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04x20 - Good Bye Charlie - Part 1

Posted: 09/15/21 14:49
by bunniefuu
Hey, Charlie.

Well, I'm about
to go off to college.

So it's time to make
my last video diary.

Man, it seems like just yesterday
I was doing the first one of these.

Spencer was coming
over for a study date,

and you were covered
in smushed bananas.

And, uh, yeah. Now
I'm packing for college.

I'm gonna have a
going-away party.

And, uh...

I have absolutely no
idea what else to say.

You know, sometimes, at this point,
funny things just happen behind me.

Hey, Swiss cheese.

You know, if we were in
Switzerland, we'd just call this cheese.

And sometimes they don't.

Oh, good! Here's Dad.

Wow! Don't hear
those words very often.

I'm trying to make
my last video diary.

Wow, your last one?

That's a lot of pressure.

I'm aware of that.

Better be a good one.

I'm trying!

- Oh! Hey, Gabe.
- Mm.

He's always good
for some laughs.

Say something, Gabe.


"Hey"? That's all you got?

What's going on?

Teddy's trying to do
her final video diary.

Wow. Your final video diary?

Ohh. Better be a good one.

I know!

Hey, Canadian bacon.

You know, if we
were in Canada...

♪ Today's all burnt toast ♪

♪ Running late and Dad jokes ♪

♪ Has anybody
seen my left shoe? ♪

♪ I close my eyes, take a bite ♪

♪ Grab a ride, laugh out loud ♪

♪ There it is, up on the roof ♪

♪ I've been there,
I've survived ♪

♪ So just take my advice ♪

♪ Hang in there, baby
Things are crazy ♪

♪ But I know your
future's bright ♪

♪ Hang in there, baby ♪

♪ There's no maybe ♪

♪ Everything
turns out all right ♪

♪ Sure, life is up and down ♪

♪ But trust me, it
comes back around ♪

♪ You're gonna love
Who you turn out to be ♪

♪ Hang in there, baby ♪

Hi, Amy.

Come on in, Debbie.

Another mix-up by the mailman.

He gave us Charlie's
"Gurgles" magazine.

Oh, that's, uh, that's
PJ's, but thank you.

Ohh! Good morning
my favorite show.

Are you just saying
that because I'm on it?

You're on Good Morning Denver?

For real?

Because I know you sometimes
tend to exaggerate things

just a skosh.

No, I'm on it.

Come on, you've seen it. I
do the "Mama Bird" segment.

Well, I only watch
the important stuff,

so I guess we'll
never know for sure.

- Hey, uh, Rhonda.
- Yeah?

What has two thumbs and
likes to hit the putting green?

Oh. Well, I don't
know, Phil. What?

This guy!


Oh, I'm gonna miss this.

Oh, that's right. You know what?

Rhonda has a little
announcement to make.


I am leaving the show to pursue
a very exciting new opportunity.

You are looking at the
new host of Wake Up Waco!

Oh, we're gonna miss
you around here, Rhonda.


I don't know how
we'll ever replace you.

Well, I do.

With me!

Oh, you can't be serious.

I can just see it now.

Good Morning Denver
with Amy and Phil.

Isn't it "Phil and Amy"?

For now.

Well, if it isn't the
free lunch bunch.

You're funny, Dad.

Yeah, not trying to be.

Emmett, is that my bathrobe?

Yeah. Mine's dirty,

and Mrs. Duncan's a
little behind on the wash.

Oh, well.

I guess I'll have to
speak to her about that.

Could you?

Well, since subtlety
doesn't seem to be working,

let me be direct.

PJ, you promised to look for a job
after you graduated cooking school.

I know. I'm off to
kind of a slow start.

Have you started?


I promise.

Right after lunch I'm gonna
get out there and find a job.

- Great.
- Oh, actually,

right after lunch Yacky the Duck
is on, so it'll be right after that.


Well, Emmett, all we
need is a plan for you.

Oh, I got a plan.

Seven more years
of community college,

then it's hello, job market.

So, I guess there's no rush
to get you out of that bathrobe.

Not unless you wanna see
some of your underwear.

So, do you think
I'm a good girlfriend?

Well, I don't have much
to judge it on, but yeah.

I'm glad.

And as a good girlfriend,

I want you to know if
you ever need anything,

I'll be there for you.


Would you be there for me?



Grandma! He said yes!

Hey... Oh! Wha...
what's going on here?

Nice job, Lauren.

I'm so sorry. She forced me.

Okay, what do you want?

I've got a situation.

The house next
door to me is for sale.

Well, that's understandable.


The family that's gonna
buy it has a ten-year-old boy.

- So?
- A ten-year-old boy

who reminds me of you!

Same evil twinkle in his eye!

I can't go through another
Gabe Duncan, I can't! I tell you!

