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03x08 - The Green Dacha

Posted: 10/31/21 02:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Berlin Station"...

Somebody reported us...

They said we were building
a w*apon. You have to help us.

You think Diver
k*lled your mother?

I saw it.
The expl*si*n, everything.

I think I know who Diver is.

Tell Esther Krug to keep her
nose out of Russian business.

Who the f*ck is this?
We had a f*cking deal.

You promised me
that America would support.

What I have been given is rumors

of a sanction-breaking
oligarch arming rebels.

There will be
no NATO resolution.

Estonia is on their own.

First squad came under fire.

There was so little cover.

Krik retreated.

So, what's the plan?
I'm flying to Kabul.

And if it's what I think it is,
it'll put Krik so far down

he'll never get back up.

We're going to need to stitch
Estonia back together.

Sofia could be an important
agent of influence.

Everything's set up in
the safe house for her to work.

Will you help me or not?

I didn't touch her!

But you were going
to touch my money.

Isn't that right?
You broke my trust.

All right, come on.

Come on, man.

I'm slowing you down.

You know
which way is north from here?

I've been chased over
every f*cking square inch

of this place, so yeah.
All right, all right. Listen.

There's a green dacha
about a mile north from here.

I'm gonna lead
these assholes away.

I'll meet you there.
All right.

Good to see your face again.

Don't get shot.

Shh. Shh.
Come on.

You're authorized
to see the Adeyemis

at the detention center.
What about deportation?

Well, they're being flown back
to Nigeria tomorrow afternoon.

Well, you have to stop it.

We can't deport them.

Well, it's not that simple.

The decision
is up to local authorities,

and Germany takes t*rror1st
threats very seriously.

Well, they're
not f*cking t*rrorists.

They were set up.

Okay, someone wanted
to steal Dr. Adeyemi's tech.

Well, the police
didn't find the prototype.

I assume that assh*le,
Bankole Inyang, took it.

He already beat up Dove once.

And he works for Aquinas.

Oh, really?
Private military?

With their own agenda.

God knows what they'll do
if they have it.

April, I need to speak
to you for a moment.

Excuse us for a second.

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have lashed out.

Uh, to the head of the BfV?

No, you bloody well
shouldn't have.

Your concerns are justified.

And I agree with you.

That's why I want you
to go to the Adeyemis.

Maybe there was something
that they saw or they heard

that they don't remember
that's very important.

Just keep reassuring them.

We've got to keep them
on our side.

Sorry about that.
She's a little upset.

Didn't mean anything.


I just got off the phone
with Kirsch.

He said one of your officer
is in the hospital.

He's in pretty bad shape,
but I guess he's gonna be okay.

Say it.

You sent a German field agent
into Russia

to look for a CIA officer...
My officer...

Without telling me?

I gave you every chance

to help you locate
and recover Daniel.

You shut me out.

Well, Esther,
I hope you understand

that all your good intentions

probably jeopardized
his recovery.

I gave you my support,

and then B.B. Yates
blindsides all of us.

And you didn't even
see it coming, Valerie.

This is the turning point.

This is where we pivot.

From now on, good luck
getting anyone in Europe

to listen
to a damn thing you say.

I don't know.
I'll never understand

how you can drink tea
in this heat.

One of life's many paradoxes.

But I don't think you're here
to discuss the tea, my friend.

I need information
on a Red Army soldier...

Vassily Krik.

He fought a battle in March '85

at the mouth of the,
uh, Tangi Waghjan Gorge.

Your old stomping grounds,
if I'm not mistaken.

You're not.

We fought
and won many battles there.

Do you remember that one?

Because Krik said
that he fought the Mujahideen

in a bloody battle
to the very end,

where only his unit
made it out alive.


Did you hear how he walked
unarmed across the b*ttlefield

to take an AK-47
from a slain Mujahideen?

As a matter of fact, I did.


Everyone's heard that bullshit.

Do you have proof?

Of course.

For a price.

