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03x18 - Clamorous Night

Posted: 09/03/21 17:36
by bunniefuu
All done. By midnight tonight,

the FBI team will
no longer be a concern.

Let's hope your friends
are more impressive

than this safe house.

Well, you're the one who wanted
to lay low after Croatia.

"Lay low," not "lay in filth."

When the Feds go down,

we can't afford to have any of it

splash back on Crawford.

Don't worry.

These people are as invisible
as they are lethal.

Did I ever tell you about
my predecessor, Frank?

No, but I feel like you're about to.

Crawford's chief counsel for 20 years,

until he accidentally
brought a corporate spy

into a meeting he
shouldn't have been in.

The spy had to be dealt
with on the spot.

Ruined Crawford's favorite shoes.

Frank was banished, quite literally,

to Siberia to oversee
our interests there.

The shoes were thrown out.

I get it. I'm Frank.

No, you're the shoes.

You might be one of
Crawford's favorite things now,



stay clean, my friend.

I know we're all on edge

after we failed to take down

Crawford and Roman in Croatia,

but maybe their travel movement
can bear some fruit.

I'm now 97% sure.

Crawford's helicopter
escaped from Korcula...

They're airborne. a private airfield in Montenegro.

We also know that a Gulfstream G5

flew from there to Moldova
and Moldova to Hong Kong.

Which doesn't have an extradition
treaty with the U.S.

Please tell me we've got something

from the land Crawford
bought from Bruyere.

I mean, we could, but we'd be lying.

And Bruyere is dead,
so he's not talking.

It's been two days, and
basically we've got nothing?

Whoo! I haven't had
this many sleepless nights

since I was a Boy Scout.

I was a badge completist.

What the hell did you think I meant?

Okay, Roman designed these tattoos

to take down Crawford,
so there's gotta be

something in them we can still use.

You know, I hate to be a bit
of a Doubtful Deborah here,

but Roman's been established
as a bit of a control freak.

I mean, he designed these new
tattoos to require his help,

so if we don't have his cheat
codes, we're kinda screwed.

Is that a break in the case?

No. No, it's nothing.

All right.

How long has Roman been flying

around the world as "Tom Jakeman"?

Roman has done a stellar job

covering up his tracks.
I can't say for sure

when he first stole the identity.

Maybe you can check the
Australian military records.

I've checked his military records.

I've checked his hospital
records, school records,

driving records. I've even
checked his Spotify account,

looking for any changes
in his listening habits.

There's got to be a lead there.

We're just not gonna find it quickly.

Okay. Let's go home, get some rest,

and regroup in the morning
with some fresh eyes.

- All right?
- Um...

I'm still getting
reimbursed for this, right?

All right, what are
you in the mood for tonight?

Thai or Italian? Hmm?

Roman's still out there,
protecting Crawford,

planning God-knows-what.
Kurt, I can't just...

- I-I have to...
- Have to eat?

Yes, you do. So, what
are we gonna order in?

Thai? Italian? Order in?

When was the last time you two went out

as a couple on the town?

You see that? That's not good.

You know what you two need
is a little Mr. Velvet.

- Is that a sex thing?
- No, it's not a sex thing,

although... No, no, no.

It's the hottest new hotspot in town.

Impossible to get a reservation
unless you have connections

and/or extensive hacking acumen,

both of which I happen
to have in spades.

There you go. Table for two,
9:00 tonight.

Best seat in the house, too.

That's where Jay-Z and Beyoncé sat

- the night they...
- Thank you, Rich, but, uh,

we're good with take-out.

Also, I used your credit card

to secure the reservation,
so if you don't show up,

they charge you
400 bucks for canceling,

so bon appétit.

- Uh...
- Wow.


Thank you.

I don't know whether
I should drink this

or use it to recharge my cell phone.


to us.

To us.

Someone zip me again so I can
forget what that tastes like.

What were we thinking,
taking life advice from Rich?

Rich wasn't all wrong.

These cases have taken over our lives.

It's all my fault.

I should have never let Roman go.

It was a team decision not
to take him down in Croatia.

We had to prioritize Crawford.

I'm not talking about Croatia.

If I hadn't let him go
two years ago in DC,

we wouldn't have
a Roman problem right now.

If we'd got Roman in DC,

then Crawford would still
be calling the sh*ts

at the FBI through Hirst.

Besides, these new tattoos

brought us back together
after Colorado, didn't they?

