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04x26 - The Folk Singers

Posted: 09/19/21 06:12
by bunniefuu
♪ Come and listen to my
story about a man named Jed ♪

♪ A poor mountaineer,
barely kept his family fed ♪

♪ And then one day, he
was sh**ting at some food ♪

♪ And up through the ground
come a-bubbling crude ♪

♪ Oil, that is ♪

♪ Black gold ♪

♪ Texas tea ♪

♪ Well, the first thing you
know, old Jed's a millionaire ♪

♪ The kinfolk said, "Jed,
move away from there" ♪

♪ Said, "Californy is the
place you ought to be" ♪

♪ So they loaded up the truck
and they moved to Beverly ♪

♪ Hills, that is ♪

♪ Swimming pools, movie stars. ♪

Hey, wait, where are you
going with all them matches?

Why, out to the launching pad.

The what?

The launching pad.

I promised Jethro I'd
light his rockets fer him.

Wait a minute,
uh... Well, I can't, Pa.

Jethro's in his countdown,

ready to be shot into space!

Where you going, Jed?

I'm going out to get Jethro.

Well, before you go, I
got something to tell you.

Well, Granny, this
is kind of important.

Now, so is this.

Jethro has turned
over a new leaf.

No more putting
windmills on the truck

and trying to fly and
such foolishness.

Yeah, Granny, I'm
afraid it's kind of...

Now-now listen to me, Jed.

I don't often get a chance
to speak good of Jethro.

But he was up at the
crack of dawn this morning,

plucking chickens for me.

Yeah, well... He
plucked 27 chickens.

I got them in the
icebox, in the freezer.

I'll see you.

Well, give him a
pat on the back.

He even swept up the feathers!

T minus 25 seconds and counting.

I got the matches, Jethro.


T minus 20 seconds.

Light the matches.

T minus 15 seconds.

Light the skyrockets!

T minus ten seconds
and counting.

Uh, Jethro?

Uh, talk to you when I
get back down, Uncle Jed.

Eight... seven...

Well, how you
gonna get back down?

Glide on these wings.

Do they work?

Well, I hope so.

Five... four...

Well, I'm glad to see
you're wearing a parachute.

What parachute?

This is my lunch.

Two... one... JETHRO: Zero!

Blast off!

Doggone it, I must
have had a power failure.

Yeah. Now, uh, step down,
boy, I want to talk to you.

It took 27 chickens
to make them wings.

Yeah, I know, uh...

Elly May, honey,
take them matches

back up to the house
and help your Granny.

I want to have a
talk with Jethro.

Set down, boy.

Want some lunch, Uncle Jed?

No, thank you.

Well, I thought you said
you didn't want none.

Boy, how were you
gonna eat all that stuff

up there in the air
wearing them wings?

Well, I'd have figured that out.

I got an awful quick mind.

That's one reason why I
was cut out to be an astronaut.

You got another reason?

Well, heck, yeah, lots of 'em.

Uncle Jed, this country's in
what you call a space race,

and it's fellas like
me that's gonna win it.

Well, ain't no finer reason

than doing it for your country.

Yeah, it's, um,
mostly for my country,

but there's something
in it for me, too.

Like what?

Like glory.

Them astronauts gets
a hog-trough full of glory.

I see.

President calls
them on the phone,

gets put on television,
pictures in the paper,

ticker tape parade, a big
hug and kiss by your wife.

You ain't got no wife.

I know.

I'm gonna be the first single
fella to get all that glory.

Them girls gonna
be hanging around me

thicker than cats at a fish fry.

Scrapping with one another

to see who gets to hug me first.

Strap them rockets on me.

I want to get up in space
and back down quick.

Hold on there, boy.

What fer?

Seems to me you got a
little more planning to do.

Heck, no.

I'm ready.

The quicker I go, the quicker
I commence getting that glory.

Well, that's just it.

You do it like this, and
you're gonna miss it.

What you mean?

Well, uh, who's gonna
know you been up in space

besides Elly and me and whoever
you hit when you come down?

Yeah... I see.

Maybe I ought to have more
of that what you call publicity.

television and all, huh?

That's right.

Uh, this is a big,
important thing.

