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03x19 - Global Relief

Posted: 09/15/21 03:08
by bunniefuu
(Henry grunts)

Hey. You couldn't sleep?

Well, I stared at the
ceiling for an hour.

That's my limit.

What was it?
The drought in Somalia?

No, Somalia made
a valiant effort

to get in the game, but no,

this morning it is
Russian veiling.

What's that? Some new
kind of hacking software?

Not hacking, hatmaking.


It's a course at Hutner.

Oh, you're obsessing
over college acceptances

'cause that big e-mail
blast goes out this week.

And by "obsessing"
I mean, of course,

showing the appropriate
amount of interest

- for a concerned parent.
- (laughing): Yeah. Thank you.

But wait, Hutner is
Alison's third choice.

I thought we were
confident about Rafferty.

We are. We're confident... ish.

(knocks on wood)

I mean, her mom's
secretary of state, after all.

And they protested
when we visited.

So, in the unlikely event
that she doesn't get in,

I want to have something good
to say about her other choices.

Like, in addition
to fashion design,

Bayard offers this whole...

Omnipreneur program.

(laughs) Omnipreneur?

- (laughing): Oh, my God.
- Something about global markets...

I don't know, branding
power and party hats.

- I don't know.
- I just can't keep up with the language.

When does the e-mail
from Rafferty go out again?

Thursday at : .

Come on, you're gonna
be there, right? We promised.

It's been in my calendar
for, like, six months.

Uh, and Stevie hears

from Harvard Law this
week, too, right?

Did you make a... thumbs up for
other choices list for her, too?

She aced her LSATs and she has
a letter of recommendation

from the White House
chief of staff.

And her mom's
secretary of state.

It's a lock.


- Good morning, everyone.
- DAISY: Morning.

- Morning.
- WOMAN: Morning.

Hey. I have been up since : .

I am fully caffeinated
and ready to crush

this food aid
procurement intervention.

Where are we on Somalia?

The situation in the southern
portion of the country

is still dire.

There's a record heat wave

and the bumper crop
from is depleted.

And just to make things
interesting, two rebel groups,

the Somali Independence Front

and the Revolutionary
Army of Somalia

are both laying claim to the
last few acres of arable land.

Leaving the village of
Saakow caught in the middle.

Add no water, instant famine.

If it goes unchecked,
, people

will starve to death
in a matter of weeks.

Apologies for my tardiness.

(clears throat)

Have our boats
docked in Mogadishu

with the food aid?

Yeah, I got word
a couple hours ago.

Global Relief Guild
is loading the grain

- onto trucks for delivery.
- Okay.

You remember Anis Musse
from the Africa desk?

I... yes. He left to
go work for an NGO.

That's right.

He landed at
Global Relief Guild.

He's overseeing the
distribution of food.

Well, that's great.

That means that we will
have reliable communication

on the ground.

All right. Crisis
averted so far.

But there's one more
immediate problem.

Yes, there is, always, always.

JAY: Dito Pirosmani, former
Soviet military officer

and current owner
of a pseudo-legit

Georgian chemical company.

He also sells Russian
weapons on the black market.

Ah. Let me guess.

He's armed one of the
Somali rebel groups.

Nope. He's armed both.

Way to cover the waterfront.

Word on the street is
he just sold them each

a cache of old AK- s
he boosted out of Ukraine.

Point being, these guys
asked for new toys

and they're gonna want
to start playing with them.

And if fighting breaks out,
that will leave Saakow cut off.

GRG won't be able
to get the food through.

Well, can't we shut him down?

Well, he does his best
to skirt the U.S. legal system.

Steers clear
of American-made hardware

and won't sell to t*rrorists.

CIA keeps a file active,
but he's not a priority,

though he doesn't know that.

Uh, ma'am, it's almost time for
your meeting at the White House.

Thanks, Blake.

All right. Let's-let's
really stay on top of this.

I want updates every
couple hours, all right?

Thank you.

Any updates on that other thing?

Uh, well, I've just started
my research, but so far,

Clifton University's colors
are brown and yellow.

Their mascot is the
Mighty Woodchuck.

Uh... oh, they have
a Fondue Fridays

on the student grill
every... Friday.

It's kind of a retro, ' s
vibe with a disco ball and...


(clears throat)

Brown and yellow?

