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05x08 - Copenhagen

Posted: 09/05/21 07:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on Billions...

Mike Prince

is Axe's real enemy.

I want to officially
welcome each of you to...

Taylor Mason Carbon!

- Whoo! Nice. All right!

You know my new artist, Tanner?
He's not workin'.

You know what, let me talk to him.

This happened to be a
Nico Tanner original?


The doctors are running some tests,

but they think he'll
need a kidney transplant.

My father wasn't healthy enough to pass

the workup to get on the donor list.

I have a guy.

They need you to rip
a letter on my behalf

out of the SEC and grease the skids

- to a charter.
- Sure.

Welcome to the NYAG.

Today, you're gonna go
after a cabinet member.

Secretary of the Treasury, Todd Krakow.

We have a problem with the assignment.

I'm not part of a criminal enterprise...

He's out. Fired by the White House.

[WHISPERING] Back to square f*ckin' one!

Is this a reward or
to teach me a lesson?


We need a rockstar in our corner, too.

Mike Prince.

Go to him. Enlist him. Team up.

Get me anyone who can help us find out

what is near and dear to
Michael Thomas Aquinas Prince.

Because when I find out
what matters to him,

I am going to f*ckin' destroy it.

And him right along with it.






You're putting on this little show here

instead of at home and
instead of managing

our underperforming employees.

That means you got somethin' to tell me.

You read me like
the Sunday papers, honcho.

I was re-toxing last night at the Aviary

and learned one Michael Prince is ready

to be confirmed Ambassador Extraordinary

and Plenipotentiary to Denmark.

You don't f*ckin' say.

I do.

And while I saw the upside in
him posting up in Copenhagen,

I also envisioned him parachuting back

into our fair city, the anointed one.

So I decided to give him
a smorgasbord of shit.

I spent the last hours in a whirlwind

of Mike Prince research-wining, dining,

drugging, grooming,

levering, horse-trading...

And the dividend?

Prince keeps himself locked down

Fort Knox-style. But one Roger Dunbar,

known to you as Scooter, is our way in.

The man likes to play
the angles at football

and basketball and horse racing.

Scooter's a sports bettor?

On a staggering scale
through numerous fronts.

He's trying to disguise it,

but no way he can afford
the inevitable swings.

He's leaking like a raft
at a kid's pool party.

And his leaks are Prince's leaks.

The sort of vulnerability that stops you

from getting government
security clearance.

And for good reason.

Nail him to the pyre,
douse him with oil,

and light his ass up.

Yes. Joan of Arc style.

But first, a quick nap.


Watch yourself with them
when you go in there later.

You make it sound like I'm going into

the lion enclosure at the zoo.


Axe Cap's been called worse.


Or are you just afraid
I'm gonna say something

to make you look bad?

- f*ck no. The opposite.

Just... if you're not used to it,

the money talk from my colleagues

can be relentless,
shameless, suffocating.

Ah. You know,

only rich people get
embarrassed by money talk.

The rest of us get embarrassed
because we don't have any money.

My job is to train them
to tune every fiber of

their being to get as much as they can.

But I've seen the negative
effect it can have.

It can restrict growth in other ways.

Well, you can say that,
'cause you're one of 'em.

You're rich.

How much you make?

- Really?
- Yeah.

It'll clarify things.

My bonus was $ million last year.


Look, I get that
some of this is new to you.


you can be who you want to be.

But y-you just seem...


I don't know,
overly interested in what those buyers

like Lisa had to say the other night.

But when we met,
you acted like money is like chains.

So I guess I'm just saying, beware.

Yeah, I hear you.

It's just that now that I
have a little bit of it,

that money, I...

it's startin' to feel like freedom.


You rang?

You look ready to toss your
cap into the air at West Point.

Don't make a whole thing out of it.

Pull the record of every
prisoner I've put away.

- Here and at SDNY.
- Criminal records?

Uh, no, medical records.

I'm lookin' for a kidney.

Pristine quality. [CLICKS TONGUE] Primo.

Ah, Chuck. Shoppin' for the old man.

I get it.

I used to walk six miles to the army PX

to get my dad a pack of Lucky's.

- How's he doin'?
- Hm.

Like Clint Eastwood.
Straight-backed but uh...

But sometimes,
he just gets that lost look in the eyes

and starts talking to the furniture?

In a sense.

Rough for him. Rougher for you.


Gets the old compassion flowing.

I'll grab what I can.

Gotta tell ya, it works. You look great.

- Don't make a whole...
- Copy!

I heard you fell back
to the country place.

Yeah, trying to figure out
how much to sell it for.

Lara always liked it. Me?

I can't stand the quiet. You interested?

Nah, too rich for my blood.

But you're still interested
in a bank charter, right?

- You know I am.
- Well...

There may be a way around our obstacle.

When we heard that Rhoades was
teaching up at the law school,

I tapped some Yale connects
I know from boating.

And it turns out he was using
a bunch of the law school kids

as a think t*nk to take out Krakow.


