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03x02 - The Space Between

Posted: 09/14/21 07:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Greenleaf"...

If you ever need one of
your pet projects funded,

you let me know.

You either leave him with me,
or you stay,

buy you're not taking my son
across state lines.

I can't come back on the tour.

Kevin's back,

and he's not letting me
take Nathan with me.

I don't think that we should be spending

personal time together.

- I really appreciate you...

- Gigi.
- Hi. I...

Lady Mae's ill, I assume.

You know, she's got a cold.

JAMES: Lady Mae is dealing
with some family matters

in Little Rock. Let us all pray for her.

- Amen.
- Amen.

You're on lock down, phone too.

It's a letter from the IRS.

If we don't pay the IRS
$2 million in the next 90 days,

they're gonna come
after us for tax evasion.

Whether we beg Clara Jackson
on bended knee

for more of her power
ball money, I do know

that it'll all run smoother
if we're a united front.

You can come home, but
only till we figure out

this mess with the IRS.

And after that, I don't know.





Excuse me?

Where do you think you're going?

To sleep.

That bed in the guest room

is like sleeping on coconuts.

My back just couldn't take it anymore.

Then sleep on the couch.

Mae, not five hours ago,
we made an agreement.

A united front until we have
the cash to pay the IRS.

It is Clara Jackson that
we're trying to pull one

over on, not the children,

and certainly not ourselves.



- Oh, hey, Daddy.
- Hey.

How's that going, huh?

Well, your mother and
I were just discussing

the substandard bed in the guest room.

But don't worry, in a week or
so, we'll be back to normal.

Daddy, even you don't believe that.

I'm walking by faith, Gigi, not by sight.

But right now, I'm going
to bed because I'm tired.



♪ Amen ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Uh-huh, hmm ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Well ♪

♪ Oh-ohh, ohh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Amen, amen ♪
♪ oh ♪

♪ Yeah ♪




Ms. Cross, good morning.
This is Grace Greenleaf.

I hope it's not too early to call?

Oh, hi, Grace. No, it's not too early.

I just got out of yoga. What's up?

Yoga, I'm impressed.

I got into it after my
first bout with cancer,

and now I'm addicted.
So, how could I help?

Well, you know, apropos
of our last conversation,

I actually do have a project
in need of an angel.

Well, I'm in, how's
10:30 your office sound?

I'm looking forward to it.

Okay, I'll see you then.

Why were you using that
fake, cheerful voice

that you use with dad?

Mama's trying to make a new friend.


You think you're gonna make
the new member meeting today?

Oh, that thing? Yeah, of course.

Don't forget we meet

with the streaming consultants Friday.

I know.

Hey, you got to be ready

because we're gonna have
people watching us

on phones, laptops,

and watches.



May I make a phone call?

- To who, Isaiah?
- Jacob.

Sophia. I wanted her to come over.

I think I owe her an apology.

Oh, well, I think that should be okay.

Alright, here you go.

Use my phone.

Thank you.

Where you going?

You can make that phone call right there.

It's okay.



It's only been a few days
since that little girl

ran away. We said no phone.

Let her have the phone.

We're going to know who she calls anyway.

I know, but she's got to know
we're serious about this.

Oh, believe me, she knows.

I think it apropos

that I take the 11 respect
section this semester.

Good, I'll take the crazy cycle.


- Morning.
- Morning.

30 couples have signed up.

Well, hope Springs eternal.

Hoping in what, Daddy?

- Marriage.
- The vow. It starts today.

You guys are doing it? That's great.

Yeah, well, we couldn't
give their money back.

Good for you.

Good for us how, if I may ask?

I just think it's great
that you all still have

good news to share about marriage.


You know, interestingly,
there were arguments

in the early church about
the efficacy of baptisms

performed by sinful priests.

Folk decided it didn't
matter if the priest

was a sinner, the sacrament worked.

You see what you started?

Grace, why can't you just
pay more attention

to your own inconsistencies

and leave it to your father
and me to fix his?

- Excuse me?
- What inconsistencies, mama?