It's so horrifying,
I can't even tell you.

- Thank God it's her safety.
- I...

RONNIE: Now, after his meeting

with Secretary McCord,
Mr. Fox provided

unfettered access to his
corporate finances.

Based on the SWIFT-BIC code,
the $ , retainer was wired

to Mr. Fox from an offshore
account in the Caymans.

Uh, we're wired
into the account,

so if he sells our stolen
weapons on the black market

and uses the dummy corp
to receive payment,

I'll be able
to trace the transfer.

JACKSON: And it might be helpful

to know how much
of our hardware he has

in his possession.

FBI completed their inventory

of the Texas compound
this morning.

Please, keep us informed
of your progress, Captain.

I will do, sir.

Thank you, Mr. President.

I'm afraid it's worse
than we thought.

Munitions scheduled
for destruction

were being siphoned off
to transports

for at least seven months

without detection.

In addition to a*tillery
shells and amm*nit*on,

portable anti-aircraft
missiles are gone.

sn*per r*fles,

M s,

AT s, plus two drones

identical to the one
Henry's asset identified

at the Virginia
Field Force compound.

FBI arrested eight VFF
members in that raid.

Did any of them meet
with the seller?

Maybe they could give us a name
or a physical description?

Reverend Slattery
took the meeting solo

and he's in the wind.

- (sighs)
- But we recovered some notes

Slattery left behind in which
he identified the unnamed seller

as "college boy."

We think he may be referring
to Anton Jankovic...

an American citizen

of Serbian descent.

His father was an exporter,
and Anton started moving weapons

through his dad's shipments

while he was still
a junior at Princeton.

(knock at door)

(door opens)

Excuse me, Madam Secretary,
your office

is asking you to come
back as soon as possible.

They said it's about
the food delivery.

I'm guessing that's
not your lunch order.

The convoy was almost to Saakow
when we were run off the road

by the Revolutionary Army
of Somalia.

Anyone hurt?

They had g*ns, but they didn't
fire at us, just took the food.

But GRG has a line on
emergency food products

facility in Dubai.

If you can ship it here
and provide security,

I'll take another ride
out to Saakow.

We'll get into it.

You're a badass.
We miss you around here.

Thanks, ma'am.

I know federal law requires

we use U.S. shipping lines
to deliver the food aid,

but that could be another
two weeks, conservatively.

Thousands of people
will already be dead.

We need to get the Senate
to pass an emergency waiver,

bypass the shipping rule

and fly all the food from Dubai.

Congress is hard-line
about those rules.

Farm and shipping lobbies

are, um... hold a lot of sway.

(sighs) Get me ten minutes

with the Senate
majority leader now.

ELIZABETH: Uh, Mr. Leader.

Madam Secretary.

I understand you want
to plead your case,

but we have these food
aid rules for a reason.

Yes, to, uh, subsidize U.S.
farmers so they can sell off

their grain overages.

Now, that's a very simplistic...

And to give U.S. shipping
companies a monopoly

so they can overcharge
and under perform on delivery.

It is a... inefficient
and wasteful system.

Welcome to the United States

- I'm afraid.
- (laughs)

All right, but the thing is,

in the last Somali famine,
, people starved to death,


and half of them were
children under five.

And they died just because the
world waited too long to act.

We all have our priorities.

Yours is to feed the world.

Mine is to protect
American farms

and American jobs.

That said, no one wants to see
women and children suffer,

and it hurts my heart
to turn you down.

Yes, I can see that.

Speaking of being turned down,

I made a request last month
of the Department of Defense

to use your plane for a
fact-finding trip this weekend,

but they said no.

Well, I... Mr. Leader,

you and I both know
that is DOD's prerogative.

Nevertheless, I've been
greatly inconvenienced.

Now, if the secretary of state

were to put in a word
on my behalf,

I'm sure DOD would
shake loose a jet.

And then I might be inclined

to help you with your request.

So... if I call DOD,

you will pass
the emergency waiver?

I'll put your waiver up
for a vote this morning.

I'm sure it will pass
with bipartisan support.

(chuckles) We all like
to help out when we can.

Don't we?

(whispering): Wow.

You know, I-I'm just curious.

Where are you going on
your fact-finding trip?

Cabo San Lucas.

The beaches are eroding.

