on. Up you get. (GROANS)


- Hey, stay there.
- Mm?



Drink this. Come on, here. Drink it.


When was the last time
you had a proper meal?

Go away.

You think you're honouring Kate's
memory like this? Trashing yourself?

- Your house. Your career.
- f*ck off, Vic!

I won't let you do it to yourself.

I just miss her.

Yeah, I know, mate. I know.


you're bleeding.



SARAH: Hey, did we wake you?

- No.
- Mmm.

- Hey.

Good feed?

Yeah. She was so hungry, poor thing.

I don't deserve either of you.

Well, you're stuck with
us, so it's too bad.

Sarah, I've done something terrible.

Is it Kate?


What is it?


I k*lled Vic.

I sh*t him in the head.


He was gonna k*ll
Kate... and the others.


Well... you just did what you had to do.

I don't know how long I
can keep a lid on this.

- Chris is asking questions.
- How much does Chris know?

(SIGHS) He knows that Vic's
car was found in Melbourne.

He knows about Kate...

but he has no idea about the others.

He discovered that
Elishia McKellar was dead

but he doesn't know anything
about her links to Noregard.

What... what links?

Well, Elishia was working for

- a Professor Heysen there...
- Mm-hm.

doing research on cellular regeneration,

and it's through that that she
somehow brought everyone back.

I think you need to tell
Chris as much as you can.

The more that you tell him,
the more he'll trust you.


And there's Kate.

He... won't want to let
anything happen to her.

Use that.



- VOICE: I'm looking for Dr McKellar.
- VOICE : Dr Elishia McKellar.

MAN: I'm looking for Dr McKellar...

- She told you!

I'm Dr Elishia McKellar.


- Morning.
- Mmm.

So is everything you told me
bullshit, or... just most of it?

(SIGHS) Listen, Chris...

You said it was just
Kate that came back.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. So how many are there really?

The truth.

There were seven.


I know I should have been honest
with you, but as soon as I saw Kate,

I just had to be sure that she was safe.

I would never do anything

- to endanger Kate...
- I know that, mate. And I'm sorry.

So... so all the... all the
weirdness around here, the...

disturbed graves, the... the robberies,

the old guy that said he was the
mayor, that was all them, right?


You treated me like a complete

- f*ckin' idiot.
- I know.

What the hell is wrong with you?!

How did you think that it was okay

to hide this stuff? It's...

it's bloody unprecedented!

I'm calling in the Feds.

Chris, these people are vulnerable...

and if I don't help them,
if we don't help them...

Did Vic know?

Yes. He did.

Did he really go to Melbourne?

All I know is the last time I saw Vic...

he was not himself.

KIRSTIE: Rise and shine.


Hey. Elishia's gone.

- What?
- Someone must have gotten in and

- helped her. The door was wide open.
- Oh, Jesus.

She still might be somewhere,
we have to find her.

Why would Vic want to hurt any of them?

Something happened to
him in that car crash.

And that made him randomly homicidal?

He... went weird.

- He started calling them abominations.

- And then he just took off?
- I think so.

Oh, what do I tell Caroline?

(SIGHS) Until we know more, I think
it's best that you just hold her off.



- Elishia's missing.
- What? H-how?

I don't know. Kirstie went
to check on her this morning

and she was just gone.
We've looked everywhere.

She was... handcuffed, for f*ck's sake.

- Did one of you...?
- No, James, we didn't let her go.

We want answers as much as you do.

Okay, I'm on my way. Don't go anywhere.

All right.

- Who was handcuffed?
- Elishia.

- You found her?
- Yeah, and now I've lost her again.

Do you want to meet the others?



Going to town to see if I can
find Elishia at the surgery.

Yeah, right.


You're avoiding James.

I'm doing us both a favour.

Hey, Elishia's gone.

Yeah, der.

Hey, grab us some food
while you're at it.

I'd k*ll for a Chiko Roll.

All right.

ELISHIA: I've got
painkillers in the car.

