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03x19 - Galaxy of Minds

Posted: 09/03/21 17:38
by bunniefuu
It's over. General Baxter's
k*lling the project.

Over? We've barely started.

Crawford needs the w*apon to be

far more reliable
and portable before we...

I understand, but I'm still a
year away from that at least.

I thought I could
hold off Baxter,

but he keeps asking
for a demonstration.

No, Crawford was clear.
The government can't know

that it's operational.

Yet he expects me to continue
paying for its development.

My firm has already taken a
quarter of a billion dollars

in military research funding.

How well does
the prototype function?

When it works, it's like
nothing else in the world.

Baxter wants a demonstration?

Then maybe
we should give him one.

When is he flying back to DC?

What's going on up there?

What the hell?

I know he did horrible things
for Hank Crawford,

but I just don't see
a monster when I look at him.

I still just see Dad.

Yeah, it was hard for me to see
my mother for who she was, too.

That's different.

You can't even
remember your childhood.

This is a lifetime
of memories all ruined.

I should just toss them.

Patterson's already
analyzed them, and we're still

- no closer to catching Crawford.
- That's not true.

We've mapped out where
your dad traveled and when,

flagged business associates.

I know they're just pieces,
but the more we have,

the better chance we have
of taking down Crawford.

Even with Roman on his side now?

Roman is desperate.

Sending hitmen to try
and k*ll all of us is proof.

I promise you,
we will take them down.

I hope it happens soon.

These FBI nannies
are getting pretty old.

Thanks for the coffee.

Please tell me
you have something.

I have a whole lot of nothing,
which is something. Look.

This is the plot of land Crawford
purchased from Jean-Paul Bruyere.

It's smack dab in the center
of the Sahara desert.

- How'd you figure this out?
- I've been sifting through.

- Bruyere's real estate holdings.
- This is huge.

Why'd you say it was nothing?

Well, I meant the land.

The land is nothing and
used to be rich in minerals,

cobalt, aluminum, copper,
but now it's been stripped dry.

It's a wasteland.

Maybe it's not what's there,
maybe it's what will be there.

Yeah, you're right.

What is he building out
in the middle of nowhere?


I think I broke it,
it's doing something.

No. The tattoo
database got a hit.

Well, doesn't that
happen all the time?

Almost all the new tattoos

required a hint
from Roman to solve.

Now that he's sided
with Crawford,

the database has been
totally silent,

so something
outside of Roman's control

must have triggered the system.

- Which tattoo?
- The beetle.

Is that my dad?

Um... No, no, no.

It's just a sort of Google
alert I set up on my phone.

- I gotta go to New York.
- Now?

Does this have something to do
with the FBI raid at my gala?

No. No, no, no,
it's boring, trust me.

Boring like my dad buying
land from a t*rror1st?

That's why you need
to leave immediately,

why you can't tell me
what it is.

- Blake...
- No, I'm part of this company, too,

and I'm tired of
being kept in the dark.

We're not trying to
keep you in the dark.

We're trying to keep you safe.
This trip's just gonna be

a long line of meetings
and more meetings.

That you can't tell me about.

Okay, well,
you better get going.

Just stay safe, Tom.

I'll call you when I land.

That thing's kind of ugly,
even for an insect.

That's because it's two
completely different species.

The left side's a golden stag,

the right side
is a rhinoceros beetle.

Why are you looking
at me like that?

I have other interests.

So, it's one of a kind.

Is that why the database
didn't match it to anything?

Until today. So this
book, "Golden Rhino,"

The summary claims that
it reveals the military's

and most expl*sive secret.

So what do we know
about the author?

Daschelle Watkins.

No government or military
background, no arrests.

He was a history professor
at Cornell

but denied tenure
a few years back.

There must be some reason Roman
was pointing us toward him.

Let's bring him in.

See what this expl*sive
secret's all about.

Okay, Daschelle.

Call me Dash.

Dash. Tell us about your book.

The one you're trying to
stop me from publishing?

Please. It's been on pre-order

for two hours and
you guys haul me in?

Our joint task force
roots out corruption.

Now, if your secrets are as
expl*sive as you say they are,

we need to investigate them.

