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02x03 - Lost Weekend

Posted: 09/08/21 16:22
by bunniefuu
You gonna get that or what? No way! We've got to hurry! We need to pack.

I don't have all the details, but I do know that it's one night only, out in the middle of the desert and the party of the century! Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The desert? You know I got issues with sand and large spiders.

Would you rather spend your Friday night here? Ooh, the kid has a point.

You two, my office Now! Hope this won't take long, White Knight.

Bobo and I were just heading off for a big night of Paperwork.

Change of plans.

You'll be attending an underground party in the Sonoran Desert.

This better not be some sort of punishment, you know, where you offer something cool, then yank it away to prove your twisted point.

Do you want me to send another agent? No, no, no! We're cool.

Just one question Why? Because the entertainment is being provided by a group of Evos.

How progressive.

So, let me guess You want me to shut them down.

With civilians there, we can't just send in the tanks.

I need you to observe the situation and report back so I can decide how to handle this.

So you're assigning us To party.

Just the two of us.

Actually, there will be three of you on this one.

Aw, no! No! No way are you going to make us bring Six to a party.

Six isn't who I had in mind.

Kenwyn? So you've met.

Agent Jones just graduated from the academy Top of her class.

I'm excited to be working with you, Rex.

And thank you for your trust in me, sir.

I promise to do my part to make our team as focused, efficient, and methodical as possible.

Is it too late to get Six instead? So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way You're not thrilled about this, are you About me on the team? What? No! I it's just Worried I'm gonna cramp your style? Never crossed my mind.

I'm not here to have Fun.

That's gotta be a tough act to follow.

He doesn't even leave you a stage.

Hey, I was a rook once, too.

Just relax.

You're with a couple of old pros.

Right, Bobo? You don't have to worry about me.

I can pull my own weight.

If you say so.

¿Que tal, party people? In simulation, we always started an infiltration by establishing focus points.

What? No, no, no.

Forget what you learned at the "Academy.

" In the field, you need to go with the flow.

That's what works for me.

If we want to maintain our cover and get the job done, we really need to set up our focus points.

Yeah, well I don't even know what that means.

But I do know that I've been doing this job a lot longer than you.

So I graduated the academy as a lieutenant, so I'm the ranking officer here.

Why couldn't it have been Six? I like your blouse.

Uh, I, uh Hey! Kenwyn! So, I see you met Skwydd.

Hey, thanks for the tip.

This party is awesome! He's a friend of mine from Hong Kong.

We go way back.


Is she your, uh date? Date?! No! No, no, no! We just work together at Providence.

We're here undercover.

Rex! Don't mind her.

She's a little skitchy around evos.


It's just, this is new for me.

It's new for lots of people.

That's why we're doing it.

This is Etude.

Etude, this is Rex.

He's here from Milwaukee Wisconsin.

He is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Well, no matter where you're from, welcome.

Need a background check on an Etude Mid 30s, male, Caucasian.

Don't forget "total hippie" and "possible criminal mastermind.

" We got to keep moving.

White Knight is going to be expecting us to report in.


I'll catch up.

By the way, you got something on your face there.

Looks kind of like a Smile.

Don't think I've ever seen one on you before.


I always said, if I got to be a freak, might as well get paid for it.

I've recon'd this room.

Let's go.

- She's a load of laughs.

- Yeah.

First time we met, she pretty much tried to k*ll me.


Funny last time we met, you tried to k*ll me, too.

It's the thought that counts.

Well, I need to go at least pretend to be on a mission.

Oh, yeah, about that I figured since you're a big secret agent and all, you'd want to know.

Some of the performers have been getting threats.

What kind of threats? Ah, you know, the usual stuff "Die, evo, die.

" Nothing to get excited about.

I'll check it out.

Hey, Rex.

It's really cool that you're here.

Never seen a crowd scream at an evo and not want it dead.

I I'm not going up there.

Oh, Mouse, please.

I haven't even seen you perform yet.

Why not share your beauty with us? She's scared.

Probably stage fright.

We'll go instead.

No, we won't! Yes, we will! Ah! Thank you, thump! Hey.

A little Skwydd told me some of the evos have been getting threats.

Hear anything about that? Excuse us, please.

What?! Uh, one our cover.

And two what threats? Why didn't you tell me? We should've reported that back to White immediately.

Yeah, see? That's why I didn't tell you.

You just broke seven of the eight most basic safety protocols.

Relax, okay? This isn't my first mission! I know what I'm doing! You're right.

You're the veteran.

All I can contribute is what I learned in training.

I just want to earn your respect.

The way you already earned mine.

Can't you understand that? Oh.


O okay.

Look, I just know from experience you can't report everything to White.

Sometimes things aren't as bad as they sound.

Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.

Huh? Skwydd! What are you doing?! I don't understand.

Skwydd's never been able to make his nanite ink solid before.

