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03x06 - In Cold Hell

Posted: 10/31/21 02:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Berlin Station"...

Adeyemi can focus sound waves
on a problem area

without destroying
the surrounding tissue.

In the wrong hands,
this could be a w*apon.

- Run.
- What?


Daniel's missing.
What do you mean?
What happened?

I've already told you
more than I'm allowed to.

This is Daniel.

B.B., are you here
to report on Estonia,

or are you here to report on us

- back to Washington?
- Both.

Your opponent's name
is Vassily Krik.

The weapons that
he's moving into Estonia

are just a drop in the bucket.

Can you confirm
he has the American?

Well, he's got something
he's pretty excited about.

Jetting all over the world,
back to Provence.

That's a lot of wasted hours
flying commercial.

Lucky you. I have a spare
Gulfstream fueled and ready.

You're going
to St. Petersburg,

and I want you to find Daniel,

and I want you to get
close enough to Krik

to help us stop Estonia.

Papa! Papa!

Where is Papa?!


Papa told you to speak English
around me.

English or Mandarin.

So I can practice.

What's the matter, Lana?

The monsters.
They bare their teeth

and laugh at me.

Where? Show me.


Nope. All clear.

No, no monsters here.

You're safe.

Go back to sleep.

Good night.

I'll tell Papa
you didn't read me a story.


You'd do that
to your Uncle Roman?


How to start?

Once there was a shy little boy

who lived in a beautiful
green dacha in the country.

It was a charmed life.

Down he'd go,
all dressed in white,

splashing in the lake,

riding his bicycle and pony,

hide and seek with his sisters.

Until one bright, sunny day,

his papa hung himself

from the crystal chandelier
in their entry hall.

The boy's papa had squandered
all their wealth, every ruble,

and had taken on
tremendous debt on top.

But now they had nothing,

and winter was upon them.

The crows
pecked their garden bare,

so the boy's mama made stew
from the rats,

squirrels, and possums.

Oh, how he loved the crunch

of their brittle bones
as he chewed.

But after a time,
even the vermin knew

to stay away
from the green dacha.

And then one day, the boy's mama

went out with his little sister,
the family's darling.

At night, Mamushka returned
and made a big pot of stew.

When the boy asked
after his sister,

Mama said she had taken her
to the orphanage

because she couldn't
care for her.

No more, Uncle Roman.

But when the boy
tasted the stew,

he knew the truth.

The tender meat in his mouth

was the darling little girl
whose shoes he used to tie.

But he was so hungry,

and the stew...

it was delicious.

So he ate and ate and ate

until he was hungry no more.

Monsters don't always
hide under your bed, Lana.

Sometimes, they make stew.

For a country
on the brink of invasion,

Estonia seems awfully quiet.

How do you explain their call
for an Article 5 vote

when there's nothing going on?

It's only quiet because
they declared martial law.

Everyone's inside,
glued to their screens,

soaking up fake news
and stewing in their hatred.

It's a strategic pause.

Classic hybrid w*r.

Vassily Krik stirred the pot.

Now he's sitting back,
waiting for us to respond.

Have you really thought
about what would happen

if this vote went through?

w*r. I don't know what the
appetite in the White House is

for American boots on the ground
defending Estonia...

We would be defending NATO.

An att*ck on them is an att*ck

on the United States
and our allies.

We need a unanimous vote
on Article 5

to get Krik to back down.

NATO summit's in 48 hours.

How do you plan
to get the votes?

We'll lean on NATO's
most influential. 14-Eyes.

Their intelligence dictates
every NATO vote.

And we have a ringer, that being
you, the American delegate.

Leaves only 13-Eyes
left to persuade.

I need to meet
with Leo Morillon.

We need France onboard.

It's good to see you
in one piece.

Heard about Tokyo.


I spent a couple years there,
so if you need anything,

let me know... a Jiro Sushi
reservation or whatever.

I can hook you up.

It's good to see you.

It's been too long, Kolya.
I've missed you.

