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09x05 - The Unknown t*rror1st

Posted: 09/23/21 12:00
by bunniefuu
- Occupation?
- Childcare. I was a nanny.

Wilder. You're Nanny Wilder.

So, you wish to make a statement
about an open m*rder investigation?

About the death of a cop.
Detective Paul Morelli.

Eve, was it? I'm Kath. Kath Maxwell.

- I know her.
- She was a prisoner at Blackmoore

back when I was an officer there.

Now, I'm not a guard any more,
so there's no need for secrets.

We can both be who we really are.

Eddie, the cops are gonna
fit me and Rita up for m*rder.

- I need your help now.
- I'll come clean with the cops.

I swear I'll make it right.

I just wanted to say thank you.

Sometimes you have to k*ll
the monsters you've created.

- You speak to Eddie Romano?
- Eddie Romano is dead.

He was found last
night in a gym he owns.

I didn't do it! It wasn't me! (SHE SOBS)

If it wasn't you
though, then who was it?

It was Judy. I saw
Judy before I went in.

In the showers before I went in.

Why the f*ck am I waking
up to this c**t-fest?

And if that pelt doesn't get
you going, head to!

Do the women know about this?

- Not yet.
- Well, keep it that way.

That's all I bloody need, a class
action for breach of privacy.

Look, we'll look over the footage

- and find out...
- Too late, Governor.

Our dirty knickers are online and
everyone's having a f*cking sniff!

Just calm down!

- We will sort it!
- Given the severity of this dumb-fuckery,

why aren't you going
completely f*cking postal?

Not only is there an illegal
camera in this sh*thole,

but a nitrous canister is still missing!

It's worse than the
Bermuda Triangle! I mean,

what else are they hiding?
Harold f*cking Holt?

I want a cell toss now!

And I want results, whatever it takes.

All right.

Let's move it!

We'll get you over there.
We're looking for a camera.

Cell toss. Come on, come on, come on.

Shit. Go.

No excuses. Search everything.

Cell toss.

Hey, Allie, screws!


Everybody in cells now!

- Er, yeah, I'm just on the dungy!
- You've got till the count of three.

- Three. Two. One.
- Yeah, hold on!

- Can't even f*cking shit and piss...
- Right, out here, Novak.

- This is bullshit.
- Right, all of you, strip.

- What?
- Pants off, tops off, now.

- Er, no, I'm... I'm not doing that.
- No-one's doing that.

- You don't make the rules, Connors.
- Neither do you, Miss Miles.

No, but I enforce them.

- Jenkins, clothes off.
- No. No!

- Slot her.
- What?

- This is f*cked!
- You cannot do that!

No. No!

- Let her go!
- Back off or I'll report you.

To who? My superiors.

I've been authorised to do whatever
it takes to find any contra.

So get your gear off or
get slotted. Your choice.

Off to a good start.

The rest of you, down to your undies.

Lift up the blanket.

Well, don't just sit there. Strip.

- Seriously, you're going there?
- What's the matter, Novak?

Thought you didn't want
any special treatment.

It's invasive, humiliating
and completely unnecessary!

I'd hardly call security unnecessary.

Did making them undress get the results?

- Did you find your camera? Did you find your canister?
- Not yet.

You've antagonised
the women for no reason

and made it that much
harder for us to do our jobs.

And then the way you spoke to the
staff earlier, it's not on, Ann.

You cross lines every day.

I can't make excuses for you any longer.

- He spoke to me like a child.
- Well, he's...

probably worried about you.

- Why?
- Your...

- You know, your manner in the staff meetings.
- Well, I'm frustrated, Vera!

Well, of course, we
all are. But you're...

you're carrying a heavier
burden than the rest of us.

- What are you trying to say?

Sometimes we all need a bit of help.

So are you in Will's ear
to get him to see a shrink?

Will is not dropping the
C-b*mb in a staff briefing.

- Oh, is this about my unladylike language?
- I'm not your enemy, Ann.