So I ran my own think t*nk.

Feels like time for a recount.

Do it.

Find a true believer
amongst those acolytes

and let's get Rhoades caught
in a crossfire hurricane.

And find me another charter.
Get Victor on it.

Designing for the space?

Making sure it's lit properly.

Right. Like Von Sydow, not Dusty.

"I don't sell my work by the yard."

I get it. I studied art history.

And yet you work here.

Well, in a way, so do you.

Who f*ck are you?

The name's Mafee.

I don't think I'll remember that.

Do you own any art?

I have a hand-painted production cell

from the movie Tron
with the young Bridges.

- Not...
- Obviously.

I meant as an investment.

Oh, not yet. But I'll start acquiring

in the next to months.

- What do you like?
- No f*ckin' idea.

I don't know anything about
the underlying commodity.

Don't need to.

Just that it can go up in value.

It's speculation,
with an option for manipulation.

What'll you give me for that?

You were worried about me,
and I beat 'em.

That group of overpaid philistines

just gave me $ , .
for a signed doodle.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.


- _

It's great that you guys are doing this.

So many so-called impact investors,

they don't really care.

We're money where your
mouth is type of people.

[PRESENTER] And now,
please welcome our host

for the evening, Mike Novogratz.


[NOVOGRATZ] I want to thank all of you

for supporting us tonight.

The mission of the Bail Project

is to combat racial and
economic disparities

within our broken
criminal justice system...

- [RIAN] Mock tuna wrap?
- No, thanks.

Maybe. Whoa.

Take the pretend tuna. And a napkin.

- So you...
- Yes.

I... have to go grind some daiquiris.

Wait, it's not daiquiri season.
And you don't grind them.

I don't know why I said that.
I gotta go. [CHUCKLES]

[NOVOGRATZ] ...if you
want to dig deeper,

you can pay in Bitcoin or dollars.

And I'm giving you a good reason to.

It's my great pleasure
to introduce to you

a friend of the Bail Project,

an American hero...

my friend, Mr. Jason Isbell.


Thank you all.

If you ever spent even
one night in jail,

then you understand just how
precious your freedom is.

And if you're a human
being with your eyes open,

you realize that

freedom isn't exactly equally
available for everybody.

So I'm happy to be here
with you this evening.


♪ I couldn't be happy
in the city at night ♪

♪ You can't see the stars
for the neon lights ♪

♪ The sidewalk's dirty
and the river's worse ♪

♪ The underground trains
all run in reverse ♪

♪ Nobody here can dance like me ♪

♪ Everybody's clapping on
the one and the three ♪

♪ Am I ♪

♪ The last of my kind? ♪

♪ Am I ♪

♪ The last of my kind? ♪

♪ So many people with so much to do ♪

♪ The winter's so cold
your hands turn blue ♪

♪ Old men sleeping on
the filthy ground ♪

♪ They spend their whole
day just walking around ♪

♪ And nobody else here seems to care ♪

♪ They walk right past them
like they ain't even there ♪

♪ Am I ♪

- ♪ The last of my kind? ♪


Oh, shit!



This isn't great.

A picture of you burning
a bathtub full of ballots?


Back in college, junior year. [SIGHS]

You rigged the election?

You really wanted to be
president of the YCC.

More than that.

Look closely and you'll see
the name of my opponent,

Robertson Wycoff.

Oh my God,
this guy was straight out of the

Niedermeyer from Animal House
school of student government.

Ah, I'm starting
to remember you telling me

about this in law school.

He was like a fascist back then, right?

I remember the times,

we were pro-divestment, anti-apartheid.

He leaned more status quo,

said South Africa wasn't our problem.

You couldn't risk letting him win.

No, indeed.

So some friends of mine did the
Saybrook College vote tally,

which meant we could suppress
my opponent's turnout.


You stole a student election
and posed for pictures.


Our own little homage to
"Landslide Lyndon."

People find out you
turned your dorm room

into Tammany Hall,
that's a potential career k*ller.

And I have been sent
this memento mori, anonymously,

with the gracious opportunity to resign

my teaching post at Yale.

It's extortion. You can't.

I don't plan to.

You have any idea who sent it?

I do.

A recalcitrant former pupil.


And much like a disobedient dog,

I will bring him to heel.

I forget that when you have a boss,

they can summon you.

Or is that more of a king thing?

Both? Anyway, here I am, summoned.

Close the door.

I want to talk about last night.
If you ran into me,

you can run into people
we do business with.

People who will wonder about you,

about what kind of place I'm running,

why I don't pay enough for my people

not to work second jobs.

I can wear a wig.

I have no desire to
make you uncomfortable

or to job shame you.

What's with the gig?

It's a gig economy.

For some people.

Not mid-six-figure pre-bonus analysts.

My roommates and I have been
doing the Party Down thing

together ever since we got to the city.

So you don't want to leave them behind.

There are less laborious
ways to keep in touch.

A WhatsApp group,
the occasional escape room.