You sexual commerce with Darius.

The way you scamper back
and forth across Memphis

like a rabbit at all hours of the night,

tiptoeing in here when...

when good people

are screaming and slamming doors?

But is it behavior
befitting a church leader

- is all I meant.
- Have a great day, mama.

Of all the nerve of
this girl, her audacity.

She just puts her nose in everything.

I can't imagine where
she got that. Showtime.

Here we go. Good morning.

Good morning, first lady.

- Hey.
- Hey, how you doing, Bishop?

Woke up and first thing
I said was thank you, Lord.

- Yes, sir.
- Of course.

He's taking me on my way.

- Connie.
- First lady.

- I don't know whether to say

welcome back or glad
you're feeling better.

You weren't in church on Sunday,

and I got different reports.

Grace said you were sick
and Bishop out of town.


Yes, I was sick and out of town.

However as you can see, prayer works.

- Amen.
- Hallelujah.

If you'll excuse us, we
have an important phone call

to make. Come on, Mae.


- Corinne, good morning.
- Good morning.

- How you doing?
- I'm good.


How are you feeling, first lady?

Oh, I am feeling fine.
God is a healer now.

Yes, he is.

Dear, I would like for you

to get your Nana Clara on the phone.

Bishop and I would like
to invite her to dinner.

Uh, right away.

- Oh, good, come on, dear.
- Right away.

Oh, thank you, Bishop.


What do you think?

I love the idea of a legal defense fund

for the victims of domestic abuse.

It's sad we have to have
it, but it's wonderful

we have a warrior goddess like you

to fight the good fight.

[CHUCKLING] Well, you
know, after what happened

with my uncle, I'm sure you heard.

I did, and I'm glad he's dead.

I had my own struggles with that.

With what?

You know, it was everywhere.

Well, you know, if the
D.A. had pressed charges,

I would have been able to
afford the best lawyer.

I just feel like every woman out there

should be able to have
the same advantage.

Well, let's give it to 'em.

You think we can raise $25,000?

I say we go for $50,000.

That would be amazing.

Well, my middle name is amazing.


You know, actually, I
have a lot of clients

that I think would
love to help with this.

Some out of sympathy, some out of guilt,

and others just need a write-off.


Well, Ms. Cross, I am so glad I called.

Well, me too. You just
got to call me Rochelle.

Alright, Rochelle.

You know, I love working
with other women.

It doesn't happen as
frequent as I like, but...

why do you think that is?

Some view other women as a threat.

But you and me, Pastor,
let's be the exception.

You're gonna have to start
calling me Grace, huh?

Well, I'll do that.

Okay, you have a good afternoon.

- You too.
- Mm-hmm.


Good to see you this morning. [CHUCKLING]

Hi, stranger. [LAUGHING]

- How are you?
- I'm good.

I know I'm supposed to
be keeping my distance,

but I was already in the building,

and I felt Blue passing

without at least a brief hello.

Well, what brings you here this morning?

Well, I just came out
of a meeting with Grace.

We're working together on a
legal fund she just started.

That's marvelous.

My pleasure.

So how are you?

I'm... I'm getting by.

Well, I was thinking maybe
you should look into renting

a long-term suite, I mean,
those nightly rates

at the biltmore will sneak up on you.

Mm. Yeah, actually,

I'm... I'm back at home.

You are?



It's... it's good to hear that.

Well, you keep up the good work here.



Ms. Cross, what a surprise.

How's our Zora doing?

In what sense?

Oh, maybe I said too much.

Oh, you haven't said quite enough.

Oh, I just... Well, now I feel silly.

I was wondering if she's
at peace with being home?

Running away so often
can feel like a solution,

but it rarely ever is, don't you think?

Well, I haven't tried it myself,

so I can't really speak to the subject.

I always stand and fight.

Well, there you go. [CHUCKLING]

Look at me working my way
up to feeling important

and God gives me a lesson.

Watch out, Rochelle.

You don't know who you're dealing with.

I have a feeling none of us do.


Please tell Zora I'm lifting her up.

