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12x02 - Times Like These

Posted: 10/09/21 17:30
by bunniefuu
So that's that? We're dropping it?

The D.A. says drop it, so we drop it.

All of a sudden we're
by-the-book boneheads?

By-the-book boneheads?

I don't know, it just came
out. You get my point.

Look, I'm already in the
doghouse with Crawford, okay?

So she says don't touch it...

So what? Touch it anyway.

Wow, in this day and age,

advising me to inappropriately touch.

Come on, you know what I'm saying.

We've done this many times before.

Okay, not this time,
not with this D.A., not now.

You keep saying this stuff.
What makes you so sure?

My gut instinct.

Oh, yes. "And on the eighth day,
God created

the Reagan gut instinct."
Give me a break.

You think I'm making excuses?

And Bingo was his name-o.

Why would I do that?

- 'Cause you're scared of her.
- Really?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. (WHIMPERING)

You're really not pulling
any punches today, are you?

I've been pulling punches for months,

and I'm sick and tired of it.

We're not touching it, end of story.
Where are you going?

Back to my office to dot my I's

and cross my t's like a good little

by-the-book bonehead.

We're in the middle of a fight.
You can't walk out.

Don't got no fight
left in me, sweetheart.

For the love of God, that means
you have fight left.


So, is it true?

Of course it's true.

But can you be absolutely
certain that it's true?

I feel like we're having this
conversation in quicksand.

Well, how would you feel
without that thought?

That it's absolutely true.

What are you talking about?

Come on, just answer the question.

Danny, stop.

No, just answer it.

No, I mean Danny, stop!


- He's alive.
- Calling a bus.

No, no time. Get the door.


Excuse me. Sergeant Reagan.

I just got a call that
my wife was rushed here.

Yes, right around the corner, room .

Thank you.

Sarge, everything's okay.
Your wife is fine.

Doctors wanted to make sure
it was just a sprain.

What happened?

She twisted her ankle
chasing down a perp.

She was off-duty.

Apparently she saw a guy
snatch a woman's purse,

- took off after him.
- In those?

Pretty sure these were responsible

for the twisted ankle.

All right. But she's fine?

Barely a scratch.

Thank you. I appreciate it.


how come you guys brought her
all the way downtown?

Happened a couple blocks from here.

Thank you.

Your mind races after things like this,

and I keep coming back
to the same thought.

If you guys didn't
show up when you did...

Thankfully, we did.

Yeah, but if you didn't,
Matthew wouldn't be here.

We were in the right place
at the right time for a reason.

You sure were.

Look, I'll be honest with you,

I've never really had a nice
thing to say about the police.

But you saved baby bro's life.

There's nothing bigger than that.

Just doing our job.

I wish there was some way
I could repay you.

Well, the best way that you can help us

is to tell us who did this to you.

I wish I could.

There's nothing I want more
than to catch

the guys who did this,

but I just don't remember anything.

The doctors think he blacked out.

Any little bit helps.

I'm sorry, there's nothing there.

You say you want to catch the guys

- who did this to you?
- Yeah, of course.

Do you remember how many there were,

since you said it was guys?

Um... I'm not sure.

- More than three?
- Maybe. I don't know.

Anyone familiar among them?

Someone from the neighborhood?

I didn't see any faces.

Just a lot of bodies out of nowhere.

So they came at you from behind?

No, uh...

I don't know.

Look, we... we know this happens a lot

in the neighborhood.

There's a crew running around
doing this to people

three and four times a week.

You're probably afraid
of retaliation; We get it.

But until somebody steps up

to stop these guys,
it's just gonna keep happening.

They left you for dead, Matthew.

Maybe the next person won't be so lucky.

We may not be in the
right place at the right time

the next time this happens.

I hear what you're saying.
I'll tell you what...

Let the kid get some rest, okay?

I'll talk to him.



MAN: I gotta go to work!
What's going on?

WOMAN: Hey, you in the truck!
Move it, already. Move!

Come on!

I said no, thank you!

Too bad about you, lady.
I already did it, now pay up.