Don't forget, there's
been, uh, 27 chickens

done laid down their lives.


Let's talk this over with
somebody like Miss Jane.

Don't forget, she's awful
smart about such things.

I'm sorry to have to tell
you this, Mr. Clampett,

but Miss Hathaway's
no longer here.

Yes, she quit.

Walked out... deserted me.

Mr. Drysdale, you fired her.


Yes, Mr. Clampett, it
was a cruel blow to me.

After all I've
done for that girl,

she left me high and dry.

Is that a fact?

Well, now, if there's
anything we can do

to help you, just let us know.

Thank you. Thank you.

It means a lot to know that
someone is still loyal to me.

Meanwhile, I'll
struggle on alone.


Mr. Drysdale.

Oh, listen, Miss Murray, get
Miss Hathaway on the phone,

plead with her, beg her,
promise her anything,

only get her to come back.

I need her.

She's my right arm.

That's what I
started to tell you.

She just walked in.


Came crawling back, did she?

Not so fast.

You think you can
just walk in here

and plunk yourself down
at your old desk, eh?

Well, I've got news for you.

I might not take you back.

I've got news for you.

- I'm not coming back.
- Huh?

I simply dropped by
to clean out my desk.

- Good-bye.
- Wait, wait, wait.

Can't you tell when I'm joking?

Where's your sense of humor?

Now, come on, sit
down and go to work.

And I won't even dock you
for the half day you missed.

Mr. Drysdale, I was unjustly
accused of neglecting my duty,

summarily discharged
and replaced

without even a chance
to defend myself.

Oh, that's terrible.

Well, I-I think perhaps this
has all happened for the best.

I have always wanted to
pursue a career as a folk singer,

and now I shall.

You, a singer?

Now, now, wait a minute.

I think you're great.

Didn't you hear me applaud?

I heard you laugh.

Well, that's because I'm happy.

Now, I've got a great idea.

You can give folk singing
concerts right here at the bank.

- Oh, really?
- Yes.

Every Friday after work,
we'll herd all the employees

into the basement, and
we won't let them go home

until they've
listened to you sing.

No, no, wait, wait!

Miss Hathaway, if you'll stay,

I'll give you a five dollar
raise, effective immediately.

I presume you mean
five dollars a month?

No, I mean five dollars a year.

Now, wait a minute, listen!

That can add up.

50 years, that's 250 bucks.


Oh! Mr. Clampett.

Yes, I'm... I'm still very upset

about Miss Hathaway.

Well, cheer up. I got good news.

Elly May is coming
down to secretary for you.

Elly May? Well, I'm not
sure she can handle it.

Don't worry, if she can't,
Granny will pitch in with her.


Miss Hathaway, wait!

I'll make that
raise $7.50 a year!

Well, Miss Jane, come in.

Thank you, Mr. Clampett.

I see you're toting a guitar.

Yes, I am no longer working
at the Commerce Bank.

Yeah, Mr. Drysdale
told me about that.

Uh, he's right upset with you.

He's upset with me?

Downright grudgeful.

Well, I should like to say
that Mr. Milburn Drysdale

is a vindictive,
avaricious despot.

Well, I'm glad to see you got
no hard feelings against him.

Oh, but, I... Now,
don't you worry.

He'll mellow down,
too, quick as Elly May

gets the hang of
secretarying for him.

Elly May has taken my job?

Well, he seemed
in such a pickle.

Oh, that's wonderful.

She's, uh, she's just what
he needs at a time like this.

Well, I'm glad to
hear you say that.

Makes me feel better
about the whole thing.

Me, too.

Oh, by the way, are Mr. Flatt
and Mr. Scruggs about?

Well, no, Miss Jane.

Uh, they left for home,
for Nashville, this morning.

Oh, that's too bad.

I was hoping to play
some of the songs

I've worked up for my act.

Well, you're in earnest

about this singing
business, ain't you?

Oh, yes, indeed, Mr. Clampett.

It has long been
my secret ambition

to interpret the folk
music of our land.

