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02x03 - The Opposite of People

Posted: 10/31/21 13:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graves...

Affair ? That's just the tip of
the iceberg for Margaret Graves.

And your secret shame, Olivia, fits
rather neatly into my wheelhouse.

Dr. Timothy McCall. I chose him
very carefully for you, doll.

They're trying to turn my life
into an ABC Afterschool Special.

- I really liked you.
- I'm sorry, Sammy.

I'm leaving first thing in the morning.
I need a change of scenery, you know ?

See, my dad, he left before I was born,
so growing up, when things got tough,

I always came back to that
picture of you holding me up.

Margaret Graves is projected to win

the Republican Party's
nomination for Senate.

She'll face Jerry North
in the general election.

This book you're writing,
what's the purpose ?

Answers. Who I am, who I became.

"Chapter One: Shiloh"

- Sir ?
- Huh ? Oh, Jesus. You scared me.

- You have to see this.
- What ?

Hail to the former chief. Production
is set to begin on the biopic

of President Richard Graves.
The feature film has finally,

after an exhaustive search,
found its star.

- Jesus.
- Just...

Jesse Enright has been tapped
to play President Graves,

a role he feels he was born to portray.

Richard Graves is such
a complicated character.

Some people love him,
some people hate him.

I just want to find the humanity in
the man, you know ? To become him.

This idiot thinks he can play me ?

They're never gonna get it right.

Right, which is why, and hear me out,
I think that you should meet him.

Meet him ? Oh, screw that.
I'm going to bed.

This actor wants to know
what it was like to be you.

What it is to be a president.
Don't we want him to understand ?

Isn't that what we've been doing ?
What you've been doing ?

I mean, you're writing a new book
because everyone has gotten it wrong.

This way, with this,

you can start putting the pieces
of your past back together.

- All right. He gets one day.
- Yes, sir.

God, I hate motherfuckin' actors.

Season 2, episode 3

Richard M. Graves, Childhood Home
A National Historic Site

Sir, I'm so excited.

Jesse Enright meeting us here ? I feel
like a pilgrim arriving at Mecca.

It's been so long.

It's a pleasure, Mr. President.

I just want you to know
what an honor this is.

Spending the day with you,
being here. Where it all began.

It's been so long
since I've stepped foot on this land.

- Shiloh.
- Oh, my God !

- Was that me ?
- That... It's uncanny, sir.

I'm still working on the voice.
Your expressions and your mannerisms.

Because I'm going
to run for president, Maggie.

And no one is gonna f*ckin' stop me.

- Don't do that.
- Oh, cool, cool, cool.

- Let's go.
- Yeah. Amazing !

It was such a happy surprise.

The last thing I want to do, Olivia,
is to ask you too personal a question.

Oh, come on, Natalie. That's why
I'm here. I'm an open book.

Your marriage to William Rockefeller
ended just over a year ago.

People are talking, Liv.
Is he the father of your baby ?

No. The father was...

Timothy McCall. We met a few weeks
before he left for Afghanistan

to help with the refugees.
He's a part of Doctors Without Borders.

I had just told Tim
that I was pregnant.

A month later, I found out
that he was k*lled.

Oh, my God. What an...

That was perfect.

- That was perfect, Olivia.
- I looked puffy.

- Margaret, what did I tell you ?
- "Dead, I can use."

- Dead, I can use !
- Jesus.

Okay, I should probably get ready
for that charity thing.

You should do that.

Sweetheart, I can't thank you enough
for doing this. You look beautiful.

The last thing I feel
right now is beautiful.

Olivia Graves's return to
the world of charitable causes.

We should go over your game plan
for the charity event, yeah ?

Yeah. Respectfully,
Mr. Campaign Person,

you're dancing the Hava Nagila
into my social circle now.

I don't need you to explain a life
to me that I've already lived.

I can do this charity shit in my sleep.

Or no sleep, a hit of ecstasy
and six or seven saké bombs.

I hate him.

Back to The Truth, with Jeremy Graves
and special guest James Carville.

- My mother is a f*cking saint.
- Oh, your mother, your shmother.

