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02x04 - What?!

Posted: 09/13/21 13:23
by bunniefuu
I built Barry's mind. You don't think I can tear it apart?

Just gimme five minutes with him!

I'll have him shittin' in my hand.


Mm-hmm. Wha...?

What is this? That is the key to my cabin.

I wanna keep it in the family.

I don't want the cabin where your girlfriend was m*rder*d.

That's sick.

I can't work for you anymore. You gotta find someone else.

Well, do you know any other assassins?

What if I trained your guys?

My guys suck balls, you know it!

If I suck balls, you are king of suck balls mountain!

Oh, shut the f*ck up.

I decided I'm gonna write a scene about Sam.

He beat you up, so we decided that you needed to get out of there.

Hey, Sally.

Hey, Sam.

Sorry, what?

I said, did you grow up out here, Bobby?

My name is...

Oh, sorry. Barry.

I grew up in Cleveland.

You guys must have a lot in common.

So, Sally, we saw you on that space show.

Oh... Yeah.

Um, I've been booking a lot of work actually.

I've been getting lots of parts. That was one of my smaller ones.

But, um, I've got these new agents, and they're really great. She's doing great.

That's great. I'm really proud of you.

Hey, I got this.

My treat. Oh. Thank you.

So, uh, Mark Campbell, he's been coaching my boy's soccer team.

Wow, small world. Yeah.

Heck, how old's your son? Five.

Wow. Crazy. Yeah.

The other day he mentioned that you were speaking to Kate about a play?

Yeah, I'm playing you in it. Yeah, no, that's not...

Sort of, it's...

Yeah, I didn't think Kate would tell Mark about that.

It's not really a play. No, it is a play.

I mean, it's a scene in a play that she wrote, and it's great.

Is that why you came out here?


Like I said, I was headed to San Diego on business.

Oh, San Diego, okay. Yeah.

But since I'm here, is it like something I can see?

No. No, not gonna happen.

Well, because it's not really like a "show" show.

It's not really like a play. It's more like a scene, and it's kind of more like an exercise. It's not an exercise.

Well, it is. At this point, it's an exercise... It's a show we're do...

We're in this class together... But it's gonna be a show that

...we perform in front of people. and, um, we're doing this exercise. It's a show...

Not really about you. It's more about me and my life, and so, it's not really the kind of thing that...

I think you'd be bored. It's gonna be great.

All right.

Well, anyway, I, uh, take off on Sunday.

I'm staying at the Valley Inn and Suites, Studio City.

All these cities, right? Why can't it just be Los Angeles?

It's good to see you, Sally. Yeah.

Hey, nice to meet you, bud.


Way to go, Khazam!

Great form, yeah.

Activate your core, though, okay?

Great stuff.

So... life at stash house has been super tense, man.

As you know, my favorite flavor...

...of all ice creams is Rocky Road.

And yesterday, I go to soft-serve machine...

...and Cristobal has had my favorite replaced with cookie dough.

Which is the favorite flavor of guess who.

You know how people start to look like their dogs?

Well, Esther is sporting very Cristobal-esque hair.

What the f*ck is this? And I... Barry?


You think this is some f*cking game?

Think it's some f*cking game, huh?

You lose your focus, you give the other guy a chance to fire, you're dead!


It's the only word I want in your f*cking head.


We f*cking speak English! We know what he f*cking say!

Go! You f*cking...

Your story is that your father was abducted and replaced by aliens?

That's what happened.

I'm having a little trouble with that.

You're having a little trouble with that?

Well, you think... I've had that trouble my entire life, dealing with that, all right? Really?

No, I'm gonna act the vomit. I'm gonna act it.

Um, probably won't see it because I'll put my head in a toilet.

So you'll just hear like a... know, sounds. I can make it, I can make it.

I've done it before. I think it's more powerful if you see it as well.

I think it's more powerful if you vomit, actually. Yes.

You just put your hands on me for the last time, Sam.

I'm done with that.

And that's how it's gonna be from now on.

You hear me?

You wanna choke me?