All you Greenleafs,
you're all on my list.


I know I'm irreplaceable,
but I hope you were able

to find someone to cover for me tonight.

Yeah, the venue set me
up with someone local.

She just finished rehearsal.

Well, how was she? Not too good, I hope?

She'll do for the night,

but she's no Charity Greenleaf.

Listen, I need you here Wednesday.

I'm serious, Charity.

You will see me Wednesday morning.

Music to my ears.

Alright, talk to you later.


Pastor Greenleaf, you got a minute?

Hey, Tasha, come on in, what's the word?

Well, I was going through

the new members information cards

and some of these names.

I had to call this one up.

I spelled it out phonetically.


Okay, Cibongelay Idayola Jones.

Exactly, that's it.

And then there's this one, Candy Mosely.

Oh, well, that one's not that hard.

Until you see she spells it with a "Q."

Ah, yeah, thanks for the heads up.

Kerissa's gonna get a kick
out of this one.

Hopefully she can find someone to teach

home girl how to spell.


Well, you know what?

I don't think we can blame
Quandy for this.


That's on her mama.

You're right about that one.

MAN: Thank you for fitting us in.

Oh, yeah, sorry it took so long.

My schedule has been absolutely packed.

With being first lady or doing your job?

We know you're busy with both.

Well, let's talk about Jeremy's essay.

A B is a very good grade.

[CHUCKLING] Maybe for community college.

Jeremy's applying to Yale.

So what are we gonna do to fix this?

Well, I can refer him a tutor.

Maybe I need to be clearer.

What are you gonna do to fix this?

I just told you.

Jeremy isn't some scholarship kid.

Yeah, and we have been very generous.

Oh, on behalf of all of
those scholarship kids,

we are so very appreciative
of that heartfelt generosity,

but I have to trust
Jeremy's teacher on this.

See, she hasn't even read it.

You read this and tell me it's not an A.




[LAUGHING] So, welcome, everyone,

welcome to the triumph family.

So excited to have you here.

TASHA: Yes, we are, and I
guess that concludes it

and we'll see y'all on Sunday.


I am so sorry I'm late.

These ridiculous parents
wouldn't let me go,

and they're big donors and...

hey, hey.

Don't worry, alright? We handled it.

You, and you know what?
You don't worry about a ride.

We're gonna get you one.
You just make sure

you tell all your friends about triumph.

Oh, absolutely, everybody
is just so wonderful here.

Aw, hi, how are you?

I'm great, are you new to triumph, too?

Oh, no, I'm the first lady.

Oh, I thought you were the first lady.

Well, no, first lady,
this is Miss Ethel Gibson.

She lives on the West Side of Memphis,

and she heard about the
preachers preaching,

and she wanted to come down
here and check it out.

Aw, well, welcome to triumph.

Thank you so much.

I'm just so looking forward
to getting to know you two.


Well, that was awkward.

Baby, it's just an old lady
making an honest mistake.

Yeah, she thought Tasha was
the first lady.


Look, you think you have time later

to look at a budget for
the streaming setup?

I don't, I have to pick
Zora up from counseling.

Maybe tonight we can look at it.

- Alright, I'll print 'em out.
- Okay.

- You do your thing.
- Okay.

I have made sacrifices, Kevin,

both during our relationship and after.

Is that a lie?

No, it's not a lie, Charity.

Doing this tour is a dream for me.

I'm going back Wednesday morning.

Okay, and I want you to go,

but you're gonna leave Nathan with me.

Why are you doing this to me?

Charity, it's not about you.

Between rehearsals and performances

and whatever else you and Jabari
are getting busy with

in between time,

Nathan's gonna be left with
complete strangers, isn't he?

Kevin, you have a job, too.

It's not like childcare is a bad thing.

It's a part of life.

Look, all I'm saying is, it
is difficult for an adult

on the road let alone a small child.

Why drag him around like that?

Does that sound like
good parenting to you?

Charity, I'm his father.

Leave him with me.

He'll be okay.

Pastor, here is the payroll report.

Thank you.

Wow, Tasha, I don't know
what we'd do without you.