Although I would've rather seen
your name on my call sheet

than hear it
in a security briefing.

When Moscow makes a play
for one of our NATO allies,

you have to know
we'll come knocking.

Hmm. Is there a treaty
between our two countries

that I'm unaware of?

Not exactly.

But you have to admit,
the current administration

has done a lot
to improve relations.

Wisely. Wisely.

Using Vassily Krik
is a very clever distraction.

Get everybody chasing your tails

while you can deny
any involvement.

But we are not involved.

Pull him back.

NATO will do it for you.

What makes you think
that I or anyone in Moscow

has any control over Krik?

You better hope you do.

As a former satellite,
Estonia is tempting,

I must admit,

but not worth the bad PR.

Russia has a new reputation
to live up to.

If the Kremlin is the world's
new moral compass, God help us.

I wonder,
what would you tell Mr. Krik

if you were sitting
across from him?

I would tell him Estonia is
a card-carrying member of NATO,

and their dues are all paid up.

When trouble befalls
the least of us,

you can guarantee
the United States will be there.

Heed the warning.

This time, we will not hesitate.

Brains, guts, composure...


There are times I think I know
why God created woman.

Why he created man
remains a mystery.


So, paperwork will be on
the ground in St. Petersburg.

Torres will be going
by the name Manuel DiSanto,

an investor from Puerto Rico.

Background's solid.

Geez, I'd forgotten
how good you are at this.

- Oh, f*ck you.
- Huh.

So, how exactly is your contact
in St. Petersburg

supposed to get Torres to Krik?

He's a roofer.

He's basically a high-end
concierge for the Russian elite.

He puts people together,
makes money.

He's got heart, Torres.

But field officers normally
spend months with their covers.

He's got f*cking hours.

Yeah, he seems like a smart kid.
Thank you.

Um, listen. Did you get that
address that I asked you for?


Pyotr Mikhailov,

Krik's favorite lieutenant
in his unit.

You can find him
in 17 Nevsky Prospekt.

Wait a minute.
Isn't that...

It's a sketchy suburb.

Battle-tested Army units
are treated like kings,

if not tsars.

It's funny you should say that.

You know,
the rest of his unit...

Other officers,
enlisted men under him...

They can all be found
in the Primorsky District.

Right, oligarch adjacent.

Krik's either
taking care of his men

or keeping them quiet.

Maybe they've got dirt on him.

Well, Mikhailov
was right next to Krik

from the time
they rolled into Kabul

till they slunk out with their
tail between their legs.

First sh*t to last.
If anybody has dirt on Krik,

it's Mikhailov.

So why isn't he wetting his beak
like the others?


All right.
We got this, Robert.

We sink our talons into Krik.

He lets Daniel go.
We bring him home.

Anything else
you can tell me about this guy?

I have no words.
He's just somebody

you're gonna have to experience
for yourself.

Oh, wow.
That is exquisite.

These people don't know
the meaning of "priceless."

Is that a Gauguin?

Yes, it is.

And that was Henry Tudor's,
so move your ass.

You ain't heir to sh*t.

This is, uh, Rafael Torres,

uh, now going by Manuel DiSanto,

um, investor
by way of Puerto Rico.

And this is Christian Blake.

You may know him by the name...

- Hector DeJean.
- Oh.

Death suits you.

It'll suit you, too,
if you f*cking try me.

I'm with a client.
Busy day.

Timur's trying to decide
which Matisse to sell

so he can get outta Dodge

before he accidentally
falls out of a window.

I don't need
the Ghost of Christmas Past

or whoever the f*ck he thinks
he is f*cking that up for me.

You didn't tell him?

Tell me what?

Daniel Miller is missing.

We think he's being kept here
by Vassily Krik.

Well, I haven't heard anything.

I'll let you know if I do.

Your concern is heartwarming.

What do you want me to say?

Krik's untouchable.

If he's got Miller,
he's as good as dead,

so you can f*ck off now.

