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04x09 - Minefield

Posted: 09/19/21 03:00
by bunniefuu
Julie, honey, don't move.

- Okay? Just...
- Just stay.

- Just don't move.
- Stay, just-just stay right where you are.

- Stay very still, sweetheart. You're okay.
- Everything's fine.

- Everything's fine.
- No, stay...

- Will somebody please call for help?
- Mom?

MAN: Everything's fine.
We need help over here!

You're okay, baby.
You're gonna be fine.

- You're all right.
- Mom?

JAY: Can you imagine?

BLAKE: Why is the chopper up so high?

So its downdraft
doesn't set the mines off.

- MAN (ON VIDEO): Yeah.
- WOMAN: All right, Julie.

MATT: Would not have thought of that.


ELIZABETH: Oh, good,

you guys are watching the video?

- Yes.
- Yes, ma'am.

What do you see?

Uh, a heroic rescue of a child?

- Some really stupid parents.
- Yeah.

Well, I see an opportunity.

BLAKE: Whoa.

- Holy...
- This...

is an antipersonnel land mine.

Don't worry, it's deactivated.

But if it weren't, it would just take

a few pounds of pressure...

say, the weight of
a young girl's foot...

to detonate it. But, interestingly,

these aren't designed to k*ll.

The idea

is to burden the enemy

with logistical difficulties

like evacuation and field surgery

by blowing off the leg
of the soldier who steps on it.

Of course, very often,

the victims aren't soldiers at all.

They're civilians.


Thank you.

Good morning to you, too, ma'am.

Where'd you get that thing anyway?

ELIZABETH: Friend of mine at DOD.

Wasn't easy, which is weird,

because there are million

of them buried around the world,

and another million stockpiled.

I'm sorry for the dramatics.

I just want us all to be real
focused on the opportunity

- at hand here.
- Which is what, ma'am?

The Calgary Treaty on Land Mines.

Called for the worldwide ban

on the production, stockpiling, use

and transfer
of antipersonnel land mines.

It was ratified
in the late ' s, I believe?

- Yup.
- And was signed by at least countries,

of which the U.S. was not one,

but we are... broadly compliant.

Okay, but why haven't we signed it?

JAY: Ratification would
take a two-thirds vote

in the Senate, which
no previous administration

has been able to secure.

Because the Pentagon has issues.
We don't use land mines, except

on the Korean Peninsula.
But DOD doesn't want to create

a legal slippery slope for other
effective but controversial

weapons systems, like... cluster bombs,

and white phosphorus munitions,

or, I don't know, exploding puppies.

JAY: Plus, Russia and China

are big producers, too, but also

- won't sign.
- ELIZABETH: Right. I mean,

correct answers.
Check pluses all around.

But why else haven't we

signed this treaty?

This is the scariest pop quiz ever.

What aren't the thousands

of innocent civilians

who are maimed or k*lled
by land mines every year?


- Exactly.
- But that video's gotten

- five million views already.
- So, for this

brief moment in time,

Americans are actually
thinking about land mines.

Imagine how many thousands
of lives we could save

- if the U.S. would finally

provide real moral leadership

- and ratify Calgary.
- BLAKE: Secretary's office.

- But we got to act fast. Right?
- Yes, I'll let her know. Ma'am,

Russell Jackson just asked
to see you as soon as possible.

- He asked?
- He even used the word "please."

Oh, I don't like the sound of that.

NOLAN: Recent leaks to the
Russians could be traced back

to Senate Majority Leader
Beau Carpenter.

Now, the evidence was gathered

by CIA's Special Activities Division,

but it won't be admissible in court.

That is the purpose

of this inter-agency task force:

to build a case against
Carpenter that sticks.

RUSSELL: Here's what's bumping me:

Carpenter's one of the most
powerful men in the country.

He's plenty rich.
He's not an ideologue.

Do we really think

he could've been coerced
by the Russians?

HENRY: Well, that's the question.

What leverage do they have on him?

Anthony Colvert from the FBI
will lead the investigation.

Thank you, Mr. Attorney General.

It's true, Leader Carpenter

doesn't have many
obvious pressure points.

His wife of years,
Helen, passed away

five years ago. His son
Richard is in business

and seems to be reasonably successful.

The most compelling answer
to Dr. McCord's question

is Carpenter's housekeeper: Magda Nagy.

She grew up under
communist rule in Budapest,

presumably speaks some Russian.

