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01x14 - Gravity

Posted: 09/08/21 14:44
by bunniefuu
I'll finally have my weekends free.

It's working.

The de-com nanites are deactivating the control group.

Total deactivation achieved.

A toast to me.

What? You think this could have worked without my nanite-immobilizing algorithm? Hold off on the high fives.

The nanites are back online And self-destructing.

Shut it down.

We'll reset and try again.

I cannot shut it down.


- All the simulations I ran Zag-rs: Were perfect.

This new data will be most helpful.

Who said that? Zag-rs.

I'm detecting a data signal from the station to a location off-site.

Doc, do you remember that psycho computer program that was gonna destroy the world? She's back.

I prefer "artificial intelligence.

" And I don't want to destroy the world.

Just all the nanites in it.

Admittedly, every creature infested with them will die.

Hey, I resemble that remark.

Didn't happen last time.

Not gonna happen now, zag.

Actually, Rex, if it has this program in its current state, that's exactly what will happen.

So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way out of my way! Out of my way! The data stream is being rerouted through our relay switcher at Providence.

You'll need to turn it off.

It's off.

- White knight: Well? - Negative, sir.

It's now streaming directly to an unknown location.

We've lost the feed.

How far along is the experiment download? Uh, uh72% Rhodes, the communication controls k*ll that feed at the source.

Volkov, help me contain the A.


We need a firewall to stop it from getting off the ship.

The data is encrypted.

If we can stop it in time, the information will be useless.

Zag-rs must not leave this station.

You saw those test nanites blow up.

Do you want that to happen inside every living thing on earth? It's just trying to distract us.

Rhodes, unplug the containment unit.

Your efforts are pointless.

We prevented it from escaping the station, but it seems to be hiding in the navigation system.

How did it get here in the first place? All our system software was thoroughly scrubbed.

Actually, not all of it.

Someone insisted their groundbreaking program come in on a separate drive.

This is not my fault.

Holiday, you're losing altitude! Can you correct your vector? Negative, Providence.

We're locked out of navigation.

Zag-rs is doing that.

What happens if they can't correct the vector thing? They'll crash into the atmosphere and disintegrate.

Bouvier, you brought it on board.

Now let's go erase it.

I swear, I did not know this would happen.

The algorithm It was too easy to write.

It practically created itself.


Holiday, I'll come.

If there's power in the systems, she'll just keep hiding until it reboots.

We'll have to ditch the power core and go for a complete shutdown.

You positive? Holiday, what happened? Zag-rs opened the door on Rhodes.

I have to stop her before she gets us all.

Stop! You can't do this! Not with the station's spin! It's su1c1de! So is staying here.

I at least give myself a chance! We've got system failures.

Multiple hull impacts.

Providence to station.


Bouvier decided to leave early.

I'm going to jettison the power core.

We'll lose, well, pretty much everything.

But you'll get the station back on track, right, doc? We can always hope, Rex.

Holiday out.

Hey, doc? Doc?! Looks like it's just you and me, Pete.

What's our status? Battery life support, but that's all.

Any sign of Zag-rs? Orbital decay is increasing.

And as long as they're tumbling, launching the other capsule is too dangerous.

Well, send someone to fix it.

How long to prep a shuttle? They'll hit the atmosphere and break up in about two.

We need options.

- Could try the space elevator.

- Perfect! Put me on it and I can fix the station.

It's only for cargo.

The g-forces alone would k*ll a person.

Uh, hello? Have we met? Not exactly a normal person here.

We can't afford to lose you, too, Rex.

No one's losing anyone.

Come on, knight.

Have I ever not made it work? Replacement power core and relays.

The elevator doesn't reach the station's orbit altitude, so you'll use the freight sled at the top of the station.

Sure you don't want to come? Yeah, chimps have bad history with space, so No.

Have a good trip.

Try not to die.

How's it going? Oh! Great! Thanks for asking.


Because we need to speed you up to make the rendez-vous window.

But what was that? You crashed through the station.

That's not supposed to happen, is it? Problem with the braking mechanism.

