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01x18 - Plague

Posted: 09/08/21 14:48
by bunniefuu
The country was infected in three hours.

The entire north America continent was asleep in five.

*** no communication from overseas.

*** before quarantine protocol could be established.

Doctor Holiday ***** still awake using electrical neural stimulation.

Evos seem to be immune to the plague, which leaves us with only one agent left to deal with this mess.

Ugh! This is gonna be a Long day.

So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way It's gonna be the last stop for those commuters if you can't catch that train.

Yeah, I know.

But I got to find it first.

Huh? Uh, found it.

Ughh! Whoa! Ugh! Rex, report.

Rex: Mission accomplished.

I'm heading back to the lab.

Oh, man.

I'm gonna be sore for weeks.


This is seriously wearing me out.

Come on, Rex.

Pull it together.

Ugh! Dr.

Holiday is heading to the initial outbreak area now.

She's come up short as to any way of reversing the plague.

I'm counting on her solving this before the electric shocks damage her brain beyond usefulness.

Rex: This is like spitting on a forest fire.

Things are probably going wrong in every city on earth.

Every life save counts, Rex.

Yeah, I know.

How are Six and Bobo? Same as the others asleep.

But Bobo's an evo.

He should have been immune like you.

I-I don't have a clue about this thing.

Ugh! And these shocks won't keep me awake forever.

All the more reason not to waste any more time.

She's not wasting time.

No, he's right.

We've got 60 hours at best before people start dying of thirst.

And 100 or so will die within the hour if the downtown fire spreads any further.


Back to work.

Something told billions of viruses to evolve into a sleeping plague.

The key to solving this is finding patient zero.

Get up to the cayuga dam now.

The floodgates are closed.

It'll crack if you don't relieve the pressure.

So, how do we find patient zero? That's not going to be so easy.

Huh? Whoa! Ugh! Oh, come on! Hope you like fish sticks for dinner, doc.

If we can find the frequency that connected patient zero to the nanites, we can trace it back to him.


I find patient zero, shut him down, and, boom, everybody wakes up ready for breakfast.



I mean, maybe.

Ugh, I'm so tired.

I can't think.

Ugh! And these stupid shocks.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

Maybe I should be studying Bobo instead.

Easy, doc.

Deep breaths.

Is there anything I can do? Lost it there.

I'm okay.

I modified this scanner to find the nanite control frequency.

But it could take hours.


Holiday, where's my update? Do you really think she'd keep it a secret if she found something? She's been working around the clock.

And that's the way it's going to be until we figure this out.

Just give me a moment.

I can find the Doc! Doc.

That's great.

She couldn't stay awake an hour or two more? At least she was working on the problem.

She was doing her job, which is what I expect from both of you.

- Where are you going? - To follow doc's plan.

You can stay there and decide if you're good for anything besides yelling at people.

We're down to 18 hours before we start losing people.

Like I don't know that? - What's the holdup? - I just need a second.

If you can't handle this What are you gonna do Shuffle some papers at me? I'm all you've got, so back off! You are not that special, kid.

And there is way too much at stake now.

White night protocols.

Code designation iron mace alpha.

Commence systems check.

Confirm nanite shielding integrity.

Put a hustle on, hotshot.

Once it's dark, it'll be harder to find anything.

Fine! You want speed? Whoa! Ugh! Ugh.

Hey, freak face.

The buffet is closed.

I can't.

I can't do this by myself anymore.

You don't have to.


Nice suit.

Thrill me.

White knight out of the office? This really is the end of the world.

I'm trying to prevent that.

This isn't exactly a desk job.

Think you can keep up? I'll manage.


But as my sidekick, you need to have a cool name.

How about "gizmodude"? No, no, no.

How about "robopants"? Anything? Before they went offline, the satellites showed that the plague started in this area.

Patient zero is somewhere down there.

What do you want me to do, go door to door like I'm looking for a little lost puppy? If we don't find and neutralize the source of the plague, we'll need to take drastic measures.

The "make you glow in the dark" kind? Come on.


Maybe we can narrow our search.

He's patient zero, right? The first one sick.

So, maybe he was already at a doctor's office or a hospital.

