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03x03 - Freeze

Posted: 10/29/21 05:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Batwoman"...

You're responsible
for everything she does

until you two have tracked down

every last one of those toxic toys

from Batman's trophy case.

LUKE: Right now, a thousand nanobots

are swimming through your bloodstream,

sending out tracking beacons
to satellites as we speak.

If I'm reading this right,

the suit thought you were injured.

Which prompted a system-wide shutdown,

putting the suit in safe mode.

I thought you and I agreed

you'd stay out of my business.

This is personal...

because I'm your daughter.

Bus driver! Wait!

Bus driver, wait, wait, wait!

Wait, you piece of... I pay taxes!

I pay your salary, man! Screw you!

Yo. Want to see something awesome?

Taylor, check this out.

T, look. I found it catching
frogs under Loeb Bridge.

Shh. I'm about to unlock a pet.

- Taylor, come on.
- Evan, chill.

Tell them I'm gonna be late.

[expl*si*n, TIRES SQUEALING]

No. I'm sorry. It's not my...


You got to be kidding me.

I love this fricking town.

Gotham officials have no comment

on how a t*nk of liquid nitrogen

ended up in the hands of schoolchildren

and caused this bus to freeze.

Gotham officials are
linking the freezing agent

to Mr. Victor Fries,

the deceased cryobiologist
Gotham remembers

as one of Batman's coldest enemies.

Ms. Wilder's here
for your meeting, Ms. Jet.

DEWITT: Officials are asking
anyone with information

as to where the Fries serum came from

to call the GCPD.

That's why I take the subway.


I'm sorry we didn't get a chance

to finish our conversation last night.

I have to admit

I never planned on meeting you.

It's a lot to process.

I see you've risen
above your circumstances

to get your degree,

climb the corporate ladder,

become the acting CEO of Wayne.

You've turned yourself into a rather
remarkable young woman, Ryan.

Thank you.


I didn't come here to
blame you for anything.

You know, whatever your
situation was at the time,

you were young or scared

or if I was unplanned,
unwanted, whatever,

no judgment.

I just wanted you to know
that it's all good.

I turned out okay.

Ryan, in an effort to respect
your time and mine,

I will try to make this
as simple as possible.

I'm not interested in having

a relationship with you.

Now if you don't mind, I have a meeting

I need to prepare for.

Wait. Why have me and then cover it up?

Adam, will you let Bonnie
know that I'm on my way?

You paid a doctor $ million
to fake your name

on my birth certificate
and then made it look like

you d*ed so I never
came looking for you.

What were you afraid of?

Sometimes, it's better
to stop asking questions.

So you invited me here
just to show me the door?

If you continue to try to have

anything to do with my family,

I will personally see to it that you

and Wayne Enterprises

will come to severely
regret that decision.

I always wondered
who my birth mother was.

Now I know.

Someone not worth my time.

I'm glad we're on the same page.

MAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I missed it?

Damn. See, this is what I get

for second-guessing my kicks.

I went deep vault for you, Wilder.

Worth it?

I actually used to have those in blue.

There you go. Worth it.

See, we're connecting already.

Marquis, I thought you were on your way

to "Metropolis" magazine's

influencer party tonight.

I was. Then I heard
you were sitting down

with a new, young CEO without me,

and I figured it was
a scheduling oversight,

so I bounced.

I am sorry. Who are you?

You're new new. That's cool.

I won't take any offense.

I'm Jeturian Industries'
executive vice president.

Marquis Jet.

Also known as my son.

MAN: ♪ Cannonball ♪

You were very clear about
knowing the absolute minimum.

You weren't even sure if you
wanted to get to know Jada,

so knowing she had another kid,

it would have just complicated it more.

The kid she kept while she gave me away.

Was he cool at least?

I have no idea. Jada kicked
me out of there so fast,

I didn't even get
to get my parking validated.

This is exactly why I wanted
to keep that door closed.

- So what now?
- You didn't hear?