Became an American citizen
years ago.

Started working
as Carpenter's housekeeper

shortly after his wife died.

NOLAN: The leaks we believe Leader
Carpenter is responsible for

have blown operations and cost lives.

CIA will assist
in intelligence gathering

but, obviously, FBI runs point on this.

Thanks, everyone.

RUSSELL: If I may.

I've known Beau Carpenter for years.

He's charming as all hell.

He's also crafty

and has this town wired.

Don't let him see you coming.

Land mines only cost
a few dollars to make,

but thousands to clean up.

They render otherwise arable
land useless for decades.

Yes, and the U.S. contributes

far more to de-mining operations
than any other country.

Sure, but how can we tell them

to stop using and selling mines
when they can say to us,

"Well, you won't ratify
Calgary. Why should we".

I'm sympathetic.

But we have other
legislative priorities

to get through Congress
before the recess.

Conrad, you've seen, firsthand,

the damage they can do.

Yes, I have.

So believe me when I tell you

that I understand this issue, Bess.

Well, then you, of all people,

can understand the moral imperative

to putting an end to their use.

RUSSELL: Mr. President.

- Elizabeth.
- Hey.

Did you bring a land mine
to the office?

- I was making a point.
- Yeah.

That's what most people
who bring weapons

to the workplace say.

She's passionate
on the subject, Russell.

Yeah, well, my two cents:

sending a treaty to the
Senate is just asking them

to stick a thumb in your eye.

And why the hell did that family

have to go to Cambodia
instead of on a Disney cruise,

like normal people?


I know it's risky, but I think

right now we have the public's support

to get something done here.

A two-thirds majority
is a high bar, Bess.

I don't want to squander
my capital on a political loser.

I know.


But I tell you what.

On an issue like this,

you have the stature

to try and whip the votes yourself.

If you can do that, I'll sign.

(EXHALES) Well, I love a challenge.

- Thank you, sir.
- Just remember what he said

about political losers.

You're in a mood.


You got any plans this weekend?

Um... I don't know,

reading, mostly.

Got to hit the grocery store.

You know, probably
put on my yoga pants,

but not actually go.

- You?

Well, I was supposed
to go to Bunny Duncan's

big holiday party.

Well, you know, she has one every year.

She passed away last night. I heard.

Russell, I'm so sorry.
You were friends.

Bunny? God no, I hated her.


Everybody loved her parties.

They were just scared
of getting left out.

It was like drinking eggnog
at S*ddam Hussein's palace.

No, no, no, the point is...

the real estate's free,
but not for long.

So if you and Henry want to
throw a party of your own,

you need to jump now.

Well, it's a good thing...

- we don't.
- What, uh...

Maybe I'm not making myself clear.

Fair to say.

POTUS is thinking about his legacy.

When the time comes,

- he wants to pass the torch to you, so...
- Oh, wow.

- If you're gonna run...
- I'm not.

...we need to start making moves now...

getting the right team together,
meeting the right people.

- Throwing the right parties.
- You'll do it, then.

- Thank you.
- Maybe I'm the one not being clear.

I came here to serve the president,

not be the president.

Just think about it, please?

Good-bye, Russell.

And fast.

All right, so, to ratify
Calgary, we need senators.

There are basically
three pools of votes.

The yeses, of whom
there aren't enough. But then,

there are two kinds
of no votes: the defense hawks,

who tend to take their
cues from the military;

and those who will never
vote for any treaty

because they're afraid

of a loss of U.S. sovereignty.

AKA the black helicopter crowd.

- Carlos Morejon jumps to mind.
- Fun fact:

his wife Vicki did retweet
the rescue video.

- His heartlessness completes her.
- Oh.

Long story short, ma'am,
getting the votes

before the congressional recess

- will be a pretty heavy lift.
- Yup.

- Gordon Becker is your answer.
- Okay.

- Mike B, ma'am.
- Yes,

with his impeccable timing. Mike,

this is my new policy
advisor, Kat Sandoval.

Kat, Mike; Mike, Kat.

Mr. Barnow, good to meet you.
Your reputation precedes you.

As does yours.

Didn't you go crazy or something?

Actually, I just moved to an
avocado farm in California.

That sounds like the same thing.

What's this really about?

Ah, troubled by a nagging feeling

your dog likes me more than you.

I will have you know that Gordon and I

are in a really good place right now.