It is bad enough that I had to apologise

- to that smug bitch Judy Bryant.
- Is that what this is about?

I refuse to flagellate
myself before the staff

just because they're
made of fairy floss.

Now, if you don't mind,
I have got a metric

f*ck-ton of shit that
I have to deal with,

so I'll spare you any
more of my hysteria.

Miss Miles is out of control.

You heard her. This bullshit's
come from further up the food chain.

It's gonna be hard to
film the muff movie now.

Is this for that fella's website?

- Gavin?
- Yeah.

He said it's, like, getting
heaps of clicks and stuff,

but he really wants
the full lezzo monty.

- I've gotta sh**t it today.
- Are you insane?

You've gotta get rid of that
camera. You'll get thrush.

Yeah, yeah, this will be
the last thing, I swear.

Will you two root?

- What?
- No, no, I won't film your faces or anything.

Erm, Booms, I can't move my legs.
I think they might know it's me.


What about Zaina? She's kinda hot.

Oh, yeah? And she can
keep a secret, too.

Hey, can you ask her?

- Tell her I'll pay.
- Boomer!

Yeah. Please! Please!

f*ck! Listen, this is
for the baby, not for you.


Guess who got a new shit-hot lawyer.

- What happened to Alex?
- He's gone.

My supporters started
crowd-funding for me

and raised over grand and counting.

I'm getting a QC.

- f*ck me.
- I know, right?

Look, I know it's weird,
but she'll pay you.

- Who do I have to get it on with?
- Whoever you want.

- You?
- What?

I'll do it if it's with you.

Even waive the fee.

- I'll be there.
- Ah, you like to watch.

I'll be helping Boomer out.

OK, fine.

Tell numbnuts I don't
come cheap, though.

See you later, fluffer.

- How are you, Nanny Wilder?
- Oh, never mind me. How's the little one?

I can't believe the change in her.

She's sleeping right through the night.

I'm really glad to hear that.

- Ow!
- What have you done?

Here, I'll get a band-aid.

Let's take a look.

You need to take better care
of yourself, Nanny Wilder.

Nanny Clumsy more like it.

There you go.

- Sorry, Fev, maybe next time.



- You ready?
- Yeah, always.

Is this the best you could get?

You can talk! (SHE

Hey? Oh, look, doesn't matter anyway.

Here, chuck these on.

There we go.

OK, so listen up.

It's gotta be dirty but f*cking classy.

You've gotta do all that, you know,

lezzo shit that the pervy guys want.

It better be f*cking worth it.

Anything in particular you'd like?

All right, can we hurry up?

'Cos we haven't got much time.

- You can't see shit in this thing.
- Oh, you wanna be recognised?

I'll be fine.

OK. And... action.

Cut. Erm, can you, like,

do the tits first? Like...

Yeah, right-oh, Spielberg.

Like, whatever. Can you...

Yeah. Yeah.

- Oh, man, it's weird not having a mouth.
- Can you stop your whingeing?


Yeah, OK. Yeah, and down we go. Hot.

Enjoy the show.

OK. Down we go.


What the f*ck?

Hey. How good's the jam?



Come and try the Manchego.

Er, what's going on?

Oh, it's just a little thank you
to everyone for their hard work.

- Grab a drink!
- No, I'm on duty.

And I'm not the only one!

Come on, Will, it's been a tough day.

It's not over.

- Whoo! Oh, attaboy!


If we can compare the
call log on Eddie's phone

with the calls on the burner that I had,

it can show that we were
both in contact with Jones

on the day of Morelli's death.

That doesn't prove
what happened, though.

No, but it gives weight to our version.

Short of pulling his signed
confession out of my arse,

- that's all we've got.
- Where's the burner?

I left it with Aunty Fran
before the cops arrested me.

I'll get her to send it to my
lawyer, she can look into it.

Who was closest to Eddie?

Er, his daughter, I guess.

Talk to her as soon as you can,

see if she can get Eddie's phone.


Wanna get high?

He was the sixth?

