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02x14 - Hard Target

Posted: 09/08/21 16:49
by bunniefuu
Hard Target Situation is escalating.

What's your E.



? As fast as I can.

We've got a lot of hungry people here, Rex.

Hey, a late-night briefing wasn't my idea.

And, yes, I remembered the hot mustard.

Be there in -- Breach! Whoa! Almost like you saw me coming.

Guess my nanites are onto the whole "ripping the very fabric of space" thing.

Plus, you just plain creep me out.


Laugh if you want, but do not mess with Six's kung pao pork.

Unh! What do you want this time? Oh, I can be anywhere go anywhere Doesn't it just drive you crazy? Bites both ways, Breach.

We've been over this.

I don't want to be in your collection.

I don't want to be your pet, your trophy, your prize, your -- whatever.

I'm through with collecting you, Rex.

It's way more fun messing with you.

Biowulf to Breach -- Have you commenced the operation? Whoa! We'll play some more next time.

Van Kleiss has a very important mission for me.

To pick up his laundry? It involves an old friend of yours.


I know that place.

Oh, no! Okay, I am in Hong Kong.


She's going after circe! What a surprise.

corrected and synced by f1nc0 Rex, you dropped off the grid.

What's your longitude and lattitude? Intersection of Hong and Kong.

You do realize there are closer places for takeout.

It's Breach.

She knows circe's here.

Which is more than Providence knows, apparently.


I might have sort of told her about my old g*ng, and I'm here! Got to go.

I'm taking you down, Breach! Uh, Rex? Circe? Breach is not here? No.

But our breakfast has been soundly defeated.


Hey, Skwydd, Cricket.

See you guys got the place back together.

Yeah, just in time for you to wreck it again.

Hey, tuck, you okay? I'm cool.

Whoo! Do it again! So, want to tell us what this is all about, or do we have to guess? Circe's in danger.

It's Breach.

- She's -- - messing with you, Rex.

Did you actually see her on the other side? Well, no, but -- O-okay.

Why Hong Kong? Because it's on the other side of the world? Because she's seriously messed up? Kind of like our place.

Trust me.

She's back in Abysus right now, laughing it up with the rest of the pack.

Besides, I'm not that easy to find.

Okay, Rex, bad intro.

Take a do-over.

Love the new look.


A compliment.


Hey, thanks for sending Cirss our way.

She totally evens out the boy-girl ratio.

Boy-girl? Wait a minute I am not interrupting anything, am I? Apart from the most important meal of the day, no, we're fine.

Speaking of which, since Rex k*lled breakfast, who's up for yum cha? Yum-anything works for me.

And no one laughed.

Bad omen.


What's the delay? Unh! They have a phase scrambler.

It's messing with my rifts.

Perhaps I should send someone more capable.

Perhaps if you quit calling, I'd be done already.

Don't mess this up.

I'll be watching.

"I'll be watching.

" Meanie.

Best table in the house.

I'll just pull up a floor.

We are ehm shore few menus.

I'll look on with Cirss.

"Cirss"? Ehm, so.

What do we having? Dim sum.

Traditional shared meal.

Shared? Uh, great! Dumplings, steamed buns, and ooh! The house special lover's prawns! I don't believe it! They're They're couples! Visiting hours are usually 4:00 to 6:00.

Name's Quarry.

To what do I owe the pleasure? My employer has a offer for you -- a simple job for your freedom.

No questions asked.

You're one of Van Kleiss' people.

Did he send you? No questions! Are you in, or do you want to stay here and rot? Of course I'm in.

Just got to make myself presentable.

Have a seat.

You look tired.

We have to go.

The guards Relax.

Security sweep takes a full three minutes.

Plenty of time.

So, why would Van Kleiss be interested in a smalltime player like me? You have unique abilities or something.

Hooray for you.

What are we after? Money? Gold? And that's when Circe goes all siren and blasts the bus driver's pants clean off.

Lucky shot.

Hit the exact frequency of polyester.

Good thing his boxers were cotton.

Yeah-ha-ha! Hey, Circe, remember when we took down that giant fishhead in Cabo Luna? Rex please, I rather not to remember that right now.

Yeesh, Rex.


Rex, update.

Another Breach head fake.

You got to get me out of here.

I'm in the middle of what you'd call an awkward teen situation.

I'll send a jump jet.

In the meantime, there's a general alert at the local Providence holding cell.


I am so on it.

You're leaving? Duty calls.

You'll miss dessert -- almond sweetcakes.

Mmm, boy.

And that's all I know.

I've said too much.

We really need to -- You do your thing, and I'll do mine.

Hurry can't hold On second thought I'd prefer to work for myself.