Um, uh, you've gotten
pretty close to Krik.

And if they trust you to hide
their billions in assets here,

uh, they might trust you
with an introduction.

Yeah, of course they trust me.
They trust me not to pull

the kind of f*cking stupid sh*t
you're suggesting.

Okay. Oleg Kamenov tells me
that Krik's number two

likes to gamble with the roofers
and bodyguards.

Yeah. Roman Platov.
I know him.

Yeah. Then you get me in,
and then I'll do the rest.

Oh, is it that easy?

Whatever you've done before,
this ain't that.

One mistake,
and they'll eat you alive.

Then they'll come
for your family,

and they'll f*cking
eat them alive, too.


I'm not taking that chance.

I already f*cking d*ed once.

- Well, now he's scared.
- Get him out of here.

All right, then.
We'll get to Platov on our own.

I'll see you in the car.
Go on.


Be right out.

Nice guy.


Come on, Hector. Huh?

What, you... you think
swimming with oligarchs is easy?

Between the f*cking wives
and the hangers-on,

it's a feat
akin to walking on water

just keeping your head attached.

You were gallows-bound
in Berlin.

Six months later, you outstayed
your welcome in Jo-burg

when I found you there.

- You owe me.
- I owe you?

You're f*cking right, you do.
You owe me.

Where else
in this world worth living

can you have a dead man's face
and walk around with it?

Here, Russia!

When I set you up with Vlad,

I gave you the opportunity
to channel your talents

- into something lucrative.
- Shh!

And it looks like
it's working out for you.

- Shut up.
- God.

Jesus Christ.

So you putting me within earshot
of Russia's rich and famous

was just luck of the draw?
Give me a f*cking break.

You put me here so you could
run me like an agent.

Old habits, right?

I've delivered in spades.

Who... Who... Who gave you
Sokolov, huh?

You enjoying that Gulfstream
you rode in on?

You're welcome.

Okay, yeah. My days as Chief
of Station are a distant memory,

I know.
But you're right.

Those responsibilities
do die hard,

because I made a promise
that I'm gonna find Daniel.

I'm gonna bring him back.
And that's what I'm gonna do.

Now, you don't... you don't want
to do this for me,

that's fine. I don't care.
You do it for Daniel.

Daniel can take care of himself.

Why am I not
surprised to see you both?

Expecting my help whipping votes
on Article 5?

Not expecting. Soliciting.

Esther, If Germany
assembles the 14-Eyes,

it could help the rest of Europe
move, as well.

You wanna hide behind us

and have Germany lead
a Europe-first response?

We can alleviate some pressure
in your energy sector.

You'd be beholden
to Russia no more

if we broker
a more favorable energy deal

with the Saudis or Turkey.

That could give you
the freedom you need

to support your NATO allies.

We can't succeed without you.

Germany will continue to monitor
the situation in Estonia

for any adverse changes.

Jesus, are you all right?

You saved my life.

Yeah. I did.

Thanks for coming to get me.

We need to find out
how he found you.

I ran my livestream
through a VPN cascade,

which is absolutely untraceable.

What about the phone... the
phone you stole from the bar?


It was hacked

to sabotage
the Sama Kaart system.

Of course.
Our lines have been compromised.

So is the cellphone.
Where is it now?

- I stored it in a bus locker.
- Show me.

- Mademoiselle.
- Leo.

Do you still drink
gin and tonic?

I do.

Leo, when NATO convenes,

Estonia is going
to invoke Article 5.

And I need that vote
to be a unanimous yes.

If the evidence is compelling,
it will be so.

Oh, the evidence
is compelling...

just open to interpretation.

We believe Vassily Krik
invaded Estonia.

Crimea had little green men
roaming the streets,

political coups,
media blackouts.

We've heard nothing.

Krik is waiting
for the all-clear.

Then when he gets it,

the Kremlin will come
pouring in behind him.


the 14-Eyes know you.

They trust you.

So if you sound the alarm...

they'll follow.