Mm. And the tallest.

He was hard to get into the boot.

Oh, but you're resourceful.

Mm. Like you.

So you drove him to the state forest.

Oh, that was the first place we f*cked.

Where he first lied to you.

- Yes.
- And then?

It was hush-hush time.

He wept.

And he pooed himself.
He had less self-control

than his little toddler
I was looking after.

Oh, such a sweet, sweet little angel.

I bet Mr Stewart's a good dad.

I don't think I've ever seen
him so friendly with a prisoner.

Bet his cock's bigger than a mushroom.

Let's hope he doesn't meet
a similar fate to the others.

They're all the same.

Can't keep their
champignons in their pants.

- Mr Stewart's a new father.
- Mm.

They were all new fathers and husbands.

- That didn't stop them.
- Somebody had to.


But I think he's just being friendly.


Let's test his affections.

Ask him to...

procure some contraband.

I'd like some cigarettes.

I'd k*ll for a quality vodka.

Our little evenings would be much
more pleasant, would they not?

All right. I'll ask him.


Who would've thought, Boomer
the lesbian porn director?


Famous for her classic hit,

Girls Go Under For The Munter!


- So, I have a question.
- sh**t.


- Pow!

If you got crowd-funding
for your new lawyer...

- ♪ Power to the people ♪
- Shh.

... what did you do with Lou's money?

(SHE CHUCKLES) What do you mean?

Well, you said you needed it
to fight extradition, but...

... your old lawyer was Legal Aid, so...

What do you think I spent the money on?

- I don't know, you're dodgy as f*ck.

So true! (SHE LAUGHS)

- You cheat at cards!
- All the f*cking time.

- You're a f*cking liar!

Literally the worst.

And I reckon you stabbed me.

And you lived. (SHE LAUGHS)

- f*ck me!

- I wish I hadn't.

You must have shat yourself when
you found out I was coming back!

I tried to get myself slotted

but bloody Jackson let
me off with a warning.


Hey, I hope this won't
affect our friendship.



What's a wheelchair between
friends? (SHE LAUGHS)

Oh, shit.






Hey, hey!

No! No!

Look... I miss him, too, but

- you don't wanna do that.
- f*ck off!

Just get the f*ck out!

Get out! Go! I don't want you in here!

- It's OK.



Do you know how dangerous
that stuff can be?

I thought you didn't like dr*gs.

Gotta get my kicks somehow.

It's been a while
since I've had a laugh.

I'll let you out in the morning.

Just call an officer
if you need assistance.


Allie, are you OK?

What about that gas? Full-on, hey?

You know what I said
was just a joke, right?

At the time, it seemed
really funny, but...

now I realise how f*cked up it was.

Allie, you're not angry?

You're my best mate in here.

I couldn't do it without you.

I am so, so sorry if
what I said hurt you.

Please, Allie, don't leave me hanging.

It's OK.

I know you didn't mean what you said.

Thank God.

- What a ride, hey?
- I reckon.

The minibar needs restocking.

- Good morning, Mr Stewart.
- Nanny Wilder. How's the finger?

Oh, it's nothing. We'll have to
keep you away from sharp objects.

I was wondering if I
could ask you a favour.

- No law against that.
- Yet.

Erm, I'm not sleeping
very well at night.

- Could be colic.

I know it's naughty of me,

but I usually have a shot
of vodka before I go to bed.

I'd be grateful if you could help.

He couldn't get away
from me quick enough.

- He was just put on the spot.
- No, I disappointed him.

I told you, he is a
very ethical officer.

No doubt he was caught between

- his morals and his...
- Mushroom.



Has Ferguson mentioned
Eve Wilder to you?

- Good morning to you, too, Vera.
- I saw them being very chummy.

Well, they're in the same work
unit. Maybe they've bonded.

Over what? A shared
love for paring knives?

They were at Blackmoore together.

I think Ferguson remembers her.

Ferguson has no memories.

Look, I thought that we agreed

that I would let you know if
there's any change to her state.