Okay, calm down.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to talk to him,
one devil child to another.

Tell him I'm off-limits.

Fine, I'll do it.


Again, I am so sorry.

Yeah, well, the next time
we talk about our relationship,

I'm paying attention.

- Hey, Phil.
- Hey, Amy.

Um, do you mind if I, uh...

if I sit in Rhonda's chair?

Sure, knock yourself out.


I'm just gonna... Ohh... Wow.

That is really comfy.

Almost like it was made for me.

Actually, they were
made for me and Rhonda.

They measured our
butts and everything.

Oh. Cute story.

Say, I wonder whose butt

they're gonna be
measuring for this chair now.

Well, I don't know.

- Oh.
- We're gonna miss that Rhonda.

Are we?

I mean, let's face it, Phil.

You've been carrying
Rhonda for years.

Well, I don't wanna
get into it, but yeah.

Knowing you,

I'm sure you'll make the wise
decision to promote from within.

Hmm. Well, I hadn't
thought about that.

Yeah, the question is, who?

I mean, Pilar's okay on traffic,

but how is she with small talk?


And Misty Mountains
is great with weather,

but, um, is her brain a
low-pressure system?

My goodness, Phil. I
said something catty,

- and you made a cat noise.
- I did.

I love it. I love it!

We are clicking.

We are. Are we?

We are!

If only the viewers
could see us.

I j... I just had an idea.

Why don't you audition?

- Me?
- Yeah.

Well, I would say
that that sounds crazy,

but I know what good
judgment you have.

Tell you what, I'm gonna
give you an on-air tryout.

If all goes well, who knows?

Good Morning Denver
with Phil and Amy.

It's all happening so fast.

- Packing for college, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

Need some help?

What do you want?

What makes you
think I want something?

You said, "Need some help?"

Yeah, right. You got me.
Of course, I want something.

- What?
- Your room.

Gabe, no one's getting my room.

I'm sure Mom and Dad
are gonna leave it as is.

That's right. It's gonna
be a shrine to you,

because we're all
gonna miss you so much.

Look, I know you're trying to
hide it, but you're gonna miss me.

No, I won't.


Well, I'm gonna miss you!

You know, I'll never
forget that time when we...

Or when we, um...

You know what? Before I
go, let's do something together.

Does this count?

- Get out.
- Okay.

Oh, hey, Charlie.

Whatcha doin'?

I'm packing for Yale.

Need some help?

You're gonna
leave that TV, right?

"Good night, moon..."


Good night to a whole
bunch of other stuff.

Hey, there he is!

How was job hunting today?


Every restaurant I walked
into was the same thing.

As soon as the hostess
finds out you're not a customer,

they're not very nice to you.

"Hello, sir, can I help you?"

Yeah, they don't mean it.

Well, tomorrow's another day.

I don't know, Dad.

The food biz is
pretty tough to crack.

Maybe I should just go
back to my original dream

of being a baseball
player or a police guy.

Your dream from
when you were four?

Yes, I said my original dream.

Look, it's not
supposed to be easy.

Hey, it's not like someone's
just gonna knock on the door

and offer you a job.

Hey, hey, Gravy!

Hey, buddy! Hey, you need a job?

- Hey, Mr. D!
- Hey.

Dude, how'd you
know I needed a job?

Oh, I read in the
Kwikki Chikki University

alumni association newsletter that
you graduated from cooking school.

Kwikki Chikki University
has an alumni association?

You were only
there for two days.

So we can't have a newsletter?

I believe there was
something about a job.

Yeah, my dad bought me my own
food truck, and I need a little help.


- Mmm...
- Hey, he'll take it!

- When does he start?
- Tomorrow.


Gravy, you have
made us very happy.

It's what I do!

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm Gabe Duncan. I live
a couple houses over.

I just wanted to welcome
you to the neighborhood.

Oh. Well, thank you.

But we're not officially
neighbors until after the inspection.

But if everything goes well,
we'll be moving in right away.

Oh, great story. So
do you have any kids?

Um, sure.

Matt, come here.

Matt, there's somebody
here who wants to meet you.

- Gabe, this is my son Matt.
- Hey.


Oh. Excuse me. I
have to take this.


So, how you doin', Matt?


Good. Now tell me, Matt.

Do you like trouble?
You know, mischief?



- No.
- Don't lie to me.

- Maybe a little.
- Yeah, all right.

So, have you noticed the lady
who lives next door, Mrs. Dabney?

I guess so.

You guess not. Hands off.

That poor beaten-down
old lady is mine.

What are you talking about?

Nobody pranks her but me.

I was pranking her
when you were in diapers.

I was pranking her
when I was in diapers.

I was kind of a prodigy.

What I'm trying to
say is leave her alone.