Uh... hmm.

I get the distinction now.

You're my boss, but not a king.

You don't own my time.

We have a work relationship.

Let's keep it that way. Cool?


That time I said it with
the K and W spelling.

Could you hear it? [CHUCKLES]

Thanks for your concern.

Now back to work we go.

Oh, leave it open, closed?

I'm feeling closed.

You take steps yet?

Uh... percolating.

I'll get to it.

What's up? You seem phlegmatic.

- Even for...
- No, no, I'm fine.

I'm just in attack mode, and, uh...

Come on,
Mamoun's is the cleanest falafel

outside of the Holy Land.
You haven't even touched yours.


The thing with the woman I was seeing...

[SIGHS] ...that's over.

Oh... she was a keeper, you said.

Yeah, that's what most guys
would call someone that smart,

beautiful, kind, and willing
to throw them a threesome.


- You'd think.
- You didn't like it?

No. I liked it.

Of course I liked it.


Give me pistachio ice cream,

I'll eat it and smile,

as Diamond David Lee Roth would say.

But, yeah, it was uncomfortable.

It's just too many limbs.

- Too many questions.

[CHUCKLING] Oh, what to do.


Give me rum raisin, on the other hand,

I'll inhale the whole pint
and root around the fridge

to find another one.

And that's what I was missing.

Well, Cat seems pretty,
you know, liberated.

Have you broached the subject
of what you really want?

A-as you said,
she's smart and sensitive.

And she saw... [STAMMERING]

She saw that it would never work,

not all the way from me.

Not without, you know... [CLICKS TONGUE]

And so she said something
along the lines of,

"We'll always have Paris."

Only the words she used
were harsher, you know?

And all about wasting her time.

- Shit.

And now I got some g*dd*mn college kid

wasting my f*cking time.

Well, whatever you're feeling about

what she did to you, do to him.

And I'll help.

You want half my turkey
and chopped liver?

Underrated sandwich.

Bet I can name two better ones.

And I just know you want in on
the other side of that action.

- Why would I?
- 'Cause, like Michael Cheritto,

for you, the action is the juice.

Don't know him.

You should see Heat.

On my list.

But I get that you're saying you think

- I'm a gambling man.
- I don't think it.

I observed it.

Those guys are just
scattered to the wind.

They're your runners, placing your bets

so they don't track back to you.

But I tracked it back.

Look, those guys
are a street marketing team.

I'm building out a
brand on a new company.


This hobby of yours makes
you vulnerable to extortion.

And that extortion has come.

Prince finds out about this,
he shitcans you,

then you're an orphan without a purpose.

I thought I was so GD careful.

None of that matters now.

Give up Prince.

Nothin' to give.

He may be the best at bleaching.

But no one gets to figures clean.

Go home.

Remember the thing.

Come tell Axe and me.

And your life stays the same.

Don't, and you lose
everything you hold sacred.

Glad you accepted my offer to drop by.

I didn't like the
circumstances you left under.

Never bad to march with
your conscience intact.

Not sure I agree with that.

Conscience can be a little bit
like those old nonstick pans.

Flakes off under heat.

Produces noxious fumes that
ruin the whole enterprise.

Now, what you're really looking for

is a cast iron soul.

Durable, seasoned.

If I wanted advice about pots and pans,

I'd have signed up to
intern for Guy Fieri.


Well then,
here's the advice you really came for.

Sign your name

to everything you write.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You do. And you should own it.

C'mon, do what your Chef Fieri does.

Use your leverage. Don't throw it away.

Hell, he started out with a ' Camaro,

bleached goatee,
and a hankering for Sloppy Joe,

and he ended up with an empire.

Morality isn't leverage.

Democracy isn't leverage. Decency...

It was a student election.

To decide who got to woo
Oingo Boingo to Spring Fling

and push them not to play Sun City.

It wasn't Il Duce in ' .

There's a difference.

Not as much as you think.

One leads to the other.

Oh, f*ck.

I can tell how good
that felt to you to say.

Problem is, it's just not true.

You're right about one thing.

Sending an anonymous email was weak.

I answer for that now.

Just like you will have to
answer for your mistake.



See, this is where
old days I'd have appealed

to your fear and greed centers.

Dangled an unattainable
post-graduation job

in front of you, or the specter of some

member of your family
getting into legal trouble.


allow me to share with you
a lesson from my own life.

So it's guilt then, I'm guessin'.

Listen, Merle.

I don't know you,

or what you do or plan
to do with your life.

But I know this.

If you move me out by using blackmail,

you will be setting
yourself up for a life...


well, a life quite like mine.

One open to moments of

deep regret and loss of face.

Ah, the stern warning.

The wisdom from down the road.

I'm giving you the most
valuable thing I have:


You have the chance to
live a life of honor.

To sleep through the night...

You know what? I already have a father

who sells me his bad choices,
his object lessons.

You have a day to resign gracefully.

After that,
I'm blasting the picture out wide.


I may have a vote-rigging
problem on my horizon.