If you hadn't let Roman go then,

we might not be together now.

That, uh... That woman at the bar.

I'm... I'm pretty sure I saw her

outside of our apartment this morning.

How sure?


She came in right after we did.

She's been nursing
the same glass of wine

for the last half hour.

Listen to me. I can't even
have a normal night out

without getting suspicious of someone.

- It's what I love about you.
- Hmm.

She could be going to the bathroom.

No, the bathroom's that way.

That's the back exit.

Of course you would clock
where all the exits are.

So, here's how I see it.

We either pursue that woman
that might be casing us

or we finish this lovely meal.

Check, please.

Okay. So, I'll tail her out the back.

Okay. I'll head out the front,
double back and cut her off.

All right.


Hey, sis, I'm afraid.

Kurt won't be coming to your rescue,

as a team of highly trained assassins

is currently k*lling him
and the rest of your friends.

How long has Roman been flying

around the world as "Tom Jakeman"?

Roman has done a stellar job

covering up his tracks.
I can't say for sure

when he first stole the identity.

Maybe you can check the
Australian military records.

I've checked his military records.

I've checked his driving records.

You'd be better off
saving your goodwill

at the Bureau for yourself.

Hirst hired you too,
remember? You're next.

...changes in his listening habits.

There's got to be a lead there.

We're just not gonna find it quickly.

Okay. Let's all go home, get some rest,

and regroup tomorrow in the morning.

- We've got a Millicent problem.
- We?

She's gone from terrorizing me,

trying to get me thrown back in jail,

to terrorizing everybody in the office.

I think she's gettin'
ready to clean house.

All those inquisitions are about me.

She's trying to undermine me,

gather whatever dirt
she can find on me.

That's great! That means she
doesn't have anything on you...

unless she does

and this is all part of some
mind game to get you to slip up.

I'll tell you what.
I'll put on my Nancy Drew gown

and do some snooping,
see what she's got.

No, you will not.

Copy that.

It's not a code, Rich.
Under no circumstances

are you to snoop for
anything whatsoever.

- Are we clear?
- Crystal.

You did not tell me to snoop.

- Rich.
- Fine! I won't snoop!

- Or will I?
- No, you will not,

if you want to keep your job
and stay out of prison.

This is my problem to take care of,

and I will take care of it, all right?

I'm guessing you'd like
your conference room back,

Assistant Director.

I'd actually like my building back.

The longer you're here,
the more nervous people get,

and you're starting to
affect real FBI work.

This is real FBI work.

You want to talk to me, talk to me.

Leave my people out of it.

I'll get to you when I'm ready.

First, I need to find out
what kind of leader you are,

and in order to do that, I need to talk

to as many people as possible,

people like Jonathan West.

Oh, so now you're wasting the
State Department's time, too.

Here's what I know...

you had an off-the-books
meeting with Mr. West,

and after said meeting,
Mr. West personally requested

a special considerations visa
for an unnamed individual,

and the day he pulled said request,

he came here to see you.

My hands are tied.

I can't break the rules right now.

My guess... you're protecting someone.

It's only a matter of time
till I crack it,

and when I do,

you can bet I'll be talking to you.

Can't wait.

Taxi! Taxi!

Ooh! Ah!

Trying to steal my cab
now, Assistant Director?

Nope. All yours.

Yes, it is, because I hailed it.

If you're heading home,
I'm going in the same direction.

Which means you know where I live.

Which means it's cold out
and I don't see any cabs around,

so why don't we be grown-ups
and share one?


Thank you.


I sometimes use
the parental control timer

on my cell to force me
to put the phone down.

A little tip I picked up
from "The 700 Club."

Do you watch "The 700 Club"?

You know I'm just doing my job, right?


Despite what you may think,

I'm not on a crusade against you.

It's my job to assume
corruption exists everywhere

until proven otherwise.

Just like the Constitution says...

Guilty until proven otherwise.

When the FBI goes unchecked,

people like Hirst get into power

and then they abuse that power.

We both want a corruption-free FBI.

I'm all for corruption-free.
That's not what this is.

This is about how your office
dropped the ball on Hirst.

Everyone dropped the ball on Hirst.

It's not everyone's job
to make sure people like her

don't end up running the
entire Bureau... it's yours.

You're dogging me
because you screwed up.

That is a gross misrepresentation.

And you know what? I'm not your target.

I'm your scapegoat.

This was a bad idea.

Here is fine.