MO: We've been interrogating

the captured members
of the Virginia Field Force,

but it's slow going.

Why is that?

The VFF was not a typical
anti-government militia.

Once they merged
with Covenant of John,

they became a doomsday cult.

So, we're not just
questioning these men,

we're deprogramming them.

It takes time.

Then what about your asset?

Once Agent Conroy was detoxed,

he should've been able to give
you whatever Intel he acquired

as a VFF insider.

Conroy says that in
the event of a raid,

the leaders had prearranged
travel to the Pacific Northwest

through a series of safe houses.

Their plan,
once they arrived in Oregon,

was to go to ground so Dr.
Zanner could get to work

on the biological w*apon.


Well, that narrows it down.

Except we're not convinced
the information is solid.

You think he's lying?

No, but he may have been

We know the Council

suspected a mole in their ranks.

So we've got an agent
who was drugged

and might've blown his cover,

a barely-averted
t*rror1st bombing,

bad Intel and no way of knowing

where these madmen
will strike next.

Have I got everything?

Yes, sir.

This morning, DEA agents

seized the most expensive
piece of property

in their history,
a -foot mega-yacht.

Christened the Frisky Business,

it boasts , feet
of living space,

and is worth
an estimated $ billion.

Hey, Dad, you got to come
check this thing out.

It has
a m*ssile-detection system,

two helipads,
three swimming pools

and a submarine that doubles

as an escape pod.

I got to figure out
how to get one.

Well, I can think of two ways.

Become a Bond villain
or invent a social network.

In the meantime,
would you set the table?

- Ah.
- Hi, babe.

ELIZABETH: What happened?
I, I thought we were gonna,

you know, order in
Kung Pao and...

Oh, I had all this excess
energy to burn, so I thought

I would hobble
around the kitchen.

- I kept telling him to sit down.
- I'm sitting down.

ALISON: Mom, are you home?

Yes. Down here.

ALISON: I just got an e-mail

from a girl
whose sister dated a guy

whose mom knows a woman

who works
in the Rafferty admissions,

and I'm freaking out.


She says that Rafferty
just decided to expand

their science
and technology program,

which means that the brainiacs

are jumping to the top
of the acceptance list.

What if I get boxed out?

Stupid coding.

I know, right? It's not
like science is the future.

They're still gonna need
clothes in the future.

And I'm sure you still have
a good shot of getting in.

It's, it's... Look.

The good news is that Rafferty
is not the only game in town.

Okay? Hutner has this
amazing mentoring program,

where they pair up students
with working designers.

And Bayard has this
top-notch business program.

You could learn how
to be an omnipreneur.

You guys don't think
I'm gonna get in to Rafferty.

- No, no, of course we do.
- No, no.

That's not... Noodle.

There are things that can
affect your admission

that have nothing to do with
you or how great you are.

Like, I don't know,
how many legacies apply.

Or, or shifts in school policy.

Guys, rolling admissions at
Harvard Law are, like, rolling.

Have you heard?

No, not yet.

But I am on the
student forum website,

and people are starting to post.

God, you are so lucky
that Rafferty just, like,

tells everyone
all at the same time.

Yeah, lucky me.

I'm not even applying
to colleges

unless I know they'll take me.

it's the only way to go.

That's what I should've done.


Since it's clear
some people think

that I set my sights too high.

- HENRY: Don't be...
- Noodle, come on.

- No... (moans)
- What's with her?

(computer chimes)

The... Harvard? Is that it?

Nope, nope. Relax,
it's just a news alert.

Oh, two, two rebel
groups in Somalia

just started sh**ting
at each other.


So you're really
planning to travel alone

into rebel-held land
and negotiate a cease-fire?

Yes, ma'am.

I admire your passion, Anis,

but there is a fine line

between badass and crazy pants.

How about you just give
me a couple of days

to work
a little diplomatic magic?

I already called
the Somali president

and asked him to send troops.

All due respect, ma'am,

you know as well as I
do that won't happen.

They've got no control here.

Uh, maybe the U.N....

My second call.

I spoke to the secretary general

and the African Union, but
they said it's too dangerous.

Which brings me back to you.

If you were still my employee,
I wouldn't let you go.

Respectfully, ma'am,

that's one reason why I left
State to work for an NGO.


I think the rebel leaders
will listen to me.