Is there anybody I can prank?

Yeah. Sure, man. I don't
wanna tie your hands.

Okay, Mr. Duggan
across the street,

he does not have caller ID.

Use that as you will.

You're not gonna have any?

No, ma'am.

Maybe I'll have a bite of yours.


What flavor you gonna get?






Chocolate! If you insist.

Uh, excuse me?


Why is everyone always
so surprised to see me?

What are you doing here?

Yeah, I'm gonna give you a
minute to take in the uniform.

I mean, I thought
you were in Boston.

Actually, I've been
in Denver all summer.

I'm going back to
school next week.

Why haven't you
come by the house?

Well, you know, Teddy and I...

Oh, right. You two aren't...

Talking very much anymore.


So how's she doing?

I'm getting her room!

- She's going to Yale.
- Really?

Good for her.

I knew she'd get in.

And, uh, the room thing has
not been decided, little lady.

It's a girl's room. Just saying.

So, is Teddy still
dating that guy?

You know, the one with the,
uh, hair and the fake smile?

- Beau?
- Yeah.

Yeah, that was his weird name.

No. No. He went
back to Tennessee.


Too bad.

Yeah, Teddy's
doing okay with it.

I'm still struggling.

Well, here she is.

- What do you think?
- "The Gravy Boat."

You get it? 'Cause I'm Gravy.

Why the "boat" part?

- Oh, 'cause we serve fish...
- Ohh.

- With gravy.
- Oh!

Yeah, flounder with gravy,
halibut with gravy, cod with gravy.

Our slogan is, "If you like
fish, we got it covered...

in gravy!"

Dude, I'm not sure
about this concept.

Oh, come on. There's
nothing else out there like this.

There may be a reason for that.

It sounds kinda gross.

No, no, you're just
not used to it yet.

I mean, hey, the first time
someone put eggs and bacon

on a plate together, I'm
sure people were like,

"What? Eggs come from
chicken, bacon comes from pig.

I mean, this is
chaos on a plate!"

I don't know, man.
Fish and gravy?

Okay, what if we
call it "Fish 'n' Gravy"?

Well, I do like things
with "'N'" in the middle.

All right, I'm in.

Yes! All right,
let's get started.

First, we gotta go to the store,
pick up a few key supplies.

- Like what?
- Fish and gravy.

- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.

Oh! Guess who I ran
into at the yogurt store?

- Hmm?
- Spencer!


He's back in Denver?

Asked how you were doing.

He did? Wha... So, um...

So how did he say it?

Like he was just being polite
or like he really wanted to know?

Uh, I'm, I'm not sure.

Well, Dad, did he say it like...

"How's Teddy doing?" Or...

"How's Teddy doing?"

I don't know.

I'm barely paying attention
to this conversation.

Look, sweetie, if you
wanna know, go talk to him.

Dad, I can't do that.

The last time he saw me,

he said he didn't wanna
be friends anymore.

Ahh, maybe he's
changed his mind.

That's what I want
you to find out.

- Me?
- Yes.

Tomorrow, I want you to
go back to the yogurt store,

and invite him to
my going-away party.

- Okay.
- Hold on.

When you invite him, you
cannot say that it was my idea.

Okay? That way, if he says no,

you're the one who invited him,

so it looks like
you got rejected.

But if he says yes,

that means that he's
open to being friends again.

And then, you can tell him that
I asked you to ask him, okay?

I better write this down.

Remember when you asked
me if I was a good boyfriend?

I believe the answer
has been confirmed.

You talk to that kid?

Oh, yes, the situation
has been dealt with,

and I think I deserve
a little reward.

You want me to let
you win this game?

It's better when
you don't say it.

You know, I really
do appreciate it.

If my grandma's
happy, I'm happy.

Help! Help!

Oh, my gosh!
That's her, come on!

Mrs. Dabney yelling for help
used to be such a happy sound.


What happened?

This happened!

That kid from next door
put glue on my chair.

You said you were
gonna take care of this.

I thought I did. The little
weasel lied right to my face.

What's wrong with kids today?

Stop talking and get
me out of this thing.

What do we do?

Well, if I know my glue...

and I do,

we're gonna need to
go to the hardware store

and get some solvent.

All right, sit tight.

"Sit tight."

Oh, that's pretty good. Come on.

- Just go already.
- Okay.

How did that kid know I
was gonna sit in this chair?

What if I sat in that one?

Devil child!


I need your help.

Well, I'm not a psychiatrist,
but I'll see what I can do.

Look, I don't have time to
trade insults with you today.

Okay? I have a very important
audition to be the co-host

for Good Morning Denver.

Why don't we start by
talking about your mom?

I'm serious.

Look, now the key to this
job is to look interested

when Phil is telling
one of his boring stories.

