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01x15 - What Lies Beneath

Posted: 09/08/21 14:45
by bunniefuu
What's the plan? Tough call, chief.

My gut tells me Tacos.

Make that a grande combo platter.

Oh, the food of my people.

Roger that.

All clear? Crystal.

Don't answer it! Pancho's fiesta palace closes at midnight.

I'll handle it.

Six, I know what you're thinking, but we're not sneaking out.

I'm trying toRediscover my cultural heritage.

Rex? - It's me.

- Circe? What do you want? Things in Abysus they're bad, Rex.

I need your help.

Uh, yeah, wow.

How do I put this nicely? Not a chance! You made your choice, Circe.

I made mine.

- End of story.

- Please, Rex.

I know you're mad at me, but this is a matter of life and death.

Hey, hey, a lot of things are these days.

Nice talking to you.

Rex? Not getting my combo platter, am I? Change of plans.

Oh, women.

So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way my gear doesn't have enough range to reach Abysus.

Well, that's easy.

Just hot-wire a shuttle.

I like your thinking.

You ever done this before? How hard could it be? All I've got to do is unleash a few zillion nanites and let them unscramble the ignition lock sequence.

Excellent plan.

Except maintenance removed the control core for servicing.

It was his idea.

Care to tell me what's going on? Not really.



I got a call from Circe.

Something's wrong in Abysus.

I just wanted to fly over and take a look.

And you didn't tell me Why? Uh, 'cause you would have used words like "unauthorized" and "no.

" I'm gonna find a way there whether you want me to or not.

Doesn't leave me a lot of choices, does it? Meet back here in one hour.

One whole hour.

Taco run numero dos? Absolutamente.

You told Holiday? Nice to see you too, Rex.

I consulted with Dr.

Holiday because I wanted to see if your friend's story checked out.

Satellite scans of Abysus show that there is some kind of anomaly.

I'm not sure what it is or what's causing it, but if you want to help Circe, you're going to need me there to find out.

Hold up.

Still waiting for Bobo.

I gave him another assignment.

Doing what? What he does best.

Stinking up a room? No.

Causing a distraction.

White knight would never authorize a mission like this, so we'll need to travel off the grid.

I ditched our communications gear, but our trackers required a much more Shall we say Elaborate diversion.

Pulling one over on the knight.

I'm impressed, six.

I didn't know you were still in touch with Circe.

Yeah, me neither.

Can we not make a big deal out of this? We're here.

Something's definitely affecting the terrain.

I'll put us down near Van Kleiss' old castle.

Considering all the fun I had the first time I came here Can't say I'm glad to be back.

At least we won't have van Kleiss himself to greet us.

Maybe you should call your girlfriend.

Already on it.

And she's not my girlfriend.

No answer.

Reminds me of something I coughed up when I had the flu.

I've never seen anything like this before.

These are nanites.

Highly unstable.

And multiplying.

Holiday! Don't move! Now, that's a face only a chain saw could love.




It's a trap.

Are they actually helping us? Rex, no.

Don't cure it.

Its nanites could be corrupt, like the ones we found earlier.

There's no telling what they could do to you.

Doc, seriously You worry too much.

Uh, never mind.

The same thing's happening all over Abysus.

Uh, a little heads-up would have been nice.

I tried.

You hung up.


Do you have any idea what's causing this? Well, it started when no.

We don't.

But it's spreading, isn't it? Yeah, fast.

There's nothing stopping it from going beyond the border.

We're talking about a global threat here.

- How do we stop it? - We can't.

That's why I called Rex.

You better come with us.

- She's very pretty.

- She works for Van Kleiss.

She's the enemy.

But you still like her, don't you? I'm not talking about this.

Whatis that thing? Our master left these instructions in case something happened to him.

- Then why do you need me? - It won't turn on.

Did you try a repairguy? You're the key, Rex.

According to this, your abilities are the only way to get the device running.


He probably assumed I'd be one of them by now.

We can't do this without you.


Rex, Holiday we need to talk.

- I don't trust them.

- Yeah.

That makes two of us.

I'm not nuts about helping them either, but we've got to put aside our emotions.

If these unstable nanites are allowed to advance, they could consume everything in their path.

Nobody will be safe.

Think about it.


This thing better not turn me into a French fry.

Rex Thank you.

I'm not doing this for you.

ButYou're welcome.

SoWhat exactly am I supposed to do? When I said you were the key, I meant that literally.