What price?

Time changes all.

I'm considered a moderate now.

I'm fighting
a far more militant enemy.

An enemy of your making.

Oh, !sis.

I need weapons to fight them.

You're connected, Steven.

You can make it happen.

And, remember,

the enemy we fight
is your enemy, as well.

I'll make a few calls.


We recorded our battles.

We kept the most important

for training and instructions.

Few have been watched
more than Krik's.


It has everything you need.

I've known you a long time.

I can't speak
for your honor, Steven,

but I can vouch
for your courage.

This... will make
your stomach turn.

You never saw the need
to take this public before?

We sent the great Soviet army
home, humiliated.

The world saw
what we were capable of.

That was enough back then.


You cannot hide under God

That AK-47 Krik says
he took off one of my men...

he probably bought from a stall
in Pul-e Khishti bazaar.

One more legend
that turned out to be a lie.

Shit. f*cking...
What the f*ck, man?

Sorry. Sorry.

It was either this or Krik
putting a b*llet in your head.


Oh. How'd you know
I was a Hello Kitty man?


Okay. Battery's almost dead,
so use it wisely.

Did you see Hector?

Yeah. I-I'm supposed to meet him
at an abandoned green dacha.

Contact Berlin Station
for the exfil.

A lot of people are gonna be
happy to hear your voice, man.


I better get out of here.

Hey, thanks, Torres.
I mean it.

I should have believed you
back in Estonia.

Wouldn't have made
any difference.

They were
already at our throats.

Now get the f*ck out of here.

Okay, but when
we do locate Daniel Miller,

we'll need to get
a SEAL team in there fast.


No, no. Please.

Come on.

How can we expect even tacit
permission from the Kremlin

when it's one of the most
powerful oligarchs in Russia

who has him?

No, you're not hearing me.


Can you please just promise me
you'll get the wheels in motion?

Stand down, and it's your
g*dd*mn head if this goes south.

f*cking JSOC bureaucracy.

Robert, they're
not gonna risk lives

if we don't know where he is.

If Esther's agent
didn't find him in Estonia,

there's a very good chance
he's at Krik's dacha.

But if we can't confirm that,

they're never gonna
greenlight this mission,

and you know that
as well as I do.

All I asked is that
they make ready a team.

Since B.B.
torpedoed the vote,

there's not a g*dd*mn reason

for Krik
to keep Daniel alive anymore.

What the f*ck was she thinking?

You heard from Torres?

I've heard zilch from him

since he sent the photos
of Krik's files.

Oh, speak of the g*dd*mn devil.

Where the f*ck are you, Torres?

You talk to your mother
with that mouth?


Jesus Christ.

It's good to hear
your voice, Robert.

I-I can't tell you
how good it is

to hear your f*cking voice, too.

Uh, listen.
Valerie's here.

I'm gonna put you on speaker.


Hey, boss.

Thank God.
Where are you?

I'm at... I'm at Krik's dacha.

Listen, Hector and I
are being hunted.


Yeah, there's no time.

I'm meeting him at an old dacha
about a mile from here,

but there's
not much else around.

This is Torres' phone,
but it's about to die.

I got it, Daniel.

We're gonna get you
out of there.

We are very close
on kompromat from Krik

that is gonna bring him down.

Yeah, well,
it may not be that simple.

You get rid of him,
you still have Platov.

From what I've seen, he's worse.

Worse in what way?
He's smarter,
he's more vicious,

and he's just waiting
to take the reins.

They're coming.

Daniel, wait.

You still there?


Did that just happen?

Okay, good. Good.
Now we know where he is.

So let's get JSOC
and that team moving... now.

Yep, and I'll pull up
Torres' sitrep,

see if we can find out
more about Platov.

I have Steven Frost for you

on the green line.


Okay, I just sent you a file.

And if you can
any Russian eyeballs on it,

Vassily Krik is finished, yeah.

Steven, Steven,
I'm here with Robert.

I'm putting him on.

thank you so much for that.