I assume you're not teeing up a big,
juicy case.

Oh, in this scenario,

I'm the golf ball. Take a look at this.


Nice lighter. ST. Dupont?

Let's talk about those ballots
I'm taking the lighter to.


Does the election-tampering bother you?

Nah, I'd have a bigger problem
if you weren't in it to win it.

I was on the right side of history,
if that matters.

Yeah, no, not much.


Look, you were practically a kid.

I am guessing you had your reasons

or were just practicing your moves.

But now as a state
constitutional officer,

your voters may feel differently
about this if it gets out.

That's why I'm here.

You want me to tee up a big, juicy case,

one that screams out
justice and fairness,

and bumps your tee time
right off the front page.

I do. Yes.

As you'd say... "Let me work."

I will need you to sign a
contract that states clearly

you're exclusively working
here and nowhere else.

And if I won't sign?

I think maybe then you're gone.

I can't have people here
who are less committed

than contestants on The Bachelor.

There is no way you've even seen

one episode of The Bachelor.
How can you...

Sometimes it helps me fall asleep.

Their insipid self-confidence

and beauty is a somnolent.

But the point is, if you work with me,

I need your blood,
because that is what I give.

I don't know.

I want you here.
You think clearly. That's rare.

But you can also communicate clearly.

The combo is more rare.

And then there's the ability to charm,

get people on your side without
resorting to cheap tricks.

Plus, also,
I can see you struggling to remain

a good person despite the temptations.

It would seem a mistake to fire someone

with those characteristics, no?

I don't want to fire you.

You want to own me.

And that's not cool.

You haven't answered me.




Ya likes?

I dug like Indiana Jones
in the Ark picture.

I see that.

These are potent.

And could be quite helpful to me.

Yeah. I and everyone now

not only understand why
you stole the election,

but we're rooting for you in retrospect.

You had to take him out.
By any means necessary.

If Yale's student body president

was anti-divestment,

picking the speakers for every event,

stacking the decks at every meeting.

His own quotes and speeches say it all.

How did you get these?

That's a question I expect

from my brother-in-law, the garmento.

The point is, use this stuff.

And then even if that
picture of you is released,

the story will be...

you were fighting
institutionalized racism

and slaying a dragon.

A dragon who currently serves

as the beloved university chaplain.

I looked him up, too.
A lifetime of service.

So he turned out to be a good guy

because you saved him.


Hey, boss.

Uh, attorney-client or broheim time?

[IRA] Just signing off.

Thank you.

What's up, Karl?

Got a hit.

Prisoner named Aman Dekel.

He matches a certain profile you need.

Clean bill of health on this one, too.

Not a drinker.

Religious man who was
incarcerated for crimes

in the name of his maker.

But the required pristine kidneys.

Outstanding. You make contact?

I did. He's expecting you tomorrow.

He will sacrifice the bean
for payment to be negotiated

and the ability to move out of state

to be with his family as
soon as he's released.

That can be arranged.

Ah, the things we do
for those we love huh?


Thank you very much.


Doctor Gilbert.

I know what you're doing here
and who you hoped to meet,

but I'm afraid Aman Dekel
isn't gonna make it today.

And neither are the beautiful glomeruli

in his kidneys.

- Is that so?
- When you put me in here,

I became more powerful than
you could ever have imagined.


Well, less powerful than,
say, any free man.

From one perspective,
but from another...

the residents of this institution

come to me with their afflictions.

And I give them better treatment than

the hacks in the infirmary.

And that's why they were happy

to come to me and to lure you in.

And why you will never get
what you're lookin' for.

It's not me,

but my father that you're doing this to.

All the same. Organ failure is beastly.

[CLICKS TONGUE] Took my own mom.

We're talking total
physiologic breakdown.


Your dad will be wishing
for incontinence,

because urine output will cease

and then the swelling comes...

the feet, the legs and the... [SIGHS]

the pain that that brings...

it's pain that makes you pass out

and wish you never wake up.
Vomiting, seizures.



You've really gotten away from
that whole do no harm deal.

It's what happens when your ideals

get turned inside out.

You know well what I'm talking about.


How's your sister, Jerry?

Much better, thanks.

It's a tricky medical condition
that was misdiagnosed.

Ovarian cysts.

They thought it was cancer.

They would've gutted her.

You were right about getting
a second opinion downstate.

You need anything?

Hmm. I'd love a LaCroix.

And an escort for the Attorney General.

He's leaving.

[JERRY] Come on. Let's go.


You know, I'm not visiting
any more prisons anytime soon.

It's always a punch in the f*cking face.


- Thanks, Peach.
- Mm-hmm.


You got my smoke signal.

I did. Thanks for the
trip down memory lane.

It was nicer to relive
than it was to live.


What do you want?




Phew. Healthcare proxy?

Why me?

Because Roxanne's too young.

She'll never let me go.

She will keep the machines on for years,

hoping for a miracle while I crap myself

and the money runs out.