According to the plans, the machine needs to be turned on from a nanoscopic level.

Uh, how do I do that? This isn't exactly telling a vending machine to cough up a soda.



Here goes nothing.

Van Kleiss! Rex! No! Master! You lied to me! You wouldn't have come if I told you the truth.

This wasn't about you needing me.

This was about you needing Van Kleiss! I need you both.

Please, Rex, you don't understand.

No! You don't understand! Van Kleiss is gone, and I intend to keep it that way! You've destroyed us all! Don't even breathe.

You don't know what you've done.

Then I guess we're even.

You've never understood his power.

Van Kleiss kept us safe here.

His force was the only thing holding Abysus together.

- And you destroyed that.

- We're done here! Rex, I think she's right.

Nanites operate on a molecular level.

If they bonded with Van Kleiss, breaking off his connection could have corrupted their internal structure, leading to a disastrous chain reaction.

So what are you saying? I couldn't save Van Kleiss, and now the world's gonna end? This is my fault? This isn't about blame, Rex.

If Van Kleiss' system can actually withstand these unstable nanites, he could be the only one who can rein them in for good.

I'm not bringing him back! Not now, not ever! Besides, you don't need Van Kleiss.

You have me.

Why not go straight to the source? Rex, no! Stand down! It's too dangerous! Rex! Stop! Let go of me! If you keep fighting these nanites, they're going to k*ll you.

And if I don't, they'll k*ll everybody else.

Not if you listen to me.

It's a long shot, but I've got another idea.

Instead of trying to deactivate the nanites, communicate with them.

You want him to talk to the nanites? He's done it before.

Never anything this big.

It's the same basic principle.

Interface with the unstable nanites, gain control over their programming, and tell them to stop advancing.

Hey, why not? If this works, we should see results immediately.

The nanites are responding.

Rex, you can stop now.

You did it.


I'm awesome.

I thought you said the nanites stopped spreading! They did, but now they're contracting.

Bet you didn't plan on that, did you, doc? Everybody out! Now! I got you! Don't let go! Circe! Circe! Six! Dr.

Holiday! Okay! You win! Something's not right.

Van Kleiss, I need you to focus.

The whole place is being eaten up by this weird goop.

Some kind of nanite I know what this is! What are you stopping for? Finish the job! And what will you do for me in return? Are you kidding me?! I brought you back! What more do you want? You know exactly what I want.

It's simple, really.

Join us, and everyone you care about lives.

Refuse, and they die.

Fine! Now help them! Circe! Come on! Breathe! Hey.


What a touching little reunion.

Van Kleiss? In the flesh.

And actually feeling better than ever, especially now that Rex has finally come to his senses.

Isn't that right, Rex? Better than ever.

- A deal's a deal.

- What deal? What's he talking about? It was the only way to save you.

Welcome home.

Rex! Don't do it! We'll find another way.

I admire your integrity, Rex.

Now I'd say we are even.

That's it! You said you feel better than ever? That's because something's changed inside you.

Your nanites are different now.

Should that matter? Oh, yeah.

Rex! What are you doing?! What does it look like? I'm curing him.

That ought to do it.

Master, you're Human? You're welcome.

Thisis impossible.

I was uncureable! That's right Was.

I noticed something strange when I plugged in to that machine of yours.

You were coming back, but as "Van Kleiss light.

" But, hey, the good news is, now there's nothing stopping us from hauling your sorry butt to jail.

Except us.

Master, go! Come on, Van Kleiss.

This is just sad.

Taking advantage of me in a moment of weakness is no triumph, Rex.

You may have temporarily relieved me of my powers, but my greatest strength is still untouched.

Uh, what's that? Your hair? My intellect.

Maybe they'll let you do crosswords in your cell.

Perhaps another time.

Oh, great.

Breach is back.

And the pack is gone.


- So, how come you're still here? - You saved my life.

Would have been rude to leave without saying thanks.

Eh, that's true.

'Course, you don't have to leave.

Uh, come on.

Maybe we should, uh Start our mission debriefing? Stay with us, Circe.

Van Kleiss is done.

As much as I care about you, Rex, Van Kleiss and the pack are my family.

They took me in when nobody else would.

- I can't abandon them.

- So that's it.

We're always going to be on opposite sides, then.

It does keep it interesting.

You okay? No offense, doc, but I totally do not get women.

One day, you will.

I still don't have a clue.