You can help me get
the truth out there?

Yeah, yes, we can. Definitely.

The truth about what?

Golden Rhino.

It's a super secret
military weapons program,

and it's responsible
for the assassination

of General Joseph Baxter.

He died in a plane crash.
That was an accident.

Sure, on paper.

But Baxter was involved
in the development

of the most advanced
w*apon system

the military has
ever commissioned,

and when he tried
to cut funding,

that very w*apon was
used to k*ll him.

So how do you know all of this?

I did my own research.

Define research.

Classified government documents.

How did you get these documents?

I had a hacker group

find Golden Rhino
communication logs.

And those prove Baxter
was assassinated.

I mean, it's fragments,
but if you know where to look

and how to put it
all together, which I do,

it's pretty clear what happened.

Let's just pretend
it's not, for fun.

Someone very wealthy
and very powerful

wanted that w*apon
for themselves

and that's exactly
what they got.

What does this w*apon do?

I can't tell you.

I... I... I need to show you.

I need my research, my book.

Okay. We'll make sure
agents get you your stuff.

If we're joining forces,
I need to ask you,

are you willing to see
this through to the end?

Because this w*apon,
it can strike anyone,

and it leaves no trace.

And if it gets out that you're
investigating Golden Rhino,

then everyone in this
building will be a target.

There's your book.

Out with it.

We want specifics
on Golden Rhino.

Why don't you read it?

Nope. There's too many pages.

Just give us the Cliff's Notes.

It's a very quick read.

Actually, there's
a sizeable photo section

right in the middle here.

Just tell us what the w*apon is.

Okay. But first let's start
with who the w*apon is.

Michael Ganzman.

He was the lead engineer
for Varnew Industries.

Varnew is one of the largest

defense contractors
in the country.

We already know what they do.

Look, this is the same emblem
that's on your book.

See? It's all there.

It's not all there, Dash.
It's all redacted.

Read between the lines.

What does Golden Rhino do?

Ganzman can explain it better,
but he's been off the grid

for a couple of months. Maybe
the FBI can track him down.

Why won't you answer
that simple question?

Because you'll think I'm crazy.

Answer the question.

It's a mind control device.

So that's why his book
had to be self-published.

He's a conspiracy nut.

Yeah, to put it mildly.

I've been digging through this
research from his apartment.

He has theories on everything.
Dinosaurs never existed.

The moon landing was fake.

The Boston mob bought the
Patriots' Super Bowl victories.

That one makes sense to me.

It didn't work this year.

All right, I know all this
sounds crazy, no doubt,

but what he said
about Ganzman is true.

He worked at Varnew
until he got fired,

then dropped off the map.

And there was a
real weapons contract

between Varnew
and General Baxter.

Classified military tech
does sound

like something Crawford
would be into.

Maybe we should
bring in some of the execs

from Varnew,
see if they'll talk.

No, if we go
after them directly,

their lawyers will eat us alive.

I think we should focus
on finding Ganzman for now.

If he's not dead.

I haven't been able to find
any digital footprint on him

since he dropped off the grid.

Well, look into his analog life.

You got all these boxes here.

This is not even
a quarter of Dash's files,

and there's no system
to any of this.

- It's all just...
- Get him to help you make sense of it.

That assumes there's
sense to make.

- You'll be fine.
- This is...

Yeah. Who doesn't want to sift

through the collected works
of a madman with...

said madman?
That sounds super fun.

Hey. Can I talk to you
about Avery?

- What about her?
- I'm worried she's in a bad place.

With everything she's
learned about her dad

and then being stuck in
that safe house, I just...

I don't want her to
feel like a prisoner.

She is a prisoner. Kind of.

Roman just took
a shot at all of us,

so we have to assume that
Avery is a target as well.

Maybe there's a better way
to protect her.


What if she moved in with us?


Yeah. Sure.

But it's not up to us to
make that decision, right?

It's up to Avery.

I'm telling you, nothing here
will help us find Ganzman.

I've been searching for him
for months using this stuff

and there's zero, nothing.

Just point me to everything
that you have on him.

There's a little bit
sprinkled in every box.