Well, choke on this: We're done.

You got it?

I... Oh, that's your line.

It's, "Oh, baby, please..." I know, I know, I know, um...

Hey, listen, I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, um... Uh-huh?

When we went and had dinner with Sam, you asked how his... his son was, and you thanked him for paying the bill.

Yeah, so what? I... I don't know, I was just being polite.

No, I get it. I-I'm just asking...

Okay, in this you say, "I don't ever want to see you again," right? Mm-hmm.

But then he asked us out to dinner, and you seemed pretty down for it.

And I was just... I was surprised.

Oh, I don't wanna upset you.

Listen, I'm just...

Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm just trying to...

I'm just trying to understand where this is coming from.

Whoa, hey. Sally?

I can make like a prosthetic head. Yes!

That's... In my mind's eye, that is literally what I saw.

Oh, we'll run a tube through it, I'll have the vomit come out there.

Oh, my God, Nat! Real vomit.

Hey. Hey, what's wrong?

I never stood up to him.

I mean, he f*cking... he beat the shit out of me, I mean.

He nearly f*cking choked me to death, but I didn't...

I mean, I never... I... I mean...

I mean, I think I curled into bed with him afterwards.

And I think, I think that I held him.

I mean, I might have even said, "I love you," for f*ck's sake.

I mean, I didn't tell him to f*cking choke on f*cking anything.

And then, I mean, eventually, yeah, I left, but I... but, I mean, he was asleep.

Hey, but you, left.

Sally, you left, that's what's important.

Oh, God, I mean, in the beginning, it was kind of okay, like for a year, maybe.

But I was f*cking 19. I mean, what the f*ck did I know?

I mean, but then it was just, you know, it was like years of just like beatings and apologies and... and this like vicious kind of cycle that just kept repeating itself, but I just...

I mean, I stayed.


You know, I wrote it like this because if I don't do it this way, then how do I explain to people that I just like... like ran away?

You don't have to.

What, you mean like lie?

It's not lying. You said it yourself, you said you're a strong person.

Yeah, but...

I mean, this? This didn't happen.

Well, yeah, but... you know, Star Wars didn't happen and that's a rad movie.

You know, just because you're in this class... doesn't mean that you can't have secrets.

You know, you should...

You should be able to be the person that you say you are.

Like I'm Barry Block.

I'm an actor.

You're Sally Reed, and you stood up to Sam.

I didn't. Yes, you did. It's okay.


You don't think all this spy game stuff is overkill?

No. You f*cked up.

Now we're out of options. Oh. Mm-hmm.

At least this way, I control the situation.

Yeah. Just get him here, get him talking, and I'll do the rest. You remember he's a pro, right?

I trained him.

You think he's gonna, you know, let himself walk into some kind of situation where he's gonna blurt everything out?

Answer it. Okay.

Hey, Barry.

Hey, look, I tried that Braveheart speech, but, um, apparently that's like a super popular movie, um...

Do you know of any lesser-known movies that maybe I could do a speech from?

Uh, no, jeez, Barry. No, not off the top of my head, no.

Yeah, they just have to have a good speech in them.

Eric recommended Samuel L. Jackson's speech from Deep Blue Sea, but he gets eaten by a shark midway through it, so I don't really wanna do that one.

And then there's Independence Day... What?

Get him here. That's what that says?

Get... him... here.

I don't wanna steal their thunder on that.

Yeah. No, no. No, I hear what you're saying.

I don't know, man. I'm just... just a little lost here.

You know what, pal? Why don't, why don't you come over here and we'll, you know, we'll talk about it together?

Yeah? Really? Oh, that'd be great.

That'd be great. Where are you?

Uh, the address? Uh, yeah, let me find the address.

It's, uh... I'm at the Hollywood Palm View Motel.

It's near Universal, and the address, the address is...

The address is 10729 Vineland Avenue.

Vineland. All right, cool.

All right, I'll see you then. And, hey, Fuches.

Yeah? Uh, thank you.

Thank you. I-I...

I really appreciate this.

Sure, buddy, no problem.