Global Relief Guild
is well-regarded here.

Yesterday, they pointed an AK-
at you and stole your grain.

Yes, but they didn't sh**t me.

T-That's a show of respect.


Not that you need
my okay anymore.

Good-bye, Madam Secretary.

(quietly): Yeah.

Hi. I couldn't sleep.

Ice cream at : a.m.?

You won't even let me
have Sugar b*mb cereal,

and that has ten essential
vitamins and minerals.

Well, soon,
you will be at college.

If you want,
you can eat Sugar b*mb cereal

morning, noon and night.

I'm sorry about last night.

I know you were trying to help.

It's really okay.

I know you're stressed out,
it's a stressful time.

You remember when Stevie was
waiting to hear from Lovell,

and she wanted us all to start
calling her Stephanie...

Okay. Could we please
not talk about Stevie?

Yeah, sure.

It's just, I knew this whole
process would be a nightmare.

I just thought it would be mine.

A nightmare just for me.

Well, and who doesn't want that?

Your dad and I are very
proud of you, Noodle.

I know.

But Stevie is pretty much
everything you guys love,

wrapped up in one
stylish package.

She's smart, she's serious,
cares about the world.

I know you guys work hard to
understand what I care about.

I-It's not work.

Not at all.

Ali, you open doors for us.

Show us things that we
might otherwise miss,

like, I don't know,
color and beauty

and how people express
themselves differently.

You're an artist, and we are
proud to have one in the family.


Your dad and I,

we love our kids more
than you can imagine.

Mostly 'cause you're ours.

But we also love
your differences.

Even Jason?

Even Jason.

(laughs softly)

HENRY: Your assistant said
you had news on the VFF.

We hope to make
arrests this week.

That was fast.

An anonymous tip

about several shipments of
hospital-grade medical equipment

led to an abandoned blood work
lab near Baker City, Oregon.

And you think that's where
Dr. Zanner's planning to finish

their biological w*apon.

Another tipster claimed he saw

three VFF guys at a gas
station off Interstate .

We're waiting
for video confirmation,

but the Portland field office
is preparing to raid the lab.

Well, I'm glad I was wrong.

I'll start working up
the interrogations.

Thing is, Henry...

...we're taking you
off the case.

We brought you on to be
Ian Conroy's handler

while he was inside the militia.

That element
of the mission is over,

and to be honest,
Director Doherty isn't happy

with how it all went down.

He made that
very clear yesterday.

But I still think my knowledge

as a religious scholar
could be helpful.

The mission is now strictly
search and capture.

No religion required.

ELIZABETH: No religion required?

She actually said that?


Well, you took a b*llet
for this case.


I mean, I like Marguerite,

but geez, she can be harsh.

Anyway, I'm handling my
concern very constructively.

I ordered Chinese for dinner.

Oh, well played, Professor.
I will be home

in a moment.

Or not.

Don't hold the Kung Pao.

I'll call you later.

What is it?

Anis Musse. He went into rebel
territory to negotiate a truce.

Oh, God. Is he dead?

No, no. He's, he's alive,
and as far as we know,

he's not hurt.

Nadine, you got
to lead with that.

Sorry, ma'am. Uh, Anis
had secured an agreement

with the leader of the
Revolutionary Army of Somalia.

But then at his second meeting,

the Somali Independence
Front grabbed him up.

They say the Revolutionary
Army h*jacked

the grain yesterday, so they
want the next shipment.

we can't pay a ransom.

And we can't go in
and get Anis either.

DOD won't authorize a
rescue while the rebels

are in an active sh**ting w*r.

Now we need someone
to negotiate a cease-fire

and pull Anis out of there.

And the rebels
won't listen to anyone.

They only hear
the voice of g*ns.

Then... maybe we need someone
who speaks their language.

Dito Pirosmani.

JAY: The gunrunner?

What are you, crazy? Ma'am.

Dito Pirosmani sells
the rebels their weapons.

They need him.

Which means that
he holds sway over them.

All due respect, this may be

the most cynical play
I've ever heard.

Well, I will take cynical
over mass starvation.

Plus, it is the only way
I can think of to save Anis.

Okay, but why would Pirosmani
ever agree to help us?

A cease-fire works
against his self-interests.

We need to get him
to see the big picture.

Pirosmani makes a huge effort

to stay out of our crosshairs.