(LAUGHS): Wait, Go... I'm sorry.

Gordon the dog, as in

- Gordon the SecDef?
- For the record, he's named after

G. Gordon Liddy,
who also had his quirks,

but was fanatically loyal.

To an unworthy master. Makes sense.

Getting back to the Gordon
that matters,

tell us how SecDef figures into this.

Way to keep us on track.

You're no Nadine, but I appreciate

the effort. Look, even if a senator,

in their heart,

wants to vote yes,
they can't look weak on defense.

So you have to give them some cover.

And getting Becker to come out in favor

of ratifying Calgary does just that.

I like it. Blake, get me a meeting

with SecDef, will you?

So, I hear you're throwing
a party this weekend.

And Bunny Duncan's

not even in the ground yet.

I love it. Sounds like the White House

is having you lay the
groundwork for a run.

Oh, she didn't tell you? Oops.

Because it's not happening.

JAY: What, you just

turned POTUS down?

Well, Russell.

Look, I'm not into all that

backslapping, join-the-club malarkey.

Oh, and I don't want to be president.

Although if you did
throw the party, you could

use the informal setting...

not to mention
official Washington's curiosity

with The Glamorous McCords...

as a lure to trawl

- for more treaty votes.
- So not glamorous, just...

But nevertheless, I like it.

- Right?
- That's a good idea.

No. No, it's not a good idea.

It's a terrible idea.

These parties are non-partisan;

therefore, they're actually fun.

I mean, sure, tell everyone
you want to run for president,

but don't...

don't dance on poor
Bunny's grave talking politics.

Blake, call the White House.

Tell Russell Jackson
I'll throw the stupid party.

Don't say "stupid".

Madam Secretary? I'm Meghan Pearl.

Russell Jackson suggested I ride
over to the Pentagon with you.

Oh. Yes, the-the party planner.

Uh, event coordinator.

Oh. Apologies.

This is Blake, my assistant.

Oh. Great. You'll probably
want to take notes.

We are going to cover a lot of ground.

Shall we?

After you.

Thank you.

ELIZABETH: Meghan, thank you

for coming on such short notice.

Well, normally, I don't do
events this small, and,

honestly, I was this close to
doing Bunny Duncan's memorial.

- Oh.
- But Russell Jackson swore

up and down that you would be worth it.

Well, let's hope I don't let you down.

- Uh, so, Meghan,

shall we talk about your
vision for the party?

Yes. Nothing too
elaborate... passed apps;

two to three dining stations;
three or four full bars;

TBD live entertainment;
plus, a tasteful DJ;

heated tents, front and back;

valets; and then, of
course, party favors.

So, you know, simple.

Party favors. Huh.

You know, a small gift
for each of your guests.

I know what a party favor... is, I...

Just wondering if they're necessary.

Well, I mean,

that's how it's done.


But, of course, it's up to you.

Thank you.

So, with the...

- valets,
- Mm-hmm.

the caterer, bars...

The party favors.

Party favors. Thank you.

How much is this all gonna cost?

Well, typically, I don't
discuss that with clients

this early in the process.


Well, I'll tell you what.

Uh, why don't you write it down for me?


Again, thanks so much for making time.

Thank you, ma'am. And let me
know about those ice sculptures.

Oh, you bet!

- Yeah, she's not gonna work.
- No.

One concern is setting a legal
precedent that could be used

to ban other weapons in the future.

Well, I understand that,

but we banned nerve gas

and it's not like our troops
are out there with peashooters.

Fair point. Two other stumbling blocks:

the Korean Peninsula
and our good friends,

- the Russians and the Chinese.
- I agree.

We'd have to find something
to carve out for South Korea.

But talk to me about Russia and China.

Well, unlike us, they're
actively selling and deploying

their APLs. If our two
biggest adversaries

won't disarm, why should we?

Because we haven't used
land mines in combat

since the ' s anyway.

And it's doubtful we ever will.

Nevertheless, I say the onus
is on Russia and China.

Well, I hear you.

Want to?

Why not?

I don't know. Just seems...


With everything going on,

I do think that Russia's
a bridge too far.


if I could deliver China?

(CHUCKLES) Deliver China.

- Just like that?
- I mean,

I'm not saying it would be easy.

- Yeah.
- Nice.

But if I could,

would you come out
in support of ratification?

Depends exactly what China agrees to.


yes, I would.

Hmm. Okay, then.