♪ Ah, gadingo die ♪

♪ Oh, sand upon the mountain ♪

♪ Frogs and fiddle jumper ♪

♪ Sing to the moon ♪

♪ Briss ♪

♪ Bross ♪

♪ Arken, oh, larken, oh ♪

♪ Ickle bickle do ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

Lot of call for that, is there?

Oh, yes, indeed.

Folk singers are
all the rage today.

Some of them
become public idols.

Personally, of course, I am
not interested in the glory.

There's glory in it, huh?

For those who reach the top.

Tell me, Miss Jane,
do you reckon Jethro

could plough any
kind of a rut at all

with that folk singing?


I didn't know he was interested.

Well, I'm kind of
hoping he might be.

You see here, lately he's
been fooling around with...

Hot dog, my
publicity getter's here.

Howdy, Miss Jane.
Sure am glad to see you.

Oh, thank you, Jethro.

I stopped off at the television
station to show 'em my stuff,

and they treated me like
I was some kind of a nut.

- I hope you took Elly to the bank first.
- Heck, yeah.

I was glad to get rid
of her and her critters.

- Miss Jane...
- Critters?

Yeah, she took along
a whole mess of them

just so she wouldn't
be lonesome.

- Miss Jane...
- Well, boy, uh, how did that

set with Mr. Drysdale?

Well, I don't know.

I dropped Elly and the
whole mess off out front.

I better give 'em a call.

Uh, excuse me.

Oh, uh, boy, uh, Miss
Jane's got an idea for you.

Are you gonna help me
get some of that glory?

Well, frankly, it depends
upon how well you can sing.


And, hopefully, accompany
yourself on the guitar.

I'm gonna have a hard
enough time just eating lunch.


Didn't Uncle Jed tell you?

I'm gonna be wearing these
here wings when I get up there,

flapping and swooping around.

Jethro, you don't need
a gimmick like this.

Well, I'm gonna need something
when these skyrockets burn out.

You plan to fire rockets?

Well, yeah, just
to get me started.

Then I spread these here wings.

Jethro, dear boy, these are
just cheap attention getters.

If you have talent,
you don't need them.

- I don't?
- Not at all.

It may take you a little
longer to reach the top,

but when you hit, you'll
be a much bigger smash.


Elly, honey, stop doing
whatever you're doing.

You just cut me off again.

Well, no, I didn't, Pa.

That was Bessie.

Yeah, well, uh, try again to
connect me up with Mr. Drysdale.


Elly, can't you just
whistle or holler at him

through the door or something?

ELLY MAY: Mr. Drysdale!


Mr. Drysdale?

Oh, this is Jed Clampett.

I just wanted to make
sure Elly's critters

wasn't being a nuisance to you.

Oh, no, not at all.

I love the little... things.

They're lots of company.

Plenty more round
here if you want 'em.

Not right now, huh?

The goat has just et some what?

Negotiable securities.

Well, she's hard to please.

You're lucky you found
something she likes right off.

Mr. Clampett, come quickly.

Jethro says he's gonna
rocket himself into space.

He's on his way to the launching
pad now for the countdown.

Talk to you later, Mr. Drysdale.

Was that Miss Hathaway's voice?

Hello? Hello? Hello?

Come back, you wonderful girl.

I need you. I need you!

Well, don't yell,
Mr. Drysdale, we's a-coming.

So long, Granny.

See you after splashdown.

Oh, tell Miss Jane I
couldn't wait for the publicity.


Oh, and I ain't gonna take

no guitar up there with me.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

And what's this getup for?

You look like a big chicken.

I'm an astronaut.

I'm going into outer space.

Well, you make sure that
you're back in time for supper.

I'm counting on you
to eat a dozen or so

of these stewing hens.

Well, I don't know, Granny.

I've got to blast off,
make my re-entry,

get snatched up by a helicopter,
put down on an aircraft carrier,

walk the red carpet, get a
phone call from the president,

uh, get my debriefing,
ride in a ticker tape parade

and hug and kiss 20
or 30 beautiful girls.

Yep, I can make it for supper.

Oh, T minus 15
seconds, light fuses.

Well, so long, Granny.

T minus ten seconds
and counting.

- What are you doing on my table?
- Shh.

Eight, seven, six,

- Get off of there.
- Five,

- four, three, two, one.
- Jethro!