I appreciate it. Listen, we just
got off the phone with Daniel.

He is, indeed, alive.

That is great news.

Where is he?

Krik's dacha in Komarovo.

On the run
from Krik and his men.

Is exfil on the way?

Uh, yeah, Robert's on it.

We just needed to know
where he was

before we could get JSOC moving.

That's gonna take too long.

No, there... there isn't time.

Um, there isn't...
Uh, Valerie, look.

I'm a short flight away.

Why don't you let me go get him?

No, Steven.
Absolutely not.

We... We have no idea
what's waiting there.

We don't know
how many men Krik has.

We don't know
what they're armed with.

We just lost contact
with Daniel.

And you, sir,
have not been in the field

for a very long time.

You're not 20 anymore, Steven.

Yeah, I know, I know, I know.

Listen, um...

if you send a SEAL team
in there,

it's just gonna provoke
the Kremlin,

and there's no guarantee
you can get them in and out

before the Russian troops
are scrambled.

No. I'm not doing it.
It's too risky.

I know the risks, Valerie.

And I'm willing
to take the chance.

I-I have clients in Komarovo.

I know the area. My being there
won't set off any alarms.

So I think
I'm Daniel's best chance.

Come on.
Please, let me do this for him.

He's right.

If... If we wait,
maybe it's too late.


Valerie, no f*cking way

anybody is gonna get
to him in time.

Steven, Robert's gonna send you
the coordinates right now.

Just get him home.

Where are you going?

If I'm gonna get
that kompromat out there,

I'm gonna have to eat some crow.

Okay, Steven, I'm...
I'm sending you the info now.

Daniel and Hector will be

in an abandoned green dacha
near Krik's estate.


Last time I'm gonna say this...

Be very f*cking careful,
my friend.

Komarovo is like
the f*cking Bermuda Triangle.

We don't need to lose
anyone else.


You're welcome.
Did they find Daniel?

No, no.
I got to him first.

He's on his way to the dacha.

Aren't you just a regular
Captain f*cking America.

Again, you are f*cking welcome.

I did some recon.
We don't have much time.

That way, there's no trail,
and the terrain is heavy.

They'll be less likely
to follow you.

One I haven't seen is Rodion,

and I hope for your sake

you don't run
into that m*therf*cker.

You and me both.

You don't have to say it.

I know you love me.

f*ck you.

Are you getting us out?

- We're working on it.
- Working on it?

They're deporting us tomorrow.
We can't go back to Nigeria.

They'll take his tech.
They'll k*ll us.

You have to stop it.

Can we have a moment?

You don't think much of me,
do you?

I don't think much
of your decisions.

We need to get your device back.

No way it's the Chinese.
They're too careful for this.


He must have heard
we were about to break a deal.

So it's in the hands
of mercenaries.

And the CIA, what would
they have done with it?

Not this.
Not use it as a w*apon.

Please, April.

Can you be so sure?

How hard is it to operate?

It's not like using a g*n.

It has to be focused precisely
by someone who is trained.

Can an assassin use it?

If they knew
the human anatomy, then maybe.

But it is most effective in
the hands of a skilled doctor.

How well do you know the people
that Bankole works for?

No, my son knows.

He made the connection.

This is all my fault.

I knew what Bankole was.

What will happen now?

I'll do all I can to make sure
you don't get sent back.

But you need
to tell me everything

about Bankole and Aquinas.

We need to recover this thing
while we still have time.


Thank you so much
for meeting me.

I think we said
everything we needed

to say to each other earlier,
didn't we?

Daniel's alive.

H-How do you know?

He called.

He's in Russia, and Frost
is on the way to get him out.

Steven Frost, yeah?

Uh, yeah. It's... It's...
It's a long story,

but in short,
he's close by, he's connected,

and he thinks he can get
him out without incident.

Okay, what can I do?

Help me bring down the man
who's been holding him.

Vassily Krik.

You knew?