How is that even
a filing system?

No, no, no.
This is not a filing system.

This is a security system, okay?

In case anyone comes looking.

Someone is looking. Us.

Okay. I am looking at
the same intel as you

and nothing here
says mind control.

They're not gonna
spell it all out for you.

These are all pieces
to a bigger puzzle.

You just need to see it.

Better yet, listen.

A copy of the black box recorder

from Baxter's plane
before it crashed.

How do you have that?

Let's just say I bought it
on the dark web.

Did you buy it on the dark web?

Yes. Let's plug it in here.

Okay, okay, hands off
my computers, Mulder.

Check heading, 2-7-0.

2-7-0, copy.

Read back airspeed.

Hey, are you okay? What's...

The windows, they shatter.

Neither pilot calls for help.

They just...

They just go silent.

And then the warbles.

I'm sorry.

The... warbles?

The brain ray.

You hear it.

I hear static.

Pulsey static. Warbles.

Okay, thank you for that

very illuminating
bunch of nothing.

What is this a list of?




- Found Ganzman yet?
- You left me in a room

with a hundred boxes
full of garbage

and a lunatic ranting
about a brain ray,

so let's just
lower our expectations

just a little bit, okay?

So what have you found?

Potentially, a triggerman.

See, Ganzman couldn't
have fired the w*apon

at Baxter's plane.

He was speaking at a conference

that day in Miami, so Dash made

a suspect list
of every out-of-towner

within 100 miles
of the crash site

using hotel reservations,

credit card transactions
and cell tower data.

- That is a pretty wide net.
- Yeah.

Until I cross-referenced
his list with our database

and came up with
one very interesting guy

staying within six miles
of the crash site.

Surjik Fells.
Two tours in Afghanistan,

dishonorably discharged
for drug possession.

First job out of the military,
security gig at Varnew,

hired by Ganzman himself.

- Where's Fells now?
- Back in prison,

arrested three months ago
on another drug charge.

I'll call the warden, get him
transferred to our custody.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hello, Surjik.

The dash cam captured

- When did this happen?
- About an hour ago.

Roman must've gotten a heads-up

when the tattoo got triggered.

He's sabotaging us.

He knew we'd be
going after Fell,

so he beat us to him.

He must be going
after Ganzman, too.

Whatever this w*apon does,

Roman just stole
our only way to find it.

What the hell do you want, man?

Where's Michael Ganzman?


I know you worked with him.

I know you stayed in contact.
Where is he?

I've been in jail.
How would I... Oh, God!

I know you used his w*apon

to bring down
Baxter's plane for him.

Now, a guy as careful as
Ganzman isn't letting you live

without checking in
once in a while.

I don't know,
maybe even paying you off

while you were in jail
so you don't give him up.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Okay. No, wait, wait!

Oh, Jesus.

Let me rephrase.

Where's Ganzman?

Make a sound and it's
the last one you hear, got it?

Hey, I was just gonna call you.

Tom, where are you?

Oh, just... just got
to the hotel. Settling in.

Great, I'm leaving
the airport now.

- You're in New York?
- Yeah, I'll see you soon.

Oh, I gotta run. Bye.

Turns out I'm a little
pressed for time.

Just bought you a little more.

Must be your lucky day.

Just please... No, stop!

Please! Please, wait!

Wait! Okay, wait!

Look, as crazy as it sounds,

Dash's conspiracy theory
must have some truth to it.

Why else would Roman stick
his neck out to grab Fells?

To protect Crawford.

If this weapons program
leads back to him,

Ganzman's a loose thread.

I've authorized
a full scale manhunt.

And I've put together a list

of every place
Ganzman's ever rented,

owned, or squatted in.

We've sent teams
to every one of them now.

In the meantime, I want you two
to go to Varnew Industries

and bring in all their
top execs for questioning.

I thought it was too big of
a risk to go to them directly.

I know. That was before
Roman got involved.

Now it's a race.

How's that paralytic?


There's only
one way out of this.

Tell me where Ganzman is.

I don't...

Don't what? Don't want to live?

Keep doing what you're doing.



It's me.


Are you up here?

Tom, are you up here?

