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09x10 - Going to Seed

Posted: 10/13/21 14:58
by bunniefuu




I know we've had this day
marked on the calendar

for quite a while.
But it's finally here.


Sure is!


The Confluence.

A harvest a hundred
moons in the making,

when every apple comes
ripe at the same time.

Big Mac's been up late
working on this schedule

so we can be sure not
to miss a single tree.

All it'll take now is a
few days of hard work.

Who's with me?


That looks like a lot of work.

Aw don't you worry

We've got this
Confluence under control.

I got us some help!

That's great, Granny!

Twilight and the others
are too busy at the school

to lend a hoof. We could
sure use some more muscle.

Who'd you get?
Braeburn? Honeycrisp?

Even better!

[knock at door]


Howdy, y'all!


- Agh!
- [crash]

Now that's
how you wake a pony up!

Goldie Delicious!

Granny told me y'all
could use a helping hoof

with this here Confluence,
so I came a runnin'!

Well, with a harvest this big,

we're grateful for all the
help we can get. I guess.


It's too bad y'all
ain't ever caught

the Great Seedling.

He'd a granted you
a perpetual harvest,

Confluence or no.


The Great Seedling?

Well, now,
I haven't thought about

that old mare's
tale for years.

The Great Seedling
ain't no mare's tale.

He's a magical Earth spirit,

all the colors of the
harvest that travels

from farm to farm,
daring ponies to catch him.

And those that have the
ingenuity are rewarded

with crops that are
always in bloom!

And he's as real as you and me!

As I'm up to recall,
Apple Bloom used to love

settin' traps for
the Great Seedling

when she was a young'un.

- Hee hee hee!
- Hee hee hee!

Well, I'm pretty
sure she's outgrown

the whole thing by now.
Right, Apple Bloom?

Or maybe I'm big enough
now to finally catch him!

Who's with me?

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me ♪

- ♪ Big adventure! ♪
- ♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart!
Faithful and strong! ♪

- ♪ Sharing kindness ♪
- ♪ It's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪


Season 09 Episode 10
Episode Title: "Going to Seed"

Sync corrections by srjanapala

Apple Bloom,
you haven't hunted for the

Great Seedling since
you were little.

Why would you wanna
start again now?

The Confluence is so big,
he's bound to show up.

And if we catch him, he'll
make all the apples ripe

all the time! Right, Goldie?

Mm hm. That's right,
young filly!

Oh ho ho! Just imagine!
Sweet Apple Acres

would be the busiest
orchard in Equestria!

Now if you'll excuse
me, I've got work to do!

[door opens]

Don't forget we have
actual work to do too!

Nothing like a little filly
enjoying the harvest.

I don't mind Apple
Bloom havin' fun,

but there's honest-to-
goodness work to do

that doesn't have a thing
to do with an old legend.

Granny: Oh, quit
worrying sugarbooger.

Apple Bloom can hunt for
the Seedling all she wants.

If you're so
fretified about work,

why don't you and your
brother get to buckin'

your own selves?

Granny's right.

[loud meow]

C'mon, sleepyhead.

Let's get to work.

[yawn] Yup.





Granny: And if she
had two of them,

it would have been
a pair of pears!


Is that right?

As much as I appreciate
her volunteering,

I'm not sure how much
help Goldie's gonna be.

Now that reminds me
of the time Dottie...

That's my cheetah,
you understand...

She found out where
I keep the catnip.


I love hearin' her and
Granny spinning yarns,

but it looks like the
harvestin's up to us.

You're gonna have to
redo that schedule.


And as much as I'd rather
Apple Bloom were helping,

I guess there's no
harm in her hunting

the Great Seedling for
a day, right? Big Mac!




Gotcha! Awww. You ain't
the Great Seedling!




[rooster crows]

We fell behind a bit yesterday,

so we need everypony
at their best.

[cat meows]

If that's your brother's
best, we might be done for. Mm-Hmm.


He was just up late
working out a new schedule

so we can stay on track.

I didn't sleep either!
I was too excited.

I can't wait to see if I
caught the Great Seedling!

[door opens]

I hope you're ready to
cheer Apple Bloom up

when her traps come up empty.

Everypony, come
quick! You gotta see!


What in blazes is all
the excitement about?


The Great Seedling
did this, didn't he?

Well, braid my mane!

These sure look like Great
Seedling tracks to me!