Whatever she gave you
will be wearing off soon.

So why did you bring me back?

- She had no right to do that to you.
- She told me who I was.

A captain. William Blackburn.

And you remember that now?

Some of it.

Anything else?

I don't know.

And yet you came looking
for me, and you freed me.

Why did you do that?

I remembered you.

What did you remember?

How I felt.

You felt we were connected, didn't you?

But I lived and d*ed over years ago.

And still you remember.

- So that means...
- It means you're a witch.

There's no such thing
as witches, William.

Then how are we connected?

I can't... explain it in words, but...

I promise in time, you'll understand.

Can I see?

(WHISPERS) Oh, my God.


Well, you're healing well, but

it's still a massive risk
of infection out here.

I have to get you to the surgery.

You brought me back
because we were connected.

Then what about the others?

They weren't part of my plan.

Then why them?

I don't have an answer for that.

I couldn't have known what would happen.

There were so many risks.

But I would do it again if I had to.


Stop! Stop!





Are you right?

I'm sorry.

The boundary's reduced even further.

- Why?
- I don't know.

Maybe it has something to do with

Carlo's death or Maria's
death, or I don't know.

Maybe it's... maybe
it's something I did,

maybe it's the initial experiment.

Fading. I...

(WHISPERS) I don't know.

I have to fix it.

Can you do that?

I have no idea.


f*ck it!



- What the... f*ck, Vicky.

Hey, I got a surprise for you.

Yeah? What?


I'm not in the mood for a party.

Yeah, you are.

- Oi.


- Oh, it's gonna be hot.
- Hey, Kirstie.



She knows.

Vicky knows something!

What are you looking for?


ah, she made a statement, I know it.

I saw it in here somewhere.

Sworn statement of Vicky
Carmichael. Is this the one?

Read it.

"I kind of knew Kirstie.

"We were at school together

"but we weren't really good friends.

"She was too wild for me."

She's lying.

We were best friends.

Are you sure?

We both snuck out of
home, we were gonna...

sleep under the stars, get drunk.

It was her idea. She was the wild one.

- Kirstie, why would she lie?
- How the f*ck should I know?

But if she's anywhere in Yoorana,
she's gonna bloody tell me.

You ready?

Yeah, uh... if...

if some of them d*ed
, years ago...

- there'd be nothing left of them.
- I know.

Did they look really old?

No, they looked the same
age as when they d*ed,

except they're perfectly healthy.

Just like Kate.

Do they...

do any of them know how they came back?

Not a clue. Same as us.


I need to talk to you.

This is Chris. Ah, this is Kirstie.

You can trust him, okay? What happened?

How did she get out?

- I don't know.
- Okay, how long has she been gone?

I woke up, I checked on her first thing,

- she wasn't there.

What are you starin' at?


Somebody must have snuck
into the house and helped her.

Who else knew she was here?

Just us, right?

I found these outside.

- You're another one?
- It's okay.

This is Charlie Thompson.
Charlie, this is Chris.

He's my colleague, he's gonna help us.

The statements in my file don't add up.

What kind of half-arsed
investigation was it?

- Where's Kate?
- Right, yeah, I forgot.

She's the only one that
matters around here.

She's gone looking for Elishia.





- Ow! Argh!

Oh-ho. Would you look at that?

I'm a bloody genius.

Get this thing off me.

To tell you the truth,
I didn't think it'd work.

Are you crazy?!

Oh-ho-ho. Oh.

There you go, huh?

Here, get that into ya.

I hope you've got
third-party insurance.

Party? What party?

I'm not throwing a f*cking
party. I'm making a stand here.

- This is reckless endangerment!
- Yeah, yeah, blah, blah.

Tell me, what did you
find out about the will?

It's not worth the
paper it's written on.

You cannot reverse ownership of
a property after that many years.

As far as the law's concerned,
house belongs to the Fitzgeralds.

Does it now?

Well, then, what use is the law?