Hey, babe, it's me.
I know you're working late,

but give me a call back.

I'm sorry about earlier.
I was a little short with you.

I've just been super busy
and I think I've been...

a little wedding planned out.


but I love the tablecloths
you picked out

and I think they're gonna look great.


I love you.



Please don't let
go of the button, please.


I know you're not the
happiest with me right now,

but in my rush to get out of the cab,

I forgot my purse, and my keys

and my phone were in it.

I need to call a locksmith.

Can I please come up?

Yes, it's on the
Upper Westside. Thank you.

Now, is that fee per lock or per job?

Oh! No, no, no.

They say it's gonna be 45 minutes.

Okay, that's fine. I'll be there.

Uh, 45 minutes?

I can wait outside my apartment.

It's just cold.

All right, hold on.

Um, I can't let you loiter
outside on a city block

with no phone or keys
in this weather, so...

you can wait here.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I swear I won't be an imposition.

I don't mean to make
people uncomfortable.

There's plenty of space
here for the both of us.

I mean, at the office,

but you're not wrong.


About OPR missing Hirst.

About me impeding cases.

I know the effect I have
on people and, frankly,

I hate it.

It kills me to think I'm
hindering active investigations.

Does that mean you'll drop it?

You know I can't do that.

But I can offer you a compromise.

An easy way to resolve this.


I fail to see how me quitting
when I did nothing wrong

qualifies as a compromise.

Consider this a courtesy.

On my desk right now
is a letter to the DOJ

recommending you be
suspended immediately

and a criminal investigation opened.

Are you serious?

Routine interviews only get so much.

Sometimes you need more amm*nit*on.

Oh, so you already
made your mind up about me

without even interviewing me
and now you're in my home,

knowing that letter's on your desk?

It's part of the process.

This is part of the process?

Out of all the people you interviewed,

did you get any complaints about me?

- Well, no.
- Is the New York office excelling

- under my leadership?
- Yes, by many measures,

- it appears you...
- Do you even have

any evidence right now

that I did anything illegal?

If you haven't done anything illegal,

then you've got nothing to worry about!

You know damn well that
even if it brings up nothing,

a criminal investigation

means the end of my career at the FBI.

You want to do me a real courtesy?

You rip up that letter

and you start fresh
with me in the morning.

No preconceived notions,
no scapegoating.

Just two people sitting down,

having an honest, unbiased interview.

That's all I ask.

Excuse me.

Is that your restroom?

- Yeah. Door on the left.
- Fine.

It's Reade.

This is the NYPD liaison to the FBI,

calling to inform you that we received

a distress call involving
Special Agent Zapata.

Where? When?

She's currently under fire

at Immaculate Conception Church.

Hey, Millicent, there's
an emergency with my team.

I gotta go.


Maybe you can
check the Australian military records.

I've checked his military records.

I've checked his hospital records,

school records, driving records.

I've even checked his Spotify account,

looking for any changes
in his listening habits.

There's got to be a lead there.

We're just not gonna find it quickly.

Okay. Let's go home, get some rest,

and regroup in the morning with
some fresh eyes, all right?


Hey, I'm still getting
reimbursed for this, right?

- Hey, Reade.
- Ooh. Uno momento, por favor.

I know you saw what Reade just saw,

but maybe let Uncle Richie

deal with Agent Three-Piece
on this one.

Wrong time for your
games, Uncle Richie. Ooh!

I kind of like when you say it,

but, uh, honestly, I think people

around here might still
be sore about the whole

"I knew Borden was alive and
didn't tell anybody about it"

thing, so maybe now
is not the best time

to be offering one-on-one counseling.

- I wasn't...
- Okay, look.

When I was king of the dark
web, between all the hangers-on

and sycophants, I didn't know
who my real friends were,

but then I lost everything,
went to jail,

and finally found my people,

but I pissed them off, too,
pulled a real Zapata,

and ended up the most
hated man in Cell Block D.

Are you done?

How did I get people to forgive me?

That's an excellent question. I didn't.

I ended up in solitary confinement,

and when that got dull, I left.

I came here. Never went back.

So, you want me to abandon everything

- and start over somewhere else.
- No, no, no.

I just want you to realize
things will go back to normal.

Just give it some time. You know what?

Maybe enjoy a little
solitary of your own.

We've got a Millicent problem.


Alexis. I almost didn't...

I... I'll, uh, I'll go.

No, please.

