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01x20 - Green Isn't Your Color

Posted: 10/11/21 07:59
by bunniefuu
So sorry, Fluttershy.

I hate being late for our weekly get together.

The usual.

But you will not believe what happened to me.

Is everything all right?

Oh, it's much more than all right.

I was on my way here, wearing my latest hat creation, when
who should stop on on the street but Photo Finish.

Photo Finish?

She's the most famous fashion
photographer in all of Equestria.

Anyhoo, she saw my hat and said it was absolutely marvelous.

What a lovely compliment.

She was so impressed that she wants to take some pictures of my shop featuring some of my clothes.

That's wonderful.

Do you know what this could mean for my fashion career?

Oh, Rarity, I'm so happy for you.

But I'm going to need some pony fabulous to model for me.

Some pony with beauty. Some pony with grace.

Some you?

Oh, goodness, I don't know.

Oh, this is such a huge opportunity.

And it would mean so much to me.

I'm flattered, really.

No pony is going to have your elegance and poise.

-No pony.

-There has to be some pony more quali-

-Some pony more into fashion-

-Some pony more comfortable in the spotlight...
-Please, please, please...

Oh, if it's that important
to you, of course I'll do it.

Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

You are the best friend a pony could ever have.

What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

Isn't it? Though I was so afraid you wouldn't agree
to model for me that I felt completely frazzled.

I think I feel a pimple coming on.

Oh, only one solution.

The usual.

(theme song begins) My Little Pony, My Little Pony, ah, ah, ah, ah,

(My Little Pony) Twilight: I used to wonder what friendship could be

(My Little Pony) Until you all shared its magic with me

Rainbow Dash: Big adventure
Pinkie Pie: Tons of fun

All: And magic makes it all complete, yeah

(My Little Pony) Do you know, you're all my very best friends

She's going to want to see attitude and pizazz.

A, a, attitude and, um, pizazz...

More light. It has to catch the sequins just
so, or the whole outfit is just a disaster.

Oh, and the headdress needs more feathers.

Pinkie Pie! More feathers!

And sequins! More sequins!

And more ribbon!

Oh no, less ribbon!

No! More ribbon!

Oh, this hem is completely off.


Thank you all for helping me.

I'm sorry to be so short with you, but I'm, I'm just so nervous.

Oh, doesn't that hurt?

Thick scales. Can't feel a thing.

And even if I could, there is no pain that would keep me
from assisting the most beautiful creature in the world.


I'm going to tell you two a secret.

But you have to PROMISE not to tell anyone.

I promise.

Cross my heart and hope to fly,
stick a cupcake in my eye.

I have a crush on Rarity.

We won't say a word.

-Give me a break. Every pony already knows how you...

You promised Spike you wouldn't say anything. He trusts you.

And losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend forever.


My lips are sealed.

Though I'm pretty sure Rarity is gonna pick up on your feelings.

I, Photo Finish, have arrived.

Let me just say, what an honor!

We begin...NOW!

Rarity: Attitude and pizazz!

Yes, show Photo Finish something!

No! Yes!

No! Yes!

No! Yes!


She hardly took any pictures.

I'm so sorry. I tried my best.

Well, the headdress is too big for you
and the cape had too much sparkle.

I can't believe I ever thought I could impress her.

It seems that I, Photo Finish, have
found the next fashion star here in Ponyville.


Yes, really. And I, Photo Finish, am
going to help her shine all over Equestria.

Tomorrow, a photo sh**t in the park.

I go.

Did you hear that? I am going to shine all over Equestria.

Oh, Rarity. I was so worried I'd ruined everything.

Oh, never. I knew you'd be perfect.

No, no, no...YES!

That is definitely the one!

Photo Finish is going to love it.

Every pony is going to love it!

Oh, I am so excited for you.

Just don't forget all of us little ponies when you become
the most famous fashion designer in all of Equestria.