It's the same old crap from the
same old Republican playbook.

This is the deal with you guys.
Everyone who disagrees with you

is suddenly a r*cist trotting out
nonsense, while you end up

dividing the country in the name
of intellectual dishonesty

masquerading as the high road.

You know, your little "anger
for the sake of anger" shtick,

that's exactly why the country
is so divided today.

Shtick ? Really ? Coming from you ?
People are angry.

They bought your pack of lies and
now they want their money back.

Anger for anger...
There's no anger for anger's sake.

Look, no disrespect, but your breath
stinks from the river of bullshit

flowing out of your mouth, okay ?
And we'll be right back !

- So, after the break, debt ceiling ?
- Oh, go f*ck yourself.

Oh, come on. You got to grow
a thicker snakeskin, James.

Look, rookie, everybody knows
that you have this show

because Richard Graves
was your daddy.

- Or so they say. Even that's a lie.
- What ? What are you talking about ?

Jonathan Dalton is your daddy, man.
You know that.

Congratulations, you can read f*ckin'
gossip magazines and Internet bullshit.

Let me get this straight.

Jonathan Dalton and your sainted,
tainted mother, break up 275 days

before some bouncing little right-wing
assh*le enters this world.

You're not f*ckin' serious.

Look, Dalton's ex-wife, Stephanie,
very good friend of mine.

It's not a rumor. It's true.

And we're back in three, two...

And we're back with James Carville.

Oh, this is my room.

You can smell the musk
of history in here.

I had forgot how small everything was.

Oh, I think this was actually
the drawing

that was in that Ken Burns
documentary they did of you.

I actually had a viewing party of it
for the college Republicans at ASU.

Very well attended, I should add.

Mr. President, there's a scene in
the movie that I'm struggling with.

Mind if I run it by you ?

I don't read anything
from a Hollywood hack.

W. was under his bed for a week

after that hit job Oliver Stone did.

Exactly, sir. I think it
actually might be productive

to see where they're headed,
so you can correct what's wrong.

Great. Thank you. Amazing.

Dude, read it with me.
You do the Graves's father role.

Oh, my God. Well, yes.

Well, I actually did happen to play
a very convincing Tevye in Fiddler.

The Prescott Valley Tribune
might have called it a triumph.

Um, but regretfully,
Mr. Enright, though flattered,

I think I'm gonna have to pass.

Okay, go ahead and play it.

This country has 18 ballistic
m*ssile submarines.

How many times can we blow up
the world ?

Now, does nobody else see this ?

Or have I been taking
crazy pills here ?

You wanna talk about crime ?

How about when regular
working Joes like yourselves

can't buy a loaf of gluten
for less than 5 bucks,

but Big Oil's getting handouts ?
Now, is that highway robbery,

or am I taking crazy pills ?

I wish, just once, someone had said,
"Yes, Jer, you took the crazy pills."

Jerry North was always a pain
in Richard's ass.

- Jerry North is a genius.
- Come on, Chris. He's a joke.

Christopher, please. Thank you.

Well, that joke has held
the seat for over 30 years.

Everybody loves him. Young'uns,
the oldies but goodies...

Yeah, Latino voters
call him "Tio Jerry."

They think that they love him.
They think they love him.

They think they love him,
because he tells them

what they want to hear !
Does everybody hear that ?

And how do we know what that is ?
Margaret, how do we know what that is ?

- Because we...
- Listen.

Listen to them!

Lord, Christopher, you have to bring it
down a notch. Do you hear me ?

Margaret, I'm afraid
I only have one notch.

Yes, you're going to listen,
and then you're going to speak.

Your speech tonight is the first time
in front of your future constituents.

They're going to hang on every single
word that comes out of your mouth.

Margaret, tonight is your Normandy.

Okay, guys. Let's get out there,
talk to people,

listen to them.

You know, Mrs. Graves, I used to work
tool and dye at the plant.

But ever since they sent the jobs down
south, I've been out of work.

I can hardly afford
to feed my animals.

I've got your back!

She looks like an idiot!