Given America's recent
isolationist rhetoric,

certain key players
will need a show of faith.

And what if I can get you
everything you need?

I'm on holiday tomorrow,

South of France.

My fellow 14-Eyes,

they may or may not be joining.

Get me what I need,

prove I can still trust you...

and I'll get you your votes.

How did it go with the French?

Exactly as I expected.

- What do they want?
- They want a show of faith,

and assurances that we'll stand
by our word.

That's fair.
Tell them we have

a varsity strategic
response team lined up.

We can rotate in
the 75th Rangers,

and we'll turn the Fifth Fleet
to sail north.

You think that'll satisfy
the French...

We can mobilize
at a moment's notice?

I-I think it will.
I hope so.

I'll reach out to Wolfe,
and I'll get it done.

Not necessary. I'll contact the
Joint Chiefs of Staff directly.

Platov's a no-show.

Well, my contact, Vlad,
said he'd be here.

- His intel's solid.
- Mm.

Much as I've enjoyed the
scallops in eucalyptus snow...

Uh, uh...

Time for you to leave.

We'll settle up,
and then we'll be out of here.

I was just looking for a friend,
uh, Roman Platov?

Stand down, Yuri.

He's with me.

Apologies, Mr. Blake.

Why don't you two
go pitch your little investment

to Mr. Jadovsky?

I'll go clear the air.

We're even.

These herbs are drier
than Kupchino weed.

Blake, thank God.

What have you got for me?

Uh, we got figs.

...We got fennel.

- Ah.
- We got curry leaves from India.

We got Spanish tomatoes.

Give it to me.

Ah, bratan,
these sanctions are k*lling me.

Now my homemade biroldo
has a chance.

New clients?

Old friends with
a business opportunity.

Thought I'd make
some introductions,

for a small percentage,
of course.

And you choose to introduce them
to Timur Jadovsky.

Must not be very good friends.

Timur's reputation
might be sh*t,

but his money's still good...
for now.

So, where were we?

Uh, well, we were just
giving Mr. Jadovsky

a snapshot of the economics.

We took him through the success
we had in, uh, Port-au-Prince.

Peanuts compared to
what you'll make in Puerto Rico.

Oh, Manuel DiSanto,
Steven Frost,

this is, uh, Roman Platov.

- You the chef?
- No.

Just always hungry.

- Oh. Pleasure.
- Hi.

My pleasure.

Go on, please.

Like I'm not even here.

The hurricane...
It was devastating

for Puerto Rico, no?

For a lot of people, yes.

But not for everyone.

For some, it created certain
kind of... opportunities.

Disaster capitalism,
plain and simple.

The storm
wiped out everything...

Homes, hospitals,

- But...
- For the right kind of investor,

the weather is just fine.

You will not find
a more lucrative way

to move your money overseas.

And with our guidance, uh, you
can really take advantage

of the low tax rate
and the lax regulations.

What, uh, kind of return
are we talking?

Oh, my.
We're talking...

Within two months,
45% on a $50 million outlay.


It's real.

And you didn't think

our deep-pocketed mutual friend
might be interested?

Well, I-I didn't wanna presume.

What the f*ck is this, Blake?

A bidding w*r?

Depends who's doing the bidding,
all right?

I'm not competing
against Vassily's lapdog.

Come on, Timur.

That's... That's unnecessary.
That's not nice.

- Please, Jesus.
- No, no. He's right.

There is no competition.

Mr. Krik would much prefer
to be the sole investor.

f*ck off, Timur.

Your money is as rotten
as your breath.

- Go to hell.
- Oh, all right.

I'll see you there.

So, you will be
my guests tonight.

We'll discuss an investor

who can actually
make your trip worthwhile.

Tonight, I'll do the talking.

Got me?

Mu'dak. 'Suka.

Whoa, what he f*ck
are you doing, man?

Insurance scammer.

Ah. Really?

Welcome to Russia.

Oligarch's privilege.

Sofia Vesik's office.




- Clear.

Turn him over.