Ha! I knew it! He was here!
The Great Seedling was here!

Isn't that amazing, Applejack?

Yeah, amazing.


Huh! Isn't it beautiful?

I just can't believe
the Great Seedling

was really here!

Neither can I.

What do you think this means?

Well, it looks to
me like a challenge.

The Seedling wants you
to know that he was here

and he's daring
you to catch him! Mm-hmm

You think I still have a chance?

You're an Apple, ain't ya?

Why, if you set enough traps,

you're bound to catch him!

You're right! And that's
just what I'm gonna do!

Look out, Great
Seedling, here I come!

[excited giggles]

Now why would you go and
do a thing like that?

A thing like what?

You know what I mean.

We've got enough work
to do without you

distracting Apple Bloom
by making some apple tracks

and pretending the
Great Seedling did it.

I did no such thing!

What in the tater tarnation

would make you say
a thing like that?

Well, somepony did
it and she sure seems

to be enjoying
this quite a lot.

I'm enjoying it because
Apple Bloom's enjoying it!

Uh-huh. And I suppose you
two didn't do it either?

Hm. Nope.

A 'course not.

But I suppose it coulda
been Goldie's cats.

Why don't you ask them?

Have you considered
that maybe it was

the Great Seedling after all?

Ha ha. Very funny.

I swear, sometimes I
think she's part mule.


Apple Bloom?

Do you know where
there's more rope?

I've got a lot of
traps to make

if I'm gonna catch
the Great Seedling!

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I know you're excited,

but we sure could
use your help today.

Are you sure you
wanna spend time

trying to catch
something that...

might not
even be real?

What? But the Great Seedling
is real. You saw the tracks!

You think those appeared
all by themselves?

I don't know who
made the tracks,

but I don't think it
was the Great Seedling.

Why not?

Because the Great
Seedling is just something

to make the harvest
fun for young'uns,

and you're old
enough now to know

that there's a time for fun
and there's a time for work.

But catching the Great
Seedling is helping!

He can make the trees
blossom all the time!

All right. How
about this?

If you help me with
the harvest today,

I'll help you set traps for
the Great Seedling tonight.


it's a deal!





Kinda looks like those
Seedling "tracks," huh?

Sure, if there were
hundreds of apples

in a bunch of
different lines.

Well, if enough apples
fell, or got knocked down

by the wind, maybe,
or animals...

I'm just saying there's a lot

of possible explanations.

And one of them is
the Great Seedling!

And the rest of 'em ain't.

That ain't what you thought
when you was a foal.

What does that mean?

Yer sister was plum
loco about catching

the Great Seedling
when she was yer age,

same as you are
now. Worse, even.

Oh! Is that so?
Do tell, Granny.

Well, now it musta been the
last Confluence, I reckon.

I was s'posed to keep
an eye on your sister,

but she was slipprier
than an apple seed.

Applejack! Get your
flank back here.

You're s'posed to be
sorting in the barn!

Sorry, Granny, I
gotta check my traps

or the Great Seedling
might get away!


Now, where'd I put that trap?

- [twig snaps]
- [gasp]

- Agh!
- [thud]

Bust my buds, where's
that young'un get to?

Granny: She spent the
better half of the day

stuck in that trap.

Applejack: And missed out on
helping with the harvest

because I was chasing
something for little foals.

I felt guilty everypony
else had to work harder

because of me, so I decided
right then and there

I was too old to
waste any more time

on the Great Seedling.

Aw, we finished the
harvest just fine,

but we laughed about
that story for years.


I'm still laughing!

I'm sorry that
happened, Applejack,

but... it won't if you and
me set traps together

like you promised.
Plus we'll get 'em done

twice as fast and won't miss
out on any of the harvest!

Then let's get to work!

[Happy gasp]





[crash and clatter]

[meows and barks]

[creaking wood]

♪ [music throughout] ♪

It sure was fun setting up
all those traps together.

I forgot what a good
time it could be.

If any two ponies can catch
the Great Seedling, it's us.

I can't wait to
check in the morning.

Now, there's still plenty
of harvesting to do,

so promise me you'll help,

even if all our
traps are empty.

I promise.
So long as you're ready

for the bountiful harvest
The Great Seedling's

gonna give us when one
of our traps nab him!

Ha ha! Deal.



[chirping birds]

[panting and gasping]

Come on, Applejack!
If we hurry,

we can check every trap and
still stay on schedule.