Maggie's no @RichardGraves!

I really do miss your husband, ma'am.
This is Richard Graves country.

It always will be.

Thanks for the beer !
Keep chug'n !

You took down that beer

better than a frat boy
during hell week, doll.

All those people today, they love
Richard. Everything he stood for.

They don't have a clue
what to make of me.

So, tonight it's all
about Margaret Graves.

Speech later y'all ! Please come !

What in the hell is
wrong with you, son ?

I just... I don't want
to work the ranch, Pop.

Can't do it.
I want to go to college.

Uh, ahem, your ambition is
bigger than your brain, Richard.

And the world will find you out.

- What will you do then ?
- I want to be a teacher.

I know I won't have a whole lot,
but, hell, we never did.

I just... I want to be happy,
you know ? Be my own man.

You understand ?

Just promise me you'll keep in touch
and always come back to Shiloh.

And the camera pulls back
as we embrace, father and son.

Wow. Gosh. Guys...

What the f*ck was that ?

That never happened.

Yes, yes, notes.
Go ahead, let me have them.

Listen to me,
you selfish son of a bitch.

When you walk out that door
and off this property,

you better make g*dd*mn sure
it was worth it.

And don't you f*ckin' come
back to me when you fail.

You hear me ? I don't want to have
anything to do with you.

So go on.
Get the hell out of here.

Jesus. Easy, sir.

That was... amazing !

So intense and real.

- I need a g*dd*mn drink.
- Oh, great.

To be honest,

I didn't want to be here today.

But as some of you know,
after losing my love,

my doctor who crossed a border
and into my heart,

I'll soon become one of you.

But, see, I choose not
to dwell in the darkness.

I choose to celebrate
things like the wonderful work

that this charity does
for the unfortunate who,

though they speak a different language
and are often poor,

only want to be loved,

and perhaps in a stable
and committed relationship.

Thank you.

Are you going to drink that ?
Or are you going to propose to it ?

Neither. I'm good.
Not much of a drinker.

Look, you're not going to really
understand me in this job... sober.

It's impossible.

It's for the role.

De Niro in Raging Bull.
Christian Bale in The Machinist.

It's commitment...

Sacrifice for truth.

My old friend.

- Mr. Enright, what are you doing ?
- f*ck it, man. I'm in it now.

You're in it now ?

- He's three years sober, sir.
- What ?

All good.
Can I get another one of these ?

Sam. Sammy. Samantha !

- Hi.
- Hi.

Oh, God, are you a sight
for sore eyes.

Oh, I missed you, old man.

How are you doing ?
I heard you went a little AWOL.

No, I took a walk with a few demons.
So, you know...

I got a couple of my own
running around these days.

Hey, can I get another one of these ?
Two more, actually.

Danny Kennedy.

What on earth are you doing here ?

My family's been supporting
single mothers forever.

- What's it been, four years ?
- Uh, Hyannis Port.

- Rory's birthday.
- You've been missed, Liv.

I mean, philanthropy's
exhausting enough.

But when you travel in our circles,
it helps to have your people around.

- Makes it fun.
- Yeah. We had some good times.

Yeah. Hey, I'm so sorry
about you and William.

It's a real shame how that all
happened. And now... this.

What can you do, Danny ?
I'm surviving.

As for William, I mean,
he's not a bad guy.

I'm just... you know, I'm
just not trying to get HPV

from all that random vag*na
he was constantly perusing.

Well, you always did tell it
just like it is.

Yeah. Sorry.

I continue to learn that
I'm not everyone's cup of tea.

I love tea.

You do ?

Jerry North talks about people
getting a fair slice of the pie.

And I tell you, it's not about
who gets the biggest slice.

It's about creating
a bigger pie for everyone.

What I'm getting at is in the primary,

that was just the first step
in trying to...

Oh, hell. You know what ?

I'm going to get real here
for a minute.

And I'm going to talk about me.

And I'm just going to say it,
because somewhere along the line,

this became a dirty word in politics.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I grew up poor.

Dirt-ass poor.

We didn't have a car.
We didn't have a color TV.

