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02x06 - Cradle to the Graves

Posted: 10/31/21 13:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graves

I am the new singer
for the band at Silva's Bar

and I'm going onstage
for the first time.

I think Jeremy might be feeling
you're undervaluing him.

- Is Jonathan Dalton my father ?
- Oh, honey, you can't be serious.

If I find out something different,
I don't know what I'm gonna do.

That's for me, I assume.

Whoa ! A "J" name, just like mine.
That might get kind of confusing.

Ah, f*ck it. You know what,
I'm just gonna call him Dad.

I want this to work,
but this isn't how I do family.

- What do you mean family ?
- I'm pregnant.

I am considering a home birth.
Just a midwife and nature.

And the daddy ?
Is he in the picture?

- Bro...
- He died.

Olivia, would you please reconsider
this home birth craziness ?

Why is everything that I do
for myself considered crazy ?

How could I know what you want
or what you don't want

if you never tell me anything ?

Mother, we almost made a nice day
out of this nightmare.

Hey, babe.

Season 2, episode 6

Jerry North's plan is to tax
your peanuts

till that's all your paycheck is worth.

I say we don't even
give him the chance.

Like my husband used to say,
"If they go for your nuts,"

"you grab ahold of theirs first."

And speaking of my husband, y'all...

- Goldwater, Reagan, Lincoln.
- Oh, easy.

I would eff Goldwater because
he preached a kind of conservatism

that you'd wanna take home
for a night, but not forever.

Marry Reagan, because,
I mean, who wouldn't ?

And... Oh no...
I can't k*ll Lincoln.

Well, you just did, buddy.

Graves. Graves. Graves.

I don't know what the f*ck
is wrong with me.

Everything is making me sad.

f*cking bunnies are suddenly
breaking my heart.

They're so helpless and soft...

Why am I even f*cking thinking
about bunnies, you know ?

I mean, I cried through
a threesome, for chrissakes.

Let's parcel this out
one piece at a time, okay ?

Aside from the guilt
that you're still harboring

regarding Mr. Miller's sh**ting...

Goddamnit, I wasn't even
f*cking thinking of that one !

Well, whether or not it lives in
the forefront of your consciousness

doesn't necessarily lessen its impact.

So, that, plus uncovering
your mother's possible deceit,

which put your paternity
into question,

these are all triggers for you.
And anger has been the emotion

you have habitually used
as a coping mechanism, right ?

But the gravity of the events
that you are currently facing

have crash-landed you
into the area of deep,

almost inconsolable sadness,
which I think is a good thing.

I'd like to encourage you
to stay in that sadness, Jeremy,

for as long as you can.

Sadness is the way
through to the other side.

Well, sadly, I've got to go.

Hey, great to see you.

Thank you for coming out.
I appreciate it.

Thank you all so much.

Richard !

This is... This is getting...
It's too much.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Contractions started !
Come home !

Richard, it's Olivia.

I feel fine.

Seriously, you guys, I really think
I'm gonna nail this thing.

Like, defy expectations.
You know what I mean ?

The intensity of the contractions
increases as we get closer.

Thank you, Captain Buzzkill.

I really appreciate
you being here.

But are you sure you want me
to be here ? It feels a little weird.

Oh, my God.
You have to stay.

You are literally the only
normal person in my life.

Pozole, very spicy.
It will help with the contractions.

Thank you.

- When was your last contraction ?
- I think 15 minutes ago.

It's all good, sweetheart.

You're already looking
good under pressure, baby.

Oh, I'm kind of immune to pressure.
My therapist said

that it was sociopathic,
but mostly I just don't care.

Everything about you
just feels so safe.

Don't you worry, this is gonna be
a safe, peaceful space for you.

Move that big-ass coffee table.
And the rest of this furniture.

I want the birthing pool
right there,

with a plenty of space for Mama
to move around obstacle-free.

- Hey, what are you for ?
- Me ?

Well, I am here for overall
emotional support and music.

I have the baby's arrival song.

Sounds like a lot of nothing,
but if it keeps her happy

and you out of my hair, then proceed
at will..What is taking you so long ?

I really don't think this is
a one-man job. It's quite heavy.

Maybe take the books off the table.

- Shit.
- Are you okay ?

That's... way bigger
than the last one.

Richard, I do not feel good
about this.

I don't know how
it can possibly be safe.

- Maggie, Maggie, calm down.
- How can I ?

You know, statistically, home births
are safer than hospital births, ma'am.

Where'd you get that ?
Bullshit-dot-com ?

Where's Olivia ?

In your bedroom, Mr. Graves,
getting checked.

Thank you.

Yeah, you're at about a four.

We need to get you
to 10 centimeters.

The size of a bagel ? It's never
gonna f*ckin' happen.

Sweetheart, how are you, honey ?

Okay. Well, I'm halfway between
a banana chip and a Ritz cr*cker.

Okay. I'm feeling very nervous
about all of this.

Tell me you are prepared
if anything were to happen.

Okay, Mom, enough with the ifs.