- Oh, stop it.
- Seriously.

No, do you know how many
pastors in your position...

hey, forget pastors, first
lady's would've kicked me

to the curb when they took over?

Are you contemplating a life change?

Oh, no, just shopping for Kerissa.

Yeah, she's been so busy lately,

I just wanted to do
something nice for her.

Aw, sweet, well, what about some jewelry

because you know,
clothes, we always end up

taking that stuff back anyway.

Can you find good jewelry online?

On... oh, Lord have mercy,
you cannot find jewelry

on the Internet.

You need to look at it, lay it out,

touch all the surfaces of the stones.

I can take you to my shop.

Really? It's kind of late.

- You sure you have time?
- Time to look at jewelry?

Do you know who you're
talking to right now?


Plus, I could really go
for a glass of champagne.


Yeah, that's how
my jeweler gets down, okay?

Okay. I got to see this place.

MAE: Clara, is everything alright?

Oh, the food is lovely.

If cornbread could sing,
you would have heard

the hallelujah chorus
coming out in the oven.


Thank you.

But the minute I walked into this house,

it didn't feel right.

Something seemed off kilter.

Well, I don't know how that could be.

Anything ever gets
off kilter around here,

my beautiful wife is quick
to put in its place.

She's ruthless that way.

I figured it out.

It's the paintings.

You've changed the paintings.

Oh, oh, Lord.

The Mclean Castillos.


Yes, yes, yes.

Just felt like it was time to move on.


Horace would get so upset with me

when I moved things around.

He would just fuss and fuss.


You know, he does, too.

Been missing him hard lately.

Well, we miss the two
of you together, too.

- Oh, yes.
- Still so much in love

just like me and Mae,
after all those years.

How long has it been for you two?

- 44 years.
- Soon to be 45.


Y'all going on a trip?

Oh, I hope I didn't ruin a surprise.

Oh, no, no, no.

You haven't ruined anything.


Clara, are you alright?

Oh, just thinking of Horace.

You two are so blessed.

And we never forget it, do we, dear?


They're all really nice.

What about this one?

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm?

What's mm-hmm gonna get?

- Mm-hmm.
- You don't like it?

It's nice, but that
necklace is more like,

"I like you a lot," whereas this one...

Now, this says, "you are my world."

Ah, this is from a new young designer.

Oh, oh, come on now.

This is beautiful.

It would look even more
beautiful against your skin.

- May I?
- May you?

If you... hurry up and get that on me.

Oh, my goodness.



When you're right, you're right.

Oh, I got to look at this.

Oh, my God.

This is the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen.

It's so gorgeous, I can't
even breathe right now.


I'm sure Basie bought you nice things.

I mean, sure, he got me
things, but then it would

be, like, a day or two later
and he'd say, "baby, honey,

I got into this gambling
situation" and, you know.

I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Well, you'd never do that to Kerissa.

Oh, wow.


I'll take it.


Oh, well, just hold on a hot minute.

I need to lock this
in my memory bank now.

Oh, I'll ring it up.

CHARITY: Oh, and you'll love this.

He's an expert in parenting now.

Telling me that

I shouldn't take Nathan
on the road with me.

Well, it is just six weeks.

Exactly, I wouldn't be
taking him if it was

for six months, would I?

No, so go ahead, Kevin, take me to court.

Well, he just might.

I don't care.


It's like I'd be rewarding
him for being a jerk.

Look, I know you're angry,
but you did say

that Kevin was a good father.

Hey, sweetie. What's up, peanut?

What you doing here?

Tagged along with Sophia,

trying to get some "K" time.

Sister wisdom.

- Where you been?
- Out running an errand.

What errand?

I'll tell you later.

Where's Zora?

She's in her room with Sophia.

- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

You been drinking?

Sure asking a lot of questions.

Don't give up on a dream out of spite.


That is so thirsty.

- For real.
- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Thanks for coming over.

Thanks for the invite.
I thought you were mad at me.

I was, but I'm over it.

Phew, good.

Can you do me a favor, though?