And Chuck, he might pull the plug when

I'm in the middle of a sentence.

He's doing everything
he can to help you.

Sure, he is.

But you, you're the one with
liquid silver in her veins,

the cool-headed k*ller.

You'll do the right
thing at the right time.

At the "right time," you'll be comatose,

completely incommunicative,

and you want me to come
in waving this around

in front of your young wife and son?

It'll be a total shit show.

That's why I'm asking you.

No, I... I pray,
to the extent that I pray,

that these decisions never need be made.


if the worst comes to pass, Wendy...

if I hit the f*cking wall

and become a full gomer,

I need you to be clear-eyed
and punch my ticket.

Can I count on you?


Sure, Dad.

If it comes to it, I'll put you down.


That's a good girl.

[CHUCK] I see.

While I've been out
scouring the countryside

trying to save your life,

you put your trust in someone else.

Oh, I've been doing
what needs to be done.

Or are you here to tell me

that you found me a donor
and it isn't necessary?



Unfortunately, it is.

I'll leave you two to
settle your business.

Scooter's on his way up.

Heh. Longest elevator ride of his life.

I knew he was gonna cave.

Saw it in his eyes that he'd
do anything to save himself.


You look surprised. Was I not invited?

I felt, in a way, that I was.

Or at least that my
invitation was implied.

Love this.

Raw concrete. Very wabi-sabi.

You have Rande Gerber decorate for ya?


Threw yourself at the merciful hem

of the Shogun skirts?

Not exactly.
He was already well aware of the bets.

Because they were his.

Too bad. Ambassador with

a gambling problem's a no-go.

No problem here.

I have a better winning
percentage than the Vegas books.

Plus, sports betting is
now legal in this state.

Those runners you saw
placed the action for me

at the sports books at upstate casinos.

Because that much money,
with my profile,

would have moved the lines.

Yes. You had your man put 'em down

to get you a better price.

Protect and serve.

Don't worry, though,
my records are orderly.

We have it all documented
in exquisite detail.

Taxes paid on all the profits.

And the Danes are a sporting bunch.

They love a good wager.

You made a mistake coming here, Mike.

I smoked you out.

You could have had me
wasting my time on this

until your post was clinched.

But now I know which
direction I need to go in.

Without meaning to,
you guys have just revealed it to me.

You're trying to put a read on me?

Steady hands, no micro-expressions,

nothing there.

So you can look as long and
hard as you want at my life,

past or present.

There's nothing there
for you to chew on.

You sure?

When a man's bluffing,

he looks a guy right in the eyes.

I look people in the eye because

I believe in myself.

And I like to connect with them.

Which is one of the things
I love about the Danes,

their warmth.

They have the most delightful demeanor

and a wonderful word
to describe their state

of cozy well-being.


It's the contentment of feeling warm,
being warm.

Danes are hygge-like.

And in the time I will be
spending in their midst,

I plan to embrace their way of life.

While you will remain here...

Cold, lonely,


and most assuredly not hygge-like.


I didn't anticipate the carom.

But what did you pick up on him?

Not a g*dd*mn thing.
I was f*cking bluffing.

Next time you bring me something,

make sure it's something.

You'll always be my guy, Wags.

But don't make me have to get
another guy that you report to.

Now, I said something
to this kid, Merle.

About the cost of these actions.


And although I was merely
trying to influence him...

f*ck, Ira, I was him at law school.

And if someone,
anyone had tried to warn me off

becoming who I did, I'd have listened.

I was right there with you,
and I know exactly who you were,

the smartest and most
rigorous student in our class.

The only one who ever
doubted you was you, man.

And y-you wouldn't have listened

to any kind of warning

or bromide from anyone,
especially not some...

Some grizzled old pol?

Yeah, something like that.

You know, I always figured I'd
keep growing in a real way.

That the worst parts of
me would recede over time,

that I'd be able to will
myself forward to the better.

Oh, instead?

As looms, you come to see
that those sub-optimal parts,

the bugs, as it were...

[CHUCKLES] They aren't bugs.

No. Turns out, they are you.

Hmm. Might not be an age thing.

From the moment our parents
look at us a certain way,

it might all be set in f*cking stone.

You gotta deploy the
materials I gave you.


I'm shredding these printouts.

And I need you to destroy
the original package

you put together.

[SIGHS] I won't.

And neither will you.

I'm glad to know that you've changed.

In your heart.

But just...
what if you didn't tell your heart

what you were doing yet and
first you got out of this jam?

This kid is coming for you.

If he had a p*stol,
would you let him sh**t you?

No, you'd defend yourself

and then go about making amends.

Once you knew you were still breathing.

Do the same here.

I know you better than
you know yourself.

And I know what you need.


you take that and do
the thing you have to.



What's he doing here?

He's part of it.

Part of?

Such a thing.

What is?

[EXHALES] A violation of this scope,

given your history?

And to think I wouldn't have a
system in place to monitor you,

given said history.

[WHISPERING] That's downright insulting.