Hey. Hey, hey!

Say cheese.

We got him.

- You're amazing.

- Oh.
- You've been busy.

I hope you don't mind,

because I'm going
to need more memory...

A lot more.

I found an old back-up beta
for Sama Kaart.

It was at Tervik's digital vault
in Zurich.

Will it work?

There's a lot
to fill in and re-code,

but yeah, it should work.

If we can re-launch Sama Kaart
and help end the fighting...

You sound a lot like Henrik.

My work is about evolution.

And yes, I want to bring peace,

but it's up to a real leader
to preserve it.

Your livestream was
inspirational, okay?

Your simple truths,
hard work, your vision...

You could be that leader.

I still have so much work
at Tervik.

The people deserve better
than Savisaar

or whoever else tries
to fill that vacuum.

April, it's not so simple.

But it can be.

So you're saying
the CIA can make it simple?

Countering fascism

and maintaining stability
in the Baltics

is in everybody's best interest.

I'm flattered.

In Estonia, we have a saying

that the morning is wiser
than the evening.

Then you'll sleep on it.

And we'll talk about it
in the morning.

You know I trust you, April.

That's why I'm still here.

I can't promise you
more than that.

Boy, that is a handsome picture.

- You mind? Mm.
- Mm.

Um, you know,
I did my time there.

I was a stringer
for the wire service

that covered your w*r
and then ours.

The earth itself...

just sticks to you, doesn't it?

Gets in your pores.

You can't ever get clean.

It's for the book.


I mean, my editor...
She's gonna eat it up.

Thank you.

You know, your, um,
commanding officer

sure went on to make a name
for himself.

What can you tell me
about Vassily Krik?

You've heard the stories.

Yeah, but you were there.

Where are your medals?

Your unit was highly decorated.


My medals and ribbons...

I buried with my brothers.

What happened that day?

Now, I've known a lot
of soldiers in my time.

But the other men in your unit,
they sure didn't sell their, uh,

honor cheaply.

They've lived well.

So they should.

They've paid in other ways...


paid dearly.

And you?

All of Vassily's billions,

there is no pot of gold
big enough.

You don't wanna remember it.

Okay, I understand.

You just wanna push it so far
down in your mind, you just...

It's like it never
even happened.

But it did.

You know, they say confession's
good for the soul.

Why don't you wash off
some of that Kabul clay?

You're gonna have to talk
about it sometime...

when you meet your maker.

He tells a story.

He tells it nearly every day.

He tells it to new associates

and to old friends,
to his wives,

to his daughter, to himself...

How he took a Kalashnikov
off a dead enemy fighter.

I've heard that story.

It's a lie.

It's a lie.

I was...

the one who k*lled
that Mujahideen.

And I only kept this r*fle

so I'd never forget...

our dishonor

and disgrace.

The pass was narrow...

a strategic nightmare.

First squad came under fire.

There was so little cover,

they were packed together
so tight,

they didn't even fall
when they d*ed.

Krik was the one
who sent them ahead,

and when the order came
to reinforce and rescue them...

You retreated.

Krik retreated.

I was ready to die
for my brothers.

I had my honor,

and that coward stole it away.

His name is Sergei Basarov.

He's ex-Spetsnaz.
Not f*cking talking,

but, uh, I haven't
turned on the charm yet, so...

Oh, gee.
I wish I was there for that.

April made it all happen.

She... She actually
risked her life,

first protecting the asset
and then getting this.

Yeah, she's a meat eater,
that's for sure.

Listen. Basarov was
on the ground in Estonia.

He knows Krik's operation.

We're really hoping
he can help lead us to Daniel.


He won't talk no matter
how many drinks you buy him.

Then we'll f*cking trade him.

Well, let's hope he's worth
something to them.

Send up a flare
when you have an answer,

because I'm on my way
to Afghanistan

for, uh, kompromat...

Little dirt on Krik we can use
to get Daniel back.

Hey, Steven.
Whatever it is you find,

it has to f*cking stick.

