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01x19 - Promises, Promises

Posted: 09/08/21 14:49
by bunniefuu
The names and faces may change.

But no matter how you ***, w*r is w*r.

You pick a side and you don't look back.

And believe that now *** believe that then.

When you get in trouble, *** forget what you're fighting for you're finished.

Yet another entity has emerged This time, in the heart of Paris.

Authorities are vastly unprepared.

Unless a decisive response to this pandemic is marshaled, the city will fall just as Kiev Aaaaah! Aah! Aaaaaaaaah! Aah! Save some for me, partner.

How else am I gonna earn my paycheck? Surprise! So, the flu sh*ts? I needed an excuse to get you here.

We'll do them after cake.

So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way I'll get you, Van Kleiss.

Whoa! Sorry, doc.

It was taking too long.

It was either that or throw some of your cake at it.

Bobo: You're looking festive.

It was an odd choice to pick today to be his birthday.

It is the anniversary of his new life here.

He deserves a celebration.

He's changed everything.

Whoo-hoo! Has he? Ha ha! How about hitting the petting zoo for a little "pin the tail on a raging rhinocesaurus"? No.

Every party has a pooper, and I got two.

Happy Birthday! Dudes! You should be celebrating, too, Six.

After all, you're the one who started this.

In a way, it's your birthday, too.

White knight: Nyquist, fortier, how's the monkey business? Ha-ha-larious, knight.

Hey, for your information, we probably saved the world today.

I, for one, feel safer already.

So, green man, we meet again.

They found him at the Kremlin this time.

He was threatening to push the button unless someone brought him 1,000 pounds of caviar.

Chimps gotta eat.

What about your little bug hunt? Give you much trouble? Nothing we couldn't handle.

What? Not even a smile? Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday.

How did you know? I'm your partner.

You can't keep much from me.


- So, what crawled up your coat? - I'm getting tired of all this fighting.

Did you see how many there are now? Are we gonna cage the whole world? We're preserving the human race.

Besides, who says we're gonna cage them all? And to think This was once spinning webs in someone's garden.


Holiday, prepare for disassembly.

It's the same exact data as last time.

And the time before that.


Fell, why aren't we studying them in a natural setting? Only through molecular dissection will we find a way to expunge this threat.

The committee agrees with me on this.

If you do not approve, I can always find a new assistant.

Bleeding hearts They'll get us all k*lled one day.


Holiday: "Evo"? "Exponentially variegated organism.

" A little more scientific than "spoiled meat.

" That is what you hired g*ns call them, isn't it? It's "Six.

" And I don't use g*ns.

You told Fell we could learn more by keeping them alive.

What did you mean? The nanites are altering our DNA, but with the right type of research, there is no reason that they couldn't be programmed to stop or reverse the process.

Imagine a third alternative to this insane "k*ll or contain" protocol.

A third option? A cure.

Buckle up, partner.

Looks like we got ourselves a big one.


Holiday: Hopeless.

What are we looking at? Fascinating.

It appears to be biomechanical.

I must have a closer look at this one.

One for the trophy case.

Wait! We may get more out of this one if we bring it in alive.

Are you nuts?! Looks like your boy is losing his edge, knight.

Not a cage in the world that could hold this thing.

Six? That's more like it! White! Get back! This thing's going to blow! Knight? Knight! Help! ¿Has visto mi bicicleta? Is that sword for real? Are you a ninja? I was speaking Spanish.

Is this Mexico? Why are we sneaking around Aw, dude, your hand smells like monkey breath.

Why don't you just call h.


Or NORAD or 911? When the creature blew, it released some sort of e.


Pulse fried everything electronic.

This area is a dead zone.

We're on our own.

So much for ordering a pizza.

I'm joking, 'cause if I don't, I'm gonna remember how scared I am right now.

Actually, except for my name, that's about all I do remember.

No family? An address? A grandma where I can dump you? Nothing.

Except waking up and seeing your face.

Not exactly the angel I was hoping for.

You're in shock.

We should find a place to hole you up until I can get some help.

No way! I'm not hiding! Why? You want to get rid of me? I screwed up, and it may very well have caused my friend his life.

The last thing I need is you slowing me down.


What's going on? What did this? Don't worry.

