04x11 - Kuvira's Gambit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Legend of Korra". Aired: April 2012 to December 2014.*
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Follow up series set 70 years after Avatar: The Last Airbender that follows Korra who seeks to master the final element of Air.
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04x11 - Kuvira's Gambit

Post by bunniefuu »

- Earth.




Only the Avatar can
master All four elements

And bring balance To the world.

- Bolin, Opal, and Lin
Rescued the Beifongs

And Zhu Li from Kuvira.

Now they're racing
To republic city

To alert everyone about
The earth empire's

Imminent attack. Meanwhile,

Korra and team Avatar
have Been preparing for

Just such an event.

Prince Wu is leading
An evacuation effort

While Asami and Varrick are
Creating flying mecha-suits.

But with Kuvira planning to
Strike in only two weeks,

Will they be ready in time?

- Today we stand on The
precipice of history.

For the past three years,
We've fought side by side

To unite the earth empire

And we've proven that no
one can Stand in our way.

Not even the Avatar.

But our mission Is
not yet complete.

There is a grave injustice
that Must be corrected.

As you all know, After
the hundred year w*r,

Avatar Aang, along
with Fire Lord Zuko

Stole earth empire land and
Formed the united republic.

This land belongs to the
people Of the earth empire

And it's time to take it back.

Republic city will be ours!

All hail the great uniter!

- Are you ready
to show The world

What a true super
power Looks like?

- Yes. I'm honored to march
into The city by your side.

I love you, Kuvira.

- I never could've done
this Without your help.

After we claim victory, We
can finally get married

And rule our empire together.

- How's the evacuation coming?
- Could be better.

At this point we've evacuated Almost...
18 families.

- Only 18? There are millions
Of people in this city!

- I said it could be better.

- The problem is it's A
voluntary evacuation

And there aren't
many Volunteers.

They just don't feel
like They're in any

Immediate danger.

- Guys! Good! You're all here.

- What's with you interrupting
My important meetings

All the time?

- Su!

What are you... you're okay!

I'm so sorry about zaofu.

How did you escape?

- Opal, Beifong, and
I Rescued everyone

But we had a run in With Kuvira.

We saw her super spirit
w*apon Up close.

Like, really close.
Way too close.

- Is she going to use it
against Republic city?

- Yes. I found out she's going
To attack in two weeks.

- Oh! And Zhu Li is
on Our side now.

Actually, she never
really Switched sides.

And I'm just gonna let her
Explain the whole thing,

Zhu Li?

- I pretended to be loyal
to Kuvira so I could

Sabotage her w*apon.

It didn't work, But
I did overhear

Her plans to attack.

- I knew she wouldn't
stop At zaofu.

- My guess is, she's
coming By rail.

It's the only way she can
Transport that w*apon.

- Then we'll cut the rail lines.

- I agree. But let's
get As many citizens

Evacuated before we do.

Put out the announcement.

The evacuation is now mandatory.

- We're on it.

- Don't worry, mr. President.

I won't let Kuvira
take Our city.

- Weld hotter! Tighten tighter!

The president said we
only have Two weeks

To get these
hummingbirds Humming!

- Varrick, good, you're here.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

- What is it? I'm busy

Inspiring my workers.

- Well, I went to zaofu

And saved su and her family...

And guess who else we found...

- Zhu Li.

- Now, isn't there something

You wanted to say to her?


- Please, let me go first.

I know I said a lot of
terrible Things about you

In front of Kuvira,

But I need you to know,
I didn't mean one word.

When you were being taken away,
I thought my only chance

To save you was to join her.

But everyday I hoped for the
Chance to see you again

And tell you the truth.

Varrick, you mean
the world To me,

And I'm sorry if I
hurt you In any way.

- Don't be so hard on yourself.

Apology accepted!

Now be a good assistant and
Man the assembly line!

- No! I am not your
assistant Anymore!

If you want me around,

You need to start treating
me Like an equal.

- We're patched in on The
emergency broadcast line.

You're going out to every
radio In the city.

- Attention citizens
Of republic city,

This is not a test.

An attack on our
city is Imminent.

President raiko has ordered
A mandatory evacuation

For all citizens.

Please find Your
evacuation handbooks

And turn to sub-section
One dash two six.

There you will find initial
Instructions for your area.

For example, if you live
in Northwest-vector-one

Report to your primary
meeting Location

Which would be at The
eastern entrance

Of the southern water
tribe Library.

There, you will choose a
leader As specified in

Section one dash two eight.