My brother would be
touched that you're here.

Yeah, well, I'm not so sure about that.

I am. Who do you think left
that flyer on your windshield?

I thought it was a ticket.

Yeah, I should have
given you one of those, too.

You still park like a cop.

How do you think Ricky would feel

about you putting on that uniform?

Probably the same way he felt

about you putting on yours.

I just graduated from the academy.

I'm still doing field training.

I used to look up to you both so much.

Then you put on a uniform
and escaped the neighborhood

and, uh, Ricky put on g*ng colors

and died here, so...

it's pretty clear whose
footsteps I should follow.

Yeah, well, the only
thing about escaping

from somewhere is, it's, uh,

- hard to get back.
- Come on.

It's starting.

Thanks to everyone who shared
their memories of Ricky tonight.

All right, last call.

Anyone else want to say something?

New Year's Eve, senior year,

we were on our way to a party

when Ricky leads me down
this dead-end street

and it was just us

under one of those digital billboards,

adding up the number of deaths

from smoking this year. Yeah.

I thought he had the wrong address.

I thought, this is so Ricky.

And we can hear people

counting down to midnight
in the distance,

and I'm thinking, we missed it.

And then, when they get to one,

Ricky turns to me
and tells me to look up

just as the billboard resets to zero,

and then he turns to me and he says,

"To new beginnings."

Ricky took the least romantic spot

in all of New York and made it special.

We never lasted long as a couple...

but we did as friends, until...

I'm so sorry, Ricky.

I knew you were in a bad place,

and I stopped knowing
how to be there for you.

I'm sorry I gave up on you.

I know what that feels like now,

and it's not good.

I thought you might
want to hang on to this.

The uniform suited you.

I don't think I recognize
that girl anymore.

Hey, uh, any advice for a rookie cop?

Yeah. Make sure you join
for the right reasons,

'cause the wrong ones don't end well.



10-10, sh*ts fired. Officer in trouble.

Immaculate Conception Church.
Send assistance now!

Requestor, please identify yourself.

This is Special Agent Tasha Zapata.

I'll run out, draw his fire,

while you slide into position
under the balcony and sh**t up.

You want me to what?

sh**t him while I distract him.

You can do this, Alexis.

This is what you've been training for.

On three, okay? One...

two... three!

Tasha, you okay?

I've just been att*cked.
Professional hit.

I barely got out alive.

Me, too, which means...

Which means the whole team
could be in danger.

Any word on Patterson, Jane, or Weller?

The last I saw Patterson, she was going

to the Henning Culinary Center.

That's not far from me.
I'm heading there now.

Hey, you've reached Patterson.

Leave a message and I'll get
back to you as soon as I can.


Is that a break in the case?

Uh, no. No, it's nothing.

Oh, man, this shirt's ruined.

Well, you know what? It was worth it.

What is going on here?

Did you steal clothes
out of someone else's locker?

Don't start, Rich, please. Not tonight.

It's a compliment. I'm saying
you look nice for once.

- I have a date.
- Oh, my God!

I... I had no idea. It's great.

I kind of assumed you'd closed up shop

after, uh, "he who shall not be named."

Borden. I'm talking about Borden.

Thank you for that.

So, who's the new guy?

I mean, you're getting dressed at work,

so is it somebody from the office?

Give me a hint. Is it me?

If I tell you, will you
please stop talking?

I don't see how I could promise that.

Okay. It's Jack from Forensics.

Dr. Izenberg? Oh, he's cute!

He's like powder
with hair and eyebrows.

- I think he has a podcast, too.
- Rich!

Have you Facebook-stalked him yet?

That's vital in today's dating climate.

Oh, my God. You need to relax.

This is just a first date.

There's no such thing
as "just a first date."

You gotta take this seriously.

No second-guessing, no self-sabotage.

- I'm not doing any of that.
- Not yet.

But the second something gets
sticky, you definitely will.

That's what happens when
people are out of practice.

They get frustrated,
they blame themselves,

they make excuses, and then pfft!

- Everything shuts down permanently.
- Whoa!

This is the first first date
of the rest of your life.

Promise me it won't be your last.

You are being so dramatic, okay?

You do look really nice, by the way.

You're the worst.

Hey, you know, he works in Forensics,

so maybe find a scent that matches

- with formaldehyde?
- Awesome.

- Hey!
- Hey!

You ready for some
molecular gastronomy?