Dad, hey.

And to what do I owe this pleasure?

Uh, we had a bunch of extra strawberries, and I remembered you liked them, so, um...

We were gonna have to throw those out anyway, so I...

Well, that makes me feel wonderful, 'cause no matter what you feel, I know that I rate above the garbage.

Look, my therapist and my wife both think this is a bad idea, but, uh, do you maybe want to get a meal sometime?

A meal?

Leo and me having a meal?

Okay, I'm gonna AirDrop you my info.

Push that, push that, and then push send.

It's on its way. Great.

Hey, listen, you wanna come in for some tea?

You want some whiskey? I-I'm fine.

I know it's early, but you're still your mother's son.

I'll call you. Okay, Dad? Yeah. Okay.

Hey, Leo.

What made you change your mind?

You made an effort.

Ah. Talk soon.

Oh, I look forward to it.

Uh, Dad, you... you Airdropped me a picture of you shirtless, in front of a mirror.

That's because I was being fitted for a shirt, and they wanted to see my, um...

You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna give you my cell phone number right now. You ready?

You're a coward, Sam.

You're a small, little man, and it is a big, big world out there.


...of my life.

So I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life.

So I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life.

So I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life.

That's it.

Life, emphasize life.

I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life watching it all pass me by.

You wanna choke me, Sam? Hmm? Huh?


Hey! Hey, man.

Hey, Sally said she didn't want you seeing that.

No, you said you didn't want me to see it.

It's my story, I have the right. Get out of here, man.

You know how she is. She's a chick.

She's f*cking dramatic. All right, let's leave.

I have a family.

This could completely f*ck up my life.

She's lucky I don't get my lawyer involved.

That's your problem, not mine. Go.


You know, you're a f*cking prick, man.

All right.

And don't forget, I f*cked her first.

I got it when that shit was tight.

You just hit me for the last time, Sam. You...

You take a look at these bruises because...

You just hit me for the last time, Sam.

You take a good look at these bruises, because I am walking out that door, and I...

No, you take a good look at my face.

You take a look at my face for one last time, Sam, 'cause I am...

'Cause I...

Hello? Hey, it's Sam.

Look, I know you don't want to see me, but I have something that I...

Could you swing by my hotel?


No, I don't think that's gonna happen, Sam.

Well, I wouldn't ask except I'm moving my flight up, and I'm leaving tonight.

And I got something, and I want to give it to you before I leave.

Pick up the torch, dude.

I can't! Oh, my God.

Why can't I pick it up? Because you're terrible.

Ooh, f*ck.

This game sucks! You suck, dude.

Oh, my God, what's happening? Yeah, come on, bring it!

I don't know, I...

I don't think this is such a good idea.

Look, if it's such a big deal, just meet me in the coffee shop, in the lobby.

Hi, uh, the café is closed, so...

Yeah, I saw that.

Just come up to my room.

Sally, my flight's at 10. I gotta pack.

It'll take two seconds.

Okay. Fine.

Hey. Hi.

Um, what'd you need to give me? 'Cause I gotta go soon.

Yeah, I know. I, uh, I meant to give it to you earlier, but...

Oh, my God.

Sophomore year.

I came to all six performances. You were great.

You can keep it.

Okay. Well, thanks.

Listen, I want to apologize for coming to LA.

It was crazy.

I have a family. I didn't want this to upend my life.

Yeah, no one is trying to...

I'm not trying to upend your life.

That's wasn't... I know that. I-I...

I wasn't trusting you, which is crazy.

I wasn't thinking, and I... I freaked out.

Also, things back home have been hard.

I haven't been in the best headspace.

Well, what's going on at home?

My dad is sick.

Oh, no. Jack's sick?

Look, I hope that he gets better soon, and, you know, I mean, keep me posted on how he's doing, and thanks for the...

I will. Thank you, Sally.

It's great to see you. Yeah.

And, you know, I...

I totally understand why you were concerned about my show and me using your name and stuff, and I just, I promise to be respectful of that.

Okay? Thanks.

Take care.