- Uh, chief, we're
getting Confused calls

From all over the city. I think
Mako's starting a panic.

- What's confusing? I'm giving
Very specific instructions.

- Great, this is
just what We need.

- I got this.

Hello, everyone.
This is Prince Wu.

Now I know you're all
A little scared.

Believe me, I know what
it's Like to be afraid.

I used to not be able to go
to The bathroom by myself.

But if we let that
fear Control us,

None of us will ever be
able to Go to the bathroom,

And then we all lose.

But the people of republic city
Aren't losers, we're winners!

Winners that are going
to get Out of this city

In a calm and orderly fashion.

So I want you to
grab Your family,

Grab your neighbor,

Grab that guy down the street

You don't know very well

And head to the
nearest Bus, train,

Or ferry station.

We're going to get
you Out of here,

Safe and sound.

- Good job, kid.

You might not make such
a bad King after all.

- Rohan's with the acolytes.

They have the boat
Ready to leave.

Why aren't you all packed yet?

- The kids and I
have Been talking

And we decided we wanna stay.

This is our city, And
it's going to need

All the help it can get.

- Yeah! Only a coward
Flees his fate.

- Thank you.

I'm sure Prince Wu could use
Your help with the evacuation.

And you three can help
The other airbenders

Keep an eye on the earth
empire Troops from above.

- Kuvira will rue the day
she Messed with meelo!

- I still don't like having to
Abandon my office and the city.

- Air temple island
is The ideal location

For your base of operations.

And you'll be safe here.

- There's something we
need to Discuss with you.

- What is it?
- The four of us

Have been talking and...

We want to take out
Kuvira's spirit w*apon

Before it gets too
close to The city.

- That sounds like a risk
we Don't need to take.

The evacuation is on schedule

And General Iroh is getting
His army in place.

- I know Iroh can go toe
to toe With Kuvira's army,

But that w*apon...
- It's too powerful!

It can destroy the city!

- We can't let it get
to Our doorstep.

- We'll sneak behind enemy
lines And disable the w*apon.

- If it works, it'll
even The playing field.

- But if you get caught...

- It's worth the risk.

- I agree, and it might
be Our only shot

At preventing an all out w*r.

Good luck.
- We'll head out tonight.

- There's something out there.

It's Kuvira's army!
They're a week early!

Get the commander immediately,
And radio republic city!

- Guys, I see something.
Down there!

- Is that?
- Kuvira.

She's already crossed into
United republic territory.

She's a week early.

- This doesn't make sense.

There aren't any train
tracks This way.

How are they transporting
that Super w*apon of theirs?

- Apparently on a
giant Mecha-suit.

- Did you know Kuvira was
Building that thing?

- Oh, did I forget
To mention it?

No! Of course I didn't know!

- There's a flying
bison Up ahead.

- The Avatar...

- I know what happens next!

We gotta get outta here now!


- Should we go after them?

They're going to
warn Republic city.

- Let them.

No one can stop us.

- Korra, are you all right?

Why are you back so soon?

- It's Kuvira. Our
intel was wrong.

She must've know Zhu Li
had The information.

- What are you trying to say?

- Kuvira's army is
only A few hours away.

- No, they can't be...
We're not ready.

- And that spirit w*apon of hers

Is attached to a
giant Mecha-suit.

It's over 25 stories tall.

- Get General Iroh on
the line And tell him

The attack is happening today.

We need to lock down this city.

- Pema, find Wu and get
The remaining citizens

To safety immediately.

We can't have innocent
lives In jeopardy.

- What should we do?
- Let's go to my factory.

Maybe we can get a few of
those Hummingbird suits

Up and running.

- We're coming with you.

- I'll head to the front
lines And help General Iroh.

- Kuvira this is
President raiko.

I order you to stand down.

Turn you army around and leave.

- You're in no position
To give orders.

- Stand down or we will attack.

- I don't think you understand
The power I possess.

Let me make it clear.

- This is exactly why I didn't
Want to build that w*apon!

- Mr. President, do I have
Your order to engage?

- You have three seconds
or I Wipe out your army.

- I have no choice.

- Time's up.

- Stop. We surrender.

Republic city is yours.

- Good. Turn your
army and The Avatar

Over to me and give
Baatar Your location.

He'll present you
with Our terms.

- I'm not surrendering!

- Get back to the city
before She sees you.

And Korra, find a way
to beat That thing.

- I will.

- We've done it Kuvira.

And I just got word
that President raiko

Is on air temple island.
I'm heading there now.

