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02x19 - Versus the Infected

Posted: 09/24/21 17:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Mech-X4...

He's allergic to technology.

There are 30 more
just like him,

and if you can't cure them,
they'll die.

You could've gotten
Harris hurt or worse!

Are you gonna take that chance?

- Even if it meant saving the world?
- No!

Traegar has given me more power
than you can imagine.

The red bloom, they're spreading them
over the whole city.

Spyder, bounce belt! Now!

I have enough red bloom
to infect

and control every human
on the planet.

This is bad.
Very bad!

You belong to Traegar, Ryan.

Do something.
Do something!

- Get 'em!
- Come on!

Okay, I barricaded
the entrance,

and I technopathically
locked all the doors.

Any luck warning our parents?

I can't reach either of my dads.

I don't even have a signal!

But I may not
have paid my bill.

Mom, are you okay?

I'm surrounded by people saying,
"Get Mech-X4!"

And "Where is your son?"

So, no, I am not okay!

- Where are you? Where is Mark?
- It's a long story.

I'll tell you when we get to the robot
and get you out of there.

I-I'm trapped at the corner
of 2nd and Lex. Hurry!

Do these things
still have invisibility?

Yeah. Ready?

Aw, man!

I lost 'em!

I never do anything right!

- Georgia!
- Hey, Miss Walker.

Ready to serve Traegar?

Don't make this tougher
than it has to be.

No reason this
needs to be tougher

than your flank steak.

That better be
the mind control talking,

young lady,
or you and I,

we're gonna have
a problem!

You will all serve Traegar!

Mark, your girlfriend...

Is being controlled?
Yeah, I got that.

We'll save her when we
save everyone else... I hope.

Ryan's headed to the ferry
to get Mech-X4.

We should meet him there.


Can't wait to see him.



So... anything you want
to tell me about my flank steak?


Get to the ferry by the junkyard.

That's where the robot is!
Go, go!

Man, it looks like
he's infected all of Bay City.

Oh, is pointing out the obvious
another one of your powers?

- Seriously?
- Sorry. Uh, I snark when I'm scared.

Looks like they've got those
new acid-tipped missiles.

That's... that's awesome.

I... I mean, bad. Really bad.

Dead, just like my cell phone.

I'm seeing a pattern here,
and I do not like it.

Repairs, half done.

yeah, still toast.

And most of our systems...


We don't have a choice.
We gotta get outta here.

Mark and your mom are here!

The car can survive
a m*ssile strike, right?

- No!
- Then we have a problem.

I can't...
activate the shields!

I can stop the missiles.
V, the landing bay.

Yeah, working on it!

Come on, Mark.
Come on.


Where's Mom?

She's safe...

down in the X-deck.

I'm glad you're,
uh, you're okay.

Yeah, uh...

You, too.

Hey, awkward brothers!

They're not out of missiles!

I can't stop them all!

We have to
get out of here.

Everybody, hang on!

The repair cycle didn't finish,
so this may be a bumpy ride.

They destroyed the ferry.

I can't believe it.

It's gone.

Dude. Dude!

They're repositioning for another att*ck.
We can't stay here!

The whole city's after us.

What do we do?
Where do we go?

The one place I know
we'll be safe.

So, from
a destroyed ferry

to a creepy farm
in the middle of nowhere.

Worst road trip ever,
am I right?

Ah, right!

Still ticked
about the whole,

"You're off the team,"


how do you know
we're safe here?

Because of this ore.

It blocks
electronic signals.

It protects the people
that live here,

and it prevents the farm
from being detected

by satellites
or radar.

No one can
find us here.

Oh, but just in case,

uh, Veracity's staying
in the control center

to keep an eye on things.


Bloomed. Infected.

Oh, yep. I need a break.

Hello, epic halfpipe fails.

Oh, man.

Wait, is that Ryan?

Okay, everybody. Tech stays in the well
away from the Thirty.

I will miss you,
connection to the outside world.

So... wanna meet
my birth mother?

I can't believe
I'm finally meeting you.

Giving up Ryan was the
hardest thing I had to do.

But knowing he ended up
with a loving mother...

It's a relief.

I feel like saying thanks
isn't nearly enough.

They probably don't make greeting cards
for this sort of thing.

But sheltering us from
mind-controlled bad guys

is a pretty good start.

I know we're kind of at the end
of the world here,

but, um...

would you like to see
some baby pictures?


Is that Ryan in a
little pink tiger suit?

Yeah. He loved that thing!

No, seriously, he...
he wouldn't take it off.


Traegar's winning.

He bloomed Georgia,
and I had to leave her behind.

Do you know how that felt?

Yeah, I do.

We can't just hide on this farm
while everyone we care about is infected.

What should we do?!

We lost the X-w*apon.

We don't know how to save Harris
or anybody else.

So we just sit here while
the world is falling apart?

No! I'm gonna do
something useful.

I can cure the Thirty.

But that'll hurt you!

So did losing Harris!

Thanks for that.

You know what, let me know
when you decide to cowboy up

and do something about Traegar.

What are you guys doing?

Mending socks.

It's fun!

You guys think that's fun?

No, no, no!
Cartoons are fun,

and video games,
and arcades are fun!

You guys have done
that stuff, right?


We're cured, but some
people are still sick.

So there's no
technology allowed.

So you guys have...

never been off
this farm, like, ever?

No, but sometimes,
we make scarves.

No! No, no, no, no.

If the world's gonna end,

these guys deserve
to have fun for once

in their butter-churning lives.

Why am I talking to myself?

Guys! Let's go have
some real fun.

Come on!

Are you sure
this is safe for Ryan?

He was okay
after he cured me.

He just needs
to rest after.

Mom, I'll be fine.



I think that was
some kinda...

technopathic spike.