Don't you think it's
a bit of a coincidence

that the only person
Ferguson is friendly with

is someone she used to know?

(HE SIGHS) I don't feel
comfortable with this.

I don't feel comfortable with
you giving Ferguson a banned drug,

so I guess we're even.

There's been no change to
Ferguson's amnesiac state.

Ask her about Wilder. Today.

How are you finding the coping mantra?

Completely asinine.

But fortunately, I
haven't had a need for it.

Recently, you wanted
to strangle Eve Wilder.


The occasional urge raises its head.

- I'm in control.
- And how did that come about?

I focused on il nostro terreno comune.

Our common ground.

- Look it up.
- How would you describe your relationship?

Two inmates sharing a unit.

- Would you care to elaborate?
- No.

- Why not?
- Because our time is up.

And it's of no interest to me.

Miss Bennett's been
asking questions about you.


She thinks that you remember Eve Wilder.

It's sweet of her to take an interest.

I'm serious.

You need to be more careful.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Haven't seen you all morning, eh?
- Oh, just having a rest up.

- Everything all right?
- Yeah, just tying up some loose ends.

Hey, Zaina asked if you
guys wanna play basketball.

- Oh.
- I'll help Allie.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, course.

OK. Come on.

Catch ya.


I'm finished!

Ruby? Booms?





I really am sorry about this.


You're f*cked, Judy.

What are you gonna
do, shiv the lot of us?


... what do you wanna do with her?


f*cking Judas!

Put her in a wheelchair,
see how she likes it!

No, a wheelchair's not enough.

What do you think?

Oh, it's a dog's act, all right.

But don't go making
things worse for yourself.

What are you saying?

I promised Dad I wouldn't
let you stuff up your parole.

- She tried to k*ll Allie!
- I'm not saying she shouldn't be punished.

- Bloody sounds like it!
- Shut up.

She stabbed me in the back.

She let me bleed out on the floor.

She put me in this thing.

And the whole time,
she's been eating with us,

sleeping with us.

Helping me go to the f*cking toilet!

She has to die, eh?


if you do this, you'll
be in here for life.

No parole for you.

And you can kiss any payout
from corrections goodbye.

Hasn't she f*cked up your life enough?


Yeah. But...

the worst thing you can do in here

is to try and take out your top dog.

And the second worst thing you can do

is to go against your
crew. Everyone knows that.

And that f*cking bitch did both!

You put her out to the women.

Let natural justice take its course.

I've got no problem with her dying.

But put the w*apon in
someone else's hand.


Judy stabbed you? Why?

- I found out she'd stolen Lou's money.
- Oh, shit!

Feel free to share as you see fit.

It's a nice drop.


Ann wouldn't mind.

Did you ask Ferguson about Wilder?

- I did, yeah.
- And?

She doesn't remember her.

f*cking traitor c**t! Judas bitch!

Sly c**t!

Dirty Judas!

You f*cking traitor!

- f*cking dog!
- Lying f*ck!

I wanna make a deal.

- For what?
- Protection.

I'll make it worth your while.



You stole Reb's money.

- You took away his f*cking dream.
- I'll get you the money back.

- More.
- Mm.

- More.
- You know what I want?


Can you do that? Hm?

No. I didn't think so.

Chuck her in a f*cking dryer!


Bryant! Lawyer's here to see you.


I couldn't get what you asked for.

No. I'm sorry. I should
never have mentioned it.

Thanks again for your help with Grace.

He's got taste.

What's going on with Wilder?

You seem very friendly.

She's a nice person.

(WHISPERS): Er, she left someone
for dead by the side of the road.

- She didn't see them.
- Says who?

The woman in prison for the second time?

You should be thanking her.

She's the reason you're
getting a good night's sleep.

Are you for real? Are you telling me

that the stuff I've been
giving Grace came from Wilder?

- She just gave me the recipe.
- How could you be so f*cking stupid?

Grace is fine!