Who knows?

He might welcome the
opportunity to have us in his debt.

And, as my mother always said,

no harm in asking.

Let's reach out
to any foreign officials

who might have a way
to contact him.

We're doing this.


Mr. Brennan, hi.
Thanks for coming in.

It's a pleasure to finally
meet you, Madam Secretary.

Last time you contracted
with Vesuvian,

you dealt with my former
partner, Isaac Bishop.

Yes, I heard he retired

and you bought him out.

Yes, he asked that
I tell you he continues

to lead humanity astray
from the comfort

- of his dark underworld lair.
- (laughs)

Uh, come on in.

Do you want some coffee?

Blake took excellent care
of me. I'm good, thanks.


What can Vesuvian Security
do for you, ma'am?

Well, an American NGO worker

has been taken hostage
in Southern Somalia.

I heard about it.

And I feel for the guy,

but that situation is
too unstable right now.

I'm not gonna send my men
into a de facto w*r zone.

I'm not asking you to.

We're going to try
and negotiate a cease-fire.

Assuming we do, I'd like
for you to send in a team

to act as security

for Global Relief Guild
when they send in

their next shipment of aid.

On the way out,

you guys will pick up
the hostage.


But how exactly do you plan
on getting that cease-fire?

JACKSON: You had your staff

reach out to
a known arms dealer?


And they asked him to negotiate

with Somali rebels on behalf
of the United States?

To help bring an end
to the conflict,

feed , starving people

and rescue Anis Musse?
Yes, I did.

Pirosmani is a dangerous,
unstable individual.

He's also afraid of the U.S.,

and we can use that
to our advantage.


What's your plan, Bess?

According to our contacts,

Pirosmani believes that
the CIA has launched

multiple sting operations in
an effort to take him down.

He is asking for a handshake
agreement in person,

that if he continues to steer
clear of American interests,

we'll steer clear of
him, legally speaking.

CIA doesn't have any operations

targeting Pirosmani.

And no plans to launch one.


But he doesn't know that.

Also, during this meeting,
I may be able to get some Intel

on our Texas depot
suspect Anton Jankovic.

Apparently, these arms dealers,

they-they keep tabs
on each other.

So, potentially, Pirosmani
can help us recover

some of that stolen weaponry.

Or, potentially, this
blows up into a scandal

worse than arms for hostages.

What's our alternative?

Abandon Anis Musse and allow
the people of Saakow to die?

Take the meeting, Bess.

Thank you.

DITO: Madam Secretary.


You come a long way to meet Dito.

(laughs) Yes, indeed
I did, Mr. Pirosmani.

Because I think that together
we can save thousands of lives.

Yes, how you say, uh,
we make good team, huh?


Well, I-I sure hope so.

It's a shame you cannot
stay longer time

in Africa;
it's a beautiful place.

Happy people.

When not starving and
k*lling each other.


So, um... how Dito
can help United States?

ALISON: Seven minutes, everyone.

Oh, you guys are already here.

- JASON: Yeah.
- HENRY: Ready and waiting.

Bring it, Rafferty.

Has Mom called yet?

She will, don't worry.

What if she forgets?

Or she forgets about the time
difference or something?

Sorry, I ju... I'm just feeling

sympathetic anxiety for Ali.

- Anything from Harvard?
- Nope.

Well, listen, Mom
is not gonna forget.

This e-mail from Rafferty
is the most important thing

on her mind right now, trust me.

I sincerely doubt that,
but okay.

I actually made sure
she won't flake.

How'd you do that?

So in exchange for your help,
the CIA would immediately shelve

its undercover investigation
into your business dealings.

Jay, what was it called?

Operation Top g*n.

I am willing to
speak with friends

in the Somali Independence Front

and the Revolutionary
Army of Somalia,

make them to stop fighting and
release the American aid person.


It's, uh, all well and good,

but, uh...

how you say, uh...

hypothetically, it'll cause
loss to business for me.

Just a temporary cease-fire.

They'll be buying
your illegal weapons

again in a few days.


I am a legitimate businessman

with interests all over world.

I must have compensation.

Yes, but as I already explained,

I can't pay you cash.


could be considered illegal.

That is the second time
you use this word, "illegal."

I think we're done here.

Uh, better luck next
time catching Dito.