A big one.

But I can work with this.

I can work with this!

Welcome to
Hocus Pocus Pizza!

Where pizza is served by
a creepy-looking rabbit.

Was dragging us
behind a hoverboard

really the safest way
for us to get here?

- Did you wear your helmet?
- Yes.

Maybe! Hey, yo!
Let's see some magic!

I'm trying to show
these kids a good time!

It's 20 minutes before closing, kid.
I'm supposed to be done.

And I'm supposed to be
a sophomore by now.

Life is full of disappointments.

And the teeny-weeny top hat.


It is teeny-weeny.

Yeah, yeah.

Excuse me while I make
your pizza magically appear.

Where's he going?

Um, I will find out.

You kids go play
in the birthday room!

But it's not my birthday.

They don't know that! Go!

The bloom?

All the way out here?

What is that?

Dude, no! It's not safe!

Put your head back on!

Yo, V?

Bit of an emergency.

Spyder, I have told you before,

a booger stuck in your nose
is not an emergency.

I snuck some kids off the farm
to go to Hocus Pocus Pizza,

so they could finally have some fun
for once in their lives.

Aw, that was sweet.

But the city just got bloomed, and now,
there's a guy in a bunny suit after us.

Aw. That was stupid.

I brought these kids
out into this world.

I spent all my money on them,

and now I'm putting their happiness
before my own.

Oh, no.
I'm a parent.

Here you go!

- Thanks, Spyder!
- Thanks!

Have fun...

while you still can.

So, Spyder took the kids
to Hocus Pocus Pizza?

- It was really sweet.
- And really stupid!

- Exactly what I said.
- Okay!

Let's get
to the robot and...

I sort of, maybe,

dismantled the control pad.

- What?
- Look, I needed to understand

the... the technology that connects
your power to the robot.

- Because when you cured that guy...
- Okay! No time.

- Okay.
- Try to put it back together fast.

I'll get my hoverboard and...

Spyder used it
to bring the kids there.

How am I supposed to get there?

More bad news for you!

Uh, why are we listening to this?

Because this is my car,
and you hate it.


You know, you and me
going to save Spyder

doesn't change
anything between us.

Yeah. I got it.

Get him!

For Traegar!

And for making me
wear that stupid hat!

Thank you, Boston Axe!

Don't you wanna play, Spyder?

No, that's okay! I'm just out here
doing boring adult stuff.

You guys have fun!

You're not getting
to those kids!

Dude! I said I got this!

I'm not gonna let these g*ons
hurt my friend.

He's my friend!

Hey! Guys!
You're both pretty!

How 'bout a little help?

Ryan, remember when those zombies had us
cornered in that metal shop?

Yeah! I'm on it!

Prepare to serve Traegar.

That's for giving
me nightmares

after my fifth birthday party!

- You picked up some skills.
- Yeah.

Don't tell my
guidance counselor.

He'll expect me
to apply myself.

Mark, Spyder, duck!

Look at us!

A team again, feels good.
The bros!

- We're not a team.
- Nope.

All right. That's it!

How dumb are you two?

Me and those kids
would've been torn apart

if it weren't for both of you!

- Dude!
- No.

No, don't "dude" me.

Mark made a hard choice
to get answers.

You have a hard choice
about Harris!

I made a tough decision
to protect those kids!

After you put them at risk.

Not the point.

You're both right,
and you're both wrong.

The world needs you on
the same team, so figure it out!

Spyder called us dumb.

He may be right.

Yeah, look, Mark.

I know we work
well together,

but when I think
about what you did,

I just get so angry.

And that's how I felt

when you wouldn't
listen to me about Harris.

So, how do we
get past this?


If I can admit

that I was wrong
to hide my plan from you,

can you admit that,
maybe you've made

some not-so-great calls?


I kicked you off the team

because I was mad,

not because it was
the right thing to do.

And I'm sorry.

Me, too.

Come on! Let's go!

You know what?

I like being
the responsible one.

Aren't you
forgetting something?

My kids!

- Hmm.
- Yeah.


You guys enjoy
being off the farm?

- Best day ever!
- Can we do it again?

- Next apocalypse.
- No, no, no.


You're okay!

I owe that farmer
five bucks.

- What's that now?
- Nothing!

So, the robot?

Fully repaired,

and I think I may
have found something

to help us
win the fight.

This is why I needed a look
inside the control pad.

What is it?

The key to
defeating Traegar.

This is how
we take back the world.

Now, I know it's no
adorable little pink tiger suit.

Has everyone
seen those pictures?!

But it can convert

the technopathic energy
that you absorb

into a charge that your body
can store for later.

So, it turns you
into a giant battery.

This will let me cure
all of 'em at the same time?

And super-charge me
to fight Traegar?

- That's the plan. Ha!
- And what if it doesn't?

He'll be burnt to a crisp...

is something I maybe
should not have said to his mother.

Are you sure
about this, Ryan?

Traegar's about to
take over the world.

We have to do something.

This is our only chance!

Did I...?

Did I get taller?

Ryan, are you okay?
You were just...


So much information.

From all over the world.

Ah, geez! You're hot.

You... you really think
this is the right moment

for you to flirt
the first time in your life?

I meant his body temp, slapstick.

The Techno-Booster's working!

You're being super saturated by the
Thirty's power without it hurting you.

So you're more than
twice as powerful now.

How do you feel?

Really strong!

- Okay.
- And tingly.

It's weird.
I can reach out to any tech.

Every data
all around the world.


happening in London.

Grey's there
in her monster form,

and she's spreading
a bloom all over the city.

One problem.
We can't get overseas

without the Flight Mode Jet,
and that's back in Bay City.

Nah, man. Wait for it.

Dude, how powerful are you?

Let's find out.