Quarry! Rex! Would have loved to chat.

Perhaps another time.

This was the old friend you were after? Who did you think I meant? What's the matter, Breach? Portal trouble? Looks like your important mission was an epic fail.

Too bad.

I hear V.


's pretty tough on failure.

Hyah! And, seriously? Jailbreak? What is this, a cowboy movie? It's a disaster movie for Providence.

What's that supposed to mean? Unh-unh-unh.

No spoilers.

Uh, h-hey, fella.

That's ironic when we think of it.

Finally create the ultimate w*apon and we can't get at it.

The residual field will die down.


Oh, maybe it's fate.

Giving us a three-day waiting period.

I think maybe we should -- Picking up low-level vibrations.

Seismic? Rhythmic.

Almost like footsteps.

At ease, gentlemen.

I won't be long.

Don't go in there! The field will dissolve any organic matter! Good thing I don't have any.

Unique attributes, indeed.

Stop it.

What's with him? Breach-lag.

Leapt clean over his bedtime.

Plus two power naps and my morning-briefing snooze.

By the way, you were right.

Breach wasn't after you.

She freed Quarry.

Got this from the Providence security feed.

- Quarry? - He's loose? Oh, no! You saw Breach and came back here? What if she followed you?! Don't worry.

If Breach were here, I'd feel it.

She's here.

Hey girlfriend! Get out of here, Breach.

But Van Kleiss has so been wanting to chat.

Then deliver a message for him.

Let her go, Breach! Oh, sorry, Rex.

She's gonna save my skin.



's tough on failure, remember? No! Hello, world! - Cirss! - Breach took her.

Six, I need a fix on quarry.

Financial district.

Local Providence forces are clearing the area.

It looks like -- Yeah, a disaster movie.

I'm already there.

Rex, what about -- Help the others.

I'll bring back Cirss.

I need just say: I Abhor unnecessary v*olence.

But this is very necessary.

Well, weel.

If it isn't Providence's "secret w*apon.

" Say hello to mine.

No! Stay back! What's your game, Quarry? Planning to start a w*r? Why, yes, Rex -- a bidding w*r.

I'm gonna auction this baby to the deepest pockets.

Governments, militaries t*rrorists, maniacs, end-of-the-world wackos? If they have the money.

What they do with it isn't my concern.

I'd be very concerned.

Have I told you about Van Kleiss' garden? He has a whole section for double-crossing, two-bit thugs.

This will buy me all the freedom and immunity I'll ever need, even from him.

Pretty slick, eh? It's a molecular destabilizer.

Little miss four-arms blabbed the details.

"Suppresses the atomic charge," or so I'm told.

Protons and electrons just fly apart.

The whole gain! Oh, I'm touched.

A regular family reunion.

We got your back, Rex.

Never mind me.

Help them.

Come on, Quarry.

Let's see what you got.

You don't get it, do you.

Everything's made of atoms.

Even you.

Hey, that works pretty good.

Super-energized atoms.

Nope! Ha! Nice try! Denied! Rejected! Blocked! Just one tap and you're dust.

Go on! Do it! You never learned.

In this business, you got to be ruthless.

Hold that thought.

You can come out now.

I got that creeped-out feeling.


It's her! She took Circe! But not to Van Kleiss.

You never went to Abysus, did you.

You slipped her into your little pocket dimension.

Let her go, Breach.

And I'd agree to that why? Because you wouldn't want Van Kleiss to see this.

What? It's not like I'm gonna run away with it.

Van kleiss would skewer me for this.

But it's a w*apon.

I'm thinking a trade is in order.

I hate you, Breach! Ho ho ho! You make me proud, Rex.

You picked up some business sense after all.

So, I guess it's back to my cushy Providence cell.

Oh, I'm not trading this.

I'm trading you.

Well, your sense of humor's coming along, too.

Think, Breach.

You can still save face with Van Kleiss.

Quarry can take the heat for the whole mess.

Let's talk! We can work something o-- Thanks for the save.

You guys looked pretty good back there.


Oh, Look.

You may or may not have noticed, I've been acting, uh weird.

Definitely may.


Well, I just want to say that I'm fine with, you know, "it.

" - I'm fine with "it.

" - "It"? "It.

" Uh, being together.

You make great couples.

- Couples? - Yeah, right.

I-it just looked like, when you were -- A-and the dumplings and, uh Uh we're friends, Rex.


Just good friends.

- Platonic.

- Strictly platonic.

And I'm strictly an idiot.

Anyone know a good place for takeout? Ming's in Kwun Tong.

Hey! You did that on purpose! Can you believe it? As if.

So, um What are you gals doing Saturday Night? Our hair.

What about next Saturday? Nails.

One after next?