Now that's what
I like to hear.

♪ [majestic music] ♪


I don't believe it!

This must've taken all night!

- [slap]
- Eeyup!



I checked all the
traps near the tracks.

Every one was sprung,
but they're all empty!

Every trap sprung. No
way critters did this.

Or the wind. I can't believe
I'm saying this, but...

maybe the Great Seedling
really was here!

♪ [exultant music] ♪

So, you're finally
ready to admit

the Great Seedling
might be real?

I can't think of
anything else that coulda

laid out these tracks
and sprung all our traps.

And if he left this
many tracks behind,

he's practically
beggin' us to catch him.

I ain't never seen
anything like this before.

Well, tell us what you
have seen! Goldie you too.

We need to know it all

if we're really gonna catch him!

Sure, Goldie and I will
tell you all about

the Great Seedling
all day while we work!

Work? Apple Bloom and I don't
have time to work today.

We've gotta set up
traps in every row!

Even the carrots,
just to be sure!

Yesterday you said the Great
Seedling was just something

to make the harvest
fun for young'uns.

That was before I thought we
could actually catch him.



Big Mac can make time
in the schedule for us

to set traps, right?

Uh... Eeyup?

Great. Get to it.

Apple Bloom and I are
gonna go capture us

the Great Seedling!

♪ [upbeat] ♪


♪ [music slows down] ♪



[dog barks]


All right! Just one
more hill to go.

What's wrong, Big Mac?

Is this right?


But that doesn't make
any sense.

How can all these trees
be bare

if we haven't
bucked 'em yet?

Seems like more work of
the Great Seedling to me.

How'd ya mean?

The closer you get to
catchin' the critter,

the more mischievous he gets.

You're sayin'
the Great Seedling

is taking our apples?

Yes. Sounds like he's fixing
to throw you off the scent!


Have you ever heard of anypony

actually catching him?

Oh, there are stories,
but it's hard to say for sure.

He is quite the trickster.

Guess that's why the
reward is so great

if you can trap him.

Well, his tricks have
given me an idea!

Setting traps is one thing,

but I reckon if we keep
watch over the trees

that haven't been bucked,

the Seedling won't
know what hit him.

That's a great idea!
Anypony else wanna stay up with us?

An old pony like me
needs her beauty rest,

but you young 'uns
have a good time.

My kitties can't sleep

unless they're curled
up on my haunches,

but I can't wait to
see the Great Seedling

with my own eyes,
once you catch him!

Guess it's just you and me!





Too bad nopony else
wants to come out.

But I'm glad we're
doing this together.

Me too. It's been a
long time since I was on

a real Seedling hunt,
and this is the first time

doing it with my little sister.


When did you start tryin' to
catch the Great Seedling?

I couldn't've been
much more than a foal.

I remember our parents
tuckin' Big Mac and me in

and telling us all about
the Great Seedling.

And I got so excited I
could barely sleep, so I...


Don't you worry, sugar cube,
I won't let him get away.



Applejack! Wake up!

Huh? What is it?

I think a trap went off!

Well, let's go check it out!

See anything?

Mm mm.

Don't scare him off.

We gotta lead him
into one of the traps.

I'm not worried
about scarin' him.



[cans rattling]

♪ [tense music] ♪

I think the great
seedling's hunting us! Ah!

Apple Bloom? Wait!





[both scream]



Big Mac?

He's been harvesting in
his sleep this whole time.

Big Mac is the
Great Seedling?

Wha! Ahhh!


You OK, Big Mac?




And thanks to all of Big
Mac's late-night work,

we brought in the whole
harvest with time to spare!

No wonder you were so
tired all the time!


I'm glad we solved the mystery,

but I really wanted to
catch the Great Seedling

before I get too old to try.

You know what, sugar cube?

You're never too
old to be a filly.

There will always be work to do,

but having fun together

is something you
never grow out of!

Well, looks like you
don't need me anymore.

Time to get home before Dottie

gets in the catnip again.

I have stories about
that. I tell ya what.

We're real glad
you came, Goldie.

Sure are! Come back next year!



Looks like you forgot
to clean up the carrots.

Big Mac wasn't
harvesting the carrots.

Just the apples.

You know what this means?

Time for another hunt!

Look at great seedlings.

Here we go!

♪ My Little Pony ♪


♪ My Little Pony ♪




♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Frie-e-e-e-nds ♪