I'm not paying you.

- What'd you say? Huh?
- Get away from me.

Hey! Get away!
What are you doing, you psycho?

Get away from my car. Get away.

Get away from my car! Give me my money!

- Get away from my car!
- Where you going, huh?

- Get away!
- You can't go anywhere.

- Come on!
- Psycho!

Hey. Police!

You're under arrest. Turn around.

I didn't do nothin'.
Put your hands behind your back.

I was just cleaning her car, man.

NUCIFORO: You all right, ma'am?

Synced & corrected by -robtor-

Gotta be honest with you, boss.

When I saw the video of
your detail cuffing him,

ear-to-ear grin.

Thank you.

Millions of people watched it also,

not all of them grinning.

Long time coming, boss.
The people are happy

somebody's finally standing up

and saying enough is enough.

I wouldn't count the mayor
among those people.

What the squeegee guy did was illegal.

What the boss did

was completely on the up-and-up.

Rank and file's gonna love it, too.

The mayor, however, will see it
as a personal insult.

So you're saying I did it intentionally

just to piss him off?

No. I think you had the guy collared

because you legitimately thought
it was the right thing to do.

I also think that about
halfway through the whole thing

it occurred to you how
this would play with the mayor,

and decided to go through
with it anyway.

Don't be ridiculous.

Nobody thinks of that much stuff

in the heat of the moment.

Have it your way, but probably best

to reach out to the mayor
before he reaches out to you.

Reach out for what?

Well, to apologize for
any imagined slight.

I can't apologize
for something he imagined.

Yeah, I could have stayed in the car.

But I felt it was important

the rank and file see
who gave the order.

And why not? That kind of harassment

is a quality-of-life issue.

And you know what, sometimes it's good

to show who's boss.

You've been summoned.

You know, the mayor in Jaws
wasn't the hero of that movie.

Something to think about.


- Oh!

- Hey, you.
- Hey, Jamie, oh...

What are you, sneaking up on me?

Didn't mean to scare you.
Just saying hi.


How's the ankle?

Fit as a fiddle,
like nothing ever happened.

Everything okay?

Oh, yeah. Just paperwork, you know.

Everything okay with you?


Well, something, um, actually
is kind of on my mind.

- Oh?
- Excuse me, Sarge.

Last night when I
picked you up at the hospital,

we were all the way downtown.

Yeah, that's where they took me.

Right, but you said you were
going out with your girlfriends

on the Upper East Side.

I have no idea why

they took me there, Jamie.

- You'd have to ask them.
- Yeah. Right.

I'm sure it's nothing.

Um... I'll let you get back to it.


Look what the fat dragged in.

- Danny!
- I meant cat.

That's all right, Baez.

I used to Reagan's insecurities
getting the best of him.

I try to be the bigger man.

You most certainly are the larger man.

You're right.

- And you're much, much thinner.
- Hey!

You know, we're trying to work here.

What is it that you want, anyway?

A word in private,
if you don't mind, Detective.

You're not gonna eat me, are you?


Come on.

Step right here into my office.

What can I do you for?

I need your help with something.

Okay, what is it?

I got something serious to say,

and I don't know how to say it.

Has to do with your sister.

Okay, I'm listening.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Tell me what you think.

I think I'm gonna pretend
I never saw it.


Hope you're here with some good news.

Sorry, Matthew doesn't
remember anything.

Come on, it sure seemed like
he wanted to tell us something.

Look, sorry, guys,
he's just not comfortable, okay?

But I appreciate everything
you guys did for him.

And I wanted you to hear it from me.

That's it? He won't reconsider?

- Take it easy, guys.
- Uh-huh.

Take it easy.

What now?


- DANNY: Pardon me.

- Sorry. Sorry.
- Oh!

- (LAUGHS): Whoa.
- Pardon me. Sorry.

See you tomorrow.


Look at this scrub, man.

- Look like a lick to me.

- Oh, stumbling!
- Yo, hard day at work?


Hey, man, I know you got
something for me.

- Easy.
- Hit him, man. Get him!