The keep's records show eight clinics, two major hospitals, and 82 general practitioners.

See? Now we're getting somewhere.

Try and keep up.

I don't know how Six does it.

Huh? Ugh! Ah! Aah! Sorry.

Won't happen again.

I'm I'm I'm fine.

Take five.

You're useless to me as a zombie.

No, don't want to slow things Up.

Okay, okay, I'm awake! Make up your mind.

It's not me.

It found the frequency! Ooh, looks like a tight fit.

Someone needs to lay off the milkshakes.

I got it covered.

You have serious control issues.

Wait here.



Don't be surprised if you get a bill for that.

I think this is the virus.

Viruses are too small to see.

Yeah, but it's an evo virus, remember? I'd say we've got the right place.

It's still changing.

I don't think he's finished going evo.

All right.

Get to it.

Let's hope this guy is curable.

What? Uh, I don't get it.

It's working but it's not.

He just heals.

What are you doing? We're out of options.


I'm trying to cure him.

And failing.

Back up.

- But Dr.

Holiday - Is not here.

She said he was the key.

You tried your way.

It didn't work.

- You're not doing this.

- It's not up for debate.

Rex: If you vaporize him and it doesn't work, we've got no chance to reverse this plague.

And you're suddenly the genius that's gonna figure it out? We have only hours before people start dying.

Now move aside.


Stop it, knight, before these people get hurt.

Just as soon as you step away.

Aah! That wasn't built to fight evos.

That was built to fight me.

It's for our own protection.

Well, let's see how well it works.

You never trusted me.

I don't trust anything with nanites.

Everything has nanites.

Everything but me.

Whoa! Didn't you ever wonder why I live in a sterilized box? That's why I run Providence.

I can't be corrupted.

I'll never evolve into some freak that betrays his team.

I'm the only one that can be trusted.

Well, here's the update, knight.

Everybody on the planet has nanites.

Everybody but you.

That makes me normal.

You're the freak.

You are unbelievable.

I'm ready to hear your theories, doctor.

Still? What, I got to do this a piece at a time? Rex: Hyah! Okay.

Should have let me take him out when I still could.

Yeah, well, maybe if I devolve enough pieces of his armor, you'll get a decent shot in.

Get to it.




It's lots of pieces.

It's working but on the wrong evo.

That's not patient zero that's the virus.

Patient zero was under all that growth stuff.

The outside part is mutating to defend him.

He's commanding the viruses to protect him.

- The plague was his first defense.

- How does this help us? Just like Holiday said, patient zero is the key.

I get his nanites to send out a wake-up call, then cure him.

And how are you gonna get to him under all that? I need that thing to eat me.

Yeah, I know.

The crazy thing is it's the second time I've done this today.

Do it! Aah.

Suit integrity compromised.

Nanite breach imminent.

Suit integrity re-established.

What's going on out there? You have to keep it still.


Next time, I'll let it k*ll me.

Rex: Okay.

This shouldn't be hard.

Ugh! Ugh! No! I'm not trying to hurt you.

Suit integrity compromised.

Nanite breach imminent.

Rex: Just calm down! Nobody's going to hurt you.

You're safe.

Time to wake them up.

Suit integrity compromised.

Nanite breach imminent.

Suit integrity compromised.

Nanite breach imminent.

White knight: Doctor, where's my update? Still waiting on casualty reports.

Of course, there would have been a lot more if it hadn't been for Rex.

It's his job, isn't it? What about the monkey? Dr.

Holiday: Still asleep.

Get on that.

If this gives us a viral w*apon against evos, we can put this week in the plus column.

You got him in time.

Still 100% nanite-free.

I'm surprised you saved him.

In a weird way, white knight and I are sort of alike.

We're both one of a kind, and that's worth something.

I'm proud of you, Rex, not just for this, but for figuring everything out.

Oh, sure.

You know, it was, uh, pretty obvious.

Now if we could only figure out what went wrong with Bobo.

I'm worried the virus may have triggered a permanent reaction.

Bobo: Boy, those guys in the motor pool sure know how to party.


How long was I out? And I'm starving! Who's up for breakfast? Good night, Bobo.