I may as well take it into me own hands.

Oh, no, no, my advice is don't
go making an enemy of Adeline.

The Fitzgeralds are nothing but
a bunch of murdering bastards.

They'd steal the blessing
out of the holy water.

Criminals, every last one of them.

Allegations won't help.

Well, they k*lled a
man to get this house.

Well, if that's true... it's
illegal to profit from crime.

There you are, now you're talking.

But it's so long ago.
How would you prove it?

You doubt my rectitude?

No, but it's got to stand
up in court, legally.

It'll stand up, sit
down, roll over and beg

by the time I'm done with it.

There you have it.

They m*rder*d him here in cold blood.

Cut his throat.

There's your proof,

bloodstain, right there.

- Where?
- Are you blind or what?

Right there, in front of your nose.

Mate, you need more than a
dirty floor to prove homicide.

I've given you my word.

Well, witness statements, if you
can dig 'em up, it'd be helpful.

Police reports,
newspaper articles, proof.

And where am I supposed to
get any of that from, hmm?

Mate, I'm a lawyer, not a historian.

A walking Greek ruin is what you are!




It's safe here, there's
no one to see us.

What's the trouble?



Are you hungry?

Bloody old fool.


A child?

What, are you certain?

A new Fitzgerald.



No child of mine'll be beaten
down because they were half-caste,

I'll tell you that for nothing.

You'll be protected, I promise you that.

And that wretched wife of mine...

my fortune belongs to you
more than it ever did to her.

I give you my solemn word.



- Hi.
- Hi.

Congratulations. It's... a little girl?

Yeah, Nia.

It's a beautiful name.

Do you want to come to
the park with us? I'd s...

love to talk to you.


- She's gorgeous.
- Thanks.

She really is just like
a mix of you and James.

Yeah, James really loves her.

Loves being a dad.

Yeah, I bet.

Kate, I know you were with him
first and I can't change that,

but, um, please don't
take him away from us now.

Sarah, I have no

- intention of doing...
- I always knew that he still loved you

and I could live with that,
but now you're back, I just

don't have the energy
to compete with you.

James is with you.

- I mean, you've got a family together.
- Oh,

we both know he'd do anything for you.

He'd k*ll for you.

If you ask him to choose,
he's gonna choose you.

James and I are over.

I promise you that.



It's okay, darling.
It's okay, Mummy's here.

Come here.


Oh, needs her dummy.

Can I... Can... Can I?

Um, if you don't mind?


- You're good at that.
- Oh, thanks.

Sleep-deprived and smell
like milk and nappies.

Had a splitting headache
since she was born.

You know, if you ever want any help...

from a friend, I'm... here. (CHUCKLES)

Thanks, but we're not really...

we're not really
friends anymore, are we?



Told your mum I'd pick you up.

Oh, I've got my bike.

Just chuck it in the back.

- Nah, it's okay.
- You avoiding me now?


- 'Cause whatever you think you saw...
- I didn't see sh*t.

That's what I thought.

Can I go now?


- PADDY: Whoa, you in a hurry, boy?
- sh*t.

- Piss off.

Ah, come on, you're not
still cross with me, are ya?

You shouldn't be here.

Huh? Why's that?

- You're not safe here.
- What are you talking about?

Come on.

Well, that nancy boy
Charlie wasn't good for much.

He couldn't handle the work.


Ran off with a face on
him like a slapped arse.

You know, some things never change.

You can't b*at the darkies
when it comes to the hard work.

I'm not a f*ckin' darkie. I told you.

All right, all right, what
do you call yourself then?

It doesn't matter. We're not friends.

Christ, Beau, sure, I know
that. Sure, we're family.

You want something, don't you?


Well, I may need some assistance, true.

- f*ck that. Forget it.
- Look,

I made a solemn promise to your
ancestor, boy, and I mean to deliver.

I will return Corona
Hill to you and yours.

I don't want it.

If it means getting
arrested or going to juvie,

I don't want any of it!