I'll be damned if I'm not
gonna ask the questions

you don't find important
regarding your safety.

It is an honor to meet you,
Mr. President.

- What the hell you supposed to be ?
- Phoenix. Your daughter's doula.

- Get the hell out of here.
- As you wish.

- Hey, Iz.
- Hey, this is so exciting.

Hey, old man.

- Sammy.
- Hi.

- How ya doin' ?
- Well, not good.

I'm a little scared.

Well, don't be. You're gonna be
an amazing grandpa.

Well, let it get here first.

Oh, shit. All right, look,
I don't wanna go blind,

so if your vag is out, just tell me and
I swear to f*cking God, Olivia,

if you think it's gonna be funny
by lying, there's no comin' back.

Okay, it's not out. You're safe.

- Hey, Mom.
- Hi, sweetheart.

- What the f*ck is going on ?
- Nothing, dear.

Oh, bullshit.

Okay. Ms. Crawford, I just
couldn't feel more helpless.

Can you just explain to me
what the mother of the mother

is meant to do during these
pagan birthing rituals ?

I tell every grandma in wait,
all we need them to be

is a loving and calm
source of support,

which I have no doubt
you already are.

- That's funny.
- Okay. Cute, aren't they ?

I never met a child,
be it five or fifty-five,

who didn't lean on smart-ass
when they need us most.

- You're very good at what you do.
- I know.

Hey, did she say anything
about me ?

Okay. Don't you dare try to f*ck
my midwife while I'm having this baby.

- I'm talking about Mom, Liv.
- What ?

I don't know. What do you
even mean ? I don't get it.

Whoa ! His name is Jonathan !
Whoa, a "J" name, just like mine.

That might get kind of confusing.
Ah, f*ck it. You know what,

I'm just gonna call him Dad,
'cause that's what he is, right ?

Oh, okay. That is the single most

yet aggressive thing
I have ever seen.

Seriously, Liv, I'm kind of
freaking out, you know.

Oh, my, God.
Are you about to cry ?

- Oh, my, God.
- I can't f*cking stop.

I mean, how do you do it ? How do you
bring an innocent child

into this psychotic bucket
of lies they call a family ?

Speaking of, I had Dalton
take a paternity test.

Mom and Dad don't know,
but, you know...

- What ?
- Okay, listen to me, baby brother.

Fun fact, I'm in labor.
Yeah, I'm not mad at you,

but true story,
my thing trumps your thing,

so don't you dare tell them
about that paternity test.

- Okay ?
- Okay. Okay.

- Daddy.
- There's my girl.

- Is that my garden hose ?
- We need to fill the birthing pool.

The bathroom sink
was the closest.

What ? What's wrong ?
What did they do ?

It's okay, Daddy.
It's just a contraction.

About three minutes apart ? Good job.
We're getting there, babe.

- Do you need a cold compress ?
- I don't have scarlet fever, Mother.

When I had you, at this point I was
full of dr*gs and watching Oprah.

Okay. Not helpful.

I'm trying, Olivia.
What can I do, honey ?

Excuse me, ladies, but if you're
okay here for a few, Olivia,

I could use your mom's help.

- Absolutely. What do you need ?
- Thank you.

Once baby arrives,

Olivia's room should be a safe
and serene space to nest.

Mrs. Graves is looking for you,

Oh, right away.

I thought boiling water
was only used in Westerns

and places with the plague.

Jo needs it to keep the pool warm.

Okay. The last time that I saw you,
I was so wasted, and I am so sorry.

Nine times out of ten, I'm like fun
drunk, but that was not okay.

- What ? Yes, you... You were fine.
- Isaiah, you're being nice.

That was not fine, but you kind
of made sure that I was,

which you kind of always do.
And I'm glad you were at the show.

Oh, my God, yeah, Sammy,
the show. You were amazing.

- Really ? You liked it ?
- I loved it. Are you kidding ?

You are... You blew me away.
And Katie loved it too.

She even loved it
after you vomited everywhere.

- I'm just kidding.
- Oh, my God.

Breathe, baby girl.
You're doing good.

Oh, you guys,
I don't feel so good.

-Okay. What do you need ?
-I'm just...

I'm both starving
and wanna vomit.

- Phoenix, what's the temp in there ?
- Almost 95.

Okay. Somebody go make
Olivia a sandwich.

A little food will help
with the nausea.

- I call this the Human Totem.
- Oh God.

- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.

Liv wanted me
to make her a sandwich.

You know, I saw that video
that you sent your mother.


- Dad, I'm sorry, I, um...
- Well, for what ?

I was drunk,
and that was so stupid.

You didn't do anything wrong.

Jeremy, I can't imagine
how tough this is for you,

so, you know...

You know
it's not your fault, right ?

-Oh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Well, that's
what I was looking for.

Holy shit.

Oh, no, I wanted it
to be surprise.

It is.

- This is...
- Helpful ?

Actually, yes.

You're welcome.

- Oh, my God.
- What ?

- Oh, God.
- What's the matter, honey ?

This is different than the others,
something isn't right.