Now that's where you come in.

- Excuse me?
- Yup.

I want you to tell one
of your boring stories

and I'll react as
if it's interesting.

I happen to think my
stories are interesting.

And now, so will I.

Okay, so go ahead.
Just talk about anything

and I will throw in
some co-host banter.

Okay. Ho, ho. Well...

I guess I could talk about tea.


A favorite beverage

of all friends
across the pond it is.

I wouldn't do the accent.

Okay, okay, tell
me more about tea.

Well, I like to sip my tea,
but I don't like it to get cold.

So what I do is I
preheat the cup.

Preheat the cup?

I'm on the edge of my seat.

That's all I got.

That's all you got? You say
that as if it weren't enough.


- Debbie!
- Oh!

You are priceless.

Okay, I need you to tell me a sad
story, so I can work on my sad face.

Something sad.

Okay, well...

Deedee won a goldfish
at the county fair...

But it didn't last too long.

What happened to it?

The cat ate it.

Oh my...

It's the circle of life.

Sunrise, sunset.

We'll be back right
after this short break.

Oh, hey, Mr. Duncan.

Hey, Spencer. Uh, listen.

We're having a little going-away
party for, uh, Teddy tomorrow night,

"And, uh, I was wondering
if you wanted to come by.

That's my idea, not hers.

She doesn't know I'm here.

Has no idea I'm inviting you."

And a large chocolate
with sprinkles.

I'm sorry, what was that?

Okay, you know what?

Let's just start with
the important stuff...

Large chocolate
with sprinkles, please.

So you want me to
come to Teddy's party?

Yeah. Me.

Not her.

Unless, of course, you say yes.

And then, I don't know...

I guess the whole
thing's different.

I don't know.

Let me think about it.

All right. Well, I understand.

You and Teddy have
been through a lot.

You know, you gotta look down
deep into your heart and fig...

Seriously, dude, that's all the
sprinkles you're gonna give me?

Oh, oh! Finally
our first customer.

Uh, actually,
that's my girlfriend.

And I had to beg
her to come here.

Thanks, Skyler.

Ahoy, matey!

Welcome to The Gravy Boat.

Fish with gravy?

You owe me.

Would you like to
try our special today?

The mystery fish?

Ooh! What's the mystery fish?

We forgot when
we put the gravy on.

I'll try the halibut with gravy.

Here you go.

Uh, what's wrong?

Well, I like the fish...

And I like the gravy.

I'm just not sure I
like the two together.

Oh. Well.

I like PJ...

and I like you,

I'm just not sure I like
the two of you together.

Oh, Gravy, come on.

Admit it. It's a terrible idea.

What? We don't belong together?

No. No, no, no.

Fish and gravy.

Guys, come on!

How bad could it possibly be?

Okay, yeah. It's pretty bad.

What are we gonna do now?

Well, I don't know
what you're gonna do,

but I'm outta here!

Abandon ship!


You're the captain now.

You're giving me your truck?
What are you gonna tell your dad?

Same thing I told him
when he got me a plane,

"I lost it!"

Gravy out!

What do you want?

I thought I told you,
hands off Mrs. Dabney.

I don't have to listen
to you, old man!

You're past your
prime. What are you, ?


Then go take a nap, Grandpa.

Look, all I'm asking

is that you leave
Mrs. Dabney alone.

Once I move in, I'm
gonna do whatever I want

to whoever I want and there's
nothing you can do to stop me!

Yeah, well, in this neighborhood
you're not welcome, Matt.

Get it?

Welcome mat.


That was lame!

Man, I've lost it.

But I'm gonna get it back.

Hear that? Getting it back!

Now I'm talking to a door.

What happened to me?

Hey, Charlie.

Last video diary. Here we go.

Oh, um, actually,

before I get to the
big piece of wisdom

that'll summarize
the last four years,

there's just one little thing
that I wanted to mention.

So Dad ran into
Spencer at a yogurt store

and he may or may not be
coming to my farewell party.

Interesting, right?

Anyway, that said,
the big wisdom is...

Wait, why wouldn't
he say yes or no?

Why "maybe"?

Okay, I'm sorry.
I got distracted,

The big message is...

I need to know if he's
coming to the party.


Next time on Good Luck, Charlie.

I can't believe it's the last
time I'm gonna see everybody

before I go off to college.


I'm so glad we're back
to being friends again.

Good morning, Amy.

Good morning, Phil.

I usually plan this kind
of stuff behind your back.

- You're making me nervous.
- I'll turn around.

That certainly can't hurt.

All right. I'll be your partner.

Thanks, Dad. It's
gonna be awesome.

It's the best sandwich
I've ever had.

I'm gonna miss you, Teddy.

I'm gonna miss you too, Charlie.

I'm gonna miss all you guys.