That's what our intel indicated,

and that's why my operation
was covert.

He is one of the Kremlin's men.


Well, not anymore.

We have a file,

and it has very, very
damaging kompromat on him.

What kind?

Proof he's a coward.

And if it gets out,
he becomes radioactive,

and the Kremlin won't
back his move on Estonia.

He'll be finished,

and hopefully we can stop
this invasion.

And you need my help for what?

I want to get it
on state-run Russian TV.

It... It can't be social media.
It can't be a news source,

because it'll just
be dismissed as fake news.

But if the story
is Kremlin-backed,

with the power
of their propaganda machine,

I absolutely think
the people will believe it.

So you need someone
the Kremlin trusts.

Who can get it
past their censors.

You know someone like that?

Yeah, I do.

He's a sleazy tabloid reporter
based in Berlin.

He's helped us out
a time or two.

And the Kremlin trusts him?

Yes, I think so.

He feeds them intel
on their enemies

and couldn't care less
about politics.

His motivation is money,
so you'll have to pay.

And he's paranoid, so we'll
have to meet on his terms.

So you're in?

Of course I'm in.

I'll have the same.

Thought you'd like to know
that Daniel is alive.

Oh, April, that's wonderful.
Where is he?

Exfil is being lined up.

Doesn't look like that's
all you have on your mind.


I did not think I was gonna
make it through training.

You can't deny it wasn't an...

easy fit for me at the Farm.

I remember. You were always
asking a lot of questions.

Drove your instructors crazy.

But you saw something in me.


You were
always a couple steps ahead.

You had the gift
of an elegant mind.

Your mentorship

meant a lot to me back then.

I might not have made it
through without it.

Which is why...

I'm trying to wrap
my head around

why you would deliberately
betray us at the summit.

The administration
told me to vote no.

They said they would not
go to w*r for NATO.

Not now and not there.

That's the truth.

Still, you doing their bidding

ensures that your career
stays on the fast track.

It ensures I stay
in the middle of the
decision-making process.

What's the good of that

if we can't live up
to our promises?

If people can't rely on us?

Estonia is one of 100 fires.

Krik is gonna make a mistake,
or the Kremlin will.

We have to be patient.

I guess I don't have
that kind of patience.

April, maybe it's time
you learned

that this job
is not black and white.

I would have thought that, by
now, you would realize that.

The world has changed.

Adapt or die.

We have changed.
That's reality.

You told me
this job was about service.

I should keep my eye
on the higher purpose,

or I'd get lost.

Might be time for you
to take your own advice.

It might be time for you to give
me the benefit of the doubt.

Consider that maybe there
are pieces to the puzzle

you don't have.


Don't look at me.

Do you have the money?


It feels light.

Throw in a doener,
and we're good.

Extra lamb fat.

Make it two.

So, what do you have for me?

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

This is ridiculous.

Were you followed?

Not my first rodeo.

So spill.

We have kompromat on a very
influential Russian oligarch.

Who gives a f*ck?

Russia's got 96 billionaires.

One of them takes a header...

It's Vassily Krik.
Are you mad?

Do I look like I want to take
a mystery fall from a rooftop?

We have a file
that will ruin him.

Once the people see it,

the Kremlin
will be finished with him.

You won't be
in any danger at all.

If anything, you'll be seen
as a hero for outing a coward.

May I see the thing?

It's a burner phone.

No chip. Untraceable.

Just hit "play."

Holy shit.


this is good.

So, can you get this
on state-run TV?

Don't be daft.
Of course I can.

Then, will you?

I'll do it.

We need it yesterday.

I'm going to enjoy
seeing that big tree fall.


you are delightful company.

It has been my pleasure.

He's a charmer.

I wasn't sure he'd go for it.


To think
that the fate of Estonia

and maybe the free world
is resting in that guy's hands.

For f*ck's sakes.

That doesn't look good.

No shit.

What's the game, man?

I happen to like you, Blake.

You f*cking like me?