So you won't do the play, then?

No, I'm... I'm doing the play, Sam.

What part of "I have a family" do you not understand?

Yeah, it's my story, too. Not the made-up part!

What? Yeah, I saw you rehearsing.

That scene is bullshit, Sally.

It never happened, and you know it.

Look, I'll change your name, okay?

You're being dramatic!

You're just doing this to get attention!

So how about no, huh?

How about you just grow up and don't do it?

Yeah, run away, just like before!

Tell everyone how you kicked my ass or something!

Everyone's the hero of their own story, right?

Lying bitch!

What the f*ck? Where is he?

I don't know. I'm not his mother.

Maybe he's not coming. You said you built his mind!

Aah! f*ck!

Yeah, well... maybe you spooked him!

You ever think of that? Huh?

Nice job, dipshit!

Barry? Hey. Hey, Fuches.

Hey, listen, man. I need to talk to you.

Just listen, okay?

Do not come here, you got it? And do not call me again.

I cannot talk to you, do you understand?

No, but Fuches, I...

Look, I almost did something really stupid, man, and I...

I am blocking your number. Do not contact me anymore.



Hey, it's Barry Berkman.

Look, today a guy... said something to me, and it, uh, made me mad.

What'd you do? You thump him up, huh?

Did you throw him a little high heat?

A little chin music?

Hey, Barry, we're both alphas.

I understand.

No, no that's not what I did. Look, when I, uh...

When I get angry, I don't like who I become.

Can I... Can I be totally honest with you?

Barry, this is becoming a little frustrating.

You finally open up to me, you tell me this great story about sh**ting a sheep-fucker, then all of a sudden, you don't wanna do it.

So you start talking about our friend, Albert.

Then you leave that, and all of a sudden, it devolves into some kind of Braveheart bullshit.

For the love of God, Barry, would you pick one horse and ride it?

Now what happened with Albert?

Listen to me, son. There are no accidents.

You started writing this story for a reason.

The very same reason you came here tonight.

You want to tell this story.

You need to tell this story.

You'll look at me differently.

I promise you, I will not look at you differently.

What happened?

Oh, my God. Albert, Albert! You're going into shock, man.

Can't see 'em! Can't see 'em!

Berkman! What are you doing?

f*cking, you f*ck!

You f*ck!

That's right, you f*ck! Barry, no!

Barry, what the f*ck are you doing?

What? He f*cking shot Albert!

Barry, stop! It's not the guy!

What the f*ck is wrong with you? Are you f*cking insane?

They were across the street on the roof, you f*cking psycho!

Then they sent me to a hospital in Germany.

And, uh... a family friend pulled some strings and got me discharged.

After that, I, um...

I didn't feel like I deserved a good life.

Holy shit.



Who else did you tell this story to?

In class? No one. Good.

So here's my advice:

You never tell that story again as long as you live, 'cause basically, you k*lled somebody, and you got away with it.

See, this is why I didn't wanna tell you.

'Cause you're gonna look at me differently.

You're gonna look at me like I'm a m*rder*r, like I'm a violent piece of shit. Barry.

Listen to me.

I have a son.

I was terrible to this son.

I was cruel, I was selfish, and there's nothing I can do to change that.

But I don't wanna be that guy anymore.

And I pray that human beings can change their nature.

Because if we can't, then you and I are in deep trouble.

Well, how do we do that?

I think we're doing it already.

You didn't beat that guy up, did you?

You came here.

We're talking about your feelings instead of acting out your feelings.

And as for my son, the first time I reached out to him after years and years and years, I got a big, "f*ck you, Dad!"

But today, today... he brought me strawberries.

Do you think I'm a bad person, Mr. Cousineau?

I think you're deeply human.

You did a terrible thing, but do I think that defines you?


That's why I don't think you should tell this story in front of the class.

Also, they will shit themselves.

I mean, they're children.

So we're gonna be okay?

I promise you, we're...

We're gonna work through this, okay?

Do you trust me?



Now, I bill my private classes through another loan out.

So I'm just gonna go and get that ledger.