Hey. Sorry, I didn't
hear you come in.

I was just about to
get cleaned up.

No, I can see that.

So how come you're here?

Um, I mean, not that
I'm complaining...

I... I actually wanted to finish
our conversation from earlier.

Okay. Well, um...

Why don't you go unpack,
settle in?

I'll finish up in there
and then we can talk.


Okay, now we're both
out of time.

Tell me where Ganzman is
or you're fish food.

I told you I...


Choke quieter.

You're insane.

Yes, which is why
you should not upset me.

- Bye, Surjik.
- Oneonta!

- Oneonta.
- Shh.

It's a cabin.

He bought it from a friend.

You're sure?

He paid cash
so it couldn't be traced.

And that's the only place?

There's nowhere else
he could be?

There's a factory.

- Where?
- Woodstock.

He... He leases it.

But he'd have to be
desperate to...

Please, don't k*ll me.

I know you're upset
I had to run off.

No, it's not just that.

You haven't unpacked.

Because all I want to do
is talk to you,

and that hasn't been easy.


I'm all ears.

My relationship with my father
has always been frustrating.

Information flows one way
and it's never from him.

And the way
you left me this morning

gave me that exact same feeling,

like you're keeping
things from me.

That is not
what I was trying to do.

I don't want
our relationship to become

just as opaque as the one
I have with my father.

I want more for us.

So do I.

I know I need to be more present

and more open with you,
and I know I can do that.

Starting right now.

How about a little trip upstate,

just the two of us?

What about your meetings?

Ah, I'll push 'em
a couple of days.

What will my dad think?

He won't.

Our turn to keep
something from him.

Where do you want to go?

Well, I hear there's a great
bed and breakfast in Oneonta.

Oneonta? There's not much there.


Perfect place to hide and
just focus on each other.


Okay, great. Let's go.

Well, I'll call them
from the car.


You ready?


Where are we?

Should we do this briefing
somewhere more private?

I know you're talking about me.

He's provided useful intel,
so I cleared him to continue.

All right. Jane and Weller
are on their way back

with some very upset
Varnew execs.

Seems like "lawsuit"
is their new favorite word.

What about the field teams at
Ganzman's possible locations?

The properties we've searched
so far all came up empty,

but Charlie team
is in the chopper

on their way to Oneonta,
a friend's cabin.

Ganzman spent a lot of
time at when he was younger.

Kind of a long shot.

We might get lucky.
What's their ETA?

Charlie Team,

Assistant Director Reade
is requesting an ETA.

Charlie Team inbound to Oneonta.

ETA to touchdown at cabin
two minutes.

- Copy. Loop us in when you land.
- Copy.

Are we any closer
to figuring out

what this w*apon actually does?

What part of brain ray
don't you people understand?

Some of the documents Dash found

allude to
a full system shutdown.

My guess is that it's some
version of an EMP blast,

but that doesn't gel
with the black box

from Baxter's plane
surviving the crash.

The people are the systems.

It shuts down people.
It takes over their bodies.

Oh, no, we get it, Dash.
It's super plausible.

Initiating landing.

No sign of anyone outside the...

Charlie Team, say again.

Sorry, something's off.

My head... My nose
is bleeding. What's...


Do you hear that?

It's warbles.

Oh, my God.

Charlie Team, abort mission.

Get out of there now.
Do you copy?

What's going on?

The black box
from Baxter's plane

had the same static pulse and...

Oh, my God,
I think I know what it is.

I... It's... It's not
a mind control device.

Ganzman developed
a hyper-focused sonic w*apon.

The pilot's nose is bleeding
because sonic waves

are making his brain hemorrhage.

Charlie Team abort, abort!

Charlie Team, come in?

They just went down.

This w*apon is very real

and very active.

I gotta get out of here.

- No, Dash, we need your help.
- Help?

Four agents just died
because of me.

This isn't your fault!

Oh, come on, it is.

I thought this
was about mind control.

You guys were right.
I'm... I'm crazy.

No, no! You uncovered
a major conspiracy

and your theory wasn't far off.

You thought this w*apon
controlled people

through a brain ray.