Nice putting game there,
Madam Secretary.

We both know anybody can
smack a ball down a fairway.

It's staying calm and executing
when the hole is right there,

that's the tricky part.

Thank you, Gordon.

You're very welcome, Elizabeth.

Let's kick around
this whole Magda theory.

And, please, no a priori arguments

or confirmation bias.
Give me the facts.

years old. Divorced.

One daughter, age .

Been working
for Majority Leader Carpenter

for about five years
since his wife died.

Works most days, leaves at night.

- And does she?
- From what

we've been able to glean,
no one in town thinks

there's anything going on between them.

And with the wife gone,
why keep a secret

when they don't have to?

So the honey trap
theory's kind of squishy.

Is there any possibility that she's...

just his handler for the Russians?

ANGELA: FBI's still doing

their background check, but, so far,

her financials
don't really give us much.

No big deposits or purchases in cash.

(GRUNTS) So, in the words of Aristotle,

we got jack squat.

But here's something.

Sometimes she posts the route

of her runs on social media.

Why do people do that,

by the way?

I mean... Anyway, most
mornings, she goes through

the Woodmont Triangle
neighborhood in Bethesda.

It's something concrete
to go on, at least.

I'm gonna get in touch with Colvert.
If Magda takes a run in the morning,

we should be ready for her.

ELIZABETH: So, what is in it

for China?

Why should they sign the treaty?

MIKE: Don't look at me. I'm just here

to get out of picking
my kid up from hockey.

Truth is, we can't offer much

that would mean anything to them.

KAT: Maybe we appeal

to their vanity?

How so?

Well, China's a superpower now.

Do they really need
to mine their borders?

- Who's going to invade China?
- JAY: And land mines

are a pretty grubby export

when you're making
everything else under the sun.


Could work.

Look who's here.

Hi, Mom.

Mom's staff.

Hi, honey. This is a... surprise.

Sure is. Yeah.

Oh, my God.

- He didn't.
- Russell thought

that since money seemed
to be an issue with Meghan,

maybe a... volunteer family member

- might be more in your price range.
- Ouch.

ELIZABETH: And he thinks

just because you're a woman, of course,

you'd want to plan a party?

I think it's more that
you just can't fire me.


And you're okay with this?

Yeah. Absolutely.

My God, it's like a hostage video.

Um, so I-I have options

for caterers, valets,
decorations and everything.

I also have a draft of the guest list

- that you kind of need to look over.
- Yeah. Okay, well, we're just

sort of busy around here. So
we'll go over it tonight.

- Okay? All right.
- Okay. Mom, this party is tomorrow.

I know. Ticktock. We'll be okay.

Also, I'm a public servant
and your dad's a teacher,

so whatever you think
something should cost,

make it half that, okay?
I love you. Bye.

- What? Mom...
- Bye, honey.

Minister Chen, as you know,

APLs stay lethal for decades,

k*lling women and children who are just

trying to grow crops or fetch firewood.

Can you honestly tell me
that China, with all of its

economic and military
might, still needs

such weapons?

There have been
some internal discussions

about that very topic.

So let's make something happen.

The world's two great powers
coming together on this issue

holds some appeal.

We might consider it, if...

- If what?
- If you go first.

Well, I told you we can't do that.

So why should we?

Good day, Madam Secretary.

Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that

if we ratify first, you'll follow suit?

We would take it as a heartening sign

and move to match it.

Well, let me get back to you.

Madam Secretary, a little bird

told me you're having a holiday party

in place of the late Bunny Duncan.

Now, what are we to make of that?

Nothing to make of it, Ming.

Talk soon.

Wow, the world has gotten
way too small.

But that was promising.

KAT: So, to sum up, in
order to get the White House

on board, we have to get
the votes in the Senate.

Uh, in order to get those,
we have to get the SecDef.

In order to get him,
we have to get China.

And in order to get China,
we have to get POTUS?

- POTUS. We're back where we started.
- Yeah.

Yes, but we've learned so much.
I'm actually serious.

The White House couldn't
have been clearer

that they didn't want to expend
political capital on this.

And yet, that is

exactly what we are going
to ask them to do.

Well, that's one way to cool their jets

on you running for president.

Two birds, one stone. Perfect.

First, I want to thank you all
for taking the time to meet with me.

- JASON: Oh, God,
Stevie's cycling high.

I knew I should've eaten at school.