You know, Mr. Pirosmani,
back in the States,

we have a word for what you are,

and it isn't "businessman."

It's "omnipreneur."

It's like entrepreneur,

only global.

You go where the action is.


Yeah, I like it,
it's a good name for me.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

We're all friends here.

What is it you're looking for?

Here is my proposal.

ALISON (as ringtone):
Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom.

- (Alison ringtone continues)
- Ooh.

Ma'am, I think it's time
for that conference call

to the States.

- Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mommy.
- Oh... um...

- Mommy. Mom. Mom.
- I actually... this is very...

- Mother. Mom.
- Five minutes.

- Mommy. Mother. Mother.
- It's a conference, five minutes.

- Thank you.
- Busy Madam is... multitasking.

Mother. Mom...

I already had a fail-safe

reminder system in place.

Blake was all over it.

I just wanted to be
absolutely sure

you were here.

Okay, here we go.

JASON: Is that it?

HENRY: Ready?


- four, three, two,
- (Alison gasps)

- one.
- (phone and computer chime)

I got the e-mail.

"Dear Ms. McCord,

it is our pleasure
to inform you..."

- (gasps)
- Yes!


Oh, my God!

I'm so proud of you. Yes!

(kids talking over each other)
Well, clearly I wasted my time

researching those other schools.

Rafferty knows a fashion
star when they see one.

Oh, I'm so proud of you.

I am so sorry about that.

- Thank you.
- That's all right.

You were saying you had
a proposal for me.

Call it a gesture of good faith.

...a -foot mega-yacht.

Christened the
Frisky Business, it boasts...

It's the most bang for a buck.

Two helipads,
three swimming pools.

And a submarine that
doubles as an escape pod.

I know.

So in exchange for
helping us, you want...?

The Frisky Business.



Tac team raided the lab in
Oregon three hours ago.

Bad news?

The place was empty.

We spoke to the
medical supply company

that was contracted to
deliver the equipment.

They said no one was ever
there to take possession.

Everything was ordered online,

and the credit card
that was used? Stolen.

Tech is going
through it right now,

but this looks like a dead end.

So all of it was just a ruse
to throw us off the scent.

The question is, where are
they really headed, Henry?

If you want to track the VFF,
you've got to remember

what they ultimately want.

To bring about the end times.

I can use your perspective.

(laughs) Mo, I'm off the case.

And you're probably
breaking federal law

by just talking to me
about this.

Then I might as well get
something out of it.

I knew as leader
of the free world

I would make some
tough decisions,

but whether to give
a billion-dollar yacht

to an arms dealer,

that I did not see coming.

If it helps, I also got this.

A phone number.

According to Pirosmani,

that is the personal cell...

of our depot suspect,
Anton Jankovic.

So Pirosmani gets a yacht,

and eliminates his
biggest competitor.

Win-win for the bad guy.

I know, I know.

, Somalis and one
do-gooder American.


Pirosmani's ready to fly to
Somalia and begin the talks.

Anis Musse is released alive
and unhurt, or there's no deal.

Yes, sir.

JACKSON: Elizabeth, hang on.

Oh, no, Russell, you
heard the president.

Let it go.

Hey, I already have.

Faustian bargains always
take me an extra minute.

- (laughs)
- No, no, no, I'm all in.

I just want you to know,
I am gonna take care of this

Harvard Law business.

'Cause this will not stand.

Not while I have
breath in my body,

and the private phone numbers
of Harvard Law mega-donors

in my contacts.

Five years ago,
I got a dictator's kid

with a . GPA into that school,

so believe me, I will get
your far more capable daughter

- in as well.
- Stevie heard from Harvard Law?

(door opens, then closes)

Hey, you're home.
I was just gonna call you.

What was that for?

Making me hear it
from Russell Jackson.

Hear what?

Oh, don't even.

Don't-Don't give me this you
wanted to wait until I got home,

because I've been on a plane
for about hours straight,

rushing home so Senator
Asshat can go on some

fact-finding mission
tomorrow to Cabo San Lucas

with his golfing buddies, and...

- What?
- How could you not tell me?

HENRY: I don't get it.

Why wouldn't she just tell us?

Well... (sighs)

...maybe she thinks
we can't handle it.

Like we would judge

or be disappointed.

I don't know. I mean,

maybe we put too
much pressure on her.