He's out cold.

We're not getting any answers out of him.

You know, when you need to talk to a suspect, there are methods of restraint that First of all, I didn't even hit him.

It's like he was so amped up, he just burned out.

And second, he's not a suspect he's a victim.

It doesn't matter.

I'm making the call to White.


What Skwydd did - Something's not right.

- I agree.

The evos here are obviously a threat.

No, I mean, it doesn't add up.

Skwydd was happy.

Okay, it's Skwydd.

Maybe that's an exaggeration.

I'm not getting a signal.

But he was as happy as I've ever seen him.

Why would he mess with that? Can you help me with this? In a second.

Listen, someone did this to Skwydd.

Probably the same guy who made those threats.

Rex, stop stalling and help me! I am.

White likes answers, not questions.

Trust me on this.

The minute another civilian's in danger, we're making the call.

Come on.

Nothing bad will happen.

You got me here.

Well, that's reassuring.

He'll be fine in there until he wakes up.

Oh, no, no! Everybody's leaving! If this thing breaks up, the guy who did this to Skwydd is just gonna slip away.

Maybe that's good.

No one else here will get hurt.

But then there'd be nothing or us to do but go home.

And I haven't got my party on yet.

Wait! There's been a small disturbance, but Everything's cool now.

So, uh Party on! Come on! It'll be cool! Eh.

If that's all he's got, I'm out of here.

Unh! Hey, Rex man nice! I guess it's safe to say you just blew our cover.

Or we showed up with a talking monkey, I'm kind of world-famous, and wearing that outfit, you totally blend.

Haven't you ever heard of dressing for success? It's a good day when I can find my socks.

So, what's next? If we're gonna catch our guy, we need to start interviewing suspects.

Most important thing is to isolate them first so they can't run when Hey, Thump! Or we could just do it your way.

We need to talk.

We got nothing to say! If you're scared, I can protect you.

I'm not scared! They are! - Didn't you see what happened to Skwydd? - Yeah, and that's why we should tell him.

She's been acting funny.

You should talk to Aah! Mouse?! It's always the furry ones.

Aaaaah! - She's no evo.

- Of course not.

I'm the furthest thing from an evo.

I am a human being.

It's disgraceful what you're doing here.

Evos and humans should not mix.

You were responsible for Skwydd, weren't you? What did you do to him? Just shining a little light on how dangerous his kind can be.

By juicing his powers? What were you thinking? Most inorganic material explodes when given that kind of molecular jolt, but not nanites.

They convert the energy into power that amplifies an evo's abilities to uncontrollable levels.

What are you a science teacher or something? But if you're not an evo, how did you do that to Skwydd? Oh, I didn't do it, sweetie.

My partner did.

We got to get all these people out of here.

Hold her tight.

Who are you? Proceed to the exit in an orderly manner! Aah! It's a fact of nature that our kinds should not mix.

Everyone here is guilty of a terrible crime.

And now comes the punishment.

Rex! Can you hear me? Rex! Providence, we need backup.

Do you copy? Come on, Kenwyn.

Keep it together.

Rex! When you call Providence for backup, I'm the one they send.

Move everyone into one of the side caves now! Unh-unh! You're not getting away! Oh, I know.

No one is.

Rex can dig us out of here.

But not before we're all blown to little itty-bitties.

You've got a b*mb? Of course, sweetie.

He's right over there.

I hear ya, but any party with no line for the bathroom can't be all bad.

Aah! Unh! Unh! Do me a favor, will ya? Hit him! I don't want to hurt the guy.

It's not his fault.

Aaaaaaaaah! - Unh! - They'll live If any of us do.

Now that he's amped himself, he's gonna explode and take everyone here with him.

- That's what Mouse wants.

- Oh, come on! That nutjob makes her big villain speech and leaves that part out? - We need an action plan.

- Got one.

Punch him till he drops! Aaaaaaaah! Rrrrrrrah! Unh! Ohh! If I hit him, he blows up my machines.

If he hits me, he'll make my evo powers go berserk! I can't do anything! But since I don't have those problems, I can! He's gonna blow! Hey Nice timing.

Guess we should thank him for making you able to do that.


Too bad I can already feel it fading away.

Oh, thank you, thank you! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Yeah, all right, whoa! Easy on the man kisses.

What happened? Well, let's see.

An evo and a human were working together to prove evos and humans can't work together.

But then a human and an evo worked together and stopped them.

That's sweet.

But what I was really asking was, what happened to me?! Oh.

She did.

Rex did what? Like I said in my report, he Did everything by the book.

I'm very Surprised by that.

Me too.

Well That's my report, sir.

Is it, now? Then you are leaving me no choice, agent Jones But to make sure you two get teamed up again.


- I'm actually cool with that.

- Me too.

Whoa, whoa! Where does that leave me? If I had to guess With a lot less to do.


In that case, welcome aboard!