Oh, it will, if I can get it.

What's the one true hanging
offense for the Kremlin?


Worse. Cowardice.

We can't let Adeyemi
sell this tech to the Chinese.

I think we have
a bigger problem.

Bankole, the Nigerian contact,
who b*at up Dove?

I dug a little deeper.

He's a friend
from Dove's hometown

and works for Aquinas.

Shady guys, deep pockets.

They keep the local guys
off of the payroll

to keep them hidden
from the state government,

but we traced back
consistent deposits

in Bankole's accounts

to Malta, Aquinas's home base.

My source says they're making
a deal for the w*apon.

Dove implied it's true.
So we might be too late.

Adeyemi sells to a private
contractor, we lose all control,

especially Aquinas,
and they are not the good guys.

No. That's why we should've
naturalized Adeyemi

in the first place.
None of this would be happening.

Not our call. That decision
was made elsewhere.

But, April, I need you
to close this deal now,

whatever it takes.

We need it.

And Aquinas should
absolutely not have it.


I wasn't expecting you.

- Can I have a moment?
- Of course.


you haven't been completely
honest with me,

about your invention.

It seems the truth is
a rare commodity these days.

All right.

It wasn't an accident, the day
you met me at the park, Dove.

I was assigned to make contact,

to get to know you and you,

and see who you were talking to.

How long have you suspected?

Not long.

I knew you were
too smart for me,

out of my league.

Let's stay clear on
what we're talking about here...

Your invention.

No one is fighting this hard
for a healing technology.

What a world it would be
if we were.

Your device
can k*ll people silently,

make it look like a heart att*ck
or a stroke, with no detection.

And you're selling it
to the highest bidder.

April" What was that Oppenheimer
said? "I have become... "

No, don't quote
that Oppenheimer sh*t to me.


I didn't start out
to make a w*apon.

But, yes,

after a certain point,
I knew what was happening,

and I knew what I was doing.
And so did Oppenheimer.

It wasn't what I wanted
for my legacy.

I wanted it to heal.

But if my legacy
is a safe and healthy family

with money in the bank,
then yes,

I can live with that.

You have a deal with Aquinas,
don't you?

We can cancel it.

The Chinese money
is quite strong.

I've been authorized
to make you this proposal.

It's quite generous.
R&D funds, stock options,

patent royalties...
You'll be set for life.

Triple it.

I know how these things work.

Tell your people
to bring their best numbers,

or we won't be listening.

If we come to terms,

I can get your visas approved
by the State Department

and make sure that you're safe
from Aquinas, the Chinese,

and whoever else you've led on.

The world turns you upside-down,
shakes you.

It is a storm that never ends.

I'm ready for shelter.

Hey. How you doing?

You ever party with a dead guy?

Last time I was here,
this guy, Federman,

friend of Platov's,
life and soul of the party,

he goes sh*t for sh*t...
Let me in...

Goes sh*t for sh*t,
line for line, with Platov.

Halfway through the night,
he goes quiet.

It was only when the lights
come on, I realized he's dead.

That's a rough night, man.

Not for Platov. He owed the guy
a sh*t ton of money.

- Comprende?
- Good copy.

Watch my back.
I'll watch yours.

Girls, hey.

Mwah. Hey.

Come on. Relax.

Hey. How are you?

How you doing?

How are ya?

- Nice to see you, man.
- Good to see you.

- Welcome.
- Ladies?

Christian. Come.

- This is Anna.
- Anna.

- There he is.
- Sit down. Sit down.

- Welcome.
- Hey, man.

- Good to see you. Come, welcome.
- You, too, man. You, too.

Boli, vodka.

- 'Course you do. Come on.
- No, please! Be my guest.

- Don't be shy.
- Waiting for it.

- Huh? You good?
- I'm great, man.

Yeah. Hey,
be with the times.

- Please.
- Don't be shy.

...All right, all right.

- For you.
- Thank you.

One for me.