- Do we do that?
- No, we don't do that.

Maybe we do do that,

but we don't realize we do that.

Oh, God, Henry...

we could be "those" parents.

Think that they're really great

and with it.

- (scoffs): "With it"?
- Really,

their kids hate them.

Look, before we throw out
a solid parenting style

that's worked pretty well
for more than two decades,

let's deal with
the problem at hand.

There's only one thing
we can do.


- Talk to her.
- Nothing.

The key to our solid
parenting style

is that we're always
on the same page.

Usually always.

Look, we...

we need to let
Stevie come to us,

and then we need to be as
supportive as possible.


- Pressure.
- No judgment.

No advice.

You've made a list
of positive things

to say about her second
choice, didn't you?

Georgetown Law School has
this great feminist program

and semesters abroad.

I'm gonna go shower.


JAY: It's done.

Dito Pirosmani worked
out a cease-fire agreement

with the rebel groups and the
food is on its way to Saakow.

- What about Anis?
- About to be released.

I guess Pirosmani
really wanted that boat.

- Is Brennan here?
- In the SVTC room.

He has a unit headed out to
the Somali Independence camp

to pick up Anis.

We've arrived at objective.

Madam Secretary,
they just pulled up.

Ready Tomcat One.

LEADER ONE (on screen):
We're approaching the target.

No rebels in sight.

Let's go.

(quiet chatter)

No sudden moves, fellas.


That's him. That's Anis.

We have confirmation
on target. Over.

Mr. Musse, approach slowly.

- (g*nsh*t)
- ELIZABETH (gasps): Oh, God.

SOLDIER: Contact, contact!

LEADER ONE: Return fire.
Return fire. Go, go, go!

- (g*nf*re)
- What the hell? Why are they sh**ting?

sn*pers must have
gotten spooked.


Leader One, I need a sitrep.
Come in, Leader One. Over.

- (g*nf*re on screen)
- Do we have eyes on Anis?

Leader One, can you
see the target? Over.

- Negative on the target.
- (g*nf*re)

- Run for cover.
- (g*nshots)

I know I said this
would be a non-combatant

evac operation, but
we can't leave him.

Leader One, take the house.

Roger that. Blue team, move in.

Where's Anis?

Grab the package and get out.

(heavy g*nf*re)

We've secured the package.

(whispering): Thank God.

He's wounded but okay.

Can you walk, sir?

Yeah, I think so.

SOLDIER: Clear. All clear!

Can your team administer
first aid?

Of course. Then they'll
chopper him

to Aga Khan hospital,
in Mombasa.

Good. And have your men
confiscate the rebel weapons.

I'll need a breakdown.

We're sure this is
the last of it?

That stack was
processed this morning.

This is everything pulled
from VFF's compound.

Okay. Okay...

What if they aren't planning
an attack in the U.S. at all?

I mean, that would
be good, right?

Not necessarily.

I was convinced the higher-ups

at FBI had tunnel vision
when it came to VFF,

but what if we do, too?

HENRY: In this sermon,

Slattery writes about
the journey to Heaven.

I assumed he was
referring to the Rapture,

when the righteous
are taken home.

But now I believe he
was referring to Israa,

the Miraculous Night Journey.

Is that a Bible story?

It's from the Qur'an.

Muhammad traveled from Makka
to Jerusalem in the same night,

and then ascended into Heaven.

Specifically, he went to
what is now the site

of the Al-Aqsa Mosque,

so that God could
show him His signs.

It's otherwise known
as the Temple Mount.

The holiest place in Judaism.

Today the Old City is
under Israeli control,

but not the mosque.

That's administered
by an Islamic group

made up of Jordanians and
Palestinians called the Waqf.

HENRY: Now, Slattery is
following signs of the end times

in the real world...
plague, droughts.

But a key element
of the prophecy

is that the Lord's Temple
will be rebuilt on the Mount.

Which is unlikely,
given that the Waqf is

in charge of the mosque.

But if the mosque
were destroyed...

We think their plan is to
drop a biological w*apon

on the Al-Aqsa Mosque
as a false flag.

To Arab countries,
it will seem like Israel

is trying to poison the land so
that they can destroy the mosque

and rebuild the temple.

Neighboring Muslim
countries will then attack.

The U.S. will step in
to defend its ally.