But what we did have were values.
Values like you people have.


I know what it's like to go without.

And all of you people
who are looking for a job,

I am here to help,
because I've been there.

I'm going to make some
real changes in New Mexico

if you send me back to Washington,

because it is time
to take our country back.

Take it back ! Take it back !

Take it back !

Hell, yeah ! Take it back !

- Hi.
- f*ck !

- Sorry.
- You scared me.

Oh, sorry.
I saw you come back here.

Yeah, it's just I haven't
seen you in months,

and now every time I turn
around, there you are.

- I always thought you left town.
- Failure to launch, I guess.

Olivia and I have been hanging
out, actually, believe it or not.

Not. Wow. Really ?

Yeah. I mean, we kind
of bonded that night that you...

Anyway, I mean, you're like
a real American hero now.

Oh, no, I wouldn't...
I wouldn't say that.

That part's still really confusing,
to be honest.

How's the...

Well, um, yeah, it... it still hurts.

It's going to hurt
for a long time, they say.

You know, I wanted to thank you.

For what ?

Well, I heard you were at the hospital,

and I just wanted to thank you
for being there for me.

- Well, I should get back to work.
- Totally. Okay.

I want to crawl inside your brain
and have your brain meld into mine,

so we speak with
the same tongue, you know ?

And don't think I haven't
done my homework.

I did a ton of research for this role.

Like, how does someone
who starts off fighting bullies

become one himself ?

Go f*ck yourself, Johnny.

I'm just saying, Luce, you get the
words wrong every g*dd*mn time.

Did you not hear me ?
f*ck off, Johnny.

About this time at the White House,

I'd get a call
from the Secretary of State.

And he'd say, "Conference
call, Mr. President."

"The Middle East peace talks
are falling apart."

So go on, fix it.

- What ?
- Make peace !

Every single night,
you got to say something

about what I do,
how I do it... f*ck, who I do.

The lyrics are whatever the f*ck
I want them to be.

So stand behind me, play your little
instrument and shut the hell up.

Hey, hey, hey, now.
Let's talk this thing out, folks.

There's always two damn sides
to every story.

So we need... Oh, Jesus.

Jesus. That's it, Lucinda.
You're gone. Fired, do you hear me ?

Go on.

On your ass and bleeding
before you even made your case.

That's pretty much
how it always went.

- Oh, my God, Jesse Enright.
- I think my nose is broken.

- I think he's had enough for today.
- Not yet.

His official day isn't over yet.

Oh, my God.

You know, Livs... The next couple
of weeks in the city are a crunch,

but I rent my house in the Hamptons.

- And you're telling me this why ?
- Well, you have to come.

Hey, slow your roll, Kennedy.

Everybody's going to be
at God's Love We Deliver.

Then the week after that, it's the
white party. And then the polo classic.

Everybody's going to shit themselves
when we walk in together.

Yeah. It's just I...

I haven't hung out with the Hamptons
crowd in a while, so...

That's okay. As soon as you get there,
it's going to be like you never left.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Do you know if you're going
to have a boy or a girl ?

I don't really want to know, actually.

Oh. A surprise. Just like today.

- Hey, Danny ?
- Yeah ?

Get the f*ck out.

Every one of these
is a decision a president made.

Those people over there...

That's the worst part of it.

- How do you feel ?
- Exhausted.

Totally drained.

- More than a little disoriented.
- Well, good.

Good, keep feeling that way.
You'll make a great me.

No, no, no. Not gonna have it.

You're right. That's cool.

Anyway, I'm going to...
I'm going to go. So...


Do you ever regret it, sir ?

Going to college instead of staying
at the ranch like your father wanted ?

I needed... something bigger.

So you became president
to show him all the things

he missed out on by
not being there for you, right ?

No, I became president because
I wanted to become president.

If you don't take risks,
the world stops.

"It's true", says friend about First
Lady Margaret's rumored affair

- Hello ?
- Hi, is this Stephanie Dalton ?

- It is.
- Yeah, this is Jeremy Graves.

Listen, I had a question
for you about your ex-husband

and my mother... And me.