Zero. Blast off!

Where'd he go?



Ain't that pretty?

I wish it was night.

I think the boy's
headed back, Granny.

Yeah, he'll be here in
plenty of time for supper.

Must be what he
calls his splashdown.

I reckon.

How you feel, boy?


I just ruined my lunch.


we got to put a stop to
that astronaut foolishness.

Look how them rockets
scorched Jethro's pants.

Well, Miss Jane
is fixing to get him

off on another track, Granny.

The boy's just looking
for a quick way to glory.

Well, if he ever comes down

and misses that
water, he's found it.

Where's Jethro?

Out drying off
by my kettle fire.

He'll be in directly.

Miss Jane, how would you like
to stay and take supper with us?

We's gonna have stewed chicken.

We's gonna have chicken
soup, and not much of that.

- How come?
- While he was drying,

ol' gobblejaws
done some snacking.

Well, I reckon flapping
them wings around up there

must have given him an appetite.

I can't believe that Jethro
would actually rocket himself

into the air and expect to fly.

That's all he can
think about anymore.

Ain't nothing in
his head but space.

You can say that again.

Well, I didn't mean for it
to come out the way it did.

What I mean was, the boy...

I believe I'll let it stand.

Well, all dry now.

Oh, Miss Jane.

I didn't know there
was women here.

I'll go get you
some other pants.

Meanwhile, Jethro,
let me urge you again

to take up the
guitar and learn...

Forget it, Miss Jane.

My next trip, I ain't taking up

nothing but a parachute.


Uncle Jed, I so
was busy up there,

I didn't even have
a chance to eat.

About that next trip: we
don't want you making it.

Oh, I got to, Uncle Jed.

I sure didn't get no
glory out of this one.

But, Jethro, it's too dangerous.

You might have been seriously
hurt dropping from that height.

Well, I was counting on
the fella at the newspaper

to see to it that I
had a safe landing.

A newspaper man?

Yes, ma'am.

You see, when I told him
what I was aiming to do,

he said he was gonna send a
fellow with a net to catch me.

Well, uh, I think Miss Jane

has got a idea for you
that beats astronauting.

Yes, Jethro, I have hopes of
your becoming a folk singer.

A folk singer?

They get a heap of glory.

Yes, picture yourself
performing on the stage,

appearing on television,

in nightclubs, making records,

the idol of thousands of fans.

Mostly girls.


If you're a star.

All right, I'll be one.

Yes, well, of course, first,

there is the little
matter of, uh...

Look who's here!

Howdy, Mr. Drysdale.

- Howdy.
- Hello, hello.

- Miss Hathaway...
- Hey, I'm gonna be a star.

Yeah, boy's going on
television and everything.

- Jethro?
- Hey, Granny, give me my pants.

Well, that's a great act.

The boy's got a lot of talent.

Miss Hathaway...

Are you fixing to stay
for supper, Mr. Drysdale?

Wait, don't ask him till I see

if the human silo left any soup.

Miss Hathaway, uh, uh,
please come back to the bank.

What's the matter, ain't
Elly doing a good job?

Oh, yes, yes, wonderful.

But I need Miss Hathaway, too.

Sorry, Chief...
That is, ex-Chief...

But I have an appointment to
audition for a theatrical agent.

Oh, please!

Well, now, don't
fret, Mr. Drysdale.

Like I said, Granny'd be
glad to pitch in and help.

That's all I need.

Well, that's settled, then.

Uncle Jed, can I borrow
your courtin' guitar?

Why, sure, boy. Miss Jane's
gonna audition for an agent.

You can go along.

- Let's go.
- Just a moment.

Uh, uh, Jethro, y-you'll
need preparation first.

I'll talk to the
agent about you.

Meanwhile, practice, practice!

- Bye.
- No, wait!


I checked the chicken
pot, Mr. Drysdale.

There's plenty of soup.

- You can stay for supper.
- No, I can't.

He needs you at the bank.

Oh, then I'd better change.

Where's he going?

Well, I reckon he couldn't wait.

Jethro'll drive you down.

Oh, M-Miss Jane says I
got to practice, practice.

Practice what?

Folk singing.

I'm gonna be a star.