Come on, man, let's go!

Let's go, let's go!

- Police! Hey!
- This a cop?!

Sobering news, ain't it?

Hell nah!

Sorry to keep you waiting, Commissioner.

You always keep me waiting.

Is that some kind of psych-out thing

they taught you in business school?

You think I kept you waiting
as a tactic?

Sure do.

Well, I can see we're
getting this meeting off

on the right foot.

Well, we didn't twiddle
our thumbs for ten minutes.

I did.

You arrested that squeegee guy
in broad daylight

to show me up.

My detail arrested that man.

Under your orders.

Because he grew violent

and posed an immediate threat.

And the reason you got out
of your vehicle?

In the event my detail needed
backup; Standard procedure.

More like you knew
every phone would be out

and recording it,

and you wanted to get your close-up.

You think I wanted to
create a media frenzy?

Sure do.

Is there a point to this meeting?

Apologize for the grandstanding.

Read a statement to the press.

Have Garrett write something up.

I wasn't grandstanding.

I'll even give you
some benefit of the doubt.

Garrett can write that
you couldn't have seen

the effects of your action
in the moment,

but you now recognize the perception was

you were making some kind of point.

So... grandstanding.

I'm sure Garrett has some more
neutral word he can use.

For me to mealy mouth?

For you to deliver with all
the force and certainty

you are famous for.

At any place of business
anywhere in this world,

if your boss thinks
you made him look bad,

you apologize and you fix it.

And you're damn grateful
to be given the opportunity.

That is all, Commissioner.


One, two, three,

four, five,


And that's just
in the last month, Ozzie.

I don't know any of these people.

And I don't know what
you're talking about.

Yes, you do.

Look, I understand you think
it's very unlucky

that you were the first person
that I caught.

But in fact, it makes you the lucky one.

Because you get first crack
at making a deal.

So give me the names
of the guys that were with you.

No deal.

You know, I understand.

The city's turned upside down
on its head.

We can't jump on every crime.
You know that.

So why wouldn't you
take advantage, right?

I got nothing to say to you.

I caught you red-handed,

and I got you for
attempted robbery and as*ault.

Both felonies.

If that was enough to put
any time on me,

we wouldn't be talking.

I'd be on the back of the bus

on my way to Rikers. But we are talking.

Astute point, but the thing is,
what's gonna happen

when I put you in a lineup,

and I parade a bunch of people through,

and they all point the finger at you?

You got a better chance of
attempted robbery and as*ault

than any of these people
pointing fingers.

And that's because they're
afraid of you and your crew?

'Cause they live in the real world.

A place you should visit.

Last chance.


Do what you gotta do.

I'll be back home by dinner.

You know, you're right again.

You will be home by dinner.

In fact... you're free to go right now.

- Seriously?
- Yes!

In fact, why don't I
give you a ride home.

Oh. We out.

Actually, I think I'm good.

Oh, no, I insist.

Don't do this, man. Please.

I thought you'd appreciate a ride home.

My crew sees me getting out of your car,

you know what they gonna think.

They're gonna think
I'm a courteous individual.

Come on, man, quit playing.
They're gonna think I snitched.

What does your crew do to snitches?


Let's... let's work something out.

You already know what I want.
Anything but that.

Look, either you snitch,
or you look like a snitch.

Either way I lose.

Well, that's why they say
crime doesn't pay.


Oh, come on, man. They're right there.

DANNY: I see 'em.

Last chance.

I can't.

You know I can't.

Thank you for driving with us.

I'll get your door.

What's up with this, man?
Cops everywhere. It's crazy.

Right this way, sir.

Appreciate all your help.

You need anything at all,

feel free to give me a call, okay?

Have a good one.



There you are. Come in, come in.
Shut the door.

Thanks for stopping by on short notice.

Yeah, like I texted,
I was just next door in court.

Yeah, but nobody saw you
come in here, right?

Lots of people saw me come in.

I went through security
and the whole thing.

Yeah, but not your sister.


Good, good, good. Sit down, sit down.