You're the only roofer I know

who can track down
blood oranges in September.

If you live, you'll continue
to be useful to me.

But I'd take the g*n now.
They're not far behind.

Why shouldn't I just sh**t you?

Go ahead.


Reveal your position to Krik.

Or you could do the smart thing

and go.

f*ck you.

And you think
you can trust that guy?

I think Rivkin's ego
is bigger than his fear.

And Esther's right.
Krik's a whale.

Rivkin brings him down,

and all of Krik's enemies
line up to thank him.


I thought
you'd still be at the office,

given how busy
you and Esther Krug have been.

I have Ilya Rivkin,

and I have
the phone you gave him.

I cannot allow you to do it.

Yeah, well, quite frankly,

I've had enough of what
Russia will and will not allow.

Valerie, you have to trust me.

It is
in everybody's best interest

that Krik remains where he is.

You're gonna need to give me
a bit more than that.

I can't.

Well, then you are
shit out of luck.

They got Rivkin.

We have the kompromat.

I just have to find another
way to get it out there.

Let's f*cking beat them
at their own game.

We need you to hack
a high-security system.

Are you joking?

Is this some kind
of twisted loyalty test?

Okay, after accusing me

of working for the Russians
in Estonia,

you now want me
to hack for the CIA?

Look, Sofia, I know how
it sounds, but hear us out.

There's a good reason.

I'm listening.

We need you
to hack the Russians.

f*ck you.

"Russkiy Voskhod,"
the morning show.

You know it, right?

Yes. Anyone who lives close
enough to Russia knows about it.

It's a shitty show.

Lifestyle porn
mixed with Kremlin propaganda.

Why would I hack that?

Because it's the
most-watched show in Russia,

and it's state-run,

so the people have no choice
but to trust it.

We need you to get this
on the air.


Because we need your help
in bringing down

the man who took Daniel
and is attacking Estonia.

That's why.

So now you need me.

Yes. Now we need you.

CIA needs you.

Okay. I'll do it.

For Estonia and for Daniel.

I'm shot.
Oh, f*ck.

Come on. Let's get inside.
Let's get inside.

Who are these girls?

Instagram stars?
Are you kidding me?

This is Kremlin-sponsored.
They're probably all Spetsnaz.

It's done.

He just left them there to die.

Allahu akbar!


Oh, man!

You're a sight for sore eyes.

Ah, you gave us a sc...

Are you okay?

What are you doing here?

W-What do you mean?

Who sent you?

Berlin Station sent me.

They sent you?

I've come to take you back.


Are you okay?

Why did they send you?

Uh, because I was close
and I volunteered.

You volunteered?

Yeah. There wasn't time
to get a team in to get you.

Daniel, I moved mountains
to get to you.

Now come on.
Let's go.

I know who you are.

I know you know who I am.

Look, we got to get you...

Oh, geez.

Come on, man.
What is this? What is this?


I saw you.

Look, I-I can't imagine
what you've been through.

You're wounded,
and you've lost a lot of blood.

But, come on, put the g*n down

and just tell me
what this is all about.

This is about... you.

Who you were.

An assassin.

Do you know
how ridiculous that...

Come on.
It's me, for Christ's sake.

We've served together.
We're friends.

Whoever you think I am,
you're wrong.


Your name was Diver.

And you k*lled my mother.

Oh, come on.
You've got to think now.

Think about what you're saying.

Think about it.
Come on.

Put the g*n down.
Let me take you home.

You're Diver.

I'm sure of it.

Okay, talk to me, then.
Talk to me.

Tell me who this Diver is.

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

And you know
exactly what you did.

Jesus. God.

He's f*cked.

Join me in a toast.

"To regret the past,

to hope in the future..."

"...and never to be satisfied
with the present."

To Estonia.

Even if the streets
run red with her blood...

...we will have her back.

Do you want to tell me
what this is all about?

I know you broke into
Vassily's safe, Mr. DiSanto.

What I want to know is why.