Well, Miss Jane
thinks he can sing

in front of a big audience.

Sure be a lot safer
than astronauting.

♪ Oh, my darlin' ♪

Well, a little safer.

Oh, my darlin' ♪

Well, let's say it's a toss-up.

♪ Oh ♪

Could be
astronauting's got it beat.

Harve, sorry to
keep you waiting.

Everything's in a mess
since Miss Hathaway left.

So I see.

I just can't find a replacement.

Where have you been looking?

Milburn, you have a
reputation for hiring cheap help,

but isn't that overdoing it?

Oh, that's Bessie.

She belongs to... now,
come into my office,

and I'll explain everything
while you sign the contract.

No, thanks.

If she typed it, I don't
even want to read it.

But, Harvey...

I am going to start doing
business with John Cushing.

At least he hires
high school kids.

Elly May!

Elly May, that
goat eats securities.

I told you to get
her out of here!

Well, I did, Mr. Drysdale.

I put her down in the
vault, and now she's sick

from eating too much money.

I'll just be a moment,
a-and I assure you,

I'll give a much better
performance with my own guitar.

Miss Hathaway, I
think it's going to take

a little more than
your own guitar.

Can't you come up with
some kind of a gimmick?

Mr. Sherman, I am a singer
of pure ethnic folk songs.

Well, right now they're selling

about as fast as used Edsels.

Hey, Miss Jane!

Oh, dear, I'm afraid
this young man

is going to want
to audition for you.

What does he play, the
electric wheelbarrow?

Wait till you hear
this rascal, Miss Jane.

Oh, uh, Jethro Bodine,
Kingsley Sherman.

- Oh, howdy.
- Hi.

Where'd you get that?

I made it myself.

Kept busting the strings
on my Uncle Jed's guitar,

so I invented it.

I call it the Bodine-a-phone.

What does it sound like?

Don't know, ain't
plugged it in yet.

Come on inside
and we'll try it out.

You wait right here.

I'll get my guitar,

and we'll return to your office.

Are you kidding?

This may be just the
gimmick we're looking for.

You can't be serious.

Listen, the number one
record today is a guy playing

an electrified garden
rake while his wife sings

with her head in a rain barrel.

I got it.

Why don't you two work together?

Teams are very hot right now.

There's Sonny and Cher, Horace
and Mabel, Mommy and Dad.

Those are the ones
with the garden rake hit.

Maybe you heard of it?

"Clair de Lune."

Mr. Sherman, I
refuse to be a part

of any such travesty on music.

Well, if your style of
singing ever comes back,

I'll get in touch
with you at the bank.

All set, Mr. Sherman.

Got 'er plugged in.

Okay, kid, let's hear it.

Oh, my darling ♪

♪ Oh, my darling ♪


Oh, this guy is dynamite.

If you two team up, you'll be
bigger than Sonny and Cher.

All you need is wigs
and some goofy clothes.

Ooh, ooh, turn me off.

Ooh, ooh, pull me loose.

Ooh, cut the juice!

He's even got a hit song.

Oh, hold on, uh, wait a minute.

Uh, the fella from the
record company's here.

He wants to hear you
two do your number again.

Uncle Jed, I ain't playing
that Bodine-a-phone no more.

I'm so full of electricity
I could spit sparks.

By doggies, Miss Jane,
that sure leaves you in a spot.

Yes, it does.

If the team of Jane
and Jethro breaks up,

it means losing all this
and going back to work

for that martinet, Mr. Drysdale.

Well, you better work fast.

Half your team is fixing
to sh**t hisself into space.

Y-Yes, excuse me.

Miss Jane, ain't
you gonna stop him?

Stop him?

I'm going to light his fuse.

Bye, Jethro.

♪ Well, now it's time
to say good-bye ♪

♪ To Jed and all his kin ♪

♪ And they would
like to thank you folks ♪

♪ Fer kindly droppin' in ♪

♪ You're all invited back
next week to this locality ♪

♪ To have a heapin'
helpin' of their hospitality ♪

♪ Hillbilly, that is ♪

♪ Set a spell ♪

♪ Take your shoes off ♪

♪ Y'all come back now, y'hear? ♪