Anthony, is, uh, everything okay?

- What's going on?
- I need

your assistance with something,
and as usual,

your brother Danny was less than useful.

Help with what?

You talk to Danny already about this?

Yeah, and he told me to take a hike.

- I second that motion.
- Oh, come on, Jamie.

I expect that from your brother
but not from you.

Yeah, well...

You know what they say in city
government behind your back?

- I don't.
- They say forget Danny Reagan.

The real rising star of the PD is Jamie.

He's the one that one day
could fill the old man's shoes.

Even if that's true...
And I'm not sure it is...

Maybe it's 'cause I'm smart enough

not to go touching the third rail.

All right, I gave it my best shot.

I was never here.


For nothing.


- Oh!
- Oh...

Hey, what are you doing here?

I had a court appearance
next door and popped by

to say hello,
but now I'm running late, so...

Oh, well, wait. Hold up. How's Eddie?

I heard she went to the hospital.

All better. Nothing's broken.

- That's great.
- Yeah.

- What?
- Nothing.

You forget that I'm the one

that used to pick you up from school

and help you with your homework

and cook you dinner,

so I know all your little looks,
Jameson Reagan.

I'm sure it's nothing.

Okay. Well, whatever it is,
it's tripping your Reagan gut.

I can tell that.

That Reagan gut...
A blessing and a curse.

Tell me about it. This one here,

he is up to something.

I don't know what it is.
I can't put my finger on it.

- But...

Oh, I got to go.

- Good to see you.
- Oh.




I brought Wolfgangs.

Jamie, I'm-I'm on my way out.

I wish you would have told me.

Oh, well, that's the thing
about surprises...

They require the element... of surprise.

I'm sorry. Rain check?

Sure, yeah. Where you headed?

Charlotte is having boy troubles
again, so I'm meeting her

- for a drink.
- In those?


Sure you don't want to wear sneakers,

in case you get in another foot chase?


You know, the thing about jokes is,

they require the element of funny.

Have a good night.

I love you.

Oh, I remember why EMS took me downtown.

They said the ER uptown was jampacked.

Did they?

Don't wait up.


Hello, Daniel.

You only refer to me as Daniel

when you're upset at me about something.

Look at him.

Okay, before your heart breaks

into a million pieces,

maybe you should look
at the innocent -year-old kid

that him and his crew put
in a hospital bed.

You walked him into a beatdown.

No, I did not.

I gave him a ride home.

Whatever happens after that
is not on me.

Maybe he'll learn not to be so loyal

to people who aren't loyal to him.

Oh, so now we're doing
an eye for an eye.

- (SIGHS): No.
- I didn't realize

NYPD had updated their Patrol Guide

with pages from the Old Testament.

I gave him a ride home.

I think you should go home.



You sound surprised to find me.

In my own office.

I was looking for you.

Did you think I was hiding
under those papers?

Don't be cute.
You're in trouble with me.

You're snooping through my stuff,

and I'm in trouble with you?

- I wasn't snooping.
- Yeah, good racket you got.

I was not snooping... I was
looking for the Debernardo file.

And that would be in the file cabinet

with all the other files.

Well, if you were here
from time to time,

I wouldn't have to go looking
for stuff by myself.

I was gone less than an hour.

- Gone where?
- Personal time.

Well, you're taking a lot
of that this week, aren't you?

Every time I come in here,
you've gone somewhere

doing God knows what.

I was at my doctor having a consultation

about my upcoming colonoscopy.

Should I tell him not to bother

now that you're doing the procedure?

You think you're funny?

I thought that one wasn't half bad.

You know what I think?
I think you're up to something,

and I'm gonna find out
exactly what it is.

DANNY: I mean, honestly,

she has no idea how difficult it is

for us to even make a case

these days.

We got both hands tied behind our backs,

and every bad guy in the city knows it.

Then she makes it out like I'm the one

who did something wrong...
Can you believe that?

Yeah, Danny, I can.

- W...
- And you know that... that's why

you keep asking me
to let you off the hook.

But I didn't ask you for anything.