Mr. Freeze's liquid nitrogen can

got in the hands
of a bunch of eight graders.

I need to find it.

I mean about your mom.

What can I do? What do you need?

MARY: You poor thing.

- I'm so sorry, Ryan.
- Thanks.

It sucks, but... I'll be fine.

Okay. First, how dare she,

and second, how'd you
know she was still alive?



Okay. Everyone was like, "Boo-hoo.

Evil Alice k*lled Ryan's mom".

As if it wasn't bad enough.

And now against all odds,

I miraculously provide her
with another one,

and you guys are just
bitching and moaning...


Can I get some water? Please, someone.

RYAN: Okay. Please tell me
you have some info

on this Freeze stuff.

So the canister itself is a compact,

custom-built vacuum flask

that makes its contents,

AKA the Freeze stuff,

more concentrated and seemingly

less dangerous than it is.

A little goes a long way.

So the kid likely found it
near the Gotham River,

thought it was a harmless dry-ice g*n.

ALICE: All right.
I'm really not feeling well.

I think it's all these tracking
nanobots inside me.

My skin, it, um, feels like spiders
are running through my veins.

Okay. That's not a thing.

LUKE: Wayne Tech uses
nanobot injectables

in their research all the time.

RYAN: Are you calling in
sick? Is that what this is?

Montoya wants us to work together.

My team gets a bead
on the Batman trophy,

and then you use your creepy-ass brain

to help us figure out where it is.

And I would love nothing more truly

than to talk about an errant
can of liquid nitrogen,

but I am finding it
very difficult to focus

through my pain,

and I would hate Ms. Montoya to think

that our little arrangement
didn't work on account

of me being in a hostile
work environment.

RYAN: Oh, my God.

What did I do to deserve this?

You know, it's probably
not the worst thing

if you give Alice the sick day.

Why does she get a day off?

Because I know where the canister is.

Plus I doubt that you'll want

one of Gotham's most wanted with you

breaking into the GCPD.

- I'm in.
- Cool.

I can only keep the cameras
dark for minutes,

so start looking.

You sure it's here?

Logs say it was tagged and filed
at : A.M. this morning

no record of anyone removing it.

I think I know why Batman
kept his own evidence locker.

What is this?

What did you do?

I found it, Nora.

We can finally finish
what Victor started.

You stole Victor's Freeze t*nk?


Nora Fries!

Ha ha ha!

You are gonna tell me

how you were frozen for years...

and lived to talk about it.

LUKE: I was able to compare
entry and exit footage

from the time of the theft
and track down

who broke into the evidence room first.

- Are you sure about that?
- Dee works

at the GCPD processing desk.

She's one of a few people
who have access

to the evidence room secure back area.

Dee also called in sick today,

and this lady's never called
in sick once in years.

Okay, but all the items
in the evidence room,

there has to be something
easier to fence.

Which is what I thought.
Why would anyone

risk everything for this stuff apart

from the guy who invented it?

Wait. You mean the Mr. Freeze dude?

- I thought he was dead.
- Victor fries. He is.

Brilliant cryobiologist,

half a dozen doctorates,

still insisted on being
called Mr. Freeze,

but then again, Captain Cold
wasn't really a captain, so...

Who's that?

Ah, yes.

That is Nora Fries

in an Arkham intake photo
taken years ago.

So Nora was diagnosed
with MacGregor's Syndrome,

a progressive lung disease
that at the time

of her diagnosis had no cure,

so Victor created a unique
liquid nitrogen formula

to supply her cryochamber
that kept her in stasis

until a cure could be found.

And he d*ed before it happened.

Well, eventually,
her cryochamber ran out

of Victor's liquid nitrogen cocktail,

so when she thawed, Nora learned

that doctors found
a cure for MacGregor's,

so they administered it,
but she was so disoriented

by the -year time gap that officials

sent her to Arkham.

She escaped in a breakout years ago

and has been MIA ever since.

- So what's the connection?
- Dee Smithy is Nora Fries's sister.

Send me the address.
I'll fire up the Batmobile.