Sure, what do you need?

Like, one of those pre-paid phones

from Wal-Mart or something.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

Sophia, I'm going crazy in this room.

I can't use my phone,

I can't watch TV, use the Internet.

I had to use the warden's
phone just to call you.

Please, if I cannot communicate
with the outside world,

I'm going to lose my entire mind, please?

You gonna call Isaiah?

- Sophia, come on.
- So you are.

Then [SIGHS] I can't do it.

Can't or won't?

He hits you, Zora.

He hits you and he treats you like crap.

I won't. I'm sorry.


CLARA: Phew, look at the time.

Oh, no, no, no, I've got
to get this old body home.

Clara, there is a piece of business

that we wanted to put on your heart.

Church business?

You know, Satan's always busy.

That old devil sent us a tax bill,

saying we owe $2 million.

- Another tax problem?
- The same one.

Max said he would
handle it, but he didn't.

Well, you can't cuss him out,
can you? He's dead now.

They're saying we have to pay what we owe

plus interest and penalties.

And James and I were
hoping that you'd be able

to help us out here.

Is that why you asked me here?

It's part of it, yes.

Well, $2 million's a lot,

even for someone with all my money.

And we would never ask you
if it didn't mean everything.

Please know that.

You two don't have it?

The past few years have been hard.

For a variety of reasons,

we're not liquid right now.

Oh, I... We could probably
pay, I don't know,

a couple of hundred
thousand, but that's it.

Look, if the answer is no,

please know that our feelings for you

won't change one bit.

- No.
- But we need your help.

The church needs your help.

You know, I'm gonna call Rochelle later.

You sure that's a good idea?

To have her so involved in the church?

She's already involved. Could you?


Not a day goes by
that she's not at the church.

At least this way, I
keep her in my sights

and out of my father's office.

Well, he's moved back in the house.

Yeah, I don't know what that's about.

She's got him in the guest room.

You can cut the tension with a knife.

I swear this is so far from over.

Does it ever occur to you

that maybe your father's the one?

The one what?

The one that's leading this woman on?

No, he wouldn't do that.

Okay, it's just a thought,
just a thought.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go home.

- Home?
- Yeah.

My mother gave me an earful

about my sexual commerce this morning.

So going home will prove what?

Well, it'll get her off my back, for one.

So you want her to think
we're not having sex?

'Cause we just had sex.

- I know.
- So stay.

Don't be a hypocrite.

Don't be just like her,
don't be like all of them.

Why do that?

Thank you.

For what?

For making leaving easier.



What's going on?

Sophia convinced us to
let you have this back.

She said we could trust you.

She's a woman of great insight.

You're welcome.

Thank you.



We got it.

She's gonna talk to her money manager.

Nice work, first lady.

What are we gonna do for our 45th?

You know, a trip would be nice.

Oh, it's got to be something modest,

but I guess togetherness
is the point, huh?

What... what is it?

What did you tell her?

You heard every word.

Not Clara, Rochelle.

What do you mean telling her
about our family business?

What did I tell Rochelle?

How does she know about Zora?



I guess I must have said something.


Well, let me answer that.

When the two of you were together at

the biltmore hotel.

Is that who you were with when you left?

You went with her? To go crying to her?!

Do you not see that you are willing this

non-existent affair into being?

- I am not.
- Yes, you are.

I mean, you're creating it.

Only God creates from nothing.

I'm just trying to clean up your mess.


Well, what about your mess?

Oh, you make such a show
of all your strength, Mae.

But I swear, I've never
seen a woman so fragile

that she cannot even
consider her own sinfulness.




Are you going to tell me?

- Tell you what?
- Where you were.

Oh, there you go with the questions.

I was worried.

Were you?


I'm sorry.

But look.

I know how hard you work

for our family, for your
students, for our church.

No one works harder than you.

So I just wanted to say that

you are the first lady...

...and you're my first lady in every way.

Is this where you were?

Yes, it is.


And it has champagne.


Oh, it's beautiful, Jacob!

Yeah? You like it?

Good, I'm so glad you like it.