STEVIE: As you know,
it has fallen to me

to plan Mom's holiday party
at the house.

I'm not gonna lie,
it's-it's pretty stressful.

Because... here is the point
of this meeting...

Mom is not helping.

ALISON: Let me guess,

she resents having the
party, so she's doing

that thing where she doesn't
really engage and kind of

makes you feel like a sellout
for even being involved?

- Exactly.
- HENRY: Wow.

Is that what you guys do all day,

sit around and psychoanalyze us?

Of course you would think that.

STEVIE: So, I need you

to help me help Mom. Ali,

I would like for you to pick out
no more than three outfits

for her. And, also, make sure

that she gives herself
enough time before the party

- for hair and makeup.
- I'm on it.

- Great.
- Mwah.

Bye. Dad,

just be your normal, charming self.

Mingle. Make Mom mingle.

With all the right people.

And who would that be?

The potential campaign donors
that the White House invited.

Oh, and, Dad, it's kind of tricky,

but, um, gonna need you
to police your bookshelves

for any controversial titles.

Nope! No, no. Not happening.

The First Amendment still abides
in the McCord house.


What can I do to help, Stephanie?


Just don't be a pain in the ass.

Can I invite my beloved Piper?

- No.
- Of course.

- Mom.
- Oh, great.

- So, meeting adjourned.
- Okay, I got to get to work.

- Bye, honey.
- Wait, are... But you're gonna... Bye.

- Bye!
- But you're gonna be at the party, right?

Wait, wait, wait. Dad, did you
get all of that? Are you good?

- Dad?


Suspect moving west.

She's heading your way.

Copy that.

Alexander, hand me that binder,
would you?


Okay, that guy in the driveway
works for the Russian Embassy.

This is the meet.

Be advised, the man

at the end of the driveway is a bogie.

Remember, all we need to do

is document the meet. Do not approach

or intercept.

Tony, who the hell are those guys?

COLVERT: All units, don't follow
the bogie. We're blown.


What was that?

We agreed to coordinate on this,

and you spring two extra guys on me?

This is an FBI op, and
we let you come on board.

Look, the brass wanted
extra assets on scene.

We lost the evidence we need

- to break this case.
- This wasn't my call.

And now the Russians are onto us.

Carpenter will be onto us, too.

Unless we grab up Magda now,
as quietly as possible.

What do you think, Beau?
Do we have the votes?

It'll be a squeaker,

but you'll get your treaty,
Mr. President.

And I hope you'll attend

the signing ceremony.

It'll be low-key.

With a vote this close, there's
always a chance it won't pass,

and I don't want to
have a bunch of cameras

recording me falling on my face.

- Understood?
- RUSSELL: Yes, sir.

I'll set it up.


Mr. President.


uh, all right there, Senator?

Where to start?

The cold makes my knees ache.

And now I've got a stack
of briefing books

to read that are taller than I am.


And, uh, my cleaning woman called in

sick this morning.

Very unusual.

Apologies. At my age,

the smallest inconveniences
give a person fits. (LAUGHS)

Well, then,

I must be mature beyond my years.


I'm looking forward to visiting

with you and your
husband at your party.

Well, we look forward
to seeing you there.

Well, in that case,

I'll say good-bye to you both.

Thank you.

Come on. What's next?

You think he knows something's up?

Not yet.


We had to loop in Carpenter's
Capitol Police detail,

not to mention that snake Morejon.

OpSec is hanging on by a thread here.

But if by some miracle,
we do actually bust him,

I remind you, Carpenter
is your th vote.

If he gets arrested,
where'll your treaty be then?

Look, Magda, we know
you're not telling us the truth.

And you're not getting
out of here until you do.

So start talking.

Yes, okay.

I passed messages from the senator

to the man that you say is Russian.

Sometimes the other way, too.

But I don't know him.

I don't know what the messages mean.

They're usually just two
or three words.

I just pass them along.

Because you're a Russian asset.

You obviously don't know the
history of Russia and Hungary.

Then why are you passing

classified intelligence
to the Russians?

He helped my daughter
to get into a good school.

He paid me for all the time

I took off when my mother got sick.

He's a good man.

NOLAN: What do you think?

I believe her.

Me, too. So now what?

Well, we've got enough to charge her,

but still not much
of a case against Carpenter.

All he'd need to do is
deny sending her messages,

and then it's his word against hers.