- Oh, okay. Okay.
- What's happening, Jo ?

Let's check you out.
I'll take your vitals,

we'll listen
to the baby's heartbeat.

We'll see what's going on and make sure
everything's looking good, okay ?

- What can I get you, honey ?
- Please, just give her some space.

Babies are a f*ckin' trip,
aren't they ?

Indeed, Sammy, indeed.

I'm guessing it wasn't really like this
when you had Olivia and Jeremy.

Livy was quick,
like a fireplug.

She wanted to get out here and start
screaming as soon as she could.


And Jeremy...

Two days Margaret
labored with him

and they finally
pulled him out by his feet.

I didn't know a baby
could look so pissed off.

Like father, like son.

Yes, yes.
Let's release that pressure.

- Is she okay ?
- It was nothing.

Just felt different
and it scared her.

On the other hand,
she's almost fully dilated,

but her contractions
are slowing down.

- That's not good.
- No, ma'am. But not bad yet.

- Olivia, are you okay, honey ?
- God, I'm fine.

Mother, please, just everybody,
everybody just leave me alone

for a second.

I'm too tired, I can't do it.

It's okay, honey.
Warm water will help, okay ?

Just take it easy.

Olivia, please
let me take you to the hospital.

- No !
- I'm begging you.

- Mother, I said no !
- Okay. Okay.

Easy now.

Mrs. Graves, I'm going
to respect Olivia's wishes

until I see
an immediate safety issue.

Olivia, honey,
please listen to me.

Mom, stop.

If this baby doesn't come, and I mean
real soon, I'm calling the hospital.

I'm gonna go mix up
a little labor-ade,

lemon juice, honey, coconut
water, might help us along.

Let's give Olivia a moment,
to shut her eyes and soak, yes ?

She needs to rest.

I love you, Daddy.

Happy birthday to you

Make a wish.

Richard, I'm just sick with worry
over this medieval insanity.

She's a grown woman, Maggie.

It's what she wants.

You've been hiding in here
the whole time.

Is it because
you're just as scared as I am

or do you just not want to be
in the same room with me ?

Tell me again, Maggie,

there is no way that Dalton
is Jeremy's father.

I don't know.

That's not good enough.

It was a mistake, Richard.

And you and I, we...

We got through
this decades ago.

So I'm a mistake now ? That's great,
that's just f*cking great.

Forget what I said.

We're not doing this now.

Richard, wait, goddammit.
Please, just talk to me.

You wanna talk ?
I'll listen, Mom,

unless it's like last time, when
you lied straight to my face.

- I did not lie. It's complicated.
- Doesn't seem that complicated.

Seems like you were banging the
wrong guy and you got knocked up.

Hey, Liv, it's not your fault,
it's genetic.

Enough. The situation...
That's complicated.

Yeah. Well, guess what, I got
Dalton to take a paternity test,

so that should un-complicate
things real fast.

Stop !

Knock, knock.

I said, knock, knock.

Who's there ?

Your very pregnant daughter,

whose contractions have now
completely f*cking stopped,

because herself-absorbed family
can't get their shit together

to make her safe,
at-home birthing space

be a safe, at-home
birthing space.

We're sorry. I'm sorry.
Everyone's sorry.

You did it anyway.
You told them. Tonight.

- Liv, I'm sorry...
- No.

I don't want you guys around me
for this. Please leave.

Can you please
ask my mother to leave ?

And call the hospital.

Listen to me,
stalled labor happens,

and in most cases
it's only temporary.

We can wait a bit,
a half hour,

see if we can kick this thing
back in gear.

Forget it.

Make the call.

- Hang the phone up, Jo.
- Mrs. Graves.

Hang up the goddam phone.

- What are you doing ?
- We're havin' a f*ckin' baby.

Come on, lean back on me,
I'm here.

I want you to just relax.

My precious baby girl,
I love you so much.

I'm here, you're so safe.

Okay. All right.

Now, I want you to take
a really deep breath...

And let it out slowly.

Just relax, I'm right here,
I'm holding you.

Everything's fine.

That baby girl's
coming out real soon.

That's it,
thank you very much.

- Can I do anything for you, sir ?
- No, I'm okay. No.

Thanks, though.
But go get some sleep.

I really don't mind
staying up with you.

I know, I know. But somebody
needs to be rested tomorrow,

in case she needs something.

Okay. Well, congratulations,
Grandpa !

Thank you. Oh, boy.

Hey, um, I wanted to tell you

it was really amazing
seeing you in there with Olivia,

you were really great today.
It's really cool to see that.

Thank you.

- Okay. Good night.
- Good night.

You know, I really don't give a f*ck
what a paternity test says.

Do you feel like you wanna push ?
Deep breath.

One, two, three, four, five...

Keep pushing.

You got this, come on !

She's beautiful !

She's beautiful.

- She's beautiful.
- Look what you did !

- What a beautiful baby !
- Thanks, Dad !

- Yeah. What's her name ?
- I, uh, I don't know yet.

Okay. Can I hold her ?