- Raiko surrendered.

It's down to us now.

- How are we supposed to fight

An entire army,

A mecha-giant,

And that crazy w*apon?

- We can't fight it,

But maybe we can cr*pple it.
Zhu Li,

When you were spying on Kuvira,
Did you learn anything about

That metal monster.

- I had no idea they
were even Building it.

- Guess Baatar Jr. Is a better
Inventor than I thought.

Don't tell him I said that.

- That's it!

Baatar Jr. Built it...

He'll know how to take it down.

I say we capture him
and Get him to talk.

- Hmm...

- I know it's a long shot, but
It's the only chance we have

And if we don't...
- Korra. I'm in.

- We'll need a stealth team of
Airbenders to get in and out

Of Baatar's airship unnoticed.

Tenzin, bumi, jinora, kai...

Let's get moving.

- What about me?

- Sorry buddy, But
this mission counts on

Everyone being as
silent As possible.

And your farts are just
Too much of a wild card.

- I can be quiet!

Okay. Point taken.

- Is everyone ready?

- You've made A
terrible mistake.

Once Kuvira finds out I'm
Missing, you're all done for.

- That's why before
She finds out,

You're going to tell us how
to Stop that mecha-giant,

Or else...

- Or else what?

You won't hurt me.

I know an empty threat
when I see one.

- Was this you best idea?

You've lost, only you
haven't Accepted it yet.

- Let me talk to him.

- Are you sure?
- Check the engine room.

- What's going on?

Is everything all right?

- Just a minute, sir.

I'm telling you, I
looked Everywhere.

- All right, enough whispering.

- I'm ready to discuss the
terms Of the surrender

With Baatar Jr.

- Where is he?
- Uh...

I'm not really sure.

- Baatar...
- If you think I'm going

To spill all my secrets
to you, Mother,

You're sadly mistaken.

- Why are you doing this?

I know you set out to
help Better the world

But this is madness!

- It's madness to let
others Take what's yours

And accept it blindly.

The united republic
Belongs to us.

And we're taking it back.

- But at what cost?

How many people have
to lose Their lives

Before Kuvira is satisfied?

- It doesn't have
to cost Any lives

If you would all just surrender.

All that Kuvira and I want
is A united earth empire.

- I don't know what
I did To hurt you,

But whatever it was, I'm sorry.

When you left zaofu,
It broke my heart.

And our family has never
been The same since.

Please, Baatar.

Stop all of this and come home.

We want you back with us.

- Kuvira is my family now.

- We're going about
this All wrong.

You're right, I'm not going
to Physically hurt you

If you don't talk. But there
is Something I can do

That will be even more painful.

I will take away the one thing
You care for the most...


- What do you mean?

- Kuvira might win.

She might chase us
Out of the city.

But you won't be around
to Enjoy the victory.

Because wherever I
run, I'll take you.

I'm going to make it my life's
Mission to never let you

See the one you love again.

Is taking the city worth
Losing Kuvira forever?

- You can't.
- I will.

Unless you convince
Kuvira to Back off.

You two will still
have The earth empire,

Just leave The united
republic alone.

- It's Kuvira. She wants
To talk to Baatar.

What should I tell her?

- For goodness sake,
Give me that radio.

Let me talk to her.

Kuvira, this is raiko.

What kind of game
Are you playing?

You told me you would send
Baatar over with your terms,

And then he doesn't show.

- What do you mean
He didn't show?

- According to your people,
He's not on the airship.

- If he's not on the
airship Then where is he?

Kuvira, it's Baatar.

I've been captured.

My airship was ambushed
and I was taken by force.

Korra refuses to release
me Unless we back down

And leave the city.

- Are you injured?
- I'm fine.

- Is the Avatar
there With you now?

- Yes. Everyone is here.

- Find out where That radio
signal's coming from.

- Listen to me.

If you try to take
Republic city,

The Avatar will never
let me See you again

And I refuse to live that way.

Forget the united republic.
We have our empire.

We have each other.

Let's go back home
and Get married.

The only thing that matters
is That we're together

For the rest of our lives.

- We've identified
Their position.

- You're right, this city
Isn't worth sacrificing

Our life together.

I love you, Baatar.

- As soon as we work
out terms With Kuvira,

We'll let you out of here.

- Guys! She must
have our location!

She's point that
w*apon Right at us.

- No, she wouldn't...

- Everyone out! Now!


- No.
- Keep the president safe.

I'm going to check
For survivors.
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