The longer Carpenter
doesn't hear from her,

the more suspicious he'll be.

And once he gets wind of the
investigation and lawyers up,

this case gets much harder to prove.

Look, we have enough PC for a warrant,

but a high-profile raid on the
Senate majority leader's house?

You better know what you're gonna find

before you go in there.

This is counterintelligence,
so we do have some latitude

for a secret search.
What we don't have is time.

Wait. The party.

He's coming to my wife's
holiday party tonight.

We can hit the house then.

So, uh, given the time and...

financial constraints, here's my plan.

First, food.

Uh, my friend Javi owns one of
the hottest food trucks in town,

so he is going to be doing

passed appetizers and three
different taco preparations.

Please enjoy.

Ma'am, I got to say,
these tacos are legit.

Right? Drinks-wise, we've got
a couple wines and beers,

champagne and one signature cocktail.

It is a Mexican twist

on a traditional holiday punch.

- (MOUTH FULL): Can we try that, too?
- I wish.

Entertainment will be provided

by the amazing Seventh Floor Singers.


And in accordance
with federal ethics guidelines,

they will be there only as guests,

so they can perform as few
or as many songs as they like.

More than karaoke, less than a concert.

- Thank God.
- Here

is the finalized guest list per
The White House and Mike B.

- What? No POTUS and FLOTUS?
- They don't want to take up

all the oxygen.

Also, notice the names
Jacob and Natalie Barker.

Those are the bigwigs
I'm supposed to suck up to?

Or just feign interest in
for minutes.

What about the five

senators I'm trying to win over,

and... and the-the family
from the video?

Already RSVP'd.


Oh, no.

No, no.

Carlos Morejon?

MATT: And his wife Vicki,

the retweeter.

You do know that we

hate each other.

MIKE: Yeah. It's classic
D.C. jiu jitsu.

He has to come, you look
gracious, he feels awkward,

and you win. Trust me. It's perfect.

ELIZABETH: Whatever. We're...

Are we... done?

Um, Alison needs at
least an hour before

to get you dressed and made up.

I think we can
get it done in half that.

I am a diplomat,

not a debutante. Thank you.

Thank you, everybody.

Okay, well, that is it.
Thank you so much, everyone.

- Thank you. Good job.

Well done, Stevie.


You are a diva.

Oh, please. What kind of

a diva wants less time
in hair and makeup?

The kind that is so determined

to be all down-to-earth

that she actually makes
everything way harder.

Fine. Do I resent that
to try to do something good,

I have to go through this whole
charade and spend a bunch

of our hard-earned money
to feed rich people?

Yeah, kind of.

I know!

But it's happening, okay?

I have moved heaven and earth

to try and make you happy.

Since I clearly can't do that,

I just need you to get on board, okay?

Aye-aye, Captain.

Great. I'll see you tonight.

(IN HARMONY): ♪ A shining star ♪

♪ Upon the highest bough... ♪

All right, Jay, I think you sound...


Are you happy now?

You look amazing.

Wait. Where's Dad?

Well, if anybody asks,

there was a family
emergency in Pittsburgh.

Aunt Maureen slipped.

They need an extra pair of hands.

- Got it?
- Got it.

- Oh.

Okay, you guys ready? Hit it.

Daisy, you okay being away
from that baby, honestly?

No. I mean, I got
about two hours in me,

and then I got to leave.

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly... ♪

You've got Gordon tied up
outside, don't you?

He doesn't like holiday parties.

- Welcome. Thank you so much for coming.

Mr. and Mrs. Harberts, welcome.

- Glad you're...
- So good to be here.

Thank you so much for having us.

- Pleasure.
- You must be Vicki.

Yes, yes.

♪ Troll the ancient... ♪

Vicki. Elizabeth.

- So nice to meet you finally.
- Nice to meet you, too.

- Carlos.
- Thanks for having us.

You bet.


- Welcome.
- Beautiful young lady.

Please come in. (CHUCKLES)

- Mr. Majority Leader.

Well, that's a bit formal
for this festive occasion.

I'd be honored if you'd call me Beau.

Well, Beau, thanks for coming.

Oh, it's a pleasure to be here.

And where is that delightful, sometimes

snippy husband of yours?

Well, he actually had a family
emergency in Pittsburgh.

- Oh, did he?
- His sister slipped.

- Oh, no. Oh.
- She's a terrible patient.

So they needed to
call in reinforcements.