Then why do you keep saying
the same thing over and over

and waiting for my response?

Because she's annoying.

I'm trying to let you know

how ridiculous my sister's being.

She's the one being ridiculous?

Okay, so what, you're
pissed off at me, too, now?

What did I do wrong?

I think you know.

No, I don't know. Honestly.

Well, you should.

But you have to.

Okay, maybe not have to, but should do.

Or at least strongly consider doing.

Delivering the statement.

I considered it.

Well, if it was me,
I'd just bite the b*llet

and talk the talk and...

But it's not me.


It's him.

And no matter what I say
or how I say it,

it's gonna come out as: "Dear Leader,

who am I but a stone in your shoe."

That's nowhere in here.

Doesn't matter.

And I think he's bluffing.

Can you see his cards?

I know his tells.

Can you see his cards?


- No.
- No.

And speaking as someone
who's % behind you in this,

not showing up is gonna
be taken by everybody

as you escalating it.

Is that what you want?




Afternoon, everybody.

I'll make this quick.

(SIGHS): I have a...

statement regarding
the arrest my detail made

on a quality-of-life misdemeanor
the other day

and, uh, my part... in it.

When you've been a police officer

as long as I was,
you can't help but react

when you come upon a crime in progress.


that instinct has to be tempered...


Actually, my statement's in the form...

of a question.

Who wants to live in a city

where the police commissioner
comes upon a crime,

in progress,

and just keeps driving?

What's the message there?


Can I help you?

Henry, it's me.



I used to work for you, remember?

Doesn't ring a bell.

A little senior citizen humor.

Ah, you got me pretty good
there, I'll tell you.

Then you're losing a step, Detective.

Look, I don't want to take
up too much of your time.

Mets game doesn't start
for three hours. We're good.

Okay, full disclosure.

I've already approached
Danny and Jamie with this.

They both sent me packing.

So this is about Erin?

You want to approach her
about something,

but you don't know how?

- Yeah.
- Far as I can tell,

nobody knows her these days
better than you.

Fair point.

But this is bigger than just her and me.

How big?


I'll make the call.

But not to Erin?


To the one you came to me for.



You were right.

I'm sorry, can you
say that again so I can get it

- on video?
- Okay, enough.

I admit it, I was...


- Okay, Fonzi, spit it out.


wasn't right.

You were right.

About what?

You were right to be pissed off

that I went out as a decoy
without backup.

We're all struggling
with the new way of the world.

We can't do things the way we used to.

I mean, it's frustrating, I know,

but it doesn't mean you go it alone.

I know. And I know
we've been over this before.

It's just very difficult
to sit on my hands

when there's a -year-old
in the hospital,

and we can't nail
the sons of b*tches who did it

because they got everybody
running scared.

Yeah, I'm with you on that one.

But it doesn't mean
you go crashing through

every rule and procedure
like the old days.

You've still got to do it by the book.

Sometimes the book
doesn't get the job done,

and that really sucks.

It's like jujitsu... Instead of working

against the book,
we make the book work for us.

Well, how do we do that?

Yeah, I spoke to a friend
of mine in the g*ng unit,

and I told him about the case.

And he showed me some of the photos

of the g*ng we're after.


No way.

Yeah, that's Ricky, all right.

Is Ricky part of your g*ng?

Come on, is he or isn't he?

You forgetting something, Detective?

I'm sorry for what happened to you.

I shouldn't have dropped you off
into a situation like that.


We're good.

That's the game.

(SOFTLY): Well...

Now that we're all friends,

can you tell us
if Ricky's part of your crew?

Think I want my other nose broken?

We already know Ricky runs with you.

The real question is,
why would Ricky let his own crew

take out his brother?

That ain't how it went down.

Well, how did it go down?

Seeing as I can't ever show
my face again in the hood...

and we've gathered here
all friendly like...

shouldn't we start talking about a deal,

Madam Assistant District Attorney?


EDDIE: I'll be quick.

Couple hours.

SoulCycle takes two hours?

I got to get there, change,

and then come back.