- Russia will go to Iran.
- World w*r III.

If we're right, they'll
make their move

during the annual celebration
of Muhammad's journey,

known as Lailat Al Miraj.

Which is when?

Three weeks.

HENRY: Slattery's people will
be trying to make their way

out of the U.S. and
into the Middle East.

Small window.

Let's get into it.

Dr. McCord,

we clearly could still
use your expertise.

I'd like to officially
reinstate you,

if you're game.

Okay, I'll get to work.

Mmm. Can I help?

Um, you can get the matches.

They're over there somewhere.

By the way, uh,
I have some news.


Oh, my God, you already know?

I don't know.

Mom, I don't know how
you made it years

in the CIA with that

- lousy poker face.
- Fine.

Russell told me.


I know you should
have heard it from me,

but, um...

I just...

I was gonna tell you after
Ali found out about Rafferty,

but, I mean, she was so happy,

and I really didn't want to
rain on her celebration, so...

Are you okay?

I mean, I'm not happy,
but I'm okay.

'Cause Russell's ready
to storm the castle

to get you off the wait list.

I already told him
that I'm going to

write a letter
to the admissions board,

you know, pleading my own case.

I feel like it's the least
that they can expect

from a future graduate.


I am so proud of you.

So we're doing candles
on this, uh

- "got into college" cake?
- Yeah.

We're all just kind of
winging it, babe.


- Let's do this.
- Let's do it.

ALL: ♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪

(singing alone): ♪ Whose
style will never be passé. ♪

(laughter, applause)

Thank you guys.

- Whoo!
- (applause)

Um, I have an announcement.

Rafferty changed their mind?

- No, I did.

I'm not going to Rafferty.

- What do you mean?
- What? Why?

I spent some time
on the message boards,

and I realized that
a lot of these kids

sounded super obnoxious

and superficial and braggy.

Sounds like you
found your people.

Go get plates.

And with that,
I was so determined

to get into Rafferty,

I kind of ignored all the stuff

that bothered me about it.

Like the fact that they don't

focus enough on the
business aspect of the industry.

So I've decided
to go to Bayard's

Omnipreneur program.

- Wow.
- Wow! - (Stevie gasps)

It combines my love for fashion

with concrete business skills.

That's awesome, Ali.

ELIZABETH: And it's in D.C.

Which is the down side.

Not for me!

Okay, hey, here's to
your new first choice.

Yes. Congrats.

Looking good, badass.

I'm feeling good,
Madam Secretary.

And I hear the food aid has
been distributed in Saakow.

Not only that,
the cease-fire is holding,

and an African Union

mediation team is on their way.

Well, fingers crossed
we get a heavy rainfall

when the Dayr comes,
or you and I could be

right back in the same boat.

One crisis at a time.
That's my motto.


Thanks for saving my ass.

ANIS: Ma'am.

I'll talk to you soon.

Ma'am, Daryl Brennan
sent this over for you.

Thanks, Blake.

During the rescue,
when the rebels were firing

on the Vesuvian team,

it took me back to
my CIA training.

I can still hear the difference.

On full auto, the Kalashnikov

cycles more slowly than the M .

The photos just
confirm my theory.

We thought the rebels
had AK- s,

but some of these are M s.

Where did they get U.S. weapons?

From the Texas depot.

The serial numbers
are filed off,

but they check out.

And we're sure Dito Pirosmani
sold the rebels their g*ns?

DALTON: Pirosmani stole
American weapons

and sold them
on the black market.

He ordered the
murders of Agent Garcia

and Barry Milken.

And we let him slip away.

Well, at least we didn't
compound our idiocy

by giving him
a billion-dollar boat.

I'd scuttle the Frisky Business
before letting that happen.

Any idea where he is?

CIA says he flew
out of Mogadishu

on a private jet

right after the
cease-fire was declared.

They're trying
to track him down,

but he's gone.

Thanks for coming in, Henry.

Sure. What's going on?

We tracked Slattery
and the others

to the Port of Baltimore.

Two days after the VFF raids,

they booked berths on
a freighter headed for Greece.

Disembarked five days ago.

MO: From there, it would
be easy for them to catch

a smaller ship
to Lebanon, Turkey.

Or they could be
traveling over land.

They could be anywhere by now.


welcome to Syria.