[CLICKS TONGUE] Such a thing.

All right. That's quite enough of that.

Though, incredibly, he is right.

Why are you running a search through

the employees' medical records?


Traditionally, the scent hound gets

to tear at the quarry at hunt's end.


It's nothing personal. Just business.

I always liked you.

It's Chuck's father.

He's gonna die unless he gets a kidney.

- So I thought I...
- You should have come to me.

Would you have let me run the search?

No. But I'd have saved you from that.

We haven't been able to save each other

from much lately.

Since you're here,

let me try.

Mike Prince.

Let it go.

I sat with him, with Taylor.

He's not out to hurt you.

If he wasn't before, he is now.

Because he knows my intentions.

Let it go anyway. In the past,

when I have nudged, counseled,

warned you to lay off
against other opponents,

it's because you were beating yourself.

Being rash, lacking focus,

becoming consumed by your own rage.

But in this case, it's something else.

He'll likely beat you.

I beat him in Yonkers.

Did you?

Or did he kinda let you have that one?

This is a strange f*cking
pep talk, Wend.

Because I'm not giving you one.


Do you know how many
sports movies I've watched

over the last years? All of them.

So believe me, I know how to do 'em.

And I have the right
poll for this moment.

You think he's Tin Cup McAvoy,
and you're Don Johnson,

and you'll let the quirk in
his character defeat him,

but it might just be
the other way around.

Not gonna keep putting
balls in the drink.

That's what Roy thought, too.

But once guys like you and him commit,

you'll keep hitting until
there are no more Pro V-Ones

- left in your golf bag.
- Right.

So what do you suggest I do instead?

Figure out who or what

from your past you're still furious at,

because that's where it
always really comes from,

and go hit that.
Or finally decide to let it go.

The past.

You're right.

It's always the f*cking past.

Wags. In here, please.

Axe Capital!

We've been looking to
hit all of Prince's

current holdings and businesses, right?

As was ordered. To create a dip

in the value of his portfolio

before the big feature
on him airs on The Hour.

Axe figured out we're
aiming at the wrong target.

We were with Prince. And Prince said,

"You can look as long and
hard as you want in my life,

"past and present.

There's nothing there
for you to chew on."

But no one said anything

about his past.

Axe picked up on his tell.

He's got a secret.

f*cking find it.

Hey. You know how we had feelers out

on a half-dozen of those shady companies

crying out for public execution?

- Yeah, Axe filled me in.
- We're like a fishing boat

with a bunch of lines over the side.

And we got a tug.

It's called Plaintif-Full.


Chum the local press.
Wait for another bite,

then set the f*cking hook.


Dean Walker is here.

I imagine she is.



I had a visit from a young
man named Merle Howard

- a few hours ago.
- I see.

He wanted to throw himself on the mercy

of the court, so to speak.

He told me of his
plans to blackmail you,

get you ousted,
and how you talked him out of it.

He literally said he'd misjudged you

and wanted to report himself to me

for an honor code violation.

I forgave him, of course.

And he asked that I'd
drop the entire matter.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

So I did some good. Ha!

Well, that is wonderful news.

Yet we live in an age
that doesn't give me

that opportunity to let it go.

If a student knows
something and tells me,

I have no choice but to investigate it.

That picture of you, Chuck...

what it says about the whole
foundation of your career.

You have to know there was context.

I was part of a movement

to push the Yale Corporation
to divest holdings...

You stole an election
for social justice?

Divestment itself was in the balance?

I could make that case.

Against the Robertson Wycoff I know?

Sounds like a reach.

Here's your window. Closing fast.


I guess I thought I
could make a difference

by winning that election.

So you have.

And I'm sure that picture
of you will never come out.

Merle kept it.
Said he was destroying it.

Well, then is there a way
we can consider

this a closed matter?

Not quite.

That's not the only thing Merle told me.

He also mentioned a student
law clinic you put together.

He'd made his peace with it.
But from where I sit,

it sounds like a g*dd*mn hit squad.

I see.

Yale Law School is the nation's finest

because we refuse to
compromise on our principles.

Even if the money came
from outside sources,

even if it was voluntary.

This is against school policy

and non-f*cking-negotiable.

Then I step down. [CLICKS TONGUE]

And you redirect the money funding

the operation back to my office...

No. We'll keep the bestowal.

And use it for the good and fair purpose

for which it was meant to be used.

But I accept your resignation

and I thank you for it.

You did do a good thing.

Two, really.

Merle Howard has a chance to be a

productive member of society.

And Yale is now protected
from a mentor like you.



Rough day?

Not my best.

But I did something.

I actually kept a promise to myself,
a good one.

So that's...

I guess the word is progress.

Hmm. So you feel great?

Oh, let's not get carried away.

Well, maybe this
will take it over the top.

I was researching some big,
juicy cases that would put

a halo over your head
and found a small article

in a local paper about
some neighborhood folks

that got fleeced by a payday lender.

Company's called Plaintif-Full.