Put me down here.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The model should be in something simple.

Something inspired by...the nature!

That's just what I was thinking.

Um, give me a moment and I'll, uh, put a little something together.

Yes. That will not be necessary.


How are you going to help me "shine across Equestria"

if I don't design something new for these pictures?

I am not going to help you shine across Equestria.

I am going to help her shine.

She is my star.

You. Go.

I can't, Rarity.

Oh, but you must, Fluttershy.

Photo Finish wants to make you a star.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

I know we were both hoping it would be my lifetime,

but nonetheless, you can't throw away this chance.

You must do this for me.

You must. You must! YOU MUST!


It is time to make...THE MAGICS.

Oh, wunderbar! You are like a delicate flower.

So much more alluring without all those sparkles and feathers.

How'd it go? How'd it go?

It didn't.

Photo Finish wanted to work with Fluttershy, not me.

Oh, Rarity. I'm so sorry.

Is there anything we can do?

I just want to be alone right now.

You heard her. She wants to be alone.

What? I didn't think she meant "ALONE" alone.

Too much blush.

Not enough.

Too much.

Not enough.


Ahhh, ahhh... AHHH... choo!

Oh, yes! Even her sneezes are graceful.


How do you feel? Excited? Overjoyed?

Thrilled beyond your wildest dreams?

Fluttershy: (softly, meekly) N-nervous.

Photo Finish: Nervous? Doon't be reedeeculous.

You're only facing a lahge crowd of poonies who vill
be vatching your every moove and silently judging you.

(jazzy music playing)
Your cue! NOW GO! (Fluttershy squeaks)

(ponies chattering)

Fluttershy: (to self) You can't let Rarity down.

You must do this.

You must, you must, you must.

(crowd cheering and stomping approval)

Blond pony: So graceful.
Pink pony: So lovely.

Hoity Toity: So perfect for my new advertisement!

(ponies clamoring for Fluttershy)

(Rarity gasps)

(ponies chattering)

Light blue pony: It's Fluttershy!

(fans clamor for Fluttershy)

(Fluttershy yelps)

(paparazzi clamor for Fluttershy while taking pictures)

(sewing machine humming, door opens)

(fans clamoring for Fluttershy)

Rarity: (strained) Wow. Look how popular you are.

I'm so excited for you.

(wistfully) You must be having the best time ever.

Fluttershy: (morosely) Oh, yes. Best time ever.
(door slams open)

Photo Finish: FLOOTERSHY! I have been lewking for you everyvere!

Ve have za theeng at za place.

Fluttershy: I'll see you at the spa. Our usual time?

Rarity: (false sincerity) Of COURSE! I can't wait to
hear all about the..."thing" at the "place."

(Fluttershy squeaks)

Rarity: (pouts) I'm the one who should be
mobbed by strangers wherever I go!
(door opens)

(perks up) Welcome to Carousel Boutique!

Yellow pony: Is she still here? We heard Fluttershy was here.

Rarity: (irked) Sorry. You just missed her.

(cheerily) But you're still in luck! I'm having a
HUGE sale on some of my best designs!

Yellow pony: (derisively) And you are...?

Rarity: Rarity, of course.

Yellow pony: Never heard of you.

(Rarity growls under breath)

Photo Finish: Obviously I, Photo Finish, am threeled to have found her.

Fluttershy: (meekly) Photo Finish...?
(camera shutters click)

Photo Finish: She's a natural in front of ze camera.
Fluttershy: Um...Photo Finish?

Photo Finish: I only need to point and sh**t, and I capture...ZE MAGICS.

(ponies chattering)
Fluttershy: Photo Finish, I'm so sorry to interrupt. It's just that...I'm running late.

Photo Finish: (hyperbolic gasp) How could I have forgotten?!

Your appearance at the ballet opening!

Everypony who ees anypony vill be zere!

Fluttershy: Oh, actually, I'm supposed to be meeting my friend-
Photo Finish: WE GO.