Please, I've... I've got no one else.

And... and I've missed you.

And I reckon that... I
reckon you've missed me too.

What do you want me to do?

We must prove my heinous m*rder
beyond a shadow of a doubt.

You know that was years ago?

Yeah. Feels like yesterday to me.

You know, you can't just walk up
to her and she'll recognise you.

Yeah, that's the f*cking plan.

She's not going to be
able to lie to my face.

And then what? She
tells the world about us.

Yeah, all right!

Look, we'll find another way.

I thought I had one friend in
this dump of a town, you know?

One f*cking person who'd
have always stuck up for me.

You do.

Kirstie, maybe we should go back.

Oh, my God, that's Vicky.

There's an open inspection tomorrow.

What's an open inspection?

It's my chance to get
the truth out of Vicky.


Did you send the text?

- Yeah.
- She wasn't there.

Elishia McKellar.

Do you know where she is?


if I get any information, I'll, um...

I'm gonna need more than that.

Yeah, I'll try.

What's wrong with you?


Just got a headache.

Do you know why you're here?

I think so.

- What are you doing?
- It's all right.


VOICE: I sh*t him in the head.

She was working for a Professor Heysen.

- Just tell Chris as much as you can.
- Sarah, I've done something terrible.

Professor Heysen.

She works at Noregard.

She and Elishia McKellar are connected.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I am.

And you know what you need to do?

Yeah. I do now.

ELISHIA: We're safe here, for now.

Do you want to come in?

It's beautiful.

I promise, it's... it's all right.

- I'll drown.
- I won't let you.

Trust me.

Who are you?

What are you?

Elishia McKellar d*ed four years ago.

And when she came back...

I was her.

But before that, I was like you.

And we were... connected.

And we still are.

But now...

we can live, we can do so many things.

And in water, we can float.

Come on. Let me show you.

Just... just lie back.

Just breathe and relax.

I can't.

Yes, you can. The air in your
lungs will keep you afloat.

Human bodies are buoyant. Born in water.

It's part of us.

See, I told you you wouldn't drown.



The water flows and we flow with it.

If what you say is true...

what were we before?

We loved each other but
we weren't supposed to.

You escaped.

Came here and became William Blackburn.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I was scared.

Of what?

That you wouldn't want me.

I wish I had more to tell you, Caroline.

I'm really sorry, but it...

it looks like Vic left
Yoorana under his own steam.

Yeah, I-I will, if I get
wind of anything else.

Okay. Yeah, you too.

(EXHALES) Wow, that felt sh*t.

I know.

But I just... I really
think it's for the best.

Elishia's phone pinged Boyd
Street tower, like, an hour ago.

She's turned it off since but
now we know she's in Yoorana.

Oh. Hey, what's this?


That's, ah, Elishia's PhD research.

- Does any of that mean anything to you?
- Not a thing.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey, you're looking better.

Yeah, my headache's finally gone.

Oh, that's good. That's
great. Hey, baby girl.

- Hey, Chris.
- Hey.

Oh, it's fine, I took
your advice, I told Chris.


So, Elishia's disappeared.

You think she's left town?

No she hasn't and I don't think she
will, as long as John's in Noregard.


What can I do?

Nothing. You've got
enough on your plate.

James, Nia's fine

and I need to do something useful.

What are you doing?

Just listening.

To what?

To what your heart's telling me.

And what's that?

That you want to live.

That we deserve to live.

But how can we, really?

We can't give up now.

And what about the boundary?

- I can fix that.
- How?

I can fix everything.

But, ah, I don't have much time.

I need to go.

Where are you going?

I won't be long.

No, stay. Stay.

I didn't... I didn't go through
all this to lose you now.

I'll go with you.

No, I'm going to Heysen. I
can't risk taking you with me.

Elishia, wait.

I do want to live.

With you.


Just a beer, please.


- Hi.
- Hey.

I saw your truck outside.

Is your friend coming back?