Hells, yeah. Using liquid nitrogen

to make ice cream... sign me up.

- I already did.
- Great.

They say the cream
crystallizes so fast,

so perfectly, it's the
smoothest you'll ever taste.

Well, good, 'cause I
hate rough ice cream.

Oh, tiny thing... I got the Groupon

back when I was with my ex,

so if anyone asks, your name is Diane.

Good, good.

You want a nice, smooth consistency.

This is fun, right?

Yeah, yeah.

You don't have to keep asking me that.

I'm having a very good time.

- Do you want to switch?
- No. I'm good.

Are you sure?

Yeah. Do you want to switch?

Oh. Only if you do.

- Uh, you know what? Let's switch.
- Okay.

And now it's time for the science.

Add the flavoring to the cream

and then grab your gloves
and your goggles.

Wait. So, is it true
that you have a podcast?

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah?

It's about Bigfoot.

That's funny. Oh.

- I'm so sorry. You're serious.
- Yeah.

A buddy and I, we look
at all the evidence

and try to see where
truth meets fiction.

But you're... you're a scientist.

You sound just like Diane.

Now, one of you, slowly and evenly

pour the liquid nitrogen into the mix

while the other stirs.

- Okay, I'll...
- Here it comes.


All righty. Slowly.

I can't control it.

Well, no, I just...
I want to make sure...

I feel like you're pouring it
a little bit too fast.

Can you stir a little faster?

I want to make sure
that the nitrogen...

You okay, Diane?

Yeah, yeah.

Just peachy, thank you.

I'm gonna...

- Again, I'm so sorry.
- No, no, no.

It's okay, it's okay.

- If you want to go home...
- No, no, no, no, no.

It's just a stain.
We don't need to bail.

We can still...

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Uh, is that Wizardville?

Yeah. I love that game. Do you play?

Uh, fun fact... I'm not just a user.

Can I tell you a secret?

- It's a little naughty.
- Okay.

I side-loaded it from a pirate site,

got all the premium content for free.

I know. I'm horrible.

Yeah, you're horrible.

Hundreds of people make their
living off of that content.

Okay. Okay, okay, okay.

Let's... Um, let's start from scratch.

Let's just reboot the date
and something simple.

- Shall we go for a drink?
- Yes. Let's go for a drink.

- I don't drink.
- Then why would you say that?

He's trying to k*ll us!

Yeah. Good observational skills, Jack!

Okay. He's reloading. Let's move!

- How many rounds do you have?
- Uh...

You didn't bring your service w*apon?

Who brings a g*n on a date?

FBI agents, Jack, which we are!

Here! Help me with this!

What? What? What are you doing?

You're filling the room with gas!

That's what I'm trying to do.

I need something very small

and battery-powered

to act as a detonator.

Vape pen.

You vape?

Hey, you've reached Patterson.

Leave a message and I'll get
back to you as soon as I can.


You got a signal?


Zapata. He was trying to k*ll me.

I know. Reade and I
were just att*cked, too.

- Jane and Weller?
- I can't get ahold of 'em.

Okay. Let's go home, get some rest,

and regroup in the morning with
some fresh eyes, all right?

So, here's how I see it.

We either pursue that woman
that might be casing us

or we finish this lovely meal.

Check, please.

Okay. So, I'll tail her out the back.

Okay. I'll head out the front,
double back and cut her off.

All right.

Oh, sorry. Excuse me, sir.


Oh, God!



Reade, someone's after us.

Jane and I were just att*cked.

It's not just you and Jane.

It was good seeing you in Croatia.

Where is Kurt?

Well, let's see. Uh...

the assassin I hired to k*ll him

has a thing for poison.

Or was Zapata's the poison guy?

So many assassins,
it's really hard to keep track.

- You were helping us.
- Plans change.

Why? Because the boss's
daughter made eyes at you?

Is that really all it takes
to get you to abandon

your last shred of goodness?

You know, as it turns out,

I'm in the market for a new family.

Remi's dead.

I got the chance to start over,

and I chose this life, away from you.

Roman, you don't have to k*ll them.

Actually, I do.

Then why am I still alive?

Why not k*ll me, too?

Because that would be too easy.

You don't get to die until you witness

everyone you love die first.

The assassins are a disparate band

of mercenaries/hitmen who,
as far as we can tell,

haven't worked together
prior to this job.

Which will make it that much harder

to figure out who has Jane.

What about the woman
who was sitting at the bar?