Oh, f*ck. f*ck.

Aah. Shit.

It's... I...

Okay, okay.

All right.



Hey, what are you doing up there?

Uh, I...

I can't find something.

Hey, I gotta tell you something.

Now? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'll come up. I'll come up. No, wait, wait, wait!


Fuches. Aah!

Hey, you're not gonna believe this. What?

The best thing happened. It's amazing!

Barry, no. Barry, no, no. Shit, shit, no.



Okay. I know you don't want me calling. Barry...

That's why I came here. But listen, listen. Barry, just...

I told Mr. Cousineau about Korengal.

He accepted me. He said that I... What did he say?

He said I can change my nature. Do you know what that means?

I-I know. That means that I can own all this stuff that we've been talking about. Barry...

All these things that I don't like about myself, that I can own them and they don't define me.

Like, you know, what happened in the w*r, what we do together, even the things I don't like about myself that I regret like k*lling Moss. No.

I don't have to live with that regret anymore.

I can move past it.

I'm not a violent piece of shit is what I'm saying.


Hey, Barry.

Hey, Fuches, why don't you give us a moment?


Get out.

I'm sorr... I'm sorry.


Sit down, Berkman.

Sit down!

I got you.

I got you, Berkman.

You are so f*cked.

I know that was you on the lipstick cam.


And Moss was on to you, so you k*lled her.

Please, Let me talk to him!

Shut up!

Tape's off, so it's just you and me.


Okay, I'm gonna do this.

You thought of everything, you thought of everything, so there's nothing left to do.

That's how it goes. It's all worked out, It's all worked out, so, yeah...

You went over it and over it, and so now's the time.

Hey, Loach, don't do anything stupid.

Loach! Shut up!

Do you have any idea what it's like to f*cking love somebody and have some m*therf*cker come along and take them away from you? Do you?

I'm sorry about Janice.

Not-Not Moss?

That's Ronnie Proxin.

He's f*cking my wife.

You get rid of him, all of this goes away.


Your name's Ronnie Proxin, right?

Uh-huh. Don't freak out.

I've been sent here to k*ll you.

I'm not gonna do that.

Calling an audible right now.

Oh, okay, so, I want you to drive to Chicago, and I need you to stay there... for about a year.

Mm. Do you have a suitcase?

Today, a guy... said something to me and it, uh, made me mad.

What'd you do? You thump him up?

Huh? Did you throw him a little high heat?

A little chin music?

Hey, Barry.

We're both alphas.

I understand.

This episode has a scene in the show, which I think's probably the linchpin of the whole season.

Barry tells Cousineau his truth, and Cousineau gives that speech.

I pray that human beings can change their nature because if we can't, then you and I are in deep trouble.

He's saying it to Barry, but every character's kinda going through that.

Barry and Cousineau, obviously.

Sally with her ex, and trying to front as, like, she's a strong person, but trying... having a hard time admitting that she was weak.

And how do I explain to people that I just, like... like, ran away?

She's very ashamed about that, right?

Incredibly ashamed by it, yeah. The person she is today wouldn't behave that way.

I like that scene for Barry a lot. Yeah.

'Cause he's just like, "Well, wait a second."

You don't have to. I mean, this?

What... this didn't happen.

You know, Star Wars didn't happen, and that's a rad movie.

Come to the dark side of... Yeah. of denial and... You know?

It ends up undermining her ability to confront Sam.

That scene is bullshit.

It never happened, and you know it.

He's yelling at her for putting her "truth" onstage.

He has a legitimate point that she's fictionalizing it.

Don't do it!

We had this thing in season one about Loach having an ex-wife, and we thought, "Oh, wouldn't it be interesting if..."

That's Ronnie Proxin. If you get rid of him... all of this goes away.


When we started season two writing, that was one of the tentpole things.

The first half of the season, you felt like Loach was gaining on Barry, and then you do that twist, that then when you went back and watch the scenes, you realize, this is why he's doing all this stuff is to get all this information on Barry. I got you.

So he can have Barry perform a hit for him.