Yeah, try it on.

- It's different!
- Yeah, very.



There you go.

Perfect. [LAUGHS]

It's beautiful.

Beauty on beauty.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Thank you.


Meet me in the bedroom.





Can I get you anything, Daddy?

A refill? Something?

No, no. I've had too much already.

Mom was pretty upset.

Oh, don't you come after me.

Not tonight, not you, not about this.

She's up there crying, Daddy.

Gigi, it's none of your business.

It's my business when
I see Rochelle Cross

parading in and out of your office

like she owns the church.

Mama is not wrong for wondering.

There's nothing between me and Ms. Cross!

Then let her go.

You see?

You won't do it.

You are intent on
flaunting this friendship.

Just rubbing it in her face. Why?

If this woman's presence is so troubling,

why are you working with her

in whatever it is you're doing?

'Cause if she's gonna be up
in this church like this,

we might as well get
something useful out of her.

And after what you did with aunt Mavis.

- Gigi!
- Mama deserves a respect from you

above and beyond what
you think is called for.

Saint Mae.

Your mama had an affair with Lionel.


[SIGHS] Excuse me.


Yes, sir.




What, Grace?

Did you have an affair with Lionel?

I don't believe that man.

Is that true?

I'm gonna assume it is.

You don't have a right
to ask me questions.

You have no right to say a word about me

or my life.

Everything you let
happen under this roof,

in this church.

Stop blaming everyone
else, especially me.

- Get out.
- I am done feeling bad.

- Get out.
- I'm done feeling wrong.

- Get out!
- I'm done feeling dirty!

- Get out!
- I am done! Done!


So I'm glad you like the crib.

Yeah, but you shouldn't put it

right by the window like that.

Yep. Blackout shades coming tomorrow.

Okay, well. You're on it.

Yeah. Yeah.

But I have to stay off the Internet.

I bought a stuffed animal
with a Bluetooth.


And make sure to send me that playlist.

So his mama can sing him to sleep.

I told you, Charity. I'm ready.


Seems like you are.

Well. Alright then.

Hey, Charity.

Does he live here?


Yeah, I'm just visiting for a few days.


I am so, so sorry.

What do you mean you're not coming back?

Charity, this is your dream.

I know, but I can't leave Nathan.

You're making a huge mistake.

Look, it's just a job.

We still have us.


And all of these people are willing

to sit down with me about the fund?

Oh, I could have gotten more,

but I wanted to get things going!

Praise God, thank you.

Girl, I got you. Listen.

You let me know if there's anything else

I can do for you.

Well, Ms. Cross.

I told you to call me Rochelle.

- You did say that.

Just one question, Rochelle.

Fire away.

Is there anything... I...


Is something going on
between you and my father?


You're in his office quite often.

After what we talked
about just yesterday,

women seeing other women as a threat

and you ask me that?

I went out on a limb for you and asked

half my client list to help you
get what you need.

Grace, I can't believe you.

Listen, I'm sorry.

Don't be. It's par for the course.

It's my fault for
thinking a woman like you,

a woman from my generation,
could think different.

My bad.



Woman, we can't let anything stop us

from reaching our goal.
We got work to do.

This is the work of the Lord.

Yes. Yes, it is.

You're stuck with me now.

Well, yes.

I see we're free on the second Tuesday

and the fourth...

get off the phone...


Can you hold on for a moment?

- What is it?
- What is it?

Yes. What is it? I'm busy.

You had an affair with my sister.

And even you don't deny that it happened

at least once after
we were married, James.

And I have a feeling that it happened

far more often than that.

You have given me no real clarity about

this relationship with this Ms. Cross.

And I have every reason
to believe that you were

at the biltmore hotel

when your granddaughter was
lost to the world.

And now...

You've shared the only
secret that I have.

A sin I committed only because you had

broken my heart so completely.

So what kind of fool would I be to stay

married to you now?

The minute we get this check from Clara,

and this IRS thing is all cleared up,

I am divorcing your black ass.



And, James...

Don't keep your caller
on hold. It's rude.