Rarity: (whining) My hooves are getting positively pruny, I've been waiting here so long.

Obviously Fluttershy's just too busy with her new (snide inflection)
CAREER to spend time with her best friend.

Twilight: I'm sure she just got tied up.

Rarity: (sarcastically) Of course she did. She's a big, bright, shining star!

(maliciously) I wish that star would BURN OUT.

Twilight: (taken aback) Rarity! Fluttershy is your friend!

Rarity: I know, I know!

And I should be happy for her, but instead I'm just...nngh, jealous!

Oh, please promise you won't tell her I feel this way.

(pleading) Please, please, pleasepleasePLE-E-E-EASE!

Twilight: You have my word.

Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.

(Twilight shrieks)

Twilight: Wow! You look great!

Rarity: Fluttershy may be the one who's famous, but that
doesn't mean I have to stop looking fabulous.

Fluttershy: Rarity, I'm so sorry I'm-

Oh, no. She's already gone, isn't she?

Twilight: Sorry.

Fluttershy: Oh, I can't believe this.

I'm so frustrated I could just scream.
(inhales sharply, squeaks very softly)

Twilight: Feel better?

Fluttershy: (sighs) No. Can I tell you something?
Twilight: Of course.

Fluttershy: You promise not to tell Rarity?

Twilight: I swear.

Fluttershy: Pinkie Pie swear?

Twilight: Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick
a cupcake in my (pokes eye) OOWW!

Fluttershy: I don't like being a model.

No, I HATE being a model.

All this attention is awful, just awful.

And I'm only doing it because Rarity told me I must.

I must! I must! (weary sigh) I must...

Twilight: Oh, really...?

Well, if you wanna know the truth, Rarity-

Fluttershy: Oh, what were you about to say?

Pinkie Pie: (ominously) Foreveeeer!

Twilight: (hastily) Nothing!

Twilight: I was just thinking. If you really don't
like being a model, you could always quit.

Fluttershy: Oh, no. I could never do such a thing. Rarity would be devastated.

Twilight: But Rarity told me-

(Twilight gasps)

(Pinkie Pie chomps apple slowly and deliberately)

Pinkie Pie: (swallows, cheerily) Mmm, juicy!

(Twilight sighs heavily)

Fluttershy: (moans) If only all these ponies didn't like me so much.

Photo Finish wouldn't want me to model anymore.

She'd find somepony else with "ze magics."

Twilight: (resigned) I guess you're right.

(epiphany) You're right. You're right you're right you're RIGHT!

(ponies gasping)
Pink-haired pony: It's Fluttershy!

(cacophony of pony chatter)

Twilight: Don't you see? On her own, Fluttershy could NEVER do something unattractive.

But if I used my magic to help her
do something unattractive at her next fashion show,

noone will ever want her to model again!

And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity
will no longer have to be jealous of her.

And I'LL no longer have to keep their secrets!

It's the perfect plan! (claps hooves)

You can't tell anyone about it.

(begging) Promise me you won't tell anyone?

Twilight: (confused) DO promise? Or you don't?

Pinkie Pie: Uh, YES!

(rapidly) Obviously, that's why I zipped my mouth closed,

then locked it with a key,

then dug a hole,

then buried the key,

then built a house atop the hole where I buried the key,

then moved the house atop the hole!

Twilight: (sarcastically) Obviously.

(ponies chattering, bass-heavy fashion show music playing)

Fluttershy: You really think it'll work?

Twilight: They love you for being you!

So all I have to do is make you not be you!

Just leave it to me.

(ponies chattering)

Rarity: Guess it's time to see what all the fuss is about.

(Fluttershy grunts)

(music abruptly stops, ponies gasp)

(bizarre noises, Fluttershy shrieks repeatedly)

(ponies gasp, Photo Finish faints)

(ponies gasp)

(Fluttershy yelps)

(ponies gasp)

(ponies chatter)

(Fluttershy barks like a dog)

(ponies gasp and gag)

Rarity: Oh, no.