[SCOFFS] Are they as bad
as their name suggests?

Bad-faith operators. Predatory.

Well, I no longer need it.

But I am in the mood
to take someone down.


Let's do it because it's
the right thing to do.


Old school. Move fast on this.

You know it.


I got it.

When you said the past,

it jogged my memory of
an old Fortune article.

I used to read 'em on the crapper.

Is that the actual one from the crapper?

No, I pulled that one out of archives.

The story is about
Prince's deceased partner,

David Fells.

Now Prince sold off %
of his company years ago

to Microsoft,
back when Fells was still alive.

It was his first big score.
His first billion.

But he's always famously
refused to sell off the rest.

To give up control.

- And?
- And...

this might be a way for
you to wrest control

of his g*dd*mn company from within,

like a Guinea worm.

Because Fells's founder's
shares come with

ten to one voting rights.

You get those,

you can stage a boardroom coup.

I've been in touch with
Fells's next of kin,

his mother.

She's agreed to meet.

[SMACKS LIPS] And she's
no fan of Mike Prince.

- How do you know that?
- 'Cause she said,

"I have just what you need
to torpedo Mike Prince."

She has the founder's shares
and the super voting rights.

What else could that mean?

Fuel up your jet?

You know it.

Bring her to me.

- [AXE] Mrs. Fells...
- Oh, Brenda.


I'm gonna to put this bluntly,
and I'm not

gonna bother negotiating.

I will back up an armored
car for your son's shares.

I... I'm sorry, I don't have them.


he sold them before he died,
to Michael Prince.

I shouldn't have come.

Well, ma'am, that is too bad.

But you knew this before I flew you in.

And you didn't say don't, so...

That leads me to believe
it might be something else.

Oh, I'm sure it's something else.

It's something I've known
and carried for years,

since my s-all right, look.

I signed an NDA.

Prince came to me years ago,
right after David was buried.

He gave me money and he had me sign.

This is just you and me talking.

Whatever you tell me,
and if it's valuable,

and I use it,

I will cover any losses
or liabilities you face.

Only an idiot would take your word

and not write this up with lawyers.

Only an idiot would make the offer.


My son was brilliant,

but he was troubled.

He had trouble finding
his way through the world.

He didn't make friends easily.

And then he started in with
the drinking and the dr*gs.

Except for Michael Prince.

Those two spent thousands of
hours in my garage working.

You know,
Prince was like the forward face

of all my son's genius.

And then one day, he stops by with

what seemed like a windfall, $ , .

He said he'd gotten
a licensing agreement

and that he would buy
David's piece of the company

to take the pressure off.

So David could chill out, you know,

clean up, dry out.

He said that while the
first one didn't work,

they would start a new company

when David was strong again.

And-and to tip the scales,

he brought along the check and tickets

to Rio for Carnival.

Michael's gonna join
him on the last day.

So David accepted, he went.

And then the Microsoft
deal was announced,

and the numbers were reported,
and Michael Prince had made...

wh... uh a hundred times

what he'd paid David, a thousand.

He knew the offer was coming.

Oh, he knew, and he stalled it off

until he could secure David's piece.

Made it look like a favor
and put him out in the cold.

I mean, do you know

what that does to a -year-old?

To lose out like that?

I mean,
to be stabbed in the back like that

by your best friend?

The drinking and using
went into overdrive.

He said he was ready to come home.

But he didn't.

He... he went dark.

And he wound up dying a month later

in a single-car accident.

Michael Prince

built his fortune on my son's grave.


I was supposed to...

By now I was supposed
to be done with my PhD

in economic philosophy at U Chicago.

I'd have published my dissertation.

But then Bobby Axelrod put
a promise of mentorship,

a meeting of the minds,
a kinship of ideas,

and a way of seeing the
markets I'd never felt before,

and so much money in
front of me that I just...

I never even called the professor

I was supposed to go work with.

I just withdrew from the program.

You wish you were at the
place fun goes to die

instead of making jillions

solving unsolvable puzzles every day?

I never thought I was the kind of person

who would be tempted by all this.

And then I told myself
that anyone, everyone,

would lose a piece of
themselves for this.

It made me able to justify what I did.

And then here I was.

And it was the perfect chance
to conduct an experiment,

a test case.

Part of you wants me to make
the escape you couldn't.

But the other part wants me to stay.

To prove to you that no one
can resist the clarion call.

I'm on the wrong side of our generation.

Even just the four
years between when Axe

put the choice to me, and now...

No, yeah, you're old. I'm not.

But I'm not sitting here
like I'm better than you.

f*ck. [SCOFFS]

You chose something sturdy and real,

and where, like, you could land.

I'm still floating.

That's what I've been thinking
about since we last talked.

- How I'm caught between.
- Really?

I don't want to go work in
the Ford plant for years

like a rivet head.

But knowing I'm really in something?


Yeah, that seems good.

I'm gonna ditch the catering company.

But I can't let you just go and do it

without warning you what else
you need to be ready for.