All right, have fun.
Don't forget your cycling shoes.





Okay. I'm outie.


Work out tomorrow. Stay.

Watch a movie with me.

Just pick something good.

We'll watch when I get home.

GORMLEY: Boss, these are crazy times.

We all feel that.

Which is why, now more than ever,

we need to hold steady.

Need you to hold steady.

Never steadier.

Do you really want to risk
losing the w*r

just to win a bar fight?

- That's not what I'm doing.
- This plays

a lot like two rams who've locked horns

and are having a hard time unlocking.

Yeah, I've seen those videos.

One of them has to bow down
and twist his neck.

Not gonna be me.


You have an answer for everything.

I give up. I really do.

Garrett, it isn't pride.

It isn't ego.

If our cops second-guessed every move

the way they're asking me to,

we'd be attending a funeral every week.


but you're not a cop;
You're their leader.

All the more reason.

To deescalate the situation.

- To lead by that example.
- That woman

was genuinely afraid.

She had Maryland plates...
She was probably just visiting

or passing through...
And she had no idea

what that guy might be capable of.

- Look, I get that...
- So we deescalated.

We stepped in. We made the arrest.

End of story.

Boss, we just don't want you
to get fired.

We're with you %, like Garrett says.

But we'd rather be with you up here

than, say, meeting for lunch
every couple of months,

telling w*r stories.

So, how do you budget your integrity?

How do you say...

"Okay, just one more helping
of humble pie,

and then that's it"?

Nah. You got a lot of coin in that bank.

Hand to God, there is no one
who thinks you've shed an ounce

of integrity over the course
of this very difficult year.

What they said, times ten.

Thank you.

The moment I think that,

the bugler can start playing taps.

♪ ♪

Good to see you're out
of the hospital okay.

Thank you. I'm feeling much better.

- That's great.
- Yeah.

You, uh, able to move about at all,

or are you kind of just
stuck there on the sofa?

No, I can get around pretty good.

Doctor said he's about %.

That's amazing. Good for you.

Yeah. You able to stand up, too?

- Yeah, no problem.
- Hey.

Show them how good you're doing.


- Look, Ma, no hands.

Miracles of modern medicine.

We wouldn't be here if you guys
didn't show up the way you did.


- How about the rest of your limbs?
- I'm all good.

Wow. Look at that...
He's got all the rotation back.

Mm-hmm, yeah.

But can you do it in reverse,

- is the real question.
- Oh, yeah, easy peasy.

- Yo, yo, yo, what the...?
- Wait, what are you doing?

We're arresting both of you,
that's what we're doing.

- For what?
- For falsely reporting an incident.

- It's a crime.
- I didn't falsely report anything.

Yes, you did.

You weren't robbed, Matthew.

You were joining that stupid g*ng.

That beatdown was your initiation.

Orchestrated by your own brother.

So you can consider this
your initiation to life

if you stay in the g*ng.

- Let's go.

Okay, stop right there!



Hey, what are you doing?

What are you doing?

You following me?

- No.
- Yes, you are.

Yeah, maybe I am.


Because you've been acting
really strange lately,

and I can't figure out
what you're up to.

Why don't you just ask me,

instead of following me around
like a creepy stalker?

Because I have asked you,
and multiple times.

But every time I do,
you get... you get defensive.

I do not get defensive!

You slam your computer shut
when I come in,

you give me one-word
answers, and, Eddie,

- you lied to me.
- Lied?

Yeah, when I came in the
hospital, I talked to the EMTs.

They told me that they brought
you there because it was

the closest hospital.
You told me you were uptown!

- Okay, right, I did that.
- Well, why?

'Cause I don't want you to know
what I'm doing.

What are you doing?


Then who the hell is Barry?


Okay, future leaders of America,

open your books to page .

Roll call.

Now, you've all been
on the receiving end of this.


Hey, Barry.

Sorry I'm late.

Now it's time to learn...

That's Barry?


You're studying for the sergeant's exam.

I was afraid to tell you.

I didn't know if you would like it.

Are you mad?