And, please,
exercise caution in answering.

Your life depends on it.

I don't want to do this.

I don't want to do this,
Daniel, and I don't think
you do either.

So, come on, why don't
we both just take a step back?

No. We can't go back.

Why are you so certain
that I'm Diver?

I talked to Henrik Viiding
before he died about Diver.

Henrik... Henrik Viiding,
h-he was a sick man.

He was old.
Oh, he seemed
pretty sharp to me.

And my instinct tells me
that he was telling the truth.

Oh, so you're basing this
on instinct?

No, no, not instinct.

I've been reliving
the death of my mother

since I was 8 years old.

And the one thing that I am sure
about is that you are Diver.

Are you sure it's memory?
Are you? Are you su...

Or... Or maybe
it's just a wish for clarity.

"I-I-I found the truth now,

even if it's
a f*cking lie."

Come on, Daniel.

Ma... Maybe this is the only
answer your mind can construct

to a question that's been
haunting you your whole life.

Let me help you
find the truth.
No, I know the truth.

You k*lled my mother,
and you k*lled Lukas Beker.

But what I don't know is why.
I don't know who that is,

and I don't know what the f*ck
you're talking...
Answer me!

I will put a f*cking round
between your eyes

if you don't start talking.


I saw the photo, Steven.

Taken the night
that you saved Henrik's life.

I saw the photo.
I recognized your silhouette.

It was you.
Daniel, you got to stop.

You got to stop.
No, no, no.

I'm not gonna stop until you
start telling me the truth.

I was following orders.

The CIA gave me a target.

And I eliminated the target.

I did what you or any other
good officer would have done.


Not like me.
Nothing like me.

I hated to do it.

But I think I hated
to keep it from you even more.

Why her?

She was a civilian.
She was innocent.

Oh, it was just...

f*cking collateral damage.

Sometimes it's unavoidable.

You, of all people,
should know that.

If I could have done it
any differently, I would have.

Did you know that I was her son

when I first got
to Berlin Station?

I did, I did.

And I prayed you'd never have

to find out
what really happened.

If Lukas Beker was the target,

you could have k*lled him
right away, but you didn't.


You waited
until she got in the car.

I was instructed
to eliminate all witnesses.

Oh, God,
I hate saying this, Daniel,

but your mother was
not who you thought she was.

She had engaged... many
risky relationships,

which put a target on her back.

You're f*cking lying.

Listen, I...

You stay where you are.

I looked into Lukas Beker.

He was a low-level agent.

I could never understand why
the CIA put a target on him.

They didn't, did they?

Oh, God, it wasn't him.

She was the target.

But why would the CIA

order the assassination
of a U.S. citizen,

unless they were a...
An enemy combatant or a...



a traitor.

I tried to hide it from you.

And I would've taken it
to my grave.

Your mother was a Russian spy.

I don't believe you.

This is... This is what you do.

You f*cking bend the truth.

I knew there was something off
about you when we first met

and you were grilling me
about Thomas Shaw.

There was something you were
hiding. Something you...

That you were scared
would come out.

Well, I knew
you didn't come to Berlin

just to find Shaw.

I knew you wanted to find out
about your mother.

You wanted an answer.

No, the circles that they
moved in, they knew officers.

They would have known Diver.
My mother was a smart woman.

She must have uncovered
the truth.

You know what that truth is.

Diver was active when
operatives were being exposed

and ex*cuted
both sides of the wall.

He was a double agent.

And a kind, respectful,
unassuming guy like you...

Must have been pretty easy
to fool everybody, right?

But not her.

If you believe that,

why don't
you just f*cking k*ll me?


No, that would be too easy.

I want you exposed.

I want you to pay
for what you did.

You'll never be able
to prove it.

Well, I can spend the rest
of my life trying.

Because if there's anything
that I've learned

after all these years,

it's that the past
never stays dead.

Oh, you're right about that.

I'm so sorry.

I am. 'Cause I...

I didn't want this.