BEAU: I hope she's feeling better.

Home alarm system is down.

COLVERT: Perimeters, are we clear?


(SIGHS) Clear.

Alpha Team, you are a go. Repeat.

You are a go.

We're in.

♪ Joy to the world... ♪

You know what's lame?

I'm, like, a really good singer, too.

(CLICKS TONGUE) Sorry, man.

♪ Employ... ♪

Vicki, I want you to meet
Dave and Michelle Harberts.

Oh, my goodness.

I said to my husband, "As a mother,

I can't believe what
those two went through."

I'm just... So wonderful to meet you.

- Thank you.
- How is your daughter?

No, uh, Kat Sandoval?

What gives?

She's back in California
for the weekend.

But I'm here... singing.


Hey, I had to pick out the
turkey for POTUS to pardon.

We all serve at the pleasure.

- ♪ Christmas
- ♪ The snow's coming down ♪

- ♪ Christmas
- ♪ I'm watching it fall ♪

- ♪ Christmas
- ♪ Lots of people around ♪

- ♪ Christmas
- ♪ Baby, please come home... ♪

Uh, excuse me one second, please.

♪ Now the church bells in town... ♪


Natalie, meet Secretary of State
Elizabeth McCord.

- Hi, Natalie.
- Hi.

It's so nice to meet you.

It's an honor.

And one we've waited for
a long time, Madam Secretary.

- WOMAN: Good night, Senator Carpenter.
- CARPENTER: Good night to you.

My goodness, would you mind

waiting just one more minute?

I'm so sorry. I'll be right back.


You know what's going on
with Carpenter.

I need your help right now.

Mr. Leader?

Are you leaving already?

I apologize, Madam Secretary, but

these days I... I go to bed early.

Oh, well...

Well, my goodness.

Aren't you two a portrait of

collegiality all of a sudden?

Call it the holiday spirit.

We're actually having
a contest right now.

- Oh?
- To see how long we can speak

to each other without
starting a political argument.

Get ready, Beau, because the secretary

and I are gonna have

a very friendly chat about baseball.

All right, you're on.

- Okay.
- You're on.

This is Alpha Team Leader.

We do not find much that seems relevant

on the housekeeper, or, frankly,

- anything else.
- Look harder.

- We're running out of time.
- Copy that.

Well, of course you have to say

that you're a fan of the Diamondbacks.

- They're your home team.

But deep down inside,

I think that you
secretly adore the Nats.

I'll admit, there is
enough room in my heart

for both teams.

(CHUCKLES): Oh. You're good.

- You are good.
- (CHUCKLES): It's true.

Well, six minutes without one word

- of contention between you?
- Yay.

- Oh, uh, congratulations.

- I-I think we could keep the streak going.
- Yes.

- Our kids.
- Right. Okay.

I mean, surely
there are plenty of things

- we can agree upon.
- Oh, listen,

despite your softhearted worldview,

I truly believe that
you want what's best,

not only for your children,

- but for mine.
- Oh, my goodness, Carlos,

I think that's the nicest thing

I've ever heard you say about me.

Yes, we do have...

such high hopes

for our children, don't we?

- Yes.
- Well... (CLAPS)

you can pat yourselves on the back.

You've set a new record
for social harmony

in Washington, D.C.

And on that triumphant note,

I'll bid you good night.

Good night, Beau.

- Thank you for coming.
- Good night, Beau.

- My pleasure.
- Take care.

Thank you, Carlos.


- Excuse me.
- Yeah.


I know you've got guys
outside, but Carpenter

just left... I figure you've
got less than ten minutes.


I just had this weird moment with him.

Whatever you're looking for,

I think it has something
to do with his son.

Okay. Good to know.

I got to go. He's on his way.

Alpha Team, five-minute warning.
Repeat: five-minute warning.

Copy that.

My wife just had a
conversation with Carpenter.

Her gut is that whatever
the Russians have on him,

it has something to do with his son.

Do you want to use our last moments

to chase a feeling your wife had?

She was CIA for years.

We've gotten nowhere, anyway.

Look... I trust her.

Alpha Team,

focus your remaining time
on looking for material

on Carpenter's son. Do you copy?

Copy that.


Senator Carpenter is home.

Get out now.

CARPENTER: Good night, Gary.


HENRY: Come on, come on.

The download from Alpha Team
is complete.

- Looks like we got him.
- All units report in.