Uh, who's bouncing a basketball

off of Bruce Wayne's
shelf of first editions?

That would be... my brother.

MAN: ♪ Just when you think
you know the game ♪

♪ I change the rules ♪

♪ You thought you had it figured out ♪

♪ I had you fooled ♪

Ooh. The girl's got reflexes. You play?

Yeah. In all my spare time.

What are you doing here?

Free for a drink later?

Jada didn't tell you about me?

Tell me what, Wilder?

She made it very clear she wanted

nothing to do with Wayne Enterprises

and that I have nothing to do with her.

Ooh! You ruffled some feathers.

What'd you do? Because normally,

she eats that rags to riches stuff up.

Reminds her of herself.

So you think you know my story?

, raised in the system,
stint at Blackgate,

and now... acting CEO of Wayne.

Oh, and, uh,

you're my sister.

She told you that?

She didn't have to.

How did you figure this out?

Oh, nannyies talk

like mine did when Moms disappeared

for months straight.

Heard about it as a kid years later.

Why her and my old man didn't speak

for a full summer after that.

So it was an affair.

Then we fast forward years,

here's some badass chick
one year younger than me,

shows up at the company,
throws my mom off her game,

and has got her scheduling
all these secret meetings

while I'm supposed to be out of town.

Poof! Here you are,

the sister I never knew I had.

I... I would ask you for a hug,

but you look like you
could kick my ass, so...

Pretty sure your mom
might b*at me to it.

Our mom.

I don't think you should be here.

But I already picked out
my office next to yours.

- What are you talking about?
- Because it's the corner.

Way better view.
I mean, I don't even know

why you're in this place.

It's so... limited.

You want to partner
with Wayne Enterprises?

Mom thinks that I'm in this

just for the PJs and
free concert tickets,

which would mean I'd be an honorary VP

until she's dead in her loubies

unless I make my mark,

show her what I can do.

Same with you.

Why don't you show her
what she missed out on

the last years?

What do you say, sis?

Want to join forces,

show her what we got?

LUKE: You said you'd think about it?

RYAN: I couldn't exactly ask
him to wait in the lobby

while I followed the
on a missing Freeze t*nk.

What exactly is there to think about?

What it might be like
to actually have a brother.

Okay. I get that, but Jada Jet

didn't earn her spot on the "Forbes"

by making idle threats.

She literally promised
to destroy Wayne Enterprises.

Okay, okay. I'm in Dee's house.

We're late to the party.
Someone was here,

and it got ugly.

No sign of Dee or the Freeze t*nk

or the roommate we didn't know about.

I think Nora's living here.

Wait. I thought you said
they found the cure

for MacGregor's Syndrome.

They did. According
to Nora's medical records,

she received it years ago.

Okay. Well, from the looks of it,

she's still sick.

Maybe it didn't take.

Maybe Dee wanted to put Nora back

in her cryochamber to
save her sister's life.

So who broke into the house?

Someone after the same thing?

I don't suppose you know where
one would find a cryochamber.

What do you know about Ace Chemicals?

Only that no good thing
ever happened there.

And I'm sending you the address now.

Here. Everything you need
to know about cryogenics.

My brother-in-law kept meticulous notes.


What's your problem?

NORA: Just learned my sister
was gonna put me on ice,

and now I got a g*n on my bad hip.

What do you think I'm gonna do, run?

These are the musings of a madman.

I can't read this. You got
to show me how it works.

How on earth would we know
the first thing about that?

They didn't even offer science to women

when I was at university.

Show me... or she dies.


BP and heart rate totally normal.

. .

Glucose levels are
as average as they come,

which are all common symptoms

of faking it!



You know, with care like this,

it's amazing you managed
to save any lives.

There's nothing wrong with you, Alice,

at least not physically.

I'm sorry. I think
my dangerously high fever

is interfering with whatever
you are hinting at.

The postcards from Dad? Heh.