A sonic w*apon uses
a beam of sound waves or ray

to cause organ failure.

It doesn't control the brain,

it controls the body
by shutting it down.

That sounds crazier
than mind control.

The military has been
using this tech on warships

to defend against pirates,

but Ganzman's w*apon
is more powerful

and has greater range.

Well, can't you guys
just, you know,

release the hounds
and scoop 'em up?

The hounds are
already out there,

but there's no sign
of him or the w*apon.

- We need you.
- What, me?

- Yeah.
- Oh. What can I do?

I need your help combing
through your research.

You know your work
better than anyone.

Is that just a nice way to say
you can't read my handwriting?

It's literally
the worst I've ever seen.

Does the FBI want a lawsuit?
Is that what this is?

You show up unannounced,
drag me and my employees in here

without any charges,
only wild accusations...

One of your engineers
just used a sonic w*apon

to k*ll four federal agents.

Former engineers.

We laid Michael Ganzman off
last year.

His project was a failure.

If it's operational now,
it's news to me.

He built it for your company

and he's on the run,
so where would he go?

Well, if I knew, I'd tell you.

I have no reason
to protect Ganzman.

Frankly, I was happy
when we cut him loose.

His salary was
a crater in our budget.

Looks like it still is.

You're still paying Ganzman.

That tells me that he's
still the head engineer

of the Golden Rhino
weapons program.

I'd like my lawyer now.

It's perfect.

Hey, who knew
Oneonta had the most

charming bed and
breakfast in the state?

- The sirens. You don't think...
- No.

No, I told you, we haven't
done anything wrong.

They're after Bruyere, not us.

How can you be so sure?

Well, the sirens are passing.

There's a lot more ambulances
than cop cars.

We have an
update on the FBI helicopter

that crashed in the
northeastern region of Oneonta.

Sadly, the four agents

who were aboard the aircraft
did not survive.

That's awful.

Actually, um,
this room is starting

to make me feel
a little claustrophobic.

Oh, well, there's a spa
that we could explore.

I'm not really in the mood.

You were so gung ho about
this trip but now suddenly...

Tom, what is going on?

Are you gonna tell me
what's going on or not?

Blake, I'm not
who you think I am.

Tom, why are you
talking like that?

My name's not Tom. It's Roman.

I k*lled the real Tom Jakeman

and assumed his identity.

Then I bought my way
into your world

so I could take down
the Crawford empire.

But then I fell in love with you

and your father's vision to
make a world without borders,

to build a global army beholden
to no master but peace.

And now all I want is
to be a part of this family.

But my old life, my old plan,
is still a threat to us.

That... That helicopter crash

means that the FBI is closing in

on someone who could
destroy your father's life,

someone who could ruin

I lied to you about who I am...

but not how I feel about you.

The man who loves you is
still standing right here,

even if his name isn't Tom.



Are you gonna tell me
what's going on or not?

I was... I was

in a helicopter
crash in Afghanistan.

I think it's just
stirring up some memories.

I'm... I'm sorry, I had no idea.

Do you... Do you want to leave?

No, no, this trip is about us.

Maybe we could just call it
an early night, though.

I think jet lag's
really messing with me.

Sure. Yeah.

Any progress?

We've brought in
seven Varnew executives.

Six of them requested counsel.

Make that seven.

This isn't gonna work.
We can't sort through this

with lawyers and red tape.

If Ganzman is
connected to Crawford,

then he's probably
got the resources

- to disappear again.
- Or be disappeared.

Roman's already ahead of us.
We are so close.

We can't let him slip away.

Camille Moon, the CEO
Weller's been talking to,

- she knew Bob Drabkin, Avery's dad.
- Wait, how do you know?

Dash has the phone records
for every Varnew employee.

I... No idea how.

But Camille Moon made calls

to a number we
previously established

as Drabkin's burner phone.

So Avery's dad was involved
with this w*apon, too.

Baxter wants a demonstration,

then maybe we should
give him one.

Have you reached out to her yet?

Avery said she's only
met Moon a few times

and she doesn't
know her that well.

We should bring her in anyway.

See if she remembers
anything else.

Actually, I have a better idea.

you don't look like my lawyer.