No, not today.

Can... can I sit?

Why not?

So are you incognito...

or are you on the run?

Oh, it's just sunny.

Um... listen, you were right.

About what?

I was using you.

I mean, not on purpose, but...

I just needed to...


feel like I could move on.

And it wasn't very fair.

You seem like a really good
guy so I'm... I'm sorry.

Just... Won't happen again.

Really? 'Cause...

you know, it wasn't all bad.

I am trying to be a decent person here.

Yeah, fair enough.

But just so you know, I...
I can take care of myself.

I'll remember that.



Do you play pool?

Uh, yeah, I've been known
to win a game or two.

That sounds like a challenge.

- Because it is.
- Yeah?

All right, let's see
what you're made of.

Prepare to be annihilated.

- What's happened?
- Well, can't you let me in?

They just said it was
a family emergency.

I need some cash, I'm strapped.

- Well, I don't have my wallet on me.
- Well, let's go get it.

You can give me clearance.

- What is going on? Are you okay?

Yeah. Let's just go inside.

sh*t. I gotta go. I
shouldn't even be out here.

- Who's that?
- Professor someone.


- Right.
- Okay?



what you call neutral ground?

I wish we had met under
different circumstances, Elishia.

What you did to William...

He agreed to let me study him.

Oh, study him?

What you did was cruel and unethical.

Who are you to judge me?

How is he?

Healing well?

I need access to my lab.

You're in no position to make demands.

I'll share my complete findings.

Oh, your findings belong to us already.

I funded your research,
paid for the lab.

Withholding your results,
it's called fraud,

- breach of contract.
- I had no choice.

You have no choice now either, do you?

Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

The policeman told me you
d*ed and then came back.

Was that a lie?

Who brought you back?

I did.

That's... impossible.

I need my equipment.

No, you need to tell me how you did it.

If we don't move fast,
we'll lose everything.

There's a boundary...

it's keeping them stable and alive,

but if the risen cross it, they
return to their previous state.

- And the boundary's now contracting.
- Contracting?

And it's exponential, so I
don't know how much time we have.

So if you recreated the experiment,

you can recreate the boundary?

I'll share everything
I did. Every stage.

I want every sample, every note you
made whilst you were out of the lab.

You show me what you did
to yourself, step by step.

And I'll keep you, as my proof.

Okay, get my equipment, I'll wait here.

All right.




- Elishia!
- CHRIS: What is it?

I don't know. I think
she might be in trouble.

Okay, I'll track her.

Elishia, can you hear me?!

Yeah, yeah, she's somewhere
east of the cemetery.

I can't get an exact location.

Let's go.

I'll stay here in case
she calls the station.

Great, thanks.

Oh, f*ck!

Who are you?

It doesn't matter.

Yes, it does, yes, it
does. You have a name now.

I have a purpose.

- And... an entire life.
- Shut up.

And a conscience.

Whatever you do now, you're
gonna have to live with.

You... you can... you can choose.

You don't have to do this.

Please. I've done nothing wrong.

You have to believe me.

Please, I have to live.

I'm sorry. This has to be done.





JAMES: There's her car.

CHRIS: We're gonna have to
split up. Do you wanna radio me

- if you see anything?
- Yeah, all right.








JAMES: Elishia!



If we're gonna find
out who k*lled Elishia,

we're gonna have to work together.

I stopped Vic. I'll
stop whoever this is.

Yeah, but then you knew who to stop.

- What did you do?
- What I'm here to do.

Cut the head off the snake.

This is Vicky. She was my best friend.

And you think she knows
who your k*ller is?

Charlie, you've got to get her to talk.

Mrs Carmichael?

Owen Nelson, this is the Yoorana Police.

- He could have k*lled Elishia.
- Should I be worried about you?

What do you think?

I think you'd better tell me the truth.

If there's another Vic out there,

isn't it just a matter of
time before he finds us.

I don't know what I'd do without you.

This is all going to be over soon.