You know, it's funny. I was actually

kind of jealous of you when I thought

that he was writing to you and not me,

and then when I found out
that it was just you

being totally delusional,

it honestly was a relief.

I'm so glad my madness has
soothed your daddy issues.

Does that happen a lot, those delusions?

- Just the once.
- Mm-hmm.

So this whole performative "I'm sick"...


Thing isn't, hmm, I don't know,

a cry for help maybe?

I learned a long time ago

that cries for help don't work.

Look. I'm an official doctor now,

so if you need actual help,

I have to give it to you.

So... do you?

I see what's going on here.

You couldn't help Batboy,

so now you're burdening me

with your savior complex.

- Batboy?
- Yeah. Luke.

It says in his files he's having some

unfortunate performance issues.

You went through my files?

Okay. That cabinet is locked.

I broke out of the Crows
with a fishing line.

Your office warehouse cabinet
didn't stand a chance.

Anyway, it's your fault
for taking forever

to see me and not
giving me any magazines.

I assume that Batwoman
knows she's working

with an emotional ticking time b*mb.

Batwoman doesn't break
into my file cabinet

because it's called
doctor-patient confidentiality.

Perfect. I'm not a doctor,

so what's the issue?


Hmm. Now you're in the middle.

That is a dilemma.

Do you tell bossy pants Batwoman

that Luke's ignoring his PTSD symptoms,

or do you keep Luke's secret

because you love him?

I do not love Luke... like that.

You have no idea what
you're talking about.

Sure, but a little piece of advice.

I'd keep that to yourself.

Telling Ryan will only, um,

fill you with resentment.

How do you figure?

Because she'll ignore you, Mary.

I'm sorry. Do you not see
your place on this team?

I've been on it for less than a month,

and it's already glaringly obvious.

They don't see you unless they need you

just like Daddy

and just like Kate,

so if you want to go on liking them,

it's probably best you know your place.

Watch your . Got a read
on some major firepower

in the south parking lot.

I got eyes on more inside.

LUKE: Copy that. Be careful, Batwoman.

WOMAN: This is going to make
my client very happy.

NORA: Until he realizes it doesn't work.

DEE: Can it, Nora.

Do you think we're walking out of here?

Have you seen their faces?

What do you mean it doesn't work?

DEE: It works fine.

Just a little dust,
a few disinfectant wipes.

The chamber works.
It'll freeze you solid,

but you die of hypothermia eventually.

Well, then what's the point
of this stuff?

Constant exposure to the Freeze serum

will stop time and keep you from aging.

Coming out of it's a whole other story.

Look. My husband was brilliant,

but he didn't realize
that once I was released

from the chamber and thawed

time would catch up.

years ago, I came out
of that thing a -year-old,

and look at me now.

At this rate, I'll be by Christmas.

But your sister's about
to lock you back inside of it.

The only way to stop
my sister from dying

is to put her back on her
ice till I can find a way

to slow the aging.

That's some dedication.


Well, if what she's saying is true,

this is going to be a major problem.

MAN: Agh!

Add me to that list.

Get out of here.


- Can you walk?
- Better than her.

Okay. There's a clinic
on Rucka and Bennett.

It's not far. They'll take care of you.

- I can't leave Dee.
- I'll find her.





A g*n? Could you be more basic?

Come on. Let's do this.



Come on!

WOMAN: Hyah!


All right. Let's see
this thing in action.


My client wants to know how it works

without wasting the product.

But that's the whole point
of Victor's liquid nitrogen.

The formula is what keeps her alive.

Turning on the machine
without it will just

blast her with cold air.

She'll die from hypothermia.

Does it look like I care?

I'm not k*lling Batwoman.

How long do you think it's gonna take

for my driver to find your sister

just hobbling down Rucka Street

and make her roadkill?

Turn it on,

or your sister dies.



If Batwoman doesn't die,

you do.

Take her to the car.


Batwoman to Batcave.

Definitely need a little help.

Whoa. Talk to me. What is happening?

They trapped me in the cryochamber.

- What?!
- Get me the hell out of here.