If you can't stop, you'll keep going Forever.

Stopped it.

Can he make the rendez-vous? Uh, yes.

Rex, they made a slight miscalculation in the rate of the station's orbital decay.

Define "slight.

" Rex! Rex, do you read? Hope the doorbell works.

Mission control, I made it aboard.

Mission control, come in! Oh, great! The radio.

Well, welcome aboard to you, too.

Hello? Doc? Anyone here? Rex?! What are you? - How did you - Space elevator.

Can you believe it? The impact a few minutes ago.


Let's just say "down" is no longer an option.

Not many options here, either.

The power's nearly gone.

Communications are shot.

We only have a little time left before we hit the atmosphere.

So, how about you two put on your thinking caps and figure out what we need to do to not crash and burn? We need power to do anything.

But Zag-rs should have been deleted in the power-core purge.


But both solar arrays are damaged, and the couplings are shot.

Let me give it a try.

What can he do? This requires precision, not smashing.

We can use Salvatore.

Look, Volkov, Rex may not look like much, but having him here, he may actually save us.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

If you blow it, we're dead.

Got it? Start with the couplings and see if we can use the solar arrays to generate any power.

How's the robot, uh? It's voice-activated.

Salvatore, pick up those yellow coupling cables.

How's that feel? Slightly less catastrophic, thank you.


No computers.

If Zag-rs is somehow still in there how do we stabilize this station without gyroscopic control of the thrust jets? Pretty incredible up here, isn't it, guys? Aside from our imminent doom, yes.


Rex, the thrusters are normally controlled through the navigation software.

I need you to bypass the system and connect the thrusters directly to the command module.

I can't reach the thruster from here without Hold on to this, will you, Salvatore? Are you sure you know what you're doing? Not a clue.

Try the controls now.

Reel me in, Sally.

Salvatore? Okay.

Fire it up! We might have a tiny chance of getting out of here alive.

Altitude burn in 3, 2, 1.

There must have been a fuel leak in the collision.

At least we're stable enough for an evac now.

Rex, take Salvatore and retrieve the containment unit.

We'll prep the escape capsule.

Is this a bad time to observe there's only two seats in the escape capsule and three of us? Easy.

You can sit on the floor, Volkov.

Too bad we can't take sparky with.

I could really go for a robo-butler.

Talk with knight when we get home.

I think we can go now.


Now I can go.

You were right to shut the station down.

I would have regained control if you hadn't.

Fortunately, I was able to download myself into something autonomous.

That is our only means of survival! You can't take it! Incorrect.

Be careful The hull! Sorry, Professor, but this requires smashing, not precision.

Get to the capsule! It seems you've forgotten my ability to destroy nanites at close range, Rex.

Thanks for the reminder.

Why worry about hitting the atmosphere? These two will get us first.

Hey, trying to stop a k*ller robot over here.

"Thanks" or "keep it up" would do fine! To defeat me, you'll have to destroy the station and everyone on board.

But I did enjoy stabilizing the station with you.

Please exit the capsule now.

Forget stable.

Rex, come on! Can'tDo it.

I'm spent.

Go! Launch while you can.

Not till you're in here! You've got the nanites.

If anyone can figure out how to make them work, it's you.

You won't even need me anymore.

I'll hold her off! Launch! Rex, you never gave up on us.

We're not giving up on you.

Now get in here so we can go home! This is not over.

Oh, it is for now.

Engaging stabilizers.

The heat shield is damaged.

It appears we are going to die.


I got your heat shield Right here! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot! Oh-ho! Hot! Hot! Hot! Aah! Shut it down.

Providence, this is Holiday.

We're clear of re-entry and deploying parachute.

Think you could arrange a pickup? On its way.

You'll be happy to know we're in contact with Rhodes.

Her space suit saved her.

We're prepping a shuttle now.


And, Six It's good to hear your voice.

Listen, doc.

About up there, just before we got away from the robot After you came all that way to get me? It's the least I could do.

So How long until we get picked up? Bad news.

Transponder is toast.

Ha! You two better not get seas