What else one gives up
to go on the journey.

Oh, so what else do you give up?

Nights, weekends, holidays.

Your world will become
a series of data sets,

line items on a P and L.

Everything broken down
into basis points.

And your victories
will not be the money,

the thing that anybody can measure,

but the stuff they can't
begin to appreciate.

Looking beyond what's quantifiable,

the subtle refinements,
the elegance of success.

I'll quit the catering company.

Then buy it. Turn it over to my friends.

Nice gesture. They won't appreciate it.

But at least you'll know you
did a good thing for them.

Your real friends,
few as they may be, will get it.

And the ones that don't,

don't have the capacity to be

the kind of friend you need.

So instead of friendship,

you have to use work to fill the void?

I guess I do.


Thanks for this.

[AXE] Yeah, he was in town.

I figured he'd dig the work.

This is really good work, man.

[TANNER] Cool.

I dig yours.

Hey. You know,
maybe you want to commission one.

I spend most of my money on guitars

- but I'm thinking about it.
- Yeah, good. Good.

Hey, you want to come
by my place tonight?

I'm having my team by for
a special viewing party.

Oh, no, thank you.

I-I don't ever really
feel comfortable around

the financial set, right?

Oh, yeah. [CHUCKLES]

But there... there are some upsides.

Only thing that sounds
worse is hanging out

with record label executives.

Especially when I'm trying to work.

I just want to do my thing.

I don't want to be
somebody's trick monkey.

thanks for showing me this stuff.

Really good. Really inspirational.

Oh, thanks.

- Hey see you in a bit.
- Yeah.


- Okay.


Does the paint get on your stuff?

Or do you like, add it?

Tuk, you shouldn't bother the man.

He doesn't like small talk.

What... what, uh,

what is it that you're trying to ask?

I just dropped K on this Gucci jacket

to wear out to clubs, but...

but now I'm thinking if
I splash some paint...

Oh, Tuk.

Yeah, you really shouldn't do that.

You'll just ruin your jacket, loser.

Exactly. The artist thing works for him

because he's an artist.

[DOLLAR BILL] Get your own game,

like buying the girl the $ , jacket.

Maybe you'll get some gratitude points.

Oh, Tuk.

♪ ...of your own little town ♪

♪ Yeah, the world would swing ♪

♪ Oh, if I ♪

♪ Were king ♪

Hi. I heard we had to watch this thing.

My friends were going out

and I didn't know where
else to go really.

- Do you mind?

♪ It's good to be king ♪

♪ And have your own way ♪

♪ Get a feeling of peace ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

Mr. Ambassador, your habiliments.

All right, everyone.

You are gonna like this.

He's a self-made billionaire,

an advocate for the
environment and our future,

a man who asks the tough
questions about inequality.

But to paraphrase Balzac,

behind every great fortune,

there is great cruelty.

And in the case of Mr. Prince,

exploitation and betrayal.

Over the next part of the hour,

we will explore a fortune stolen

and a legacy pilfered.

It's been hard.

It's been brutal, really,

to watch the world celebrate this man

and know the truth about
what he did to my son,

which is steal from him and destroy him.

You best hope you are not
Dollar Bill's mission,

because he will ride
you down like Tombstone.


[CHANTS] Dollar Bill! Dollar Bill!

♪ It helps to make friends ♪

Anyone seen Tanner?

[ALL] No.

That fish? He went for the lure.

And he got hooked.

f*ck yeah!

Pick up the company on the cheap.

Already done.



Pull Plaintif-Full's corporate charter,

- their company by-laws.
- That is what

I'm elbow deep in right now.

Why would Axe care about buying
up a marginal shitbag operation

that after our takedown
has basically zero value?

What are we missing? What angle?

Not what angle, what asset.

The way they got away
with a bunch of their

unethical lending is doing it in-house.

They have a bank charter.

They have a f*cking bank charter.


We just delivered Axe's bank.

♪ Jenny said,
when she was just five years old ♪

♪ There was nothin' happening at all ♪

♪ Every time she puts on the radio ♪

♪ There was nothin' goin' down at all ♪

♪ Not at all ♪

♪ Then, one fine mornin'
she puts on a New York station ♪

♪ They know, she don't believe... ♪

You disappeared.
You weren't answering your phone.

Don't talk!

Just saying hi.

Can I watch?

You can stay, you can leave,
you can do whatever.

You wanted pure?

This is pure as I got!

Make yourself a drink if you want.

You just let me work.

♪ Jenny said, when she was
just about five years old ♪

♪ "You know, my parents are
gonna be the death of us all" ♪

♪ Two TV sets and two Cadillac cars ♪

♪ Well, you know,
ain't gonna help me at all ♪

♪ No, just your time do ♪

♪ Then, one fine morning she
turns on a New York station ♪

♪ She doesn't believe
what she hears at all ♪

♪ Ooh, she started dancin' to that ♪

♪ Fine, fine music ♪

♪ You know,
her life was saved by rock'n'roll ♪