I'm pulling up your biometrics.

Your core body temperature's
dropping like crazy.

Heh. Yeah. I'm pretty aware of that.

Okay, okay, okay.

Access the suit's temp regulator.


- Oh, boy.

Seriously, you couldn't
keep that to yourself?

The regulator must have frozen up.

You have minutes before
full-blow hypothermia.

You need to stay awake, okay?



You need to suit up.

Help Dee. They took her somewhere.

What? No. I got to keep
you from passing out.

I am okay. Go find her.

If you pass out, it's over, Ryan.

I won't. Okay?

Go find her.

I promised...

I promised Nora I would
protect her sister.

Plea... please don't let me die a liar.


NORA: Any word from Dee?

Batwoman's on it.

She won't let anything
happen to your sister.

Have you considered cataract surgery?

It would be a bit like cleaning
the windows on the Hindenburg.

Dr. Hamilton, I was for decades.

I got out and started aging double-time.

Life's catching up to me.

Why stand in the way?

Thought that's what you wanted...

to literally stand in the way of time.

I have an idea!
Let's talk about what I want.

What the hell are you doing?

Get these nanobots out of me now!

You know I can't do that

because that's the only
thing preventing you

from escaping Gotham entirely.

Oh. I wonder why I'd want them gone.

Get them out!

Batwoman would k*ll me.

And I will k*ll Nora.

Do you not understand cause and effect?

- How do you have an MD?
- Let her.

- MARY: What?
- ALICE: What?

I am so sick of people sacrificing

their lives for me...
my husband, my sister,

the research, the lost
years, the desperation.

For what? So I could be
trapped all over again?

So you want me to k*ll you?

Could you be a worse hostage?



What is wrong with you?

I literally just let her go.

I was being nice to you.

Nice? You think I want... nice?

You think I want this stupid arrangement

with Batwoman, who I can't even stand,

and little miss judgy two-shoes

being nice? Ha ha ha!

Heh. Heh.


It's no wonder I'm
losing my freaking mind.


I am... so sorry about that.

Um... believe it or not,
she's my sister.

Heh. You certainly fight like it,

but I've got to say I understand her.

You understand the woman who
just had you at knifepoint?

I follow the news.

She's been trapped her whole life,

and now she wants her freedom.

Does your sister know
that that's what you want?

Dee's wasted too many years of her life

trying to fix me.

I love her too much
to tell her the truth.

SOPHIE, ON COMMS: Batcave to Batwoman.

Batcave to Batwoman.

RYAN: Sophie.

Ahh. Batwing's en route. Are you good?

I'm fading.

I just want to sleep.

Yeah. That's the hypothermia talking.

Yeah. Well, it's awfully convincing.

Yeah, but you can b*at it,

but you got to stay awake.

If you sleep, you die.

Ohh. I can't... I can't stay awake.

Then maybe this is
a good time to tell you

I'm mad at you.


What did I do?

Where do we stand?

You and me?

Because you were willing to have me do

all the dirty work to find your mom,

but when it came to sharing how you

actually felt about her,

you went straight to the Batteam.

Hang on.

You're telling me...

that I hurt your feelings?

I'm telling you you don't know me

at all.

You think you do, but you have no idea.

Okay. Heh. c*ptive audience here.

What should I...
what should I know about?


Batwoman, don't fall asleep on me.

Batwoman! Ryan!

Ryan, wake up!



WOMAN: Raah!


Hey. Hey.

I got you. You're okay.

SOPHIE: Batwoman, are you good?


Someone talk to me! Check in!

Uh, yeah. She's okay.
She's okay. She's conscious.

I got her.



SOPHIE, ON COMMS: Traffic cams
found us two vehicles matching

the SUVs from Ace

northbound about miles out.

Got a glimpse of Dee in the back.

So she's alive. Thank God.

- Clever.
- Me?



The way you kept me from
nodding off back there.

You're clever, which means you're right.

There is something I
didn't know about you.

I will take that as a thank you.