Mr. Velvet only had one camera

facing the bar, and she never

looked towards it, paid in cash.

She knew what she was doing.

Wait! Freeze that. Zoom in.

Take a look at this guy

taking a food selfie at the bar.

What about him?

Are you hacking
their reservation system?

Okay. Sitting at barstool five

at that exact moment, Mr. Ira Siegel.

Let's see if Ira Siegel
has an Instagram account.

And... aha! Wow!

Even I'm impressed with me.

Very attracted to myself right now.

Running face detection.

That is a lot of aliases.

Yeah. Let's see if any of
them rented a white truck.

An eyewitness saw one leave the scene.

We find that truck, we find Jane.

You're not keeping me
alive to make me suffer.

You're keeping me alive because you

can't bring yourself to k*ll me.

You don't know what I can't do.

Actually, I do.

Because I was the same.

I couldn't k*ll you either.


You'd better hope we never meet again.

Well, then, I guess it's
a good thing you're there

and I'm here.

Yeah. About that.

You really should have
done this yourself.

Oh, yeah? Why is that?

'Cause you wouldn't
have wired this monitor

through the truck's
main electrical system.

A replacement vehicle's on the way.

We should prep the cargo for transfer.

Kurt, is Avery okay?

She's fine. I spoke to her handlers.

No one's made a move on her.

Only our team was targeted.

We clearly struck a nerve
with Crawford.

Which means, until we take
down Crawford and Roman,

we've got to be very careful.

All of us have got
a bull's-eye on our back now.




Oh, uh, you forgot this.

You still don't recognize her?

I guess I see a resemblance.

Uh, so before we got shot at,

you were gonna give me
some rookie advice.

Something about joining
for the right reasons.

Look, you were right about me

putting on the uniform to escape,

but it didn't work.

I was still there.

Is that why you left
the NYPD for the FBI?

For starters. If you can't go back,

you gotta keep moving forward.

That was a really nice speech
you gave about Ricky.

But you got one thing wrong.

He kept pushing us away,

but you, you always came back.

Every time he got out of jail or rehab,

you were there,

even when no one else was.

You didn't give up on him, Tash.

He gave up on himself.

'Cause real friends,
they always come back.

So, Millicent.

We should probably
talk about that, right?

There's nothing to talk about.

We had our differences,

but she did not deserve what she got.

So, this would be
a bad time to point out

that her untimely death
completely absolves you

of any wrongdoing, right?

Correct. I'm not sure it does, anyway.

She'd already written a letter.

It's on her desk and it's
probably gonna end my career.

- She told you that?
- Yep.

And OPR is on their way to her office

to gather her belongings now.

Yeah. About that. You know
our little conversation

from earlier about, uh, snooping?

Rich, I told you not to snoop.

I don't know who told who what.

You looked through
a dead woman's office?

In my defense, I think

she was still alive
when I went in there.

I mean, the timeline's
a little murky, but, uh,

there's no letter.

What? Are you sure?

I looked all over, hypothetically.

Maybe she was bluffing.

Hey, maybe she liked you after all.

'Cause on paper,
we're such a great match.

Yeah. The equation should balance.

Like two elements that
should go together, but don't.

Yeah, or my math thing.

I'm sorry.

No, don't be sorry.

This is...

This is actually a good thing.

In science, knowing what doesn't work

is just as important
as knowing what does.

Oh! You need to pay for Wizardville.

Like, immediately.

Thank you...

for coming to the cooking school.

If you hadn't... Oh, that's... You...

saved my ass plenty of times.

So, you and Jack...

Oh, yeah. Uh...

No, that's definitely not a good fit.

Oh. Well, if you ever want to talk...

Good night, Zapata.

What did your brother say in the truck

other than he wants to k*ll all of us?

He said he found a new family.

Do you believe him?

Who knows, with Roman?

I did realize one thing, though,

when I thought you might be dead.

Roman's never getting away
from me ever again.

Even if you had to k*ll him?

Especially if I have to k*ll him.

Subcontractors. Am I right?

That's why I'm cutting out
the middlemen.

Whoa. Easy.

Stand down, soldier.

You are too close to Crawford.

If you get caught...

The FBI team is still out there.

Yes, and they are feeling
the walls closing around them.

Crawford wants to move
forward with his plans

for the land we just secured.

Do you know the shot
heard around the world?

It's kind of like that, but bigger.



Ready to change the world, Mr. Jakeman?