I think it's a great idea,
you trying to make sergeant.

I have absolutely no problem
that you're here.

But if I'm being honest,
I don't like how we got here.

Must have been hell
to be your partner on the job.

Nah. You could ask them.

Guys who like the spotlight

don't mind putting themselves
on the spot.

- I don't like the spotlight.
- They get antsy

if they've been out of the spotlight.

So they start something.

And everyone around them
is pinned in that spotlight.

Aw, don't be so hard on yourself.

You knew damn well what you were doing.

Hey, I'm a cop at heart.

I did what a cop does.

A cop who subconsciously needs
the spotlight.

That's all you got?

Barstool Freud?



That's not all I got.

I want to respect your many
years of service to this city

and the affection and loyalty
you command from our police.

So I'll accept your resignation
instead of firing you.

You can go out under your own steam.

Happy to coordinate through Garrett.

You guys take the wheel.

I appreciate that.

But I want to respect
the majority of citizens

who elected you

and your positive
accomplishments as mayor, so...

I will respectfully decline your offer.

You want me to fire you?

No. And you don't want to fire me.

And you don't want me to resign.

I just said I did.

No. Mr. Mayor,
think through the next step.

What next step?

My replacement.

Who are you gonna get to step in
for the PC you fired

for arresting a guy

who was threatening a woman
on our streets.

It's a pretty long list.

Yeah, and the top men
and women will sing your praises

and then say they're busy that night.

You sure think a lot of yourself.

It's not about me or... deference to me.

It's about their own asses.

It's about not being set up to fail.

You don't know that.

Oh, yeah, I do know that.

There's only a handful of people
who do what I do on this scale.

And they got a grapevine.

You poisoned the well?

No. Not at all.

But this thing of ours...

this thing of ours is out there
for all to see,

and the ones you'd want,
they've been watching.


Married couple with kids.

They love their kids,
but each other not so much.

They're good people,
but oil and water together,

so they agree to separate.

- What?
- Like I said,

good people, love their kids,

so one doesn't bad-mouth
the other to the kids.

One doesn't slash the other's tires

the weekend they have custody.

Just go.


Thanks for hearing me out.

You comparing the citizens
and the cops of this city

to kids in a divorce, how do
you think that's gonna play?

I hope it doesn't play at all.


I'll bet you do.

I was not playing chicken.

Sounds like you were.

Well, I wasn't.

If it walks like a duck
and talks like a duck.

Then it's definitely a chicken.

Pop, little help here?


That's more of a duck, Grandpa,
not a chicken.

Okay, wise guy,
what's a chicken sound like?

A chicken is more like a... like a...

- ERIN: Sounds more

like a seal to me.
Yeah, like a wounded seal

getting an enema.


I'm sorry, I have no idea
where that came from.


- It was accurate, at least.
- Hey!

is everyone finished with this now?

Yes, we're finished.

And the verdict is in.

He was definitely playing chicken.


A dangerous game of chicken

and one you could have lost.

And then where would we be?

Hey, I just knew
it would work out, okay?

You didn't know that. You thought that.

- An educated guess, at best.
- Yeah.

The mayor could have fired you,
and frankly, I'm...

I'm surprised he didn't.


But a life well lived is one
where you risk everything

for what really matters to you.

Why do I feel like that

was specifically directed towards me?

It wasn't.

I'm gonna take the Fifth
on this conversation.

SEAN: I have no idea what's going on.

The Fifth.

Take the Fifth.

JANKO: Yeah, do not look at me.

I'm still recovering
from that whole enema thing.

Do you really want me
to put you on the stand

and cross-examine you?

- No, I do not.
- Okay. So what's going on?

Maybe you should look
under your placemat.

Wonder what could be there.

"Erin Reagan for
Manhattan District Attorney."



Where'd that come from? Who did this?

Don't look at me.

- Wonder who did that.
- I don't know, really.


JANKO: So...

Although it does have a nice ring to it.

Yeah. Little bit.

Little bit of a nice ring.

All in favor?






FRANK: I'm just an accomplice.