Are you flirting with Sophie right now?

What? No.

What are you doing?

I know what flirting is. What was that?

I am not flirting with Sophie.

Guys... comms... on.



They just turned
onto the Tricorner Bridge.

She drew the g*n: ♪ Hey, sister,
don't let your heart ♪

♪ Close its fist, yeah ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪

Got them.

♪ Don't let your heart
close its fist, yeah ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪

Hold this.

♪ Don't let your heart
close its fist, yeah ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪

♪ You got to get up, be a resister ♪



We're good! We lost them!


SOPHIE: Not to state the obvious,

but you do see that impossible
gap in the bridge, correct?

I need a copy on the chunk
of bridge missing

at your o'clock.


Control freak.

Add that to your list, too.

Batwoman, what the hell are you doing?

It's working!


g*n it now!

RYAN: Whoo ooh!

Yeah-eah! Whoo!

That was badass. You got to admit.

That was badass.

It was interesting.


Woman, you are hard to please.

Hurry up! She's gaining!



Get out. Get out.

Let her go.


Let's hope Victor took good notes.






What the hell is happening to me?

Not much left,

but Renee was willing
to cross it off her list.

Thanks for having my back back there.

Guess it's safe to say you figured out

the glitches in your supersuit.

You could say that.

MARY: It's because he
disabled the failsafe.

His dad designed the suit to
react to Luke's physiology.

A surge in heart rate shuts it down.

That seems counterintuitive.

It's because he's not
supposed to wear it

until he's ready.

Mary, what are you doing?

I shouldn't have cleared
you for field duty.

I'm sorry.

I put your life
and this team in jeopardy.

You want to worry about the team?

Worry about the psychopath who held Nora

at knifepoint today.

Alice was having a temper tantrum.

You were having a physiological reaction

to stress.

Look. I'm the team doctor.

I know what I'm talking about.

I hear you, Mary, and thank you,

but I wouldn't be standing here

if Batwing hadn't been
with me last night.

MARY: And what about next time?

That's the risk we both take.

No offense, Ryan,

but you don't have PTSD from being sh*t.

LUKE: I don't have PTSD.

Okay. Give it to me straight.

Are you up for this?


Okay. Then keep an eye on it,

but until we get
these weapons off the street,

I need Luke by my side.

I had to say something.

No, you didn't.

Thank you.

WOMAN: ♪ Hold on tight ♪

♪ Hold on... ♪

You don't sleep, do you?

♪ Tight ♪

♪ No turning back ♪

He knows I'm his sister.

- How?
- He's smart and ambitious

and incredibly reckless.

He wants to work together
behind Jada's back.

What do you want?

It's funny. When it came to family,

I never allowed myself
to ask that question,

but then Alice ripped off the band-aid.


If I'm being real...

♪ Wading in the same deep water ♪

I want a mom who knows
all my food allergies

and tells me my skirt's too short

and texts my girlfriend
about TV shows they like

and loves me...


That's what I want. I want a mom.

♪ We're wading in the same deep water ♪

It's her loss, Ryan.

Yeah. Well, Jada is one of the most

connected people in Gotham,

which means making her my enemy

puts every one I care about at risk.

So as tempting as it is
to have a brother...

I got to put the team first.

♪ But I'll be by your side ♪

MARY: There's a bronchodilator to help

with the breathing and meds
to help with the pain.

It should be enough to manage
the pain these next few days.

Are you sure you want to risk being out?

GCPD's probably out
hunting for us as we speak.

Batwoman took care of it.

Neither one of you have
anything to worry about.

Thank you, Dr. Hamilton.

Victor and I had
our first date in this park.

Are you sure you're not tired?

We can go home.

Dee, I want to breathe in the fresh air

with whatever lungs I have left,

and then I want to let it all go.

You're giving up?

I've been dying my whole life, Dee.

Instead of trying to stop time,

this once, what do you say we enjoy

the precious moments we have left?

Ohh! Aah!

MAN: Greg, move your head!