You're a long way
from Puerto Rico, my friend.

- Mm.
- How'd you meet Christian?


What was it?
Uh, um, early...

- Early '09?
- '09.

Miami, blood in the water,

mortgage crisis.
The getting was so good.

I was buying up
whole neighborhoods,

just kingdoms
of half-built homes everywhere.

- And... And you...
- Yeah, well, I...

I was f*cking... Wait a minute.

I was holed up
in this f*cking McMansion,

ripping out high-end fixtures...

You know, gold taps,
copper wiring.

I hear the key
in the front door going.

Oh! There...
There's f*cking Blake

covered in dust, just, like,
waving a crescent wrench,

like, trying to convince me

that he lived in the f*cking
place and that he owned it.

And I was talking about,
"Yeah, I'm just doing

some weekend renovating."

- f*ck you!
- f*ck you, man!

I don't know if, like,
just sh**t the guy

or just, like, work with him.

Should've sh*t him.

- He's a k*ller.
- Look at that.

He's a f*cking k*ller.

- f*ck.
- Yo. Go.

Don't be shy.


- Get down. Get down!
- Knock it the f*ck off, man!

Get down, man!
You're gonna get us both k*lled.

- Come here. Two vodkas.
- He's here. He's here.

- Two bottles!
- Sergei Basarov, man.

f*cking drink this.

You need to come down fast.

...Right. You good? You good?

You want Krik,
you gotta go deeper.

Deeper, you hear me?

Pull it together!

You good?


Hey, hey, hey!
Look who I found.

Hello, stranger.

Hey! Come on!

You like
our home away from home?



Man, I-I think these guys
are trying too hard, man,

j-just paying 30,000 Euros
on table service,

you know, to... to rent friends

they're not gonna remember
the next morning.

"These guys"?


I am one of these guys.

Who are you
to judge, sitting at my table,

with all the bounty
laid out before you?


I asked you a question.

You didn't tell me this was
a deal good enough to k*ll for.

we go to Vassily's dacha,

talk some business.

To my new friend.

May we have long lives...

and many beautiful women.

- What's this?
- It's a f*cking lost dog.

- You want him back?
- He's not one of mine.

Oh, f*ck you.
Come on.

That man is Sergei Basarov,
part of Krik's private army.

We have footage
of him in Tallinn

and can link him
to the m*ssacre at the monument.

He is incontrovertible proof

of Krik's move in Estonia.

Tell me you're not
wasting my time

with this Article 5 nonsense.

Really, Kolya?
You want to back down

with the whole world watching
when NATO comes calling?

You think a photo-shopped pic

and some piecemeal conjecture
are gonna start a w*r?

I don't want to start a w*r.
I want to stop one.

Why bring me this?

What is it you really want,
huh, Robert?

I want Daniel Miller.
Fair trade.


Now who's looking
for a lost dog?

You'd really give up
your precious proof for Miller?

That's the f*ckin' deal
on the table, Kolya.

You've been busy with 14-Eyes,

but that won't bring you far

without the U.K. and Germany
blazing your trail for you.

You may not have
the support you think.

We'll just have to take
our chances, won't we?

Tomorrow, midnight.

Sergei for Daniel Miller.

Daniel Miller...

You're just like your daddy.

Little night owl, huh?

But to stay all night
with Papa, you can't.


Go to bed.


- Good night.
- Good night.

Daniel Miller...

We're in.

Car's coming in an hour
to take us to Krik's.

That's fast work.

So, what's the plan?

I'm flying to Kabul.

And if it's what I think it is,
it'll put Krik so far down

he'll never get back up again.

You're not leaving me
with Torres.

Oh, how's that going?
He's a p*stol.

He's a f*ckin' pain in the ass,
and he's gonna get me k*lled

if Krik doesn't b*at him to it.

Now you know what it was like
to be your CO all those years.

Oh. We're gonna
find Daniel.

You let me know
the minute you do.

You can't stay away from
this place, can you, Steven?

I know the drill, Farid.