What part of this process
don't you understand?

We have someone who's
willing to cooperate with us.

As soon as they give us

anything we can
find Ganzman with,

any deal for you
is off the table.

I'm not doing anything
without my legal counsel.

This witness is already talking.

Miss Drabkin,
are you absolutely certain your dad

was involved with
a Varnew weapons project?

I'm positive.

Who did he work with there?

Camille Moon, the CEO.

Well, how did you know she was
in business with your dad?

Did he tell you?

No, he never told me anything.

Like I said,
I'll wait for my lawyer.

So if your dad never
talked to you

about the business
he had with Miss Moon,

how do you know he was involved

with the Varnew weapons project?

My dad kept
a journal on everything.

That's how I know. Phone calls,

appointments, meeting times.

Camille Moon's name
is written all over it.

Okay, where is this journal?

- It's in my bag.
- Let's go get it.

Nice work. You really sold it.

Now let's just hope she buys.

I'll let you know when
your lawyer gets here.

Wait! You're not
gonna pin murders on me

for something Ganzman did.

So start talking.

Drabkin wanted us to deliver
the sonic w*apon to him

instead of the US military.

He paid me to look the
other way. I let it happen.

Why did Drabkin want it?

I don't know.
He was a middleman.

I just always figured he was
working for a competitor,

one with very deep pockets.

So any idea where
Ganzman is right now?

No. But I can find out.


He's tried to call me
seven times today.


I've been trying to
reach you for hours.

Sorry, Mike,
I've been in meetings.

What's so urgent?

- I'm in trouble.
- With who?

With the Feds.

Where are you? I'll come to you.

I'm at the factory in Woodstock
where we used to test it.

I'm on my way.

Arriving in Woodstock, New York,

in two hours and 15 minutes.

We have to assume
Ganzman is holed up

in that factory with the sonic w*apon,
so let's be cautious.

I guess we can rule out
taking the chopper.

You should take
an armored Humvee.

The heavy plating

should lessen the effects
of a sonic blast.

Wait, hold on. Just lessen?

A sonic w*apon this powerful

only existed in theory
until today.

I don't have hard numbers
for any of this stuff.

We'll work with what we've got.

Now, Woodstock is
a two-hour drive away,

so if we want to
get ahead of Roman,

we need to start moving.
Let's go.


Camille, is that you driving up.

In the Humvee? Yeah, it's me.

All right, just stop there
and walk the rest.

What? No.

- I don't want to waste any more time.
- What do we do?

We just keep driving,
get as close as we can.

Okay, then just stop the truck,
get out and wave first.

Why? I came in this thing
for a reason.

I need to feel safe.

Well, I need to make sure
that it's you.

It'll take one second.

I'm not playing games, Mike.

- Stop being so paranoid.
- No!

You have no idea
what I've done, okay?

Just stop the truck!

You can tell me
when I get there, okay?



Are you still there?


Kurt, your nose.

All right, let's go!
Everyone out!

Wait! Get to the back
of the car!

- Are you guys okay?
- Barely.

That thing is strong enough

to break through
bulletproof glass?


Patterson was right.

The sonic beam
can't hit us directly

as long as we keep
the truck between us.

Okay, but we can't
stay out here forever.

No, we can't. I'm going in.

that would be very not good.

The sound waves will get
stronger the closer you get.

Your heart will give out
before you make it.


Any suggestions?

Run. Run! Get out of there!

Shut up, Dash!

That's not how we do things.

Okay, we gotta figure out a way

to knock it out from here.

Jane's right.

When was the last time
you girls went bowling?

Fan out.

Find Ganzman!

Mr. Ganzman.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


I'm a friend.

I'm with Hank Crawford.

Oh, thank God. Okay.

Okay, we gotta get out of here.

- There's FBI everywhere.
- Hey, hang on, hang on.

Before I get you out of here.
I just need to know one thing.

The Feds traced the w*apon
back to you through Varnew.

Can they trace it
back to Crawford, too?

- No, no, there's no way.
- There's no way?

I'm positive,
I'm positive, yeah.

Camille Moon, our CEO,
she was paid off,

but she never knew
who the w*apon was for.