DYLAN: Copy that.



I guess we'll have to chat with
the secretary some other time.

Who knew she got along so well
with Carlos Morejon?

Well, that's our Bess... always
looking to build those bridges.

That's why we love her.


♪ Heart be like... ♪

ELIZABETH: I learned something

about you tonight.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

Well, when the stakes

are high enough...

you do put the greater good
above your own interests.

There's that famous
McCord moral smugness.

I wonder how the voters
are gonna take to that.

I don't want to be president.

Good, 'cause I don't
think you're gonna win.


Anyway, I think we both
know that after tonight,

I'm probably going to be one vote short

on the land mines treaty.

- Oh.
- I could use yours.

That's why you had
the couple from that video

in my wife's ear all night.

- Clever.

But it's not gonna work.

Look, protecting American
sovereignty and safety,

that's why I take the tough votes.

Carlos, everyone already
knows you're tough.

What the voters don't
know is whether or not

you've got a soul.

If you buck

your more extreme colleagues now,

no one will care by the time
the primaries roll around.

But those suburban moms in...

St. Louis and Tampa,

they will still remember the video

of that little girl in the minefield,

and they will respect that you

had the guts to stand up and cast

the decisive vote for what's right.

("Have Yourself a Merry
Little Christmas" continues)

Well, something to think about.

♪ A merry little Christmas... ♪

I want to thank you for
having us, Madam Secretary.

Thanks for coming, Senator.


Please tell me that you're
not friends with him now.


But he is more complex than I thought.


Hey, if you can find the
humanity in that guy,

you got my vote.

Well, that's very sweet of you.

I'm not sure Russell and Mike B.
would give my performance

such a high rating.

So what? I see the way

Dalton carries himself,
the way people react to him.

I saw the same thing tonight.

I saw a president.

But also kind of a pain
in the ass, right?

I'm being serious.

Then I'm gonna be serious, too.


you did amazing work

with this party.

With me.

Thank you...

(WHISPERS): and I'm sorry.

You're welcome.


Got to go check something
with Javi before he takes off.

Hardworkin' girl.



How was your party?


So you were just...

out for a random late-night run?

Hmm. Something like that.


I really just wanted
to see you all dressed up.



Here it is.

- Want to see the whole thing?
- Uh... yeah, I do.





you already know what I think.

- MAN: Car's all set, Congressman.
- Thank you.

Well, I have to go. Uh...



Hey, you should have,


you should have said,
"I got to run," 'cause the...

Oh. 'Cause... Yeah.

- All right.

So your son says, "Dad, I screwed up.

"I'm looking at bankruptcy,
maybe even prison.

"But these Russian bankers

have offered to bail me out."

And you want to help,
so you take the money,

pass it through shell corporations,

then give it to him so it
looks like a family loan...

- is that accurate?
- Don't answer that,


AGENT: It'd be better
for him if he does.

- We already have the documents.
- Obtained through

- a highly questionable search, which...

- Who the hell is this?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Was it worth it?

I'm not generally in the
habit of making confessions

to the CIA!

Wait a minute, this guy is CIA?

Was it worth it?

I sent courageous, dedicated
Americans into the field,

and they trusted us.

They trusted you to have
their backs, and you...

betrayed them.

So you could keep your
son out of a Club Fed

for a couple of years?

What about their families?

Those families won't
even know how they died.

I can barely live with it.

- How can you?
- That's enough.

It's a very simple question, Senator.

Was it worth it?

What have I done?



What have I done?

This is all inadmissible.

It's... it's over, Carl.

It's over.

DALTON: With today's vote,

the Senate has officially
ratified the Calgary Treaty,

and the United States has
finally assumed the mantle

of moral leadership

to eradicate the scourge of land mines

from this Earth.

I'm heartened

that President Li of China,

one of the world's largest producers

of antipersonnel land mines,
has also agreed to take

this crucial step.

This is indeed a proud moment,

not just for the United States,
but for the world.

Thank you.


Big day.

Too bad no one's watching,

- with all this Beau Carpenter business.
- Yeah.

And Morejon was the swing vote.

I still don't know
how you pulled it off,

but I'm impressed.

And so are the Barkers.


good for them.

I thought you'd be pleased.

Russell, I told you
I don't care about that.

Russia just pulled off the
highest-level infiltration

of our government in our history.

And I intend to do
everything in my power

to hold them accountable.