(Fluttershy brays like a donkey)

(ponies gasp)
Yellow pony: Get her off the stage!

Blue-haired pony: She's an embarrassment to all things fashion!

Photo Finish: I, Photo Finish, haff made a terrible mistake!

(ponies chattering)

Rarity: (applauding) Bravo! I say, bravo!

(Rarity applauding)
Lavender pony: "Bravo?!" Who could POSSIBLY say "bravo" to that HORRID display?

Rarity: Such attitude! Such pizazz!

Rarity: She's invented an entirely new kind of modeling!
Lavender pony: Who is saying these things?!

Pink pony: It's HER. The unicorn in the gorgeous cape and headdress.

Lavender pony: Now, THAT is a pony that clearly
knows a thing or two about fashion.

Well, if THAT fabulous pony likes it, then I do, too! BRAVO!

(crowd joins in applause and cheering)

(Fluttershy moans)

Fluttershy: This is awful, just awful!

Somehow, I've become MORE popular than ever.

Oh, I'm so frustrated I could just KICK something!

(vase wobbles lightly)

If only Rarity didn't want me to be a model so badly.

Twilight: Ugh! But Rarity- (plugs own mouth)

Rarity: Fluttershy! Are you all right?!

Fluttershy: (strained) I'm great! I'm a super famous fashion model!

Why wouldn't I be great?

Twilight: Because you ha-! (plugs mouth, mumbles incoherently)

Rarity: Out there on the runway, everyone was turning on you, and...

(voice breaking) Oh...Oh, Fluttershy. It's so awful...I wanted them to.

Fluttershy: You did?!

Twilight: Of COURSE she did! Because-! (plugs mouth with fruit)

Rarity: I'M JEALOUS! I wanted all the attention,
and instead it was going to you!

I even started hoping that you would do something
silly so your modeling career would be over.

But then, when it started happening,

all I could think was how could I want you
to fail at something you love so much?

Twilight: But...Fluttershy doesn't-! (grunts)

Fluttershy: Love? Oh, Rarity. I hate being a model.

Rarity: You do?

Fluttershy: More than anything.

Rarity: Then why did you keep doing it?

Fluttershy: I was afraid if I quit, you'd be mad at
me for not wanting to "shine all over Equestria."

Rarity: And I thought if I told you how jealous I was
of your success, you'd think I was a terrible friend!

Fluttershy: Never.

Rarity: All this time!

Fluttershy: If we'd just told each other the truth.

Rarity: I promise never to keep my feelings a secret again.

Fluttershy: Me, too.

Rarity and Fluttershy: Cross my heart and hope to
fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

(both giggle)
Photo Finish: You were brilliant. BRILLIANT!

I've already got six photo sh**t lined up for tomorrow ALONE!

Fluttershy: I'm sorry, Photo Finish, but I don't think
I'll be able to make any of them.

Photo Finish: Vaaaat?

Rarity and Fluttershy: We go!

(Rarity and Fluttershy giggle)
Photo Finish: Vat has just happened...?


Pinkie Pie: (sighs) And you were doing so well.

Fluttershy: Now this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

Rarity: Isn't it, though?

Twilight: "Dear Princess Celestia,

Being a good friend means being able to keep a secret.

But you should never be afraid to share
your true feelings with a good friend."

Did you get all that, Spike?

Spike: (indignantly) No. I did not.

I still can't believe you told someone about my secret feelings for Rarity!

Twilight: You're right. That was wrong of me, and I'm very sorry.

Spike: Apology accepted.

Twilight: NOW will you take down my letter to Princess Celestia?

Spike: I would love to!

(dreamily) But I'm a little busy at the moment.

(Twilight sighs)

(ending theme begins) My Little Pony

My Little Pony


My Little Pony, friends