I was the only one dealing
with Crawford's people.

Wait, just wait! Wait! Just...

Crawford still needs me.
He still needs me, okay?

He can't... He can't
pull off his plan

without my technology!


Sometimes plans change.

I found Ganzman. He's dead.

Roman's here.


Hey, sis.

Long time no see.

It's good to see you again,
but I gotta run.

It's over, Roman.
You're not getting out of here.

Sounds like a challenge.


You're a better shot than that.

If you wanted to k*ll me,
you could have,

which means that you don't.

Doesn't mean I won't
if I have to.

Sis, you really believe that?

Even I don't believe it,
and I'm the one being shot at.

k*lling me would be like
k*lling part of yourself.

Well, maybe it's the part
that needs to die.

You're a monster now,

and monsters needs to
be put down.

Goodbye, Jane.

Good to know.


You okay?

No, I'm not. I lost him.

We have to fan out.
We have to find him.

Where have you been?

I couldn't sleep,
so I went for a drive.

For five hours?

Yeah, I had a lot on my mind.

Care to share?

What if we just dropped

and ran away together?

- Tom...
- Hey, I'm serious.

Some... Some paradise.

Anywhere you want.

Just nothing...

Nothing but each other.

That sounds perfect.

But I like my life.

I can't just leave
my friends and my family

and my charity work.
I can't just...


No, of course not.

You know, I can't...

I can't help you
if you shut me out.

What do you want to
run away from?

- My past.
- The w*r is over, Tom.

No, not for me.

It'll always be chasing me,
trying to devour me.

So don't let it.

Don't look back,
just look forward.

I want to.

I love you more than anything.

You are my future.

And I want to burn
my past to the ground.

Then do it.

Wipe it all away and if
you feel like you can't,

just talk to me.

You're my future, too.

And when you hurt, I hurt.

Look, we can beat this,
whatever this is.

You are a soldier
and soldiers don't run.

They stay and they fight.

You're right.

But first, they rest.

Rest is overrated.

You know,
they're not gonna just visit

from some distant planet, right?

You know, they were born
right here on Earth.

And where are these
beings located?

- Detroit, mostly. Yeah.
- Okay.

We've found some in Buffalo.

Wait, what happened? Did we win?

Uh, yeah.

We won, Dash, thanks to you.

Now we gotta go talk
about what you saw today

and how you're not gonna
tell anyone about it.

This is a cover-up.
I'm part of a cover-up?

You're definitely
part of a cover-up.

We have to thank you
for your help today, Avery.

Did you find this Ganzman guy?

We did,
but Roman found him first.

What about Crawford?

Can you connect him
to this w*apon,

use it to take him down?

We think that Ganzman
was the only link.

That's why Roman k*lled him.

So they beat us again.

We stopped Crawford from getting
an extremely dangerous w*apon.

Whatever he needed it for,
that's off the table now.

Jane's right.

This is a huge dent in his plan.

Not that we know
what that is yet.

Look, we know that
this has been hard,

and being stuck
in that safe house

isn't making it
any easier, so...

would you like to
move in with us?

We understand if you don't.

You know, it might be nice
for you to have some freedom

and, you know,
some really great company.

You'd ditch my security detail?

No, we won't.

They would be stationed
outside on the street.

It's the best
we can do right now.


Yeah, I'd like that.


You're welcome to stay
for as long as you want,

and once we take Roman down,

then you're free to go
wherever you want.

If we take Roman down.

It's just a matter of time.

I saw the look
in his eyes today.

He's scrambling and he knows it.

You need help cleaning up?

Uh... No, thanks.

We're almost done, anyway.


Tattoo hit.


It's the koi fish.

Let's see what
my database found.

Uh, that's weird.

50 hits on the same tattoo.

Whoa. I'm getting hits
on a bunch of tattoos,

hundreds of them, including
ones we've already solved.

What the hell is happening?

The Internet's being
flooded with information,

triggering every tattoo at once.

There's 600 now.

2,000. 5,000.

It's Roman.

He's flooding the database
with false positives,

covering Crawford's tracks
and now his.

We're operating
completely in the dark.