Did it even cross your tiny mind

that Ferguson could have
used her to get to the baby?

Not this shit again!

OK, maybe I was wrong
to trust you with Grace.






I've been racking my
brains trying to work out

how you could do what you done!

Allie is the best friend you could have.

And she trusted you.

We all did.

Does that mean anything to you?




You took something from her

and I'm not talking
about her bloody legs!

You made her see the
whole world different!

And now she's not the same!

Do you get that?

Do ya?



I'm never gonna forgive you.

Nah, don't say nothing.

'Cos you're a lying
piece of shit anyway!

- f*cking...

Oi! Jenkins! That's enough!

- That's it!
- You f*cking...

- Let's go!
- You Judas!

You f*cking c**t!




How's the ribs?

I hear the extradition's back on.

Novak's withdrawn her statement
of dependency. (SHE CHUCKLES)

Your fancy QC's not much chop, is he?

We have more resources,

more money and more power.

And we will not stop

until you and every one
of your t*rror1st mates

are locked away out of sight

and the world forgets you even exist.

I've got thousands of supporters.

They won't forget.

How many do you have, Ann?

You are losing your grip

on your petty, tiny universe.

- And you're terrified.
- Oh, sweetheart.

You're the one who's terrified.

The most precious thing in the
world has already been taken from me.

You still have further to fall.

Enjoy your comfy bed while you can.


Oh, Greg, before you go,

Mr Jackson said Jenkins is in
iso after a violent altercation.

Could you do a psych consult now?

I need to have a quick word
with Dr Miller when he's free.

- Do you wanna just grab a coffee while I wait?
- Great. Thanks.





Er, hey, Vera, it's me.

Look, I'm sorry about
before. I would never put...

Oh! Christ! What the f*ck?

- What are you doing?
- I'm jogging home.

- Don't be crazy. I'll give you a lift.
- I like running.

Get in. It's not safe around here.

Why? Are you drink-driving?

I'm serious. I'm not
letting you run home. Get in.

Hm! Someone means business.


- All right, let's go.
- I'm in overnight.

I'm just gonna take you to
the dining room for a meal.



(MUFFLED): Please, get
me the f*ck out of here!

Where are you taking me?



Where's Lou? I wanna see Lou!

- f*cking dog!
- Get the f*ck off me!

Allie! Allie!

Please! Allie, you have to stop them!

Please, Allie! Please!


- Oh, f*ck!
- What do you reckon, ladies?

Will we take out the trash?


Listen to me! Please!


Get off me!

No, no, no!

- No!



Lou! Lou! Lou! Lou!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

I have a deal for you!

Hear me out! You won't
regret it, I swear!


- No! No!



You got any last words?

Listen to my deal.

You'll wanna hear it.

She deserves to die!




ALL: Judas! Judas! Judas!

Judas! Judas! Judas! Judas!


ALL: Judas! Judas! Judas! Judas!

-OK, little fish.

What's the deal? Let's hear it.

What's she saying?

- Drag her out?
- What? What the f*ck?

What the hell?

- What?
- What's going on?

She's under my protection.



- What the f*ck?
- Oi!

- You heard what she said!
- This is some bullshit.

Back to your units.

What the f*ck just happened?

♪ I ask myself the same questions ♪

♪ I tell myself the same lies ♪

♪ The silver on your skin tastes ♪

♪ Like the movie in my mind's eye ♪

- _
- ♪ Les nuits ne changera pas ♪

♪ Les soirs quand t'es plus là ♪

♪ Même si ça fait mal sois
mon animal sentiment brutal ♪

f*ck you.

♪ Les nuits ne changera pas ♪

I swear we'll be out of
here before the month's out.

How do I know these contacts
of yours aren't bullshit?

You'll be the one speaking to them.

I can't have visitors.

f*ck Ann Reynolds.

f*ck them all.

We're gonna b*mb our way out.

♪ Give it ♪

♪ Give it ♪

♪ Give it ♪

♪ Give it ♪

♪ Give it ♪