W-we evacuated this zone.

We'll get you home.

I promise.

Right now, we got to move.

What's making those sounds? Huh? New plan Run! Ugh! Aah! Leave him alone! Oh, great.

I probably got rabies.

What? Glad to see you alive, partner.

Happy to accommodate.

Better stand clear of Fell.

He's furious we didn't bring back a sample of that monster.

Uh, no.

I don't know where they keep the jet planes.

Whoa! Aah! Ugh! - Why'd you let him out? - He asked me to.

I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but that monkey talks.

Who are you? What are you doing in here? He's with me.

I found him out in the field.

There's something I wanted to show Dr.


Ouch! Ah! Let me see your medical license.

Six, we have nurses who could have easily handled this.

What are you doing? That evo is scheduled for processing.

Show her.

We found it, doctor the third alternative.

What is he How Meet Rex the cure.


Holiday: This changes everything! Finally asleep? Amazing what 15 burritos will do.

I can't wait to see Fell's face when we show him.


Not a word to anyone.

Tomorrow, we move him to a safe location.

ButI need to get to woron him straightaway.

Trust me not everyone will feel the same way about working with an evo.

If we time this wrong, it could turn ugly.


Holiday: I hate this w*r.

Hey, partner.

How's tricks? What are you doing in the medical ward? I thought you hated germs.

Made an exception today.

Something I should know? Just another day at the office.

- You can trust me.

- I know.

Holiday, is Fell running protocols at night now? Holiday? - Prepare for disassembly.

- What are you doing?! I'm not going to allow my partner to risk his career for one bad call.

Rex: Did you think I couldn't get Holiday to talk? You're letting your emotions cloud your judgment, Six.

With what we glean from this boy, I could create tools that would inoculate the world.

Why risk it? He can already cure them.

I've seen it.

So, what? We train him? Make him one of us? I thought he was sedated! He is.

It's his nanites.

They're protecting him.

Aaaah! Rex: One of us, huh? Aaah! Aaaah! Okay, this is definitely not normal.

Enough of this.

Have you lost it?! He's one of them! If he powers up, he'll destroy us all! No! So, that's it, huh? You cannot treat me like this! I have three PhD's! Let me out this instant! You know, maybe we can scratch each other's backs.

Excuse me? Right between the shoulder blades.

And watch the nails.

You thought I was kidding about the back scratch? I got monkey dander! Aaah! Stand down, Six! We need you in this w*r! What's the good in winning a w*r if we can't live with ourselves after? We're supposed to be friends.

He's a monster.

What do you see in him? Rex: Hope.


Thanks for talking some sense into him, doc.

W-what's happening to me? We're all going to burn.

White knight: No! Why? I know what side I'm on.

Aaaaah! Do something! Once the cycle starts, it's impossible to shut down.

Impossible? Pshh! Right! - How did you - Told it to turn off.

And it did.


Where where am I? Dr.

Holiday Maybe you were right.

Maybe you should start looking for another job.

White knight: Hey, marshmallow, nice look.

How's the training? Slow.

Not all you hoped he'd be? Rex and Bobo: Still, who would have thought the kinder, gentler approach would do such wonders for our profile? The notion of a cure has gotten Providence funding and worldwide prestige.

The committee's happy.

Your new partner may just be the best thing this operation could have asked for.

Funny, isn't it? Because of you, I can never leave this chamber.

I'm now the only pure human left in the world And the perfect poster boy to run this operation.

I suppose I should thank you.

I promised him that we would help uncover his past, find his family.

Whatever keeps him on his leash.

But if he shows the slightest sign of turning into that thing again It's all on you.

Rex: Oh, my.

H-hold him down.

I'll get the camera.

Happy Birthday.

From you? For me? You got to be kidding.

You, your work It has made a real difference.

- I just - Yeah, I know I'm pretty great.

But, seriously, get off the sap train, Six.

It's creeping me out.

Wow! SixThank you.

It's called a tanto.

It's the ceremonial blade of a samurai warrior.

Samurai? Awesome.

This is its twin.

Is that writing? Bushido symbol of loyalty.

It means "whether for good or ill, our fates will follow the same path.

" This one stays with me.

Think this thing can cut through Holiday's chocolate cake? Anything's possible.